
An example of a label for cottage cheese. Labels for dairy products, cheeses

Each unit of goods must have stickers with which identification is carried out. Dairy products are no exception. The label is a product passport. It displays information that will be useful to consumers, namely:

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  • circulation 100 000 pcs. - price 75,400 rubles.

What should a milk bottle label contain?

  • the product's name;
  • company manufacturer;
  • date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • compound.

Present on the market today a large number of dairy product manufacturers. Each of them seeks to get as many consumers as possible. In this case, various marketing tools are used. One of the best options is a label for milk.

The application of information about the product occurs directly at the production site. Due to the fact that dairy products need certain storage conditions, it is necessary to take care of proper packaging.

Label making process

Often kefir, skimmed or pasteurized milk, yoghurts are available in bags. However, other containers are also found on store shelves. In this case, the label on the bottle of milk will become mandatory. These stickers are made from various materials. The most common are:

  • paper;
  • film;
  • polyethylene.

The best option for creating a dairy product label is raw materials that can withstand temperature extremes, moisture, cold and wear. In this case, it is recommended to give preference to the film.

Used for label printing different methods. The most popular is flexography. We produce high-quality, durable stickers that do not lose their appearance during transportation.

Only modern equipment and safe materials are used for work. Order high-quality polygraphy in Moscow in our company.

“Drink milk children” - Students of grade 10 of the MOU SOSH p. Eruslan, Fedorovsky district, Saratov region. Mineral salts (phosphorus, calcium) strengthen bones and produce fresh blood. But milk is necessary for the growth and development of children. Calves grow very quickly, adding 20-25 kg per month. obtained within a few seconds when the temperature rises above 135 °C.

"Oat milk" - Strain in the morning - the milk is ready to drink! Price list. Normalizes the work of the intestines, liver, gallbladder. Vitamin B 6, which is part of the composition, has a good effect on brain function. Oat milk normalizes blood pressure and heart function vascular system. Good anti-tuberculosis drug.

"Labeling of dairy products" - Insert sheets are allowed. Stricter requirements for the names of milk-containing products. Complex products. Word order. Elimination of redundant labeling requirements. Mass fraction of fat. Names of ice cream. About fantasy names. The term "Product of milk processing". Nutritional and energy value.

"Dairy product" - Information on the label must be in Russian. Additional information about the product. Identification indicators. Packages of adapted milk formulas and follow-on formulas must bear a warning label: "For the nutrition of children early age breastfeeding is preferred.

"Ice Cream" - A study of the quality of ice cream. 2. Samples of two types of ice cream were selected for the study. Detection of proteins in ice cream. On a waffle cup, drip alcohol solution iodine. Filter the mixture. "Ice cream - sweet joy". detection of carbohydrates. Detection of starch in an ice cream wafer cup.

PRIME LABEL offers cold-resistant labels and labels for dairy products with short lead times. We will help to find a face for the following products: milk, cheese, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, condensed milk, ice cream, dairy desserts, koumiss, varenets, matsioni and other by-products of processing.

Do you need a badge that looks attractive, conveys your message, and also withstands cold, damp atmospheres?

A custom dairy label design will make customers try your brand. Bright and colorful stickers can also be used to create product families. Check out some of the attractive labels below.
PRIME LABEL can also help you apply your labels with a label applicator that will suit your needs, from small drill cheese plants to large automatic lines.

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  • Use clear material or foil to create dimensional effects with the label.
  • Be sure to use label materials that will withstand the environment if exposed to damp or chilled conditions for extended periods of time.
  • Use unique designs and colors to convey the product family. This makes it easier for the consumer to return to your brand.
  • Keep your design simple yet attractive. Adding humor to yours can draw in an audience. Custom die shapes allow you to use interesting shapes for your label.
  • Add a QR code so your customers can interact with your company, free offers, recipes and more.

Labels for cheese in St. Petersburg

Part of getting your brand noticed in the store is an eye-catching label. These cheese stickers are not only a smart design but also printed on metal foil labels to create a shimmery effect when viewed. The result is a family of labels that are hard to miss!
When designing your label, you want to evoke a feel for your product. These cheese labels use farmland images and old-style fonts to convey quality and traditional values. Colored tags make it easy for customers to associate labels with product types.
The labels printed on our HP high resolution digital presses are vibrant works of art!

When studying the composition of products, you need to remember the basic rule of labeling - the names of the ingredients are written in descending order. mass fraction. The first lines contain the main components, and the last - the components with a minimum quantitative percentage.

The composition of the product is usually indicated per 100 grams of its mass, regardless of how much the product itself weighs in this particular package.

The energy value of the product is indicated in kilocalories and kilojoules, and the nutritional value content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as minerals and vitamins are indicated in grams per 100 g of the product.

