
Candy-bar: do-it-yourself sweet table decoration. Die-cut figures, die-cut numbers, logos, etc.

(the so-called candy bars) have become one of the main elements in the preparation of the celebration. Today, many couples prefer to arrange an attractive table with lots of sweets in addition to a giant wedding cake, and some even completely abandon one mono cake in favor of a sweet variety.

After all, why choose just one dessert when you can offer your guests an entire buffet full of delicious, favorite desserts? Not only does a wedding candy bar offer your guests more choices, it can also be more cost effective depending on what type of desserts you choose and how many sweets you're willing to make yourself.

While decorating a candy bar might seem like a pretty simple task (cakes + donuts = success, right?), it takes a lot of effort to make the candy table look attractive and match the color scheme and overall style of your wedding.

On the Internet you can find many examples of perfectly served, colorful candy bars, and in the article, in turn, you can find some useful tips on how to make it as beautiful and profitable as possible.

  1. beautiful location

What is the difference between a candy bar and a regular sweet table? First of all, a beautiful, harmonious arrangement of desserts on the table. By placing dessert bowls on frilly coasters of various heights, you achieve depth and visual harmony, allowing you to highlight the most important elements of your sweet table, such as cake.

How to achieve different heights on the dessert table? Cake stands are an obvious choice and will allow you to create a cute decoration for every dessert. Try to find a large assortment of coasters in various sizes and heights, otherwise a table filled with the same containers of cakes and pastries will not have the visual effect you are looking for.

If you're on a tight budget and short on time to find enough interesting cake stands, you have a few options to add the height you need. For example, you can create interesting DIY cake stands!

For these purposes, you can use antique boxes, books, boxes, or any other interesting items that you can find. A variety of items will create the desired height, and you will not need to use special cake stands.

If you're planning a rustic wedding, you can use old wooden crates or boxes and cover them with a cloth or tablecloth to disguise the stand. For a travel-style wedding, you can use small bags for coasters, which, combined with a globe and a model airplane, will look very stylish.

  1. Decor elements

Okay, you already have a candy bar theme and you know how to beautifully arrange desserts on the table. But so far this is not enough to talk about a full-fledged, wedding candy bar - you need to add festive decorations!

The easiest way to fill the table with decorative elements is to add flowers, candles and/or items related to your wedding theme. Ask when talking to your florist (or whoever you are going to buy flowers from) if he can provide you with a few different vases for decoration of the table, or ... garden tools. Small buckets or garden watering cans make great containers for bouquets.

Your guests will be happy to know what delicious desserts they can choose from, especially if you provide several types of desserts with different toppings to choose from! Write about the composition of pastries and cakes, as well as candy fillings, by writing this information on handmade signs, and fix them on dessert dishes.

Believe me, this is a very constructive idea!

  1. And, of course, the desserts themselves!

The last step is to make sure you have everything planned and ready for your wedding day. If you are going to prepare a sweet table yourself, it is clear that this will take a little more time than if you just had to pick up your wedding cake from the bakery. If you are not planning on picking up your wedding desserts yourself, entrust a trusted family member or friend to drop by the bakery on time to get the cake and other desserts (cupcakes, donuts, cookies, candies, etc.) and everything you need to decorate the candy bar .

In terms of quantity, it is always better to have a surplus of food on your wedding day than a half-empty table and hungry guests. The same is true for desserts! In case you don't have a big cake, you should prepare 3-4 mini desserts per person (if cake is available, take 1-2 mini desserts per person).

It is also worth diversifying the choice of desserts on the festive table. For example, if you plan to have 3-4 mini desserts per guest, then you should have 5-6 sweet options to choose from.

This means that if you are planning a candy bar and one large cake for 100 people, then you will need about 2-3 servings per person (including a slice of cake per 100 grams), or about 250 grams of dessert in total. At the same time, in addition to the cake, there should be 4-5 different types of dessert to choose from on the table.

Now that you have learned the basic principles of planning and organization, you will be able to create the best wedding candy bar imaginable and delight your invited guests with beautiful and delicious sweets.

If you decide to include a candy bar in your wedding banquet, pay attention to the following points:

The number of guests, the theme of the holiday and the color scheme - these are the three pillars of a good candy bar.

Ideally, your sweet table should be a continuation of the main concept of the holiday, an island of exquisite joy.

