
Useful properties of instant coffee for humans. Which instant coffee to choose? In fact, which coffee is healthier: ground or instant and how do they differ

Instant coffee was introduced over 100 years ago at the All-American Exhibition. It happened in Buffalo in 1901. The inventor of the very first technology was the Japanese chemist Sartori Kato, and his product was actually condensed coffee. Since that time, many people simply cannot imagine their morning awakening without a cup of aromatic drink.

Positive points

Yes, alas, these are moments, not useful properties, because this product does not bring any benefit to the human body. Its only advantage over its freshly ground bean competitor is its speed of preparation. This factor becomes decisive for many. What could be easier than tossing it into a cup of coffee and adding boiling water? After one or two minutes, it can be consumed. Also, the price becomes the basis of great popularity - it is lower than that of natural or ground coffee beans.

The harm of instant coffee

This topic should begin with the study of the technological production process. According to it, coffee is divided into:

  1. Powder.
  2. Granulated.
  3. Sublimated.

Now about each type separately.


This option has the lowest cost. Roasted ground beans are subjected to hot treatment with water (it is supplied under pressure), then filtering and spraying are performed. In this case, drops of the extract "magically" turn into a powder.


Manufacturing is practically the same as the previous version, but at the end of the process one more step is added. The powder is exposed to hot steam and clumps. This is how granules are obtained.


This option is the most expensive and high quality when compared with the two previous varieties. The thing is that the process of processing raw materials to obtain such a product is completely different. Due to this, freeze-dried coffee tastes as close as possible to natural coffee.

First, a coffee extract is obtained, which is frozen and then dehydrated in a vacuum at low temperature. The resulting hardened mass is broken into small crystals. The mixture during this processing retains many useful substances, smell and taste properties that natural and ground coffee have. To the question: “Which species is less harmless”, there is only one answer - sublimated. And by the way, in the process of processing the beans lose almost half of the caffeine.

Soluble? Yes! But is it coffee?

When beans are processed, nutrients are lost and essential oils. In order to partially replenish the lost properties during manufacture, manufacturers supplement the soluble product with flavors, preservatives and other chemicals, and no one needs to explain what harm to the body from such additives. It often happens that after a couple of cups of instant coffee a person develops a rash, as an allergic reaction to the components of the product. Rashes can be on the neck, face and even on the hands, someone like ...

Only 15% of this instant drink is coffee beans.

The basis of the ready-made mixture of instant coffee is chemical derivatives, preservatives and nut powder.

Nervous system

Coffee is considered a good stimulant for the body. It awakens tone and increases brain activity. Only its frequent use leads to insomnia, irritability, and in men even to a decrease in potency.

Heart and blood vessels

The human body is a single interconnected system. Therefore, after a cup of instant drink, not only the nervous system, but also the heart functions more actively. It is not recommended for people who suffer from hypertension and heart disease.

Excessive consumption of instant coffee can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, even in completely healthy people.

gastrointestinal tract

Soluble types of drinks are harmful to anyone who suffers from gastrointestinal problems. Instant coffee contains ingredients that increase acidity. This can cause the formation of stomach ulcers (and exacerbation of gastric ailments), diseases of the liver and pancreas. Natural and ground coffee contains less of these substances.

It is better not to drink instant and natural coffee on an empty stomach.

Impact on appearance

Experts agree that instant coffee drinks lead to premature aging of the body. This is associated with a dehydrating effect.

Instant coffee contributes to the formation of cellulite.

In addition, coffee adversely affects the enamel of the teeth, which is manifested in the formation of plaque and darkening.

Harm to pregnant women

Is such coffee harmful to expectant mothers, there is only one answer - yes. They are strictly forbidden to drink any (ground, instant, natural) coffee. If a pregnant woman consumes three cups of coffee a day, then the probability of abortion increases by more than three times! This is especially dangerous in the second half of pregnancy.

Decrease in trace elements

Frequent consumption of instant coffee leads to the loss of trace elements important for the body. Women are at higher risk. To prevent various diseases, experts recommend that coffee lovers periodically take vitamin complexes.


