
Fatty pilaf with chicken. Pilaf with chicken cooking recipes

Today I want to offer you a recipe for pilaf with chicken. Yes, not some, but the most that neither is real. Yes, yes ... one where each grain of rice moves away from the rice, and they do not stick together, as in porridge. With the right proportions of products, and the right cooking time. Of course, you will have to work hard, because a real Uzbek dish does not tolerate inaccuracies. But the result will be just amazing - I guarantee you!

The finished dish will turn out the way it is cooked in Uzbekistan. Do you want one? Then let's not hesitate! The recipe is given with a step-by-step description, follow step by step, and the result will not be long in coming. After 1.5 hours, fragrant, steaming and divinely delicious pilaf will be on your table.

How to cook pilaf with chicken

We will need (for 8-10 servings):

  • chicken - 1 kg.
  • onion - 1 kg.
  • carrots - 1 kg.
  • rice - 0.5 kg.
  • garlic - 2 heads
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
  • spices - zira, coriander, rosemary
  • salt - an incomplete tablespoon
  • ground red and black pepper - to taste


1. Prepare the chicken. I had a carcass of 1.4 kg. From it I cut off the wings, spine and parts with thin ribs. The net weight remained a little more than 1 kg. I cut the washed and dried chicken into equal pieces, each half into 7 pieces.

2. Peel the onion. Leave the tails, it is convenient to hold the onion for them when we cut it. If the peel is difficult to clean, then the cut halves can be placed for 2-3 minutes in water at room temperature, so they will be better and faster cleaned.

3. Cut the onions into two halves, and place them in cold water. Water will wash away the onion juice, and we will save our eyes from tears. Cut the onion into half rings as thin as possible, they should be almost transparent to the light. Discard the rest of the tails.

4. Cut carrots into thin strips. As a rule, for a beginner, this presents some difficulty. But having cut it correctly once or twice, then this process will go smoothly.

For ease of cutting, carrots should be chosen medium or large. The appearance of pilaf depends on how correctly you cut the carrots. As a rule, the mistake is that carrots are cut too thick and short. You need to cut first diagonally with long plates no more than 0.5 cm thick, and then with long straws of the same thickness.

Unfortunately, it is difficult enough to describe the process of slicing carrots in words, so I found a suitable video. On it you can see how to do it.

5. Garlic must be cleaned from the upper dusty leaves, and cut off at the very base of the place where the root was. There may remain earth, but in the dish we do not need it at all. When the garlic is peeled, yes, the head must be kept whole, washed and put in water to glass.

6. Prepare rice. For cooking, I use long parboiled rice, preferably yellow. It is not necessary to pre-soak such rice, it should only be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

7. Warm the oil in a cauldron. For cooking pilaf, it is best to use a cauldron, in it it cooks quickly, evenly, and most importantly, it will definitely not burn in it. In extreme cases, you can use another, but always thick-walled dishes. You need to take half a glass of oil, no less, otherwise it will turn out to be too dietary, and most importantly dry.

8. In hot oil, lowering along the edge of the cauldron, put the chicken. There is no need to salt or pepper it in advance. So all the juice will remain in the chicken, and the meat will turn out juicy. Mix immediately with a slotted spoon. Until the meat is fried, it will cling to the walls of the cauldron. Therefore, it must be stirred periodically.

9. After about 10 minutes, all the meat turned white, and in some places lightly browned. It's time to put onions.

10. While the chicken and onions are fried, we do not reduce the fire, we fry everything on a high fire. It will take about 15 minutes for the onion to be completely fried, maybe a little more or less. It depends on the amount of onion and how juicy it is. The juicier the onion, the better. I had it fried for about 20 minutes today.

11. When the onion is completely limp and almost transparent, it's time to lay the carrots. Add spices along with carrots. Mandatory spices for pilaf are zira (cumin) and coriander. Zira put a tablespoon. You can rub it between your palms right over the cauldron, so it will give even more flavor. Coriander, ground of course, a teaspoon with a slide.

Other spices can be added, or you can limit yourself to only these. Thyme, rosemary, herbs, turmeric and saffron are added. I also added half a teaspoon of turmeric for color. Although there are a lot of carrots, they will give the desired color anyway.

You also need to add black ground pepper, as much as you like, I added a little less than a teaspoon. And red ground hot pepper, a pinch will be enough - for aroma and taste. Salt immediately. For now, half a tablespoon will suffice. Mix everything. The smell is already in the whole house! Probably went outside the house too ...

12. Put a kettle of water on to boil. We need boiling water.

13. While everything was being laid and mixed, the carrots were already limp - for this it needs no more than 5 minutes. Our zirvak is ready. Zirvak is the basis of any pilaf. “What is zirvak, such is pilaf” - Uzbeks say! And it really is. Only we have one more component left for this base - this is garlic.

14. Place the heads of garlic in the center, sticking directly between the carrots and the chicken. Next, lay out the rice, from which all the water was previously drained. We distribute it evenly over the entire surface, covering the chicken and carrots. Let the garlic sticks stick out, they will not interfere with us.

15. Pour boiling water through the holes in the slotted spoon. If you pour water directly on the rice, then all the carrots will float, and it is important for us to leave it at the bottom. Carefully pouring water through the slotted spoon will not damage our layered structure.

Water should be poured about 2 cm above the rice level. Of course, we will not immerse the ruler in water.

The measure for the masters of cooking pilaf is the index finger. The phalanx of the first finger roughly corresponds to this size. But if you are afraid to dip your finger into hot water, use a Chinese stick. Notice from it where the first phalanx ends, and check by lowering it into the liquid. Moreover, we still need a wand.

16. I want to note one important detail - so far everything we did, we did on a big fire. It is important! Now we are waiting for the water to boil. It gradually becomes a pleasant golden color, properly cut carrots do their job and give their wonderful color to the dish.

The water boils, let it boil for 3-5 minutes and try not the water, but rather the broth for salinity. There was not enough salt for my taste, and I added another 1/4 of a tablespoon.

17. Now the fire needs to be reduced to medium. We don't touch or interfere with anything. It is important! Don't worry, nothing will burn.

18. After about 10-12 minutes, all the broth will be absorbed into the rice, and it will swell. And small holes will appear on the entire surface of the rice (They are clearly visible in the photo), the steam will make them and will go outside. Now it's time to make a slide.

