
Salt cave business plan with calculations. What you need to open your own salt cave: a list of expenses

Explore the features of this service. Ideally, the owner of this business should be a doctor with the appropriate specialization. If you do not have the necessary education, invite a therapist to co-found or lead.

Find out all about the competitors. If there are health centers in your city that offer halotherapy services, it is important to consider their advantages and disadvantages. Your goal is to offer the best service. If there is competition, you will have to make adjustments in finding the location of your salon. Try to choose a room at the maximum distance.

Main risks

The popularity of halotherapy is growing, but most potential clients have not even heard of this wellness procedure. It is in demand in large cities, which are characterized by serious air pollution. But even in this case, it is necessary to invest heavily in popularizing not only the salon, but also the procedure itself. If you decide to work in a small town, you will have to expand the range of services. Otherwise, you will not be able to create a profitable business.

The halotherapy procedure is characterized by an impressive list of contraindications. You should not only warn clients about the possible negative consequences in the presence of certain diseases, but also try to reduce the risk of harm by performing the procedure. Many halotherapy salons cooperate with clinics and recommend that potential clients undergo an examination before the course of procedures. Having permission from a doctor significantly reduces the risk.

The demand for the procedure increases during the cold season and decreases significantly in the summer. It is important to take this factor into account when planning profits and provide options for expanding the range of services or discounts for the summer recession.


The most important factor is customer convenience. Perfect option- central streets and location as close as possible to public transport stops. To organize a salon, a room of 50 m² is enough. Special equipment occupies approximately 5 m². It should be located in a separate room.

The remaining space is divided into several zones:

  • Halochamber.
  • Waiting room with reception desk.
  • Staff room.
  • Toilet.

There are many requirements for the arrangement of a halochamber. It is important to ensure the correct temperature regime, the absence of excessive moisture and reliable waterproofing, a modern ventilation system and air filters. This room should not be connected to the sewer system and water supply.

Whitewashing or painting is not allowed on the walls and ceiling. The most common option is cladding with pressed sea salt blocks. In this case, a concrete floor with a minimum load of 0.5 t per m² is required. You can clad the walls and ceiling with salt bricks, decorate the halochamber in the form of a natural salt cave. The design with scattered crystals of sea salt looks great.

To carry out repair work and bring the premises in line with the requirements, a minimum of 300,000 rubles will be required.


The most expensive and important device is the halogenerator. It is installed in the room next to the halochamber and is used to spray the saline solution of the required concentration. Also, this device maintains the temperature within 20 ° C and humidity at 50%.

Exist different kinds halogenerators. Manufacturers of medical equipment offer portable models for individual procedures. There are options with high power for large rooms. Some models are controlled via the Internet, have a help system in memory and the ability to save a history of procedures. The basic set of equipment for a full-fledged halochamber with a starter set of related consumables costs at least 250,000 rubles.

Additionally, it is necessary to provide for expenses within 100,000 rubles for the installation and configuration of equipment. It is very complex and should not be installed on your own. Some manufacturers provide free services, including equipment installation.

It is worth thinking about special lighting. It plays a very important role, because your customers come not only for healing air. For many, visiting a salt cave is a great opportunity to relax and take a break from the frantic pace of city life. It is also necessary to provide pleasant neutral music. Offer various options for musical accompaniment - classical, oriental instrumental music, sounds of nature.

It is important to choose comfortable furniture. For a salt cave, soft comfortable sun loungers are enough, in which you can sit reclining. Also of great importance is the design and furniture in the waiting room.

The front desk should be equipped with a computer to keep track of sessions and record clients.


Four employees are enough to ensure the work of the salon:

  1. Administrator. His responsibilities include all organizational issues. Registration of those who wish and the formation of groups, payment acceptance.
  2. Consultant. This employee must have a medical background. He must find out whether clients have contraindications to halotherapy. The consultant should also tell visitors about the benefits of the procedure, explain the rules for staying in the salt room. He must be highly qualified, sufficient to answer any questions and provide medical assistance in an emergency.
  3. Operator. This employee is responsible for the operation of the equipment. Manufacturers offer training on halogen generators, but specific education is highly desirable for this position. Also, the duties of the operator include the selection of background music, maintenance of other equipment.

You should also hire a marketer as soon as possible. Constant and active search for new customers, popularization of the service requires a lot of effort. It is better that one person is responsible for this area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork.

It is worth thinking about security. Installing an alarm and video surveillance system will not solve the problem. It is better to hire a security guard or conclude an agreement with a special service. On a stratum, the maintenance of financial records can be entrusted to a part-time accountant or this part of the work can be outsourced.

Documents and licenses

The form of registration depends on the number of founders. If the owner of the business is one, you can issue an IP. If your company has several founders, it is better to stop at registering a legal entity. For this business, it is possible to choose a simplified taxation system - 6% of profits. OKVD - 2 93.29 other services in the field of recreation and entertainment.

Registration of a license costs within 6,000 rubles. But its receipt is associated with high requirements and the need to draw up a lot of documents. Everything will be much easier if the leader is a certified doctor. It is recommended to entrust this part of the organizational hassle to a special law firm.

Quite high requirements for a halotherapy salon are made by fire supervision and SES. The requirements of these services must be known in advance.


In the first months of operation, a workload of 30% is considered normal. With the right organization of the marketing policy, the salon will be visited by new customers. A feature of this service is the need for a cycle of procedures. The number of sessions depends on the disease and the recommendations of the attending physician. If, after 3-4 months of work, the workload increases to 45%, this is a good result.

The cost of one session is 200 rubles. The procedure lasts 40 minutes, 20 - a break. The standard halochamber is designed for 10 people. With a load of 30%, you will serve three people per hour. One working day, on average, brings a profit of 4,800 rubles. This is a very approximate amount, because the number of clients may be greater. You should also take into account the discount for those who purchase a subscription for a month.

An analysis of the results of successful halotherapy salons shows that even with a workload of 30%, the payback comes in 8-10 months.


Promote your services by any means possible. Advertising in the media gives a good effect, but it is not cheap. An excellent option is cooperation with clinics and hospitals. If, in the presence of indications, doctors will recommend your salon to their patients, a constant flow of customers is guaranteed.

The website of the company gives a great effect. Description of the procedure and its benefits, advantageous offers for regular customers, the ability to sign up for the procedure online will definitely attract new visitors. Popularizing the site will take some time and is associated with costs, but these measures will give results.