What other secrets does the “passport” of the product hold, Irina Salkova, head of the laboratory of the company "Cheburashkin Brothers. Family Farm" told us.


Any artificial and natural supplements: biologically active and genetically modified substances, flavors, food colorings, preservatives and flavor enhancers. Most of of them is marked with the letter "E" with a specific number by which you can recognize the component used. Some nutritional supplements are absolutely harmless, while others can cause allergies, provoke an increase in blood pressure, deterioration of the liver, kidneys and stomach.

In the dairy industry, thickeners and stabilizers are often used to achieve the desired consistency of yoghurt or sour cream. The following components of this group do not harm health: E322 lecithin, E406 agar-agar, E440 apple pectin. Starch is also referred to natural safe thickeners.

Useful natural milk has a shelf life of up to 10 days, is stored at a temperature of 2-6 degrees, it contains either whole milk, or normalized milk (that is, brought to a predetermined fat content parameter with cream or skimmed milk). 7 myths about dairy products.


IN butter and powdered milk there are emulsifiers (E430-E436, E470-E495), which facilitate the ability of the product to dissolve in water. With their help, the so-called "artificial fat content" of low-fat products is achieved. All listed emulsifiers are banned in many countries, when exposed to large quantities cause adverse health effects. It is better to refrain from buying products with E listed.


The composition of yogurts necessarily includes milk and sourdough (bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Bulgarian bacillus) and Streptococcus thermophilus (thermophilic streptococcus). The content of these lactic acid bacteria in a complete finished product at the end of the expiration date is not less than 107 CFU (colony forming units) per 1 g of the product, as indicated on the product label.

A wide range of yoghurts, this favorite product of all, allows you to choose your favorite supplement in the form of pieces of fruit and even vegetables. Dessert yogurts may contain cream and sugar.

In addition to stabilizers and emulsifiers, gelatin can be found in yogurt. It is he who makes the texture of this delicacy tender and homogeneous.

Flavor enhancers (E620-E637), sweeteners (E953, E965-E967) and sweeteners (E950-E952, E954-E959) are used to increase the organoleptic appeal of the product. They are especially common in products intended for children. Manufacturers skillfully disguise harmful sugar as sugar with more attractive names - molasses, sucrose, maltose, fruit concentrate, corn syrup. A small jar of yogurt can contain 3-4 tablespoons of sugar.

Among food coloring(E100-E180) Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the presence in dairy products of prohibited additives in the form of E121, E123, E128. natural dyes, not affecting human health - E100 (curcumin), E101 (riboflavin), E140 (chlorophyll) - arguably, E160a (carotenes), E162 (red beet), as well as E163, E164, E166, E170.

However, refrain from products with any "food" additives with an E index. Their role in human nutrition is often ambiguous and not fully understood.

Composition of natural healthy yogurt these are: normalized milk, natural filler or berry jam (if yogurt with additives), sourdough.

The two main components of the quality of sour cream are cream and sourdough. Contained in sour cream vegetable fats and stabilizers are a sign that it's sour cream product, which has nothing to do with real sour cream. To buy delicious healthy sour cream, labels with the abbreviation UHT - UltraHighTemperature should be avoided. This label indicates that the product has been subjected to high-temperature processing, which means that it lacks a lot of useful substances.


Compound natural sour cream: normalized pasteurized cream, sourdough. Shelf life - up to two weeks.

Real cottage cheese contains milk and sourdough. When studying the composition of cottage cheese, one must pay special attention to the protein content, which is the most important component in this product. High-quality cottage cheese has a protein index of 14-18%. The fat content starts from a fat-free minimum (less than 1.8%) and goes up to 23%. Index milk sugar varies between 1.3−2.5%. All nutritionists recommend natural cottage cheese because of high content it contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and amino acids (valine, leucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine).

Composition of natural cottage cheese: normalized pasteurized milk, sourdough. Shelf life - up to 7 days.


When choosing kefir, we try to get as much as possible useful product enriched with additives in the form of live microorganisms. On the label of kefir, you need to pay attention to the indicator of the number of lactic acid microorganisms, which must be at least 1x107 CFU / g (colony forming units per 1 gram of product). Yeast content - not less than 1x104 CFU/g of product.

Enriched with bifidobacteria, kefir turns into biokefir. The beneficial microorganisms contained in such a product work to strengthen the immune system, promote the synthesis of protein and vitamins K and B, have a beneficial effect on digestion and create a natural physiological barrier to toxic substances.

Compound natural kefir: whole or normalized pasteurized milk, sourdough on kefir fungi.

To buy quality milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream or cottage cheese, you need to carefully read the label. The label is a pass to your table. About the benefits of kefir

Photo: Cheburashkin Brothers. Family Farm
