
Winter hot cocktails. Winter warming cocktails: the best recipes

So winter has come - the time for frosty walks, skiing and skating, and evening home gatherings with friends and loved ones. In winter, the question is more relevant than ever: how to keep warm? Naturally, without alcohol and with health benefits! Our recipes will help you. These drinks will not only warm you up, but also give you vivacity, a boost of energy and vitamins.

1. Warming Ginger Cinnamon Smoothie (serves 2)

The creamy-spicy taste of this smoothie will not leave anyone indifferent.

small piece of ginger

100 g soy or nut milk

2 tbsp hemp seeds (they contain all the amino acids, but you can take other seeds, or do without them at all)

a pinch of cinnamon

1 tsp honey / coconut sugar / Jerusalem artichoke syrup

Whisk everything in a blender.

2. Non-alcoholic mulled wine (serves 2)

Will be enjoyed by every connoisseur of real mulled wine

0.5 l dark grape or cherry juice

Spices: cinnamon, ginger (the more it is, the hotter the drink will be), star anise, cloves, orange peel, honey (optional).

Pour the juice into a saucepan, add the zest, grated ginger, cinnamon sticks, star anise, cloves and heat, but do not bring to a boil. At the end, if desired, you can add honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup. When serving, garnish with star anise stars and orange slices.

3. Non-alcoholic punch (for 2 servings)

Warm sweet warming drink with hints of mint

0.25 ml cranberry juice or juice

0.25 ml orange juice

Cinnamon, grated ginger, mint

1 tbsp honey

Heat both juices in a saucepan, add spices, but do not bring to a boil. At the end add honey.

4. Non-alcoholic sbiten (for 2 servings)

A native Russian drink can be not only non-alcoholic, but also very tasty.

0.5 l apple juice

1 tbsp black tea (dry)

A small piece of ginger

1 tbsp honey

Pour the juice into a saucepan, put tea and grated ginger in the same place. Heat up, but do not bring to a boil. At the end, if desired, you can add a spoonful of honey.

5. "Coffee-caramel latte" (serves 2)

This drink will become for you an analogue of delicious and fragrant coffee, and invigorates, by the way, no worse!

400 g boiled chicory

coconut sugar

200 g nut, coconut or soy milk

Put coconut sugar to taste in brewed chicory, stir. And slowly pour in the milk. You can take coconut cream and beat it well with a blender before serving.

6. Chyawanprash Cold Smoothie (serves 2)

This smoothie is the perfect start to your morning!

2 royal dates

Juice of ½ lemon

2 tbsp chyawanprash

Peel dates, peel bananas, and apples - peel and seeds. Whisk all ingredients in a blender.

7. Chocolate smoothie (serves 2)

For all sweet tooth and chocolate lovers

2 tbsp cocoa

2 tbsp nut butter (such as cashews)

1 tbsp honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup

400 g soy or nut milk

pinch of cinnamon

Whisk all ingredients in a blender.

8. Berry juice (for 2 servings)

Traditional fruit drink according to grandmother's recipe

½ package frozen berries (cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, raspberries)

Pour the berries into the pan, heat, but do not bring to a boil. At the end add honey.

9. Hibiscus with ginger and lemon (serves 2)

A unique drink that warms in the cold and cools in the heat

Karkade (hibiscus, Sudanese rose)

Pinch of minced ginger

3-4 lemon slices

Jerusalem artichoke honey or syrup - to taste

Brew hibiscus in a kettle, add ginger and lemon slices. Sweeten with honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

10. Masala Chai (serves 2)

Traditional Ayurvedic drink in vegan version

1 tbsp black tea (dry)

0.3 ml water

0.3 ml soy or nut milk

Spices: cardamom, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, cloves

Honey, coconut sugar or Jerusalem artichoke syrup - to taste

Pour water and milk in equal proportions into a saucepan, add black tea and spices. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let steep for a bit.

