
What are the benefits of shrimp? Unpeeled shrimp

Few can argue about the benefits of seafood, among which shrimp are not the least important. They not only have an affordable price, but also the necessary nutritional value for the body.

Chemical composition

Shrimp, regardless of their type, is praised by many nutritionists. Seafood contains not only a lot of vitamins, but also macro- and microelements that help keep the body in good shape. A serving of cooked shrimp contains approximately 40% of the recommended daily value of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which in turn are responsible for strong bones and healthy teeth. The vitamin is also important for the functioning of the immune system and promoting skin health.

Vitamin B12 is found in limited amounts of food, including shrimp. It is essential for optimal functioning of the nervous system, as well as DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation. But vitamin B3 in seafood, or niacin, is necessary for the body to obtain energy.

As for micro- and macroelements, shrimp also contain large amounts of them. For example, calcium is required as a major component of bones and cartilage. The body requires it for normal blood clotting, as it promotes the release of thromboplastin. This element is an activator of several key enzymes, including pancreatic lipase. It stimulates muscle contraction, promotes tone and normal heartbeat, and regulates the transmission of nerve impulses from one cell to another.

Another important element in shrimp is phosphorus, which is not only an important component of bones and cartilage, but also plays a major role in energy and cellular metabolism. Microelements such as sodium, potassium and chlorine are responsible for the fluids present in the body, they control osmotic pressure and balance the level of acids. Without them, normal metabolism in cells is impossible.

Sulfur is an important component of key amino acids such as methionine and cystine. But the iron consumed from shrimp is responsible for hemoglobin and myoglobin. This microelement is necessary for transporting oxygen to tissues and internal organs. In turn, zinc helps wounds heal faster, and manganese is involved in the process of bone formation.

There is a large amount of iodine in shrimp and other seafood, which is an integral part of thyroid hormones and is necessary for regulating metabolic processes of all body processes. An element such as selenium is also present in shrimp meat and affects the absorption and retention of vitamin E. Other elements in the product include:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin A-retinol;
  • thiamine B1;
  • vitamin B6;
  • folate;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • omega 6;
  • omega 3;
  • aspartate;
  • glutamate;
  • leucine;
  • glycine;
  • isoleucine;
  • serine;
  • histidine;
  • arginine;
  • methionine

Glycemic index

The glycemic index indicates the amount of carbohydrates in a food consumed. It is determined on a scale from zero to one hundred. This indicator is taken into account especially in diabetes mellitus, since carbohydrates can increase sugar levels, thereby worsening a person’s condition. Shrimp have a glycemic index of 50, which means they should be eaten with caution by people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Nutritional and energy value

The calorie content of 100 grams of boiled peeled and unpeeled shrimp ranges from 80 to 115 kcal, it all depends on the type of seafood. Boiled king and tiger shrimps in the shell have almost the same amount of calories, which is 87 kcal per hundred grams. Fried ones are higher in calories, this figure ranges from 115 to 150 kcal, it all depends on the oil that was used to prepare the dish.

The raw product contains 73-107 kcal, shrimp baked in sauce contains from 170 to 180 kcal, and if they are cooked in batter, the calorie content is 240-250 units. BZHU and KBZHU of the boiled product is such that proteins are 21.32%, fats are 1.92%, and carbohydrates are 0.47%.

Shrimp is one of the most consumed types of seafood in the world. This is a versatile product that can be prepared in a variety of ways. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. When a person is on a diet, he tries to select his diet efficiently. Shrimp is a food rich in proteins, microelements and vitamins; they can compensate for the refusal of most other foods.

Besides being low in calories, shrimp is rich in protein, which is effective in weight management. A person, by increasing their protein intake, not only reduces the total number of calories in the diet, but also increases metabolism. Any food consists of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These substances and their ratios are the main reason why some foods contain more calories. Proteins and carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram, while fats provide 9 calories.

When it comes to weight management, calorie balance is very important. Eating high-calorie foods will lead to weight gain, as the excess will begin to be stored as fat on the body. If a person requires 2000 calories a day, then at 3000 one thousand of them will be deposited on the sides and thighs. Conversely, a calorie deficit leads to weight loss because the body is forced to use its fat reserves as an energy source.

Is it possible to eat shrimp while losing weight?

