
Golden potatoes in a pan recipe. Potatoes fried in bacon

Fried potatoes in some families are the most favorite and sought-after dish. There are many men who are ready to eat it every day (and even without meat). We will tell you how to properly fry potatoes in a pan so that they do not fall apart and remain appetizingly fried, as well as how easy it is to supplement dishes with unusual ingredients.

How to fry potatoes in a pan - an easy way

Crumbly, with or without a crust, in lard and butter, with ketchup or sauerkraut - only fried potatoes can be tastier than fried potatoes! Each housewife has her own secrets of frying, but still there is something in common between recipes - two ingredients are usually used: potatoes directly and vegetable oil. The rest of the ingredients are always at the discretion of the craftswoman.

For the simplest way, we need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg (the number of tubers depends on the number of eaters);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.

We clean the potatoes and cut into sticks. The main thing is that they are not too thick, the same size. How to get oriented? Very simple - remember the french fries familiar to everyone and cut, trying to give the same shape. Put the potato slices in a bowl of cold water so that it does not have time to darken.

The secret of an experienced housewife: varieties where the starch content is low are suitable for roasting. It is best to use light yellows and reds, but whites are good for mashed potatoes and first courses.

While the potatoes are being cut, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. The best dishes for such a dish are those with a thick cast-iron bottom. The fire should not be too strong, otherwise the root crops will quickly burn below and remain raw on top. The optimum temperature is slightly below average. In the meantime, we discard the potatoes, carefully wipe them from the water with a paper towel or a kitchen towel, but clean and dry.

It's time to put the potato strips in the pan. And now, attention, remember the instructions for proper frying!

  1. You can’t touch the potatoes for the first 8-10 minutes: let them fry quietly: if you start stirring the pieces, they will quickly lose their shape.
  2. We carefully pick up the straw with a spatula, turning it over in one solid layer: usually the crust from below grabs the pieces evenly.
  3. We turn around and go back to our business. Only after 5-7 minutes will it be possible to approach the potato and stir it a second time.
  4. Salt the dish correctly at the end so that the potatoes do not fall apart.
  5. A minute or two before the end of the process, cover the potatoes with a lid so that it simmers slightly.

Well-fried potatoes are ruddy, golden, exude magical aromas, and melting delicious pulp is hidden inside each piece. We eat it with pickles or dipping it in barbecue sauce.

It may seem like a tedious process. In fact, it is enough to cook potatoes a couple of times to master the skill well and for a long time. By the way, it takes only a few minutes to fry one or two tubers (and this is quite enough for a hearty dinner for one person).

With the addition of onions

Many housewives fry potatoes in a pan with onions and do not recognize other options for the dish. Onions add sweetness, juiciness, perfectly shading potatoes. It is worth recognizing that if you don’t know some tricks, the dish turns out to be more stewed, so we’ll tell you a step-by-step recipe for the right “onion” potatoes.

The best potatoes are the same size - so they are fried more evenly.

  1. Peel the potatoes and fry until half cooked.
  2. When the straws have reached the “aldente” stage (remained slightly crispy inside), add the onions and mix.
  3. If you put a chopped onion right away, it will turn out “boiled” and change the taste of the dish for the worse, so you should add it at the end of frying.
  4. We add potatoes. Bring to readiness and serve.

Serve potatoes with onions with slices of black bread, barrel cucumbers, herbs and sour cream. Or we eat it as a side dish for fish or chicken.

With a crust

Potatoes in oil will turn out to be more appetizing if you fry them not on vegetable, but with the addition of cream. The crust is crispy, the potatoes melt in your mouth, and the dish acquires a pleasant creamy aftertaste.

To get a crispy crust, you can soak the potatoes in advance - the excess starch will go away, and it will crunch perfectly after frying.

The crust always turns out ruddy, if you do not cover the pan with a lid, but fry the potatoes in an open pan.

In this recipe, you can move away from traditions and cut the root crops into rounds: they will fry faster, the correct golden crust will form. For the rest, follow the instructions of the first recipe - everything will come out perfectly!

With mushrooms

Fried potatoes with mushrooms (also called mycelium) is a traditional dish for autumn, when people actively gather forest mushrooms. The main mistake of many cooks is to add boiled mushrooms to the finished dish, and then simmer everything together. The potato begins to “float”, acquires a not very pleasant mushy texture.