It occurs in both men and women. Caffeine becomes a drug for people, and many gradually increase the dose of the drink.

IMPORTANT! If a decision is made to get rid of such dependence, then you need to act “without sudden movements”. Doctors recommend reducing the strength and amount of coffee gradually.

How to choose the right instant coffee?

This is a problematic issue. When buying, you should be aware that the quality depends not only on which variety of beans was used for production, but also on the climatic characteristics of the region where they were grown.

In order not to make mistakes when choosing and not to regret the money spent, you need to know some of the nuances:

Package. It is worth paying special attention to it. Any damage, violation of integrity leads to the fact that the contents lose their aroma and taste properties.

Preference should be given to glass packaging.

Price. To produce a quality product, expensive technologies and raw materials are used. If the package says: “100% freeze-dried coffee”, then such a product will not be cheap. A good sublimated product is expensive.

instant coffee calories

Calorie content of instant coffee drinks can reach up to 7 kcal per 100 ml(and that's without sugar and cream). For comparison: in natural coffee only 2 kcal.

Instant coffee base without caffeine

The method of removing caffeine from beans is called decaffeination. The caffeine in the product then decreases by 5 times. Many people are confused by this fact. Is instant caffeine-free drink harmful? Yes, you can't call it harmless.

Such coffee becomes more sour, and does more harm to people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. And in general, the decaffeinated version retains all the harmful properties of regular instant coffee.

So... What's going on? There is almost no benefit from such coffee, but there is only harm. But, in a situation of lack of time to mess around with a coffee machine or due to lack of funds to purchase it, many simply have no other choice. But everything is not so dangerous if not abused. Which product to buy, everyone will decide for themselves. Just don't forget about your health. For example, purchase a quality sublimated product.

By definition, instant coffee, the benefits and harms of which are heatedly debated by scientists, marketers and nutritionists, is a drink made from coffee beans, which, through a special technology, are turned into a soluble powder, or, more correctly, into granules.

There are not many large instant coffee producers in the world, and each of them has its own secret of processing raw materials to obtain a drink.

In general, the technology looks like this: first, the peeled grains are fried, mixed with water and heated for some time. Then the suspension is separated from the grains and processed in two ways:

  • In the high-temperature process, a powder is obtained from it, which is either left in this form or steamed to obtain granules;
  • With the low-temperature method - sublimation - excess moisture is removed by freezing, crushing and placing in a vacuum

The resulting mixture contains, as a rule, a large proportion of dyes, preservatives, flavors, in contrast to natural grain coffee: 80-90% of the mixture can be such additives. The rest are low-quality Robusta beans, which are cheaper and more caffeinated than relatively high-quality Arabica beans. Therefore, most often, after drinking such a drink, a person does not feel cheerfulness, but, on the contrary, a desire to sleep.

The history of instant coffee

According to various sources, instant coffee was first produced in Chicago by Japanese-American Satori Kato between 1899 and 1901. Coffee was intended for the soldiers and therefore did not go into widespread production.

Thanks to Max Morgenthaller, a chemist-technologist at Nestlé, who improved the Satori technology, instant coffee entered the industrial rails. The first time the novelty appeared on the shelves under the name "Red E Coffee" in 1909. And only in 1938 the world-famous Nescafe brand was formed, close to the top of world coffee domination.

Types of instant coffee

The choice of instant coffee is limited to three types (and in most Russian stores - one or two):

  • sublimated;
  • granulated;
  • powdery

The first one is considered the most "quality" of them, because due to its structure it retains the quality of the original raw product a little more.

Instant sublimated coffee, its benefits and harms are more shifted towards benefits, it is more costly in production, since the technology for its production is quite expensive and is fundamentally different from the other two types. Ground coffee is mixed with water, then frozen, separating from the liquid, resulting in "tiles". Then the latter are ground again. With this method of production, the properties of the grains are best preserved, minimizing the addition of preservatives, dyes, flavors.