Work weekends - they bring the highest profits to many salons. In the summer, it is advisable to pay attention to office workers who are forced to spend in a dusty and hot city. For this category, you should create appropriate advertisements. You should also think about expanding the range of services. You can gradually develop and create a complete wellness center with various procedures.


The organization of a halotherapy salon requires significant investments. But with the right organization of work and an active marketing policy, you can achieve excellent results.

An overview of a business model that does not require large investments and brings a stable income - a salt cave (halochamber). On the example of the franchise of salt caves "Vita Breeze".

The halochamber provides a health-improving service, which will be especially popular in large cities. The client is located in a comfortable deck chair and undergoes a session, during which he breathes air saturated with salt crushed to microparticles. This allows you to cleanse the lungs, bronchi, sinuses, removes accumulated harmful substances, microbes, relieves inflammation and improves human immunity. Halotherapy sessions are indicated for asthma, allergies, respiratory diseases, rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, acute respiratory viral infections, postoperative conditions, in the off-season, periods of stress.

Basically, these are residents of large cities, especially in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions. If this is a satellite city of a large industrial enterprise, halochambers are simply necessary there. Unfortunately, we do not yet include such concern for the health of employees in labor protection. Milk for harm - and enough. At the same time, statistics show a constant increase in diseases in such regions.

Our clients can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Children. Among them, allergies, broncho-pulmonary diseases, ENT diseases have become massive. In kindergarten, every second child has problems. Parents prefer not to heal, but to undergo halotherapy courses, naturally cleanse the body, and carry out prevention.
  2. Middle-aged people (30-45). Often ex-smokers, those who live in a big city in a very stressful rhythm.

    Business Idea: Salt Cave

    When the understanding comes that the resource of the body is not infinite, they come to the salt cave to clean themselves and just relax and unwind.

  3. Older people (55+). Most often they already have a "bouquet" of diseases, they have been prescribed handfuls of pills, antibiotics, and operations more than once. There is an idea that all these chemical attacks do not give an effect for a long time, but at the same time side effects then have to be treated separately.

Promotion channels

The main channel for promoting the service is the Internet. The Vita Breeze website is optimized and constantly promoted in search engines, it is in the top ten for the main queries. Active promotion is carried out in social networks, all channels of interaction with clients are used, such as vkontakte, Instagram, etc. Stars, VIP-persons, popular media personalities are involved in the promotion.

Active business support — local and seasonal promotions. Franchisee "Vita Breeze" can attract customers by periodically holding free sessions for groups from nearby kindergartens and schools, employees of business centers, and industrial enterprises. As practice shows, up to 30% of those who have passed a session in a salt cave become clients and purchase a subscription.

Before the start of the high season (autumn and spring), competitions can be held, the prize in which is subscriptions to sessions in the halochamber.

Media involvement is also a tool for attracting attention and informing. For example, journalists willingly cover charitable events when children from orphanages and nursing homes who suffer from serious illnesses undergo halotherapy sessions.

Features of doing business

There is seasonality in salt caves, in summer the flow of customers can decrease by 20%, but with proper organization of marketing support, the seasonal drop can be reduced. For example, it is necessary to involve people in especially hot periods, in case of fires, smog. It is necessary to focus on attracting office workers, those who cannot travel outside the city in summer, and older people who can take a break from the heat in a comfortable and cool atmosphere. From May 25 until the beginning of September, the main decrease in inflow is due to children.



Price, in rubles

Device for dry salt aerosol therapy group dosing ASA-01.3 Model "Prima"

A basic, compact device that allows you to fully implement the method of controlled halotherapy.
120 m3.

Smart model

Modern apparatus for controlled halotherapy.

With software-electronic system HALOSMART and software package HALOCONTROL®.

Communication with the machine via the Internet, the possibility of wireless control from a tablet PC, prompt system, procedure history, help system

The volume of the treatment room up to 120 m3

This information is not distributed in the public domain.

Group dosing device for dry salt aerosol therapy АСА-01.3

Model "Professional"

Innovative device with the possibility of autoloading the salt preparation, With a software-electronic system HALOSMART and software package HALOCONTROL®.
Communication with the device via the Internet, the possibility of wireless control from a tablet computer, a prompt system, a history of procedures, a help system.
The volume of the treatment room up to 120 m3.

This information is not distributed in the public domain.

Feasibility Study*

How much money do you need to start a business?

Capital investments

Monthly expenses

Revenue (minus tax 6%)


Break even point with sublease

Break even

Download the financial model and make individual calculations directly to your parameters.

* All calculations are provided by Vita-Breeze. The proposed business model is unfamiliar to Moneymaker Factory specialists, and we cannot assess how realistic the figures presented are. In general, the proposal is interesting (activities related to improving health are a very promising direction) and, probably, with the right organization of the business, it can be very successful.

Questions and answers on the topic

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Salt cave (halochamber) - earnings from the air

Are you looking for an original and promising idea for your own business? Well, then it's time to act! Start your business with us - a team of active and motivated professionals who are ready to provide consulting and technical support in the development of a private halo complex. Opening your own salt cave can be considered a thoughtful and profitable investment of money, since services related to wellness procedures will always be relevant and in demand.

Suggestion for you:

  1. Not only private entrepreneurs are invited to cooperate, but also large-scale corporations that care about the health of their staff
  2. We take care of all organizational issues, including the design stage, delivery of equipment and the construction of the complex itself.
  3. You get detailed advice and training as a bonus!
  4. We guarantee that the opening of a salt cave in your city will become a 100% profitable business, especially given the high level of seasonality - caves are visited in autumn, winter and spring for the purpose of healing, and especially passionate lovers even in summer.

Complete set of the program "Open your salt cave":

  • Consultation of specialists on the choice of premises and specialized equipment
  • The equipment purchased by you is delivered by our employees to the facility and installed in compliance with all standards.
  • Training of your staff and professional application of the salt layer
  • Consulting support at every stage of organizational and construction work

We offer you to get acquainted with the profitability of this business project in more detail:

  • As an example, let's take a salt cave with an area of ​​18-30 m2
  • With a 12-hour working day, the session lasts 40 minutes
  • There are 12 sessions per day, with breaks of about 20 minutes
  • The cost of the session - at least 300 rubles per person
  • 8 people visit the cave for 1 entry


  • 12 sessions x 8 people x 300 rubles = in one day the profit is 28,800 rubles.
  • What in 30 working days will equal 864 thousand rubles.

P.S. Let's assume that the occupancy will not be 100%, and we will make a discount for a 40% decrease in the attendance of the salt cave.

