
We get acquainted with new recipes: seafood soup. Seafood Soup: Recipe

Seafood soup occupies a special place in cooking. It can be called an easy-to-cook dish. However, due to its delicate and refined taste, this dish can be safely attributed to haute cuisine. This soup is on the menu of the best restaurants in the world. But each housewife will be able to purchase all the necessary set of products in the nearest supermarket and cook a delicacy in her own kitchen. It is noteworthy that the cooking time is very short, and the complexity is almost minimal.

It is said that this dish appeared on the Mediterranean coast. The cuisine of coastal hot countries is replete with seafood dishes. Seafood soup is popular all over the world. Let's try to understand the intricacies of cooking in order to please family and guests with this delicate and healthy delicacy.

Choosing the ingredients

The word "seafood" refers to all invertebrate marine life suitable for human consumption. These are octopuses, squids, mussels, shrimps, oysters and other shellfish. These seafood are extremely tasty and healthy. Sometimes noble fish are also put in a seafood cream soup: salmon, trout, pink salmon, tuna. To prepare this dish, it is convenient to buy packaged seafood - they contain a mixture of different shellfish.

Proportions of products

To prepare the soup, take the following ingredients per 1 liter of water:

  • seafood - 350 g;
  • carrots, onions - 1 each;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • salt, black and white pepper, bay leaf.

In addition, processed cheese (350-400 g), tomato, vegetables (celery, asparagus, leek, canned corn, young peas) are often used. You can often see finely chopped spinach in this dish. This healthy vegetable gives the soup an unusual bright green hue. Often, glass (rice) noodles or the smallest soup pasta are placed in seafood soup. You can also use ordinary potatoes for thickening - you need to boil it well and crush it. The soup should have a creamy consistency. A special place is occupied by creamy soups - part of the water there is replaced by heavy cream.

If red fish is used in the soup, with which we will replace part of the seafood, it can be boiled initially in the broth. Salmon and salmon practically do not contain bones, so they can be safely cut into pieces immediately and immersed in the future cream soup with seafood. Pink salmon can unpleasantly please. Therefore, it must be boiled in a whole piece, removed from the broth, carefully sorted out, breaking into pieces, and returned to the broth. If necessary, strain the water to avoid unpleasant surprises in the plates.

How to cook seafood

It is necessary to prepare the main ingredient taking into account its characteristics. In no case should you put seafood in the broth for the entire cooking period! The cooking time of most seafood is very short, and overcooking harms them. Tender squids will simply turn into rubber. Therefore, it is best to cook them separately and add them to the soup at the end of cooking. The easiest way is to boil in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. You can also fry them in a frying pan by putting them in hot oil. The released juice is enough to start the quenching process. After 3 minutes, fragrant seafood will be ready.

If frozen blanks are used, they can be boiled without letting them melt. But then you have to cut into pieces already cooked. And you can pre-thaw and finely chop. Shrimp and mussels do not need to be cut into pieces, they are put in whole seafood soup. Medium-sized squids can be cut into rings. But those that are larger, it is better to chop finely into cubes.

Cooking seafood soup

The recipe for cooking regulates the following. Pour the required amount of water into the pan, put on fire. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion until translucent. Add finely grated carrots, simmer until fully cooked. To thicken the soup, add a couple of tablespoons of flour to the frying. You can also put finely chopped seafood here. Let's boil them separately. If we are preparing a seafood soup with cream, pour them into boiling water. Grated melted cheese can also be sent here. When it melts, add frying and seafood. Salt and pepper, let it boil. After turning off, generously sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs, cover with a lid and wrap the pan with a towel. Let the soup brew for a few minutes.

Serve on the table

The tenderness of the soup can be emphasized by exquisite serving. Suitable white deep dishes, light table textiles in a classic or nautical style. This noble dish is self-sufficient, it does not require any additions. It can be served with homemade bread, bruschetta, crispy pita. Fresh greens on the table will also come in handy.

Seafood dishes add sophistication to any table. And soups from the inhabitants of the sea and ocean depths are incredibly light, satisfying and healthy. There are a lot of recipes for such soups - from spicy Asian ones to New England fish stews. Let's cook Norwegian seafood soup. It does not require much time, and the necessary ingredients are not so exotic.

