
Cooking dishes from vegetables and mushrooms. Recipes

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REPORT on practice

Type of practice: EDUCATIONAL

Completed by student gr. 4TO

Specialty: Technology of catering products

Full name Shelestova Victoria Sergeevna


Head of practice from the college

Full name Pegova Elena Vladimirovna

Report submission date: " " 2014

2013 - 2014

1. Development of practical skills in developing an assortment of complex hot dishes from vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, meat, poultry, fish, game and rabbit

1.1 Assortments of complex hot dishes from vegetables

Boiled potatoes. Potatoes are boiled whole tubers (small, usually young potatoes) or cut into pieces (large). Peeled potatoes are boiled in a cauldron in a layer of no more than 50 cm, so that the shape of the tubers is preserved during cooking. After bringing to readiness, the broth is drained, the dish is closed with a lid and the potatoes are dried over low heat for 2-3 minutes. At the same time, starch absorbs the remaining moisture.

Some varieties of potatoes are overcooked and soaked in water, as a result of which the taste of the finished dish deteriorates. Therefore, when boiling such potatoes, drain the water 15 minutes after boiling, cover the dish with a lid and bring the potatoes to readiness with the steam generated in the boiler. In the same way, potatoes are cooked, turned into balls and barrels for decorating banquet dishes.

The quality of boiled potatoes decreases during storage, so they should be cooked in small batches.

When leaving, boiled potatoes are placed on a plate, lamb or portioned frying pan, poured with butter or sour cream, or served separately, sprinkled with chopped herbs. You can serve potatoes with fried onions, fried mushrooms, with sauces: red with onions, gherkins, tomato, sour cream, sour cream with onions, mushroom.

Mashed potatoes . To prepare mashed potatoes, it is better to use potato varieties with a high starch content. Cooked and dried potatoes are wiped hot (temperature not lower than 80°C) using a rubbing machine. Add melted butter or margarine to the mashed potatoes, heat them continuously stirring, pour in hot boiled milk or low-fat cream and beat until fluffy.

When leaving, mashed potatoes are placed on a plate, a pattern is applied to the surface with a spoon, poured with butter, and sprinkled with chopped herbs. The puree can be served with sauteed onions or boiled chopped eggs mixed with melted butter. More often, puree is used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Potatoes in milk . Raw peeled potatoes are cut into large cubes, then boiled in a small amount of water until half cooked. The broth is drained, the potatoes are poured with hot milk, salted and cooked until tender. After this, add part (50%) of the butter and bring to a boil. Leave with the remaining butter, you can sprinkle with herbs.

Boiled pumpkin . The pumpkin, peeled and seeded, is cut into slices and boiled in salted water. When leaving, pour melted butter and ground toasted breadcrumbs over it.

Boiled beans (vegetable).

Bean pods, stripped of coarse veins, are cut into diamonds, placed in boiling salted water, boiled for 8-10 minutes and drained in a colander. When leaving, pour melted butter or milk sauce over it. hot soup complex dish

Boiled vegetable peas .

Quick-frozen peas are placed in boiling salted water, quickly brought to a boil and cooked for 3-5 minutes. Fresh pea blades, stripped of the side veins, are cooked in the same way. Canned peas are heated in their own broth. The cooked peas are placed in a colander. When leaving, pour melted butter or milk sauce over it.

Boiled corn . Prepared cobs are boiled in salted water until tender. When releasing the cobs, remove the leaves entirely and add butter separately. You can remove the grains from the cob, season them with sauce and bring to a boil. Canned corn is heated together with the broth, after which it is drained, and the grains are seasoned with butter or milk or sour cream sauce.

Boiled asparagus . The prepared asparagus is placed in boiling salted water and cooked until tender. When leaving, bunches of boiled asparagus are untied, placed on a plate or serving dish, decorated with sprigs of parsley, and breadcrumb sauce is served separately. You can season boiled asparagus with milk sauce, heat it up and, when serving, pour melted butter over it.

Artichokes . Prepared artichokes are tied with threads and boiled in salted water. When the lower part of the base becomes soft, they are taken out and placed with the base up to drain the water. When on vacation, artichokes are decorated with herbs. Hollandaise sauce or breadcrumbs are served separately.

Carrot or beet puree . Carrots are boiled whole or cut into slices and simmered in a small amount of water with the addition of oil. The beets are boiled and peeled. Then the carrots or beets are pureed, combined with medium-thick milk or sour cream sauce and heated. The puree is served with butter or sour cream.

Poached eggplants. Amount of products per serving weighing 250 g: eggplant - 200g, onion - 25g, vegetable oil. - 20g, matsun - 50g, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley. Peel the eggplants, cut into circles, put in a saucepan, add finely chopped and fried onions, salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley, vegetable oil, a little water (35-40 g), cover with a lid and simmer until tender. Serve the eggplants with matsun and chopped garlic.

Steamed white cabbage. White cabbage is cut into slices or individual leaves are scalded and rolled into balls, placed in a bowl in one row, a small amount of broth or water is poured, butter and salt are added, brought to a boil, covered with a lid and simmered until tender. When leaving, place it on a portioned frying pan, plate or in a lamb, pour over milk, or sour cream, or sour cream with tomato sauce. If used as a side dish, the cabbage is cut into pieces.

1.2 Assortments of complex hot mushroom dishes

Amount of products for three servings weighing 250 g: dried mushrooms - 375 g, onions - 400 g, vegetable oil - 100 g, garlic to taste, vinegar 3% - 35 g.

The mushrooms are boiled, thoroughly washed, dried and passed through a meat grinder. Finely chopped onions are sautéed with one part of vegetable oil until tender, mixed with mushrooms, the rest of the oil, salt, pepper are added and simmered over low heat for 15-20 minutes until thickened, then cooled. The finished caviar is seasoned with vinegar, garlic crushed with salt and mixed.

Stewed butter. Amount of products for three servings weighing 250g: mushrooms 1 kg, vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l., parsley, salt.

Cut fresh butter into cubes, place in a pan with heated vegetable oil, add salt and simmer over low heat until tender, periodically adding hot water. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Stuffed mushrooms. Amount of products for 12 servings weighing 150 each: 1 stalk of green onion, 24 large champignons, 400 canned edible chestnuts, 250 g minced pork, 1 tbsp. spoon of corn flour, 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, 1/8-1/4 liters of meat or chicken broth, 1 egg, vegetable oil, 0.5 teaspoons of salt, sugar and freshly grated ginger on the tip of a knife. Chop the white parts of the green onions. Cut off the stems of the champignons and wipe the caps with a damp towel. Finely chop the chestnuts and mix with onions, minced meat, corn flour, soy sauce, salt, sugar and ginger. Fill the caps of 12 champignons with this filling (1 tablespoon each), cover with the remaining 12 caps and press the caps tightly along the edges to each other. Grease a refractory flat-bottomed dish with oil and place the stuffed mushrooms in it. In a tightly closed form, simmer the mushrooms on the stove over low heat. Then transfer the mushrooms to a heated dish and place in a warm place. Heat the broth and dilute the juice in a 1/4 liter mold. Shake the egg, mix into the broth and pour it over the mushrooms. Serve with rice.