19. Without disturbing the steam holes, and without stirring anything, simply peel off the rice from the edge of the cauldron with a slotted spoon and form a slide. Remember how in childhood they built a house in the sandbox. They took the sand from below and threw it on top. At the same time, the middle remains untouched, the steam necessary for the dish is concentrated there, it will bring the rice to the desired state. We only slightly cover it from above, forming a hill.

20. And we will help him a little in this. Somewhere nearby we have a Chinese stick, if it is not at hand, take something similar, but at least a spoon. Poke bigger holes with a stick.

We stick the stick to the very bottom, and slightly rotating we get a conical hole. Thus, we create passages for steam in 5-7 places. Through them, excess water will come out, and the pilaf will turn out crumbly and certainly not like porridge.

21. We reduce the fire to a minimum. Close the lid and leave for 10 minutes.

22. After 10 minutes, open the lid, the water from the lid should not get back inside, and see if there is water left in the cauldron. In fact, it shouldn't be there anymore. Not to be confused with oil, it can be misleading. We try rice, it is already ready.

23. Close the lid again, turn off the gas and cover with a towel. Leave for 15 minutes to infuse. If there is still water invisible to us, during this time the rice will completely absorb it.

24. During this time, chop the greens, we will sprinkle the finished dish with it. If there is basil, cut it too, it will not be superfluous either. And let's make a salad. A salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with bell peppers and fresh herbs, seasoned with vegetable, preferably olive oil, is well suited.

25. Now it is not difficult to buy cakes, or as they are also called pita bread. Purchase in advance, heat them in the microwave or oven. Such bread is the best suited for pilaf.

26. Ready pilaf must be properly laid out on a large flat plate. Usually a large dish is used, which in Uzbekistan is called lyagan - or the king of dastarkhan. Rice is laid out first, then carrots and chicken. Sprinkle with chopped herbs on top. And everything is crowned with garlic.

27. The dish is placed in the center of the table. In Uzbekistan, everyone eats crayfish from a common dish. Each of us is served a plate and a fork.

Here is our wonderful dish and ready! Eat healthy and do not forget about the supplement. And when the whole pilaf is eaten, you will see the lyagan. Beautiful, like a mountain garden, sonorous, deep, painted with amazing characters. Know that when you ate, along with the food you absorbed the good wishes of the potter. And of course, the cooks, because without good thoughts you can’t cook a good pilaf!

Some nuances of cooking

  • as you probably noticed, this amount of products is designed for 8-10 servings. Why such a calculation? When Uzbeks cook pilaf, they say that one serving requires 1 medium bowl of raw rice, which is about 50 grams. Moreover, other products are not taken into account, only rice is always considered. We have 500 grams of rice, which means 10 servings. For some, larger portions are placed, which means - for 8 people.
  • In general, today I cooked for 5 people. But there is never too much pilaf, it is never cooked back to back. Someone will want supplements ... Yes, and on the second day it is no worse than on the first.
  • I have another serious deviation from the rules of cooking. There should be only 1 kg each - and meat, and onions, and carrots. But I always break this rule. The meat turns out very tasty, and as a rule it is always lacking. It's a shame! Therefore, in order for everyone to eat heartily, I increase this component.
  • I break the rule, and every time I say: “You can’t spoil pilaf with meat!” By the way, no one has ever noticed this violation, on the contrary, it seems that everyone even likes it!
  • a very important point for beginners in cooking pilaf! When I first learned how to cook it, I always had a problem - how much water to pour into rice? My rice turned out to be either undercooked or overcooked, and this caused me great annoyance! I adapted as best I could, and tried to achieve the desired result.
  • the fact is that they used to cook pilaf from the rice that was. It is now steamed-unsteamed, long-short ... choose which one you need. And I will say right away that from steamed rice, the result is always predictable. If you follow the recipe, then there will be no surprise.
  • but still, if a surprise happens, I will share my experience, which I received by trial and error when I studied. If suddenly all the water from the rice has already boiled away, and the rice is still hard, then add a little boiling water to each hole made, and cover with a lid, putting on a small fire.
  • if, on the contrary, more water was poured than necessary, then add fire to the maximum and try to make the water boil away quickly. Then make a slide, holes in it, and follow the recipe. But leave it under a towel not for 15, but for 20-25 minutes.

The rest of the problems should not arise. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'll be happy to answer them.

And for today's dish, I will say one thing, today I had guests who ate my pilaf not for the first time, and far from the second. They ate it, saw the lyagan... then they filled it again, ate it again... At first they were silent, but smacked their lips with pleasure. Then, having eaten, they began to praise. It actually turned out to be very tasty and fragrant (the photos really didn’t turn out very well - I’m still just learning about this). But such a pilaf is not ashamed to be served in Uzbekistan.

And how could it be otherwise, because today I cooked not only for my guests, but also for you, dear readers. So that you want and most importantly be able to cook the same wonderful and tasty chicken dish.

And in the end I will tell the legend about pilaf.

She tells that when the Great Tamerlane was going on his next military campaign, one mullah taught him how to cook delicious pilaf: “We need to take a large cast-iron cauldron. It should be so old that the fat from the old food oozes out and catches fire from the flashes of fire falling on it.

In this cauldron it is necessary to put the meat of not old, but not very young lambs, selected rice, swelling with pride that will be eaten by brave warriors, young carrots, blushing with joy, and a sharp onion, stinging like the sword of the highly honored emir.

All this must be boiled on a fire until the smell of the cooked dish reaches God, and the cook does not collapse in exhaustion, because he tastes the divine food.

By the way, how to cook this one, I also have a ready-made recipe.

Bon appetit!

Hello! If we talk about favorite recipes, then pilaf with chicken is one of them. I cook pilaf quite often, I like the speed and simplicity of cooking, I almost always succeed and everyone likes it. Pilaf with chicken can be cooked no worse than with lamb or other types of meat, and it will also turn out fragrant, with a rich rich taste, very appetizing and beautiful!

Since ancient times, pilaf has been one of the main dishes in Uzbek cuisine, and in our country it has been perceived as native for several years. In Russian cuisine, pilaf has taken its place of honor, appearing on our tables with enviable regularity. Today, any experienced housewife knows how to cook pilaf on the stove, in a cauldron and even in the oven.

By the way, initially pilaf is not an everyday dish at all, but a festive one! Since ancient times, it has been prepared for big holidays, and only men were allowed to cook the dish. Each representative of the stronger sex considered it a great pride to be able to cook pilaf well. Let's move on to the recipes for making pilaf, where I will tell you everything in detail.

Well-chosen rice can not only create the right texture and perfect appearance, but also completely change the taste.

