
Summer soups. Light summer soups: simple recipes Summer country soup

According to scientists, the first dish eaten for lunch helps you avoid overeating at dinner.

Delicious vegetable soup copes with this task perfectly. Everyone loves vegetable soup. The recipe for vegetable soup can be selected based on your own culinary preferences, or even the presence of at least some vegetables in the refrigerator. At the same time, questions in the comments and on the forum a la how to cook vegetable soup, how to cook vegetable soup or how to cook vegetable soup tell us that not all culinary specialists have yet comprehended this simple science. Any of our hundreds of recipes will tell you how to prepare a delicious vegetable soup; it will even show you a recipe with a photo.

Vegetable soup is a recipe rooted in the depths of human history. Man has long realized that boiled vegetables are more convenient to eat, they are easier to digest and assimilate by the body. And most importantly, a decoction or soup of vegetables creates a special composition, a combination of flavors. The preparation of vegetable soup is very varied; vegetables can be boiled in water, broth or even separately. They can be sautéed. Perhaps the main rule of how vegetable soups are prepared is that their recipes contain vegetables. And everything else is tradition or the chef’s imagination. Recipes for vegetable soups come in both meat and meat varieties. The most popular meat ones include vegetable soup with chicken or vegetable soup with chicken broth, vegetable soup with meatballs, vegetable soup with meat - pork or beef. Vegetable soup in broth can be made clear or cloudy, depending on your preference. However, you can also cook a delicious soup using vegetable broth.

Because boiled vegetables can be easily pureed, they are often used to make creamy vegetable soup or pureed vegetable soup. The recipes for these soups are, in principle, not much different. A recipe for vegetable puree soup can be dietary or related to meat soups. Light vegetable soup is ideal for those on a diet. Nutritionists often recommend consuming vegetable soup for weight loss, since it takes even more energy to digest it than it carries. A vegetable soup recipe for weight loss, as a rule, does not contain high-calorie vegetables. Vegetable soup for weight loss is a very popular recipe. In addition, vegetable dietary soup is well suited for fasting days. Therefore, a recipe for dietary vegetable soup should be in the arsenal of any housewife.

In addition to the traditional set of vegetables, vegetable soups can be varied, for example, by preparing vegetable soup with zucchini, or vegetable soup with sweet peppers. Often, a vegetable soup recipe contains some seasonal vegetables. This is, for example, soup with vegetables and green peas, or vegetable soup with green beans. The healthiest, of course, is soup made from fresh vegetables. But you can also make soup from vegetables prepared in various ways.

No matter how healthy soup is, in the summer heat there is no desire to eat it, much less cook it. For such occasions, special summer soups are needed. We will talk about them in today's article. Many cuisines around the world have cold first courses. Russian: tyurya, okroshka, botvinya, kholodnik or beetroot soup; Spanish gazpacho and salmorejo soup; Armenian cold summer soups, Uzbek chalopa soup, Bulgarian tarator, Georgian muzhuzhi, Ukrainian Gorobievsky borscht - this is the first thing that comes to mind. The purpose of cold soup is to refresh, saturate and invigorate in the heat due to its high content of vitamins and sour taste.

Cold summer soups are divided into two types: those that are prepared initially cold, and those that are boiled and then cooled. In both cases, the soup consists of a dressing (vegetable, meat, fish or mixed) and a liquid base: water, kvass, milk, kefir, juice, jelly, yogurt. As a rule, dry spices are used to a limited extent in such soups, mainly aromatic roots and herbs.

One of the most popular cold soups today is okroshka. There are enough types of this simple Russian first course to keep you from getting tired of okroshka for the whole summer. A rich variety of vegetables, several types of meat and fish, different dressing options and several types of liquid bases - and you can prepare a hundred dish combinations.