  • Water - 3-4 l;
  • Salmon - 500 g;
  • Seafood (shrimp, scallops, mussels, octopus) - 450 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Processed cheese - 3 pcs.;
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 leaves;
  • Parsley or celery root to taste;
  • Allspice to taste;
  • Greens to taste.
For the broth, we take the salmon fillet, bring to a boil and boil a little, since the salmon boils quickly, you need not to overdo it with cooking and get the fish out of the broth in time. For a special piquancy at the beginning of cooking, add grated celery or parsley root. We filter the finished broth through a sieve to remove boiled pieces of fish, foam, etc. - we need a clear broth.

We rub the processed cheeses on a medium grater, carefully separate them and send them to the boiling broth, stirring until the cheeses are completely dissolved.

At the same time, saute finely chopped onion until golden brown.

Grated carrots, add to the pan to the onion, fry until the carrots are soft.

We cut the potatoes into cubes and throw them into the broth, add the roasted onions and carrots there.

Seafood fry in a pan, drain the water and add seasonings to taste. It is worth noting that all seafood is very delicate and the thermal processing time should be minimal.

Pour the seafood mixture into the pan, add the chopped salmon, which was originally cooked in the broth, salt, add allspice, bay leaf.

Seafood dishes have long gained popularity around the world. They are delicious, delicious and incredibly healthy. All seafood contains protein quickly absorbed by the body, vitamin D and B vitamins, omega-3 and omega-6 acids, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, zinc.

At the same time, airy, but hearty seafood soups are popular in a number of cuisines of the world: Asian, Italian and French. This dish is within the power of any housewife, you can choose a recipe and make it unique by including special ingredients.

Seafood soup: original recipe


  1. Seafood - 150 gr.
  2. Shrimps - 100 gr.
  3. Cream - 100 ml.
  4. Tomato - 1 pc.
  5. Garlic - 2 cloves
  6. Carrot - 1 pc.
  7. Potato - 1 pc.
  8. Celery root - 50 gr.
  9. Green peas - 150 gr.
  10. Parsley, basil - to taste
  11. Spider web vermicelli - 4 tbsp. l.
  12. Salt, black pepper, ginger, nutmeg, aromatic herbs - to taste


  • Do not defrost seafood before cooking, you need to put them in water, bring to a boil, drain and set aside.
  • All vegetables must be peeled: chop potatoes into cubes, carrots and celery into medium cubes.
  • Peel the garlic and finely chop with a sharp knife, cut the onion into medium half rings.
  • Cut the greens, prepare the cream and vermicelli.
  • Tomatoes must be peeled off, for this, scald the tomatoes with boiling water, then with cold water, after this procedure the skin will be easily removed. Cut, remove the seeds and chop the tomato with a knife.
  • Then heat a small amount of olive oil in a frying pan, put the tomato pulp and simmer a little so that it thickens and looks like a sauce.
  • Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, add potatoes, carrots and celery root. Boil until soft, add garlic, frozen green peas and onions, season with salt and pepper, a pinch of nutmeg and ginger, 1/2 tsp. mixtures of mediterranean herbs.
  • Bring all the vegetables to full readiness over low heat with a slight boil. As soon as they are ready, throw in seafood and peeled shrimp, boil for 1-2 minutes.
  • After that, pour in the tomato sauce, cook for a couple more minutes.
  • Pour the smallest vermicelli, which is cooked for 2-3 minutes. As soon as it becomes soft, pour in the cream, wait until the soup boils.
  • Sprinkle with finely chopped basil and parsley; remove from heat.

Sea cocktail tomato soup


  1. Seafood cocktail - 250 gr.
  2. Onion - 1 head
  3. Garlic - 3 cloves
  4. Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  5. Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  6. Tomato juice - 350 gr.
  7. Saffron - 1 tsp
  8. Dried basil - 1 tsp
  9. Provence herbs - 1 tsp
  10. Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  11. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.