  1. Fry the potatoes in a skillet until almost cooked through.
  2. In a separate saucepan, fry the boiled forest mushrooms with onions until all the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Add a piece of butter to the mushrooms (they complement each other perfectly and make the taste of potatoes much brighter).
  4. Combine with potatoes.
  5. Lightly simmer everything together until fully cooked.

Before serving, you can sprinkle potatoes with fresh dill, season with a spoonful of fresh sour cream. We eat a dish with a light vegetable salad seasoned with fragrant vegetable oil or lemon juice.

How to fry potatoes in a pan with meat?

Show at least one man who, after a hard day's work, refuses tender and satisfying potatoes fried with meat?

In order for the potatoes to turn out to be fried and not stewed, we recommend that you write down a few rules:

  1. For potatoes, it is better to take meat that cooks quickly: pork, chicken fillet, young veal.
  2. Meat and potatoes are fried separately and combined at the last moment.
  3. If you want to make the dish juicier - add more onions or pieces of lard.
  4. The potatoes are cut into square pieces - the straws in this recipe will quickly break, causing the consistency to lose accuracy.

The total cooking time for potatoes is calculated based on the type of meat, but in general it rarely exceeds 60 minutes (we take into account the time for peeling potatoes!). Vegetarians can replace meat with soy or eggplant slices - it turns out very tasty and “nutritious”.

Variant of frying potatoes in lard

In Ukraine, lard potatoes are a national pride and a traditional dish of all the inhabitants of the country. The trick of the dish lies precisely in the frying of the fat: it is important to evaporate the fat from it, and only at the end fry it, turning it into cracklings. To do this, cut the pieces of bacon into cubes of 5 mm in size and fry over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer until tender, until the fat begins to melt.

In the melted bacon, add potatoes, cut into cubes, mugs or sticks, and fry it until tender. Potatoes cook faster, because the heating temperature of the fat is high. And in this case, you can salt it right away so that it absorbs all the juices, becomes juicy and fragrant.

This version is hearty, high-calorie, truly masculine. Usually it is served with smoked or salted fish, pickled vegetables. On holidays, you can present the “little white” to the eater - ice, of course, from tiny glasses.

Rustic fried potatoes

A quick dish, but at the same time hearty, very “warm”, they learned to cook in the villages. At the time of harvest, when there is little time for cooking, it has been helping housewives for centuries. And in parallel, it helps to put into operation substandard potatoes of small size, which are not stored for a long time.

You can boil the potatoes in advance - all that remains is to fry them in a large frying pan with onions and salt.

For cooking we need:

  • small potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - to taste;

Rinse small potatoes thoroughly, removing dirt with a stiff brush. Boil water in a large saucepan, boil the potatoes right in their uniforms and let them cool. Then it's up to you to decide: someone loves potatoes with a peel, and someone is not lazy, peeling off the skin. The taste will be different, but both options are very tasty.

Next, cut the potatoes into 2 pieces. Chop the onion into cubes, saute until golden in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Add potatoes to the onion, fry everything together until golden brown. The finished dish exudes magical aromas and attracts eaters. Serve with herbs, pickles, sauerkraut - everything that is in the house. Rustic potatoes are self-sufficient, satisfying, do not require additions in the form of steaks, and they are also delicious cold.

  1. A wide frying pan is suitable for frying, while the straw layer should not be thick - so it will not boil in its own juice.
  2. Potatoes well dried with a towel are the key to a pleasant crunch and a delicious crust.
  3. The pan should be thoroughly and evenly heated.
  4. You can soak the straws in advance (for example, in the evening) - excess starch will come out, and the dish will turn out even tastier.
  5. Salt potatoes only at the very end - so it does not soften and does not absorb excess fat.

You can cook the dish with any vegetables, bacon slices, hunting sausages, ham, beat in eggs and add garlic and herbs - there are a lot of options, and it's easy to please yourself with a dish several times a week without fear that it will get bored.

