
Interesting New Year's salads and appetizers. Essential Ingredients for a Cold New Year's Eve Cracker Snack

New 2017 bears the proud name of the Fire Rooster, which means it will bring good luck, however, according to astrologers, you will have to fight for it. Only the most stubborn, persistent and courageous will succeed.

And in order to appease the owner of the coming year from the very beginning, you need to take care of his proper meeting, especially about the festive table and snacks. Let's start with the recipes for New Year's salads for the New Year 2017 - the Year of the Rooster, prepared by the informvest.net portal.

Salad Obzhorka for the New Year

It was the Obzhorka salad, and not the traditional Olivier or Herring under a fur coat, that became the symbol of the new year for me. I just can't imagine a New Year's table without it. This hearty tasty salad is like a greeting from childhood, when my mother cooked a glutton for the New Year. I propose to cook the good old salad Obzhorka. The tastiest of all this salad is obtained from pork, but you can also try it from chicken meat (although pork has a more delicate taste).

To prepare the Chowder you will need:

meat 300 grams;

1-2 carrots;

1 onion;

a couple of pickles;

vegetable oil for frying;

salt/pepper to taste.

Boil pork in salted water until tender. Leave the meat to cool and do the cucumbers. Cut pickled or pickled cucumbers into thin strips. Cut the cooled meat into strips, put a layer of cucumbers on the meat.

Cut the onion into cubes, carrots into strips (like cucumbers). Saute onion and carrot in vegetable oil until soft. Make sure that the fire is not strong, otherwise the vegetables can burn and spoil the taste of the salad.

Add fried onions and carrots to the salad, salt and pepper a little, mix gently. Additional dressing with mayonnaise or oil is not necessary. Glutton and so it turns out quite delicate in taste.

Top 10 New Year's salads 2017, recipes with photos. Salad "Kuryatnik" with croutons and smoked meats

Any smoked meats - 100 g (boiled pork, any ham or smoked sausages will do)

Onion - 1 pc.

Chinese cabbage - head of cabbage weighing 0.5 kg

Some grated cheese

Crackers, mayonnaise


Cut Chinese cabbage into strips, add chopped smoked meats and onions, add crackers just before serving, mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Salad "Sea Rooster"

Seaweed - 200 g

Onions - 1-2 pcs.

Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.

Salt, pepper - to taste

vegetable oil and mayonnaise - for dressing


Everything is very simple: the onion must be cut into half rings and fried in oil, add seaweed and grated eggs, if desired, season with mayonnaise, but you can leave it like that.

New Year's salad "Rooster"

Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs. (multicolor, yellow and red)

Smoked meat - 300 g

Pitted olives - 1 can

Boiled egg yolk - for garnish

Mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste


Mix the diced meat, sliced ​​olives and chopped or diced peppers in a bowl. Don't forget to set aside a few colorful pepper rings for garnish.

Season the salad with mayonnaise, mix again. Lay out the figure of a cockerel from the mass and decorate: sprinkle with grated yolk, make a wing and a tail, a scallop and a beard from pepper rings, an eye and a beak from olives and greens.

Top 10 New Year's salads 2017, recipes with photos. Salad "Christmas ball"

Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.

Crab sticks - 250 g

Onion - 1 pc.

Mayonnaise, ketchup - to taste

Corn, peas, red caviar, carrots and olives - a little bit, for decoration


Mix chopped crab sticks, eggs and onions, season with mayonnaise, and then lay out in the form of a Christmas ball and start decorating. Fantasize!

Salad "Starfish"

New Year's salads 2017 should be bright and colorful, which means that "Starfish" will be a win-win option.

Hard cheese - 200 g

Eggs - 4 pcs.

Boiled shrimp - 300 g

Lightly salted salmon or salmon - 150 g

Pitted olives - 100 g


Grate boiled eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Cut olives in half. Shrimps - peel and grate (you can take crab sticks instead). Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. Put on a dish, giving the mass the shape of a starfish. Put thin slices of fish on top, decorate with olives, lemon slices, herbs.

Salad "New Year's clock"

It won’t take you much time to prepare the New Year’s Clock salad, but it will surely attract the attention of everyone who is at the festive table.