How to open a salt cave

As a result, we get the amount of 518,400 rubles, which, after deducting the wages of your employees, utility bills and rent, as well as advertising costs (we take this amount as equal to 40% of income), makes a profit of at least 311,040 rubles per month.

Summing up, we can say that the average payback period for a salt cave is 4-6 months.

Evaluate the benefits of your own business by taking advantage of our offer! Below, you can get acquainted in more detail with the options for completing the salt cave from the Institute of Preventive Medicine of St. Petersburg.

Name of product Specifications Unit ism Qty
Health-improving and naturotherapeutic complex "Halokamera"
Composed of: Set 1
Apparatus for group aerosol therapy with sodium chloride "Halogenerator AGG-03" Supply voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz, el. power is not more than 50 W., the built-in timer ensures the operation of the generator in automatic mode, it is equipped with an air filter. PC. 1
Aerogalit® Highly dispersed powder of sodium chloride with a particle fraction of 1-5 microns. Fl. 500
Lamp "Energy Crystal P.P. Gorbenko" Supply voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz, made of sodium chloride single crystal PC. 4
halodesign Application of a special multi-layer salt coating on walls and floors, smoothing sharp corners of walls and floors
Dolby 5.1 speaker system Availability of CD/MP3, FM tuner PC. 1
Psychosuggestive programs on CDs for adults and children Relaxation CDs, at least 45 minutes each Set 1 (4pcs)
Chaise lounge chair Typical PC. 5
Connection and adjustment of equipment, training of technical personnel at the workplace
medical technology Set 1
Technical documentation Set 1
Development of technical specifications
Delivery of equipment
The total cost of a complete set is 390,000 rubles. 00 kop.*
* — the package does not include the cost of salt, the cost of liquid glass, and travel expenses

Dear colleagues and partners!

We invite you to join the all-Russian network of salt caves "GALOROOM".

Joining the all-Russian network of salt caves GALOROOM has a number of advantages:

  • Obtaining consultations at the opening of the Salt Cave halocomplex,
  • Provision of a ready-made corporate identity package (brand book),
  • Templates and texts for advertising booklets,
  • Scientific and methodological support,
  • Legal support,
  • Conducting educational programs and seminars,
  • Availability of a common corporate website,
  • Special conditions for the supply of consumables
  • Special conditions of service.

The all-Russian network of salt caves GALOROOM, created by the St. Petersburg Institute of Preventive Medicine, has pronounced competitive advantages over other Salt Cave halo complexes. The GALOROOM brand is already a sign of quality, and the patronage of the St. Petersburg Institute of Preventive Medicine and personally the author of halotherapy and halohealing technology P.P.Gorbenko guarantee the high efficiency of the services provided.

Conditions for joining the GALOROOM network:

  1. On the condition of purchasing the “Lux”, “Third generation” and “Premium” halocomplex, the Galoroom franchise is provided free of charge.
  2. The Galoroom franchise is provided only on the condition that the halocomplex was created by specialists from the St. Petersburg Institute of Preventive Medicine.
  3. For Standard halocomplexes, the Galoroom franchise is provided on a paid basis at the rate of: 50,000 rubles.
  4. Monthly payments - royalties - 10,000 rubles per month.

Galoroom franchise is not available on the territory of St. Petersburg.


good for health, nice atmosphere inside the room


prices without promotions, location is not always close to home


While still a student, I learned what a halochamber or simply a salt room is.

Business idea No. 100: calculations and nuances of opening a salt cave

Then a pulmonologist prescribed it to me as a complex treatment and I visited it for free. Such a room was at the hospital, the standard course was 10 days. A room lined with sea salt on all sides: walls, floor, ceiling partially. I usually went there in the morning, all the patients lay down on comfortable couches, covered themselves with a blanket, after which the light became dim and quiet soporific music was turned on. In general, in the morning hours, everyone was simply asleep there, the procedure lasts 40 minutes. Then I didn’t particularly notice the effect of this inhalation of salt vapor, although now I’ve become thoughtful, after those procedures I didn’t have ENT diseases for a long time.

And just recently, I remembered that not only in the hospital you can visit the halochamber. In many cities, this is already mostly a business, that is, you pay money and go through procedures. First, I looked on the Internet to see if there is such a room near the house, in principle there is, but the prices there are considerable, and you need to go through a course of procedures in order for the effect to be.
Honestly, a little toad choked. Then I decided to look at Groupon and Biglion, whether there are similar promotions there. And, lo and behold, I found, but not one, but four! I chose the one that was at least somehow closer to us and it was convenient to get there. I bought a coupon for myself and my daughter, signed up.
We went the very next day after the purchase. In the hall they took off their outer clothing and shoes. Slates and shoe covers are provided there, you can also bring your own shift. And it is better to take thick socks with you, not for hygiene, but so that salt does not get under your clothes. At the appointed time, all visitors enter a special room, everything is covered with salt in it, there are armchairs in rows, they give out blankets.
What pleased me is that there is a corner with toys for the kids: scoops, buckets, cars, etc. It is clear that it is difficult for children to sit in a chair for 40 minutes. In some cells, TVs are hung, but ours was not, and you can’t bring gadgets with you so as not to disturb other visitors. You can’t take a book either, since the light is dimmed there, you still spoil your eyes in small letters to peer. At first, my daughter and I played with a spatula and a bucket, then we scratched markers on the board, then I nevertheless sat her in a chair with me and began to tell fairy tales, in general, I distracted her as much as I could. After the procedure, be sure to wash your hands and face with water, in short, get rid of the salt that has got on the skin.
Now I want to talk a little about the principle of operation of the halochamber. Because when I first went there, I thought that the whole point was in the salt itself, with which the room was littered. But not only in it, as it turned out. As soon as all visitors enter the room, the door closes tightly and the halogenerator is turned on (a device that sprays fine particles of salt, or rather even salt ions, due to their size, they penetrate deep into the lungs). The generator hums a little during operation, but it is not noisy, as if the wind is blowing. The temperature in the cell is comfortable, but it’s not at all warm there, if you sit, it’s really better under clothes. Humidity is also maintained. In general, it is very easy to breathe there.
There are many indications for visiting such a room: frequent and prolonged colds and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, allergies, dermatological problems, angina pectoris, rhinitis, tonsillitis, etc.
There are also contraindications: kidney disease, stomach ulcers, heart defects, tumors, diabetes.
It's such a period now that everyone around is sneezing and coughing, so it's quite a good idea to take a course of procedures in a salt room than to swallow medicines.


Cost: 260 rub.