Classic okroshka is prepared with white sour kvass with 3 types of meat (or fish), vegetable dressing, spicy dressing and sour cream. There can be no kefir, whey, curdled milk, yogurt, or beer in okroshka. Or rather, then it won’t be okroshka, but some other dish. According to old Russian recipes, meat should be of several types: black grouse, turkey and pig. Although over time this range has expanded: from poultry to beef and lamb, there should be no sausage in okroshka. For fish-based okroshka, they took fish with sweetish meat, for example, pike perch. Classic okroshka uses mustard or horseradish dressing; at the very end of preparation, a chopped hard-boiled egg with sour cream is added. Old recipes mentioned pickled mushrooms, plums and soaked apples as additional ingredients.

Botvinnik can be considered one of the best examples of ancient Russian cooking in the field of cold soups. This dish was made from a mixture of kvass and beet broth, beet tops, aromatic herbs, and sometimes from boiled young beets, vegetables and several varieties of red fish. Botvinnik consists of several parts, served in different dishes, but being one whole. The first part is the soup, the second is the fish part - a dish with laid out pieces of boiled red fish of several varieties, and the third is a plate with crushed ice, which is gradually added to cool the ingredients. The base of the soup part of botvinya is similar to the base of okroshka, but the acidity of kvass is evened out by the addition of sweeter dark bread kvass. Botvinnik uses sorrel leaves as natural sourness.

It’s quite simple to prepare kholodnik - a cold soup with beets, which requires eggs, cucumbers, vinegar and a few onions. Boil the beets (the broth is not drained), remove the skin, grate the beets and put them back into the broth, cool and add a drop of vinegar or lemon juice. Separately prepare a dressing from finely chopped and salted fresh cucumbers, eggs and onions. A portion of dressing is placed on each plate and topped with beetroot broth. You can add sour cream. There are options for cold dishes without beet broth. Belarusian can be considered as such Kholodnik in Pripyat style.

3-4 fresh cucumbers,
4-5 eggs,
a large bunch of sorrel,
bunch of dill,
a bunch of green onions,
sour cream, salt to taste.

Boil the eggs. Wash the sorrel, sort, cut and boil in salted water. Cool the broth. Cut the eggs into small cubes and the cucumbers into strips. Finely chop the dill and onion. Pour everything into the sorrel broth and place the pan in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Serve cold soup with sour cream.

The simplest and cheapest cold Russian dish is tyurya. Despite its simplicity, when prepared correctly, tyurya is a very tasty, quick summer dish. The basis of turi is kvass and bread, to which chopped vegetables are added. The components for turi are crushed very carefully; you can also use a fine grater. As a rule, one type of vegetable dominates in tur. Prison is not made for future use, but is eaten cold immediately after cooking.

Spanish soup gazpacho is a typical Mediterranean dish: vegetables, water, olive oil and bread. The soup is prepared cold, the main ingredient is tomatoes. In Spain, there are two “competing” gazpachos - Andalusian (which is considered the standard) and La Mancha, which is not at all recognized by Andalusians and is not entirely appropriate for cold light soups, since it is a rather thick game soup. Andalusian gazpacho requires the best olive oil and wine vinegar. You will also need chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, sweet peppers, garlic and salt. All vegetable ingredients are ground (crushed with a mixer or blender), the mixture is salted, seasoned with vinegar and oil, and decorated with cubes of toasted bread. Coarsely chopped peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and boiled eggs are served separately.

Another Spanish cold soup salmorejo originally from Cordoba. The soup is made only from tomatoes, served with tuna, ham and eggs.

Malaga has its own cold soup aho blank made from young garlic, young almonds, white bread, olive oil and sherry vinegar.

In Armenia, there is a whole collection of cold soups that are prepared with fruit decoctions, milk (fresh and sour), buttermilk and matsoni. Cereals, pasta (pasta, noodles), fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices and herbs are used as a dressing. Most Armenian cold soups are prepared with meat (including chicken) and fish broths. Meat intended for broth is used with bones. Commonly used brisket (lamb) or brisket with trim (beef).