Turkey breast - 200 g

Fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 0.5 kg

Potato - 2 medium tubers

Carrot - 1 pc.

Hard cheese - 100 g

Eggs - 3 pcs.

Salt, herbs, mayonnaise


Cut and fry mushrooms. Boil breast, eggs, potatoes and carrots and cool. Now spread the products on a flat plate in layers, after placing a round shape on it.

The first layer is peeled and grated potatoes. The second layer is torn into fibers or finely chopped meat. The third is fried mushrooms. Then - grated eggs on a coarse grater. Each layer must be smeared with mayonnaise, lightly salted and leveled.

The last layer is hard cheese grated on a fine grater.

Now remove the round shape and fill the future “clock” well with cheese. And the last step - cut out neat circles in the amount of 12 pieces from boiled peeled carrots and lay them out in a circle, add carrot arrows. Decorate the entire structure with chopped greens, you can draw numbers on the circles using mayonnaise.

Salad "First Snow"

Salad recipes for the New Year 2017 are designed not only to feed, but also to deliver aesthetic pleasure, to remind you of a friendly and beautiful winter outside the window.

Hard cheese - 100 g

Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.

Onion - 1 pc.

Large green apple - 1 pc.


Peel the apple, carefully cut into slices and put in a single layer on a flat dish. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Scald onion sliced ​​​​in half rings with boiling water to remove bitterness. After a couple of minutes, drain the boiling water, put the onion on the apple and also grease with mayonnaise. Top - thin circles of eggs. Grease with mayonnaise too. The last detail is to fill the salad with a “snowball”, which must be made from hard cheese by rubbing it on a fine grater.

Salad "Merry Holiday"

Without a doubt, New Year's salads 2017 are a great occasion to please yourself and your guests with delicious dishes. Let yourself feel the luxurious taste and admire the bright elements, because almost all salad recipes for the New Year 2017 amaze the imagination with bright colors and delicious ingredients.

Hard cheese - 100 g

Large shrimps - 200 g

Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.

Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.

Cherry tomatoes - 7-8 pcs.

Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste

Balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon

Olive oil - 1 teaspoon


Boil and clean the shrimp. Then they must be fried for several minutes in heated sunflower oil. Vegetables - cucumber, tomatoes and peppers - cut into neat pieces and mix in a bowl. Add diced hard cheese and chopped herbs. At the end, fried shrimp will go to the salad bowl. Season with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Salad "Herringbone"

When choosing recipes for salads and snacks for the New Year 2017, do not forget about the main guest - the green Christmas tree. You can cook an unusual and very tasty salad in her honor.

Soft cheese - 250 g

Fresh tomato - 1 pc.

Canned salmon - 1 can

Dill - 1 bunch

Ground paprika - 1 teaspoon

Juice from 1 lemon

Some pomegranate seeds


Finely chop salmon, mix with grated cheese, season with lemon juice and paprika. You will get a sticky mass, from which you can easily form a future Christmas tree - give the mass the shape of a cone.

Carefully cut out a star from the tomato - you will need a sharp knife for this. Sprinkle the cone with chopped dill - these will be “needles”. Pomegranate seeds will play the role of Christmas tree decorations, and a tomato star will be installed, as expected, on the top of the Christmas tree.

The editors have selected the most original snacks for the New Year 2017, the recipes of which will help to create an interesting New Year's menu, full of bright colors and unforgettable taste.

Snacks for the New Year 2017: recipes with photos

The “feathered” owner of the next year loves everything bright, colorful, but at the same time simple and economical, so pleasing the Rooster is easy. In snacks for the New Year 2017, as the main ingredient and decor, you can include any products whose colors correspond to the natural colors of the bird, which will satisfy all the preferences of the sacred creature.

Delicious and simple snacks for the New Year 2017 can be prepared from juicy paprika, tomatoes and cucumbers, which effectively and organically complement seafood, meat and greens. Also, experts recommend not neglecting uncomplicated gastronomic delights, for example, assorted pickled vegetables and cold cuts.