11. Non-alcoholic grog (serves 2)

Strong, invigorating, fragrant - for real heroes

0.3 l strong black tea

0.15 ml cherry juice

0.15 ml apple juice

Spices: cinnamon, cloves, ground nutmeg, star anise

Honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup - to taste

Mix tea with juices and bring to a boil, add spices and simmer for another 10-15 minutes and let it brew.

Anya Kirasirova


"Antique Boutique & Bar", 650 rubles.

Maxim Chan, bartender:“It is not necessary to drink hot drinks in winter. At Antikvarny, almost all winter cocktails are strong and cold, but the main thing here is not the temperature, but the density. One of these drinks is "Echo". It consists of rye whiskey infused with black chanterelles, bitter artichoke liqueur and mulberry syrup. Strong, slightly bitter black cocktail with a subtle taste of chanterelles and caramel sweetness. I immediately remember winter walks through the forest with my parents, when you either fall behind or run ahead in search of something new and unknown.

NY Mulled Wine

The Box, 350 rub.

Stas Kireev, bar manager:“Mulled Wine is what we, having adopted from the Germanic peoples, call mulled wine. In the presentation and the title, a hint of the classic and beloved by many New York Sour is easily recognizable. At its core, this is the usual Whiskey Sour, but with the addition of red wine, more common in the 19th century than now, which is called claret. The wine is poured in such a way that it is kept with a certain cap. In our case, the base is white wine, heated together with spices and French herbal bitters (due to current Russian legislation, we, unfortunately, cannot specify which one. - Note. ed.), and the cap is just red. The latter should be at room temperature so as not to burn yourself. After all, it’s true, first of all, it’s beautiful?

Rum switchel

Saxon + Parole, 550 rubles

Andrey Zakharov, bartender:“This drink was very popular in North America, having migrated there from the Caribbean islands at the end of the 17th century. Over the next 200 years, it earned traditional status from local farmers who drank it in the heat in the hayfield. Hence the second name - Haymaker's Punch. Classic Switchel is made from ginger, honey, which can be replaced with maple syrup, molasses or regular sugar if desired, and apple cider vinegar is used instead of lemon juice. We serve our version of the cocktail hot and in memory of the Caribbean origin we add spiced rum, decorating with apple chips.

Nordic Madness

Tehnikum, 550 r.

Evgeny Shashin, bar manager:“Surviving in the conditions of the north is not easy, an icy wind blows a smile off your face, a steely look pierces passers-by, but as soon as you go to a warm place, a rosy-cheeked good-natured man replaces the harsh northern man. This is the essence of the drink: strict and concise in appearance, but you start to listen to it, and it envelops you with citrus freshness with a milky tint. Further acquaintance with it reveals its spicy side, the feeling that a hot and fragrant apple pie was taken out of the oven, cinnamon and vanilla warm with their aroma, the first sip - and a pleasant warmth spreads over the body, apple eau de vie is not sustained, so it slightly bites the tongue, but at the same time gives freshness, which smoothly flows into a spicy aftertaste left over from bourbon and bitter. The latter simply forces you to take a second sip, which brings with it even more spices and an enveloping sensation of warmth. And now a smile appears on the face of a northern man. I agree, a smiling northern man is a little strange, in fact, hence the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe name.

Lemon Express

Wang & Kim, 460 rubles

Katerina Efimova, bar manager:“Winter is the time for the warmth of human communication over a cup of hot tea in a friendly circle. My Lemon Express cocktail is a drink that will definitely help warm up friendly gatherings. At the heart of the cocktail, their constant companion is white wine, sagan-dail tea and homemade limoncello, the recipe of which I have carefully refined over the years. We also added cardamom and cinnamon to evoke the upcoming holidays, and garnished with lemon zest.”

Pie maltchik

Delicatessen, 500 r.

Artem Chislov, bartender:“We have a cocktail in the bar called Pie maltchik. The strong part is bourbon, infused with real hay and noisette oil with nutty notes, and applesauce and a little cider complement it perfectly. This infusion technique is called Fat Washing, its essence lies in the flavoring of alcohol with the help of meat, fish, cheese or butter - in a word, foods containing a large amount of fat.

