
Recipe for cooking meat on the bone. How to deliciously cook juicy pork on the bone: the best recipes in the oven, in a pan

Step 1: prepare the meat.

We spread the loin on a cutting board and, using a knife, we clean it from excess fat and films. Cut into several portions so that each remains a bone. Then thoroughly rinse the meat under running water. Now wipe with kitchen paper towels and put in a free plate.

We put the pieces in turn in cling film or a plastic bag and lightly beat off with a kitchen hammer. Attention: try not to touch the bone, so as not to crush it and thus spoil the dish itself. We shift the pork back to the plate, salt and pepper to taste and proceed to the preparation of our lunch or dinner.

Step 2: prepare the fried loin on the bone.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a frying pan and place over medium heat. When the container with the contents is very hot, carefully put the pieces of loin into it and fry on both sides for 5–7 minutes until golden brown. After that, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat slightly and simmer the dish for more 4–5 minutes. Everything, the fried loin on the bone is ready! To be one hundred percent sure, you can pierce it with the tip of a knife and see which juice flows out of the meat. If it is transparent, then you can turn off the burner and call everyone to the dining table. If not, then extend the frying time even more. for 4–5 minutes. Important: the main thing is not to overcook the loin, otherwise the dish will be dry.

Step 3: serve the fried loin on the bones.

We spread the fried loin on a special flat plate with a wooden spatula, decorate with fresh vegetables if desired and serve to the dining table with a glass of dry white or red wine, as well as slices of bread.
Enjoy your meal!

To prepare a delicious dish, you need to choose a juicy fresh loin. To do this, first of all, we pay attention to the color - it should be pale pink, and the meat must be weather-free. Layers of fat and fat should be white;

In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, the meat can be grated with any others to your taste;

Loin can be fried not only on the stove, but also on the grill. You can also use a grill pan, then the meat will turn out more fried and juicy.

Real gourmets know that the most delicious bone-in meat!

From ribs, shank, entrecote, you can cook a variety of dishes. They are baked, fried, stewed on the stove or in the oven, there are a lot of interesting recipes for the slow cooker.

There are many options, but all dishes are united by an unusual aroma, which simply does not happen without a bone.

Pork on the bone - general principles of cooking

Pork on the bone is cooked either in a large piece, usually within 2 kg, or ribs and other small parts are used. In the second case, vegetables, mushrooms, cereals are usually added to dishes. If the piece is large, for example, a shank, then it can be marinated in advance, smeared with sauce, a sleeve, foil are used for cooking in the oven, otherwise the meat will turn out dry or it will not bake.

Cooking time of meat directly depends on the size of the piece, as well as its quality. You should not use old pork from an adult animal for baking, it is better to stew it on the stove or in a slow cooker. If the pig was young, the meat is good, the pieces are small, then it is cooked quickly in any way, it turns out tender and juicy.

Pork on the bone: a recipe with potatoes in the oven

There are many ways to cook pork on the bone, but the easiest way is to bake it in the oven. This is where foil is used. The larger the piece of meat, the longer the dish will cook. Here a piece up to a kilogram is used.


800 g of meat with bones;

700 g potatoes;

0.5 heads of garlic;

Seasonings, dry herbs;

A spoonful of mustard;


1. Rinse the piece with the bone. Make punctures on the pulp with a sharp knife, where possible, put the peeled garlic cloves inside. If they are large, then it is better to cut them.

2. Salt the mustard, add any seasonings for meat or just pepper to it, mix thoroughly and grate the piece along with the bone. You can immediately transfer it en foil, let it marinate for now.

3. Peel potatoes, cut large tubers in half, use small ones whole. Thoroughly wash the vegetable, throw it into a bowl.

4. Add salt, pepper and spread the mayonnaise. Mix the potatoes in a bowl so that all the tubers are covered with sauce.

5. Now wrap the pork around with potatoes.

6. We pack everything in foil, send it to the oven for 1.5 hours, temperature 190,

7. As soon as the time is up, you can cut the foil on top, bend it slightly, let the meat and potatoes brown to a delicious crust.

Pork on the bone in beer

Amazing meat recipe. For such pork on the bone, you can use any piece and even a knuckle, but in this case you will have to adjust the cooking time yourself. Additionally, a mixture of spices for meat is used, but you can limit yourself to only pepper.


