
Blue catfish baked with vegetables in the oven. Catfish in the oven

Fish is a product that is in demand on almost any family table. You can talk endlessly about its benefits for the human body, but everyone has different tastes.

Sea fish has undeniable advantages. It contains more iodine and fewer bones. Catfish is one of the varieties of marine and oceanic fish that lives in northern waters. In length, it can reach one and a half meters and weigh more than 30 kilograms.

But, despite the impressive size and predatory nature, the meat of this fish is very tender, nutritious and slightly sweet in taste. In addition, the fish has some features in cooking.

Features of catfish meat

In addition to the fact that the flesh of this fish is quite fatty, it is also slightly watery. At the same time, there are no carbohydrates in the composition, and the ratio of proteins and fats (4: 1) is ideal for eating catfish for dinner or lunch.

Due to the fact that catfish meat is quite loose and difficult to cook, many housewives are afraid to take it. Due to its wateriness and fat, it can disintegrate in a pan or turn into a porridge in water.

But experienced chefs have their own secrets on how to avoid this. Usually, batter is used for frying, and rather salty water for boiling. All this will help seal the top layer of pulp, and it will not fall apart later.

Where to buy catfish

Usually this variety of fish is sold in large supermarkets or in specialized fish stores in frozen, smoked or fresh form. You can find both small carcasses and rather large ones, pre-cut into steaks. If you are cooking catfish for the first time, then it is better to give preference to smaller carcasses, there will be less trouble with them.

Prices for catfish are not too cheap, however, the demand for this type of fish is constantly growing due to the versatility of cooking and excellent taste.

What is prepared from catfish

Fish are pretty versatile. Its taste qualities allow you to cook a wide variety of dishes for every taste and color.

Adherents of proper nutrition should prefer baked or steamed fish, as fried fish absorbs a lot of oil, which turns healthy fish into a terribly high-calorie dish.

Catfish is also good for preparing various first courses. The broths are rich and very aromatic.

The fish is combined with a variety of cereals and vegetables, but the most suitable for her is the company of potatoes, tomatoes, cheese, broccoli, rice and millet.

Fried catfish

It would seem that the dish is the easiest to prepare, but in fact it is very tricky and fraught with a lot of unpleasant surprises. Improper preparation, low heating temperature of the pan will instantly ruin a beautiful steak, turning it into a mushy substance. Therefore, use proven tips:

  1. When using frozen fish, thaw it completely before cooking, this will eliminate the presence of additional moisture, which can break apart the loose meat.
  2. Before frying, salt the fish in an unusual way, just sprinkle with salt, but use saline. This will help the fish to salt faster and better and keep its shape when frying. The solution is prepared in this way: one and a half tablespoons of salt is taken for 1 glass of water. It is necessary to keep the fish in such a brine for 20-30 minutes.
  3. It will help to keep the shape and leave the fish juicy dense batter. It can be made from dough, a thick layer of flour or crackers. The main thing is that it seals the fish quite tightly.
  4. Before frying, the pan must be heated as much as possible, but the use of oil is questioned. The opinions of the hostesses on this issue differed. Some advise frying fish in a huge amount of oil, making a kind of deep-frying, others do without it at all (of course, this is only possible in a good non-stick frying pan). Try both methods and choose the one that works best for you.

Fried catfish is served with a vegetable salad or side dish of rice or potatoes.

How to cook catfish

Before boiling, the catfish is also completely defrosted and kept in brine. Boiling itself can be done in two ways: in a saucepan or steamed. What is required for this:

  • If the fish is needed for the first course, it is dipped in ice water and put on a slow fire. Yushka should not boil much, but gurgle slightly.
  • For boiling on other dishes, the fish is placed in boiling water. Cooking time depends on the size of the fish. Usually it is no more than 6-10 minutes after boiling.
  • Steamed fish takes a little longer to cook (about 20 minutes), but the steam retains more nutrients than a pot of water.
  • When boiled, the fish emits a rather specific smell. To eliminate it, use spicy herbs or regular dill and lemon.
  • Cool fish meat to be used in salads on a thick layer of paper towels before cutting. This is necessary to get rid of excess fluid.

Boiled catfish is a good solution for a healthy dinner and a great idea for a fish salad.