In our case, the butter is first turned into noisette and, together with hay, to give it the maximum taste, it is poured into bourbon. Then infused and cooled in the freezer. The effect is incredible, as is the texture of the drink, which is especially important in winter, because you want something enveloping. Butter is the perfect example of a component that can add body to a cocktail and change your perception once and for all.”


"Youth", 370 rubles.

Pavel Filitov, bar manager:“Probably the most wintery, spicy and thick cocktail that has gained popularity at Christmas markets from Scotland to North America and managed to become the hero of all films with a similar theme. For our eggnog, we pre-prepare the base of cream, yolks, a lot of spices and muscovado sugar. We use muscovado, because it has a pronounced spicy aroma and taste, due to the high content of molasses, it is ideal for hot drinks. One of the features of the preparation of our base is the addition of a small amount of xanthan gum, which will give the drink a dense texture in the future. Then everything is simple: prepared base, cream, milk. As an alcoholic part, we offer either classic brandy or our dried fruit infused rum.”

Snow will soon appear on the streets, and the frost will paint fabulous drawings on the windows. In winter, everyone, more than ever, wants comfort, warmth and a sense of sincerity. It is at this time that we try to make life more colorful, emotional, especially on the eve of the holidays and after them, when the fun is over.

One of the varieties that you can bring to your everyday life is cooking. In addition to mastering different cuisines of the world and spending a lot of time on it, there is another great way. Firstly, go on a trip, and secondly, try warming cocktails from around the world. They will not only improve your mood and warm you, but will open a new perspective on the country from which they originated. In this article, we have selected the most delicious and most colorful winter cocktails of the world.

I doubt that there are still travelers who have never at least heard about this drink. Now in every tourist and non-tourist country you can try mulled wine. Its basis is the same everywhere - wine, but the additives may differ. The very first tasters of mulled wine were Europeans back in the Middle Ages.

By and large, almost any wine is suitable for mulled wine. Depending on preferences, you can add different fruits, cinnamon and cloves. For example, the British prefer mulled wine with gin and honey, while Germans add rum and agave.

Apple cocktail.

What can be unusual in an apple cocktail. Everything is correct - nothing, except for Calvados. Classic is a cocktail based on apples, calvados and ginger.

As soon as the cold comes, all of France, and in particular Normandy, is wrapped in the smell of apples, and in almost every shop and stall you can enjoy a hot and tasty drink.

Many people confuse this drink with mulled wine. But there is nothing in common between them, except that both drinks warm not only the body, but also the soul. The main constituent of grog is rum. And it is not at all surprising that this drink was invented in the Navy.

In its original form, it represented rum, which was diluted with water. Nowadays, these two components are most often joined by cinnamon, cloves, ginger, honey, coffee and even milk.

Brewers obviously don't like this name. But, in fact, this is an amazing drink that includes not only heated beer but also eggs, lemon and sugar. Some gourmets prefer to add coffee and brandy as well. Mild taste creates nutmeg.

While in Europe, be sure to try this hot mixture and it is possible that you will be among the fans of hot beer.

This warming drink popular all over the world and perfect for a party and for a large company. It is also based on rum, but not only that, many people add liquor and wine to it.

As additives, fruits are most often used, in particular melon, strawberries, apples, oranges, tangerines and lemon. And experimenters add everything they find in the refrigerator. But, you should be careful, since not every body can withstand such a firework of alcohol with fruits.

A drink like whiskey is warming in itself, but if you add hot water, lemon juice and honey to it, the effect will be pleasantly unexpected.

This combination is preferred by aristocrats and connoisseurs of exquisite taste. Such cocktail can be found only in cozy cafes and restaurants.

And if it's easier Irish coffee. This drink will not leave you indifferent, as its mild taste will conquer even the most demanding gourmet. The cocktail is based on coffee with a little Irish whiskey and cream.

To sweeten the taste, only brown sugar is used, and coffee with cream gives a special piquancy to the drink.

Hot chocolate many of us associate with the winter period and a warm blanket. And in order to make the mood better, you can add rum to it. If you don't have chocolate, you can easily replace it with cocoa.