Along with protein, shrimp is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which also help reduce flank and belly fat. Calorie balance determines whether a person gains weight or not. This means that any food can lead to weight gain, so it is worth monitoring the amount you eat per day. The way you cook shrimp can affect the number of calories. For example, one hundred grams of steamed or boiled seafood has less than 100 calories, while the same amount of breaded or simply fried shrimp has more than 200 kcal.

The product is also often eaten with a variety of sauces, many of which contain almost as many, or sometimes more, calories than the shrimp itself. This is one of the ways to gain extra pounds, so it is important to monitor the quantity and quality of food you consume. Although seafood is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals, you should not overeat. It is important to buy only a quality product.

It is best to cook seafood at high temperatures or buy it previously boiled and frozen. Finally, it is worth taking into account that shrimp are rich in cholesterol; 100 grams contain more than half the daily value prescribed in the diet.

To learn how to cook pasta with shrimp and cream cheese sauce, watch the following video.


Diets and healthy eating 20.12.2017

Dear readers, many of us love seafood. And one of our favorite products is shrimp. There really is something to love about them - not only do they have a delicate sweet taste, but they bring invaluable benefits to our body.

Shrimp are usually divided into cold-blooded and warm-blooded. The former have a richer composition and richer taste, while the latter, living in warm waters, are larger - up to 8-10 cm. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of shrimp for our health, how to choose them and how to cook them correctly.

Composition and calorie content

100 g of product contains almost 19 g of protein and a minimal amount of fat - only 1 g! And this fat is good for the body, as it contains Omega-6 and Omega-3 necessary for the body.

The chemical composition of shrimp is very diverse. Just 100 grams of product contain:

Shrimp also contains many different vitamins: C, A, PP, E, B9, B1, B2. They are supplemented with essential amino acids.

The calorie content of shrimp boiled in salted water without additives is only 83-95 kcal per 100 g. However, their energy value may vary depending on the type of shrimp and the method of their preparation:

  • boiled shrimp have the lowest calorie content - 80 kcal;
  • King prawns contain slightly more calories – 93 kcal;
  • in fresh frozen – 97 kcal;
  • boiled and peeled tiger prawns contain 85 kcal;
  • fried in oil – 112 kcal;
  • baked in the oven or grilled – 83 kcal;
  • steamed – 78 kcal.

Beneficial features

Due to its composition and calorie content, eating shrimp has a positive effect on the functioning of various organs and systems of the body. The health benefits of shrimp are:

  • shrimp are beneficial for the contents they contain - it is important for the endocrine system and good general well-being, as well as for mental activity;
  • the large amount of magnesium, potassium and sodium in shrimp contributes to the normal functioning of the heart;
  • sulfur, necessary for the production of oxygen, provides support for brain activity;
  • shrimp are an excellent prevention of cancer.

It is especially important that all these microelements are not only contained in shrimp, but are also easily absorbed by the body.

With regular consumption of shrimp, their beneficial properties have a greater effect. Your overall well-being improves, internal (including hormonal) processes are normalized, and you become stronger. Harmful deposits and toxins, as well as accumulated allergens, are gradually removed from the body.

Shrimp contain essential vitamin B12, which cannot be obtained from any plant component. If you have given up eating meat, you should definitely eat this seafood to compensate for its deficiency.

I suggest watching a video about the benefits of shrimp for our health.

Effect on digestion

It is not the shrimp meat itself that benefits the digestive system, but their protective layer – chitin. If you eat a little soft shrimp shell, passing through the intestines, it will stimulate its work and remove accumulated harmful deposits in the stomach.

In terms of usefulness, chitin surpasses even plant fiber, since vegetables and fruits often contain organic acids that negatively affect digestion. However, if you want chitin to bring only benefits, you need to be more careful when choosing seafood, since heavy metals accumulate in the shell of low-quality products.

Benefits for women

When it comes to the benefits of shrimp for women, we cannot help but say that, first of all, their consumption has a positive effect on appearance. Thanks to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, which restores metabolic balance and has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, the condition of nails and hair improves.

High-quality protein is necessary for the production of collagen, so shrimp in the diet also has a positive effect on the skin - wrinkles are smoothed out, it becomes more elastic.

The benefits of shrimp for women are invaluable during pregnancy. During this period, it is important to provide the body with a greater set of nutrients than is usually necessary. The inclusion of shrimp in the diet allows you to maintain normal health and at the same time has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

Benefits for men

Even in the times of Ancient Rome, patricians knew the benefits of shrimp for men, and ate dishes made from them every day to enhance male potency. These seafood contain huge amounts of selenium, zinc and a rich composition of fatty amino acids. All these substances improve testosterone production. No wonder shrimp are considered a natural aphrodisiac!