  • Transfer the frozen cocktail into a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 7 minutes, then drain in a colander and cool slightly. Transfer to a saucepan, pour 500 ml of water and put on medium heat.
  • In a frying pan, heat 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and fry the onion and garlic until golden. Add the onion-garlic mixture to the seafood pan.
  • Wash the tomatoes and paprika, remove the stalks and cut into small cubes. Pour into the pan where the onion and garlic were and stirring quickly, fry for a few minutes.
  • Transfer the vegetables to a saucepan, stir and bring to a boil. Lightly salt, pepper and throw in a couple of black peppercorns.
  • Then pour in the tomato juice, add the saffron, Provencal herbs and dried basil, bring to a boil again.
  • Squeeze with soup about 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, stir and let boil for 5-7 minutes. Meanwhile, beat 2 eggs in a small bowl.
  • Carefully and gently pour the eggs into the boiling soup in a thin stream, while stirring constantly. Remove the dish from the heat and let it brew for 20 minutes.
  • Cool the finished tomato soup with seafood, serve, garnish with black pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Seafood cream soup


  1. Carrot - 1 pc.
  2. Onion - 1 pc.
  3. Fresh celery - 1 bunch
  4. Chicken or fish broth - 500 ml.
  5. Milk - 1 l
  6. Shrimps - 250 gr.
  7. Seafood cocktail - 700 gr.
  8. Canned salmon - 1 can
  9. Corn - ½ can
  10. Butter - 70 gr.
  11. Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  12. Garlic - 2 cloves
  13. Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  14. Nutmeg - ½ tsp
  15. Bay leaf - 1 leaf
  16. Pepper, salt - to taste


  • Peel the carrots and cut them into circles, celery into cubes, and garlic into slices.
  • Pour olive oil into a deep saucepan or pan, heat it up and put chopped vegetables into it. Fry for 5-7 minutes, then pour in the broth, 200 ml. milk and boil for about 20 minutes.
  • You need to cook seafood for soup. If they were frozen, it is necessary to defrost, rinse, peel the mussels from the shell, peel the shrimps, remove the heads from the squids.
  • At this time, beat the rest of the milk with flour until smooth and stirring constantly, pour the milk-flour mixture into a saucepan, cook until the soup thickens.
  • Add seafood and cook until cooked, then remove half of them from the soup and set aside in a separate plate.
  • Grind the soup with a blender and heat for about 5 minutes, add grated cheese, canned corn, butter and the rest of the seafood.


  1. Leek - 700 gr.
  2. Fatty cream - 400 ml.
  3. Canned sea scallops - 200 gr.
  4. Butter - 50 gr.
  5. Salt, pepper - to taste


  • Wash the leek well, cut off the white part and cut it into thin circles.
  • Place the leek in a saucepan, cover with water to cover the onion, and cook until half cooked.
  • In the meantime, the scallops must be cut into round sticks, added to the pan with the onion and chopped with a blender.
  • Pour the cream into the soup, bring to a boil and season with salt and pepper.
  • Creamy scallop and leek soup is ready. When serving, add a dollop of butter to each bowl.

How to make creamy mussel soup?


  1. Mussels - 1.5 kg
  2. Potato - 750 gr.
  3. Bacon - 3 strips
  4. Chicken or fish broth - 350 ml
  5. Milk - 0.5 l.
  6. Cream - 125 ml
  7. Water - 1 tbsp.
  8. Vegetable oil - 30 ml
  9. Onion - 1 pc.
  10. Garlic - 1 clove
  11. Parsley - a small bunch
  12. Salt, pepper - to taste


  • It is necessary to sort out the mussels, remove open or broken shells. Then soak in cold water for a couple of hours, drain and dry on a towel.
  • Put the mussels in a saucepan, cover with water, cover and let it warm up.
  • Once the water boils, lower the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  • Then drain the liquid into another container, discard the mussels with unopened shells. Carefully remove the meat from the rest and set aside for now.
  • Peel and chop the onion into strips, and the bacon into strips.
  • Pass the garlic through a crusher.
  • In a deep saucepan, heat the vegetable oil, put the garlic, onion and bacon in it, fry until golden brown, stirring constantly.
  • Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, put in a saucepan with onion, bacon and garlic and mix.
  • Add 300 ml of clean water to the liquid from mussels and pour everything into a saucepan, immediately pour in the broth and milk. Bring soup to a boil and reduce heat.
  • Cook the creamy soup over low heat until the potatoes are fully cooked. Then open the lid and cook for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Then add cream, mussel meat, season with salt and pepper and heat for another 10-20 minutes.