The most common types of rice for pilaf are hard varieties with elongated white grains.

  • only fluffy rice of the correct form, which does not stick together and does not burn during cooking, has the right to become an ingredient in such a dish as pilaf;
  • during cooking, the grains should increase in volume;
  • ideal are medium-grained and long-grained varieties that have an oblong or elongated shape;
  • ideal rice should not have a smooth, but slightly ribbed surface;
  • during the preparation of this delicious dish, water, fat and spices must be absorbed into the grains of the cereal, thereby filling the dish with a unique aroma.

Spices for pilaf

Currently, the choice of spices for pilaf is very wide. Both markets and supermarkets abound with a variety of herbs and spices. You can buy a ready-made mixture of seasonings for pilaf in the store, you can ask the seller in the market, and he will collect a wonderful set of flavors in front of you. We will proceed from the minimum so that our dish still looks like pilaf, and not like porridge with meat. And the minimum is this: bay leaf, allspice, peas, black pepper and cumin, or in another way zira. Simply gorgeous if you have a quality dry barberry, sage, paprika or saffron. The last two spices give the pilaf a bright color. Provencal or Italian herbs will give your pilaf a European touch, so you can safely use them. But, I’ll tell you a secret, if your kitchen has salt and pepper, it’s already good, you have to start somewhere! Most importantly, cook with love and do not doubt success!

How to cook chicken pilaf in a cauldron

Recipe 1


  • 2.5 cups rice
  • 800 g chicken meat (from thighs)
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 onions
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 bunch of greens
  • 1 st. a spoonful of ground red pepper
  • salt to taste

Cooking method

Fry chopped onion in oil. Add meat cut into large pieces, cook for 10 minutes. Add chopped carrots, salt and pepper. Pour in 1 cup of hot water, cook covered for 15 minutes. Sprinkle the washed rice, put in the whole peeled garlic cloves, cover with 2 fingers of water and cook over moderate heat with the lid on. Sprinkle the finished pilaf with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 2


  • 400 g chicken fillet
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 bulb
  • 1.5 cups rice
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of pomegranate juice
  • 1 teaspoon ground barberry
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 hot pepper
  • a pinch of saffron
  • greenery
  • sugar
  • ground pepper

Cooking method

Soak the rice in cold water for a couple of hours. Grate the peeled carrots, cut the meat into slices, chop the onion. Lightly fry carrots and onions in oil, add chicken, cook for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle rice on top, pour in 3 cups of water. Salt, season with sugar, saffron, barberry and pepper. Pour in the juice. Cook covered for 30 minutes. Add chopped peppers to the finished dish.

Recipe 3


  • chicken 700 g
  • long grain rice 150 g
  • tomatoes 200 g
  • sweet red and green peppers
  • 1 pc.
  • celery root 200 g
  • onion 1 head
  • garlic 1 clove
  • water 750 ml
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • thyme 2 sprigs
  • ground black pepper

Cooking method

  1. Chop the chicken into small pieces.
  2. cut the onion into half rings, celery into cubes, sweet pepper into strips.
  3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel, cut in half, remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into pieces.
  4. Fry the chicken pieces in hot oil until golden brown. Salt, pepper.
  5. Add the onion, celery, sweet pepper to the chicken, fry everything together, stirring occasionally. Add tomatoes and minced garlic, sauté for 5-7 more minutes. Pour in hot water, then bring it to a boil.
  6. Pour in the rice, smooth it out and sprinkle with thyme leaves. Simmer the pilaf until the rice is cooked. Mix, put on a dish.

Recipe 4


  • Chicken - 500 g,
  • boiled rice - 3 cups,
  • onion - 1 head,
  • oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • dried cherry plum pitted - 5-6 fruits,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

Put a half of fatty chicken in a bowl, pour salted water to cover the chicken and cook at full power for 8-10 minutes. Strain the broth and add onions, sauteed in oil (in a separate bowl) at full power for 1.5 -2 minutes, and a few dried cherry plums, from which the seeds are removed. Cut the chicken into portions, mix with boiled folding rice, pour over the broth with vegetables, cover and bring to readiness at 50% power for 6-8 minutes.

Cooking pilaf in pots

Dishes cooked in pots are always delicious. All the juice and flavor stays inside and soaks the ingredients. A little more patience while waiting for cooking, and a fragrant hot pot is on your table.

Chicken pilaf with barberry


  • 500 g chicken
  • 1 liter of water
  • 400 g rice
  • 3 bulbs
  • 100 g melted butter,
  • 2 carrots
  • 0.5 cups of barberry,
  • 0.5 bunch of parsley,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method

Rinse the chicken, cut into small pieces, then fry in ghee. After that, add the peeled, chopped onion rings, grated carrots on a coarse grater and fry for 15 minutes. Then add water and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Put the chicken in pots, add sorted, washed rice, barberry, chopped parsley, salt, pepper, pour enough water so that it is two fingers above the level of rice, and simmer in a preheated oven until cooked.

Classic pilaf recipe


  • Chicken legs 1 piece
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Rice 6 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil 5 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Seasoning for chicken 7 g

Cooking method

  1. Wash the leg, cut into pieces, grate with spices for chicken. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, put the chicken legs, put on the fire to stew.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add to the legs. Finely chop the onion, then add to the pan. Simmer until done.
  3. Take 3 pots, put stewed legs in them. Add 2 tablespoons of rice to each pot.
  4. Add enough water so that its level is 1.5-2 cm above the rice. Salt, close the pots with lids and put in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

How to make chicken pilaf in a pan

If your family loves pilaf, and there is no time to cook the classic version of it, the chicken recipe will serve as a great alternative to save time on cooking. Rice should be prepared in advance by soaking it with water for at least 2-3 hours, and preferably overnight. In the morning, the cereals are washed several times - this will prevent the grains from sticking together during the cooking process. Below is a step-by-step recipe for pilaf with chicken in a pan.


  • spices (to your taste: turmeric, cumin, garlic, barberry, in the set);
  • large young carrot;
  • fillets or other parts of poultry - 0.5 kg;
  • rice (preferably steamed) - 0.2 kg;
  • oil for frying;
  • bulb.

Cooking method:

Chicken should be fried in a pan over high heat (5 minutes on each side). While the meat is frying, prepare the carrots and onions by peeling and chopping them. Reduce the fire, add vegetables and seasonings to the fillet. After 10 minutes, you need to put rice grains in a bowl and pour 2 cups of water. Close the lid tightly, simmer the dish over low heat for at least half an hour (the liquid should evaporate), without opening the lid.