A greater effect can be achieved if, along with shrimp, you include in your diet other foods that strengthen male power - white wine, rice, and other seafood.

For weight loss

Due to their composition and properties, shrimp can perfectly complement a variety of diets. They enrich the body with high-quality protein and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Shrimp can be used as a snack between meals or as a main course. They are best combined with vegetables, as they contain a lot of water, which promotes the digestion and absorption of shrimp meat.

When dieting, it is better to avoid pickled and fried crustaceans, since in this form the meat absorbs excess amounts of salt and oil. In the first case, this will lead to swelling, and in the second, the dish will no longer be dietary. With proper nutrition, it is worth seasoning salads with shrimp with sauces without oil. They can also be eaten not only boiled, but also stewed or baked.

I suggest you look at the recipe for a diet salad with shrimp, which can be prepared in 5 minutes.

Can children eat shrimp?

It is better not to give shrimp to children under three years of age, as this food is too heavy for the child’s stomach. But for older people, you can eat up to 60 g of boiled seafood per week. Shrimp contain large quantities of essential fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3, which are very important for development, both physical and mental.

However, before introducing this product into a child’s diet, it is necessary to check the food reaction. Sometimes after eating shrimp, allergic rashes are possible in young children who are prone to them. That is why you first need to give 1-2 sea crustaceans and see how the stomach and the body as a whole react. If you have an individual intolerance, it is prohibited to give them to your child!


Shrimp can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the body, but this is only possible if you choose them incorrectly or consume them in excessive quantities. Oversaturation with amino acids and proteins, of which there is a lot in this seafood, will cause heaviness in the stomach and poor health. But the worst effect on humans is heavy metals, which can enter meat from sea water.

Many people refuse shrimp because they contain cholesterol, the harm from which is much greater than the benefit. However, in fact, shrimp contain compounds of healthy cholesterol, because the percentage of fat in it is very low. It can negatively affect the heart and blood vessels only if they are eaten in large quantities, and also if they are cooked incorrectly - fried or generously seasoned with oil.

Shrimp cannot completely replace meat. Since their amino acid composition is different, you should not eat them more than 2-3 times a week.

What to consider when choosing and purchasing shrimp

Before choosing shrimp, especially frozen ones, you need to pay attention to the country of delivery. The worst quality seafood comes from South Asia. Meanwhile, it is there that the largest variety – king prawns – is grown. The best quality is found in those mined off the coast of Latin America.

It so happens that crustaceans, which are also the most expensive, are not always large in size, but they are also of the highest quality. Often unsightly and pale shrimp are more useful, since they are less often pumped with various dyes. Therefore, if they have a dim color and small size, then give preference to them. Such shrimp are called cold-blooded and are found in Norway, Canada, Denmark and the Far East.

How to choose shrimp? Follow a few guidelines:

  • look at the date and place of production;
  • check if there are dark spots on the paws - this is evidence that the product has been stored for too long and has already begun to deteriorate;
  • Avoid purchasing crustaceans that have bumps or yellow spots on their shells. This is what seafood that has undergone chemical processing looks like; there is little useful in it;
  • white spots indicate that the product was frozen very hard and for a long time, which definitely did not do it any good.

Unpeeled shrimp will be juicier and retain more beneficial properties than peeled shrimp, since the meat will be protected by the shell during cooking.

Should you eat shrimp in brine?

Shrimp do more good than harm, but does this statement apply to the finished product? There are a lot of shrimp in brine sold in stores; you can marinate them at home.

Among our compatriots, seafood has earned the reputation of a delicacy. They look interesting, they have an excellent taste that is different from other products. Seafood is also a storehouse of healthy vitamins and minerals.

One of the most popular seafood is shrimp. These are the ones we will talk about.

Useful properties and calorie content of shrimp

The beneficial properties of shrimp are due to the content of vitamins D, E, A, PP, B12, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. The presence of amino acids, iodine and sulfur in them helps to activate the growth of body cells, as well as the harmonious functioning of all organs and systems. These beneficial substances also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Due to their low calorie content, shrimp can be consumed in the diet. In addition to calories, shrimp contain a substance such as astaxanthin, which is responsible for the color of the crustacean. This substance is capable of strengthening the cardiovascular system, preventing the formation of heart attack, coronary heart disease, and stroke. That is, shrimp is a very healthy product for everyone.