Mushrooms in sour cream. Amount of products for two servings weighing 250 g: 500 grams of fresh mushrooms, 3 tbsp. spoons of butter, 0.5 cups of sour cream, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour, salt and herbs to taste. Peeled and washed mushrooms are cut into small pieces, boiled in salted water and dried. They are then sprinkled with wheat flour and fried in a frying pan along with finely chopped green onions. As soon as the mushrooms are ready, they are poured with sour cream, allowed to boil once, sprinkled with finely chopped parsley and served.

Fried mushrooms. Prepared mushrooms are cut into slices. Heat the oil, add the mushrooms, add salt, cover with a lid and cook at low boil for 45-50 minutes, and then fry without a lid until the juice is removed from the mushrooms and the oil becomes transparent. Transfer to jars, fill with remaining butter and close.

1.3 Assortments of complex hot cheese dishes

Italian cheese fondue. Products: 300 g of hard cheese, 100 g of champignons, 300 g of soft cheese, 1 glass of milk, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons of butter, 0.5 teaspoon of white pepper, 0.5 glass of Italian white wine, 800 grams of white bread. To prepare the fondue, coarsely grate both types of cheese and cut the champignons into thin slices. Cut the bread into equal pieces. Melt the cheese. Shake the eggs with milk and slowly pour into the cheese mixture. The heat should be low - the cheese mass should not heat up more than 60° C. Gradually add champignons, butter and white wine to the mass. Serve hot Italian cheese fondue to the table. Dip white bread into the cheese mixture.

Cheese fondue Tessin style. Ingredients: 800 g cheese, 1.5-2 cups milk, 4 tablespoons butter, 0.5 teaspoon white pepper, 1 teaspoon sweet red pepper, 4 tablespoons chopped onions, 1 tablespoon starch, 100 ml white wine, 200 ml cherry juice, 800 g white bread.

To prepare cheese fondue, grate the cheese and mix it with milk, butter, pepper (red and white) and onions. Place on the stove and heat well. Mix starch with a small amount of white wine, add to the cheese mixture, pour in cherry juice and boil the fondue. Serve the hot Tessin-style cheese fondue immediately, cut the bread into small pieces. The bread should be dipped in the cheese mixture and eaten.

Dutch cheese fondue. Ingredients: 800 g of hard cheese, 600 g of soft cheese, 1 clove of garlic, 400 g of juniper, 800 g of white bread, 0.5 teaspoon of white pepper, 1 pinch of ground nutmeg, 1 liter of white wine, 1 teaspoon of sugar, juice 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon starch, 100 g cream. To prepare Dutch cheese fondue, you need to grate both types of cheese and mix with finely chopped garlic. Pour juniper over the cheese and leave for 2 hours. Cut the bread into large cubes. Melt the cheese over low heat, add pepper, sugar, nutmeg, white wine and lemon juice. Mix starch with cream, 100 ml of water, add to the cheese mixture and bring the fondue to a boil. Serve the hot Dutch cheese fondue immediately. Eat by dipping pieces of bread into the cheese mixture.

Swiss cheese fondue. Ingredients: 600 g of grated Swiss cheese, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 0.5 cups of white wine, 1.5 teaspoons of starch, 2 small glasses of cherry liqueur, 5-6 slices of white bread, ground black pepper, nutmeg to taste. To prepare cheese fondue, rub the inside of a fireproof porcelain or earthenware bowl with garlic, heat the wine in this bowl over low heat. Grate or cut the cheese for fondue into small cubes and melt in the wine, stirring with a wooden spoon (stirring should not be done in circles, but along a figure eight line) . Let the cheese boil over high heat. Dissolve the starch in a small amount of cold water, season with nutmeg and pepper and pour in the cherry liqueur. Mix all. Now the cheese fondue should be put on low heat - the sauce should simmer very quietly and evenly. Lightly toasted slices of bread can be served with the Swiss cheese fondue.

1.4 Assortments of complex hot meat dishes

Székely style goulash. The pork is cut into pieces weighing 30-40 g. The onions are peeled, washed, finely chopped, sauteed until golden brown in pork fat, mixed with ground red pepper, chopped garlic, cumin, added water and heated. Place the meat, salt it, cover it with a lid and simmer until half cooked. After this, add washed and squeezed sauerkraut and add sweet green pepper cut into rings, add water and simmer until tender. 5 minutes before the dish is ready, pour in sour cream mixed with sautéed flour (dry sauté) and bring to a boil. Serve in a ram, after pouring sour cream and sprinkling with finely chopped parsley. Serving temperature 60-650C, shelf life 2 hours.

Veal perkelt. Perkelt is a type of stew in which there is much more chopped onion than in goulash and with the addition of paprika. The sauce is thick. Perkelt is prepared by stewing in a very small amount of water over low heat (the Hungarian verb “perkelni” means to fry, to burn over a fire). To prepare perkelts, beef, veal, pork, lamb, game, and poultry are used. The meat is cut into pieces weighing 35-40 g. Finely chopped onions are sauteed until golden brown in pork fat, add paprika, finely chopped garlic and tomato puree, mix thoroughly, add water and simmer for 10 minutes. After this, add the meat, salt, cover and simmer until cooked, stirring occasionally, adding water as it evaporates. 5 minutes before the end of stewing, add green peppers and tomatoes cut into slices into the meat. Served in a lamb. Serving temperature 60-650C, shelf life 2 hours.

Beef paprikash. Paprikash is the name given to many dishes where the meat is finely chopped and flavored with paprika, and the sauce is softened with cream or sour cream. Paprikash can be fish, chicken, veal or lamb. But no Hungarian chef will ever prepare paprikash from beef, pork, lamb or goose, duck or game. “No fatty or black meat” is the main requirement when preparing good paprikash. The onion is peeled, washed, cut into half rings, sautéed in pork fat with ground red pepper and peeled, washed and chopped garlic. The meat is washed, cut into cubes with a rib length of 2.5-3 cm, combined with onions and garlic and fried over high heat. The tomatoes are washed, cut into slices, added to meat and vegetables and simmered over low heat. For sour cream sauce, wheat flour is lightly sautéed without fat and mixed with sour cream. Add sour cream sauce to the stew and boil for 1-2 minutes. The dish is recommended to be served with dumplings or boiled potatoes. Serving temperature 60-650C. Implementation time 2 hours.

Tokan with pepper. Tokan - dishes similar to perkelt. The meat for them is cut into oblong pieces or diamonds. There is less onion and paprika than in perkelt, but wine or sour cream, mushrooms, green peas and herbs are added for taste. The onion is peeled, washed, cut into half rings, and sautéed in pork fat. The onions are browned, add tomatoes and beef, cut into diamonds, add pepper and salt, pour in wine and simmer until fully cooked. Served on an oval plate. Serving temperature 60-650C, shelf life 2 hours.

Roast robber. Beef tenderloin is cut into 2 square pieces weighing 107g per serving, salted and sprinkled with ground black pepper. Smoked bacon is also cut into 2 pieces weighing 20 g per serving. Rye bread is cut into 3 equal pieces weighing 50g per serving. The prepared products are skewered in the following order: a piece of bread, meat, bacon, etc. There should be bread at the ends of the skewer. After this, the roast is fried on the grill, turning the spit periodically. Remove from the spit and serve on an oval platter. Serving temperature 60-650C, shelf life 2 hours.