New Year's Profiteroles "Fire Rooster"

Delicate profiteroles with cottage cheese filling and caviar will become a real decoration of the New Year's table. The recipe for this dish can rightfully be classified as a "bad" snack for the New Year, with which you can pleasantly surprise the household and guests of the holiday.


  • 1 st. flour
  • 1 st. water
  • a pinch of salt
  • 200 g butter
  • 150 g soft curd cheese
  • 50 g red caviar
  • 4 eggs
  • greenery

Cooking: Bring water to a boil and melt butter in it. Sift flour with salt and brew dry ingredients with hot butter mixture - the dough will take on a creamy hue and become very thick. Gradually add one egg at a time to the batter, mixing well. Roll the resulting dough balls the size of a walnut and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. In the meantime, combine curd cheese with chopped herbs, which will become the filling of the original snack for the New Year 2017. Cut off the “cap” from the cooled profiteroles, fill with cheese and decorate with caviar on top.

"Smart" shrimp skewers with vegetables


Snacks for the New Year 2017 from seafood will be the most winning option on the New Year's table. These dishes have an invaluable property - low calorie content with a high protein content, which will be highly appreciated by adherents of a healthy diet, which includes the Fire Rooster.


  • large shrimp
  • paprika (yellow and red)
  • Champignon
  • herbs, garlic, soy sauce
  • olive oil, salt, pepper

Cooking: peel the shrimp, cut the mushrooms into 2-4 parts, cut the paprika into squares of the same size. Combine all the ingredients for the kebab in one salad bowl and pour over the marinade of olive oil, soy sauce, chopped herbs, garlic, salt and pepper. After 15 minutes, string shrimp and vegetables alternately on wooden skewers and bake in the oven or on the grill (5-10 minutes).

Italian appetizer "Melanzana con fungi"

This Italian dish is akin to "student" appetizers in the original serving can harmoniously dilute the New Year's menu. At the same time, this appetizer recipe for the New Year 2017 will become a lifesaver for housewives - it takes only 15 minutes to prepare, and the result exceeds the expectations of even the most demanding gourmets.


  • 3 eggplant
  • 400 g champignons
  • 3 raw eggs
  • 1 bulb
  • bright sweet peppers
  • olive oil, salt, pepper, herbs

Cooking: Peel the eggplants and cut into cubes, pour over the beaten eggs with a pinch of salt. When the vegetables absorb the eggs as much as possible, put them in a preheated pan and fry until golden brown. In the meantime, chop the mushrooms and onions, add them to the already fried eggplants and fry over low heat under the lid for 10-15 minutes. Cut paprika in half and remove seeds. Portion the eggplant-mushroom mixture into each boat. Decorate with greenery. For piquancy, vegetables can be sprinkled with a few drops of mustard oil.

Jellied "Bright Kaleidoscope"

Many housewives consider cooking aspic a troublesome business and often try not to include the recipes for this dish in the New Year's menu. But the aspic "Bright Kaleidoscope" belongs to the category of "tasty and simple snacks for the New Year 2017" - its detailed recipe will help you quickly and easily prepare a gourmet dish even in the absence of professional culinary skills.


  • 0.5 liters of broth (vegetable or meat to choose from)
  • 150 g freshly frozen vegetables (green peas, carrots, corn, bell peppers)
  • 2 tbsp instant gelatin
  • beef tongue
  • greenery
  • whole egg shell

Cooking: boil the broth and dissolve the gelatin in it. Rinse whole eggshells (can be saved after preparing other salads and snacks for the New Year), rinse with water, fill 2/3 with frozen vegetables and chopped boiled tongue. Pour the shell with gelatin broth and refrigerate for several hours. Before serving, peel the shells and put the aspic on a serving dish (if you have any difficulties, dip the eggs with aspic for a second in hot water and roll on the table). This recipe can be further simplified - such aspic is even easier to make in a cake pan.

Original canapes "Golden Cockerel"

Don’t want to dilute New Year’s Eve 2017 snacks with banal sausage and sprat sandwiches, but don’t know what to cook for them instead? The Golden Cockerel canape recipe will help you with this - serve traditional sandwich products in an original design and your guests will be delighted with your culinary imagination.