We bake delicious fish

Baked catfish is one of the easiest dishes to prepare and at the same time very healthy. Here is a basic catfish recipe that you can vary with a variety of spices, herbs, and vegetables:

  • place the thawed and soaked steak on foil and a pad of your favorite vegetables;
  • sprinkle with olive or any vegetable oil;
  • can be sprinkled with cheese if desired.
  • cover with a second layer of foil;
  • put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Balanced and tasty dinner is ready!

There are also more complex ways of cooking. For example, catfish is baked in the form of a casserole with vegetables or simply in sauce. Sweetish and tender meat will complement the taste of a sauce based on cream or fatty sour cream. Pre-boiled catfish fillets can be used as a filling for a fish pie.

Other recipes with catfish

If you want not just cooked fish, but an interesting fish dish, then separate the fish from the bones and twist it into minced meat. You can cook a lot of interesting dishes from minced fish: from banal fish cakes and naval pasta to the most delicate fish balls stewed in cream, fried zrazy with a variety of fillings. You can also stuff vegetables with minced fish and bake them in the oven.

Smoked catfish, which is also commercially available, tastes quite good and is used to make sandwiches and cold salads. In addition, it does not need to be cooked, but you can eat it just like that.

Catfish is a very tasty fish that is not cooked just because they do not know how to cook it properly. If you do not perform simple preparatory steps, then a delicious dish will turn into porridge.

To prevent this, you need to remember the main thing: catfish cannot be cooked just like that. It should be fried in batter, in flour, breadcrumbs, baked in mayonnaise or some kind of sauce. To fix the form, you need to cook it half-thawed, and fry completely thawed. The fish turns out to be very nutritious and healthy, so even the pickiest eaters will like the right dish.

Catfish meat - useful properties

The taste of catfish is very tender and slightly sweet, reminiscent of sea bass. At the same time, its useful properties are very extensive. It is a dietary product, since its calorie content is approximately 115 kcal per 100 grams of product. This figure increases depending on the method of preparation.

Catfish contains useful acids that remove unnecessary cholesterol from the body. This contributes to the rapid restoration of blood vessels and the prevention of further diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

In general, catfish is highly recommended for people with similar diseases. It also contains magnesium and vitamin PP, which are responsible for strengthening the heart muscle, dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation and oxygen supply throughout the body. And due to the high protein content, fish is recommended for use by athletes.

If we talk about the water-salt balance, then the catfish normalizes it due to the chlorine contained in it. Sulfur in the composition of fish improves the functioning of metabolic processes, and potassium reduces swelling of the body and restores blood pressure. Phosphorus and potassium strengthen bones.

How best to cook fish

Catfish meat is suitable for lovers of fish dishes, as well as for the smallest. There are almost no bones in the fish. Many recipes from this meat are available to cooks. Why do many people complain so much about the fish "porridge" that turned out instead of a juicy steak? The whole problem is in the method of preparation. The catfish is very loose, before cooking it must be properly processed.

For stewing or frying, use a batter or boil the fish in pre-salted water. So it will remain intact and will not lose its useful properties.

Do not lose sight of the fact that any oil increases the fat content of the product. Therefore, frying catfish is suitable for those who do not monitor the number of calories in a dish. To make the fish tasty, and not saturated with flowing oil, it must be laid out in a well-heated pan.

The most delicious catfish is considered to be grilled, steamed and in the oven, although it is often consumed smoked. For children and dieters, steamed cutlets and soup are recommended. Fish lovers will appreciate the catfish steak, as well as its baked in foil. For a side dish, all cereals and vegetables are suitable, but most of all - sweet peppers and potatoes.

Cutlets fried and steamed

Cooking catfish cutlets is easy and simple, and most importantly - delicious. For this you will need:

  • fish meat 0.5 kg;
  • one bulb;
  • two tablespoons of semolina (40-50 g);
  • half a cup of milk;
  • one egg;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • dill for lovers and spices at your discretion.


  1. Catfish fillet and dill (optional), finely grated onion and egg are laid out in a blender. Instead of semolina, you can use bread, different recipes give different ingredients. You also need to add milk, salt and pepper;
  2. Mix and beat it all until you get one mass. To prevent excess liquid from spreading over the pan (or in a double boiler, if the cutlets are steamed), you need to leave the mass for 40 minutes. Semolina will absorb everything unnecessary;
  3. After that, cutlets of the desired shape are formed from the resulting minced meat. It can be hearts, and smiles, and the most common "round".
  4. Roll the finished molds in breadcrumbs;
  5. In a frying pan, the catfish is fried on both sides until golden brown.