This delicious and tender soup is easy to prepare. Thanks to the unusual way of serving, where white bread acts as a plate, you can surprise your guests or relatives.


  1. Onion - 1 pc.
  2. Unpeeled shrimp - 500 gr.
  3. Scallops - 300 gr.
  4. Cream with a fat content of 10 percent - 500 ml.
  5. Processed cream cheese "Philadelphia" or regular in trays - 200 gr.
  6. Round white bread - 1 pc.
  7. Salt, pepper - to taste


  • Peel and chop the onion, put in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water and cook for about 25 minutes.
  • While the onion is soft, peel the shrimp and cut the scallops into cubes.
  • Once the onion is cooked, put the seafood into the pan and cook for 5 - 7 minutes.
  • Pour in the cream, put the cheese, salt and pepper. Simmer until the cheese has melted and the soup is creamy in texture.
  • Take a round bread, cut out the middle of it so that you get a recess into which you need to pour the seafood cream soup.

Seafood is always unusual, it involves the use of vegetables, as well as the inhabitants of the seas and oceans, which will give an amazing aroma and unique taste to the dish. Often, the composition includes cream and various roots, which, when whipped (and a similar method is often used for such dishes), make the liquid more tender and creamy. Here are some of the existing options.

Recipe Spanish Variation

Tomatoes, peppers and potatoes, peel and cut into small pieces, 2 ingredients will be enough. Chop an onion and a couple of cloves of garlic and fry until golden brown, add a little red paprika. Introduce all the vegetables, except for the tubers, and simmer until the pepper is ready. Beat the food in a blender, put it back into the wok and pour a liter of broth (fish, in extreme cases chicken). Wash the shrimp (150 grams) and, together with a piece of white fish fillet, transfer to a liquid, add clean shells with mussels and a meal. Make a small fire and simmer until the fillet is ready. Boil the potatoes separately, add the whole mixture from the pan to it, put the laurel, a couple of black peppercorns and a pinch of saffron. Leave on low heat for 10 minutes. Serve immediately with crackers or fresh bread.

Seafood soup. Recipe from Norway

Boil the salmon fillet until tender, adding a little celery or parsley root. Then pull out the fish, strain the liquid and put it back on the stove. Grate three processed cheeses and gradually put into a hot pan. Peel potatoes (a couple of pieces), onions and carrots. Cut the first ingredient into cubes and send to the broth, chop the remaining ingredients and fry until golden brown. The recipe for seafood soup is quite simple, defrost shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus (other components are also possible) and put them in a heated wok. After 7-10 minutes, drain the water from them and add the chopped onion (two of them are needed in total), fry well with the addition of your favorite spices or herbs. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, put pieces of boiled salmon, laurel, allspice and pepper with salt. Transfer the ingredients to a saucepan and sweat a little, you can add cubes of sweet pepper and be sure to parsley. Serve with crackers or croutons.

Miso - soup with seafood

In addition to ocean dwellers, this first course contains noodles made from beans. However, there is nothing difficult to prepare. It is necessary to cook a special broth based on dried anchovies and kelp, the resulting liquid will be called dasha. It must be boiled (two liters is enough), put diced tofu (no more than 250 grams) and 100 grams of chopped seaweed. Add mussels, shrimps, octopuses and other representatives of the ocean depths. Boil for 7 minutes and turn off the fire. Take a glass of broth, dilute 200 grams of miso paste in it and return the mixture to the pan. Warm the container well, but do not bring to a boil. You can apply.


A seafood soup recipe can be prepared with one ingredient or with several. At the end of cooking, you can dilute it with a little cream or, as in the Norwegian version, add processed cheese for piquancy.