  • french baguette
  • ham or raw smoked sausage
  • soft cheese (mozzarella type)
  • cucumber and tomato
  • olives and pitted olives
  • skewers for canapes

Cooking: dry the baguette slices in the oven, meanwhile cut the sausage and tomato into thin circles, and the cucumber into longitudinal slices. Put a layer of cheese on top of the baguette, top with a circle of tomato. The next layer in the canapé is sausage or ham, folded like a fan, a slice of cucumber is laid out on top of it with an accordion and a skewer with a strung olive or olive is fixed on top of the canapé.


There are a huge number of delicious and simple recipes for snacks for the New Year 2017. But their main highlight will be the festive decoration - the Fire Rooster will be glad to see his bright "feathered" counterparts on your table. Also, do not forget to soak your dishes with love, good mood and a smile - then the owner of the coming year will surely bring good luck, material well-being and immense happiness to your home!

Happy New Year to you!

New Year is a significant holiday. Therefore, they prepare for it very carefully. This applies not only to decorating the Christmas tree and the room, but also to the preparation of festive dishes. On this day, it is customary to serve dishes that are not prepared on weekdays.

The central place on the table is occupied by hot and cold appetizers. They must combine great taste and original design. A little imagination and love will allow you to create culinary masterpieces that will be worthy of a holiday.

The symbol of the new year 2017 is the fiery rooster. This should be taken into account when decorating a house and setting a festive table. First of all, it concerns color.

The fiery rooster has such shades as red and yellow. These shades and all their tones should be used in the preparation and decoration of culinary masterpieces.

It is also worth considering that the rooster prefers to use various greens.

Hot appetizers

The organization of the holiday must be approached very carefully, especially when it comes to the table. A special place here is occupied by hot appetizers. For their preparation, you can use various recipes. We invite you to choose from the following options.

To make toast you will need:

  • ham - 250 g;
  • bread for toast - 12 slices;
  • pineapple - 12 rings;
  • pitted olives;

Bread is reheated until crispy. To do this, use both a toaster and a frying pan. After that, the toasts are smeared with butter. Ham is placed on top, pre-cut into thin pieces. Pineapple and olives lie on top of the ham. Everything is topped with cheese. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the formed toasts in it. Take out the toast after a few minutes. The main task is to melt the cheese so that it covers all the bread.

"Fried shrimp in batter"

Fried shrimp will decorate any holiday table. To make them, you must have:

  • shrimp with tails - 250 g;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • starch - 1 tbsp;
  • one egg;
  • various spices to add flavor and aroma.

First you need to prepare a batter for shrimp. Take an egg and beat thoroughly until foamy. Then add starch, flour and salt to it. Mix everything thoroughly. After that, carefully peel the shrimp from the shell so as not to damage the tails. Prawns are best fried in a deep frying pan in sunflower oil. The shrimp is dipped in batter and then fried. You can remove it only after it acquires a golden crust.

An alternative to a frying pan is a deep fryer. When the shrimp are fried, they are laid out on a paper towel, which will remove excess fat.

For lovers of meat dishes, such cheesecakes will be the best option. Making them is pretty easy. You just need to have some free time and the following ingredients:

  • ground beef - 800 g;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • spices and seasonings.

First you need to take the minced meat and add the egg and spices to it. After that, it is well kneaded. Cottage cheese is ground through a sieve and an egg is added to it. Salt and mix thoroughly. Balls are made from minced meat and laid out on a baking sheet, pre-oiled. The formed ball is pressed through the glasses. The result is a cheesecake with a recess in the middle. Curd dressing is laid out in the recess.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet in it. Bake the tarts for an hour. Decorate the cheesecakes with herbs. Serve hot.

Cold snacks

An equally important place on the table is occupied by cold appetizers. Today on the Internet you can find a large number of recipes. But what to cook for the New Year 2017? In this case, you can consider the option with cheese balls and crackers with cream cheese and caviar. They cook up pretty quickly. Therefore, you can always deliver new portions to the table.

"Cheese ball"

To make balls, you need to have on hand:

To begin with, beat the butter with a mixer. To it is added brynza cut into pieces. Garlic, parsley and ground pepper are added to the resulting mass on the tip of a knife. All beat until smooth. The finished mass is sent to the refrigerator, where it will be until it hardens a little. After that, balls are formed from it. The crust is cut off from rye bread and rubbed on a grater. Balls collapse in the resulting crumb.