Another rule is that sweets for a candy bar should be miniature. Pieces of cake, cookies, cakes are delicious, but not very suitable for a stylish candy bar at a wedding celebration.



portioned mini-cakes in a paper cup. We can say that these "cakes in cups" set the mood due to the space for decoration.


small cupcakes on a stick are very popular at parties because of their convenient format and bright design.

two round macaroons joined together by a filling became very popular in Lately. Under the crispy crust, guests will find an amazing delicate creamy filling. The taste and color of pasta can be very different, which is another undoubted plus when decorating a sweet table with delicious delicacies.


in Russia it is often called marshmallow, which is not entirely true. Marshmallow is a cross between marshmallow and marshmallow. It is often decorated with colored sugar, chocolate and various confectionery powders. Like cake pops, marshmallows are often served on a stick or placed in dessert bowls.

The baskets, profiteroles, meringues or cookies with icing that we know are also common options for filling the sweet table.

A candy bar (candy bar) can be organized anywhere: in an apartment on a coffee table by the window, at an outdoor event in a tent specially set up for this purpose, on the street near the house. The main condition for this is a bright serving format: the candy-bar should catch the eye.

Buy or bake

There are no clear recommendations on this matter - put on the table what you want. It can be both purchased sweets and homemade dishes. But products should not be perishable: for example, if the event takes place on a hot afternoon, then ice cream and a cake with a cream layer will be superfluous.

The traditional candy bar is:

  • sweets: loose and chocolates in boxes;
  • cookies and gingerbread;
  • macarons;
  • liquorice;
  • marshmallow and marshmallow;
  • muffins, cupcakes, muffins.

How to arrange

Sweets in the candy bar can be served as you like - on bright napkins, on disposable tableware, on traditional cake stands, in fruit bowls. Refuse conventions - take everything that is available on the farm:

  • pour M&M's lollipops and dragees into ordinary 1, 2 and 3 liter jars;
  • Serve cookies in a large round container (an aquarium shaped like a glass is suitable);
  • pour multi-colored marmalades into a tall glass vase.

Try to use a tier system - then even on a small work surface of the candy bar you can place a lot of sweet treats.

What else…

Often, in addition to sweets, containers with lemonade and sweet compote are placed on the table. Show your imagination and make colorful water: raspberry and blueberry compote, lemonade based on lime and mint, chilled black tea. It is not necessary to buy store-bought dyes - both in summer and winter, you can color the drink with natural ingredients.

And fruit - bring fruit! Children love oranges, bananas and apples. Buy a couple of mangoes, put pineapple and coconut in the center of the table - delight is guaranteed!

If funds allow, order a chocolate fountain for a candy bar (photo)

Warm chocolate flowing like a waterfall over a special container is stylish, unusual and tasty. Such a delicacy is not eaten with a spoon - fruits are dipped into a sweet liquid. To do this, place plastic cups with toothpicks or multi-colored skewers next to the fountain - let the guests prick slices of banana, cherries and strawberries, slices of oranges and apples.

If it is not possible to buy (or rent a chocolate fountain), make fondue yourself: take a deep bowl or plate, organize a stand, place a lit candle under the container, crumble pieces of bitter chocolate into the bowl.

Simple and stylish - from improvised means: do-it-yourself candy bars for children

The birthday boy wished a bright holiday? No problem - create a candy bar for this day together with your child.

Boys will be delighted with the automotive theme:

  • Bake gingerbread in the shape of cars. Cover them with multi-colored glaze, drawing windows and doors, car body, wheels.
  • Hang garlands with paper vehicles strung on a rope over the table.
  • It will not be superfluous to decorate a candy bar: “lay” an autobahn on the table. To do this, cut out the route from black (gray) cardboard, and make road markings from yellow (white) paper. And don’t forget the traffic lights: fill a glass vase with balls of “sea pebbles” dragees or your favorite M&M’s: it’s important to keep the color balance – green candies first, then yellow ones, and red goodies at the top.

Girls will definitely want a party in the style of princesses or fairies:

  • Try to make decor in the same color scheme. It is better to give up white and pastel - choose rich colors (red, purple, hot pink).
  • Print three-dimensional figures of fairy-tale characters loved by everyone Barbie and funny ponies from the cartoons of the same name. An alternative option would be balls made in the form of all these heroes.
  • Take care of the fairy wings for the little guests - they will become a bright decor for a photo shoot.
  • To “fix” the spectacular result, do not forget to arrange the zones above the table - bright paper lanterns and helium balloons will help you with this.

Exquisite splendor: creating a candy bar for a wedding (photo-illustration)

Decorated in an unusual way, the candy bar will become an excellent photo area for guests. Therefore, be sure to put a large poster or a huge photo frame next to the sweets with thematic wedding inscriptions (name of the bride and groom, wedding date, words about “tili-tili dough”, etc.).