How to cook seafood soup? There are many recipes for seafood soup. Each of them has its own cooking secrets. The more ingredients in the soup, the richer and more nutritious it is.

The classic seafood soup recipe includes broth and fresh vegetables. Each national cuisine has its own zest in the preparation of seafood soup.

To cook seafood soup, you need to decide on the main component: squid, shrimp, mussels, oysters, fish and so on. Spanish seafood soup requires shrimp, while Japanese seafood soup requires squid, seaweed and miso paste.
You can cook seafood soup with milk or cream, seafood puree soup or cream soup, with the addition of tomatoes, and so on.

Spanish seafood soup


  • 1 l fish broth
  • 150 g shrimp, peeled
  • 10 pieces. unpeeled shrimp
  • 100 g squid rings
  • 15 pcs. mussel shells
  • 1 PC. white fish fillet
  • 3 pcs. potatoes
  • 2 pcs. tomato
  • 1 PC. bell pepper
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • dry red pepper
  • peppercorns
  • Bay leaf
  • saffron
  • fresh herbs

Cooking method:

For this seafood soup, you can use either shrimp and mussels or a frozen Sea Cocktail mix.

Peel potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion and garlic and saute in a frying pan with dry red pepper over moderate heat. Then add the chopped vegetables and simmer over low heat until the pepper is cooked. After that, grind the stewed vegetables in a blender, transfer back to the pan, pour over the broth.

Cut the peeled shrimp and fish fillet, rinse the shrimp with the shell. Put everything in the broth with vegetables. Simmer the seafood soup over low heat for a few minutes so that the fish is not digested.
Separately, in a saucepan, boil the potatoes until half cooked. Add to it the contents of the pan, saffron, bay leaf, salt. Let stand covered for 10 minutes.
Spanish seafood soup is ready. For decoration, you can sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!

Italian soup with seafood and cream


  • 300-400 ml water
  • 200 ml cream (15% fat)
  • 200 ml white semi-sweet wine
  • 300 g seafood
  • 3 pcs. potatoes
  • 1 PC. leek
  • dill and shrimp - for decoration
  • ground white pepper

Cooking method:

To prepare a soup with seafood and cream, you must use fresh cream 15% or 20% fat.

Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the white part of the leek into rings, put in a deep frying pan and fry for 8-10 minutes without water and oil until golden brown. Then introduce water, simmer for 15 minutes over moderate heat until boiling. Pepper and salt. Cook for another 3-5 minutes, then grind the mass in a blender until puree.

Put the puree in a saucepan, add the wine and cream. Boil.

Separately, fry the seafood in a pan, then put them in a saucepan in the soup, mix.
Pour the Italian soup with seafood into bowls, garnish with dill and shrimp.

Bon appetit!

Seafood cream soup with mushrooms

Seafood puree soup, the recipe of which is written below, belongs to the national French cuisine. Also, this recipe can be found under the name creamy soup with seafood.


  • 1 kg shrimp
  • 3 art. chicken broth
  • 1 st. dry white wine
  • 1 st. cream (20% fat)
  • 1 st. whipped cream
  • 1/2 st. mushrooms (finely chopped)
  • 4 tbsp. butter spoons
  • 1 sprig of celery
  • 1/8 teaspoon red ground pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • fresh herbs

Cooking method:

To prepare a seafood soup, you need to clean the shrimp from shells, wash and chop finely.

Put butter, shrimp and mushrooms in a saucepan, fry for 5 minutes. Pour in wine and broth. Add celery, pepper and nutmeg to the seafood soup. Simmer soup over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

After that, strain the seafood soup, remove the celery and chop in a blender. Add cream to soup puree, salt.

Before serving, put 1 tbsp. in each bowl of seafood soup-puree. a spoonful of whipped cream and garnish with herbs.

Bon appetit!

Thai soup with seafood

How to cook spicy seafood soup? Seafood soup, the recipe of which is described below, belongs to Thai cuisine. Unlike Italian seafood soup, Thai cuisine is known for being spicy and spicy. The hallmark of Thailand is the spicy seafood soup Tom Yum.