Usage time: at times

Year of use of services: 2015

Tambov OFAS Russia on July 15, 2015 recognized the advertisement of salt caves "SOL +" as violating the requirements of paragraph 6 of part 5 of article 5 of the Law "On Advertising".

The meeting of the Commission was open, it was attended by representatives of the press and a citizen who became interested in this advertisement, as she planned to take her child to a healing session in a salt cave.

So, in the spring of 2015 in Tambov, the activities of the salt caves "SOL +" were actively advertised. The advertising structures contained the following information: “SALT + Salt Cave. Indications for use: respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, cough, etc.; ENT diseases (allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.; skin diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.); for the rehabilitation and prevention of the body (ARVI, Influenza, vegetovascular dystonia, increased immunity); also halotherapy has a beneficial effect on the psychological state. Sign up by phone. Contraindications are possible. Consultation of a specialist is required", "Does the child often get sick? Cough, colds and SARS? SALT + Salt cave. Sign up by phone ", etc.

The information indicated in the advertisement created the impression that in the salt caves "SOL +" there is a medical service "halotherapy" - a method of treatment and prevention of various diseases, based on the healing effect of the microclimate, similar to the conditions of underground salt caves.

The person carrying out entrepreneurial activities for the provision of the advertised services is Phoenix LLC, which does not have a license to carry out medical activities, in addition, the AGG-03 Aerohalitegenerator device used by the society in the caves is not medical.

According to par.

Salt Cave Business Plan

6 h. 5 art. 5 of the Law "On Advertising" in advertising is not allowed to indicate the medicinal properties, that is, a positive effect on the course of the disease, the object of advertising, with the exception of such an indication in advertising medicines, medical services, including methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation, medical devices.

The case materials were handed over to an authorized official to initiate an administrative offense case against the guilty person. For this offense, administrative liability is provided in the form of an administrative fine for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.

Check out the most complete information on opening a salt cave: equipment selection and design, documentation, ways to attract customers, and whether it is worth buying a franchise to open a halochamber. This type of business, despite its apparent simplicity, has many pitfalls. We will help you get around them.

A Brief History of Salt Caves and Rooms, or What to Tell Clients

Salt rooms, salt caves, halochambers - in fact, have a long history, the beginning of which was speleotherapy, which, as you know, has more than a hundred years. Speleological clinics have been known in Russia since the 19th century. In the USSR, the first speleological clinic was built in 1968 in Transcarpathia, in the village of Solotvyno. Salt mine No 8 became the base of the new construction. Speleotherapy was used to treat:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis, rhenitis;
  • asthmatic and chronic bronchitis;
  • hay fever;
  • colds;
  • reduced immunity, stress, insomnia;
  • cystic fibrosis, etc.

In the 80s, attempts were made to recreate the healing properties of the mines on the surface in halochambers. And today in Russia there are a large number of sylvinite, rock-salt speleochambers and halochambers, at the same time halotherapeutic surfaces are used in living and working premises (pedestals, lamps, salt floor lamps, etc.).

Halotherapy is in some way the successor of speleotherapy. The difference lies in the fact that the healing climate is artificially created in a separate room.

Do I need a medical license for salt rooms?

Halotherapy as a complex of therapeutic physiotherapy is a medical service that has its own contraindications and should be prescribed by a doctor. In this capacity, institutions providing such services must have an appropriate license, they are subject to increased requirements.

Some requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities (including halotherapy):

  • having a license. The state fee for granting a license is about 8,000 rubles;
  • the manager must have a higher medical education and work experience of at least 5 years;
  • employees must also have a specialized education, employment contracts must be concluded with employees;
  • The organization is licensed.

But there is another side. Salt rooms, which became popular a few years ago, as a rule, are not medical institutions, but only companies whose activities are related to sports and recreation activities. And then a medical license is not required. OKVED (type of activity), which in this case should be declared, is OKVED 93.04 - sports and recreation activities.

99.9% of salt rooms provide not medical, but health services. And, therefore, the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is carried out according to the general rules. You don't need to get a license.

If medical activity is chosen, obtaining a medical license for a salt cave and related equipment is mandatory. The total cost of all costs can reach 300 thousand rubles for opening.

When choosing a room, you should be guided by the standards of SanPiN (download) and other regulatory legal acts.

  • These documents allow to place the halocomplex only in separate buildings (non-residential). Area - not less than 18 m2, the presence of a control room is required.
  • Lighting must comply with current regulations.
  • The staff of the institution must have employees with medical education and advanced training certificates.
  • The halogenerator must have a medical registration certificate.
  • Separate strict requirements are imposed on purity, with mandatory samples.

Such halochambers are usually available at children's clinics and medical centers.

Running a salt cave without a medical license

Opening a salt cave as a health and fitness service greatly simplifies the process of starting this type of business.

In this case, as we already wrote above OKVED 93.04, related activities are selected for additional income generation (for example, the sale of goods such as salt lamps, essential oils, the provision of entertainment services - children's holidays, etc.).

Points to know:

  • The equipment must be non-medical. This is an aerosol generator, aerosol generator, i.e. household blocks.
  • It is not medical services that should be sold, but health improvement, prevention, and immunity strengthening services.

Equipment for salt caves and rooms

The main equipment that you will need to choose is a halogenerator. It is he who has a therapeutic and preventive effect, imitating the conditions of natural salt caves. Spray method - dry: the device continuously sprays rarefied microparticles of salt in the air. Also, the room must have ventilation, air conditioning and air filtration systems.

Manufacturers of halogenerators for salt rooms

Despite the large number of offers on the market, the vast majority of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs providing salt room services use halogenerators from several manufacturers.

The leader here is the device AGG-01 – halogenerator, distributed by N.P. Gorbenko - professor who patented this device. Today, Mr. Gorbenko is the scientific director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Preventive Medicine. The organization sells the Galoroom franchise, halogenerators AGG-03 and AGG-01 "Aerosol", aerogalite (finely dispersed salt for the device), salt lamps, blocks, tiles, and is also engaged in the construction of halochambers as part of the franchise.

The cost of halogenerators from the St. Petersburg Institute of Preventive Medicine:

AGG-03 - 240,000 rubles.

An example of a halogenerator for a salt room.

AGG-01 "Aerosol" - 150,000 rubles.

Simultaneously with the equipment, this company sells halochambers on a turnkey basis as part of a franchise.

The cost of halochambers from the St. Petersburg Institute of Preventive Medicine

Halochamber "Standard" 390000 r.