Matsnarbrdosh- Armenian okroshka, which is made on the basis matsuna(Caucasian yogurt made from sheep, camel, goat or buffalo milk). Yogurt-matsun is diluted with cold water 1:1. Cucumbers, dill, cilantro, parsley and onions are finely chopped. The components are mixed and filled with a mixture of water and matsun. The soup is seasoned with salt and served cold.

Masramatsatsun- sweet vitamin soup. Fresh rose hips are boiled and rubbed through a sieve. The mass is mixed with sugar and rosehip broth, after which it is heated to a boil, the foam is removed and cooled.

In Georgia they prepare a cold first course called muzuni. This hearty dish is more reminiscent of jellied meat; it would be a stretch to call it soup. For muzuni, broth is made from pork legs, ears and tails. The broth is filtered, onions, spices, roots and salt are added to it and boiled until tender, after which it is cooled and served cold. The broth should freeze almost like jellied meat.

Cold soup is prepared in Uzbekistan chalop. The vegetable part of the chalop consists of fresh cucumbers, radishes, radishes, green onions, cilantro, dill, basil, a pinch of red pepper and salt. All vegetables are finely chopped and filled with cold katyk. Katyk is a cross between cottage cheese, sour cream and butter. However, it is quite sour and is often used as a sour seasoning. To prepare katyk, milk is heated and boiled for a long time so that up to a third of the liquid evaporates. Then ferment (a special culture passed down from generation to generation) is added to the milk, and the fermentation process takes place for 6-10 hours.

In Azerbaijani cuisine there is a dish called dovga. It is made with kefir or yogurt. Rice, flour, herbs, butter, eggs and sour cream are used as a dressing. The curdled milk is mixed with the egg, flour is added, everything is whisked and poured with boiling water. Add rice there and cook until tender, stirring constantly. At the end, with continuous stirring, add chopped herbs, a piece of butter and mint. When the dovga has cooled, you can add salt and serve.

Bulgarian soup tarator prepared with yogurt. Fresh cucumbers are cut into slices or cubes, mixed with crushed or crushed garlic, and filled with kefir or yogurt. A drop of vinegar is added to the mixture, diluted a little with water and supplemented with crushed nuts and herbs. When serving, add a spoonful of olive oil to the soup.

Borsch in Gorobievsky style- a popular dish of modern Ukrainian cuisine. Prepares quickly and serves cold.

2 liters of water,
300 g potatoes,
300 g cabbage,
100 g carrots,
100 g onions,
100 g sprat in tomato,
100 g vegetable oil,
spices to taste.

Pour water into the pan, place the diced vegetables and cook until half cooked, put the shredded cabbage in there and cook everything until done. During cooking, sauté the onion in vegetable oil and add to the future borscht. 5 minutes before readiness, add sprat to the pan. Add salt and spices to taste. Cool and serve cold.

Very popular in Lithuania in summer cold Lithuanian borscht

450 g kefir,
1 beet,
½ glass of water,
1 egg,
40 g onion,
400 g potatoes,
50 g sour cream,
greens to taste.

Peel the potatoes and let them boil. Whisk kefir with salt, add water. Chop the beets, onions and dill and add to the kefir base. Pour into plates. Cut the egg in half, place it on each plate, and add a spoonful of sour cream. Serve the dish with boiled hot potatoes sprinkled with chopped dill in a separate plate.

Friends, in the summer, in hot weather, our body does not want to receive heavy, rich soups and rich ones. When it's 30 degrees outside, light summer soups will come to the rescue, they won't leave you hungry and, at the same time, will quench your thirst well.

Brings to your attention four recipes for preparing light vitamin soups for the hot summer, which take into account all tastes and preferences.

Men, for example, cannot do without meat at all, no matter how hot it is, so for them there are two options for the first course, cooked in chicken and meat broth.

For the children's menu, you can prepare creamy young vegetables. Let's start today's review with a recipe for a light summer soup made from young vegetables, which is a hit of the hot season - cold beetroot soup.