Fragrant pilaf in a slow cooker

If you are a happy owner of a multicooker, now you can cook pilaf without any hassle. As you can see in the recipe, I pre-fry the chicken and vegetables, but this is not necessary. You can simply add all the necessary ingredients and turn on the multicooker to the desired mode. This option will be no less tasty.

A simple pilaf recipe


  • 5 chicken thighs,
  • 2 multi cups of rice
  • 2 onions (small)
  • 1 carrot
  • 30 ml vegetable oil,
  • 5 multi cups of boiling water,
  • chicken seasoning,
  • salt.

Cooking method

Take the washed thighs and remove the skin from them. Add salt, seasoning and put in a multicooker bowl on a layer of onions and carrots fried in vegetable oil. Add washed rice and boiling water. Turn on the “Pilaf” mode and cook for 1 hour. If this is not enough, set for another 30 minutes.

Pilaf with chicken breast


  • 1 large chicken breast (with or without skin, to taste)
  • 2-3 onions,
  • 3-4 carrots
  • 500 g rice
  • 3-5 tablespoons vegetable oil,
  • 3-5 garlic cloves,
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.


On the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil without closing the multicooker lid. Fry vegetables for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Cut the chicken breast into cubes and add to the multicooker bowl. Stir and continue to fry for another 15 minutes. Add spices and peeled garlic cloves without cutting them. Fry for 1-2 minutes. Pour in the rice, previously washed and soaked, level it and fill it with water so that it covers the rice by about 1.5 cm. Close the lid and set the “Pilaf” mode. After the end of the mode, mix the pilaf and let it stand in the "Heating" mode under the lid for 10-15 minutes.

Pilaf with chicken and garlic


  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • rice - 2 tbsp.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • water - 4 tbsp.;
  • pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

Rinse rice thoroughly and soak in cold water for one hour. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes. Finely chop the onion, and cut the carrot into strips. Pour oil into the multicooker pan and heat it by turning on the “Baking” program on the appliance. Put the meat, mix and fry with the lid open for 15 minutes. Put onions and carrots. Cook with the lid closed for another 15 minutes. Turn off the multicooker. Put the rice in a sieve to glass the water. Transfer it to the multicooker bowl.

Add spices and garlic. It can be stuck into rice whole slices or cut into pieces. Pour hot water, mix everything. Taste the broth. If salt is not enough, now is the time to add it.

Turn on the “Pilaf” mode in the multicooker. Close the lid and cook until you hear a beep. This usually happens after 35-60 minutes, depending on the model of the multicooker. Leave the pilaf for 15 minutes by switching the multicooker to the "Heating" mode.

Put the finished pilaf on a large dish or arrange on portioned plates. Sprinkle with herbs.

The recipe for delicious pilaf with chicken in the oven

These methods are quite unusual. Traditionally, pilaf is cooked in a cauldron; in everyday Russian cuisine, it is considered the norm to cook it in an ordinary saucepan on the stove. And the oven is something new! And, it should be noted, this is a great alternative to cooking on the stove, because in the oven everything acquires a special taste and aroma. Let's try!

Pilaf from poultry

Pilaf is cooked almost everywhere where there is rice. The tastes and aromas of the components are mixed in pilaf. And this is the main secret of the dish. The cereal must be fried in fat, in which case the rice will turn out crumbly.


  • 500-1000 g chicken on the bone
  • 200-400 g rice
  • 1-2 large tomatoes
  • 60-80 ml tomato paste
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • 2-5 garlic cloves
  • 20-50 g raisins
  • ½ tsp hops-suneli
  • ½ tsp dried barberry berries
  • ½ tsp jeera (cumin)
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method

Chop the chicken with the bone into small pieces of 30-50 g each. Add salt, a little suneli hops and crushed garlic. Soak raisins in cold water. Fry the chicken for 5-6 minutes in vegetable oil. Add peeled and randomly chopped onions and carrots. Cook for 2-3 more minutes. Add rice and fry for 2 more minutes. Add tomato paste and sauté for 2-3 more minutes. Lay out the raisins. Add spices, bay leaf, heat pilaf for 2-3 minutes. Pour in water in an amount twice the volume of rice. Lay the tomato slices on top. Salt, pepper. To cover with a lid. Place in the oven preheated to 200°C for 20-30 minutes.

Uzbek pilaf with chicken

  • Rice - 500 g
  • Chicken legs - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Water - 4 glasses
  • Vegetable oil - half a cup
  • Paprika
  • Ground black pepper
  • Dried dogwood
  • Saffron
  • Turmeric
  • Coriander

Cooking method

  1. Wash chicken legs with water, dry and cut.
  2. Chop the peeled onions, garlic and carrots. Onions in half rings or cubes, garlic in slices, carrots in strips or cubes. It is not necessary to cut onions and carrots very finely, they should be felt in the finished dish.
  3. Cooking zirvak - the flavor base of pilaf. We heat the oil in a cast-iron frying pan, we begin to fry the chicken in the oil until golden brown. Then put the carrots, fry for about 7 minutes. After that, we send onion and garlic for frying until golden.
  4. We wash the rice with a colander or sieve so that excess gluten is removed from the cereal. We dry it. For even better and more fragrant pilaf, rice can be quickly fried in a dry frying pan.
  5. We shift the zivrak into a refractory dish for the oven or onto a baking sheet. We fall asleep on top of the rice and level the rice layer. Pour in water, it is better to do it carefully through the holes in the slotted spoon so that the carrots do not float. It is important for us to keep the layered pilaf cooking technology so that the meat and vegetables remain at the bottom. Water should be poured about 2 cm above the rice level. Salt. We add spices. Close the lid of the fireproof dish. If you are using a baking sheet, then without a lid.
  6. We heat the oven to 180 degrees. We send the dish to the oven for 45 minutes.

Delicious pilaf with chicken

This dish is unpretentious, budgetary, satisfying and very tasty. Pilaf with chicken is very easy to prepare, everyone can handle the recipe.