But although shrimp are low in calories, they do contain cholesterol. Of course, there is no more of it than in other food products, but you should not overuse shrimp.

Shrimp is also an aphrodisiac food. It is able to awaken libido and stimulate sexual activity. Also, these seafood are useful if there is insufficient amount of iodine in the body. Shrimp protein is absorbed much faster than meat protein. In addition to calories, 200 g of shrimp will provide the daily requirement of zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium and copper.

How to choose the right shrimp?

There are basic criteria that should be followed when choosing this product:

  • carefully read the label, which should indicate the telephone numbers and address of the manufacturer;
  • good shrimp have a tucked tail and a smooth, even color;
  • signs of an old shrimp: yellowish color of the meat, black spots on the legs, dried shells;
  • if the shrimp's tail is straightened, then it died before frost;
  • if there is snow in the package, this means that the shrimp were thawed during delivery and then frozen again;
  • sign of sick individuals: black head. If the head is green, there is no need to be afraid. This means that the shrimp fed on a special type of plankton. And shrimp with brown heads are pregnant specimens, the meat of which is incredibly healthy.

Calorie content of shrimp and weight loss

Due to its low calorie content, shrimp are included in many weight loss techniques. They contain omega-3 fatty acids and the highest quality proteins.

So how many calories are in shrimp? The calorie content of shrimp is 97 kcal per 100 g.

Shrimp diet:

  • due to the low calorie content of shrimp, they can be consumed in the amount of 250 g per day;
  • prefer boiled shrimp with a dressing of olive oil or lemon juice. Those who love fried shrimp can eat them, but in the amount of a third of the daily requirement, since the calorie content of fried shrimp is quite high. The remaining two-thirds are consumed boiled. The calorie content of boiled shrimp is 95 kcal;
  • Lettuce, white cabbage, cucumbers, and tomatoes are perfect for shrimp as a side dish. You should avoid starchy vegetables;
  • You can eat no more than a kilogram of vegetables per day;
  • You can have a snack with apples, berries, citrus fruits and kiwi.

During the diet you are prohibited from consuming:

  • flour products;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • animal fats;
  • spices that increase appetite;
  • alcohol.

During the diet, you can drink apple, pineapple, pomegranate, orange juices, no more than a glass of milk per day, and still mineral water.

Sample shrimp diet menu:

  • have breakfast with a glass of orange juice and one kiwi;
  • for second breakfast we eat an apple;
  • we have lunch with pureed vegetable soup, shrimp salad with lemon juice dressing, and mineral water;
  • during the afternoon snack we snack on half a grapefruit, a handful of wild berries, and pomegranate juice;
  • We have dinner with boiled shrimp, green leaf salad, and a glass of milk.

The diet lasts seven days, during which you say goodbye to five kilograms thanks to the low calorie content of shrimp. You can repeat the weight loss program once every 3-6 months.

Dietary shrimp recipes

Finally, I would like to give you a few low-calorie recipes with shrimp.

The first dietary recipe is a cocktail of shrimp and vegetables. Finely chop half the red onion, place it in a bowl and pour in the juice of half a lemon and olive oil. Cook 400 g of shrimp. Then chop one avocado, one tomato and one cucumber. Sprinkle the avocado with the juice of half a lemon. Place all the vegetables in a salad bowl, add chopped cilantro, onions with marinade, salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. When serving, garnish the salad with a lime wedge. How many calories are in shrimp according to this recipe? The calorie content of shrimp boiled with salad is 56 kcal per 100 g.

The following is a shrimp salad recipe. Boil 500 g of shrimp. Chop half of the red onion, boiled shrimp, and 1 can of olives. Mix all this in a salad bowl. Finely chop two tomatoes and two sweet peppers. Add to salad and mix. Chop the avocado and sprinkle with lemon juice. Add to salad. Squeeze the remaining lemon juice and the juice of one lime into the salad. Mix everything thoroughly and add salt. Decorate the salad with a sprig of cilantro. How many calories are in shrimp according to this recipe? The calorie content of shrimp boiled with salad is 62 kcal per 100 g.