And if you don’t have rum, liquor or even vodka can easily replace it, but then it will be a completely different cocktail. Nothing worse than chocolate and rum.

Yes, there is one. Its main difference from the classical one is that raisins and almonds are added to the wine. This drink is not found all over the world; its habitats are Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Do not forget that the drink has a wonderful aroma and only inhaling it immediately becomes warmer and more comfortable.

Completes our list of amazing french wine. This exquisite taste is flavored with lemon oil, rosemary and almonds for an incredible taste.

The addition of citrus fruits is considered bad manners, but still, in some regions of France, they cannot do without oranges, believing that they give mulled wine a unique taste and aroma.

Winter is not so scary and cold when there are several recipes for warming cocktails in stock and you can easily arrange a fun and warm party with friends and family.

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When it’s cold outside, the howling wind makes your blood run cold and you want to wrap yourself in a blanket with your head, it’s nice to be at home, look at the ice patterns on the glass, watch the dancing snowflakes and, breathing in tropical aromas, sip the burning spicy mulled wine.

In the dark and frosty months, "winter" hot drinks will come in handy, they will bring warmth and celebration to your home. Their warming properties are due not only to temperature, but also to the characteristics of the spices that make up the composition.

Undoubtedly, the leaders in popularity are the "big three" hot alcoholic cocktails: mulled wine, grog and punch.

Mulled wine

At home or in the country, in the living room by the fireplace or even in a modest kitchen, in the company of your beloved friends, spend the evening with leisurely conversations and a cup of hot fragrant clay wine - what could be more comfortable in a cold winter.

The tradition of drinking mulled wine came to us from Europe, where as early as the 16th century, recipes for hot drinks with spices from claret and bordeaux appeared in cookbooks. A warming cocktail was also revered in Victorian England: Negus, an analogue of modern mulled wine, was served even at children's parties.

The name itself comes from the German "gluhende Wein" - hot, flaming wine. In Germany, by the way, according to the established rules, the strength of this drink must be at least 7%.

Mulled wine is usually made from red wine with sugar and spices. Sometimes rum, cognac, liqueurs are added to give a more refined aroma and proper strength.

We bring to your attention a variant with fruit, cognac and honey.

750 ml dry red wine;

100 ml of water;

3-4 tbsp honey;

6 cloves;

Grated nutmeg (a pinch).

2 cinnamon sticks

5 allspice peas

¼ dried ginger root

½ orange

50-70 ml cognac

Zest of 1 lemon

Boil water with spices in a Turk for 2 minutes, then let it brew for 15 minutes, covered with a saucer or lid. It is this cooking procedure that will allow the spices to most fully give their aroma and spice.

Cut the apple and orange into slices, together with the zest, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour wine, add honey and slowly heat up to about 80 degrees. Add cognac. Then slowly pour in the infusion of spices and heat it up again, but in no case allow the wine to boil!

Serve hot, garnished with an orange slice. Before serving, the drink can be filtered, and fruits can be added separately if desired. As a light snack, mulled wine is most suitable for cookies or a pie.

It is important to remember the basic rules for making mulled wine:
1. Wine should not boil, otherwise the taste and aroma will be irretrievably lost;
2. The slower you heat the mulled wine, the richer its taste will be;
3. Enamelware is best suited for cooking;
4. You can not pour boiling water into wine, it spoils the taste and reduces the value of the drink;
5. Hot mulled wine is drunk, preferably from ceramic cups, which retain heat and unique aroma of the drink longer;
6. Spices must be added carefully - overdose should not be allowed. It's better to add less than to oversaturate or you'll spoil the drink;
7. If the drink is cold, it is better to drink it cold, but do not heat it again, this will spoil the taste.

The choice of wine depends on the recipe and on your taste, but red dry wines are most commonly used. In the preparation of mulled wine, you can endlessly fantasize by changing the recipe. Replace water with juice, add dried fruits, cardamom, vanilla, saffron, coriander, star anise, bay leaf, liqueurs and other alcoholic drinks - everything is in your hands!