This price includes:

  • apparatus for conducting group aerosol therapy with sodium chloride "Halogenerator AGG-03".
  • 500 bottles of aerogalite (healing salt).
  • 4 lamps "Energy Crystal P.P. Gorbenko.
  • speaker system Dolby 5.1.
  • 5 seats "Comfort"
  • room design.

For 400,000 rubles, they will also deliver and install equipment to you, tell you how to use it (although you will have to pay extra for the arrival of employees if you plan to open in the regions).

Halogenerator "VITASOL" from Aeromed. It comes at a price of 240,000 rubles. The manufacturer also sells its franchise (salt caves "Vita Breeze"). The cost of the franchise is from 750,000 to 1,500,000 rubles. Along the way, they offer salt tiles, lamps, halocabins, halocapsules, halogenerators and other related products.

Salt generator (halogenerator) Ionna(55,200 rubles) from the Ukrainian manufacturer Solvay.

It uses removable cartridges with sea salt from the Black Sea (Saki) or cartridges with salt from the Solotvino deposit (Ukraine).

This is what Saki salt looks like. Its approximate price for 1 kg is 50 rubles.

Saki salt

What is aerohalite (aerosol) for halogenerators and what is its price

The healing and prophylactic effect does not come from visiting the salt room, but as a result of spraying aerohalite with a halogenerator. Aerogalit is a polyfractional highly dispersed preparation of sodium chloride. It is based on natural rock salt from the Solotvino, Artem, and Sol-Iletsk deposits. The size of the main fraction of the countable concentration of aerosol particles is 5 microns or less.

As a rule, manufacturers supply the drug in sealed glass bottles of 10-15 ml, designed for one session of sodium chloride aerosol therapy.
The cost of one such bottle with finely dispersed salt is 15-30 rubles.

This is what disposable airhalite bottles look like

Halochamber design: which salt coating to choose

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommends using rock salt from the following deposits for salt coating of the walls of the future health-improving premises:

  • Solotvinskoe
  • Sol-Iletskoe
  • Tyretskoe
  • Artemovskoe.

Those. salt from those deposits in which ordinary food is also produced. Such salt has a white or light gray color and does not contain any irritating impurities.

The walls of the salt rooms are covered with ordinary edible salt (GOST R 51574-2000). Himalayan, marine and other species are not suitable for halotherapy.

Sea or Himalayan salt (more beautiful and expensive) is in fact not approved by the method of halotherapy, has not passed clinical trials and its effect is completely unproven, and therefore not justified.

In the process of finishing the halochamber, salt coating and decorative salt tiles, as a rule, alternate. Salt is used stone ground of the highest grade.

Depending on the presence or absence of decor, salt coating will cost from 3,000 rubles to 8,000 rubles on average (floor - from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles).

For wall cladding, salt blocks or bricks can be used, which are obtained in the process of wet pressing from rock salt of the Iletsk deposit (also Tyretsky or Artemovsky deposits), with a sodium chloride content of at least 98% GOST R 51574-2000 - this is ordinary edible salt.

Salt brick cladding options:

The cost of facing with salt bricks will cost from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Also often used in the design of salt rooms is facing with decorative salt tiles. The cost of 1 sq.m. will be about 20,000 rubles or a little less.

This is what salt tiles look like.

"Lump salt" is a more expensive version of the material for the repair of a salt cave (installation price - up to 30,00 rubles per 1 sq.m.).

And finally, one of the most expensive salt room decor options is Persian blue salt. Its price with laying can reach up to 100,000 rubles per 1 sq.m. area.

Construction of a salt cave on your own or with the involvement of a repair team

Method number 1.Cladding with salt tiles/blocks

Salt blocks are predominantly white or grayish in color, tiles are yellowish in color. They have an uneven surface, colored in mass by natural impurities.

The method can be used when the walls are smooth and stable (1 cubic meter of salt slab finish weighs 1-1.5 tons), there is no shortage of square meters (because the tiles are of a certain thickness) and it needs to be done in 2-3 days. Approximate service life is 30 years.

The method of fixing tiles / blocks, by analogy with tiles, is sticking to the surface to be trimmed. "Liquid nails" glue is used, which is applied pointwise to the back side of the plates, after which the material is pressed against the base and held for several seconds. The material is cut with a grinder or a tile cutter.

In rooms made according to this method, halogenerators are often replaced with incandescent lamps, which, when heated, contribute to the release of salt vapor, although it is difficult to talk about a therapeutic effect in this case.

The cost of one salt block measuring 200x120x90 mm is 250 rubles.

What does a salt block look like?

Method number 2.Applying a salt coating using the "spray" method - salt plaster.

A fairly common way. If the walls have an uneven surface, then the method is suitable when a salt solution is sprayed onto the wall. Previously, whitewash / paint is removed from the walls, irregularities are sealed. The layer thickness must be at least 3 cm.

The room must be dry in order to maintain the adhesion of salt crystals to the surface. Along the walls, you first need to spread polyethylene to protect the floor.

How to cook salt brine

Pure warm water is poured into a plastic container, where salt is added (the consistency is wet, not dissolved). With a ladle for spraying ordinary plaster, salt brine is evenly thrown onto the wall and left to dry. Natural drying ensures the crystallization of salt dissolved in water. Service life - 2-3 years.

Method number 3. Combined. Salt plaster and facing with salt plates are used in separate areas. The most commonly used method of decorating the rooms of halochambers.

There are humidity restrictions for all rooms - the rooms must be dry, without water supply.

Adhesive for salt tiles and plaster

There are types of specialized glue for salt (salt blocks), the use of which simplifies the process of laying bricks. An example is a Russian-made two-component organic adhesive for laying salt bricks. The price for 1 kg is from 190 rubles.

An example of an adhesive for salt tiles and plaster

The use of 3 kg of glue in its pure form will allow laying 1.5 square meters of area, when sand is added to the mixture, the area increases. at the rate For one package of glue 3 kg, you can add up to 6 kg of sand mixture.
Mode of application: dilute a 3 kg glue package with 1 liter of water, proceed to work.


To run a business, of course, you need staff. In relation to the salt rooms, there should be at least two employees, since it will be necessary to work in shifts, given that the optimal working time of the organization is until 22.00. Administrators should be subject to such requirements as friendliness, customer focus, good appearance. The salary of one employee for the regions will be about 15,000 - 25,000 rubles, for the capital this amount will be higher.

Before starting work, employees should be trained to work with the equipment and the specifics of preventive measures.