1 kg pork with bone;

1 glass of beer;

1 head of onion;

Garlic, seasonings for meat.


1. We choose the form in which we will bake the meat, it is desirable that it is not very large and fits in size. Lubricate the bottom with a few drops of oil.

2. Cut the onion into large pieces, put it on the bottom of the greased form. It is needed so that the piece does not burn, does not stick.

3. We stuff a piece of meat with garlic, as far as possible, we are not very zealous.

4. We take dry seasonings for meat, mix with salt and rub the whole piece, paying special attention to the recesses.

5. We shift the meat to the onion. Gently pour the beer on the side, trying not to blur the layers of spices.

6. We stretch a piece of foil on the form, send a piece of pork to the oven.

7. Cook for 70 minutes at 180 degrees. Then we pierce the meat with a knife in the thickest part, if it is soft, then we add the temperature to 240 and keep the dish for another 15 minutes, but now there is no need to cover it.

Pork on the bone: a recipe for a dish in pots

Another recipe for pork on the bone, for which it is better to use ribs. They fit perfectly in a pot, are juicy and tender.


700 g of ribs;

4 bell peppers;

10 carrots;

3 onions;

3 tomatoes;

0.5 bunch of parsley;

1 spoon of oil;

1 spoon of walnuts.


1. Peel the pepper, cut into strips, throw into a bowl. Cut the onion and carrot into the same strips, add to the pepper. We cut the tomatoes arbitrarily, add to the rest of the vegetables.

2. Chop the parsley and nuts, pour into the prepared salad. Season with spices, pour oil, stir.

3. We wash the ribs, cut them so that they easily pass into pots, salt.

4. We put pork on the bones in pots, pour plenty of vegetables. We are trying to fill the voids.

5. Cover the pots. Water or sauces do not need to be added to them; the juice released from the vegetables during languishing will be enough.

6. Such pots are prepared for 1 hour and 20 minutes, the temperature in the oven is 180 degrees. Then you need to turn off the oven, and let the dish stand for another 15 minutes. You can throw a clove of garlic under the lid of each pot or add a small piece of cheese.

Pork on the bone with mushrooms (ribs)

Recipe for a delicious dish of pork on the bone and champignons. It is desirable that the mushrooms are the same size.


700 g of ribs;

500 g of small champignons;

2 spoons of olive oil;;

200 g sour cream;

130 g of cheese;

4 cloves of garlic;

30 ml soy sauce.


1. We wash the mushrooms, put them on napkins to dry.

2. The same with the ribs. Cut, then wipe.

3. We combine everything together, sprinkle with salt, pepper, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and mix.

4. We shift the mushrooms with pork into a mold, send it to the oven. Cooking at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

5. During this time, you need to mix sour cream with soy sauce, add chopped garlic.

6. We take out the form, grease everything with sour cream, re-send it to the oven, now we cook for another 20 minutes.

7. We take out the form with mushrooms and pork for the last time, fill it with cheese, send it to bake until golden brown for another 15-20 minutes and you're done!

Pork on the bone: homemade roast recipe

A simple pork tenderloin recipe. Spare ribs are best, but other small pieces will work as well.


0.7 kg of meat;

0.8 kg of potatoes;

A little oil;

Various spices;

1 carrot;

2 onions;

1 spoon of paste.


1. Cut the meat into portions. Pour a little oil into the cauldron, heat it up properly, start the meat and fry over high heat until golden brown.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into large pieces. Chop the rest of the vegetables into strips.

3. First add onions and carrots to the fried meat, fry, then put a spoonful of tomato. Warm up together.

4. We fall asleep potatoes and pour in a couple of glasses of boiling water. At this stage, salt, pepper, put any mixture of spices to your taste.

5. We cover the cauldron, quickly bring the dish to a boil, then reduce the heat to the very minimum and simmer for about 40 minutes. You don't need to mix.

6. At the very end, we launch laurel, greens, if desired, you can add fresh or dry garlic to the roast.

Braised pork on the bone: a recipe for a slow cooker

Recipe for pork on the bone, cooked in a slow cooker. One large piece of meat is used, but you can also cook ribs or other pieces, it will take less time.