The reliable history of the origin of this drink has sunk into oblivion and covered with the ashes of time. But there are many beautiful legends, and all of them are invariably associated with sailors.

The most popular is about the stern English admiral Nelson Vernon, who in the middle of the 18th century began to give his sailors rum diluted with water. For such a desecration of the “holy sea ration”, the admiral, who did not part with his cape “grogrem” (from the English grogram cloak), received the caustic nickname Old Grog.

In an attempt to improve the taste of diluted rum, sailors added sugar, lemon, and heated it. And after some time, the drink, named after the admiral, fell in love with them.

From England, the grog migrated to other European countries, and then across the ocean to North America and Australia. Each region added its own special ingredients, and therefore today we have countless recipes for this drink. We offer a variant with spices.

600 ml water

2 tbsp tea

3-5 tbsp Sahara

3 pcs. carnations

4 allspice peas

3 black peppercorns

6 star anise seeds

cinnamon and nutmeg - on the tip of a knife

Bay leaf

500 ml rum

Boil water and brew tea, adding spices to it. After 5-7 minutes, slowly pour in the rum, then heat it up again to 80 degrees, remove from heat and cover with a lid. After the grog has steeped for 10 minutes, pour into large glasses and serve hot, garnished with lemon.

hot punch

Stand up, fiery drink,

A glorious symbol forever

What can achieve everything

Kohl wants, man!

(Schiller, translated by L. Ginzburg)

It is believed that punch was the first among the "big three" strong drinks.

According to Larousse Gastronomique, the most authoritative culinary guide in the world, the punch recipe was obtained by English sailors in India in 1552. It is widely believed that the word itself is derived from pantscha (in Hindi it is "five"), according to the number of required components: tea / water, rum, fruit juice, sugar and spices.

Having immigrated to Europe, the drink gained great popularity, and, as usual, the recipe began to be modified. So there were cold and hot punches, milk, coffee, fiery, with ale and beer - you can’t count everything. It was customary to serve punch in winter and autumn at masquerades and balls. In Russia in the 18th century, even the verb “punch” appeared, which means to drink punch in a cheerful company.

What prevents us today from making punch the main character of the evening and reviving the good tradition of “punch”?

Punch with orange and lemon

2 oranges

0.75 l dry white wine

250 g sugar

8 cloves

2 cinnamon sticks

½ tsp nutmeg

Slice the lemons and oranges and squeeze the juice out of them. Add dry white wine, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves to the juice and mix well. Let the mixture stand for approximately 1 hour. Then heat the resulting mixture, add hot water and rum. Stir the finished punch and serve hot in mugs, garnished with orange or lemon. Ideally, punch should be served in a large bowl, from where guests will scoop the exquisite drink in small circles.

Punch today is the catch-all name for any fruit-based cocktails that are prepared in a large container. If you search for punch recipes, you will find an incredible number of options for a wide variety of mixtures of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. So both mulled wine and grog, and some of the cocktails mentioned below, can be considered “variations on a theme” and rank as punches. But the drinks that will be discussed are worthy of a separate presentation, although they do not have their own personal legends about the origin.

Hot apple cider

1 star anise

2 cinnamon sticks

6 cloves

4 tbsp honey

1 l apple cider

Pour the cider into a large saucepan and add the honey and spices. Heat over low heat, without bringing to a boil, for 10 minutes.

Add the apple, not peeled but with the center cut out, and heat until the apple is soft. Pour into mugs or glasses and serve warm.


It is believed that Toddy was invented in the 18th century specifically for women for whom the taste of whiskey or rum was too harsh.

The name "toddy" itself, presumably, comes from the name of an Indian drink made from fermented palm sap. The term was brought to Scotland during the time of the East India Company.

300 ml whiskey

10 st. l. honey

1 cinnamon stick

6 cloves

lemon zest for garnish

½ tsp nutmeg

Put honey in a container, pour whiskey, lemon juice. Separately brew tea with spices, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain and pour the liquid into a saucepan. Stir, heat to 70 degrees and serve hot.

Hot chocolate with brandy

50 g dark bar chocolate (at least 70%), broken into pieces

225 ml milk

1 st. l. powdered sugar

1 cinnamon stick

300 ml freshly brewed hot strong coffee

100 ml brandy

orange zest for garnish

Heat chocolate, milk, sugar and cinnamon in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a whisk. Remove from heat and add freshly brewed coffee and brandy. Get a cinnamon stick. Serve in tall, heat-resistant glasses.


This ancient strong drink with an unusual name appeared in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania around the 18th century. Spices for him were imported from India.

It is known that the Belarusian recipe of vodka, honey and spices existed in pre-revolutionary times, but the drink gained popularity only by the 2000s. Now it is served in many restaurants in Belarus.

Today, all spices are available, so krambambula can be easily prepared at home.

400 ml water

½ nutmeg

3 tbsp honey

2 tsp cinnamon

4 tsp carnations

6 pcs. black pepper

3 pcs. allspice

Pour water and two glasses of vodka into a saucepan. Grind cloves and nutmeg, mix with nutmeg, cinnamon and pour into a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Add the remaining vodka, black and allspice peas and honey, cover with a lid, let stand for 10 minutes. Strain krambambula and serve in a decanter, pour into small glasses.


Varenukha is an alcoholic drink that has been common in Left-Bank Ukraine since the 16th century. It is made from gorilka or moonshine, honey, apples, pears, plums, cherries and spices.

The resulting pervak ​​(moonshine at the first stage of processing) is poured into a cast iron, various herbs, fruits and honey are added. After that, the cast iron is closed with a lid (or dough - like a lid), and put in the oven. When the dough is baked, the cast iron is taken out and the varenukha is ready.

The sediment from varenukha was used to treat wounds in horses received in battle, from where the expression "on a horse" came from. Today, varenukha can be bought in the Cherkasy region from grandmothers who know old recipes passed down from generation to generation.

One of the characters in Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita received the surname Varenukha from the author. The hero was distinguished by simplicity and a desire to be tipsy. In the novel, he temporarily becomes a vampire and joins Woland's retinue.

Remember, everything related to spices does not have clear recipes and dosages, which opens up scope for creativity in front of you.

You can experiment endlessly, adding and replacing one ingredient with another, changing the ratio and composition of spices, until you find your "signature" drink recipe.

In order for people not only to keep warm in winter, but also to enjoy it, hot alcoholic drinks were invented a long time ago. Actually, there is not a lot of alcohol in all of them and the degree is small, but these drinks warm up much better than regular tea or coffee. However, in order not to grab a drink that you don’t like, it’s better to figure everything out in advance. For example, what is the difference between mulled wine and punch, and both of them - from glegg? What drinks did the cunning French come up with, and what will please lovers of a higher degree?

Mulled wine

This is the most famous and popular of the hot alcoholic drinks, which is prepared almost everywhere in winter with minor national differences. Mulled wine is red wine boiled with sugar and spices; very often fruits are added there. It appeared in the Middle Ages in Europe, was originally made on the basis of Bordeaux and claret. Now red dry and semi-dry wines are used for preparation.
Mulled wine is prepared in almost all European countries in winter, sold from stalls at Christmas markets, and in many cities such stalls are open from December to February - you can have a glass, stopping for a minute on the street. However, there are slight differences between countries. For example, in Germany, a little rum and agave syrup are added to wine, in England - gin, honey and rosehip syrup. There is even white mulled wine for those who do not like red wine.

Apple cocktail with Calvados
France has many original drinks that are produced only in this country, and Calvados is one of them. It is obtained by distilling apple cider, and with the onset of the cold season in Normandy, they begin to prepare a hot cocktail based on Calvados. No wonder they make it here! The classic local recipe calls for calvados, apple juice and ginger. The mixture should be quite hot, but not scalding, and is usually served in clear glasses. This is a fragrant, warming and very healthy drink.

