
Recipes, potatoes in the microwave, jackets, bags, mashed potatoes, fried, fries, videos, reviews. How to cook potatoes in the microwave Mashed potatoes in the microwave

I'll start from afar. From a school physics course. The first of the main postulates of molecular kinetic theory is that all molecules move continuously and chaotically. Let's remember about heating: when a substance is heated by any of the methods of heat transfer, energy is transferred to the molecules of the substance, as a result of which the speed of their movement increases. That is, if the molecules of the substance are forced to move faster, the substance will heat up. This is the principle of operation of a microwave oven.
If you look into your microwave, you will see a window on the side wall - it hides a “gun” - a magnetron, which converts electrical energy from the network into high-frequency electromagnetic waves. If someone is very frightened by “electromagnetic waves,” then you need to throw out the TV, computer along with the oops, cell phone, DVD, mixer, electric meat grinder, well, in general, all electrical appliances, and also the electric meter into the bargain. Even the electrical cord of an iron is a source of electromagnetic waves, because charged particles move along it, creating a field around them.

By the way, you need to keep an eye on the cleanliness of that same window in the microwave - any crumbs stuck to it can lead to burning through the protective plate, and replacing it is expensive. I speak from my own experience - I burned through it twice.

So let's get back to physics. A water molecule is a dipole - a system of separated positive and negative charges. The electromagnetic field polarizes the dipole molecule, turning it along its field lines. And since the magnetron changes the direction of the field with a high frequency (this frequency characterizes the power of the microwave), the molecule begins to rotate, because it receives energy from that very field. And if the molecules of a substance begin to move faster, then, accordingly, rapid heating occurs. In this case, no structure of the substance changes chemically, only the speed of movement of the molecules changes. Therefore, defrosting and heating in the microwave is absolutely natural.

So, the microwave does not affect solid substances, only liquid ones - vegetable or fruit juice, broths, in general, everything that contains water.
So it is not recommended to place dry bread there, but fresh bread is fine.
Microwave dishes retain much more vitamins than traditional cooking on the stove. The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted an examination of food prepared in a microwave oven. The level of vitamin retention during the preparation of vegetable and meat dishes was checked. The result exceeded all expectations: the most valuable vitamin C was preserved after processing in the oven by 75-98% (each type of product has its own numbers). And with traditional cooking methods, the preservation of vitamins does not exceed 38-60%.

I have been using a microwave every day since 1995. Not because cooking in it is better than usual, on the stove. Not at all. I don't cook in the microwave, I only process food in it. This simply makes cooking faster and easier, which is very important for a working woman.

Having a microwave, I prepare my favorite beet salads in 10 minutes, because I am freed from the need to boil a couple of beets for a long time to prepare a cup of salad.
Therefore, when choosing a new microwave once again, I proceed from the following parameters:
- I constantly use the defrost mode, so there should be at least three of them - for meat, poultry, fruit. It’s better if the microwave also distinguishes defrosting meat in a piece from defrosting minced meat.
- The volume should be such that a standard lagan can easily be placed there
- Great power. There is no point in having a weak microwave.
- Touchpad. I won't twist the handles.
- The most important! If a microwave doesn't have a special mode for jacket potatoes, I won't even look at that microwave. In any salads, I prefer dry potatoes cooked in the microwave. But choosing a mode manually for potatoes is difficult. I could not get.
- Convection, modes for soft and fresh vegetables are welcome, although you can do without them by simply adjusting the time and power level.
My current microwave has surpassed all previous versions - in addition to everything listed, it has a steamer, grill, and a mode for dough and yeast dough. And a bunch of other functions that I don't use.

The “autocook” mode in a microwave is generally a stupid and useless thing.

Wow... This is the intro.
Recently, being in a state of catastrophic lack of time, I received an order from a child for mashed potatoes. Right now and immediately. I prepared it in 10 minutes. I washed a couple of medium-sized potatoes in their skins and put them on a saucer in the microwave. She cooked them in 4 minutes. I peeled the potatoes under cold water to avoid getting burned. I broke it into pieces, put it in a cup, and salted it. I poured it with milk and put it back in the microwave for 3 minutes. Mash it with a masher, add butter, and stir. All. The child asked for more and said it tasted better than usual. Well, of course! If all the water is evaporated and replaced with milk. It will be delicious here.