Put the props for photographs on the candy bar in a special stand. You don’t have to buy them - you can do it yourself: stick a paper mustache, glasses and huge cardboard lips, a thick beard, a man’s bowler hat on long skewers (the so-called kebab sticks). Funny inscriptions cut out of colored paper should be fixed on sticks.

And don't forget the big colorful lollipops! Undoubtedly, few people will eat them (except for bored kids), but they will be a bright addition to funny pictures. Also, for the sake of beauty, you can put a bouquet of sweets in the center of the table: exquisite from Raffaello or vice versa - unusual from "Squirrels" and candies.

By the way, you don’t have to buy a cake stand for a candy bar - you can make it yourself. For this you will need:

  • several plates of different sizes (it is not necessary to take porcelain - plastic disposable tableware is also suitable);
  • glasses or paper cups;
  • glue.

Glue a stand to the back of the plate - a glass, a candlestick, a cognac glass or a wine glass. If you chose a paper cup, fill it with something (otherwise, under the weight of sweet dishes, the stand may break). And then, layer by layer, build a “plate tower”. The main thing at the same time - after adding the next "floor" check the structure for stability.

Themed Candy Bars at Home: Sample Designs with Step-by-Step Instructions

Candy bar can and should be decorated with additional accessories. At the same time, there are no clear rules and strict recommendations in decorating a sweet buffet - be guided by your taste and desires. An excellent solution would be the design of a candy bar on the theme of the holiday.

  • We recommend that adherents of the rustic style stock up on wooden coasters for hot dishes (or banal saw cuts of small trees) - place jars and flasks with colorful dishes on them.

Borrow large wicker baskets and baskets from your grandmother in the village - they will also fit for decoration. And of course, do not forget about the straw - you will need a small amount of hay, but such a decorative element will be the central "character" of your candy bar.

  • Does the celebration take place in the summer in the courtyard of a private house? Then make decor from improvised means - an old box, pallet boards. Place the box on its edge: place bottles with drinks inside, place containers with sweets at the top. And knock down a multi-tiered cake rack from pallets.

And don't forget the candles! They can be placed anywhere and in any way (the main thing is that the flame does not ignite the tablecloths and paper decorations at the candy bar). Candles can be placed on an inverted glass or inside a glass filled with coffee beans. Place the burning splendor in hanging glass lanterns specially purchased for this purpose.

  • Fruit-themed parties such as apple or orange are very popular now (when the room is decorated with decor of the appropriate color, fruits are sent to guests as invitation cards). If you are planning a party in this style, stock up on canvas bags - you can put the same apples or oranges in them.
  • Fans of Soviet style can get a real siphon for soda from the bins ... There is no siphon, but there is a samovar with a tap? ... Take it too - it will do.

The tradition of organizing a sweet table at any significant celebration came to Russia from the West and is firmly rooted here. Newlyweds, planning their holiday, always try to create a so-called candy bar for the wedding. Photos of such buffets with many beautiful and delicious desserts are breathtaking and amazes with the variety and presence of colors.

Advantages and disadvantages

As in any other wedding matter, there are several pros and cons of setting up a candy bar at the celebration. Among the positive points can be noted:

  • it is beautiful and original;
  • guests can have a bite to eat at any time, because the sweet table is always in their sight;
  • treats have a convenient and miniature shape, they are easy to take and eat;
  • guests after the holiday can take the remaining desserts with them, which will please them;
  • a separate candy bar is convenient, more space at the main table for hot meals and snacks.

The downside to organizing a candy bar is only financial costs. In addition to the wedding cake, you also need to take care of various delicacies, the cost of which can be high.

Each couple of newlyweds decides for itself why they need a sweet table specifically for their wedding. But, undoubtedly, this detail of the holiday will only decorate it and give many unforgettable moments, positive emotions.

Popular meal options

To please all those present at the wedding, the bride and groom will have to work hard, prepare various treats for every taste and color. Below are some examples (with photos) of the most popular candy bar desserts.

Fruits in chocolate. Many people like the combination of fresh berries and fruits with melted milk chocolate. You can prepare several plates of strawberries for the candy bar by stringing them on toothpicks and dipping them in chocolate. The perfect treat for a summer wedding during berry picking season. Any seasonal fruits are also used. A fondue set can be placed on the table. Melted chocolate in a special bowl is kept warm all the time, for which a burning candle is installed. Everyone who wants to take a berry on a skewer and dip it in chocolate.