Ready! Delicious catfish cutlets can be served. For a side dish, you can choose vegetable stew, fried potatoes or just serve with sour cream.

catfish steak recipe

Catfish steak is a very whimsical dish. If you forget one or the other nuance, you can get collapsed lumps of fish meat. To get started, the ingredients you need are simple:

  • salt;
  • flour;
  • oil;
  • catfish steaks.


  1. Deep frozen fish is not an option. She needs to be given time to thaw by about ¾, then salt liberally and send to marinate. Within half an hour you can forget about the fish;
  2. The next item is flour. Once the catfish has marinated, it must be well rolled in flour. A little secret: so that it does not burn, you need to lightly chop the fish before putting it in the pan. So the rest of the flour does not curl into lumps;
  3. Heat up the pan as much as possible.
  4. Pour oil into a hot frying pan and wait until it warms up;
  5. You need to fry until a golden crust appears. Do not cover with a lid! That will only make it worse. After frying, the pan should be set aside for a couple of minutes. The fish will reach the desired state and lose the remnants of friability.

Steamed catfish with vegetables

Catfish is a very healthy fish and low in calories if cooked properly. A good option is for a couple, and for a side dish - vegetables. What you need as ingredients:

  • any vegetables of your choice.


  1. Defrost the fish completely, salt and leave for half an hour;
  2. After the time has elapsed, the catfish should be rinsed with water and dried;
  3. A fish is placed on the upper grate, and selected vegetables are placed below;
  4. You can leave the steamer for 20-25 minutes before cooking the catfish.

In the meantime, the fish turns into a delicious dish, you can prepare a white sauce. Sauce Ingredients:

  • flour;
  • low-fat cream;
  • salt;
  • pepper and spices;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Flour is fried in oil, and then all the ingredients are added;
  2. Stir until the liquid thickens slightly;
  3. If it doesn't thicken completely, you can add flour. Otherwise, add cream. An important point: this sauce thickens over time, so it is ideal to prepare it right before serving. On average, it takes 5-7 minutes to cook.

After cooking, leave the catfish to infuse for 2-3 minutes and carefully put it on a plate. Top it with the prepared sauce, add a sprig of parsley for decoration and serve.

Delicious fish pilaf

Pilaf is known for its richness and taste. But no one limited the choice of meat. Instead of the usual lamb, you can use catfish fillet, and do everything possible so that its juice is completely absorbed into the rice.

So what you need:

  • catfish 1 kg;
  • rice 1 cup;
  • one or two bulbs;
  • the same amount of carrots;
  • spices to taste and vegetable meat.


  1. It is not necessary to completely defrost the fillet. It should thaw slightly, but not be soft;
  2. After defrosting, wash the meat and cut into cubes 2 centimeters thick;
  3. Rinse the rice and put it in a colander to drain the water;
  4. Onion cut into rings;
  5. Grate carrots;
  6. Saute onions and carrots together. Important: first, the onion is sautéed for a couple of minutes, after which carrots are added to it;
  7. As soon as the vegetables are ready, add the washed rice there. This is done so that it is crumbly;
  8. After a couple of minutes, you can transfer the mass to the desired saucepan or continue cooking in the pan, if its volume allows. Add 1.5 cups of water;
  9. There is no need to add more water: the catfish is saturated with juice. If you add more liquid, you will get not an appetizing pilaf, but a slurry;
  10. Stir the contents of the pot only once after adding water. This will keep the shape;
  11. After stirring, you can add catfish and spices;
  12. The lid can be closed, the fire can be made smaller;
  13. Further cooking depends on the type of rice, but the mass should still languish for up to 20 minutes;
  14. At the end of cooking, the pilaf is mixed and served on the table.

If baked in foil in the oven

For lovers of baking in the oven, catfish can also be delicious. The main thing to remember is that you need to prepare the meat so that it retains its shape and taste. For cooking you will need:

  • fillet 0.5-0.6 kg;
  • two bulbs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • lemon juice (a tablespoon);
  • breadcrumbs.