The spiced rum diluted with water was invented by Edward Vernon, nicknamed Old Grog, Vice Admiral of the British Navy, back in the 18th century. In order to save money, he ordered the sailors to distribute rum diluted with hot or cold water, and the crew suddenly liked it. The drink took root, over time, spices were added there, and now it is one of the most popular hot cocktails. Grog is a quick and easy-to-make winter drink, as you don’t need much spices here (usually cinnamon, ginger and cloves, and even that is optional), you need only strong alcohol and lemon juice. Sometimes milk, honey or coffee infusion is added and the resulting drink is served in porcelain cups. Traditional rum-based grog is served either in Irish coffee glasses or in warmed glasses with glass holders.

Hot beer cocktail
In the north of Europe, mainly in Germany, Poland and Sweden, they came up with a drink with hot beer. Its taste is rather peculiar, although this does not negate the warming properties. Beer is a tricky thing, and you have to be very careful when heating it, so the recipe for "hot beer" also includes eggs, sugar, and lemon, plus a little nutmeg. Light wheat beer is used for preparation. Sometimes there is also a “dark” version - then brandy and coffee liqueur are added to the beer. To complete the picture and an interesting combination of flavors, whipped cream is also added on top. This cocktail is a must-try if you see it on the menu! Mulled wine is sold on every corner, and such exotics are prepared only for true gourmets.

A cheerful collective drink, which is so pleasant to prepare for a large company. Now this name is collective: if in England, which got the idea of ​​punch in colonial India, it is still a drink with rum, then, for example, in Germany, punch is usually called a mixture of fruit juices with spices and the addition of wine or liquor. Everyone agrees on one thing: fruit must be present in a punch. Usually these are apples, lemons, oranges, pears. Prone to originality, the French add melon, strawberries and bourbon vanilla to their version of punch.

Cocktail "Old Tom"
It's time to warm up those who prefer whiskey. The Old Tom cocktail is very fond of conservative Englishmen: apparently, the name and composition resemble the patriarchal atmosphere of closed clubs, the soft light of table lamps and the invariable cigar smoking in an ashtray. The composition includes whiskey, water (it must be hot), honey and a little lemon juice. It also happens that cinnamon stick and cloves are first boiled in boiling water, and then whiskey, sugar, lemon and honey are added. A couple of lemon slices must be put in the glass itself. You will not find this cocktail at street vendors, but in most cafes it is served quite often in winter.

Irish coffee
Invented over a hundred years ago in Ireland, Irish coffee is made up of hot black coffee, Irish whiskey, brown sugar and whipped cream. According to the main version, its author is the bartender of the Irish Shannon International Airport, Joseph Sheridan, who figured out adding whiskey to the coffee of frozen Americans and called this mixture Irish coffee. The highlight of this cocktail is not only the contrast of coffee and whiskey, but also the combination of a hot drink and cold whipped cream.

Hot chocolate with rum
The sweetest drink is, of course, hot chocolate. And if you add rum to it, as they do in winter in many European countries, then it turns into an incredibly warming one. Sometimes not thick hot chocolate is used for cooking, but cocoa, but this does not interfere with the taste.
To prepare the drink, you need dark Cuban or Jamaican rum, from the Dominican Republic it is also suitable. Vanilla, grated coconut, or even chili peppers are sometimes added for flavor. It happens that rum is replaced by liquor or vodka (then the drink, like many mixtures with vodka, is called "Russian" - we are not forgotten in Europe). In addition to being warming, this drink is also highly nutritious and will keep you going until your next meal.

Hot french wine
Vin chaud is a specific French version of mulled wine, which is served on special occasions. This is the gourmet's favorite when it comes to winter cocktails. It is served in glasses, lemon oil, Provencal rosemary and almonds are added to the heated wine. The traditional components of mulled wine - all these citrus fruits, apples, cinnamon, cloves, ginger - are not welcome: it is believed that they will spoil the noble taste of the drink. But families and simpler restaurants do not hesitate to add all this. In the south of France, you can’t do without an orange at all. In vain there are, perhaps, so many of them - the good does not disappear. And with orange, the wine becomes even more aromatic.
