
Pancakes are a national Russian dish. How did pancakes come about? The history of their origin Pancakes country

They visit guests, visit their beloved mother-in-law, celebrating the farewell of winter and the welcome of the long-awaited spring, because this is an opportunity to eat plenty of pancakes. Fluffy, aromatic, fatty, rosy, incredibly tasty pancakes have become an indispensable attribute of Maslenitsa, because they symbolize the bright and hot sun that we have all been waiting for all winter. The history of pancakes goes back to ancient times, which means that a huge number of recipes for their preparation have been invented and tested during this time. Surely, even now, every housewife has her own pancake recipe, tested by time and the tastes of her family, which she inherited from her grandmother. Every year on Maslenitsa we bake pancakes according to our favorite recipes, but no matter how much we like the usual pancakes, the soul requires experimentation. And when, if not on Maslenitsa, experiment with pancakes! Try to bake pancakes according to the favorite recipes of famous people, the so-called pancakes with famous names.

For example, the favorite dish of Empress Anna Ioannovna. The Russian Empress liked pancakes with ice cream so much that she brought their recipe from Livonia to enjoy this delicacy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Why not follow the example of Anna Ioannovna and make these pancakes?

3 tbsp. milk,
2 tbsp. wheat flour,
8 eggs
3 tbsp. sunflower oil,
3 tbsp. Roma,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
100 g butter,
½ tbsp. sweet liqueur,
50 g strawberries,
50 g raspberries,
50 g blackberries,
50 g blueberries,
50 g currants,
400 g ice cream.

Make pancake dough from milk, flour, four eggs and separately four yolks, sunflower oil and rum. Bake pancakes from the resulting dough. Mix sugar with butter and put on fire, stir the mass until it begins to caramelize, then add liqueur, stir and remove from heat. Place a pancake on a plate, pour a mixture of sugar, butter and liqueur over it, add a layer of mixed berries, cover with a second pancake, place another layer of berries and decorate with a scoop of ice cream.

No less famous are. The American writer O'Henry dedicated an entire story to these pancakes, in which chef Jedson Odom tells a story that happened to him involving “good golden brown pancakes with molasses.” An incredible pancake joke that captures the reader's attention, and suddenly, at the very end, the chef assures that there is no recipe for Pimiente pancakes! But in reality this is not so, Pimiente pancakes are more like fluffy pancakes, because they contain ham, sweet peppers and tomatoes.

Bell pepper,
vegetable oil.

Cooking such pancakes is a creative process, so the amount of ingredients depends on your mood and desire to cook; it’s worth mentioning separately only about the amount of flour. Remember that the pancakes should resemble pancakes, so the batter should be thicker than for regular pancakes, but thinner than for hash browns. Cut the ham into very small cubes, scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin from them and also finely chop. Remove the seeds from the peppers and chop them as you would tomatoes and ham. Finely chop the greens. Beat the eggs and add flour to them, mix thoroughly, add salt, sugar, kefir and mix again. Add ham, tomatoes, peppers and herbs to the resulting dough. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan, frying in vegetable oil on both sides.

Pancakes a la Gundel are also very famous. Karoly Gundel brought together Magyar and Western European cuisine, opened a restaurant, one of the hundred best restaurants in the world and came up with a pancake recipe that has gained popularity and recognition from many people. At the Gundel restaurant, a whole page of the menu is devoted to signature pancakes, because this is one of the most popular dishes. Pancakes a la Gundel should be very thin, almost transparent, with a nut filling, chocolate sauce and a pronounced taste of rum.

40 g raisins,
6 tbsp. Roma,
2 eggs,
300 ml milk,
240 g flour,
20 g candied orange peels,
180 g walnuts,
250 g whipped cream,
230 g sugar,
1 pinch of ground cinnamon,
100 ml mineral water,
60 g ghee,
100 g dark chocolate,
1 pack of vanilla sugar,
3 egg yolks,
1 tbsp. flour,
50 g cocoa powder,
300 ml milk,
30 g ghee,
2 tsp powdered sugar,
mint, orange, walnuts for decoration.

Károly Gundel lists the ingredients exactly in the order in which they are added during the cooking process, which is why some of them appear twice in this list. Soak the raisins in 6 tablespoons of rum, finely chop the candied fruits and chop the nuts. Prepare a dough of 2 eggs, 300 ml of milk and 240 grams of flour, mix thoroughly and let sit for 30 minutes. Remove the raisins from the rum, squeeze lightly, and reserve the rum. Mix 100 g cream, 120 g sugar, raisins, orange zest, cinnamon and chopped nuts. Place the mixture over low heat and stir constantly for two minutes until smooth, then add the rum and remove from heat. Add mineral water to the dough. Prepare the pancakes by greasing a frying pan with 60 grams of melted butter. Grease each pancake with the prepared nut mixture, then fold it in half, roll it into a tube and keep it in a warm oven. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt it in a water bath, add three egg yolks, 100 grams of sugar and vanilla sugar. Bring the resulting sauce to a creamy state. Add cocoa, 1 tablespoon flour, 5 tablespoons milk to the sauce and stir. Gradually add 250 ml of milk and bring the sauce to a thick mass, without letting the sauce boil. Whip the cream thoroughly, add rum to the sauce, stir and gradually fold in the whipped cream. Reheat the pancakes in melted butter and serve with hot sauce and powdered sugar. You can decorate the dish with mint leaves, orange slices and walnuts.

Your favorite Marina Tsvetaeva also had a pancake recipe- famous Russian poet. She treated the residents with her pancakes Koktebel dacha of another famous poet Maximilian Voloshin. What is originality? Tsvetaevsky pancakes? In the dessert wine, which she added to the dough, thanks to which the pancakes acquired an aromatic caramel crust and an original taste.

2 tbsp. flour,
1.5 l of whey,
200 ml white dessert wine,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 egg,
½ tsp. salt,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
100 g butter,
100 g walnuts,
100 g almonds,
200 g whipped cream,
100 g fresh sweet berries,
2 tbsp. Sahara.

Add egg, wine, salt, sugar, yeast, soda, 1 tbsp to the whey. vegetable oil and flour. First, thoroughly mix all the ingredients, then beat the mixture with a mixer. The dough should not be very liquid, so you can add a little more flour. Bake thin pancakes from the resulting dough, grease each of them with butter. Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the nuts and berries, add sugar and whipped cream. Stuff the pancakes with the resulting mixture. Serve the pancakes chilled with semi-sweet wine.

The Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I unexpectedly fell in love with pancakes rejected by his wife Elizabeth of Bavaria. Once, when the imperial chef prepared a new dessert, Elizabeth refused to even try it, citing that the dish was too fatty, while the emperor himself decided to try this dish, calling it schmarrn, which translated from German means nonsense. Franz Joseph liked this nonsense so much that he ordered this dish to be put on the menu and served.

40 g flour,
3 eggs,
½ liter of milk,
30 g butter,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. raisins,
powdered sugar,

Separate the whites and beat them thoroughly. Mix flour, yolks, sugar and raisins, salt the mixture and carefully pour it into the milk. Mix thoroughly, trying to remove all lumps. Add the whipped egg whites to the resulting dough, mix and pour the dough into a frying pan with melted butter. During baking, such a pancake will fall apart into pieces, each of which will need to be cut into several more pieces and turned over. When the pancakes are ready, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and serve.

Pancakes are eaten on Maslenitsa for a whole week, when it will still be possible to cook pancakes according to a new recipe every day! Let the main treat on your table be not only airy, delicate, aromatic and rosy, but also with its own story, different and invariably interesting every day. Cook pancakes with famous names, and at your table there will be a reason to discuss a new story. Happy Maslenitsa and delicious pancakes!

Pancakes are a traditional delicacy of the Russian people, one of the most beloved and revered dishes, both in the times of ancient Rus' and now. They occupied a worthy place on the table of every housewife, and are considered one of the very first flour dishes that appeared in the diet of our ancestors around the 9th century AD.

Many countries in the world have their own varieties of this ancient flour flatbread, in Ancient Egypt it was sour, in America it was called pancake, its diameter is smaller than our pancakes and they are thicker, in Asia they made thin unleavened pancakes, which were eaten instead of bread, the ancient Chinese made pancakes made from rice flour with the addition of tea powder, seafood and onions. Each country has its own history of creating certain dishes and is proud of its traditions and customs.