Powdered coffee cheap in every sense: inexpensive production, poor aroma, achieved by flavoring agents, “liquid” color due to the abundance of dyes. So that the buyer can pour it into his cup, finely ground grains are passed through a liquid under vacuum and dried, increasing in volume and turning into a powder.

Granulated coffee- the same powder, but steamed twice and resembling small granules in structure with an even worse smell and taste than powdered instant coffee, but better soluble.

Pros of instant coffee

Even such an ambiguous product as instant coffee, the benefits and harms of which are still not clearly defined, has undeniable advantages.

Firstly, fast: the time taken to pour out the contents of the bag and fill it with water and to thoroughly prepare natural coffee beans differ by an order of magnitude.

Secondly, simplicity: cooking technology is also much easier.

Third, storage: grains require more difficult storage conditions and may remain usable less than soluble powder.

Fourth, the combination of the first three points with the smell of an instant product, for a non-connoisseur of almost identical bean coffee, gives the feeling of “why complicate your life?”

Other advantages are not so indisputable.

  • Like any caffeinated beverage, instant coffee can improve the well-being of people suffering from hypotension;
  • By increasing the content of serotonin in the blood - the hormone of happiness - instant coffee invigorates and improves mood;
  • Since a cup of coffee contains almost no calories, it is considered to be a diet drink that helps to lose weight;
  • A kind of cult, actively supported by the media and coffee giants, glorifies the morning ritual of “a cup of coffee that helps wake up”

Cons of instant coffee

The harm of instant coffee has been scientifically proven.

Scientists have found that preservatives, which contain all types of instant coffee without exception, have an extremely negative effect on the course of metabolic processes. Even the imaginary dietary benefits are leveled by the risk of cellulite in the most unnecessary places.

If a person suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and especially the stomach begins to drink instant coffee on an ongoing basis, then almost from the first days he will feel a sharp deterioration in well-being. The substances that make up this product negatively affect the gastric mucosa and lead first to the development of gastritis, and then to peptic ulcer. This is due to the sudden increase in acidity and the acceleration of digestion processes. By the way, because of the latter, weight loss can be observed in the early stages. But soon 2-4 kilograms dropped will result in the same diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, deterioration and general lethargy of the skin.

If a person stubbornly continues to eat instant coffee, as well as. this product causes some kind of addiction, and not just one cup a day, then he methodically dehydrates his body, simultaneously depriving him of iron, potassium, calcium and other vitamins, minerals and useful substances. And coupled with the depressing condition of the skin, it can become like a chronically ill or alcoholic (swelling, bags under the eyes are attached).

But is it?
To reduce the cost of production, companies replace the coffee-oil-deprived drink with synthetic or, at best, less valuable natural oils.

After all, what can be useful from grains that undergo several hours of hydro- and thermal treatment?

It is a widely known fact that deep roasting of grains increases the content of benzopyrene, a resin harmful to the human body.

Caffeine, which is the original purpose of buying a drink, will not necessarily be natural, and in percentage it can be more than in a regular cup of coffee beans.

Some nutritionists classify coffee - and instant coffee, respectively - as a drug, which is only one-third true. Of the three addictions a drug is supposed to cause—physical, psychological, and addiction—coffee drinks fit only the latter.

Who cannot categorically

  1. For the elderly: hypertension coupled with insomnia - two bosom friends of caffeine-containing drugs;
  2. People with diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, kidneys. Violation of metabolic processes can provoke a sudden deterioration and the transition of the disease to an acute stage;
  3. Children. This is due to the influence of coffee on the nervous system, which in children has not yet been formed;
  4. Pregnant women. If you really want coffee, then you should choose a quality grain drink in an amount of no more than one or two cups. In large doses, drinking coffee will lead to disturbances in the normal metabolism in the body of the expectant mother;
  5. It is categorically contraindicated for drivers, since it can cause not cheerfulness at all, but an irresistible and imperceptible desire to fall asleep right at the wheel.

Looking for a compromise

If you want coffee very much, and in the nearest store or at hand there was only an instant drink, it is advisable to perform a quality check.