Diet fans will exclaim: “But what about the figure! In just 100 grams of potatoes, more than 300 calories are “hidden!” But let's remember about the gastronomic pleasure this dish gives and remind about the measure - it is enough to eat the dish in small portions, do not season with fatty sauces, do not eat bread and it will not bring harm for sure! Bon appetit.

Greetings my dears! Who doesn't love a delicious fried potato with a crust? Today I will tell you how to fry potatoes in a frying pan deliciously. It would seem such a simple question, but how many options for answering it ... 🙂

I just love this dish! From early childhood. When the parents were “conjuring” in the kitchen and the smell of fried potatoes was spreading around the house, it was a holiday! And each family has its own ways and recipes of cooking. But to achieve a golden crust - the rules are the same. I'll start in order. And to make it clearer, I'll add pictures.

Which potato is best?

Two varieties are best suited for frying - pink and yellow. Choose firm-skinned, fresh tubers. Old tubers may not turn out to be potatoes in a crispy shell and the dish will not taste the same.

Fried potatoes are great for a hearty lunch. 100 g fried potatoes 300 kcal. More with fat. But if you eat in moderation and do not fry too much, then it will also retain useful substances!

Oil selection

Take refined sunflower. Deodorized unrefined is definitely not suitable. It will smoke, foam and interrupt the taste of the dish.

Still fried in lard. Then there will be so many calories in food, oh-oh-oh! If you are on a diet, then eating fat with potatoes is better to refuse. You can cook with butter too. Then your dish will come out especially tender. But the potatoes will need to be very carefully monitored. In this oil, the slices burn very quickly. Here experience is needed.

The ideal option is a mixture of vegetable and butter. The amount depends on the serving. On average, for 1 kilogram of potatoes you need 125 ml of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. butter spoons

What pan to cook in?

You can also use a deep fryer, but for me, it’s so soulless somehow. Delicious potatoes “like in childhood” are still better in a frying pan.

From aluminum cookware and with a thin bottom, give up immediately. Two ideal options: cast iron and aluminum with a thick bottom. The dishes should be wide so that it is convenient to mix and not lay the potatoes in several layers. For example, this would work:

Frying pan Vitesse "Le Splendour" with a lid, with a marble coating, with a removable handle, color: burgundy. Diameter 26 cm. VS-2269

To the store

Perfect cut

Straws 5-7 mm thick. Then the dish will come out fried on the outside and soft inside. To save time, I advise you to use a vegetable cutter. This is what I really like:

It turns out much faster than cutting on the board. Especially when you need to cook for a large family or guests will soon catch up. And so I cut it, quickly fried potatoes, made a salad and everyone is happy 🙂

How to fry with a golden crust

The secret to a perfectly cooked dish is to get rid of excess starch. Then it will be easier to get potatoes with a crust. Pour the slices with cold water until they are just covered. Leave on for approximately 15-20 minutes. Next, drain the water and lightly rinse the straw again. Lay the slices on a towel and blot all the pieces.

A very important rule: raw potatoes cannot be sent to a cold frying pan, in unheated oil. It does not fry, but sticks and does not turn out tasty. Therefore, first turn on a strong fire, put the pan and pour the oil. Let it warm up well.

I wrote about the perfect combination of butter and vegetable oil above. You can cook only on vegetable. Everything to your taste 🙂

To check if the pan is hot, add one potato wedge. If the oil sizzles, then you can cook.

Put the pieces on a hot surface and let them fry. We put the fire on medium. You don’t need to mix, check, and generally touch it in any other way. Let it cook for 3-5 minutes. Then, with a deft movement of the spatula, turn the potatoes over. It should roll over with a whole layer. It will work if you did everything right. Fry the dish on the other side for the same time. And do this 1-2 more times.

How long to fry potatoes in a pan in total time - about 20 minutes

The whole process takes place without a lid. Cover - you get not fried, but stewed potatoes, loose and falling apart. Salt, pepper only at the end before the last mixing. You can also add grated garlic “under the curtain” - it turns out very tasty!

To reduce calories, place the potatoes on a paper towel. Excess oil will be absorbed and reduce the fat content of the dish. By the way, when losing weight, you can also eat potatoes.

Now you know the secrets of how to cook fried potatoes in a pan very tasty and with a golden crust. It's time to start experimenting with different flavors. Garlic or onion plus herbs are great options.