  • 0.5 chicken breast
  • 1 cup rice (cup = 250 ml)
  • 2.5 cups of water
  • 2 large carrots
  • 30 ml sunflower oil
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 0.5 tsp turmeric
  • 0.5 st. l. salt
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf

How to cook pilaf in the oven

  1. To begin with, in order not to waste time in the process of cooking pilaf with chicken in the oven, turn on the oven to warm up to 200 degrees.
  2. Wash half of the chicken breast and cut into large cubes. Two carrots (medium-large or large, we do not regret carrots for pilaf) cut into strips. We will also clean the onion. I grated my onion on a fine grater, but you can chop finely.
  3. We decide on the dishes in which pilaf will be cooked. Ideally, this should be a thick-walled brazier.
  4. In a small amount of sunflower oil, fry meat and carrots with onions on the stove in a roasting pan over medium heat. The frying time is approximately 10 minutes. Do not forget to stir the ingredients often, otherwise they will burn.
  5. After the carrots are fried and the chicken starts to brown, remove the fryer from the stove and add one cup of rice to it. Rice should be washed first.
  6. Then fill the contents of the brazier with two and a half glasses of water and add half a tablespoon of salt, half a teaspoon of ground black pepper, half a teaspoon of turmeric and a bay leaf. Turmeric is always mainly used for cooking pilaf, it gives the pilaf an appetizing shade and a subtle flavor of the east. You can also add additional spices to the pilaf at your discretion. For example, barberry, cumin, dried herbs and so on.
  7. We put a whole unpeeled (but thoroughly washed) head of garlic in the brazier to the ingredients. Cover the roasting pan with a lid and send it to the oven for 45 minutes. As we remember, the oven was turned on to warm up in advance, the temperature was set to 200 degrees.
  8. 45 minutes have elapsed, we take the brazier out of the oven. Meat and carrots were on the surface of the pilaf. Gently mix the pilaf.
  9. Pilaf with chicken in the oven is ready.

How to serve chicken plov

If pilaf is served to guests on a large platter, then remove all the pieces of meat from the pan, transfer the rice to the dish, and put the chicken on top. If you lay out in portions, then put rice and a piece of chicken on each plate.

Pomegranate seeds, fresh vegetables and salads from them can be served with chicken pilaf.

You need to cook pilaf with chicken in a cauldron or any other deep container in which there will be thick walls and a bottom. Only in this case, the ingredients will be cooked gradually, not very quickly and will not burn.

Guided by these tips, you will always cook the perfect pilaf from chicken or any other meat:

Features of preparing pilaf components:

  • meat together with vegetables (onions and carrots) are fried in a separate bowl;
  • chop carrots with a knife, not a grater. It is necessary to give it the shape of a straw;
  • using chicken meat, you can choose any part of the carcass;
  • it is recommended to cut the meat into large pieces so that during the cooking process it does not fall apart into fibers;
  • so that the rice does not stick together, it is initially washed several times in cold running water;
  • before adding cereals to frying, it must be thoroughly dried (in a colander or put it on a clean towel);
  • after the rice dries, it must be fried in a dry frying pan. This will give the dish an unusual taste and make it even more original.

Bon appetit and see you soon!

Let's not be deceitful. Pilaf (including pilaf with chicken) - real, famous, Uzbek - is not at all the pilaf that we cook in our kitchen. The most delicious and “correct” pilaf is cooked in a cauldron on a fire by an experienced pilaf cook who has cooked more than one cauldron. And this is a real culinary art with a couple of dozen very secret secrets.

But in our life, where there are not many opportunities to try real lamb pilaf in a cauldron, there is an opportunity to cook pilaf with chicken in your own kitchen in a saucepan. Modest and tasteful. And oh, what taste! Yes, adapted and edited. So what? Culinary art does not have to be an exact science. But it can be very contagious. Ready!

Editorial. For our taste, the rice in this recipe for chicken pilaf is chosen unsuccessfully. We recommend replacing it with devzira, paello rice, or at least basmati.


  • rice - 400 grams
  • chicken - 500 grams
  • vegetable oil - 100 grams
  • carrots - 400 grams
  • onion - 3
  • salt, zira - to taste

How to cook pilaf with chicken

The most important thing for chicken pilaf is products, especially rice, it must be of very good quality (I cooked from arborio). And, of course, spices. The most common is zira, or cumin (he is in the photo).

But if you don’t have zira, replace it with a ready-made pilaf collection - as a rule, it includes both cumin and barberry. Other spices are controversial.
By the way, seasonings are different in different cuisines, because even European cuisines perfectly mastered oriental pilaf, bringing their taste and technological accents to it.

If you have a whole chicken, cut it into portioned (not too small) pieces.
Wash thoroughly, let the water drain, put in a bowl and salt. Leave for 2 hours (it is ideal to do this on the eve of the day of cooking pilaf).

Important point. Wash the rice(for pilaf, rice must be washed, but the Italians will be outraged by such a proposal). To make it crumbly, not porridge, you need to wash off the dust and starch powder, which causes sticking.

You need to rinse the rice in warm water at least 3 times, in cool water at least 5-6, until the water is clean and the rice is pearlescent.

It is best to wash in a wide and deep bowl, rubbing rice between the palms. Soak clean rice in warm salted water.

Prepare vegetables.

Important point 2. Peel the onion from the husk, do not wash (if you really need to wash it, be sure to dry it with a napkin - the onion will subsequently be thrown into boiling oil, wet will create a strong “noise”, which can cause the oil to ignite). Cut into half rings 2-3 mm thick.

Wash the carrots twice: before and after peeling. Cut into strips (first along the plates, then across (the average thickness is 2-3 mm, it can be thinner or thicker, it all depends on your love for this vegetable).

Important point 3. Pour the oil into a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom) and heat it up. Overheating of oil is the key to tasty and healthy pilaf. Strong heating of the oil improves taste and digestibility.

When reheating, you can add an onion head, which will play the role of a sorbent, and also help neutralize harmful impurities in vegetable oil (blackened onions must be obtained).

Put the onion in the overheated oil and sauté over high heat (actually, the picture is about this).

Then put the chicken pieces and fry until golden brown also over high heat.

Then add carrots (you can fry until half cooked).

Put salt and spices, such as cumin and a few pieces of raisins. You can add washed and unpeeled head of garlic, barberry.

Pour in water, it should be about 1.5-2 cm above the meat and vegetables.

Important point 4. Now you need to cook zirvak - the basis of pilaf. Boil over very low heat after boiling so that the zirvak does not turn out cloudy from boiled carrots (if the boil is strong and the carrots boil, the pilaf will be sticky). It should be languishing chicken and vegetables, and the longer the better.

When the chicken is ready, add the rice.

Now be especially careful. Flatten the rice by smoothing it with the back of a slotted spoon, pour water through it so you don't make indentations in the rice. The amount of water depends on the quality (water absorption) of the rice. The average water level is 1.5-2 cm above the rice layer.