  1. Wash and dry the fillet, salt, pepper, pour over with lemon juice and leave for half an hour.
  2. Preparing the baking dish. Put onion rings (half) on the bottom of the foil, pickled catfish on top;
  3. Use the other half of the bow to "close" the fish from the top side;
  4. From above, everything is smeared with mayonnaise (you can use sour cream) and sprinkled with breadcrumbs;
  5. Do not cover the foil from above, it serves to preserve the juice;
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, bake for up to half an hour (depending on the oven);

The most appetizing and rich ear

To prepare fish soup, you will need not only catfish, but also white fish for broth. And the rest of the dish is hearty thanks to the catfish. By ingredients:


  1. Separate the skin and bones from the fish.
  2. Add celery, bay leaf, pepper, fish to the pan and pour all this over with cold water.
  3. The first foam merges, then cook for at least half an hour.
  4. The onion is cut in half, the carrots are peeled or washed thoroughly, then fry them on both sides in a dry frying pan. Should burn a little.
  5. When the broth is ready, add the "fried" vegetables to it.
  6. After boiling, strain, take out everything that was before - it will no longer be needed.
  7. Nuance: to make the broth transparent, you need to pour a beaten egg into it in a stream, mix and remove with a slotted spoon.
  8. The broth is put on fire, throw small potatoes inside.
  9. Soak saffron in alcohol or vodka, then squeeze, pull out, and add the same amount of water to the liquid. You should get no more than 50-60 ml. Pour all this into the broth.
  10. Fry another onion and leek, then add the whole mass to the broth (about 10 minutes after adding the potatoes).
  11. Cut the remaining fish fillet and add to the broth.
  12. Cod liver cut into large pieces and after 10 minutes add too. You can sprinkle with dill.
  13. You can salt, pepper and add spices, for decoration - lemon.

Amazing catfish in creamy sauce

Banal recipes can get boring even with such tasty fish as catfish. In this case, you can resort to the original - bake fish in a creamy sauce. It does not sound original, but the taste will turn out gentle and very unusual. What you need:

  • 0.5 kg catfish;
  • 800 ml cream;
  • liter of fish broth;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • nori seaweed;
  • sunflower oil.


  1. The catfish is cut into pieces and soaked in cold water (2-3 tablespoons of salt per liter of water).
  2. You will need a deep frying pan. Pour cream into it.
  3. Evaporate twice and add fish broth, throw seaweed.
  4. The sauce is almost ready, it remains to beat with a blender.
  5. Put the catfish out of the marinade, then fry over high heat until half-cooked.
  6. Put the catfish and half of the sauce in a baking dish. On the bottom of the form, you can put the onion.
  7. After 10-15 minutes the dish is ready. Drizzle with remaining sauce and serve.

Catfish in batter with a golden crust

If you fry catfish without preparations, it will look like porridge, and besides, it will be very oily.

To form neat pieces and remove excess fat, there are several secrets. What ingredients will be needed:

  • 0.5 kg catfish;
  • half a lemon;
  • red pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • frying oil.

For batter you need:

  • flour;
  • egg;
  • vodka (50 grams is enough);
  • half a glass of water.


  1. Clean the fish: separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces.
  2. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes.
  3. Now batter: separate the protein from the yolk, and beat the protein.
  4. Mix the yolk, flour, vodka and water, add salt and a spoonful of sunflower oil.
  5. Gently shift the whipped protein mass with batter. Stir from the edge to the center so that the air bubbles in the protein burst as little as possible.
  6. Dip the catfish in the batter and send it to a heated pan with oil.
  7. Fry each piece on both sides.
  8. Place on paper towel to drain excess oil.

Ready! Bon appetit!

We bring to your attention a simple video recipe for fried catfish in breadcrumbs:

In conclusion, it must be said that there are countless variations in the preparation of catfish, but each of them is based on basic recipes. Cooking in the oven, batter-fried fish soup, steak, meatballs and pilaf. These recipes are standard, but can be supplemented with different spices or cooking methods.

A standard marinade is used everywhere: salt, pepper (in some cases pour lemon juice) and leave for half an hour. These are mandatory procedures for the preparation of tasty and healthy catfish. For a side dish, it is best to use vegetables in such a way as to avoid fat content as much as possible - the fish itself is very satisfying and the side dish may seem superfluous.

In contact with

Catfish is a fatty and tasty marine fish that lives in the northern seas. It has a rather intimidating appearance, for which it received its second name - "sea wolf". Individual individuals can be very large - up to 1 meter in length and up to 30 kg in weight. Despite its unattractive appearance, many gourmets consider its meat very tasty and delicious.

It is very juicy, slightly sweet in taste. The undoubted advantage of this fish is that it contains few bones. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not easy to cook. When frying catfish in a pan, its pieces may fall apart. This is due to the fact that the catfish fillet has a loose, watery texture. If you still master the preparation of catfish, this will give the diet a special originality.