Step-by-step recipe with photo of frying potatoes with onions

Potatoes prepared this way are often cooked in my family. The combination of spices with onions makes for a simple yet tasty and nutritious dish.

  • 5 large or 10 small potatoes;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/3 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 1/3 tsp sweet paprika;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • frying oil.

Wash and clean tubers. Cut potatoes into slices or slices like chips.

In a deep bowl, add spices to the chopped slices. If you will be cooking from frozen potatoes, follow the same step-by-step steps.

Break the bay leaf into small pieces. Mix everything together thoroughly.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Pour oil into a frying pan and place it over medium heat. When the oil is hot, put the potatoes in the pan.

Toss with a spatula until each potato wedge is coated with oil. Turn the slices several times while frying to brown on all sides. When you see that the potatoes are half soft, add the onion cubes. Do not do this before, otherwise the onion will burn and there will be coals.

Stir and cover the pan with a lid. Let everything sweat in the pan.

When you see that the onions have softened and the potatoes have become crispy, then the dish is ready. Using a spatula, put everything on a plate. Taste for salt and add spices if needed.

Delicious and fast with mushrooms

To eat the whole family, we take half a kilogram of tubers, 300 g of fresh champignons (well, or any other mushrooms that you like), 4 medium cloves of garlic, 1 medium onion, and herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare the potatoes (see above for how to do this). We cut into strips, wash and so on. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry separately in oil. Finely chop the greens.

Mushrooms cut into slices and fry separately. You can in the same pan where you fried onions and garlic. Brown the mushrooms until crispy. This usually takes about 10 minutes.

Put the potatoes in a very well-heated frying pan and fry according to all the rules approximately. When the potatoes are almost ready, add mushrooms, onion with garlic and greens to it. Salt, pepper, stir and remove from heat. Traditional Russian dish is ready! Serve it to the table with vegetable salad, sour cream.

How to cook with meat

To prepare the dish quickly, let's deal with the meat first. Boil it or bake it in the oven. We will add ready-made meat to the potatoes.

For 4 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4-5 tubers;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3-4 medium cloves;
  • ready-made meat - 300 g (beef, lean pork or bacon slices are suitable).
  • your favorite spices, salt, pepper and herbs to taste.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, send the chopped tubers and fry on one side for 3-5 minutes over high heat. Flip over and add onion. Reduce fire to medium. Stirring occasionally, cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Cut the cooked meat into small cubes. When the potatoes are almost "reached" - add the garlic. Fry for another minute and add the meat. If it comes out dry, add a little water - half a cup. Stir again. While the water is evaporating, salt and pepper. When the water has evaporated, add the chopped herbs. Everyone, food is served! Crispy golden potatoes with meat - a hearty lunch.

Crispy potatoes with lard

This recipe is from my dad. It has one secret ingredient.

Required Ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of tubers;
  • salsa with meat layer - 100 g;
  • bow - 1 pc.;
  • spices to taste;
  • the secret ingredient is half an apple without a core and skin.

Cut the onion as you like, and the apple into thin strips. Salo should be cut into small strips. Heat the frying pan well and add a little vegetable oil so that it does not turn out too greasy. After all, the fat will melt. Already on a very hot frying pan spread the fat. Reduce fire to medium. When you notice that the layers of meat on the fat have turned white - add potatoes. Turn over after 5-7 minutes. We wait another 4-5 minutes and turn over again.

Then add the chopped apple and onion at the same time. Fry for another 10-15 minutes, stirring. Add spices at the end. You can sprinkle with coriander. Salt, pepper, mix. The addition of apple makes the taste awesome! Try it.

Boiled potatoes with onions

The option is unusual in that we will fry the potatoes already cooked in their skins 🙂

Required Ingredients:

  • 900 g potatoes in a peel;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 teaspoons spoons of dried herbs;
  • salt and pepper.

Rinse the tubers and boil in their uniforms. Cook until tender about 10-15 minutes. When potatoes are cool, cut into cubes. If the tubers are fresh, then I do not peel them. And if the harvest is last season, then it is better to clean it.

Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into a heated frying pan. Fry chopped onion and garlic until golden brown. Transfer to a bowl. If you do not like garlic, then you can not add.