Promotion channels

Almost every businessman who opens a salt cave creates his own group in social networks. In fact, this is fully justified, however, as elsewhere, SMM promotion has its own nuances. In order for the group to work to find clients, live communication, instant reaction and openness of the community administrator and advertising are necessary.

Since the territorial feature is of decisive importance for salt room clients, advertising in the networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. should be broadcast to the appropriate audience. The potential target audience can be young mothers with children, pregnant women living near the salt cave.

When creating live communication in groups, you should meet the needs of potential customers.

What questions might be of interest to them?

  • contraindications (pregnancy, oncology);
  • consequences of visiting the halochamber (green snot in a child, etc.)

Business seasonality

This business has its own seasonality: the most visited months are from August to May. Therefore, promotions and general marketing activities should preferably be carried out in spring and autumn - a period when people often get colds and are interested in preventive methods.

Placing an advertisement for a salt cave near a public transport stop.

Salt room clients

The main audience of salt rooms are pregnant women, young mothers with children. Elderly people are a little less interested in halotherapy.

Additional income

An increase in the flow of customers is possible when conducting a competent advertising campaign, concluding agreements with medical institutions. It is also possible to place either a solarium or a phyto-barrel in a separate office, which will lead to an increase in net profit.

  • Sale of related products

Sale of salt lamps, essential oils, air humidifiers, etc. is a good opportunity to increase the level of income from the halochamber. Therefore, as a rule, all salt caves offer such products to their customers.

The production and sale of oxygen cocktails on the apparatus is another source of income for halochambers.
  • Holding children's events

Since children will not simply sit for a long time, entrepreneurs sometimes hold organized events - watching cartoons in salt rooms, holding master classes, puppet theater performances in a salt cave, etc.

An example of a puppet theater in a salt cave for children with two amateur actors:

  • Yoga in a salt cave

Hosting sports activities for small groups can generate additional income for the business owner. Yoga in the salt room can be conducted by an invited specialist. In terms of cost, one lesson lasting 40 minutes costs 300-400 rubles, i.e. rubles 100 more expensive than yoga classes in traditional halls. The teacher takes his percentage, and the owner of the salt cave - his.

Yoga classes in a salt cave.
  • Salt cave massage

This additional service can attract new customers.

  • Kindergartens and clinics as an opportunity to increase income from the salt room

If you have few customers, then you can increase your income if you engage in active sales. And here it would be logical to establish links with kindergartens, developing centers for kids and local clinics.

Salt room franchises - how justified is their purchase

Today, halotherapy is very popular and is largely due to the actions of companies selling their franchises.

The brands VitaSol, Galomed, Dyshi, Salt+, Halofort and others are the most active in selling their products.

The average cost of buying a salt cave franchise is about 300,000 rubles, including equipment.

However, in some cases they require purchases of goods from them, the cost of which may be higher than the market. In addition, you will still need additional expenses for furniture and advertising.

Today, many sell ready-made premises with existing developments: a base of loyal customers, groups in social networks, signs, trained personnel, etc.

What you should pay attention to if you decide to buy a ready-made business:

  • Location

The profitability of the project may depend on whether the salt room is located on the first line or hidden in the back of the yard.

Location near fitness centers, kindergartens will be an advantage.

  • Business lifespan

If the project was only running for a few months before the owner decided to sell it, chances are good that you too could fail.

  • Availability of really working sales channels

If the previous owner had contracts with medical institutions and kindergartens and he is ready to transfer them to you, this is a good sign.

Mobile salt cave - halocabin

Manufacturers of halogen generators are now constantly expanding their product line and offering a novelty on the market - compact halogen generator cabins that can be easily transported from place to place. So, the Aeromed company offers its version of the halocabin. Website on the Internet http://www.aeromed.biz.

Such a cabin can be installed in spa and fitness centers, beauty salons, shopping centers - it can be placed on 2 sq.m. area. A small collapsible cabin (standard dimensions - 2x1.5x2 m.), thanks to the halogenerator working inside, recreates the microclimate of a salt cave. The microclimate parameters are set by the operator outside, who controls the flow of salt spray.

The manufacturer offers cabins with and without salt coating inside the cabin. The cost of such equipment is about 800,000 rubles.

This is how the mobile halocabin looks outside and inside.

The mobile halocabin can accommodate 1-3 people at the same time.

This mini salt cave is easy to disassemble and assemble, easy to transport. Inside there is an air purification system, ventilation is possible.

Internal equipment of a mobile salt cave:

  • salt panels;
  • several lighting options, including "starry sky";
  • musical accompaniment;
  • air purification and ventilation system;
  • floor heating;
  • armchairs;
  • dustproof TV;
  • video surveillance system.

Comparative analysis of offers for the sale of finished salt rooms in different cities

Salt cave in Kazan (600,000 rubles)

room 85 m2 (entrance hall, waiting room, salt room, massage room, play area for children)
Average monthly turnover 100 000 rubles
40 000 rubles
equipment halogenerator
state Equipped, 2 persons
Customer acquisition referrals from medical institutions, VKontakte and Instagramm groups
Business lifespan 1 year
Expenses Payroll fund, rent of premises 25,500 rubles. / month

Salt cave 250,000 rubles (Russia)

room hallway, salt room
Average monthly turnover 100 000 rubles
Average monthly net profit 35 000 rubles
equipment halogenerator
state staffed,
Customer acquisition groups in social networks
Business lifespan 1 year
Organizational and legal form OOO
Expenses Payroll fund 30,000 rubles.

Room rental 20,000 rubles. / month

ABOUTTowners call

Igor (Dimitrovgrad):

— There was an experience of opening a salt cave. In short, the game is not worth the candle. Within six months, the total income was 20,000-25,000 rubles per month in a good scenario. This is taking into account the fact that they worked with their wife themselves, they did not hire administrators, because they had nothing to pay with. They took the halogen generator from hand, they did the repairs themselves, since they saw no point in spending money on buying a franchise. The premises have been rented. My opinion is that the idea is hackneyed and has exhausted itself.

Have you had a positive or negative experience of opening a salt room? Share!

In entrepreneurship, it is extremely important to constantly look for unusual and interesting business ideas, especially those that have not been developed before, but have great prospects. One of these options is the opening of a halochamber, once especially popular in the CIS. How to open a salt cave from scratch? Calculations, nuances, reviews, as well as recommendations for modernizing the project and drawing up a financial business plan, we will analyze today in this article.

What is this project?

