
Stuffed pike "Tsarskaya": a real find for the housewife. Stuffed pike "Tsarskaya": a real find for the housewife Baked pike on a vegetable bed in foil

Stuffed pike “Tsarskaya” will surely become one of the main decorations of your table. The meat is considered dietary due to its very low fat percentage. Pike has a specific smell and unusual taste of meat, and if you try it just once in your life, you will never confuse it with anything else, the site says.


  • Pike - 1 piece;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Dill - 1 bunch;
  • Simple loaf - 1 piece;
  • Eggs - 1 piece;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Lettuce leaves (for decoration) - to taste;
  • Cranberries (for decoration) - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste.

Photo source: pojrem


The first step is to clean the fish - remove the husks and entrails. Then we cut it to the ridge without damaging the skin. Using a spoon or knife, carefully separate the meat with bones from the skin.

Remove the spinal bones and ribs, and roll the fish fillet twice. Add twisted onion, carrots, a slice of loaf, egg, finely chopped dill, salt and pepper to the minced fish. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Then we stuff the pike, sew it up or secure it with toothpicks, and place it on a baking sheet. The head and tail must be covered with foil, and the carcass itself must be greased with mayonnaise.

Photo source: useful-food

Bake stuffed pike for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. After the time has passed, your fish will be ready. Cool it and cut it into slices. Place on a plate and decorate as desired.

Your tasty and tender “royal” pike is ready! Bon appetit!

Usually, experienced housewives prepare only fish cutlets from pike, because... the meat of this river predator smells slightly like mud. However, whole pike baked in the oven is a truly royal dish. Cooking such fish will require certain skills and knowledge. Therefore, below we will consider in detail several proven recipes.

Baked stuffed pike with chicken fillet and pear

Stuffed pike is always a festive dish, placed in the center of the table. This recipe with photos describes the preparation of unusually tasty and aromatic fish.


  • 1.3 kg pike (whole carcass);
  • 100 ml cognac;
  • 200 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 large pear;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • 1 processed cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. sesame;
  • A little salt and black pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the pike thoroughly, remove the scales, gut it, cut off all the fins, and remove the gills. We don't cut off the head. Wash the carcass thoroughly and dry it. By prying the skin with the tip of a knife, we separate it from the carcass.
  2. Separate the fish fillet from the backbone and cut it into medium cubes. We also rinse the chicken fillet and cut it into medium pieces. Peel the onion and cut it into several parts. We print out the processed cheese and cut it into 3-4 pieces. We pass the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder with a fine grid so that all the thin fish bones are twisted.
  3. Wash the pear, cut it into two parts, cut out the core, peel it. Cut the pulp into small equal cubes. Place a frying pan on the fire and pour in the cognac. When the drink warms up a little, add pieces of pear, then carefully set fire to the contents of the frying pan (make a flambé).
  4. Place the contents of the frying pan along with the cognac into the previously prepared minced meat, season with salt and pepper, and mix gently.
  5. Fill the removed fish skin with minced meat. Then we connect and sew the skin along the abdomen with culinary thread.
  6. Place the stuffed pike on a baking sheet with sides, brush it with mayonnaise, sprinkle with sesame seeds, imitating scales. To prevent the skin from bursting, pierce it with a toothpick in several places.

    We insert a match into the mouth between the jaws so that it remains open after baking.

  7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, send the fish there for 40-45 minutes.
  8. Place the finished stuffed pike on a serving plate. While it is still hot, cut it into portions, inserting thin lemon slices into the cuts. Hot meat more actively absorbs the aroma and taste of citrus.

Baked pike on a vegetable bed in foil

This is a very simple recipe for baked pike. It does not require special skills in cutting fish. All preparatory work consists only of gutting and marinating the pike.


  • 1 pike (1-1.2 kg);
  • 2-3 heads of onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 tsp wheat flour;
  • 200 gr. sour cream;
  • 1 bunch of fresh herbs (basil, dill or parsley);
  • 1/3 tsp coriander;
  • a little salt and black pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin, rinse the fresh pike carcass thoroughly under running water. We cut the abdomen with a sharp knife, starting from the lower abdomen and up to the head, but do not cut off the head. We take out all the insides and remove the gills. We rinse the fish again outside and inside. Dry the carcass thoroughly on all sides with paper towels and place in a container for marinating.
  2. Wash the lemon, roll it with pressure on the surface of the table, cut it in half. We make several punctures with a knife inside the fruit, extract the juice by generously sprinkling it on the carcass inside and out. Lemon juice will give the fish a pleasant taste, drowning out the unpleasant river smell.
  3. Separately prepare the sour cream marinade. To do this, peel the garlic, chop it finely with a knife or pass it through a press. Add chopped garlic to the sour cream, season the mixture with salt, ground coriander and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Generously coat the pike on all sides with the resulting sauce. A little sauce should be left for further cooking. Leave the marinated fish to soak in the aromas of the sauce for half an hour.
  5. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables for baking. Peel the carrots and onions. We cut the carrots into rings of medium thickness, and the onion into large segments.
  6. Spread a piece of foil on the table (it’s better to take extra). Place the vegetables in one layer in the center and carefully place the pike on the side on top.
  7. Mix flour and chopped herbs into the remaining sauce. We put this mass into the belly of the pike. Wrap the carcass tightly in foil and transfer it to a mold with sides.
  8. Bake the whole pike in the oven for about 30 minutes, maintaining the oven temperature at 180-200 degrees.
  9. To make the fish brown a little at the very end of baking, you can slightly open the foil on top.
  10. Carefully transfer the finished baked pike onto a dish decorated with lettuce leaves and chopped fresh vegetables. Place baked vegetables next to it. If desired, the fish can be “painted” with mayonnaise and decorated with cranberries.

This dish will decorate any holiday feast. To prepare it you will need some skill for cutting pike, but otherwise the preparation is simple.


  • 1 carcass of fresh, ungutted pike (1 kg);
  • 50 gr. olive oil;
  • 2 slices of white loaf or bread;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 fresh egg;
  • 3 small champignons;
  • 2 onions;
  • A little salt and black pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. To prepare this festive dish, you will need an ungutted pike, because... For stuffing you need a whole fish skin, removed with a stocking.
  2. To do this, we clean the fish from scales and wash it. We act carefully so as not to cut through the skin. We cut off the head, remove the gills, because... they can spoil the dish with the unpleasant smell of mud. We remove the entrails through a cut near the head.
  3. Now, carefully, by prying the skin with a knife and making a small undercut, we begin to separate the skin from the meat with our hands. Where the fins are located, we cut the bones from the inside and continue to remove the skin. Having reached the caudal fin, cut off the tail from the ridge. The result was whole pike skin. If there are gaps somewhere, they can be carefully sewn up.
  4. Peel one onion, chop finely, and fry in olive oil until golden brown.
  5. Separate the fish fillet from the bones. Soak the bread in milk. Clean the mushrooms and cut them in half. We pass fish fillet, squeezed white bread, champignons, and garlic cloves through a meat grinder. Add fried onions, spices to the resulting minced meat, and beat in a raw chicken egg. Mix everything thoroughly by hand until smooth.
  6. Place the pike ridge in a saucepan, add a glass of water, add fish spices, and boil for 10 minutes.
  7. We do not stuff the fish skin very tightly with minced meat. We do the same with the head.
  8. Peel the second onion and cut into rings. Having disassembled the onion into rings, we make a vegetable pillow out of them on a baking sheet with sides. Carefully place the stuffed fish on top along with the head. Pour the strained fish broth onto a baking sheet.
  9. Place the pike in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. We place the finished fish on a dish, decorate it as desired, and offer it to hungry guests. Bon appetit everyone!

I've been wanting to post this for a long time recipe - royal pike, but I was waiting to cook and try this dish myself...
The process is labor-intensive, so for a dish, the larger the better! the less fuss per unit of weight. The fish was not caught by me (I was completely lazy), they asked me to make something out of it, so I finally decided on this method...
And the way I cooked royal pike:
I cleaned a fresh pike (this one was a little more than 2 kg) from scales, cut the skin around the head (I left the pectoral fins with the head), and using a serving knife in a circle, separated the skin from the meat at the cut site (there was no fillet knife, perhaps it came with it would be more convenient, I don’t know...), then, cursing myself for taking on this task, I tore off the skin to the tail with a stocking, periodically trimming the meat (I carefully cut out the fins so that they remained on the skin). I cut the spine at the tail (the tail remained on the skin), removed the fillet (here everyone does as he or she is accustomed to). I threw away the gills, spine and offal. Then I thought: you can, of course, treat the fillet as in the version with pike cutlets. But I have nothing to compare my friends with, and it’s not my own cooking, I don’t mind. In general, Ostap suffered...

I chopped three onions and one XXL size carrot, peeled one head of garlic and flattened all its cloves with a wide knife. In a frying pan in vegetable oil, I first fried the garlic and removed it, then fried the onions and carrots in this oil and dumped everything into a plate to cool. Meanwhile, the assistants minced the fillet and a piece of lard the size of six matchboxes. When the lukomor had cooled down, I added it through a meat grinder to the minced meat, and the loaf pulp the size of my fist, soaked in milk and slightly squeezed out, went through the same process. I added salt, a mixture of some peppers, and two chicken eggs. I carefully shoveled everything with my hands. I wanted to add mushrooms, but they weren't available. I decided to add half a glass of semolina, which was in stock.

I shoveled it again. I carried out the rejection by making one cutlet and then eating it. In front of the hungry eyes of the audience, he was satisfied with the taste qualities and began to fill the leather stocking with the prepared mass. The leftovers that could not fit were given to the audience. I prepared a mazukha from half a glass of mayonnaise, eighteen drops of lemon juice, two crushed allspice peas, two teaspoons of dried dill and one chopped bay leaf. I placed the carcass on a greased baking sheet (for lack of foil), put the head against the carcass, coated everything with butter and put it in a preheated oven.

After five-sixths of an hour, I opened the oven, took out the baking sheet, enjoyed the aroma and appearance pike royally, spread the remaining butter on the carcass, sprinkled it with grated cheese and put it back in the oven to form a golden-brown cheese crust.

The spectators watching this action began to grumble, saying, it’s good, it’s never hot and damp, the vodka is getting warm, the stomach is getting cold. Despite threats and offers to annex certain parts of my body, I still completed the process until a golden brown crust formed. He put the pike taken out of the oven onto a dish and told him to bring all sorts of greens for decoration. Judging by the looming silence, I realized that the situation could get out of control... Once I got my bearings, I began to cut into portions amid cheers of approval...