Important point 5. After laying rice make a strong fire so that the boil is even and vigorous. The intensification of the flame leads to the fact that fat boils at the bottom, and the water, turning into steam, rises to the rice layer (it is impossible to photograph this, alas)). If you do not add fire, then chicken pilaf will turn out to be viscous. Uneven boiling will lead to the fact that the core of the cereal will be undercooked. And this, as you understand, is completely useless.

After the pilaf begins to boil, reduce the heat, but watch for the evenness of the boil.

If there is not enough water during the cooking process, you can gradually add warm water from the kettle.

Important point 6. Excess liquid must be evaporated by briefly increasing the fire and stirring the rice layer so that the lower layer is not affected. Careful.

At this stage, the food should be tasted for salt and salted if necessary. Also top up. The average cooking time for chicken pilaf after laying rice is about 30 minutes.

That, in fact, is all. Once you try it, you "understand the technology with your fingertips." By repeating the second time, you will feel confident. Having done the third, you will learn how to teach daughters, girlfriends, colleagues and neighbors. So it turns out that absolutely everyone who treated themselves to it will need to cook chicken pilaf according to your recipe ...

How to serve chicken pilaf? If pilaf is served to guests on a large platter, then remove all the pieces of meat from the pan, transfer the rice to the dish, and put the chicken on top. If you lay out in portions, then put rice and a piece of chicken on each plate.

Pomegranate seeds, fresh vegetables and salads from them can be served with chicken pilaf.

Another one, also with chicken, but with a different kind of rice.

Oriental cuisine is loved by many for its variety of bright tastes, the beauty of dishes, and especially for the satiety of each dish. Uzbek cuisine in particular has become a source of pilaf cooking traditions. There are many variations of the dish, including simple recipes on how to cook. Contrary to popular belief, even lean chicken fillets are great for this dish if cooked right.

Chicken pilaf recipe will not only save money, but also give scope for your culinary imagination.

Pilaf requires special utensils for its preparation. An ordinary pan, a multicooker bowl are not at all suitable for cooking this delicious and unique dish.

Chicken pilaf, like any other, is cooked in a cast-iron thick-walled dish with a bottom curved outward. For cooking, a traditional cauldron, any roaster or cast iron is perfect.

Another secret to successful cooking of pilaf is the right choice of rice. Take rice with the name "Basmati". This is a common variety of rice that always turns out fluffy and tasty.

This rice must be washed in advance and left for at least 15 minutes in cool water until the grains swell to a minimum. You need to cook pilaf with chicken according to the rules, namely, correctly prepare the ingredients.

Delicious chicken pilaf you can cook in the traditional oriental style, and in the traditions of Indian cuisine, not only from fillets, but also from delicacy wings.

The first recipe is traditional chicken pilaf with white meat (breast or fillet)

Chicken pilaf recipe

  • one and a half kilograms of chicken fillet,
  • slightly less carrots
  • a couple of medium sized onions
  • a glass of any vegetable oil to your taste
  • half a kilo of rice
  • whole garlic
  • ready seasoning for pilaf
  • extra salt


  1. In fact, the combination of seasonings is important. They give a special characteristic flavor to the dish, because with the help of different spices you can change your pilaf every time.
  2. Prepare all the ingredients in the traditional way: cut the carrots into thin strips, chicken into 3 cm squares, onions into cubes or quarters of thick rings, peel the garlic, rinse the rice and pour it.
  3. Chicken pilaf recipe simple, but you need to follow the exact sequence of ingredients. First, heat the oil in a cauldron or cast iron, it should be very bitter.
  4. Add the onion and sauté until light golden, then add the chopped chicken. The chicken should not be fried, it should just turn white, when it does, add garlic, ready-made seasoning and a little more salt to the cauldron, depending on which seasoning was used.
  5. Add carrots and immediately mix the entire contents of the cauldron. When the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, pour rice on top and fill everything with water to the level of a finger above the food. After that, it is no longer necessary to mix the pilaf.
  6. Cooking pilaf with chicken not as long as it seems. After 20 minutes, the dish will look almost ready (the lid should be tightly closed during these 20 minutes). After the time has elapsed, open the cauldron and gently stir the rice with a large flat ladle or serving spoon.
  7. It should be three or four movements, the purpose of which is simply to move the rice that used to be at the edges to the center. This is done with slow movements from top to bottom and slightly to the side.
  8. Cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes over low heat. After that, turn off the heat and let the dish brew a little more. As a result, you get a useful, almost dietary and tasty chicken pilaf.

The second recipe is Indian Biryani pilaf based on chicken wings. The dish is simple to prepare, but unusual. One of the traditional Asian ways to cook chicken pilaf, so be sure to try it.

How to cook Biryani pilaf

You will need chicken wings (four pieces are enough), which are marinated in the following ingredients:

  • a couple of cloves of garlic
  • a tablespoon of honey
  • as much soy sauce
  • black pepper

For the dish you will also need:

  • rice (about three hundred grams)
  • a couple tablespoons of tomato paste
  • small curry spoon
  • two similar spoons of ground coriander
  • large onion


  1. This pilaf is served with a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, parsley, quail eggs and lettuce with a dressing of plain butter. Chicken pilaf recipe This option will take time and patience.
  2. Prepare the meat in advance, at least a night or a day in advance: cut the wings at the joint, put them in a bowl along with all the ingredients for the marinade, mix well, cover with cling film and refrigerate.
  3. Start next day cook chicken pilaf. Put the dishes on the fire and warm them up well, then add the oil and wait a little again. Onion cut into cubes and fall asleep in a cauldron.
  4. Cooking pilaf with chicken you need to carefully, it is important not to overcook the onion: when it becomes a little transparent, immediately put the chicken wings in the cauldron and gently, but constantly stir, so that a uniform crust forms.
  5. Finely chop the garlic and add to the meat, immediately pour in the tomato paste and add a little water. After a couple of minutes, put rice and pour water so that it covers the food to a height of five millimeters.
  6. Delicious chicken pilaf it will work if you first leave the lid open and let the water boil away. When the rice is already visible, close the cauldron, after adding salt and seasonings. The lid is closed through a natural towel (first you cover the dishes with a towel, then with a lid).
  7. Leave everything on low heat for 20 minutes, and during this time make a salad, with which then serve your dish.
  8. The salad is prepared simply: cut all the ingredients into slices that you like, salt, add spices and season with oil. It is best to chop the salad right before serving.

Pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken recipe

I really like to cook pilaf with chicken using a slow cooker, since I don’t have special dishes for pilaf, in the usual one it burned, then it turned out like nothing, but not quite the same as it was intended, a bit like porridge, homemade ate, of course, but not willingly, apparently, so as not to offend me ...

When one day I was able to cook pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken, I was very pleased with the result. The pilaf turned out to be of excellent taste, what is needed - rice groats grain to grain, nothing even closely resembling porridge, since then I have been cooking pilaf with chicken only in this way and in general, I try to trust the slow cooker with everything related to rice.

It is convenient that the preparation and stewing of the dish takes place in one dish - the bowl of the multicooker, the time savings are tangible, everything is prepared - thrown into the multicooker and free. I prefer to take steamed rice for pilaf, for the reason that it does not boil soft like usual. I have tomato sauce in the recipe, I like to use it, the tomato gives a peculiar taste to pilaf, but usually it is not included in the pilaf, so, of course, it is not necessary to put it.

This recipe in a slow cooker is without pretensions to a truly Uzbek pilaf, it is rather an adapted and simplified Russian version, but it turns out very tasty, and it is prepared simply and quickly, so I recommend trying to cook pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken.


  • chicken - pulp, or legs (300-500 g)
  • small onion (1 pc.)
  • medium-sized carrots (1 pc.)
  • steamed long-grain rice (300 g)
  • garlic (3 cloves)
  • vegetable oil (for frying)
  • pepper, salt (to taste)
  • tomato sauce (1 tbsp)

Pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken - a step by step recipe

Rinse rice, chop and fry vegetables

  1. Rice for pilaf is washed and soaked in cold water. Turn on the multicooker in the frying-stewing mode, set the time to 1 hour, pour vegetable oil 1-2 cm and leave to warm up with the lid open. I do not close the lid of the multicooker until I fill the rice. We clean all the vegetables, grate the carrots or cut them into strips, throw them into hot oil, fry, meanwhile we cut the onion finely, send it after the carrots, fry everything together.

Cut and add meat

  1. We cut the meat into medium-sized pieces, you can chop the chicken with bones into pieces, add to the vegetables in the slow cooker, salt and pepper, fry. Put the tomato sauce, mix, fry for 10 minutes.

Lay rice, cook pilaf

  1. We put rice in a vegetable roast with meat, after draining the water from it, salt, if necessary - pepper, pour water about 2 cm above the rice, close the lid of the multicooker. In the frying mode - stewing, pilaf with chicken should be cooked for 20 minutes, if necessary, adjust the time set in the slow cooker.

For 15 minutes, you can forget about the slow cooker, doing other things. After 15 minutes, you need to check the readiness of the dish, carefully, so as not to burn yourself with steam, open the lid of the multicooker and check the condition of the rice, try it for readiness.

If the rice is still hard and there is no water, carefully spread the food in the slow cooker, freeing the middle and pour in a little water, about half a glass, stick the garlic into the rice, right in whole slices, close the multicooker lid and cook further, about 5-10 minutes. When the rice is ready, mix the pilaf, try for salt, if necessary, add, garlic can be removed, leave to brew for 20-30 minutes, switching the multicooker to the standby mode - heating.

Serving the finished dish

  1. Pilaf with chicken was infused and completely ready - it remains to arrange on plates and take a sample. Read more:

Pilaf with chicken fillet and champignons


  • 1kg chicken fillet
  • 300 g champignons
  • 2 cups long grain rice
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • 50 g butter
  • 5 st. l. vegetable oil
  • barberry
  • cumin (jeera)
  • thyme
  • saffron
  • garlic (optional)
  • zhmenka raisins (or prunes
  • salt (or ready mix for pilaf)


  1. Rinse the rice and soak in salted water for 1 hour.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry in a pan in butter until all the liquid has evaporated.
  3. In a saucepan or non-stick pan, fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil. Add chopped carrots to the onion and fry until half cooked.
  4. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, add to the vegetables, salt and fry for 15 minutes.
  5. Put the fried mushrooms in a saucepan on the chicken fillet.
  6. Drain the water from the rice and spread it evenly on top of the mushrooms in the skillet. Carefully pour hot water from the kettle (try not to mix the layers), the water should be two fingers above the rice. Salt a little, add spices for pilaf, reduce the heat to low, cover and cook without stirring for 20 minutes. Then check if the rice is almost done and there is still plenty of water, continue cooking with the lid open until the water has evaporated.

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of the blog! Today we will look at how to cook pilaf with chicken. A dish whose recipe has long become international. Like many other dishes of Uzbek cuisine, it migrated to Russian. And enjoys well-deserved popularity.

It can be said with confidence that more of this dish is prepared in Russia than in any eastern country. And we cook with chicken more often than with any other meat. After all, poultry meat is more affordable and cooks much faster than any other.

Grain choose at your discretion. Our distribution networks offer a large number of varieties of special varieties of rice. Mistral, Basmati, Barakat, Devzira and some others. You can take several types and try different ones each time to choose the one with which you get the most delicious and crumbly pilaf. Although, they are all good in their own way.

To make the dish fragrant and fragrant, various spices are used. Be sure to take the most basic ones. These are red, black and allspice, as well as zira, turmeric and barberry. It would be nice to add a small pinch of saffron. Who loves spiciness, add a pod or two hot chili peppers.

Loose chicken pilaf in a slow cooker

Cooking in different dishes has its own nuances, but in any case, the result always depends on the experience of the cook. And for the guests to be delighted, one must be able to cook deliciously both in a cauldron on a fire, and at home in a frying pan.

Whoever has an assistant in the kitchen of Redmond, or Polaris, or any other company, she will always help you quickly and tasty make any meal. With our daily employment, it often happens that by the evening there is no time or energy to cook delicacies. Pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker turns out great both in taste and in appearance. And this work will take quite a bit of time.


1. I always skin the carcass. Then I wash the meat and dry it with a paper towel. Cut it into large pieces. The onion is smaller, and the carrots are long straws. Rinse the cereal several times until the water is clear.

I have Devzira rice, you can use any other.

2. No need to soak, just rinse well. Pour half the vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and fry the onion in the “frying” mode until transparent. Then we add carrot straws, chicken, as well as salt, pepper and all spices to it.

3. All this stuff is mixed with a plastic or wooden spatula and fried for another 5 minutes. Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl. We level well and stick peeled garlic cloves over the entire surface. And you can use the whole head, but then it will have to be removed and discarded.