Fry the potato cubes in the second part of the oil. During cooking, add pepper and salt to your taste. When the cubes are already browned on all sides, add the fry. Cook for a few more minutes.

Remove from heat and sprinkle with fresh herbs or dried herbs. This side dish is best served immediately.

How to make delicious sauce

Potato dishes cannot be called exquisite. They are prepared as everyday food. But if you add here such a touch as sauce, then you can pleasantly surprise your family and friends. Colored sauce will be a great solution. There is a sauce recipe that fits all three dishes perfectly.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2-3 medium onions;
  • parsley root or celery root;
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • dry wine - 3 tablespoons (red or white - no difference);
  • 1 teaspoon honey. It must be liquid. If you have only candied, then it needs to be melted;
  • 1 pinch of ground red pepper;
  • salt.

Chop onion, parsley root (celery) very finely and put in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Take a glass of water (100 g) and add honey, tomato paste, lemon juice. Mix everything and pour into the pot with vegetables. Add wine to it.

We put the pan on a slow fire and simmer for 30-40 minutes. The mixture must be stirred periodically. Brought to readiness - salt, pepper, mix and remove from heat. Let the sauce cool and serve in a gravy boat.

Look also I found a small video as an instruction to make everything clearer.

If you are satisfied with the information received, do not forget to tell your friends about it on social networks. Subscribe to blog updates. I am always looking for delicious recipes for you. Fantasize and experiment in the kitchen. And you will succeed!

I share my way of cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms - a simple but very popular dish. And no wonder - fast, tasty, satisfying, and does not require special financial costs. Perfect:)

Recipe for fried potatoes with bacon, onions, corn kernels, parsley and scrambled eggs.

What could be simpler than fried potatoes sprinkled with cheese? However, how original it looks! I think guests and family will be delighted with such an unusual and at the same time ordinary side dish.

Fried potatoes with meat is the most trivial dish, the preparation of which even beginners in the culinary business can do. Very simple, satisfying, fatty and tasty. It can be said, a dish of simple rustic cuisine.

The recipe for the original salad, the main ingredient of which is everyone's favorite fried potatoes!

Frying potatoes is a painstaking and time-consuming process, but a slow cooker makes it easier. Learn how to quickly and easily cook fried potatoes in a slow cooker.

You don't have to go to McDonald's to eat French fries, because it's easy to make delicious French fries at home.

Who doesn't love golden, crispy french fries? However, cooking it at home is quite difficult, and buying it is harmful. What to do? The answer is simple - use a slow cooker! Read the recipe!

Recipe for linguini pasta with fried chicken thighs, sweet potatoes, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and sage sauce.

If you are lucky enough to pick up fresh butternuts in the forest, here is a recipe for fried butternuts with potatoes, perhaps the simplest dish that can be prepared from these mushrooms. Delicious and simple.

The recipe for oyster mushrooms fried with potatoes is somewhat different from the generally accepted technology for preparing mushrooms fried with potatoes. Do you want to know how? Read the recipe with step by step photos!

I offer a recipe for potatoes with pickled mushrooms. It's mushroom season now and you can get fresh mushrooms, but I like fried potatoes with pickled mushrooms. It turns out very spicy. Try it!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms is an ordinary dish, and maybe even a little boring, but cooking according to this recipe will open up a new look at this dish.

We will cook fried potatoes with onions, very tasty. An excellent side dish for any type of meal.

Recipe for fried salmon fillet with potatoes, asparagus, parsley, dill, capers, green onions and lemon.

Life situations lead to a dead end when you don’t know what you want - love or fried potatoes :) Love is a capricious business, you may have to wait, but you can fry potatoes in half an hour!

There are moments in life when you want something like that to the point of insanity. So that it is both satisfying and tasty, and to hell with it, with benefit. Fried potatoes - from this repertoire. And if even with mushrooms. Mmmm...

If you go to fast food restaurants only for a portion of crispy potatoes, then I suggest you cook french fries in the deep fryer at home.

Cooking french fries in the microwave is a matter of 5-7 minutes, especially if you have frozen chopped potatoes in the refrigerator. Well, if you find some sauces there;) Cooking!