To begin with, evaluate the appearance of the contents of the bag. Coffee powder must dissolve in water without sediment - and the faster this happens, the higher the quality of the product. Granulated coffee should be homogeneous, with the same size of granules.

Smell and taste should not have shades of "chemistry", as far as possible.

If you have to drink instant coffee in the morning, it is highly recommended to eat something before that, add milk to the cup with the drink and drink a glass of water after 15-30 minutes. Thus, the harm of instant coffee is partially neutralized: increased secretion of gastric juice and leaching of calcium from the body.


Every day in the world more than two billion people drink coffee, of which 50% prefer instant coffee. Whether instant coffee is harmful, everyone decides for himself. A person makes his choice based on needs and opportunities, but it is better to give preference to more natural products, rather than surrogate substitutes for the original drink. After all, as they say, you can’t buy a new life and you can’t return lost health.

The morning of many people begins with a cup of aromatic coffee, and instant coffee is in great demand. But soluble is much more harmful than natural. Today we will talk about instant coffee. The health benefits and harms of this drink are of concern to a significant part of the people who drink it. Also, various recipes for hair and face are made from coffee, used for tanning and losing weight. Let's find out how instant coffee is harmful or useful.

Types of instant coffee.

Instant coffee can be of several types:

  1. Powdered coffee is the cheapest type;
  2. Granular - a more worthy look than the first, because a different method of manufacture;
  3. Sublimated coffee. The benefits and harms of this type are not much different, but the quality of the product and the price are higher. This is due to a special manufacturing technique;
  4. Instant coffee with milk. The benefits and harms of this drink tend more towards harm, because the body must be put not only with coffee, but also with milk, which, as you know, is not digested.

Now that we have found out that there are different types of coffee and how to make them, let's talk about the benefits and harms of instant coffee.

Since instant coffee is made from already spoiled natural beans that have not passed the presentation, this already indicates that the instant drink is of lower quality, but nevertheless very popular. See the health benefits of coffee.

The beans undergo many additional processing to obtain instant coffee, which means that at each stage of processing, useful properties are lost. Dyes, flavors that are added to coffee are additional enemies for health.

Only freeze-dried coffee is made without the addition of the above ingredients, so such coffee will be less harmful, but there is no question of any benefit.

The only advantage of instant coffee over natural coffee is the speed of its preparation. Pour a couple of spoons into a cup and you're done. That is why many people choose the instant coffee option. Due to lack of time, this is the most relevant way.

The harm of instant coffee

As for harm, there is more than enough information on this score. Although some doctors and nutritionists recommend this drink as a panacea for low blood pressure, the person gets more harm.

The caffeine content in instant coffee is off the charts. Rest assured, the more expensive the coffee, the more caffeine it contains. Caffeine leaches calcium from the body, causing disease. It is better to drink natural coffee;

In the manufacture of instant coffee, the product loses not only its beneficial properties, but also its aroma. To enrich coffee with aroma, manufacturers add chemicals that are hazardous to health;

Any coffee: with or without caffeine, instant and natural, oxidizes the body. The gastric mucosa is irritated. Diseases such as: ulcers, gastritis, tumor formations in the intestines may be the result of a large oxidation of the body;

Some drink coffee for weight loss, because the calorie content of 100 grams of instant coffee is 94 calories. However, all is not so rosy. Instant coffee cannot help you lose weight, but only add energy for sports. If you do not play sports and drink coffee, then the formation of cellulite is guaranteed;

How alcohol, drug and tobacco addiction is caused by the use of coffee. If you drink more than 4-5 cups a day, you are addicted. And an addicted person is a sick person!

It's no secret that coffee raises blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease is the norm for coffee drinkers;

Instant coffee - benefits and harms for men and women

I would like to note a number of negative effects of this drink on the body of a man and a woman.