1 kg of pork;

2 tsp seasonings for meat;

1 spoon of oil;

80 ml of water.


1. Pour a spoonful of oil into a multicooker cup.

2. Rub a piece of meat with a mixture of spices, if they do not contain salt, then add. Transfer to a mixing bowl.

3. Put one bay leaf on top of the meat. No more needed, otherwise the flavor will be too rich.

4. Pour prescription water into the bowl. But you can also use beer, with which pork goes well.

5. Close the multicooker.

6. We set the stewing program for the piece with the bone, we cook the dish for exactly two hours.

7. Check the meat. If suddenly it is not soft and tender enough, then time can be added.

Pork on the bone with vegetables

Another recipe for pork on the bone in a cauldron. It is advisable to use small pieces that will be well fried and will not require additional stewing. The ribs fit perfectly.


0.5 kg of pork;

2 eggplants;

0.5 kg of potatoes;

1 carrot;

3 tomatoes;

2 cloves of garlic;

0.5 bunch of parsley;

1 zucchini;

1 bell pepper;

Salt, oil, various seasonings.


1. If the pieces are large, then they need to be chopped. Then put in a preheated cauldron, fry over high heat until brown.

2. While the pork is cooking, chop the onion and carrot. Pour over the fried meat, cook for a few minutes together.

3. Cut the eggplant into cubes, pour cold water over it, rinse and squeeze. We shift to a heated frying pan with oil, fry over high heat until a light crust.

4. Cut potatoes, add to meat. Now everything needs to be slightly salted, sprinkled with spices.

5. Put the chopped zucchini on the potatoes. If it is not very young and the skin is thick, it is better to cut it off.

6. Bulgarian pepper is laid out on top of the zucchini. Let's salt everything a little.

7. Now fried eggplant, salt and pepper.

8. Sliced ​​tomatoes complete the dish. From the edge, carefully pour 0.5 cups of water, but more is possible. We close the cauldron.

9. Stew for 45-50 minutes. At the end, stir, add herbs, garlic.

If a piece of pork will be baked without cover, the bone must be wrapped in foil so that it does not burn.

If the meat is almost ready, but does not want to be beautifully browned, it can be greased with a mixture of honey and soy sauce, then turn up the temperature and hold in the oven for another 10-15 minutes.

Onions are an ideal addition to meats, especially those marinated in vinegar. You can put it under the piece as a pillow and not worry that the pork will burn.

Pork chop on the bone is the dream of any man. Such meat is prepared for two times. And it turns out very satisfying, juicy, fragrant, appetizing. You can cook loin pieces both in the oven and in a pan. But to know the secrets, subtleties of the dish is simply necessary for the best result.

How to cook juicy bone-in pork chops

If you cut the meat yourself, then you need to make slices at least a centimeter thick.

At home, wash the meat well, dry it with paper towels, cut it on both sides with a sharp knife so that you get lattices. The incisions should be clearly visible, but not deep.

You can beat the pork lightly instead of cutting it. It is recommended to beat off pieces already seasoned with spices. It is necessary to do this not too hard, two times on each side.

The prepared pieces are rubbed with salt, oil, garlic mixed with herbs, mayonnaise sauce. There is already someone in that much. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

Now options .

1. Fry the pork chop on the bone in a pan

Pour a spoonful of odorless vegetable oil into a deep frying pan with a thick bottom. Waiting for it to heat up. We check with a dry match without sulfur or a toothpick: we throw it into the pan. If the oil around the tree boils, hisses, it's time to put the meat.

Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side. This is necessary to maintain juiciness. It is delicious to add a sprig of rosemary in the process.

Then put on parchment in a baking sheet, grease with garlic puree with herbs or just warm butter, cover with foil, bring to readiness in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Checking for readiness is simple: cut with a knife - look. Pink juice - you need to bake, transparent - it's time to extract. And again rhyme. Why not be quiet: after all, a tasty, satisfying dish is so easy to prepare that there is still time for creativity.


Pork chops on the bone, fried in a pan, are eaten immediately. Such a dish is not warmed up: it loses its taste. It's like with kebabs: who would think of warming them up?

Therefore, before serving, you need to make sure that the side dish or salad is already ready. Non-calorie side dishes are suitable for such a dish.