French fries can be prepared at home, quickly and without any hassle. I cook french fries in a pan almost every weekend. A very tasty side dish.

If you like spicy Chinese food, then you should definitely try the Chinese potato recipe. Yes, the Chinese also eat potatoes!

Recipe for fried potatoes with garlic and chili sauce, nuts, olive oil and tomatoes.

Oh, well, who can resist fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms? I personally can't. If you are also not indifferent to mushrooms - read the recipe!

Recipe for fried potatoes with onions, bell peppers, bacon and thyme.

If the standard combination of mashed potatoes and fried mushrooms is a little boring, then baked potatoes with champignons will be a great alternative. Crispy crust and tender filling - it's worth a try.

Fried potatoes with bell peppers are a rare dish in our country, but now we are trying more and more vegetables in our diet. Try fried potatoes with bell peppers. I share a simple recipe with you.

I like to make French fries in the oven, as they are much healthier, they do not have that huge amount of oil if you deep-fry them. This recipe is for those who count calories and save their figure!

I especially like the recipe for cooking french fries in an air grill due to the ruddy appetizing crust that forms on the potato. So if there is an air grill on the farm - let's get started!

Recipe for Baked French Fries with Thyme, Basil, Oregano, Parsley and Romano Cheese.

French fries - a thing, of course, very high-calorie and not very healthy, but damn tasty at the same time;). A simple salad recipe with french fries and vegetables is suitable for those who take care of themselves.

Recipe for Baked Sweet Potatoes with Peppers, Garlic Powder and Cayenne Peppers.

We offer you an easy way to cook french fries in a Redmond slow cooker. So if there is this unit in the house, be sure to try it, you have not eaten such delicious potatoes yet.

Recipe for roast beef with garlic, onion powder, french fries and meat broth sauce.

Oven fried potatoes with spices - a very easy to prepare, but very original side dish. I advise you to try it today - you will like it!

Zucchini fries are a delicious appetizer made from such a simple and affordable vegetable as zucchini. Delicious, light, served with a good sauce, a zucchini appetizer is simply irresistible.

Don't know how delicious to fry potatoes? I tell you how to cook fried potatoes - soft, fragrant and tasty. An ideal Russian side dish for many dishes.

Potato wedges in the oven are a great alternative to french fries. It has much fewer calories, and the taste is richer and more varied due to spices. Children love baked potato wedges in the oven.

Properly baked potatoes in the oven are so tasty that they can be served not only as a side dish for something meaty, but also as a very tasty snack (for example, with homemade ketchup).

I wonder if there is at least one person on earth who would not like fried potatoes and would not know how to fry them deliciously? Yes, even with a crispy crust. And with a bow. And straight from the frying pan and onto the table, as we say, from piping hot.

Only, probably, the one who has never tried it, in some earthly places where there are no potatoes. Any other normal person who has ever tasted this dish will never remain indifferent. Even famous ballerinas and athletes who have a diet and regime sometimes allow themselves to relax. And then they eat neither cutlets and sweets, pies and cakes, but fried crispy potatoes.

Many people think that cooking fried potatoes is not difficult at all - peeled, cut and fry. To some extent this is true. But the question is different, how delicious to fry potatoes in a pan? This will require certain knowledge, skills, experience. Here you will find all the most useful secrets and tips. We hope that fried potatoes with a delicious crust and onions will forever acquire the status of your signature dish.

Fried potatoes with a golden crust


  • potato;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • onion (optional).


1. To answer the question of how to properly fry potatoes in a pan, you should start by choosing the dishes themselves.

You will never get tasty and crispy potatoes in a pan with a thin bottom, even if it has the best non-stick coating (although it is welcome). Be sure to take a frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides.

The second condition is necessary so that when the potatoes are stirred, they do not crumble all over the stove, and so that it can be fried more. After all, if you do everything right, it will turn out so tasty for you that it will still not be enough. The best option is a heavy cast iron skillet.

2. The second very important question is to properly prepare the potatoes.

Peel the tubers, cut into strips or cubes of the same size. Now we need to get rid of the starch. Rinse potatoes until water runs clear.