Apples, pears, citrus fruits can be cut into portions and pour caramel on top. Very tasty and original performance for a candy bar.

Cupcakes or cupcakes. Miniature cakes are especially popular, they are convenient to take, they do not get your hands dirty. Design can come up with the most diverse. Decorate with sprinkles or fresh fruit, pour glaze.

portion cookies. Two-layer desserts soaked in cream look interesting. By adding food coloring to the dough, you can make cookies in any color design, which will look good when creating wedding photos.

Marshmallow or pastille. The delicacy is convenient to use, it can be cut in any way, to make different figures out of it. For a change of candy bar, pieces are sprinkled on top with nuts or powdered sugar.

Dough baskets. Any dessert can be loaded into such a sweet container: fruits with cream, fresh berries with whipped cream, jam.

For a themed wedding, such treats will be a revelation. Here you can find honey baklava, candied fruits, nougat with nuts, halva, sherbet and gozinaki.

The number of sweets for a candy bar should be calculated for each person, but it is better to take desserts with a margin. Do not display all copies at once, but add them as needed so that the plates are not empty and at the same time are not overcrowded. Often, newlyweds decide at the end of the wedding to give their guests small gifts: bags of goodies that are left over from the sweet table.

When creating a candy bar, a variety of desserts is also important. It is recommended to choose at least 7 treats so that guests have a choice. Near each treat, you can write its composition, and even the number of calories. A sweet table for a wedding should not be limited only to delicacies, here you can also provide drinks for guests. Refreshing fruit drinks, juices and natural compotes from fresh fruits and berries are suitable. You can make interesting cocktails, decorate them with umbrellas and orange slices. Pour drinks into glasses or provide glass bottles. For children, when organizing a candy bar at a wedding, packaged juices with a straw are most suitable.

Relevance to the topic

When newlyweds choose a themed wedding, they should also consider all aspects related to the organization. So, if the holiday is dominated by a certain color, then the wedding candy bar should match. Table decoration largely depends on the style of the wedding. For example, you can organize a buffet table in blue. Choose a tablecloth of a suitable shade, napkins a tone darker or lighter. The treats themselves may have elements of a similar tone. The decoration will be blue powder on muffins or marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade slightly tinted with food coloring. How beautiful treats will look on wedding photos:

The same trick can be applied to . Choose a tablecloth of the desired tone, white napkins, and light-colored dishes for the candy bar. Hang red helium balloons near the table, or marsala colors, fix the garland. From desserts, cupcakes poured with red icing, heart-shaped cookies of the main shade, red apples, and berries are suitable. Also on the table there can be drinks: fruit drinks and compotes.

The easiest way is to choose goodies for. Because the very concept of the holiday lies in simplicity, naturalness, then the treats should not be pretentious, complex confectionery masterpieces. It can be:

  • various cookies;
  • gingerbread;
  • fruits in caramel;
  • popcorn;
  • marshmallow, marshmallow and chocolate.

It is better to choose a cotton tablecloth, decorate it with patterned napkins. Or pick up a beautiful wooden table and do not cover it with anything. This option at the wedding also looks very impressive. Lighted candles, wild flowers or dried flowers, ears of wheat can be placed on the table. Such a beautiful organization of the candy bar will be a great backdrop for wedding photos.

We make a sweet table ourselves

You can organize a candy bar easily and with your own hands. To do this, you will need the table itself, a tablecloth of a suitable color, several boxes from which you can make tiers for setting desserts. They also use multi-tiered dishes, they take up little space, and a lot of treats fit on them. If there is a beautiful dish available, then it is worth using it. You can arrange cookies, gingerbread or sweets in patterned glass bowls, plates or on a wide dish. You need to use the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe table, so the candy bar will look more spectacular in the photo. It is also necessary to designate the location of the sweet table at the wedding, decorating it with balls, garlands, figurines or fresh flowers. It is not necessary to buy or order expensive, complex desserts. You can get by with ordinary lollipops, cookies of various shapes, fruit cuts and marshmallows. The main thing is the presentation and the right color scheme.

In order to save the family budget, each couple thinks about what to cook for themselves on a sweet table. These can be cookies, muffins, homemade marshmallows or marshmallows. It is profitable to bake a charlotte pie and divide it into portions. Even less cost and time will be required to buy fresh fruit, cut and stuff them on special wooden sticks. This is how sweet skewers turn out. On the Internet, on thematic sites, you can find many interesting recipes for beautiful sweets, you can watch some of them on the video:

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the best photo examples of a candy bar for a wedding:
