
What happens to the body if you drink lemon water for only 2 weeks

Lemon has many amazing properties. Due to its composition, it has found application not only in cooking, but also in everyday life, cosmetology and traditional medicine. In this article, we want to talk about what will happen to your body if you start drinking water with lemon on an empty stomach every day in the morning. We will tell you how and why this magical drink helps a person stay beautiful and healthy. So, let's begin. ;)

Health benefits of lemon water

Improves the health of the digestive system

As you know, a healthy and full functioning of digestion is the key to good health. Lemons contain pectin fiber, which ensures the normal functioning of the colon, so drinking a glass of warm lemon water helps to remove toxins from the body. A drink drunk in the morning, as it were, “pushes through” all the accumulated debris, thanks to which it is possible to avoid pollution and poisoning of many systems and organs.

Water with lemon maintains the correct balance of minerals in the body

Now on the shelves of stores you can find many different "recovery" drinks, designed to be taken after physical exertion. But the composition of most of them leaves much to be desired. We recommend replacing them with plain and very affordable lemon water.

During exercise, along with sweat, the human body releases not only fluid, but also various minerals, such as potassium and sodium. Therefore, after exercise, it is important to restore them. Drinking plain water does some of the work, but adding just a few slices of lemon can help you stay hydrated and balance important minerals in your body.

Improves vision and fights eye diseases

We have always been told that those who eat carrots can see in the dark. So, this “mantra” has a worthy replacement. We all know that citrus fruits, including lemons, are packed with antioxidants. Such a tandem is an effective protection against visual impairment and the appearance of eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Time for a glass of lemon water, right? ;)

Makes skin soft and youthful

To maintain the tone and youthfulness of the skin for many years, it is worth drinking 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Observing this rule, the epidermis is moistened, and therefore its beauty is preserved. And by adding lemon juice to the water, you will get a number of other benefits. As mentioned above, these citrus fruits contain powerful antioxidants. They fight pigment spots and wrinkles, and also help to cleanse the skin and rejuvenate it.

Cleanses the liver and removes toxins

If you want to have good health and avoid the appearance of many diseases, as well as clogging of the body, then you need to carefully take care of your liver. Water with lemon will help maintain its work at an excellent level. Citric acid not only detoxifies by improving the functions of enzymes, but also helps to eliminate harmful bacteria.

rich in potassium

We all know that bananas contain a large amount of potassium, but it turns out that lemons contain just as much of this mineral. This element plays an important role in optimizing the functioning of the heart, brain, kidneys and muscles.

Excellent remedy for disease prevention

Those who drink lemon water every day tend to have fewer colds. Citrus fruit is saturated with ascorbic acid, which is an excellent defense against colds and immune system disorders.

Fights inflammation and removes uric acid

Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury. In addition, it can occur as a result of the development of a disease, the cause of which is often increased acidity. Regular drinking of water with lemon promotes normalization, which in turn leads to the removal of harmful uric acid, which is the cause of inflammation in the body.

Alkalizes and maintains an optimal level of acidity

By nature, lemons are acidic, but you'd be surprised to know that when citric acid enters the bloodstream, it has an alkalizing effect on the tissues of the body. Why is it useful? Many diseases pass, the level of bad cholesterol decreases, and you can even get rid of diabetes.