  • Caffeine makes the heart work hard;
  • The nervous system and psyche suffer, nerve cells are destroyed;
  • Cravings for coffee appear when drinking more than 4 cups of coffee per day;
  • The high content of caffeine in instant coffee leaches calcium, potassium, B vitamins and others from the body. As a result, the work of the circulatory system worsens, bone and cartilage tissues do not receive the necessary elements;
  • The blood supply to the brain also suffers from a lack of washed out elements;
  • Instant coffee without caffeine is no less harmful. To make it, toxic chemicals are added to coffee to leach out caffeine;
  • In men, the reproductive system suffers and the number of sperm in the seminal fluid decreases, which leads to infertility.

Video about the benefits and harms of instant coffee

How to determine the quality of instant coffee.

There are a couple of secrets on how to distinguish quality coffee from a fake. However, you must remember that any coffee: real and fake is harmful to the body and nothing more.
You can drop a couple of drops of iodine into coffee, and if the color of the coffee turns blue, then it is a fake. It is best to buy coffee beans, grind it at home and brew coffee in a Turk. Agree, it’s better to drink a couple of cups of brewed coffee than 5 cups of who knows what.

How else can you use instant coffee?

For hair. Many women use instant coffee as masks. To prepare it, take:

  • A couple of tablespoons of instant coffee;
  • 100 g of milk;
  • Three quail eggs;
  • Two teaspoons of honey;
  • A couple of drops of essential oil.

Making a mask is easy. Throw coffee into milk and put on small gas. Stir until the coffee is completely dissolved so that the liquid is lukewarm. Then add everything else, be sure to stir so that the eggs do not curdle. This mask is applied for 25 minutes and washed off with cool water and regular shampoo.

For weight loss. By itself, coffee cannot burn fat. In addition, if you drink coffee with sugar and milk, then the calorie content will tend to go up. Instant coffee contains a lot of caffeine, which adds energy. Therefore, if you drink it an hour before a workout, then the classes will be more intense, which means that the weight will go away faster.

For face. Masks are prepared exclusively from natural coffee, so instant coffee is not suitable.

For Tan only natural ground coffee beans are used.

Decide for yourself how valuable your health is to you. It is up to each person to drink or not to drink instant coffee. The benefits and harms of this drink are still outweighed in the direction of harm. If you are a coffee addict, you can get rid of addiction gradually: switch to brewed coffee, consume less and over time, dependence on caffeine will weaken.

The drink appeared on store shelves more than 75 years ago, and is popular due to its ease of brewing and pleasant taste. Let's figure it out together - is there any harm to instant coffee, how useful is such an analogue of natural grains, what is an instant product made of, what are its properties and effects on the human body.

History says that the first and only creator of the invigorating product in 1899 was Satori Kato. However, the technology for the production of instant coffee was not widely used and its production was not launched. And only after almost half a century, a specialist from Nestle presented a unique product - granules that instantly dissolved in water and turned into a drink that, with its properties, very much resembled a natural one. Today, such a delicious, aromatic coffee product is made on almost all continents.

It is quite often mistakenly believed that the benefits of instant coffee lie in the lower caffeine content compared to natural beans. But the chemistry of the two drinks suggests otherwise — one serving of a natural treat contains 80 mg of caffeine, while a cup of instant drink has 65 mg.

Caffeine is a rather complex substance, if we talk about its effect on the body, its properties depend on the state of health and individual characteristics of a person. For example, for hypotensive patients, it is indispensable for giving vigor, if you refuse to use it, the result will be a feeling of fatigue and headaches. The feeling of activity and clarity of thinking arises due to the ingestion of sugar into the bloodstream, which provokes caffeine.

Note: If you have problems with blood pressure, but do not want to give up eating a treat, choose drink recipes with milk.

The harm of instant coffee

The main danger of the drink is the use of grains with defects in the production or non-compliance with the production technology.

DefectReason for the appearance
Sour smell and tasteContains raw or moldy grains.
The taste of charred woodThere are several reasons for this defect:
- the product contains grains that have lain on the ground for a long time;
- use of grains of irregular shape (broken);
- coffee is made with non-compliance with the drying regime.
Uneven granule sizeThe defect indicates a violation of the granulation technology during production.
Rancid taste and smellOccurs during prolonged and improper storage.
Whitish inclusions in the coffee massA defect indicates that the product contains raw or under-roasted grains.