"Cracker with cream cheese and caviar"

To prepare a cracker with caviar, you need to have some free time and the following ingredients:

Preparing such a culinary masterpiece is quite simple. You just need to take a cracker and spread it with cream cheese. Put a little caviar on top and decorate everything with dill and green onions. Instead of caviar, you can use salmon or other ingredients that are optimally combined with cream cheese.

Basically, it's a student. But, the peculiarity lies in the unusual form. Such a culinary masterpiece has an unsurpassed appearance. Therefore, every guest will definitely try them. To prepare jelly in this way, you must have the following ingredients:

  • eggs;
  • meat or fish;
  • meat broth;
  • carrot;
  • peas;
  • gelatin;
  • greens and vegetables for decoration.

Wash raw eggs thoroughly and wipe dry. Make a small hole in the shell and pour the contents into a glass. Carefully pry off the inner film and remove it. Set them to form.

Add gelatin to meat broth. Pour a few tablespoons of the prepared broth into the "mold" and wait until it hardens. After that, chop the boiled carrots, peas and other ingredients a little and place in a mold. Pour the broth on top and place the form in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

After the broth has completely hardened, carefully peel the jelly from the shell. Put the jelly on a plate and garnish with fresh cucumbers, herbs and lettuce. Serve an appetizer immediately before the feast, so that it does not melt and does not lose such an original shape.

original solutions

You can also put other dishes on the festive table. So, if you prefer fish snacks, then ruddy toasts with red fish will be a good option. To cook them, you need to brown the bread a little. Soften the butter and mix with dill. Place the mass in the refrigerator. When it hardens a little, it is spread on bread. Boil an egg and cut it into slices. They are laid out on bread, and on top - a slice of red fish. Decorate everything with parsley.

Stuffed tomatoes are a good idea too. To cook them, you need to take small tomatoes, cut them crosswise and get the pulp. After that, grate the melted cheese and boiled egg. Add a little garlic to the resulting mass. Mix everything with mayonnaise. After the mass is ready, season the tomatoes with it. Serving is carried out on a small dish on lettuce leaves. Such original balls will decorate the festive table.

For lovers of culinary masterpieces, baskets with chicken and mushrooms will be the best choice. To prepare such a dish, you can use ready-made baskets that can be found in the store. But, it is best to make them yourself. Baskets are formed from the dough. After that, they are placed in the oven. Bake until the basket is golden brown. Mushrooms are cut into slices and fried. To them is added chicken, cut into strips. Shortly before cooking, butter is added to them. After the filling is ready, it is laid out in baskets.

As you can see, today you can find many recipes with which you can prepare culinary masterpieces for the festive table.

When choosing a recipe, do not forget about the preferences of the guests. A large number of snacks will satisfy the taste of all participants in the feast.

When creating culinary masterpieces on such a significant day, special attention should be paid to their decoration. With the help of various sauces, herbs and fresh vegetables, you can give originality and originality to dishes. With such culinary masterpieces, the holiday will be unforgettable.

On our video you can learn more about the technology of making Hawaiian toast.

New Year's salads 2017 with a photo presented on many sites in large numbers. However, we wanted to offer you some interesting and very tasty options.

New Year's salads 2017 with photo recipes

Recipe with croutons, cheese and brisket.

Required products:

Fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces
- boiled-smoked brisket - 55 g
- garlic clove - 2 pieces
- hard cheese - 45 g
- a slice of a white loaf - 2 pieces each
- 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
- parsley
- freshly ground pepper and salt

Cooking steps:

Wash vegetables, dry, chop into cubes. Cut the brisket, grate the cheese, transfer to other products. Salt and pepper the salad, combine with chopped parsley and crushed garlic, season with mayonnaise. Stir carefully. Prepare crackers in advance: crumble slices of bread, dry them in a hot frying pan so that they become crispy and ruddy, let cool. Transfer the salad to a salad bowl, garnish with a sprig of parsley.

How about you?

Salad with crab sticks.

You will need:

Salad pepper - 2 pcs.
- egg - 2 pcs.
- cheese - 95 g
- tomato - 2 pcs.
- crab sticks - 195 g

Cooking steps:

Rub the eggs with cheese, and chop the rest of the products into cubes. Spread all layers with mayonnaise sauce, garnish with grated cheese.

Liver salad.

Required products:

Mayonnaise sauce - 190 g
- pickled cucumbers - 10 pcs.
- chicken liver - 345 g
- boiled egg - 5 pcs.
- carrots, onions - 4 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Boil the chicken liver, crumble into small strips. Chop the cucumbers into small cubes. Boil carrots, rub on a coarse grater. Chop the peeled onion, fry until golden. Boil the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Squirrels rub on a coarse grater. Leave the yolks for decoration. Prepare an oval dish, put the dish in it in layers: half the liver, half the fried onions, half the pickled cucumbers, carrots, proteins and the remaining products. Spread everything with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the dish with grated yolks.

Be sure to try and we are happy to provide you.

New Year's salad 2017 - recipes with photos

Delicious mushroom salad.


Pickled mushrooms - 495 g
- boiled grated carrot
- green onion, parsley, dill
- boiled chicken breast
- pickled cucumber
- boiled egg, boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
- hard cheese - 145 g


Lubricate the salad bowl with vegetable oil, cover with cling film. The edges should hang down. Lay in layers: mushrooms, greens, carrots, cucumbers, chicken breast, cheese, eggs, potatoes. Lubricate the first and second layers with mayonnaise, rearrange in the refrigerator overnight. Turn the salad bowl upside down and carefully transfer to a plate. Sprinkle on the side with herbs and grated cheese.

Do and .

Pink salmon recipe.

You will need:

jar of pink salmon
- boiled egg - 2 pieces
- sour cream, mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons each
- a teaspoon of lemon juice
- pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
- parmesan - 95 g
- boiled carrots
- salted crackers - 70 g
- olives - 10 pcs.
- greenery for decoration

Cooking steps:

Remember pink salmon with a fork, grate the cheese. Crumble pickles, mix with chopped proteins, season with mayonnaise. To prepare the sauce, combine mayonnaise, lemon juice and sour cream. Prepare a serving ring, lay the cracker crumbs in the first layer, pour in the sauce, put the grated carrots, chopped olives, a mixture of egg whites, cucumbers and cheese. Decorate the salad with crackers.

New Year's salads for 2017 with a photo

Recipe with tomatoes and shrimps.


Shrimps - 490 g
- tomato
- 190 g of cheese
- garlic clove
- lemon
- salt and pepper
- greenery
- mayonnaise

Cooking steps:

Pour boiling water over frozen shrimp, add lemon slices. Mix the dressing with chopped garlic, herbs and lemon juice. Peel the shrimp from the shell, season with spices. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Put some vegetables in a salad bowl, coat with dressing. Lay seafood in the next layer, season with dressing again. Rub the cheese, sprinkle the laid out products. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Each product must be posted several times.

Prepare also.

Recipe with ham and squid.

You will need:

Ham - 290 g
- hard cheese - 190 g
- mayonnaise dressing
- bunch of greenery
- boiled egg
- boiled squid fillet - 2 pcs.


Chop squid, cheese and ham into thin strips. Chop onion and egg into cubes. Chop greens, mix with mayonnaise sauce, stir.

Original Olivier.

Required products:

small pig tongue
- boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.
- fresh cucumber
- pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.
- boiled quail egg - 20 pcs.
- chicken fillet - 145 g
- canned "Crab Meat" - one jar
- boiled carrots
- greenery
- mayonnaise sauce

Cooking steps:

Cut the food into pieces, mix with peas, stir, sprinkle with salt, season.

How about you? It looks very original!

Fish olive.


Boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.
- boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
- red salted fish - 220 g
- frozen green peas - 195 g
- pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.
- greenery

Cooking steps:

Boil peas, cool. Chop the fish with cucumbers and potatoes into small pieces, transfer to a bowl, mix with peas, season with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with red caviar.

New Year's salads and snacks 2017 with a photo

Vinaigrette with squid.


boiled beets
- boiled carrots
- squid - 390 g
- boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
- a glass of sauerkraut
- onion
- pickled cucumber

For sauce:

Pinch of pepper
- salt
- vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
- a teaspoon of sugar
- acetic acid - a couple of tablespoons

Cooking steps:

Wash, boil vegetables. Boil water in a kettle, pour squid in a saucepan, leave for a couple of minutes. Cool, after cleansing, crumble into strips. Cut pickled cucumbers into cubes. Rinse sauerkraut, squeeze. Chop the peeled carrot into cubes. Cut the peeled potatoes into square pieces. Peel the beets and cut into pieces. Chop the onion, chop it. Place all ingredients in a bowl. Make a sauce from these products, season the vinaigrette, mix thoroughly.

Do and .

New New Year's salads 2017 with a photo

Salad with walnuts and apples.

Required products:

Apple - 2 pcs.
- nuts - 0.75 tbsp.
- sour cream - 3 tablespoons
- lettuce leaves - 5 pcs.
- a pinch of salt

How to cook:

Select apples with dense pulp. They should be sweet and sour. Wash the fruit, cut off the peel, remove the seeds. Chop into small cubes. Set aside a few slices for garnish. Chop the rest of the nuts. Set aside a few lettuce leaves - you will need them for decoration. Crush the rest of the leaves with your hands. Mix all products, salt. Add sour cream, mix thoroughly. Garnish with whole slices of nuts, apples and lettuce leaves.

Light New Year's salads 2017 with photo recipes.

Recipe with rye crackers.


Salmon fillet - 345 g
- head of iceberg lettuce
- rye crackers - one pack
- spices
- small cucumber - 4 pcs.
- mayonnaise sauce
- Provencal herbs


Open a pack of crackers, transfer to a salad bowl. Wash cucumbers, chop into strips. Rinse iceberg lettuce, divide into leaves, crumble into pieces. Chop the salted fish into square pieces. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl. Season with herbes de Provence. Refuel, stir.

Simple New Year's salads 2017 with a photo.


Juice from half a lemon
- Lavrushka
- vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons
- glass of water
- a glass of dry white wine
- champignons - 1/2 kg
- black peppercorns
- lemon wedges for garnish
- greenery


Pour a glass of wine and water into a container, salt, pepper, pour in oils, throw in a parsley. Boil the mass for 3 minutes with the lid open. Cut the mushrooms into slices. Pour the mushrooms into the boiling marinade, cover with a lid, cook for 10 minutes, and then cool with the marinade. Pour the mushrooms into a colander, let all the liquid drain. Spread lemon slices on a beautiful dish, garnish with herbs.

New New Year's salads 2017 with photo recipes.

Chicken salad in grapefruit.

You will need:

- grapefruit
- vegetable oil - a couple of tablespoons (tablespoons)
- chicken fillet - 145 g
- bulb
- a tablespoon of sesame seeds
- mayonnaise dressing - 2 tbsp. spoons
- chicken egg - 2 pcs.
- salt - 1.5 tsp

Cooking steps:

Pour water into the pan, salt, put the fillet, after the start of the boil, cook for 25 minutes. Once the fillet is cooked, cool directly in the broth to make it juicier. During cooking, be sure to add peppercorns and bay leaf. Peel and wash all vegetables. Chop the onion rings, rub the carrots. The meat, which has already cooled down, disassemble into fibers. Boil the eggs, let them cool, remove the shell, chop into cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Add chopped chicken, fry for five minutes. Set the fire to low, add chopped onions and carrots, continue frying.

Take a whole grapefruit, wash it thoroughly and dry it well. Draw a line with a pen and make a cut along it. A zigzag or a broken line will look very nice. Divide the cut fruit into 2 parts. Take out all the pulp with a spoon, cut it into small slices. Be sure to remove all membranes from the pulp so that the dish is not bitter. In a bowl, mix vegetables and fried chicken, add eggs, grapefruit, any spices, season with mayonnaise, stir. Fill the halves with salad, form a small slide. Garnish with fresh herbs and sesame seeds.