These establishments have a long history dating back to the 19th century in our country, so the halochambers are quite famous. They are believed to help heal people. Basically, they struggled with the following ailments:

  1. Bronchial asthma.
  2. Rhinitis.
  3. sinusitis.
  4. Bronchitis.
  5. hay fever.
  6. Cold.
  7. Stress conditions, insomnia, etc.

Now it is not difficult to open a business project to open your own salt chamber, because the competition has already subsided, but the demand is still there. It is important to do competent marketing of the place in your region in order to increase the potential audience, think over the internal and external design of the site, and also prepare documented. The sphere has extremely high potential.

Define the audience

The greatest demand is in large regional cities with an environmentally harmful climate, for example, in Chelyabinsk or Norilsk. The most profitable business will be to open salt rooms in cities that are satellites of large industrial enterprises.

Such places will help workers and ordinary residents improve their health through regular visits to the cell, and you will receive a regular income. In addition to workers, the client base most often includes:

  • Children (under 18) - suffering from allergic reactions, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, as well as other ENT diseases. A regular trip with a child to such a haloroom will help to recover from a disease like a runny nose, and will also serve as a prevention of re-infection.
  • Mature adults (30-50) are the main population of such industrial, and simply large regional cities. Often in the former they were smokers, so they probably have problems with the lungs and bronchi. Stress is also not alien to an adult, therefore a regular trip to salt caves helps such people to relax from the bustle of the city and improve their health.
  • Elderly people (50 and older) - usually mini-salt mines are opened with a great expectation of these people. They have a whole “bouquet” of diseases, they just want to relax and, as far as possible, improve their health. They do not like to be treated with medicines and medicines once again, as they are afraid of chemistry, therefore they trust folk recipes and natural “medicines”, including salt caves.

We draw up documentation

If you open a business alone and do not deal directly with legal entities, then registration of an Individual Entrepreneur is enough.

But in order to be able to expand to a whole network of halochambers in the future, it is necessary to register an LLC. When choosing a tax system, a beginner should choose a simplified one. It is also necessary to indicate the OKVD codes. For this project, this is 2 93.29.

We will also have to issue a license, because the project works, in a sense, for medical purposes. The license will cost 6 thousand rubles.

In addition, it will be necessary to bring the site to the requirements of the SES and the fire authority.

Choosing a profitable site

The site should be located near a developed transport hub or somewhere in the cultural center of the city, so that there is a high passability of people. It is enough to rent an establishment with an area of ​​50 square meters in order to subsequently divide it into several zones:

  1. Haloroom.
  2. Room for staff.
  3. Waiting room for visitors.
  4. Toilet room.

When drawing up a rough plan for a salt cave, one should not forget that it must be organized in accordance with certain requirements. It must maintain a certain temperature inside itself, must not have an excessively humid atmosphere, must be well ventilated with ventilation and be equipped with special air filters.

At the same time, the premises cannot be connected to the general sewerage and water supply. Among other things, you can not paint or whitewash the ceiling and walls of the room, you can only veneer with blocks of sea salt, salt bricks are also suitable.

The design looks beautiful with scattered salt crystals and stalagmites, as if in caves. As you expand your project, keep in mind that you are opening your project to established adults and very young children, so if possible, set up a small children's room or a separate play area in the salt room. For it, by the way, you can charge a separate fee.

The main thing is that children are under the supervision of an adult. In addition to children, it is worth taking care of people with disabilities by providing them with special conditions.

We buy equipment

In order to properly equip the halochamber room, you will have to turn to specially trained people. Of the devices you will need:

  • Halogenerator - supplies salt aerosol in the desired concentration. The same device controls the maintenance of a certain temperature in a given room (about 20 degrees), as well as the level of humidity (at 50 percent). It has several types: ultrasonic and grinding salt. It is better to take an ultrasonic halogenerator in order to improve the level of comfort for visitors.
  • Backlight - they serve as an excellent option for relaxing after a busy day or a whole week. Properly selected lighting in this case can help a person quickly relax. Where possible, light bulbs are needed, the brightness of which can be adjusted independently depending on the preferences of customers.
  • The music system is essential to maintain a calm atmosphere inside the room. Allows you to turn on music for meditation, which sets the visitors in a certain way. It is worth buying several speakers and placing them around the perimeter.

A separate item is the purchase of salt. It is worth buying it from a large supplier with a good reputation, or looking for really worthwhile offers from newcomers who sell goods at low prices.

Recruiting staff

The salt room as a business needs help, namely in hiring a certain staff. Typically, such projects hold the following vacancies:

  1. Administrator - monitors the clear organization of work, is responsible for recording clients, scheduling the room and receiving payment for services. Often, at first, the owner himself administers his business.
  2. Consultant - works directly with visitors. Accepts all medical indications from clients in order to prevent people with contraindications from accessing the service. Must have a medical background. It is recommended to hire sociable, patient and charming people for the position, who will be able to give detailed and accessible information about the activities of the project to any visitor. In addition, his qualifications should be enough for the prompt provision of medical care.
  3. Operator - for this vacancy they take people who are versed in technology and have a special technical education. He monitors the room, or rather, its equipment, fixes breakdowns, selects music for the background and sets up the right moments.
  4. A marketer is a must for a developing project that is going to become really profitable. The reason has already been described above: the mandatory attraction of new customers.
  5. Accountant - controls the financial transactions made, fulfills the requirements and obligations of the project, as well as draws up the necessary documents.

It is worth hiring additional attendants such as a cleaner and a security guard. You should especially take care of security by hiring two specially trained people or by concluding an agreement with the security service.

As an option, develop the idea of ​​the usefulness of halorooms through cooperation with real medical institutions. Be sure to compose well-designed brochures and business cards.

Doctors themselves can also advertise. It is they who will offer patients to participate in your promotions like a free trial consultation and will give detailed information about the organization. But you must be prepared to pay them interest.

It will be absolutely useful to create your own website for the project, which should contain complete information about the salt caves themselves, about the project, as well as about discounts and offers.

Give the opportunity to order a session through the site, which is convenient for many modern people. By the way, it would be a good idea to give a discount for leaving a review on the site.

We calculate the costs at the start

It helps the business owner understand how profitable it is to work with the idea he has chosen, how much it costs to open it, and what costs will be needed to maintain it.

So that you can at least approximately understand what starting capital is required, we have compiled a table of costs for a standard halochamber. As a sample - a salt room for 10 people, located in the center of a large regional city.