Next recipe for rice with shrimp. It is already more high in calories than the previous ones. But this does not mean that such a dish cannot be eaten on a diet. Wash 150 g of rice, dry and fry a little in a tablespoon of olive oil. Then add 400 ml of chicken broth or a mixture of water and broth to the rice. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook until the water evaporates. Then set the heat to low, cover the rice and cook for 20 minutes. No need to stir. Meanwhile, cook the shrimp. Grate 20 g of Parmesan on a fine grater and chop the parsley. Add shrimp, parsley and cheese to the pan with rice. Mix everything and simmer over low heat for a minute. The dish is ready. How many calories are in shrimp and rice? The calorie content of shrimp and rice in this recipe is 175 kcal per 100 g

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Of all the seafood available on store shelves, shrimp is perhaps the most popular. If previously they were eaten mainly fried and baked, now they are more often boiled, since the calorie content of boiled shrimp is lower than with other cooking methods. Tender meat is added to salads and appetizers, soups and risotto are prepared with it. Moreover, you can cook shrimp not only in water, but also in milk, green tea or even beer. It is no coincidence that this seafood has earned universal love: its meat is one of the main sources of natural protein, and in addition contains a significant amount of zinc and selenium, which have a beneficial effect on the metabolic rate. This makes shrimp one of the best dietary foods, and doctors even recommend it in the fight against obesity. But lovers of exact numbers probably want to know how many calories are in shrimp in order to confidently include them in their daily diet. There is, of course, no single clear figure here: the calorie content of shrimp will depend on their type, as well as on the cooking method.

In addition to the positive effect on the figure, this seafood can improve the health of the entire body as a whole: strengthen hair and nails, tidy up the condition of the skin, normalize the endocrine and cardiovascular system, increase resistance to infections and allergies. This is all due to the impressive list of vitamins and microelements found in shrimp, among which, in addition to the above-mentioned zinc and selenium, there is iodine, the daily norm of which can be obtained by eating only 100 g of the product, calcium, copper and Omega-3 fatty acid, vital for proper work of the heart. It was also found that shrimp contain a strong antioxidant, the accumulation of which in the body helps prevent the risk of cancer by forming new cells and tissues.

How many calories are in shrimp

The average calorie value for shrimp is 97 kcal per 100 g. What is noteworthy: if you look at the total energy value of seafood, you can see that there are no fats or carbohydrates in it, and only proteins have a high value. The percentage ratio looks like 84%:15%:1%, but don’t let the second number scare you: here fats mean fatty acids. Therefore, if you need a nutritious source of protein with low calorie content, shrimp should be your first choice. Moreover, one piece contains only 25 grams, and 5-7 pieces are enough to completely saturate an adult.

For tiger shrimps, which have a dark color and transverse stripes, the value of carbohydrates in energy value becomes zero, and proteins increase to 86% with 6% fat. As for the calorie content of this type of shrimp, compared to the previous ones, it drops to 89 kcal per 100 g. And the weight of the seafood increases to 40 grams per piece. What distinguishes this species, in addition to the previous points, is its even higher protein content, which makes tiger shrimp an ideal choice for fitness nutrition: all the calories in shrimp go only to maintaining vital functions, without being stored in fats. It is best to combine tiger with a sauce of lemon juice and garlic with the addition of olive oil, and bake the seafood itself on the grill.

The nice thing is that even with such a low calorie content of shrimp, there are even “lighter” ones, even lighter than tiger ones. These include the so-called “royal” ones, which have an average weight compared to the previous two types - 35 grams per piece, and the lowest calorie value. In terms of energy value, king shrimp are not much different from other types: they are the same 84% for proteins, but 12% for fats and 4% for carbohydrates. There is also no noticeable difference in taste. But their “weight” will be 87 kcal per 100 g.

The best shrimp recipes

Of course, the cooking method also influences how many calories the shrimp ends up with. The simplest, considered a classic, is cooking in a saucepan. Moreover, the calorie content of boiled shrimp compared to raw shrimp will increase by no more than 15 kcal. But frying in oil will almost double the original figure. But before we talk about how to maintain the benefits and enhance the fat-burning effect of shrimp dishes, it would be useful to mention the selection process. The store usually sells frozen fresh or already boiled seafood, which is always indicated by the manufacturer. If you have the opportunity to purchase them not in a closed package, where you can’t examine the product in any way, but to personally select the best, you need to pay attention to the color of the meat: it should not have a yellowish tint - this is a sign of old age. And for tiger shrimps, it is also important to check for the absence of black heads and bumps.