Another possible harm to the product is the content of flavors, dyes and other additives that are hazardous to health, which affect the taste and aromatic properties. As part of a natural drink, the amount of such dubious components is minimal. In this sense, natural grains are healthier than an instant drink.

For people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to replace the product. It is important to remember that with excessive enthusiasm for a fragrant drink, vitamins are washed out of the body. Also, a drink with a high sugar content can cause harm to health.

The effects of instant coffee are actively debated. The danger lies in the following - a person receives "fake" energy. Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the body, while sugar enters the blood, the brain works more actively and there is a feeling of cheerfulness. As a result of this deception, the level of the stress hormone and adrenaline increases in the body, and this, in turn, reduces the synthesis of testosterone and potency. For several hours after drinking coffee, blood flow to the testicles decreases.

Note: It is important for men not to drink coffee five hours before bedtime. This is due to the fact that the synthesis of testosterone occurs during deep sleep, if under the influence of caffeine sleep is disturbed, respectively, there are failures in the production of the male hormone.

Calorie content and types of product

For those who are on a diet, the important question is how many calories are in instant coffee and its dietary qualities. The main useful characteristic of instant coffee, which is actively used in dietetics, is the calorie content of the product. The fact is that one cup of coffee without sugar contains almost zero calories (5-10 kcal) and regular use activates metabolic processes in the body. That is why the drink is included in many dietary nutrition systems. It should be borne in mind that the calorie content of a drink with sugar is much higher and such coffee does not apply to dietary products.

You can read about how to choose the best instant coffee.

Note: real coffee lovers can buy the product in bags weighing up to 25 kg.

The most expensive and high quality is the sublimated type of instant coffee. The product can be recognized by specific, shiny flattened granules. It preserves all the qualities and properties of the original raw material - grains. Such coffee is the most expensive and its production is fundamentally different from the technology for making other types of drink. First, the grains are ground to a state of flour, then they are frozen together with water and, using special devices, the product is separated from the liquid. Finished plates are ground again.

Powdered product is the cheapest. Granular has the least pronounced aroma and taste.

photo: depositphotos.com/olhaafanasieva, begemot_30

Instant coffee was introduced over 100 years ago at the All-American Exhibition. It happened in Buffalo in 1901. The inventor of the very first technology was the Japanese chemist Sartori Kato, and his product was actually condensed coffee. Since that time, many people simply cannot imagine their morning awakening without a cup of aromatic drink.

Positive points

Yes, alas, these are moments, not useful properties, because this product does not bring any benefit to the human body. Its only advantage over its freshly ground bean competitor is its speed of preparation. This factor becomes decisive for many. What could be easier than tossing it into a cup of coffee and adding boiling water? After one or two minutes, it can be consumed. Also, the price becomes the basis of great popularity - it is lower than that of natural or ground coffee beans.

The harm of instant coffee

This topic should begin with the study of the technological production process. According to it, coffee is divided into:

  1. Powder.
  2. Granulated.
  3. Sublimated.

Now about each type separately.


This option has the lowest cost. Roasted ground beans are subjected to hot treatment with water (it is supplied under pressure), then filtering and spraying are performed. In this case, drops of the extract "magically" turn into a powder.


Manufacturing is practically the same as the previous version, but at the end of the process one more step is added. The powder is exposed to hot steam and clumps. This is how granules are obtained.


This option is the most expensive and high quality when compared with the two previous varieties. The thing is that the process of processing raw materials to obtain such a product is completely different. Due to this, freeze-dried coffee tastes as close as possible to natural coffee.

First, a coffee extract is obtained, which is frozen and then dehydrated in a vacuum at low temperature. The resulting hardened mass is broken into small crystals. The mixture during this processing retains many useful substances, smell and taste properties that natural and ground coffee have. To the question: “Which species is less harmless”, there is only one answer - sublimated. And by the way, in the process of processing the beans lose almost half of the caffeine.