It is best to choose catfish not frozen, but fresh. Frequent freezing and thawing does not have the best effect on the tender catfish meat, thereby further complicating its preparation. The eyes of the fish should not be cloudy - it is not too fresh.

Before cooking, the fish must be cut into portions. This can be done without waiting for complete defrosting - it will be easier. You can, on the contrary, after waiting for complete defrosting, allow excess moisture to drain and only then cut into pieces.

Catfish should never be thawed in the microwave or in hot water. Additional means to make the fillet a little firmer include placing it in brine before frying or boiling it for a short amount of time. When the necessary pieces are ready, you can start cooking.

How to fry

So that the pieces of catfish do not fall apart during frying, it is necessary to pre-soak in a salt solution. In this case, they will no longer need to be salted. For brine, take 1 glass of water, 1.5 tablespoons of salt. How long to leave the fish in the brine: approximately 20-30 minutes. You need to fry for 5-7 minutes on each side.

in a frying pan

Before cooking, the pan must be well heated, then pour 100 ml of vegetable oil into it and heat it for 2 minutes. This is necessary so that the fish does not fall apart during frying. Then the fire must be reduced so that it is slightly above average. Pour a small amount of flour into a separate plate and cover each piece evenly with it. After that, put the fillet in the pan and fry for 5 minutes so that the catfish does not burn. Then, turning over, fry the same amount on the other side.


If we cook the catfish in batter, it does not fall apart and it turns out very tender and juicy.


  • 500 g of catfish meat;
  • 100 ml of oil;
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 2 pcs. eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 2-3 slices of orange;
  • 10 pieces. olives;
  • salt, pepper to taste, herbs for beauty.

Defrost the carcass, cut into the desired pieces, season with salt and pepper to taste. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, mix with mayonnaise until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up and you can lay out the fish, first dipping each piece in batter. It takes 4-5 minutes to fry the fillet on each side. Fry it without a lid.



  • 700 g catfish in steaks;
  • 3-4 st. l. lemon juice;
  • 200 g of white bread;
  • 0.5 tsp dry garlic and the same amount of pepper;
  • 1 tsp dry dill;
  • 150 ml of oil;
  • 1 PC. bay leaf, salt.

Defrost the fish and cut each steak in half along the ridge. Put the fish in a saucepan, cover with water and add salt, bay leaf and pepper, bring to a boil. Boil for 10 more minutes.

Remove the fish from the broth, let cool. Season with pepper, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice. Marinate 15-20 minutes.

Dry white bread in the oven, grind with a blender or in a coffee grinder until fine crumbs form. In a separate bowl, mix the crumbs, garlic, pepper and dill and bread the pieces of steaks in the resulting seasoning.

To properly fry fish in a pan, you must first heat it up and, after glowing, set the fire to medium. You can start frying for 4-5 minutes on both sides until golden brown.

Fried catfish can be laid out on a dish, decorated with vegetables, and also served with salted vegetables.



  • 3-4 catfish steaks;
  • 100 g of sifted flour;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Allow the fish to thaw well so that all the water is glass. Then sprinkle with salt and pepper and let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

Heat a non-stick frying pan, add oil and heat. You can start frying the catfish.

Roll each steak evenly in flour and fry over high heat until a delicious golden crust forms. Do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise the fish will turn out to be stewed rather than fried, or even fall apart.

Catfish contains a lot of fish oil, as well as various amino acids and acids. Very high content of rare trace elements. Of the vitamins, there are such as A, B, C and D. The protein contained in this fish is very useful and well absorbed. It has a fairly high calorie content for fish - 126 calories per 100 g of product.

Catfish meat is not dangerous to humans. However, even after cooking, meat can contain strong allergens. They can provoke allergic reactions in the body and even poisoning, especially if a person is allergic to seafood.



Catfish or another name - sea wolf - fish of the catfish family, perch-like order. There are 5 types of catfish: eel, striped, blue, spotted, Far Eastern. All these species live in cold waters - the northern seas of the Pacific Ocean, in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of North America, in the White, Baltic, Barents, Norwegian and North Seas.

Catfish is a fairly large fish. It can reach up to one and a half meters in length. The maximum weight can be over 30kg. The catfish differs in that it has a long, laterally compressed body, a wide mouth with rather strong, strong teeth, with which this fish is able to bite even sea shells. Catfish prefer to be in rocky soil overgrown with algae, descend to a depth of up to 600 m.