Best served on green lettuce leaves, garnished with a sprig of rosemary or cherry tomato quarters.

2. Bake bone-in pork chops in the oven

The choice and preparation of meat is carried out as described in the first variant.

But the batter can be made from flour, crackers or ... prunes.

  1. Lightly beaten meat is rolled in flour (breadcrumbs), then in a beaten egg, in flour. Fry in a pan until golden brown. We place on parchment in a mold, bake at 190 degrees for 20 minutes. These chops can be reheated.
  2. We thoroughly wash the prunes, pour boiling water, leave under the lid for half an hour. After a while, we get rid of excess moisture, twist it through a meat grinder or turn it into a puree using a blender. Lubricate the prepared meat with mayonnaise-mustard sauce, roll in prunes, place on a greased baking sheet. Cover with foil and bake at 200 degrees for 25-35 minutes. Remove the cover 5 minutes before it's ready to brown the top. And so that the juiciness does not go away, you can sprinkle the chops with grated cheese.

Another original bone-in pork chop recipe will be described in detail in a step-by-step version. This method has been tested more than once by many parties of guests at various holidays, during various solemn events. As a rule, the answer to the question: “What to cook?” - is always the same.

After all, meat baked with mushroom or always turns out incredibly fragrant and tasty. One serving is enough to satisfy your hunger. The dish looks very attractive, presentable.

Pork is the most versatile and popular meat in Russia. And the most requested. About how to cook pork and what is the best cooking method, we asked Yuri Kudryavtsev, chef at Goodman restaurants. He considers fried chops to be the perfect pork dish. And best of all on the bone.

Frying is the safest way to cook pork. No need to hurry, no need to twitch. You just need to fry the meat and bring it to readiness in the oven. No need to turn on the gas to the maximum, throw the meat into the pan and leave, so that when you return, eat the sole and complain: what a bad pork I bought. And this is not bad pork, it just needs to be cooked properly.

What meat to take

It is good to fry the neck, it is covered in fatty veins, it will turn out soft and tender, this is what many people really appreciate in pork. You can make medallions from carbonate, the dorsal part, cut from the costal bones. But the best chops are obtained from the loin on the rib bone. Such chops are thickly sliced, the width of the bone. And in the process of frying, this bone gives the meat an extraordinary flavor, and the fact that the piece is thick enough ensures that the chops will turn out juicy.

Often, tenderloin is also fried, but here it’s not for everyone, it’s a bit dry.

Beat off?

It depends on your taste. Do you want juicy meat? Then you don't have to hit back. If you like thinner and softer, cut the chops thinner and beat.

How to fry?

Correctly prepare chops as follows: fry on each side until golden brown. And bring to readiness in the oven at 195 degrees. In the oven, the girth of heat is greater, and along the bone, the meat will also be fried well there. If the piece is not too fat, then you can cover it with foil on top so as not to lose juiciness.

In a frying pan, the chop will dry out, and there is still a danger that it will not be fried near the bone. Therefore, a puncture or incision is always made near the bone. But more juicy - in the oven.

How much to fry?

Pork requires only a full roast. No blood. But you need to keep the juiciness. Therefore, you need to bake chops in the oven for 5-8 minutes.


It is better to save on oil when frying meat. Because fried oil is the most harmful thing in chops. It's a good idea to keep a corrugated steak pan at home and fry meat on it. It is best to rub the pork with oil so that it is absorbed into the meat and the chop is slightly oily. And you just need to wipe the pan with oil. If you pour it, you get a puddle that will start to burn and release carcinogens. This will happen already at 230 degrees. Yes, and you need to fry in vegetable refined oil.


The fat that is located on the loin is a low-melting fat. No need to cut it and fry on it. With any heating, such fat quickly melts and burns quickly. No, they used to eat it, my grandmother told me that they cut fat from pork, drowned it, then dipped bread in such lard. But now it's somehow difficult for me to imagine that someone would do this. Nobody.

Although the fat that is on the meat is far from being as harmful as they say about it. Cunning


Understand that all breading is a way to keep the juice inside the meat. If we are already breading, then it is better to do it not just with flour. And to make something like a schnitzel: roll the meat in flour, dip in an egg-lezon, then in breadcrumbs. Fry in oil and serve with a lemon wedge, or drizzle with lemon juice (it removes bad smell fried butter). But it will be a completely different taste and a different dish.