Soluble? Yes! But is it coffee?

When beans are processed, useful substances and essential oils are lost. In order to partially replenish the lost properties during manufacture, manufacturers supplement the soluble product with flavors, preservatives and other chemicals, and no one needs to explain what harm to the body from such additives. It often happens that after a couple of cups of instant coffee a person develops a rash, as an allergic reaction to the components of the product. Rashes can be on the neck, face and even on the hands, someone like ...

Only 15% of this instant drink is coffee beans.

The basis of the ready mix of instant coffee is chemical derivatives, preservatives and nut powder.

Nervous system

Coffee is considered a good stimulant for the body. It awakens tone and increases brain activity. Only its frequent use leads to insomnia, irritability, and in men even to a decrease in potency.

Heart and blood vessels

The human body is a single interconnected system. Therefore, after a cup of instant drink, not only the nervous system, but also the heart functions more actively. It is not recommended for people who suffer from hypertension and heart disease.

Excessive consumption of instant coffee can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, even in completely healthy people.

gastrointestinal tract

Soluble types of drinks are harmful to anyone who suffers from gastrointestinal problems. Instant coffee contains ingredients that increase acidity. This can cause the formation of stomach ulcers (and exacerbation of gastric ailments), diseases of the liver and pancreas. Natural and ground coffee contains less of these substances.

It is better not to drink instant and natural coffee on an empty stomach.

Impact on appearance

Experts agree that instant coffee drinks lead to premature aging of the body. This is associated with a dehydrating effect.

Instant coffee contributes to the formation of cellulite.

In addition, coffee adversely affects the enamel of the teeth, which is manifested in the formation of plaque and darkening.

Harm to pregnant women

Is such coffee harmful to expectant mothers, there is only one answer - yes. They are strictly forbidden to drink any (ground, instant, natural) coffee. If a pregnant woman consumes three cups of coffee a day, then the probability of abortion increases by more than three times! This is especially dangerous in the second half of pregnancy.

Decrease in trace elements

Frequent consumption of instant coffee leads to the loss of trace elements important for the body. Women are at higher risk. To prevent various diseases, experts recommend that coffee lovers periodically take vitamin complexes.


It occurs in both men and women. Caffeine becomes a drug for people, and many gradually increase the dose of the drink.

IMPORTANT! If a decision is made to get rid of such dependence, then you need to act “without sudden movements”. Doctors recommend reducing the strength and amount of coffee gradually.

How to choose the right instant coffee?

This is a problematic issue. When buying, you should be aware that the quality depends not only on which variety of beans was used for production, but also on the climatic characteristics of the region where they were grown.

In order not to make mistakes when choosing and not to regret the money spent, you need to know some of the nuances:

Package. It is worth paying special attention to it. Any damage, violation of integrity leads to the fact that the contents lose their aroma and taste properties.

Preference should be given to glass packaging.

Price. To produce a quality product, expensive technologies and raw materials are used. If the package says: “100% freeze-dried coffee”, then such a product will not be cheap. A good sublimated product is expensive.

instant coffee calories

Calorie content of instant coffee drinks can reach up to 7 kcal per 100 ml(and that's without sugar and cream). For comparison: in natural coffee only 2 kcal.

Instant coffee base without caffeine

The method of removing caffeine from beans is called decaffeination. The caffeine in the product then decreases by 5 times. Many people are confused by this fact. Is instant caffeine-free drink harmful? Yes, you can't call it harmless.

Such coffee becomes more sour, and does more harm to people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. And in general, the decaffeinated version retains all the harmful properties of regular instant coffee.

So... What's going on? There is almost no benefit from such coffee, but there is only harm. But, in a situation of lack of time to mess around with a coffee machine or due to lack of funds to purchase it, many simply have no other choice. But everything is not so dangerous if not abused. Which product to buy, everyone will decide for themselves. Just don't forget about your health. For example, purchase a quality sublimated product