Roast Transylvanian. Pork and veal loin are cut into portions along with the bone. The pit is cleaned, the pulp is beaten, salted, peppered and breaded in flour. A portioned piece of tenderloin is also salted, peppered with ground black pepper and lightly greased with table mustard. Pork lard with skin is cut into even slices. In each slice, several cuts are made every 2 cm all the way to the skin, giving it the appearance of a scallop. The prepared meat is fried in the usual way in a frying pan with heated fat until cooked. Pork lard is deep fried. To serve this roast, you must have a special wooden dish, in the center of which there is a circle, separated by a deep groove from the rest of the dish; Hot fat flows down the groove without getting on the cold side dish. Fried boiled potatoes are placed in the middle of the dish, fried pieces of meat are placed on it, and fried bacon is placed on top. Decorate the dish with parsley. Serving temperature 60-650C, shelf life 2 hours. Place a cold side dish behind the groove along the edge of the dish: beet salad, white cabbage, pickles, pickled green peppers, tomatoes, etc.

Budapest style tenderloin. Cut the beef tenderloin into pieces weighing 110 g (2 per serving), salt and pepper. Fry the tenderloin in a preheated frying pan with lard and remove. In the remaining fat, add diced bacon and finely chopped onions and fry until golden brown. Then add boiled mushrooms and chicken liver, cut into cubes, fry for 3 minutes, sprinkle with red pepper, add canned lecho, green peas, a little water and bring to readiness. After this, place the meat on a plate and serve boiled potatoes as a side dish. Serving temperature 60-650C, shelf life 2 hours.

1.5 Assortment of complex hot fish dishes

Boiled fish. The fish is cooked whole carcasses, links, fillets, portioned pieces and in the form of quenelle products. Various types of river and sea fish are used for cooking. Its taste depends on the amount of water in which the fish was boiled. You need to take enough water so that it just covers the fish. It is better to cook fish in special, oblong-shaped cauldrons equipped with grates. Add raw onions, white roots, carrots, bay leaves, allspice and black peppercorns, salt, 3% vinegar (5 g per 1 liter of water) to the water where the fish is boiled. When cooking trout and salmon, to preserve their specific color, add twice as much vinegar. Large pieces of fish (weighing 0.5 kg or more), sturgeon fish links are poured with cold water, quickly brought to a boil, after which the heat is reduced and the fish is cooked without boiling. During the cooking process, coagulated proteins appear on the surface in the form of a light foam, which is removed with a slotted spoon. To prevent the fish from burning and sticking to the bottom of the pan, fish waste, onions, and roots are placed on the bottom, filled with water and boiled. Small fish are boiled for 30-45 minutes, and large fish and sturgeon links - from 1 to 1.5 hours. Small portioned pieces are poured with boiling water or placed in boiling water with onions, roots, spices and cooked without allowing rapid boiling 7-- 10 min. As a side dish for boiled fish, boiled potatoes, turned into barrels, boiled mushrooms, boiled cauliflower, lemons, parsley, and celery are used. A whole fish carcass can be garnished with boiled crayfish, crayfish necks, and crabs. Before serving, store the fish in the broth for no more than 30-40 minutes. When serving, portioned pieces of fish are sprinkled with chopped parsley, celery, and dill. The main side dish for boiled fish is boiled potatoes and mashed potatoes. As an additional side dish there can be fresh, salted and pickled vegetables, pickled fruits, boiled crayfish. Boiled fish is served with the following sauces: white with capers, crayfish, tomato, white with tarragon, Polish, Dutch, etc. Pieces of fish are poured with sauce, and the side dish is topped with butter. The sauce can be served separately.

Poached fish. When poached, fish loses less nutrients than when cooked. The broth that is obtained by poaching is used to prepare sauces. Small fish (trout, sterlet) are allowed in whole; links - sturgeon fish weighing 2-3 kg; in portioned pieces - sturgeon fish, river and sea. Portioned pieces are placed in a fish cauldron or stewpan in one row, pour in a small amount of water or broth (0.3 l per 1 kg of fish), add salt, raw parsley, celery, onions (40 g per 1 kg of fish), close tightly cover the cauldron and simmer the fish on the stove at a very low simmer. You can cook portioned pieces in deep baking trays in the oven; in this case, the fish is covered with oiled paper. Pieces of fish are placed skin side down. Portioned pieces are simmered for 10--15 minutes, whole fish, carcasses and links - 30--45 minutes. Poached fish is served under steam, white with wine, tomato and other sauces, and brine. The side dish consists of boiled potatoes in combination with boiled and poached vegetables, boiled mushrooms (porcini or champignons), crayfish necks (crabs), lemon, parsley, celery.

Stewed fish. For stewing, fatty and medium-fat fish are used: carp, bream, carp, catfish, flounder, sea bass. Small fish are stewed whole with the head, medium-sized and large fish are stewed in portions, cut from the whole carcass into rounds or from fillets with skin and bones.

Fried fish. All types of fish are used for frying. It can be fried in the main way, deep-fried, on a grill or spit, large fish - in portioned pieces, and small fish - whole with a year. The fish is cut into portioned pieces with skin and bones (into round pieces), with skin and rib bones, with skin without bones and into fillets without skin and bones. On fish with skin, before frying, make 2-3 cuts so that it retains its shape. Fish prepared for frying in the main way is sprinkled with salt and breaded in flour; deep-fried - the fish is salted, rolled in flour, moistened with leison and breaded in ground breadcrumbs; on a spit - the fish is marinated in vegetable oil with spices or dipped in melted butter and rolled in ground breadcrumbs. Portioned pieces of sturgeon fish, if they are cut from raw fish, are placed in hot water for 2-3 minutes, then washed in cold water and breaded. Sturgeon fish links are not breaded. Fish is fried in refined vegetable oil, vegetable lard, and hydro fat. When serving, pour melted butter over it or add a piece of chilled butter. The sauce is served separately. A side dish for fried fish is usually fried potatoes in combination with tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, mushrooms, lemon slices, sprigs of parsley, and celery.

Baked fish. The fish is baked raw, pre-fried or poached. Prepared pieces of fish are placed in greased portioned pans (with or without potatoes), poured with white, sour cream or milk sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with melted butter and baked for 15-30 minutes. at a temperature of 250--280 °C. It is served to the table in the same pans. All types of fish can be cooked baked. More often they bake fish that does not contain small intermuscular bones. From one to six servings are baked in a frying pan, selecting a frying pan of the appropriate size for this. After serving, the fish is placed on plates.

1.6 Assortment of complex hot dishes from poultry, game and rabbit

Natural fillet cutlets, steamed. Prepared from the semi-finished product “fillet cutlets”, which are placed in a saucepan or stewpan with melted, not heated butter, salt and citric acid are added, half filled with broth and simmered under the lid for 12-15 minutes. Boil the mushrooms separately. After simmering, steam or white sauce with egg is prepared using the remaining broth. Serve as a side dish: boiled or steamed rice, boiled potatoes, boiled vegetables with fat. When leaving, place on toast (cruton), and sliced ​​mushrooms are placed on top. Croutons - bread made from premium flour fried on both sides; crouton is a piece cut to shape and baked from puff pastry.

Chopped meatballs from poultry and game. Cooked with steam sauce. To prepare the pulp with skin (according to column I - without skin), cut and pass through a meat grinder along with internal fat, add bread soaked in milk (according to column I - cream) or water, add salt and pepper, mix, pass through a meat grinder and knocked out. The finished mass is cut into small pieces (1-3 pieces per serving) and simmered for 15-20 minutes. Side dishes - boiled or steamed rice, mashed potatoes, complex side dishes.