  • 1.2 l fish broth
  • 250 g sea scallops
  • 200 g tiger prawns, peeled
  • 4-6 pcs. green onion feathers
  • 1 PC. red bell pepper
  • 1 stick lemongrass
  • 1/2 piece lime (zest)
  • small piece of ginger (about 2.5 cm)
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons fresh coriander leaves
  • 1/4 st. spoons of chili paste
  • spicy thai spices

Cooking method:

Thai Seafood Soup takes 35 minutes to prepare.

Cut the lemongrass stick in half lengthwise. Peel the ginger and cut into slices. Thai spices and chili paste make the soup spicy. Wash seafood.

Place broth, lemongrass, lime zest, minced ginger and chile paste in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes.

Finely chop the green onion feathers, cut the shrimp in half lengthwise, without separating the tail.
Add the onion to the pot and cook for 2-3 more minutes. Salt. Then add the scallops and shrimp, cook for about 1 minute until the scallops change color and the shrimp curl up.

Sprinkle the Thai seafood soup with fresh coriander and garnish with red bell pepper before serving.

Bon appetit!

Miso soup with seafood

Japanese culture is known for its ancient traditions, and the cuisine is distinguished by the extensive use of seafood in dishes. Japanese seafood soup has several cooking options, but the most famous is miso soup, in which, along with seafood, miso paste is the main ingredient.

Miso is a bean paste made from boiled and mashed soybeans with the addition of salt and malt. The mixture is also fermented from a week to a year. Miso is not a dish, it is just a condiment that reveals the true taste of foods.

Miso soup with seafood, the recipe of which is described below, can be easily prepared at home.


  • 1.8 liters dashi broth (dashi)
  • 300 g seafood (a mixture of shrimp, mussels and octopus)
  • 250-300 g bean curd tofu
  • 180 g miso paste
  • 120 g seaweed sibuki

Cooking method:

To prepare miso soup with seafood according to this recipe, dashi (dashi) broth is required. Dashi broth is made from dried anchovies (niboshi) and dried kelp (kombu).

Cut the tofu briquette into 1-2 cm cubes. Cut the seaweed leaves into thin plates. Bring the broth to a boil, put in the tofu, seaweed and seafood mixture. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat, then turn off the heat.

Dissolve the miso paste in a ladle of hot broth until the lumps dissolve. Pour into a saucepan, heat the miso soup over low heat, without bringing to a boil.

Serve hot miso soup with seafood.

Bon appetit!

Chinese seafood soup

The traditional Chinese soup is prepared with fish or seafood and, unlike the spicy Thai seafood soup, has an original sour taste.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 300 g frozen seafood
  • 1 PC. tomato
  • 2 pcs. juicy lime
  • 1-2 pcs. chili pepper
  • handful of long grain rice
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • soy sauce
  • cilantro or parsley greens
  • allspice

Cooking method:

Pass the garlic through a garlic press or finely chop. Pour water into a saucepan, add garlic and sea salt, bring to a boil. Then put rice and cook for 5-7 minutes. Add seafood, cook for another 2-3 minutes. Instead of frozen seafood, you can use fish or only shrimp, squid, octopus, or another to taste for soup.

Squeeze the juice from the lime, cut the chili peppers into strips. Add lime juice and chili juice, soy sauce, allspice to the pan with seafood soup, mix thoroughly. Cut the tomato into slices, put in a saucepan and cook for another 3-5 minutes.

Garnish the finished Chinese seafood soup with fresh cilantro or parsley. Serve hot.

Bon appetit!

Cheese soup with seafood

How to cook seafood soup with cheese and red fish? Then the recipe for cheese soup with seafood is for you!


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 PC. fillet of red fish (for example, salmon)
  • 20 pcs. shrimp
  • 2 pcs. processed cheese (160-200 g)
  • 1 PC. potatoes
  • 1 PC. carrots
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • parsley
  • ground black pepper, salt - to taste

Cooking method:

Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Boil water, put potatoes.
Peel the vegetables, finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or cut into strips, fry everything in olive oil over moderate heat until golden brown.

Rub the cheeses on a grater, and put in a saucepan, when the potatoes are cooked, mix everything thoroughly until the cheese is completely dissolved. Put the fried vegetables, salt.