Boiled potatoes are a common dish prepared for any occasion. The high nutritional value, calorie content of the product and rich organoleptic characteristics allowed this dish to occupy the niche of a frequently prepared culinary product on our table. Boiled potatoes do not take long to cook, but there is a way to cope with the task much faster...

How to cook potatoes in the microwave?

This method allows you to speed up the heat treatment process and get a crumbly, evenly cooked product at the end - all you need for cooking is a basic microwave device. So, how to cook potatoes in the microwave?

The classic cooking option is no different from the method of boiling potatoes on the stove. To prepare you need to take:

  • Potatoes – 7-6 pieces;
  • Water - half a glass;
  • Salt to taste.

Wash and peel the potatoes, then cut into large cubes of arbitrary size. Pour hot water into a microwave-safe glass container, add salt and stir thoroughly. Then place the potatoes in the bowl and cover with a lid. It is important that the lid is not tightly closed - otherwise the steam will condense and the potatoes will boil.

How long does it take to cook potatoes in the microwave? Place the covered container in the microwave oven and turn it on for 10 minutes at full power, after the timer rings, turn the potatoes over or mix them and put them in the oven for another 5 minutes, until fully cooked. Pour melted butter over the prepared dish and decorate with herbs.

Note! The cooking time for potatoes depends on the power of the microwave device, the size and freshness of the product. You can speed up the cooking process by cutting the potatoes into smaller pieces or using fresh young vegetables.

Jacket potatoes cooked in the microwave

It’s even easier to cook potatoes in the microwave in their jackets. The potato peel is a protective shell that will protect the vegetable from overheating and ensure even and gentle cooking. To prepare you will need to take:

  • Medium-sized potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • Water – 0.5-1 glass.

To prepare the dish, potatoes must be peeled with a brush and rinsed under running water. Then pour water into the microwave container so that the bottom is covered with liquid. Place the unpeeled potatoes into a glass saucepan or deep bowl and turn on the oven.

It won’t take much time to prepare the dish – potatoes in their jackets can be cooked in 10-12 minutes at maximum microwave power. You should remove the dish as soon as the potatoes can be easily pierced with a fork or knife.

This method is good not only for the accelerated cooking process. Boiled potatoes in the microwave require less water and also come out dry and not mushy, unlike the stovetop option. The finished product can be used for salads or vinaigrettes, and also served as a side dish for meat or fish products.

Important! In order for the potatoes to cook faster and remain crumbly, it is recommended to pierce the skin of the root vegetable in several places with a fork or toothpick before placing it in the microwave. This is necessary for uniform heating of the potatoes both outside and inside the vegetable. The older the vegetable and the thicker the peel, the more holes you need to make.

Mashed potatoes in the microwave

The method for preparing mashed potatoes is also simple and does not take much time. A distinctive feature of microwave puree is the uniform consistency of the finished product - thanks to uniform heating in a small amount of moisture, the potatoes become crumbly and easier to crush. To prepare the puree you will need:

  • Potatoes – 5-7 pieces;
  • Water – 100-200 ml;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Salt to taste.

The potatoes are peeled, chopped into cubes and placed in a container with salted water. Next, cook the vegetable at maximum power for 10-12 minutes and remove. Season the boiled potatoes with butter and pound until the desired puree consistency is obtained - the dish can be served!

This is interesting! Mashed potatoes cooked in a microwave oven have a more pronounced aroma and taste than a product prepared in the traditional way. The fact is that the uniform consistency of the puree from the microwave oven absorbs butter more strongly, which emphasizes the taste of the boiled vegetable. For the same reason, microwaved potatoes go well with various sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup.

There are several recipes for microwave potatoes. The easiest option would be to cook potatoes in their jackets. To cook jacket potatoes you will need about 5-10 minutes. However, this time applies to almost all microwave potato recipes. Mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, potatoes with cheese, potatoes with vegetables and even fries, all this can be cooked in your microwave.

Jacket potatoes are far from an innovation. It is usually boiled in a saucepan. But jacket potatoes can also be cooked in the microwave. And I, in turn, will share with you a simple way to cook jacket potatoes in the microwave.

Wash and dry the potatoes. Then carefully pierce it in several places with a fork. Add some salt. If you want, you can add some spices. Now put the potatoes in the microwave and wait about ten minutes. After this time, your jacket potatoes are ready! Serve it with sour cream and herbs! Bon appetit!