Poultry quenelles. The mass is formed into balls, which are boiled and served with clear soups or baked. The dumpling mass can be used to stuff fillet cutlets.

Poultry soufflé. The mass is placed in prepared forms and baked or divided into 20-25 g portions and steamed or simmered in a saucepan for 10-12 minutes. Served with boiled green peas, cauliflower, potatoes in milk, vegetable puree, and steamed rice. When leaving, pour oil over it. Weight loss during cooking and poaching is 18-28%, depending on the type of raw materials and semi-finished products.

Dishes of stewed poultry, game and rabbit. Old poultry is stewed; the finished dishes have a special taste and juiciness. Before stewing, poultry, game and rabbit are cut into pieces and fried (or whole carcasses are fried and then chopped).

Stew made from poultry, game, rabbit or offal. The carcasses are cut into pieces of 40-50 g or offal (stomachs and hearts - 50%, necks and wings - 50%), fried, poured with broth or water (20-30% by weight of the products), sautéed tomato puree is added and simmered for 30-40 minutes. The red main sauce is prepared using the broth left over from the stew. They pour over fried vegetables (potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsley and onions), stewed pieces of meat and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. The stew is served together with sauce and side dish.

Chakhokhbili. Georgian national dish - chicken pieces are fried, separately sautéed onions, cut into rings, are added, chopped tomatoes and separately sautéed dry flour are added, broth (water), vinegar is added and simmered; 10-15 minutes before readiness, add spices and herbs (quinoa, basil, black pepper, crushed garlic). Serve in portioned pans, sprinkled with herbs.

Chicken or turkey satsivi (poultry in nut sauce). Georgian national dish - the prepared bird carcass is boiled until half cooked, fried in an oven and chopped into portioned pieces (fillet and leg). Portioned pieces of poultry are poured with hot satsivi sauce. Serve cold. To make the sauce, finely chopped onions are sautéed in oil, flour is added and diluted with broth. The nuts are crushed, crushed garlic, salt, saffron, pepper, cinnamon, and cloves are added. The mass is diluted with broth and added to boiling broth with onions. Then they wipe everything, add boiled vinegar, utskho-sunelli and cook for five minutes. Egg yolks are ground in a small amount of sauce cooled to 50 0 C, then gradually introduced into the hot sauce.

Poultry or rabbit stewed in sauce. Prepared poultry or rabbit carcasses are fried, chopped, poured with sauce and simmered for 15-20 minutes. When on vacation, garnish (boiled or steamed rice, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes) and top with red main sauce, red sauce with wine, and onion sauce.

Chicken stewed with carrots and turnips. The chicken carcass is cut into portions (losses are about 1%), breaded in flour and fried in margarine, chopped and sautéed vegetables are added, water and spices are added and simmered until half cooked. Then pour in the sauce and bring to readiness. Stewed chicken is served with vegetables and sauce. The dish can be prepared in portioned pots.

Pilaf. Portioned pieces are fried until a pink crust forms, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and separately sautéed carrots, onions and tomato puree are added. Pour in hot broth and bring to a boil, then add washed rice and cook until thickened, cover with a lid and place in a preheated oven for 20-50 minutes.

2. Development of practical skills in checking the quality of vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, meat, poultry, fish, game and rabbit using an organoleptic method. Ensure safety when storing complex hot dishes made from vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, meat, fish and offal. Selection of technological equipment and production tools for preparing complex hot culinary products

2.1 Development of practical skills in checking the quality of vegetables using an organoleptic method

The form must be correct and correspond to the given economic-botanical or pomological variety. Instances of an ugly shape are not allowed, with the exception of carrots (the presence of ugly, cracked and broken root vegetables is allowed in no more than 5% of the total weight of the product batch). The value is determined by the largest transverse diameter or weight (for cabbage). The size of potato tubers to be harvested and supplied is determined depending on the ripening period and shape. Early potatoes of a round-oval shape should have dimensions of at least 30 mm, elongated - 25 mm; late - 45 and 30, respectively, and for the southern regions of the country - 35 and 30 mm. Tomatoes must have fruits measuring at least 4 cm (largest transverse diameter); oval onions - 3 cm, other shapes - 4 cm; watermelons - 15 cm; apples of grade I - 45 mm, grade II - 35 mm. In certain types of vegetables, very large specimens are significantly inferior in quality to those that are of average size. For such vegetables, in addition to the minimum ones, maximum maximum sizes are established. Thus, the standard root crops for harvested and supplied beets are considered to be those with the largest transverse diameter from 5 to 14 cm, for carrots - from 2.5 to 6 cm. Vegetables and fruits with a color characteristic of a given variety are visually more attractive. In accordance with the requirements of the standards, all vegetables and fruits must have a typical color. The degree of ripeness of vegetables and fruits is sometimes determined by color. Freshness is one of the most important indicators of the quality of vegetables and fruits. They should be fresh, juicy, not wilted. For a number of vegetables and fruits, the standards allow slight wilting of individual specimens (but without signs of wrinkling) within such limits that do not lead to a significant reduction in the consumer properties of the product. The internal structure more fully characterizes the maturity, nutritional and technological properties of individual types of vegetables and fruits. The pulp of cucumbers, zucchini, and eggplants should be dense, with small underdeveloped seeds, without voids; radish pulp - dense, juicy, without voids and lignified particles; cabbage heads - dense, not loose.

2.2 Development of practical skills in checking the quality of mushrooms using an organoleptic method

Mushrooms must be whole, unbruised and not broken, fresh, not flabby or wormy. Sand, pine needles, leaves and other impurities are not allowed. Upon receipt, mushrooms must be sorted by type. Processing a mixture of mushrooms is prohibited by sanitary rules, since poisonous mushrooms may get into the mixture.

When sorting, large mushrooms are separated from small and medium ones and processed separately. The stems of the mushrooms are trimmed; they must not exceed the dimensions provided for by the technical specifications. Fresh mushrooms spoil very quickly and become wormy, so they should be stored for no more than 5-10 hours on tables or shelves in a layer of 15-20 cm. Mushrooms are processed by type and variety on the day of acceptance.

2.3 Development of practical skills in checking the quality of cheese by organoleptic method

Hard cheeses (except for Yaroslavsky Bolshoi, Kubansky, Rossiysky, Rossiysky, Poshekhonsky, Dnestrovsky, Severny, Pikanny) depending on organoleptic characteristics are divided into the highest and first grade. The organoleptic method determines the quality of cheeses using a 100-point system. All premium cheeses must have an overall score of 87-100 points. An important indicator is taste and smell - a total score of at least 37 points. The overall score for first-grade cheese is 75-86 points, including taste and smell of at least 34 points. Premium cheeses must have the correct shape; the crust is thin, smooth, clean and elastic, without wrinkles. Paraffin cheeses have an intact layer of paraffin. The taste and smell must be pure, characteristic of this species, without foreign tastes and odors. In the first grade, a mild fodder and sour taste is allowed. The consistency of the dough should be elastic and uniform throughout the entire mass. In the first grade, crumbly, loose, hard, belty (with good taste and smell) are allowed. The color of the dough is from white to slightly yellow, uniform throughout the dough. In the first grade, non-uniform color and uneven color are allowed.

2.4 Development of practical skills in checking meat quality by organoleptic method

The value of meat is determined not only by its nutritional value, but also by its taste, which depends not only on its properties, but also on the type of preparation. In most cases, the evaluation of the taste of meat is carried out in fried form.