You just need to eat the chop right away. It can not be left, it will release juices, when heated, it will be dry, like cotton wool. And breaded meat retains juice better. It can then be reheated and it will be edible.

Good meat is better to fry without any breading and without tricks. If the meat is not too successful, we begin to bread it, marinate it, and so on. Cunning

And finally, if you need lunch for three days, then it is better to bake meat here. For example, take carbonate, bake, and then cut off pieces from it and reheat. It's just that the finer the meat is cut, the more juice it loses, and in a large piece it is easier to maintain juiciness.

How to cook dry meat

Loin, neck are suitable for frying. All other parts need to be prepared differently. They will not be as juicy and soft. And it will take longer to cook them than chops. The leg must be stewed before baking, and still it is a little dry, the fibers are fat-free, the leg is the leg. Therefore, I languish it in kvass with a drop of honey. Then it becomes soft. The ribs must be boiled before baking, and then stewed in the sauce. In general, all dry lean meat is best stewed in sauce.

Pork is considered a fairly fatty meat, unlike leaner beef or chicken. However, a properly prepared dish from it can become tender, fragrant and melt in your mouth. For example, pork on the bone is perfect for a festive dinner, the recipe for which is quite simple.

The principle of preparing such a dish is quite simple, and similar. At the same time, meat can be fried on coals, and in the oven, and in a pan. Onions are cut into rings. The thinner the rings, the better. A piece of pork on the bone is chopped into small portions. Sometimes the meat is sold already divided into small pieces. After that, the pork on the bone is combined with onions, salted, peppered, mixed well, and left to marinate for a couple of hours.

At this time, the marinade is being prepared. For it, a head of garlic is passed through a press, poured with a small amount of vegetable oil, spices are added to taste (both special ones for pork are taken, and a mixture of favorite seasonings, at the discretion of the cook). Fresh apples are washed, cut into 4 parts, the middle is removed. The resulting pieces are cut into thin slices and sent to garlic with oil. After the meat has stood for 2 hours, the apple-garlic mixture is laid out in it, mixed thoroughly again and left for another half hour. Pork is baked on the bone, the recipe of which is given above, on coals or in the oven. In the first case, pickled meat is strung on skewers and baked, periodically turning over. If the dish is prepared at home, then it is laid out on a prepared baking sheet and put in the oven for an hour. The finished meat will have a pleasant golden hue, and when pierced, a clear liquid will flow out of it.

An appetizing, bone-in recipe can have a simpler one. Divided into portions, the meat is salted, peppered and fried on one side until golden brown. On a greased baking sheet, the pieces are laid out with the unfried side down. From above, the dish is smeared with mayonnaise, sprinkled with grated cheese, and placed in a well-heated oven. The cooking time will depend on the characteristics of the oven, but, most often, it is about 40 minutes.

Very tasty and easy to use on the bone in foil. The marinade is prepared first. Soy sauce, chopped onion rings, lemon juice, spices and fresh tomatoes cut into small cubes are put here. The resulting mixture is laid out in pork, and left to marinate for some time at room temperature. You can leave it overnight, in which case the finished result will be softer and more fragrant. The meat (it is better to take a whole piece of about a kilogram) is taken out of the mixture, wrapped in foil, placed in a mold and placed in an oven preheated to medium temperature. For garnish, you can use fresh chopped vegetables or boiled potatoes.

A delicious and satisfying dish can be with mushrooms. To do this, pieces of meat (slightly smaller than chops) are slightly cut, rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper. After that, in a well-heated pan, the pork is fried on both sides for about 5 minutes. Mushrooms and onions are cut, fried for a while. Pieces of meat are laid out on a baking sheet (they should have a golden crust on both sides), mushrooms and onions are placed on them, and grated cheese is poured on top. Everything is baked in the oven for about half an hour.

It should be noted that baked pork on the bone, the recipe of which you can choose any, will have an appetizing aroma and have a delicate taste. This dish can be prepared both for a holiday and for a family dinner, while everyone who has tried it will be satisfied.