In order to cook potatoes in a bag, you will need potatoes, salt, spices and a plastic bag. You will need to peel the potatoes. Sprinkle with salt and seasonings. And put it in a bag. Tie the bag. Don't forget to make a hole. The hole is needed for steam to escape. Well, that's all, actually. All you have to do is put the potatoes in the microwave and leave for fifteen minutes. The potatoes should be half baked, half boiled. If you want fully cooked potatoes, then you only need to reduce the time to ten minutes.

  • Potatoes gram 400
  • Milk 150 milliliters
  • Butter grams 50
  • Salt to taste
  • Spices as desired
  1. Cover the dish with a lid and place the potatoes in the microwave. The lid must have a hole. The hole in the lid is needed for steam to escape.
  2. The oil needs to be cut and then added to the potatoes.
  3. The milk will need to be heated first. Turn the heat to high for one minute. And then add it to the potatoes.
  4. Peel the potatoes. Then cut it into small slices. After placing the potatoes in a bowl, salt them and add spices if desired.
  5. We wait ten minutes. And then mash the potato slices into a puree. If desired, add greens and enjoy the delicious puree!

Mashed potatoes in the microwave, you can also cook them with vegetables. To do this, take:

  • Potatoes gram 400
  • Water 250 milliliters
  • Butter grams 50
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Onions 1 piece
  • Small carrots 1 piece
  • Salt to taste
  • Spices as desired
  1. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into thin slices
  2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater
  3. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices
  4. Cut the onion into rings
  5. Heat water in a saucepan
  6. Place all prepared vegetables in water (vegetables must be mixed)
  7. Then add salt and spices
  8. And then add the butter, cut into bars
  9. Now place the saucepan in the microwave for 12 minutes, covering with a lid with a hole.
  10. After the time has passed, serve the potatoes, garnished with herbs. Bon appetit!

As strange as it may sound, you can even cook fried potatoes in the microwave!

  • 300 grams of potatoes
  • Water 100 milliliters
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter (or cream)
  • Spices upon request
  1. Take the potatoes and peel them
  2. Then fill it with water
  3. Add salt
  4. Cover the potatoes and microwave for four minutes.
  5. Then drain the water
  6. Dry the potatoes
  7. Take your roasting pan and heat it for up to four minutes.
  8. Afterwards, melt the butter in a frying pan.
  9. Add the potatoes, season them with salt and spices and leave for five minutes. (After 2.5 minutes, the potatoes need to be turned over)

French fries are the favorite dish of a large number of people. French fries can be prepared in the microwave in several ways. Let's look at one of them.

The potatoes need to be peeled and then cut into cubes. Then add vegetable oil. One tablespoon per half kilogram of potatoes. Then salt and add some spices. Stir. The potatoes should be evenly coated. Now leave the potatoes in this state for ten minutes. Then take the parchment and place the potatoes on it. You need to bake for about five minutes. Afterwards, the potato wedges need to be turned over. And bake again. This dish is served immediately after preparation. If you want to postpone your meal, you will be making a big mistake. Because after a while, French fries will no longer be so tasty and crispy.

  • “I’ve been cooking potatoes in the microwave for several years now. I peel, cut the potatoes and put them in a saucepan. Then I heat the milk and add it to the potatoes. I’ll also add chopped onions and herbs to the potatoes. I salt it and put it in the microwave. It turns out very tasty, and also very quickly. Give it a try. If you like mashed potatoes, you should like it."
  • “I tried frying potatoes in the microwave. In principle, it turned out well and tasty. But, to be honest, I only tried it once. Since it’s easier for me to cook delicious fried potatoes in a frying pan, in the usual way, than in the microwave.”
  • “I really love potatoes in any form. I cook it both in the standard way and in the microwave. According to my mood. I still prefer to cook fried potatoes on the stove. And mashed potatoes in their uniforms, most often I cook them in the microwave. It turns out very quickly and easily. And most importantly, it’s delicious.”

    • “I learned to cook in the microwave quite recently. Cooking in the microwave is very easy. The main thing is to set the desired temperature and time. And then everything will work out.”

Many people think that cooking in the microwave is difficult. In fact, there is nothing complicated. Try it and see for yourself.

If your household is already sick with hunger, and you forgot to put the potatoes on the fire in time, I’ll teach you how to make puree in the microwave, it’s much faster, and it turns out just as good!