The pulp of the catfish is tasty, tender, very fatty, slightly sweet, and has practically no bones. White catfish meat is a good source of vitamin A and vitamins B1, B6, PP, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic and pantothenic acid. The flesh of this fish is easily digestible and contains minerals important for the body: sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, chromium and cobalt. 100 g of catfish pulp contains 5.5 g of fat and 19.6 g of protein.

In retail chains, you can buy fresh-frozen or chilled catfish, as well as cold or hot smoked. Smoked catfish can be used to make bread and potato salads, serve fish in tartlets with vegetables, make fish pies for breakfast and toppings for pies. Freshly frozen or chilled catfish can be used to prepare various dishes: soups, main courses and pastries.

Catfish is a specific fish. There is quite a lot of heat in it, and the pulp itself is gelatinous. Knowing the secrets of cooking, fish can be a great product for a delicious lunch or dinner.

Cooking catfish

The fish should be cut into steaks. Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water, dip the fish in brine, marinate for a couple of hours in heat, you can put it in the refrigerator and marinate longer. Then remove the fish from the brine, rinse with boiled, cold water. Pepper the catfish steaks and wrap each in several layers of cling film. I drive to heat up to 70`С. If there is no cooking thermometer, bring the water to a boil, turn off the stove, then after an hour turn the stove on to the very minimum and put the pan on the stove. Lower the prepared catfish into the pan, cook in this form for 20-30 minutes. Take the fish out of the water, unwrap it, serve immediately on warm plates, pour over the sauce. As a sauce, you can offer yogurt mixed with garlic, dill and lemon juice, soy sauce with lime juice, hot peppers and cilantro, or mayonnaise mixed with lemon juice, dill and garlic.

With catfish, you can cook soups - potato, rice, vegetable. Spass vegetables in vegetable or butter, pour water, add potato cubes or washed cereals, cook until soft, at the very end add pieces of boneless catfish. Boil 10 minutes.
Catfish can be added to fish hodgepodge. Fish should be added a little later than the rest of the fish, because. the flesh of the catfish is very tender.

We fry the catfish

Take a kilogram of catfish. Remove bones and skin from fish. It is best to do this when the fish is frozen. Dip the prepared fillet into water, to which salt is added (4 tablespoons per 1 liter) and a couple of lemon slices. Keep the fillet in brine for 2 hours. Take out the fish, dry it. Prepare 3 deep bowls. Pour flour into one, breadcrumbs into another, beat eggs into the third, pour in a couple of tablespoons of milk and beat everything with a fork, salt a little. Roll the catfish fillet in flour, then in the egg mixture, then transfer to a plate with breadcrumbs and roll in them. Transfer the breaded fillet to a dry, wooden board.

In a deep, thick-walled saucepan (cauldron, wok), heat vegetable oil or fat, dip the fish into the oil, fry until the breading is golden brown, do not overcook.

Serve fish with your favorite side dish. Potatoes, airy mashed potatoes with garlic and dill, or rice seasoned with curry and cilantro are ideal.

We bake catfish

Catfish (fillet) is best baked with additional (binding) ingredients: potatoes, rice, couscous, polenta, semolina, bulgur, etc. Alternatively, you can bake in a thick bechamel-type sauce. Cut the fillet into slices, salt, roll in flour. At the bottom of the baking dish, put raw, thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes or rice (any other cereals) boiled until half cooked, sprinkle with fried onions, breaded fish on top, then a layer of potatoes or rice (cereals). Pour all the eggs beaten with cream, salt and pepper. If the catfish is baked with potatoes, the surface of the future casserole can be sprinkled with cheese. Bake in the oven at a moderate temperature. Serve baked fish on warm plates, sprinkled with herbs.

You can cook minced meat from catfish fillet, form cutlets from it and bake in the oven. To do this, scroll the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with onions, add “yesterday's” bread soaked in milk and squeezed out, egg, salt, spices. Blind cutlets and immediately put them in a baking dish, greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs or flour. Brush the surface of the patties with the beaten egg using a silicone brush. Bake cutlets in the oven for 30 minutes. Cool slightly and serve with vegetable salad.

In the same way, you can cook cabbage rolls with catfish by adding boiled rice to minced fish instead of bread. It is not necessary to beat the egg into the minced meat. Pour stuffed cabbage with cream or tomato sauce.