Expense line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Initial rent for two months 100
2 Installation of equipment and repair of premises 125
3 Procurement of materials for repairs 60
4 Procurement of inventory and equipment 100
5 Paperwork 26
6 Administrator salary 40
7 Physician consultant salary 25
8 advertising manager salary 20
9 cleaner salary 10
10 Accountant salary 25
11 Marketing Campaign 20
12 Unexpected expenses 5
Total: 556

We determine profitability

To understand whether the project will be profitable or not, the calculation of approximate income from each client will help. This is easy enough to do if a cost table has been previously compiled. On average, the price of one hour session is 200 rubles per person.

In one day, a project that works 7 hours a day and accepts 10 people per session will bring about 10 thousand. This means that monthly income will be approximately 260 thousand. Monthly expenses are about 150 thousand rubles.

Net profit is 110 thousand rubles. The payback of the project will come in about six months. In the future, you can expand the area or even rent another site.

Video: five mistakes when opening a salt cave on your own.

“The most important thing is to first consult with those who already successfully own such a business. They will tell you who to contact. At one time I was lucky: they recommended a company for the manufacture of salt rooms, and everything went well. And then the clumsy and scammers are a dime a dozen ”- Vasily.

“Once there was an experience. The profit was very small, even though they worked with their wife themselves, there was nothing to hire employees. In my opinion, the salt caves have exhausted themselves long ago” – Igor.

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The benefits of salt caves have been known for a long time, but it is impossible to carry out such treatment in natural conditions within the city. In this case, an artificially created cave or salt room is an excellent alternative to natural conditions.

Today, this business has become widespread and has become a separate area - halotherapy. It is recommended to organize it as a related business to such areas as a spa, a medical center, health services, and so on. But a salt cave can also function as an independent business.

Case registration

There is no fundamental difference which form of registration to choose, a legal entity, or as a private entrepreneur. When specifying the type of activity, you must select the simplified taxation system and OKPD 2 93.29 Other entertainment and recreation services.

In addition to the registration itself, the business plan must include obtaining special permits for the operation of the room. First of all, permission from the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological station. If the room where the cave will work is not in your property, the registration authorities must provide permission from the owner to equip the room for its needs.

Premises and location

It is better to organize a business in a city with a population of at least half a million people. Then you can get along with several competitors. It is only important to place your salt room at a distance from them, but in the central areas of the city.

You can open a business on an area of ​​​​50 square meters. m. Special equipment will take only half. The rest of the space will be divided into the following zones:

  • staff room;
  • reception desk;
  • waiting room.

The cost of renting a room varies greatly depending on the region. On average, every month it is necessary to allocate about 50 thousand rubles for this.


To maintain the salt room, include in the business plan the hiring of four employees:

  • administrator;
  • consultant;
  • equipment operator;
  • guard.

The administrator will deal with the organizational issues of the room: accept those who wish, form groups, communicate with customers, accept payments from them. It is desirable to take a consultant with a medical education so that he can answer any questions from clients. His responsibilities will include monitoring the condition of clients during sessions and their compliance with the rules of staying in the room. The operator must not only monitor the operation of the equipment, but also select background music for the sessions.

It does not hurt to hire a marketer who will search for clients, establish contacts with clinics and hospitals that can refer clients to the room. In addition to him, you will also need an accountant, but you can not hire him, but outsource these services.


The equipment for salt rooms is quite complex, so it is impossible to mount it yourself. There are many companies on the market that offer equipment of various types for different needs. Therefore, the cost plan should include not only the purchase, but also the delivery and installation of such equipment.

For full-fledged work, the simplest configuration is enough. But if you want to stand out from the competition, attract visitors, you can equip the room with various design solutions: curly molding, lighting, and more.

The main part of the equipment is a halogenerator, which maintains air humidity at 50% and a temperature of about 20°C. With its help, a saline solution of the desired concentration is sprayed, so it is possible to form a microclimate for various indications. Such a machine costs, together with all related consumables, from 220 thousand rubles. Please note that the halogenerator and the actual cave must be in different rooms.

Features of the room

The halogenerator must be configured separately for each session. This takes at least 20 minutes. Therefore, one session usually lasts about 40 minutes. That is, about eight sessions can be carried out per day. However, not all of them will be fully equipped.

To ensure occupancy at unpopular hours, you can offer discounts on them. The course of treatment involves a long visit, so you can offer discounted subscriptions to customers.

During the session, it is unacceptable to open the room so as not to disturb the formed microclimate. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to launch late clients after the start of the session - this reduces the therapeutic effect.

Clients must not enter the room while intoxicated. It is also not allowed to use any perfumes, take paper editions with you.

Advertising campaign

In terms of promoting your services, networking with doctors at local clinics or hospitals is ideal. They can recommend your services to their patients. To do this, it is advisable to talk with the head physician of the institution and get permission to place information about your services on the stands.

To do this, you need to make advertising booklets, where you indicate not only the address, features and rules of your salt room. Be sure to describe in detail what diseases, what forms and at what stages are cured with the help of halotherapy.

It is advisable to create your own website, where it will be described in detail not only about your room, but also about the benefits of visiting it. In addition to the site, you need to create pages on social networks. It is recommended to conduct an active advertising campaign shortly before the opening of the room in order to immediately secure at least a minimum flow of customers.


In addition to the purchase of equipment, it is necessary to pay about 100 thousand rubles. for its installation and configuration. Do not forget that the room needs to be renovated, giving it a presentable look. This is not less than 45 thousand rubles. Additionally, it can be decorated with decorative elements of the appropriate theme: stalactites, relief ledges, stalagmites, etc. - about 70 thousand more rubles.

Lighting of different colors, character and intensity gives the room a special mood. For 9 thousand rubles. the room can be turned into just a fabulous cave. Another 6 thousand rubles. should be allocated for the installation of an audio system.

Don't forget furniture. The room should accommodate eight people, each of which must be provided with a seat. Keep in mind that children will also be your customers, so you need to buy toys. Allocate another 40 thousand rubles for this.

In total, about 500 thousand rubles will be required. investments. In addition to them, it is necessary to highlight:

  • 70 thousand rubles for wages;
  • 50 thousand rubles for rent;
  • 20 thousand rubles for registration;
  • 50 thousand rubles for advertising;
  • 6 thousand rubles for utility and other expenses.

Profit calculation

For one session, 200 rubles are taken from a person. Visiting a child is cheaper. If you spend eight sessions per day for eight people, it comes out 12,800 rubles. in a day. And it is desirable to work without days off. However, keep in mind that not all sessions will be fully staffed, so about 30% must be subtracted from the amount of expected income, except for the expenditure side. And still, with such indicators, the business will pay off in six months.