For fish soup with seafood, any kind of red fish to taste is suitable. Cut the salmon fillet into cubes, peel the shrimps, add everything to the soup and cook for 5 minutes. Then reduce the fire to a minimum, put parsley greens in fish soup with seafood and cheese, leave to brew for about 5 minutes.

Cheese soup with seafood and red fish is ready!

Bon appetit!

Seafood cream soup

Creamy seafood soup is easy to make. It has a delicate taste and will appeal to both adults and children. The recipe gives a special refined taste to the three bases of the soup: broth, milk and cream.
Creamy seafood soup, the recipe of which is written below, is made from fresh mussels and bacon.


  • 1.5 kg mussels
  • 750 g potatoes
  • 500 ml milk
  • 300-350 ml broth
  • 125 ml cream
  • 1 st. water
  • 3 pcs. bacon
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 3 art. spoons of parsley
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Seafood soup requires fresh mussels. First of all, you need
discard mussels with broken shells or open and non-closing. Soak the remaining mussels for 1-2 hours in cold water, then put in a colander and put in a saucepan, pour 1 tbsp. water, cover. As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire and keep it for about 5 minutes. Then drain the liquid into a separate container and discard the mussels that have not opened. Remove the mussels from the remaining shells. You can also use other seafood: shrimp, squid or octopus.

Finely chop the bacon and onion, push the garlic through a garlic press. Separately, in a saucepan, heat the vegetable oil, put the bacon, onion and garlic. Cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until the bacon is golden and the onion is softened. Add diced potatoes, stir.

To the liquid in which the mussels were boiled, add water so that it turns out 1 1/4 cups, pour into the pan, also add milk and broth. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then keep the cream soup on low heat for 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are ready. Then remove the lid and cook for another 10 minutes. Then add cream, mussels, pepper and salt.

Warm seafood cream soup before serving, but do not boil. Garnish with parsley.

Bon appetit!

Tomato soup with seafood

Recipe Seafood tomato soup is prepared without broth and milk or cream. As a rule, to cook tomato soup with seafood according to this recipe, tomatoes are used in their own juice. But cooking with fresh tomatoes or tomato paste is also possible. Seafood tomato soup is thick.


  • tomatoes in own juice
  • 500 g fish fillet (any to taste)
  • 500 g shrimp
  • 2 pcs. onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • olive oil
  • seasonings (Italian herbs)
  • parsley
  • ground black pepper, sugar, salt - to taste

Cooking method:

For tomato soup with seafood and tomatoes, it is better to choose tomatoes canned in their own juice and without vinegar. If you use fresh tomatoes, then more of them will be required, the more watery they are.

Chop the garlic, cut the onion into half rings, and fry everything in olive oil in a saucepan. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop them and put them in a saucepan. Pour in the tomato juice from the jar where the tomatoes were. Bring to a boil, then add the shrimp and fish, cut into pieces. Pepper, salt, sprinkle with sugar and seasonings to taste. Thick seafood and tomato soup is ready!

Serve hot tomato soup with seafood, garnish with fresh parsley.

Bon appetit!

Milk (creamy) soup with seafood

The recipe below can be used to make seafood soup known as seafood milk soup or cream soup.


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 500 g seafood cocktail (frozen)
  • 500 g cream (33% fat)
  • 125 g sour cream (40% fat)
  • 2 pcs. onion
  • 1 st. a spoonful of butter
  • 1 st. a spoonful of flour
  • fresh herbs
  • pepper, salt - to taste

Cooking method:

Frozen seafood soup has an exquisite taste if cooked with milk, sour cream and cream.

Defrost the seafood mixture. Peel the onion, finely chop and lightly fry in butter. Add flour, saute, stirring constantly, for 3-4 minutes. Then add sour cream and cream, mix and cook for about 5 minutes until thickened.

Pour the milk into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and leave it on low heat. Put seafood in it, cook for 2-3 minutes. After that, carefully introduce the prepared mixture into the milk soup, boil until thickened. Pepper and salt the seafood soup to taste.

Before serving, decorate a plate with creamy soup with seafood with fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!

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