Taste qualities depend on such organoleptic indicators as color, smell, taste, juiciness and tenderness. The color of fresh meat is determined by the color of muscle and fat tissue. The red color is due to the presence of respiratory pigments - myoglobin and hemoglobin. Myoglobin, depending on its saturation with oxygen, gives meat a different color. Thus, a light color is characteristic of an acidity of 5.6 and lower; dull dark - 5.7, dark - 5.8. In addition, the dark color of meat is associated with the rapid breakdown of glycogen. As the exposed surfaces of fresh meat dry out, they acquire a brown color, which is related to the concentration of pigment.

In addition to oxidative changes, the color of fresh meat is also influenced by the age and sex of the animal, the work it performs, and in young animals, the type of food. Thus, veal, lamb, and pig meat can be pale in color due to the combination of young age with a diet consisting entirely of milk and grains (without green food). Many people consider pale meat tasteless and are critical of it when purchasing it. However, every housewife should know that such meat is used for preparing dietary dishes, and in terms of taste it is no different from red meat. The sex of the animal also affects the color of the meat. Some males, for example, have darker colored meat. Young bulls with well-developed muscles have a bright color of meat. Such meat is considered more tasty and is in great demand among the population. As they age, the meat becomes darker, and in older animals it can be almost black. It is not advisable to use it for culinary purposes.

The meat of old sheep and rams is dark red, adults are light red, sometimes brick, and young animals are pink. Goat meat varies depending on age and ranges from pale to dark red. The meat of well-fed pigs is pale red, whitish-gray in color, while that of unfed pigs is more red. The meat of well-fed young pigs is pale pink to pink-red in color.

When animals are poorly bled, the meat has a dark red color, often with blue and purple tints. Fatty animals have lighter-colored meat than skinny animals. The meat of cattle kept in stalls is lighter in color compared to those fed on pastures. Chilled meat under normal conditions during short-term storage acquires a brown color due to the formation of methohemoglobin.

The attractiveness of the prepared dish is given by its color. It is used to determine what kind of meat a particular dish is made from, the degree of its readiness for consumption, the type and quality of culinary processing.

The color of cooked meat depends on changes in pigment, which are determined by the type, duration and temperature of cooking. During cooking, the color of the meat gradually changes from dark red or pink to lighter shades and, finally, at a high enough temperature, to gray or brown. The pink color of undercooked meat depends on a number of pigments, including denatured hemocompounds, as well as the breakdown and polymerization of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Color changes are related to temperature in approximately the same way. Below 60°C, the color changes slightly or does not change at all (the meat is undercooked); at 75°C - redness disappears completely (ready meat). Meat that is cooked in water at boiling temperature is a uniform gray color; the outer surface does not acquire the brown tint that appears when meat is simmered and canned as a result of denaturation of the myoglobin protein and iron oxidation. This brown color is different from the brown color of cooked meat obtained by cooking over high heat.

Typically, the color of fatty meat changes very little during cooking, except for the formation of a brown crust on the surface during dry heating, which gives the meat an appetizing and attractive appearance. Overcooked meat is dark in color and unattractive in appearance.

2.5 Development of practical skills in checking the quality of poultry using an organoleptic method.


Characteristics of poultry carcasses

of questionable freshness


Appearance color

bird beak


No gloss

No gloss

mucous membrane


No shine

No shine

poultry oral membranes

pale pink, slightly moisturized

pinkish-gray color, slight mucus, traces of mold

Gray in color, covered with mucus and mold

bird eyeball

convex, shiny cornea

Not convex, cornea without shine

Collapsed, cornea without shine

poultry carcass surface

dry, whitish-yellow with a pinkish tint

Moist in places, sticky under the wings, in the groins and folds of the skin, whitish-yellow in color with a gray tint

Covered with whitish-yellow mucus with a gray tint, with dark and greenish spots in places

Subcutaneous internal adipose tissue of poultry

Pale yellow or yellow color

Yellowish-white with a gray tint

serous membrane of the abdominal cavity

Wet, shiny

No shine, sticky, possible traces of mold

Covered with slime and mold

Muscles in section

Slightly moist, pale pink

Moist, slightly sticky, darker in color than fresh

Wet, sticky, darker in color with a brownish tint


The muscles are dense, elastic, when pressed with a finger, the resulting hole quickly levels out

The muscles are less dense and elastic than fresh ones, the hole from finger pressure is leveled out slowly and not completely

The muscles are flabby, the dimple from finger pressure does not level out

Specific, characteristic of fresh meat

Musty in the chest - abdominal cavity

Putrefactive, most pronounced in the abdominal cavity

2.6 Development of practical skills in checking the quality of fish by organoleptic method

The smell of stale fish is most easily determined by cooking a test piece in a closed container, and the smell of spoiled frozen fish can be detected by sticking a knife heated in boiling water into its meat and then quickly bringing it to your nose. To check the quality of smoked and salted fish, they use a wooden pin, which is also used to pierce the fish and, turning it several times, bring it to the nose.

Appearance. Live fish must be mobile. well-fed and healthy. In such a fish, the back is fleshy and not pointed, the gills work softly and at the same time, the scales of the fish are intact, without any damage or stains. Fish does not swim on the surface, but in the depths of the water layer. Chilled fish, if stored improperly, spoils very quickly, and therefore must be subjected to more thorough examination. Fish that is good in freshness has a dense body; if you put it on your palm, it should not bend. The gills of such a fish should be bright red, and the eyes should be bulging and transparent. The fish should have smooth shiny scales that fit tightly to the skin, the meat of such fish is hard and tightly connected to the bones, there is little mucus, it is transparent. When pressed with a finger, the hole is quickly and completely filled, or is not formed at all. If you throw such a fish into the water, it will quickly sink to the bottom. Stale chilled fish have cloudy, sunken eyes, pale yellowish or gray-green gills that are either very dry or secrete a foul-smelling brown liquid. The abdomen is often swollen, and flabby meat easily falls away from the bones. When pressed with a finger, a depression is formed, which is either not replenished at all, or is replenished not completely and very slowly. A good frozen fish should have scales that fit snugly to the body and should not have any stains or signs of bruises. The eyes, depending on the type of fish, may be convex or may be at the level of the orbits. After thawing, the fish should have firm meat that fits well to the bones. Well-frozen fish makes a loud, clear sound when tapped. A knife-knife stuck into the thickness of the meat has difficulty entering it. Thawed and re-frozen fish have darkened, dull outer covers; the meat of such fish has significantly worse taste and nutritional characteristics. High-quality salted fish should have a normal smell in all parts of the body and throughout the entire thickness of the meat, the same applies to brine. The fish must be clean and not wrinkled. If stored improperly, salted fish may develop a sticky milky coating, as well as rust and yellowing. The brine acquires a sour and unpleasant odor. If stored improperly, there is a high probability that the fish will be affected by the jumper - this is a white worm, the larva of a gray fly. Hot smoked fish must be cooked through. The meat of such fish separates well from the bones and in color, density and consistency should correspond to the meat of boiled and fried fish. Cold smoked fish is distinguished by the fact that its surface is quite dry, and the meat is quite dense, hard and fits well to the bones. Balyk goods are examined by taste and appearance. High-quality balyk has tender, slightly transparent meat, a lightly salted taste and a pleasant smell. White dry mold on the surface of the balyk does not serve as an indicator of poor quality; it can be easily removed with a piece of clean cloth moistened with oil, while a damp, dirty gray or black coating is a clear sign of a stale product.