Then put in a deep bowl, pour water and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Drain the water, put the potatoes in a colander, let it dry. Before being sent to the pan, the potatoes must be dry - this is the key to a crispy crust.

3. And now the most important thing. How to fry golden potatoes in a pan with a crust?

Set the pan on a high heat, pour in vegetable oil (do not spare it, pour more, use odorless oil) and heat until a slight crackle appears.

Now reduce the heat a little and put the potatoes. You can put a lot of it, in the process of cooking the potatoes will fry, but not in a slide, so that it is convenient to interfere. Do not cover with a lid, otherwise the potatoes will begin to steam, be loose and crumbly.

Do not stir for the first 3-4 minutes so that the crust sets on the bottom layer. Then gently mix the potatoes with a wide wooden or plastic spatula. Try to immerse the spatula from the edge and lift the lowest layer of potatoes up in one motion. The already browned potatoes should be on top. Reduce heat to medium and cook until almost done.

Stir a couple more times at 5 minute intervals. Salt potatoes just before the end of frying. Salt and stir for the last time. A couple more minutes and that's it! The potato is ready.

4. For those who are interested in the question of how to fry potatoes with onions in a pan, it will be useful to know that finely chopped onions should be sprinkled on potatoes in the middle of cooking. The onion should not be fried, when it is simply brought to a soft state, the dish will turn out much tastier and more aromatic.

5. When serving, you can sprinkle potatoes with finely chopped fresh dill or green onions.

Recall that last time we cooked with you.

Today I want to tell you how to cook fried potatoes in a pan. Yes, yes, I know that fried potatoes are not healthy at all, but ... It's so delicious! And I'm not at all urging you to cook it every day, not at all. But sometimes you can afford a small portion of delicious fried potatoes in a pan. I was surprised when, after talking with many of my friends, I realized that few people know the correct recipe for fried potatoes in a pan.

No, it is, of course, prepared, but the result is not always what is expected. Either it turns out ruddy, but raw inside, then it’s ready, but without an appetizing crust on top ... Then the oil splashes too much, then the potatoes do not hold their shape, but fall apart ...

So today I decided to tell you how and what to do: how to fry potatoes in a pan so that they do not fall apart, and how much to fry potatoes in a pan, and how to achieve a golden crust on the outside and a soft middle ... In general, a real master class on topic: "How to cook fried potatoes in a pan." Ready to remember? Then let's get started...

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt - to taste.

How delicious to fry potatoes in a pan:

Wash the potatoes in cold water and peel the skin. Rinse thoroughly again.

When answering the question of how to properly fry potatoes in a pan, it is worth remembering a few important rules. One of them: no excess moisture. We spread the potatoes on a clean napkin and get wet, removing the water. If this is not done, the water remaining on the tubers will splash during frying, which will greatly complicate the process.

Cut the potatoes into strips, about 5-7 mm thick. The length of the straw depends on the size of the tubers. If the potatoes are large, cut them crosswise so that the slices do not turn out to be too long (they may break during frying). Not very large potatoes cut lengthwise.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Lay out the potatoes. There should not be too much potatoes in the pan, otherwise it will not be fried, but rather stewed. Here is the answer to the question of how to fry potatoes in a pan with a crust - do not put too much of it in the pan. For the indicated amount of potatoes, you will need 2 pans with a diameter of 24 cm.

Fry the potatoes over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes, then carefully flip over. Fry for another 3-5 minutes. Turn over again, reduce the heat slightly (it should be below medium) and cover the pan with a lid. Fry for 4-5 minutes and mix gently.

Cover with a lid again and fry for another 5 minutes. How long to fry potatoes in a pan in time depends on the thickness of the potato slices and its variety. Therefore, taste the potatoes for readiness and decide for yourself whether to continue frying.

Salt the finished potatoes, put the garlic passed through the press to it, and mix gently. Actually, garlic is not an essential ingredient at all, if you don’t like it, you may well not use it.

We send the pan to the smallest fire for another couple of minutes.

Hot potatoes are served immediately.

For frying, it is better to choose tubers of the correct shape, then there will be less waste when cleaning.

The quality of the finished potato depends on the amount of vegetable oil. If you fry potatoes in a large amount of oil (4-5 tablespoons), they will be all with a crispy golden crust.