For the Russian people, pancakes were and are one of the favorite delicacies; we are ready to eat them day and night, enjoying the taste and aroma, as well as the variety of fillings, which can be either sweet (berries, jam, jam, cottage cheese) or not. sweet (meat, mushroom, fish, with red and black caviar).

The history of the origin of pancakes in Rus'

The history of the origin of this dish has several versions. Some historians claim that the word “pancake” comes from the Slavic “mlyn” - grind. According to this version, pancakes appeared after the ancient Slavs learned to grind flour and add water to it from the dough to bake fluffy and rosy pancakes. There is another version of the origin of this dish, when oatmeal jelly, popular at that time, was accidentally forgotten in the oven, it burned a little, and a tasty, appetizing crust appeared on it, and it itself turned into a flat cake. This was the first pancake, which everyone really liked.

In ancient, even pagan times, pancakes were a ritual of treating the spirits of ancestors; people believed that they could treat their souls, cajole them so that they would contribute to a good harvest for the coming year. This is how Maslenitsa appeared, which at first was not a holiday, but a pagan ritual tradition. They baked a lot of pancakes, fed them to the poor, the poor and wanderers, considering them intermediaries between two worlds.

Also, according to some historians, pancakes were a sacrificial type of bread, which, before the baptism of Rus', was baked in the shape of a circle as a symbol of worship of the ancient Slavic supreme god Perun and the sun god Yarilo, bringing as a gift to the gods for their protection and intercession.

How they baked pancakes in Rus'

Each housewife in Rus' had her own recipe for baking pancakes, which was kept secret and passed down from mother to daughter. To make the pancakes fluffy and tasty, the dough (the pancakes were yeast-based) was mixed late at night, away from prying eyes.

Mostly buckwheat flour was added, which gave the pancakes a slightly sourish, pleasant taste; the basis of the liquid in the dough was yeast, milk and water; the finished pancakes were fluffy, golden brown and a little loose.

Pancakes were baked in an oven, always on birch logs, using cast iron frying pans carefully calcined with salt, greased with a piece of unsalted lard. The filling for pancakes could be very different from meat and mushrooms, to cottage cheese, herring, and even porridge (buckwheat, semolina and wheat).

Traditions of baking pancakes for the holidays

Previously, pancakes were baked everywhere throughout the year, serving as both an everyday and a festive dish. Since the 19th century, pancakes have become the main symbol of the bright, cheerful winter holiday of Maslenitsa, personifying the ruddy spring sun, they participated in the farewell of winter and the meeting of the Red Spring.

Maslenitsa week:

First day Holy Week Monday, called “Meeting”, housewives begin to bake festive pancakes, snow slides begin to roll out, a scarecrow is installed - a symbol of the past winter.

On the second day, Tuesday or “Zigrig” large-scale celebrations begin, people go to visit each other, tasting the most important dish of the holiday - ruddy, aromatic and satisfying pancakes with a wide variety of fillings.

Third day Wednesday or “Gourmand”. On this day, tables both on the street and at home were supposed to be bursting with treats; it was believed that the more pancakes a person ate in a whole day, the better!

Thursday - "Range" involved riding in troikas, fist fights, various games, carnivals, and of course intense eating of the main dish - delicious pancakes in the heat.

Friday - "Mother-in-law's Day", mothers-in-law bake their most delicious pancakes for guests and their beloved son-in-law.

Saturday - “Sister-in-Law’s Gatherings”, girls gathered for cheerful girls' get-togethers or went to visit relatives, again treating themselves to soft, rosy, incredibly filling and tasty pancakes.

Sunday "Forgiveness Day", burned an effigy of winter, asked each other for forgiveness for all insults, welcoming the onset of a new, spring life and celebrating its arrival by rejoicing, having fun and of course eating huge quantities of the main holiday dish - Russian pancakes.

Have you decided to open your own pancake shop? One of the important decisions any entrepreneur faces is choosing a name. It is important to understand its importance for attracting potential customers and, therefore, successfully developing a new business. The basic principles of forming the names of pancake houses and examples of names of existing establishments outlined in the article will help you make the best decision.