2.7 Development of practical skills in checking the quality of game and rabbit using an organoleptic method

Fresh carcasses have a glossy beak, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is shiny, pale pink, slightly moist, the eyeball is convex, and the cornea is shiny. The surface of the carcasses is dry, whitish-yellow in color with a pink tint; in lean carcasses it is yellowish-gray in color with a red tint. Subcutaneous and internal fat is pale yellow or yellow in color. When cut, the muscles are dense, elastic, the smell is specific, characteristic of the bird species, the broth is clear and aromatic.

Carcasses that are thin, do not correspond to category II, poorly bled, frozen more than once, with injuries on the back, with abrasions, with fractures of the tibia and wings with exposed bones are not allowed for sale.

3. Safety when storing complex hot dishes from vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, meat, fish and offal.

3.1 Safety when storing complex hot dishes made from mushrooms and vegetables.

Dishes and side dishes made from vegetables cannot be stored hot for a long time, as their appearance and taste deteriorate, and their nutritional value decreases (vitamin C is destroyed). Boiled, dried and mashed potatoes are stored on the steam table for no more than 2 hours. Store boiled cauliflower, asparagus, and corn in hot broth for no more than 30 minutes. For longer storage, they are cooled and placed in the refrigerator without decoction, and as they are used they are heated in the decoction. Store vegetables in sauce or oil in a container, covered, for no more than 2 hours. If longer storage is necessary, the vegetables are removed from the broth, cooled and stored in the refrigerator. Then combine with sauce or broth and bring to a boil. Deep-fried vegetables can be kept cool throughout the day. Stewed and baked dishes from vegetables and mushrooms are stored hot for no more than 2 hours. Deep-fried vegetables can be kept cool throughout the day.

3.2 Safety when storing complex hot meat dishes

Boiled meat is placed in a bowl, a small amount of broth is added, covered with a lid, stored at a temperature not lower than 60 ° C for 2 - 3 hours, Fried dishes are stored hot for 2 - 3 hours, stewed and baked dishes - 1 - 2 hours. Dishes from cutlet mass (from meat and poultry) is snored for up to 30 minutes. Boiled poultry carcasses are stored hot for 1 hour. Dishes made from cutlet mass. Products made from cutlet mass are steamed, fried, stewed and baked.

3.3 Safety when storing complex hot fish dishes

The serving temperature for hot fish dishes is 65-70° C. Before serving, the hot dish is stored in containers or electric food warmer ovens. Boiled and poached fish can be stored at a temperature of 60-65°C for up to 30 minutes, fried fish - up to 2 hours. Steamed cutlet mass products are stored in a steam box for up to 40 minutes at a temperature of 60-65°C, Baked dishes cannot be stored.

3.4 Safety when storing complex hot dishes from game and rabbit

Boiled and fried whole carcasses are stored hot for no more than 1 hour. For longer storage (but no more than 24 hours), they are cooled and stored in the refrigerator, and chopped and heated before use. Dishes from poultry fillets and small bird carcasses are prepared to order, as their quality noticeably deteriorates during storage. Dishes made from cutlet mass can be stored hot for no more than 30 minutes, stewed dishes for no more than 2 hours.

4. Technological equipment and production tools for preparing complex hot culinary products

4.1 Additional equipment

To optimize the process of preparing various dishes in the kitchen of catering establishments, professional vegetable cutters are used. A vegetable cutter for a canteen, restaurant, and even a small cafe is an indispensable equipment, because... it allows you to significantly save time in the process of preparing soups, main courses, salads and vegetable slices.

The principle of operation of a potato peeler is very simple: washed vegetables are loaded through a hole. During the process, the peel is separated and washed off with water. Peeled root vegetables are collected in a special tray.

A vegetable slicer is indispensable for making soups, because... Without wasting time and wasting food, you can get neat pieces of the required size.

Also, in the process of preparing first courses, mixers and grinding machines (cream soup), a meat grinder (meatball soup), a cheese grinder (cheese soup) or a universal kitchen machine can be useful.

Dishes and equipment. When preparing soups, it is very important to choose the right container according to volume and purpose. The material from which the dishes are made must comply with sanitary standards, i.e. do not oxidize (stainless steel or aluminum).

Pots of various capacities and cauldrons are used for cooking. For pre-sauteing, stewing and frying vegetables - saucepans and frying pans.

The equipment for preparing first courses is very diverse: colanders, scoops, skimmers, spatulas, etc.

4.2 Equipment for preparing first courses in catering

Let's try to imagine the most ordinary weekday in any city in our vast homeland. As lunch approaches, a kind of rush hour begins in canteens, restaurants and cafes. Office staff, having worked half the day, disperse to catering establishments in search of a business lunch, which forces the kitchen staff to start working at an accelerated pace.

First courses become especially popular at lunchtime: borscht, all kinds of soups, solyanka, etc., the preparation of which requires thermal and technological equipment, dishes and various utensils.

Thermal equipment. In the kitchens of all catering establishments, professional stoves are used to prepare first courses, which differ in the way they produce heat - gas and electric. You can also prepare soups using a combi oven or cooking pots.

The use of modular equipment reduces the cooking process by 20-30% due to proper organization of the workplace.

Optional equipment. To optimize the process of preparing various dishes in the kitchen of catering establishments, professional vegetable cutters are used. A vegetable cutter for a canteen, restaurant, and even a small cafe is an indispensable equipment, because... it allows you to significantly save time in the process of preparing soups, main courses, salads and vegetable slices.

A professional electric potato peeler - equipment designed for quick peeling (capacity from 60 to 400 kilograms per hour) of potato, beet and carrot root crops greatly facilitates the work of staff and increases the speed of preparing first courses.

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Vegetable dishes and side dishes play an important role in human nutrition due to their chemical composition, being a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Heat-treated vegetables are easier to digest. Vegetable dishes are prepared and served with butter and sauces - sour cream, milk, mushroom, tomato, crackers, which significantly increase the calorie content of the dishes. When cooked, the color of vegetables changes; in green vegetables, chlorophyll is replaced by magnesium ions with hydrogen ions under the influence of acids in cell sap. To preserve the color of green vegetables, they are boiled in large quantities of boiling water, which reduces the concentration of acids and reduces the processing time of the vegetables. Cook in a container with an open lid, which helps remove volatile acids. Vegetables with a white color - potatoes, cabbage, onions - turn yellow when cooked. This is due to the fact that the colorless compounds containing glucoside carbohydrates - oxyflavones - are hydrolyzed and release yellow-colored free oxyflavones. These pigments form green compounds with iron ions, which gradually turn brown, which is observed when boiling and baking vegetables in oxidizing iron cookware.

Boiled vegetable dishes . You can cook all vegetables in water or steam, the water consumption is 0.6-0.8 liters per 1 kg of vegetables - so that they are covered with water, the vegetables are placed in boiling salted water and cooked at low simmer under a lid; only green vegetables are boiled without a lid. Only beets are cooked without salt, because when cooked with salt, they acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. Unpeeled vegetables are placed in cold water. Dried vegetables and mushrooms are pre-soaked in cold water for 1-3 hours and boiled in the same water; frozen vegetables are boiled without defrosting for 10-15 minutes. When cooking uncut vegetables, the change in their weight is insignificant - 1-3%; the weight of chopped vegetables decreases significantly, especially cabbage and mushrooms - up to 30%. Most of the nutrients go into the broth. When steamed, these losses are reduced. Most often, potatoes and carrots are steamed - in a mesh pan or on a wire rack under the influence of steam from boiling water under a tightly closed lid; you can cook in a steamer.