- one of the most popular first dishes in the heat. It is prepared from boiled beets, in addition to which various vegetables are chopped and a boiled egg is always added. The basis for beetroot soup is usually kefir or chilled mineral water.

It is only important to take into account: if you are preparing a cold dish with kefir, then add 2 parts of it, if using mineral water - 1 part.

So, let's look at how to prepare a light summer soup - beetroot soup with kefir (mineral water).


  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber – 3-4 pcs.
  • Beetroot – 1 pc.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Parsley, dill, green onions - a small bunch
  • Kefir or mineral water for dressing


  1. Vegetables: Wash the potatoes and beets and cook until done.
  2. Let's cook the eggs separately.
  3. Wash the cucumbers and herbs in running water.
  4. Cut the potatoes and cucumbers into cubes, chop the herbs and eggs, and grate the beets.
  5. Put everything into a saucepan, add salt to taste, and pour in kefir or mineral water.
  6. Stir and place in the refrigerator to cool for half an hour.

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for making cold beet soup in water

Cream soup made from young vegetables that have just ripened at the dacha turns out to be very tasty. This puree soup has a delicate consistency and can be given to very young children.


  • Carrots – 300 g
  • Young cabbage - 200 g
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 0.5 pods
  • Celery - 1 stalk
  • Spices (parika, ground ginger, ground black pepper) and salt - to taste
  • Any greens and sour cream - a little


  1. Wash, peel and cut all the vegetables into large pieces (since they will be pureed later). Place in a cooking pan, add water so that it covers the vegetables, and cook until tender in salted water. You can check by looking at the carrots - when they are ready, you can remove the pan from the heat.
  2. Let's salt the vegetable broth, we won't pour it out. Blend the vegetables in a blender until smooth, add salt and pepper to taste. If the consistency of the puree is thick, dilute it with the remaining vegetable broth.
  3. The finished vegetable puree soup can be served with a spoonful of sour cream (you can add cream instead of sour cream) and chopped herbs.

Bon appetit!

Soups with the first young greens, which appear in vegetable gardens and garden plots at the beginning of summer, are very beneficial for our body. You should definitely use this to prepare a light summer nettle soup with egg and chicken broth.

For 6 servings you will need the following products.


  • Chicken – 700 g
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Nettle, green onions, parsley - 1 bunch each
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Wash the chicken, add 3 liters of water and let it cook until done, don’t forget to add salt.
  2. Pour boiling water over the nettle so it doesn’t burn and chop it along with the herbs.
  3. Peel the potatoes, carrots, and onions, cut them into cubes and place them in a saucepan in chicken broth 10 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. Taste the broth and add salt or pepper if necessary.
  5. Pour the soup into bowls, add half the eggs and chopped herbs.

Bon appetit!

- an excellent first course, which is cooked in meat broth, with the addition of other early vegetables from your garden: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions. Let's see how to prepare homemade aromatic cabbage soup from early vegetables and young cabbage.

For 6-7 servings you will need the following products.


  • Beef pulp – 600 g
  • Young cabbage – 500 g
  • Potatoes – 500 g
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes – 450 g
  • Peppercorns – 6-7 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt to taste


  1. Wash the meat and put it in a saucepan with 3 liters of water. Add peeled onions and whole carrots there. Let's cook the meat broth, then remove the onions and carrots; don't forget to add salt to the broth.
  2. Remove the meat from the pan, cut it into pieces and put it back into the broth.
  3. Peel and cut the potatoes into strips and add to the soup.
  4. Grate the remaining carrots and fry with diced onions until golden. Put it into soup.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, shred the cabbage and add them to the soup. You can add any spices you want. Bring to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and leave to steep for another 15 minutes, covered.

Bon appetit!

An interesting and extraordinary recipe for this hot beet soup with beans, champignons and sorrel can pleasantly surprise and delight lovers of culinary experiments! Thick, rich, multi-ingredient - this soup can satisfy your hunger for a long time.