Catfish can be baked in foil or parchment. Delicious catfish with tomatoes. The acidity of tomatoes makes the flesh of the fish elastic. It is good to bake catfish with vegetables, watering them and fish with lemon juice or wine vinegar.
Catfish can be baked in pots with mushrooms, filled with white wine.

Cooking catfish for a couple

Catfish can be steamed with vegetables. Soak the pieces of fish in brine beforehand, remove, rinse with water, dry. Put the fish on the top rack. Put potatoes, broccoli, young pea pods, carrots, zucchini, etc. on the bottom of your choice. Steam for 25 minutes. Serve with white sauce. Prepare the sauce like this. Spasser the flour in butter, pour in non-fat cream, salt and pepper to taste, add bay leaf. Cook, stirring, until sauce thickens slightly. Pour over hot catfish and vegetables and serve.

This dish is a must try for any hostess. Although the catfish is not so popular in our country, its delicate taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

You can cut the fish yourself or buy ready-made portioned steaks in the store. Using the oven, there is free time, which is so lacking in the evening after work. And the result of your work in the kitchen will please the family or sudden guests.

It is enough to buy a semi-finished product, defrost, prepare and put into the oven. Cook a side dish at this time, but you can only have a steak for dinner.

For dinner for two you will need:

  • catfish steak -4 pieces (about 500 g);
  • breadcrumbs for breading;
  • lemon;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise optional;
  • salt and spices.

Having decided to cook a catfish steak in the oven, you will sit at the table in 30 minutes.

With no mayonnaise and no butter, you get 89 calories per 100g.

Now it all depends on the speed of the hands. Immediately set the oven to preheat to 190 degrees if the steak is already defrosted. Rinse each piece thoroughly under running water, drain and pat dry with paper towels.

Send the fish to the bowl. Squeeze lemon juice into it, add spices and table salt. Mix well to coat each piece of steak. Peel the onion and cut into large rings.

It is better to cover the baking sheet with foil or special paper so that the fish does not stick. Now we're posting. Take a steak and roll around the edges in breadcrumbs. There should be enough space between the pieces on the sheet. Place a few onion rings on top.

If you decide to use mayonnaise, then carefully 1 tsp. drip into pieces and sprinkle some breadcrumbs on top. Send to bake for 25-30 minutes. The dish is ready.

How to deliciously cook catfish steak in the oven in foil

This cooking option is convenient if you decide to take lunch with you to work, but it is also quite popular for home.

You will need:

  • fish (catfish steak) - about 400 g;
  • potatoes - 200 g;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 50 g;
  • cheese (preferably hard varieties) - 100 g;
  • a couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt and herbs.

Together with preliminary preparation, 40-45 minutes should be enough to cook a steak in foil.

With potatoes, the calorie content of the dish will be 110 kcal per 100 g.

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We start by preparing the side dish. Peel potatoes and cut into slices. While there is no side dish, salt the fish. To do this, after washing and letting the water drain, put the pieces in a cup, salt and pepper to your taste.

We tear off the foil of the right size so that you can completely close the dish, and no steam comes out from the inside. Lubricate the middle with olive oil and lay out the side dish first, salting it. Catfish steaks go on top, and on them are tomatoes, cut into circles. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese and wrap everything up.

Leave in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. It is convenient that in this way you can cook this dish in portions.

How to bake catfish steak in cream

It also does not require much effort, but by the look of the finished dish on the plate, you can be called a chef. The fish will turn out with a very delicate taste.

We will prepare the following products:

  • heavy cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • potatoes - 400 g;
  • catfish - 600 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • Russian cheese (can be replaced with another) - 200 g;
  • a mixture of peppers - a couple of whispers;
  • salt and bay leaf.

This option for cooking catfish steak in the oven will take 45 minutes.

112 kcal per 100 g is contained in this dish.

We start by preparing the fish, if it was bought uncut. Rinse thoroughly on all sides and divide with a knife into approximately equal pieces of small size. We clean the potatoes, it should be in the form of cubes. We take a deep and small baking sheet. Line the bottom and edges with foil. Lubricate with oil and spread the catfish first, and between the pieces of potatoes.

We're preparing the sauce. Whisk the egg in a deep bowl and pour in the cream. Pour seasonings, salt and pepper here. Mix everything well and fill the workpiece on a baking sheet. We break the bay leaf and lay it in different parts. Top with cheese, grated on the largest grater.