Dishes of steamed vegetables . To simmer vegetables, only 20% of the weight of the vegetables is used in water or broth, and zucchini, tomatoes and pumpkin are simmered in their own juice, and significantly less nutrients are transferred into the broth than when boiled. Simmer in a saucepan in the presence of fat - 20-30g per 1kg under a lid. Sorrel is cooked separately because of the acid it contains, which prevents other vegetables from softening.

Fried vegetable dishes . Vegetables are fried with fat or in large quantities - in deep fat, while a dehydrated crust is formed on their surface, the temperature in which reaches 135 ° C and new flavor and aromatic compounds are formed. Vegetables that contain low-stable protopectin - potatoes, onions - are fried raw. zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants. The remaining vegetables are poached and chopped - carrots, beets. When frying vegetables, vitamin C is destroyed much less than when boiling and poaching. When frying in the main way, vegetables are placed in a frying pan with fat heated to 120-150 ° C and fried, sometimes finished frying in an oven. Fat consumption is 30-75g per 1 kg, while it is absorbed only by the surface crust and does not penetrate deeper, so fat consumption depends on the cutting method - the smaller the vegetable pieces, the larger their specific surface area and the more fat is absorbed. Rastit is used for deep-frying vegetables. refined oil, frying and cooking fat, moreover, fat is taken 4 times more than vegetables, the fat is heated to 150-180 ° C, immersed in small portions to avoid cooling the fat. Fried vegetable dishes are served with sauces, sour cream, butter and sprinkled with herbs.

Dishes of stewed vegetables . When extinguishing vit. C is destroyed more than during cooking - up to 80%. To prepare stews, vegetables are first fried until half cooked, then stewed with sauces, broths, only cabbage is stewed immediately without preliminary heat treatment.

Roasted Vegetable Dishes . Vegetables are baked in portioned frying pans and baking sheets in an oven. They are first boiled, stewed or fried, pureed for casseroles and rolls, and sometimes baked raw. The surface of casseroles, puddings, rolls is greased with egg and sour cream, and vegetables drenched in milk or sour cream sauce are sprinkled with grated cheese and sprinkled with oil.

Stuffed dishes . Stuffed with pre-prepared tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, zucchini and cabbage and grape leaves - cabbage rolls.

Mushroom dishes . Use fresh porcini mushrooms and champignons, salted or pickled mushrooms, separating them from the marinade, and dried mushrooms, previously boiled.

Vegetable side dishes. Vegetable side dishes are widely used for meat and fish dishes; complex side dishes, which are selected according to color, taste and composition, are especially valuable. They not only diversify the taste of dishes, giving them an attractive appearance, but also enrich them with vitamins, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and promote the digestibility of basic products.

This section contains recipes for dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms, which may include eggs and milk. But there are also many recipes for Lenten dishes in the section. They do not contain animal fats or proteins, so they can be included in the menu during Lent and other fasts. However, any vegetable dish can be prepared as a lean dish if you replace the butter with vegetable oil, exclude eggs, milk and, of course, meat.

The nutritional value of dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms is due to their high content of vitamins, carbohydrates and mineral salts, which are necessary for the human body and are easily digestible. The fiber in vegetables helps with the digestion process.

To prepare dishes, vegetables are subjected to heat treatment - boiling, poaching, frying, stewing and baking. The number of fried foods, especially during fasting, should be kept to a minimum.

When preparing dishes from vegetables and mushrooms, the following rules must be observed:

  • After primary processing, vegetables should be immediately subjected to heat treatment, since vitamin C is destroyed during storage; for this purpose, place vegetables in dishes sequentially so that they are ready at the same time, without being subjected to excessive heat treatment; Do not stir vegetables frequently during cooking or store prepared vegetable dishes for a long time;
  • so that vegetables retain their vitamins, cook them in a container with a closed lid and at a low boil;
  • When cooking, vegetables should be placed in boiling salted water (0.6-0.7 liters per 1 kg of vegetables, 10 g salt per 1 liter of water);
  • cook beets, carrots and peas without salt, which impairs their taste and slows down the cooking process;
  • Boil green vegetables in a large amount of water (3-4 liters per 1 kg of vegetables), in an open container and at a vigorous boil so that their color does not change;
  • Place frozen vegetables in boiling water without defrosting;
  • Boil potatoes and carrots peeled, beets with their skins on;
  • Before cooking, rinse dried vegetables and mushrooms, add water and leave to swell: vegetables - for 1-3 hours, mushrooms - for 3-4 hours; cook in the same water;
  • To prepare stews, pre-fry the vegetables so that they retain their cut shape;
  • when frying vegetables and products made from them in a small amount of fat, place them on a baking sheet or frying pan, preheated to 150-160 ° C, and fry on both sides until a crispy crust forms; Bring in the oven until ready;
  • deep-fry vegetables in special devices or in deep baking trays; ratio of fat to vegetables 4:1; temperature 175-180 °C;
  • Before baking, vegetables and mushrooms must first be boiled, stewed or fried (sometimes baked raw); bake vegetables at 250-280 °C until a golden brown crust forms on the surface. Before serving, it is recommended to sprinkle prepared vegetable dishes with finely chopped parsley, dill (2-3 g per serving) or green onions (5-10 g). For potato dishes, you can additionally serve fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut, salted and pickled mushrooms, canned vegetables (squash caviar, eggplant, stuffed peppers, etc.) in the amount of 50-100 g per serving.

Vegetables play an important role in human nutrition as sources of carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber and microelements. Vegetables and fruits are almost the only source of vitamin C; they significantly cover the need for vitamin Aza due to carotene, which is rich in cabbage, nettles and spinach. Radish, beets, horseradish, lettuce, radishes enhance the activity of the digestive glands, but at the same time irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

The rate of influence of vegetables on juice secretion does not change when they are consumed with meat, fish, fats, cereals, and bread. Protein foods (meat and fish) cause juice secretion quickly, and fat suppresses the secretion of the digestive glands for the first 2–3 hours. If fat is introduced along with vegetables, the release of digestive juices will begin within a few minutes. If vegetables are introduced into the body without fat, then juice secretion stops after 2–2.5 hours, and when combined with fat it continues for 5–7 hours.

The assortment of cold dishes from vegetables and mushrooms is varied:
White cabbage salad with green peas.
Red cabbage salad with cherry juice.
Fresh cucumber salad with cheese.
Tomatoes stuffed with eggs and onions.

The following vegetables are most often used to prepare complex dishes: tubers (potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, etc.); root vegetables (carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga, white roots, horseradish, etc.); cabbage (white, red, savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi); onions (onions, green onions, leeks, spring onions, garlic); salad-spinach (lettuce, lettuce, romaine, spinach, sorrel, etc.); dessert (asparagus, artichoke, rhubarb, etc.); spicy (dill, savory, tarragon (tarragon), basil, marjoram, coriander (cilantro); fruit - pumpkin (pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, melon, squash); tomato (tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum); legumes (peas , beans); grains (sweet corn).

Vegetable dishes must be combined with fatty sauces. It is preferable to use vegetables as side dishes for meat and fish dishes rather than cereals and pasta.