I would like to offer you a very interesting vegetarian dish to try - noodle soup with lentil-rice meatballs. We very successfully replace traditional meatballs with meatballs made from lentils and rice - tasty and healthy.

spaghetti, onions, carrots, tomato paste, garlic, salt, vegetable oil, bay leaf, black peppercorns, dill, water, lentils, rice, onions...

Dumpling and egg soup is a great lunch that can be prepared fairly quickly. Boiled and mashed potatoes add thickness and richness to the soup. Due to the large number of ingredients - potatoes, dumplings, eggs, tomatoes and fried vegetables, soup with dumplings and eggs turns out very tasty and satisfying.

dumplings, eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, ground pepper, sunflower oil, parsley, water, bay leaf, allspice, salt

Creamy soup with mushrooms and melted cheese does not take much time to prepare, but will delight you with its delicate and at the same time rich taste. Fried golden mushrooms, cream, melted cheese and aromatic dill are a wonderful combination. Such an appetizing and satisfying soup will allow you to forget about hunger for a long time!

fresh champignons, processed cheese, cream, potatoes, leeks, carrots, olive oil, garlic, dill, salt, ground black pepper, water

If at any time it becomes customary for you to sit down at the dinner table with a spoon, then your menu of first courses simply must be varied and interesting. Write this recipe for aromatic soup with smoked brisket, Chinese cabbage and green peas in your cookbook and prepare it at the first opportunity.

pork brisket, chicken legs, potatoes, Chinese cabbage, onions, frozen green peas, garlic, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper...

A very light, dietary and tasty soup with meatballs, pasta and spinach will perfectly diversify your menu on fasting days. Tender chicken meatballs are baked in the oven, then added to hot broth with carrots, pasta and plenty of spinach.

Chicken thighs, spinach, pasta, eggs, hard cheese, breadcrumbs, garlic, dill, parsley, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper...

Creamy soup with mushrooms and melted cheese does not take much time to prepare, but will delight you with its delicate and at the same time rich taste. Fried golden mushrooms, cream, melted cheese and aromatic dill are a wonderful combination. Such an appetizing and satisfying soup will allow you to forget about hunger for a long time!

fresh champignons, processed cheese, cream, potatoes, leeks, carrots, olive oil, garlic, dill, salt, ground black pepper, water

Today we will prepare soup from familiar products. But the zest of this soup will be added by homemade noodles made from batter, which cooks very quickly.

potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, dill, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper, herbs, minced chicken, onions, garlic powder...

Tomato soup with sauerkraut and corn grits is a tasty and filling first course. The dish acquires an original and rich taste thanks to sauerkraut, an abundance of vegetables and aromatic beef broth.

beef, sauerkraut, corn grits, potatoes, bell peppers, red onions, tomato paste, bay leaf, parsley, salt...

Creamy soup with mushrooms and melted cheese does not take much time to prepare, but will delight you with its delicate and at the same time rich taste. Fried golden mushrooms, cream, melted cheese and aromatic dill are a wonderful combination. Such an appetizing and satisfying soup will allow you to forget about hunger for a long time!

fresh champignons, processed cheese, cream, potatoes, leeks, carrots, olive oil, garlic, dill, salt, ground black pepper, water

Despite the fact that Greek Lenten soup is prepared without meat, it has a very rich tomato taste, satisfying and aromatic. The flavors of this first dish send us back to the Mediterranean, just take a spoonful.

canned beans, tomatoes canned in their own juice, green olives, onions, red onions, celery root, carrots, tomato paste...

Dumpling and egg soup is a great lunch that can be prepared fairly quickly. Boiled and mashed potatoes add thickness and richness to the soup. Due to the large number of ingredients - potatoes, dumplings, eggs, tomatoes and fried vegetables, soup with dumplings and eggs turns out very tasty and satisfying.