So, now you can go through the basic cooking methods. For boiled shrimp, the calorie content, as already mentioned, will remain almost unchanged, reaching 102-112 kcal per 100 g, which allows you to combine them with whatever your heart desires. For example, make a very healthy salad that accelerates metabolism and burns fat by combining boiled tiger shrimp, grapefruit and lime pulp, finely chopped cucumber, a clove of garlic passed through a garlic press, seasoned with soy sauce with the addition of cane sugar. All components are one way or another aimed at losing weight, as well as normalizing metabolism, and the calorie content of the dish remains quite low, especially since all the calories - shrimp, citrus fruits and cucumber - are negative. This allows it to be used, for example, as dinner.

Every person who considers himself a follower of a healthy diet should have a slow cooker. With its help, you can cook almost anything, while maintaining maximum benefits and minimal calorie content. Shrimp combined with rice and carrots with a cream sauce and a spoonful of olive oil turns into a hearty and light lunch. If desired, you can supplement the dish with herbs or dry white wine.

And another recipe for a low-calorie lunch, which is incredibly simple to make, but has a great effect on metabolism. Boiled shrimp are combined with broccoli or cauliflower, filled with a mixture of beaten eggs and milk and sent to the oven. To further reduce calorie content, you can eliminate the yolks by mixing only the whites with milk, and take milk with the lowest percentage of fat content.

For those who like fried shrimp, but the desire to lose weight does not allow them to be consumed constantly, you can cook them with chili sauce, lime juice, sesame oil and soy sauce. They are fried, dipped in a mixture of all the ingredients, in a Teflon frying pan, barely greased with vegetable oil. And the calorie content of shrimp in this case will be only 90 kcal, if “royal” ones were chosen for the dish. Can be served with boiled rice noodles. But in general, when it comes to cooking shrimp, the methods of preparing the dish are limited only by the imagination of the cook.

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High concentration of protein and minimal amount of fat. This composition is not often found in tasty products. However, shrimp are just such a case. You can prepare a quick and healthy dish from them in a matter of minutes. In addition, you can use them even in the evening - 3 hours before bedtime. This will only benefit your figure.

Beneficial features

In addition to the ideal ratio of protein to protein, the list of benefits of shrimp includes a long list of vitamins: A, C, D, E, K, PP and almost everything from group B. This product can also boast of containing more than 10 microelements: iodine and phosphorus, potassium and calcium, magnesium and fluorine, iron, zinc and sulfur. Thanks to this, regular consumption of shrimp will bring many benefits to your body.

  • Shrimp improves immunity.
  • These seafood strengthens blood vessels, improve the work of all cardiovascular systems.
  • Shrimp balances hormonal levels, normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • They are helping lose weight, therefore recommended for people suffering from obesity. It is necessary to eat them for those who strive strengthen or build muscles. To do this, shrimp with a salad of fresh vegetables should be eaten 20-30 minutes before sports training and after the same period.
  • Shrimp strengthens bones.
  • Improves the condition of skin, nails and hair. Seafood is considered to be a product of “youth and beauty”.
  • They are believed to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

The beneficial properties of standard, king or tiger shrimp are identical. The difference between them is mainly just the size. The only thing, The meat of small shrimp is the most tender, because they have a little more fat. Hence the higher calorie content. However, as can be seen from the table, the spread in the energy value of these products is small.

The table below provides information about the calorie content of raw shrimp.

Consumption and calorie content of shrimp

The simplest dish in the world is - boiled shrimp. To do this, just boil water, add salt, dill and add frozen seafood. The smallest boiled-frozen cook for 3-4 minutes after boiling. The royal ones should bubble for about 6 minutes. But feel free to leave the tiger ones for 10 minutes. And don't be put off by such a short cooking time. Overexpose it and you will get fragrant rubber!

By the way, keep in mind that the weight of boiled shrimp compared to frozen shrimp will decrease by 1/3. Additionally, peeled shrimp weigh only 25% of the total weight of unpeeled frozen seafood.

Thus, if you took 500 gr. shrimp in ice, then the calorie content of the resulting finished product will be 119 kcal.

Do you want to cook a more refined and healthy dish? Combine boiled shrimp with fresh cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, avocado and boiled quail eggs. Place on a bed of green salad and dress with olive oil, lemon juice and basil.

Those who are not at all worried about their figure can indulge fried shrimp. Usually larger species are taken for this: tiger or royal. Seafood is fried for 3 minutes in olive oil with garlic and finely chopped fresh chili pepper.

An excellent side dish would be rice or fresh vegetables. The calorie content of the finished dish will largely depend on the amount of oil.