Mushrooms, including fresh and dried shiitake mushrooms, add special piquancy to complex dishes.
Exotic and rare types of vegetables and mushrooms: artichoke; asparagus; rhubarb; fennel; bamboo shoots; lotus root; fresh and dried morel mushrooms; shiitake mushrooms, fresh and dried.

Vegetables and fruits, which are included in large quantities of cold dishes, are an important source of valuable nutrients such as vitamins and mineral salts.
Green peas, bell peppers, and carrots enrich them with provitamin A (carotene), and tomatoes, fresh cabbage, and green salads enrich them with vitamin C. Cold dishes such as salads, which contain these vegetables in their raw form, are especially valuable in this regard. But also sauerkraut and pickled cabbage and tomatoes, subject to the correct technology for their preparation and storage conditions, are also good sources of vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, this group of vegetables is rich in a variety of minerals. Cabbage and green salad are sources of calcium salts, which other foods are poor in (with the exception of dairy products), as well as iron salts.
Potatoes and fruits contain a lot of carbohydrates and significantly increase the calorie content of cold dishes. Their vitamin C content is low, but high consumption of these foods makes them an important source of vitamin C.

Culinary art is a separate territory within which its own rules and laws apply. A true professional knows that meat must have a good, satisfying and appetizing “arrangement”, which can be dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms.

Harmonious combination

An ensemble of these two components can directly constitute an independent dish. Vegetables and mushrooms are an excellent addition to meat and other “soloists”.

Traditionally, dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms were everyday food. Only festive feasts relegated them to the background, giving way to meat, fish or poultry. The explanation for this should be sought in religious principles. The fact is that about 200 days a year (out of 365) are during fasting, which means that an Orthodox person’s menu could only include vegetables and cereals, which were sometimes diluted with fish dishes. It’s not surprising that at Christmas or any other holiday I didn’t really want to put dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms on the table.

However, times have changed. Now much more attention is paid to the side dish, if only because vegetables and mushrooms themselves are nutritious foods from which you can prepare a lot of amazing and delicious dishes.

Cooking features

An important feature is that vegetable and mushroom side dishes must be steamed. This will preserve the attractive appearance of the products, as well as all their useful qualities. To use the full value and nutritional value of the ingredients, you should follow some rules:

  • Almost all vegetables, except beets, green peas and carrots, should be placed in boiling, slightly salted water (about 10 grams of salt per 1 liter of water).
  • To cook vegetables, you should use approximately 600 - 700 ml of water per 1 kg of food.
  • After the vegetables have boiled, you should simply reduce the heat - this is necessary to boil the vegetables and prevent the liquid from boiling away.
  • Boil spinach leaves, beans, asparagus, peas and artichokes in plenty of water to prevent loss of color.
  • Quick-frozen vegetables should be cooked in their original form without defrosting.

It only remains to add that dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms can be complex or simple. The latter include cold appetizers and simply sliced ​​foods that can serve as a light side dish in spring or summer.

Garnish classification

A side dish is intended to decorate or complement the main dish. Accordingly, the classification of side dishes occurs according to a completely understandable principle: meat, poultry, fish or seafood. Vegetable dishes can be served raw - in this case it will be a light side dish for meat. In addition, vegetables can be baked, fried or stewed. It all depends on the level of the festive celebration and the situation itself.

There are several types of side dishes:

  • Vegetables.
  • Cereals and legumes.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Pasta.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Varieties of porridges.

Side dishes are needed not only to decorate the dish. Vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, which are very beneficial for digestion. The main thing is to choose the right addition, which will not only improve the taste of the dish, but also make it more healthy and digestible.

Proper preparation and serving of vegetable dishes

Any housewife should know what side dish complements meat, poultry or fish. It wouldn’t hurt to remind you how to properly combine dishes and culinary delights. This will help not only create complex dishes from vegetables and mushrooms, but also combine them for various occasions.

For example, boiled meat will perfectly complement potatoes, carrots, green peas or beans prepared in the same way. Stewed turnips, zucchini, eggplants, potatoes or carrots go harmoniously with stewed meat. In this case, the meat can first be fried, and then brought to readiness by stewing along with vegetables. This will make the dish more juicy and rich.

Dishes and side dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms are wonderful in themselves - they can be used as a main product on the summer table, when the body does not require heavy food.

Julienne deserves special attention - finely chopped vegetables and cheese in a pot. This dish will be the highlight of the holiday table and will certainly cause exclamations of admiration.

Summer-autumn menu

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is a wonderful time when a whole grocery store is at hand. And if you go to the nearest forest, you can pick up a couple of boletus mushrooms, which will become the main ingredient in an unusual dish.

There are several ways to prepare juicy and aromatic julienne, which will certainly be appreciated by everyone present at the table. So, recipe No. 1 - “Simple julienne with zucchini and mushrooms.”

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Half a kilogram of champignons.
  • A slightly smaller amount of sour cream - approximately 400 grams.
  • 1 onion and the same amount of zucchini.
  • 100 grams of grated cheese.
  • 2 tablespoons flour.
  • Salt and spices.

First of all, you need to fry finely chopped zucchini in a frying pan, then add thinly sliced ​​onions and mushrooms. The mixture is simmered in a frying pan for 10 minutes. Then you need to prepare the sauce. Mix flour and sour cream in a frying pan, add a small amount of water, then add to the vegetables and simmer until fully cooked. Serve the dish in pots, sprinkled with

Hot dishes of vegetables and mushrooms

Here it is worth paying attention to the way of serving stewed zucchini along with mushrooms. The ingredients can be found in any garden or your nearest store:

  • 2 zucchini;
  • the same number of tomatoes;
  • 300 grams of porcini mushrooms;
  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • garlic;
  • salt and spices.

First of all, you need to stew the mushrooms with sour cream. In parallel with this, you can do zucchini. Cut the vegetables into small rings (no more than 1 cm), roll in flour on both sides and fry in a frying pan. Tomatoes also need to be cut into rings and lightly dried in a dry frying pan.

After this, you should place the fried zucchini on a large dish, simmer it with crushed garlic using a press, then build a layer of mushrooms stewed in sour cream, and then lay out a thin layer of tomatoes. The entire structure is generously sprinkled with fresh, finely chopped herbs. You can sprinkle with a little soy sauce.

His Majesty is julienned

This time it’s classic, with porcini mushrooms and eggplant. In principle, dishes made from vegetables, mushrooms and cheese can act as an independent side dish that does not require the main ingredient. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of porcini mushrooms (frozen ones are also suitable);
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • the same amount of sour cream and eggplant;
  • a little butter for frying mushrooms;
  • a little vegetable oil for frying vegetables;
  • Well, of course, salt and spices.

The ingredients are ready. All that remains is to find out the features of preparing dishes from vegetables and mushrooms.

Step by step recipe

Fresh porcini mushrooms should be cut into small slices, placed in a frying pan and fried in butter. Wait until the liquid has completely evaporated, then add ½ part of the sour cream and simmer for another 5 minutes. Then you can cook the eggplants - finely chop the vegetables and fry them in a pan, adding grated cheese at the end.

After this, the mushrooms should be placed in ceramic pots, sprinkled with vegetables on top, poured with the remaining sour cream, the rest of the grated cheese and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Each housewife has her own unique recipes for preparing vegetable and mushroom side dishes. With the onset of the summer season, meat and other heavy foods disappear from the daily menu and are replaced by juicy and healthy vegetables.