4. It remains for us to pour boiling water over everything so that the water covers the rice by 2 cm. We close the bowl and turn on the “pilaf” program. Cooking time 1 hour. This will be even a lot for our number of products. Therefore, we can go about our business for now, and after 30-35 minutes. turn off the unit.

Let the dish brew for another half an hour and serve, sprinkling with finely chopped parsley and cilantro.

Cooking chicken pilaf on a stove in a cauldron

A cauldron is the best dish for such second courses, which must first be fried and then boiled or stewed. Cast iron or aluminum - if only it was with thick walls and a bottom. Any lunch in it will be rich and tasty as if cooked on a fire.

Try to cook pilaf with chicken in a cauldron or duck bowl. You will be convinced that it will be no worse cooked at home on the stove than if it were cooked on a live fire, on the street. Follow my step-by-step recipe and follow the indicated proportions. And you will succeed!

What products do we need:

Supermarkets have a large selection of durum rice. Mine is called "jasmine", but you can take another. It is also unimportant which parts of the chicken carcass you choose. As long as the meat is fresh. Preferably chilled, not frozen.


1. First, peel and cut the onion into rings, and the carrots into thin sticks. Rinse the meat and pat dry with paper towels. We put a cauldron on the stove, pour half a glass of vegetable oil into it. We are waiting for it to get hot enough and pour the onion rings into the boiling oil.

2. When the onion is golden, lay out the parts of the carcass to it and mix. Fry for another 5 minutes and you can send carrot sticks to the cauldron. Here you can already salt and add spices.

Stick the garlic among the meat pieces straight with the heads. If you want, you can clean it and throw it with cloves. Rice should not be soaked so that it does not turn into porridge later.

3. Just rinse a few times and drain the water. We fall asleep in the boiler and level it on the surface. Using a slotted spoon, add enough boiling water so that the liquid is 2 cm higher.

4. We wait for the water to begin to boil slightly and close the lid. We reduce the fire to the smallest and the dish is cooked for 20-25 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the dish brew for another half an hour.

And finally, you can open and mix the crumbly, fragrant pilaf. Divide among plates and sprinkle with parsley and cilantro. The yummy is indescribable!

Video on how to cook chicken pilaf in a saucepan

On the video channel "Cooking and recipes from Khrumka" we spied on such an interesting and quick recipe. The components of zirvak are first fried, and then transferred to the pan. Groats are poured there, water is poured in and all this goodness is stewed on the smallest fire until cooked.

Even if you do not have a cauldron, a simple and tasty dinner is provided for you. Sometimes this dish is supplemented with tomatoes or bell peppers. And be sure to have a lot of greens - basil, parsley, cilantro, rosemary. Greens can be chopped and poured into a pan, or eaten separately.

Step-by-step recipe for pilaf with chicken in a pan

If the stewpan is deep enough and with thick walls and bottom, then you can fry zirvak in it and completely cook a real pilaf with chicken. You will cook on an electric stove or on gas - in any case, it will be a cool treat!

Even if the pan is small, 2-3 servings can be made quickly and easily. I have a three liter Chinese wok.

If necessary, reduce the amount of ingredients according to your skillet.

Raisins I sometimes replace with prunes or dried apricots. This dish with dried fruits is called in Uzbek “dzhudzha”. If you haven't tried this dish yet, you should definitely try it.

So where do we start? Of course with chicken preparation. I have a chicken breast fillet already peeled from the skin and bones. I just cut it into cubes. The onion was chopped into large half rings, and the carrot into thin straws. The raisins were thoroughly washed with hot water. It is not worth soaking it, it will steam out during the cooking process anyway. It is better to take not sweet white raisins, but black ones.

The oil is already heating up in the pan. I don't like to fry for a long time. I pour out the chopped vegetables and as soon as they soften, I add meat to them. Now let it fry properly.

I don't know the exact time of frying. When the moisture evaporates and the pieces are browned, you will see for yourself.

As soon as the zirvak is sufficiently fried, add raisins, all seasonings, spices and salt. Next, pour in a glass of boiling water and let it boil for a minute. I throw in a whole head of garlic. You can peel it and divide it into cloves. Finally, washed rice was poured and leveled.

Substituting a slotted spoon or spoon, add more liquid until it is 1.5 cm higher than the rice. The fire is reduced to the smallest and the lid closes tightly.

In half an hour everything is ready. If you reduce the amount of food, then reduce the cooking time. Turn off the heat and stir the rice and zirvak. Close again and let it brew for another 15-20 minutes. Serve with salads or sliced ​​fresh vegetables.

How to cook delicious chicken pilaf in the oven

It turns out that you can beautifully and elegantly serve food in ceramic pots. It looks very impressive, and the taste - you can just swallow your tongue. And let someone tell me that "this is not pilaf, but porridge." I absolutely do not care what you call this piece of culinary art. But my family and friends are very pleased when I serve them such steaming, fragrant pots.

I have different containers. Two more for 500 ml. and two for 350 ml. In order not to be mistaken, I will impose equal components in them. Such pilaf with chicken does not have to be divided in portions, it can be done in one large bowl.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • Chicken breasts - 2 pcs
  • Carrot - 1 large
  • Bulbs - 2 pcs
  • Basmati rice - 12 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt, spices
  • Garlic to taste
  • Hot pepper optional

We chop the peeled and washed onions into thin half rings. And grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Cut the meat arbitrarily, depending on the size of the dish in which you will cook.

First, we will fry the zirvak in a pan. To do this, first put the meat in the heated oil and, stirring, let it brown. Next is the turn of onions, and then carrots. The degree of browning is up to you. I simmer vegetables until soft.

Salt, pepper and add spices to zirvak. I mix everything and take it off the fire. Let it cool down a bit and spread evenly in prepared pots.

We wash the cereal to clean water. Pour 3 tablespoons of rice into each pot. Throw in some garlic. As many as you want. If you wish, put a little hot cayenne pepper.

It turned out the contents in each pot to about half. I pour boiling water so that two centimeters do not reach the top. I close the lids and put the pots in the oven. At a temperature of 180 degrees, we will cook for about 45 minutes. After that, take it out, let it cool down a little and you can treat the household members who are already distraught from the aroma.

Uzbek chicken pilaf recipe

I spied a delicious and quick Ferghana pilaf with chicken on the Max Malkiel channel. He cooks without frying zirvak to redness. Therefore, the rice turns out white and crumbly, although he puts a lot of carrots. This method without strong frying is also the most useful.

After all this splendor, I have nothing to add. I say goodbye to you until the next tasty meetings. And who really liked the recipes, click on the buttons of social networks and share them on your pages!