Principles for forming pancake names

Most of the existing names of pancake shops are related to the direction of their activity, however, there are also options that do not cause direct associations with the specialization of such points. In addition, if the owner wishes, the name of the establishment can be almost any word that sounds interesting and is easy to remember. A detailed analysis of the names of existing pancake shops allows us to determine the basic principles of their formation. After familiarizing yourself with them and with numerous examples of already existing names of similar points, you can easily choose a successful name for your own business.

  1. Names with the word "damn". The most common name variations are those that contain the keyword "damn". It allows potential customers to immediately determine the type of activity of the pancake house and distinguish it from other catering establishments. In order to make the name easy to remember and sound interesting, owners use various approaches, including, for example, puns, unusual phrases, humorous techniques (“Pancake Yes Honey”, “Do you want a pancake?”, “Pancake Island”, “Wow”) , Crap"). Original and sonorous versions are also obtained through the use of foreign vocabulary (“Blin time”, “Blin Land”, “Blin Street”).
  2. Names associated with pancakes. This group of names includes no less associative options, which, although they do not contain a keyword, directly indicate the main dish presented on the menu - pancakes. These are types of pancakes in a foreign language (“Crepes & Waffles”, “Pancakes”, “Creperie de Paris”), names associated with the process of their preparation and serving (“Skovorodovna”, “SolgtsePek”, “Dough”, “Condensed milk” ), and other associative names (“Maslenitsa”, “From the Heat of the Heat”).
  3. Food related names. The options included in this category are related to food and catering. In order to ensure that, in addition to the desired associations, they evoke positive emotions in visitors, pancake shop owners usually use a variety of humorous and positive combinations (“Eat me!”, “Fed cat,” “Krynka,” “Vkusnolyubov”).
  4. Other, original options. Often, pancake shop owners prefer to choose an option as a name that is not related to the type of activity of the establishment. However, thanks to its sonority, originality and brightness, such a name will be remembered, attract new customers and correspond to the atmosphere and atmosphere of the establishment. For example, names that emphasize the connection with Russian folk cuisine, legends and traditions (“Matryoshka”, “Marusya”, “Izbushka”, “Forest Fairy Tale”) are quite common and popular.

If you're planning to open your own pancake shop but aren't sure you can come up with a suitable name, this article will help you choose the best option. The methods for forming such names are described below, as well as many examples of the names of already existing pancake shops.

Principles for creating names for pancake shops

Despite the fact that such names are diverse, an analysis of all existing names allows us to identify several main groups, each of which has its own characteristics. By carefully studying the descriptions of these categories and examples of names, each pancake shop owner will be able to create his own original and memorable version.

  1. Names that include the word "damn". Such names are distinguished by the fact that they evoke direct associations with the main dish. Just by hearing this name or taking a quick glance at the sign, every consumer will instantly understand what kind of products he can purchase at your kiosk. Moreover, the keyword can be modified and combined with other vocabulary, resulting in options such as “Wow! Damn,” “Pancake,” and even “Pancake chess.”
  2. Names associated with homemade food. Including the word “homemade” or “home” helps to evoke fond memories of home-cooked food in potential customers, which is undoubtedly a huge benefit. Most often, these keywords are combined with words such as “food”, “taste”, “kitchen” and “hearth”, which allows you to create a thematic name, albeit not related to the main dish.
  3. Names that are somehow related to taste, food and its preparation. Names like these are also great for pancake shops. Even though they are general, they all make the right associations. Moreover, this category is characterized by great diversity. Thus, pancake shop owners can use any vocabulary related to taste, food, ingredients, cooking methods, etc. Don’t limit your imagination - there are many options for names in this topic, such as, for example, “Hot Hot”, “Gourmet”, “Cheese and Ham”, “Three Frying Pans”, etc.
  4. Other, original names. These names are not directly related to pancakes or food in general. However, this does not mean that such options are obviously losing. Names such as “Teremok”, “Hedgehog”, “For Our Own” will be perfectly remembered by your client due to their brightness and brevity.

Examples of pancake names

Names containing the word "damn"

Names associated with homemade food


homemade food

home kitchen

Homemade food

Food like home

Tasty like home

Delicious homemade