In the oven, the dish will be cooked for 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. When removed, let cool slightly and divide into portions with a knife.

How to cook blue catfish with rice in the oven

It is believed that the best side dish for fish is rice. Usually these dishes are prepared separately. In the proposed version, when everything is baked together, when served, everything looks like a single whole. You will be asked to bake the catfish again.

Required products:

  • long-grain rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • catfish (steak) - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato ketchup - 3 tablespoons;
  • 1 lemon;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • ground black pepper, spices and salt;
  • Russian cheese - 0.2 kg.

It will take 45 minutes to invite everyone to the table.

See also: How I increased my breasts by 2 sizes in 1 week

Oven-cooked catfish with rice contains 126 kcal per 100 g.

The prepared blue catfish steak should be marinated for half an hour. To do this, in a cup, mix it with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Cover with a lid or film and send to a cool place.

We put a pot of salted water on the fire, and when it boils, pour in the rice. You need to cook it until half cooked, drain into a colander and rinse with water. Allow liquid to drain completely.

Peel the vegetables and rinse under the tap. Grate the carrots into strips, like on a Korean salad and add a little salt in a plate. Onions should be chopped into thin rings. Grind the cheese with a large grater.

Line a tall baking sheet completely with foil. Lubricate with sunflower oil and pour rice evenly. We spread the carrots and pour over the ketchup. Beautifully spread out the red onion rings, and on top of the steaks. Sprinkle generously with cheese.

Cover with foil and make a tight envelope. At 180 degrees, the dish will be baked in an oven preheated. The finished dish should not be opened immediately, let it stand for a while. Now enjoy the great taste, sprinkling abundantly with herbs.

Recipe for cooking fish steaks with vegetables

This dish looks quite colorful on a plate when served. The aroma will make even the neighbors worry.

Products for cooking:

  • thawed catfish - 500 g;
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • fresh carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • half a bunch of green onions;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise "Provencal" - 150 g;
  • 1 lemon;
  • salt;
  • seasonings.

Take 45 minutes to cook these steaks.

143 kcal will be contained in 100 g of the finished dish.

First, marinate the catfish steaks washed and dried with a paper towel. To do this, pour them with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Rub well with seasonings and salt. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour under cling film.

At this time, prepare the vegetables. Rinse and clean carrots thoroughly. We free the pepper from seeds and rinse under water. All finely chopped straws. Chop the green onion. Tomatoes should be circles.

Prepare a piece of foil for each steak and brush the middle with olive oil. We spread the fish and lift the edges of the wrapper. Now we fall asleep first carrots, and then bell peppers. Only then green onions and tomatoes. We put in each bundle a tablespoon of mayonnaise and a handful of cheese.

We twist each bundle from above and send it to the oven, which was preheated to 190 degrees. After 20 minutes, unfold the foil to brown the steaks. Leave for another 10 minutes. Lunch is ready. Call everyone to the table.

Fish and potato steak in a pot in the oven

It looks quite attractive when a dish is served on the table in clay pots. Pleasant color and excellent taste will transfer guests or household members to the atmosphere of antiquity.


  • potatoes - 0.6 kg;
  • catfish steaks - 0.7 kg;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • half a bunch of green onions;
  • sunflower oil -2 tbsp;
  • mayonnaise - 6 tsp;
  • dill and salt;
  • cheese - 0.2 kg.

It takes 40 minutes to cook catfish in pots.

165 kcal will be obtained per 100 g of the finished dish.

Arrange 6 pots at once in the background of the kitchen table so that the prepared ingredients go there in turn. Grease the bottom with sunflower oil.

Remove the skin from a clean potato, cut into cubes and send to the bottom. We carefully clean the carrots and three on a fine grater. It will go to the next layer. Right now it should be salted and peppered. Pour water into each pot to completely cover the vegetables.

Then we work with the fish. We remove the skin from each catfish steak, rinse under the tap and, as it were, close each vessel. Sprinkle the top with chopped green onions. Smear on pieces one teaspoon of mayonnaise and cover with chopped cheese.

Clay pots that go to the oven will bake for about 30 minutes. Everyone is delighted and you are pleased.

Always defrost food at room temperature. This will help keep the composition and shape.

If your family does not like the peculiar smell of fish, then always sprinkle it with lemon juice.

When using foil, a few minutes before cooking, the top layer should be removed so that the fish turns golden and slightly fried.

Modern baking sheets with a non-stick layer on the bottom can not be covered with foil.