This simple microwave puree recipe is great for when, say, all the burners on the stove are full, or when you've actually forgotten that it's lunch or dinner time. But this also happens, right? So here is my force majeure recipe for making puree in the microwave, try it too!

Number of servings: 1-2

A very simple recipe for mashed potatoes in the microwave of Russian cuisine, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 20 minutes. Contains only 132 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 11 minutes
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes
  • Calorie Amount: 132 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 11 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • Type of dish: Side dishes, Puree

Ingredients for eight servings

  • Potatoes - 5-6 pieces
  • Dill - 0.5 pieces (half a bunch)
  • Spices - To taste
  • Butter - 50 grams

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into pieces, and place them in a microwave-safe bowl. Fill with water and cook for 15 minutes at 850 W
  2. Drain the water, add salt, oil, pepper, spices. Mash the puree with a fork or masher.
  3. Mix well. If you want, add sour cream or milk.
  4. Garnish with chopped dill and serve! Bon appetit!

In modern society, every fourth family uses household appliances, because they greatly help us save time. For example, a microwave oven is an indispensable assistant for young mothers. It’s so convenient to heat baby puree, formula or expressed breast milk in the microwave in just a few seconds and feed the baby.

But what happens to baby food when exposed to microwaves? How does microwave food affect a child's body? These and many other questions regarding the harm and benefits of microwave ovens concern many mothers. Some claim that microwaves do not cause any harm to products, others believe that they destroy vitamins and deprive products of their beneficial properties.

We decided to write this article after we received a letter from our regular reader who writes...

“Hello, site editor! My name is Irina. Four months ago, I became a mother. I feed my baby breast milk, but from 6 months, I plan to introduce complementary foods in the form of purees into the baby’s diet. And I had a question: is it possible to heat baby puree in the microwave or, like our grandmothers, heat everything in a water bath? It’s important for me to understand whether baby food loses its beneficial properties when heated in the microwave, and whether the waves have a negative effect on the food?”

So is it still possible to heat baby puree in the microwave? We propose to look into this difficult issue together and, perhaps, dispel some myths. In any case, it is up to you and only you, dear mothers, to decide whether to listen to our recommendations or not.

Myth #1 A microwave oven emits radioactive waves.

This is an erroneous statement. Because the waves belong to the group of non-ionizing ones, and there can be no radioactive impact. They in no way affect either food or the human body as a whole.

Myth #2 Under the influence of microwaves, the molecular structure of foods changes and they become carcinogenic.

Fortunately, this is also not true. Only X-ray or ionizing waves can make a product carcinogenic. Carcinogenic substances are also released when foods are fried in hot oil. What doesn't happen when you heat up baby puree.

Myth #3 Magnetic radiation from microwaves

In fact, we come across magnetic radiation every day: televisions, computers, mobile phones, radios, etc. The microwave is no exception. Yes, its waves are more powerful, but due to the “smart” design of the oven and screened meshes, the radiation remains inside.

Neither the walls of the case, nor the doors, nor the food placed inside are capable of accumulating electromagnetic radiation from microwaves. And as soon as the oven stops working, the microwaves disappear. Waves can cause harm to health only when directly impacting some part of the body.

Scientists' opinions on the dangers and benefits of microwave ovens

For 25 years, scientists have conducted research on the effect of waves on the human body. As a result of experiments, it was proven that food cooked or heated in the microwave does not lose any of its beneficial properties. And in some cases, on the contrary, it is more healthy and less caloric, since it does not require the addition of oil when cooking, unlike food cooked in a frying pan.

In addition, the products retain 2-3 times more vitamins, since they are not subjected to long-term heat treatment, and the cooking method is more reminiscent of steam.

WHO has debunked the theory that microwaves are harmful to health. However, some baby food manufacturers do not recommend heating baby purees, formula, or milk in the microwave. Arguing that the microwave oven does not heat the food evenly. As a result, areas of high temperature are formed that can burn the child. But you must admit that unevenly heated puree can be simply stirred, but a child can get burned on food heated in any other way, if you don’t pay enough attention to it. So this argument is perhaps rather weak.

Can you heat breast milk in the microwave?

But with breast milk everything is not so simple. Mother's milk has unique vitamins and microelements that cannot be replaced by even the best formula. And young mothers should know that in areas with high temperatures, beneficial components such as immunoglobulins are destroyed. What makes breast milk less beneficial? Therefore, mother’s milk, unlike baby puree, will be better heated in a water bath.
