
Raspberry jelly is a bright, fragrant, summer, affordable pleasure! Recipes for making raspberry jelly for the winter and just for dessert. Raspberry jelly without gelatin: a recipe for the winter

We all know about the benefits of raspberries, especially during the cold winter, when a cold overtakes us, and in combination with medicines, it will quickly put us on our feet.

There are a number of recipes for how to prepare these berries with the maximum preservation of all vitamins. If you want a smooth, pitted jelly, use pectin or gelatin.

In the first case, you need to add more sugar and berry juice. The second way is for lovers of a less sweet taste.

Raspberry jelly is suitable for hot pancakes or pancakes, they can be poured on top of a cottage cheese casserole or simply spread on toast. It will be no less tasty as a filling for croissants or rolls.

The classic way to make raspberry jelly without any additives. It, of course, is not as thick as the store, but it does not contain unnecessary chemicals.

And here is the step-by-step instruction that must be followed to get a wonderful treat at the exit. Carefully wash the jars and be sure to sterilize by placing them in the oven tray with water and setting the special function.

You can use the old method of boiling - put a glass container on the spout of a bubbling kettle.

Grind the berries in a blender or grind through a colander. Transfer to an enameled bowl and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring regularly so as not to burn.

Set aside, let cool and strain the whole mass through cheesecloth so that not a single gram of pulp gets in and there is pure juice.

Pour the berry juice back into the bowl and stir in the sugar in batches. The fire should be moderate so that it does not seethe and jump out of the dishes. Do not move far from the stove, stir so that a bitter burnt taste does not appear.

Raspberries are a very tender berry that does not require long cooking.

It is enough to boil it for ten to fifteen minutes, set it aside, cool it and put it on the burner again for five to seven minutes.

While stirring with a spoon, lift the mass up and, pouring the jelly back, look at the consistency: if it suits you, you can distribute it among jars and cork.

Keep in mind that after the final cooling, the mass will become even thicker.

Some housewives adhere to the tendency to preserve berries and vegetables without heat treatment, justifying this with a greater likelihood of preserving the benefits of the product. There is some truth in this, and therefore there are several recipes for preserving raspberry jelly without boiling.

We sort out the berries, remove the spoiled ones and place them in a large container. In no case do not wash raspberries, otherwise they will be saturated with moisture and lose most of their benefits. We fall asleep with sugar and puree the berries using an ordinary wooden crush.

You can use a more convenient way - to kill with a blender with a submersible nozzle or twist it in a meat grinder, but vitamins are also lost from the contact of fruits with metal.

We lay it out in sterile jars, sprinkle a one-centimeter layer of sugar on top so that the workpiece does not deteriorate, thus making a cork from oxygen penetration and close it with a plastic lid.

Put the raspberry jelly in the refrigerator.

In this method, the most important thing is to store only in a cold place and be sure to observe the proportion of berries-sugar, otherwise there is a big risk that the jelly will ferment.

This raspberry jelly for the winter received this name due to the speed of its preparation.

Even the most inexperienced, novice hostess will be able to prepare it for the winter. You just need to have the desire and a set of products.

Sort the raspberries from the debris, immerse them in cold water for just a few minutes and carefully remove them with your palms or a slotted spoon. Lay out on a towel and let dry.

When excess moisture comes out of the berries, transfer them to a bowl and cover with a dense layer of sugar without gaps.

Leave for four to five hours. When you see that the raspberries have completely absorbed the sand and the juice comes out, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Boil for literally five minutes.

Wash the jars thoroughly in advance and place in a large container, fill with water and boil for ten minutes.

Spread raspberry jelly “Five Minute” to the eyeballs and tighten with sterilized iron lids, plastic ones will not work.

Wrap the inverted jars in a thick blanket and leave to cool completely.

After that, place in the basement, pantry, in any dark, cool room.

Any person can make an unusually delicious watermelon peel jam at home if you use the recipes from this article. So don't throw watermelon rinds in the trash anymore.

And here are ways to cook compote from rhubarb.

Raspberry jelly is ready for use one and a half to two months after preservation, during this period it will thicken enough and be saturated with a rich aromatic smell and taste.

You should not use spoiled berries, it is better to immediately process them into compote, otherwise there will be a possibility of fermentation and mold growth on the surface of the jar.

If you follow all the technologies and sterilize the container, then the jelly from these berries can be stored in the basement for more than one or two years.

Look carefully at the raspberries during picking. It may contain bugs with an unpleasant odor that spoil the aroma and taste of the dish.

We hope you enjoy our recipes. Good luck with your preparations, dear hostesses!

If you like raspberry jelly for the winter, then I will share with you a simple recipe for making it without sterilization. If the raspberries are not digested, the color of the jelly will turn out to be bright ruby, and the consistency will be thick.

In winter, raspberry preparations will help to cope with colds and flu, this is the most useful jam that is easy to prepare at home.

It will take 60 minutes to prepare. From the ingredients indicated in the recipe, 4 cans of 0.65 l will be obtained


  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.

How to make raspberry jelly for the winter

We sort out the raspberries, remove the spoiled berries, stalks and leaves. Pour cold water into the basin, pour salt at the rate of one teaspoon of salt per liter of water. We place the berries in a saline solution, leave for 10 minutes. If there are raspberry beetle larvae in the berries, they will float to the surface.

Then we throw the raspberries on a sieve, rinse with running water.

We place clean berries in a saucepan with a wide thick bottom, lightly press down with a spoon or potato masher so that the juice stands out.

We put the saucepan on the stove, close the lid and bring the berry mass to a boil over medium heat, cook for 15-20 minutes.

Rub the hot raspberries through a fine sieve. If the bones still pass through the cells, you can additionally strain the resulting syrup through cheesecloth.

Nothing bad will happen if a few raspberry seeds get into the jelly, the texture will be more varied.

We mix the rubbed mass with granulated sugar, mix until the sugar is completely dissolved and put the saucepan on the fire again.

Boil the jelly over low heat for 15-20 minutes, shake and shake the dishes so that the foam gathers in the center. We remove the foam with a spoon.

What delicious food can be cooked quickly? See ideas on our Instagram:

We sterilize jars for jelly over steam, put the lids in boiling water.

Pour the hot raspberry jelly into warm jars and cover with a clean cloth or cheesecloth to let it cool to room temperature.

Raspberry jelly for the winter, a simple recipe for which is easy to find in any culinary publication, is a great treat for winter tea parties. It is prepared in various ways with the addition of gelatin, gelfix, agar agar, or without the addition of gelling agents at all.

How to make raspberry jelly?

Raspberry jelly for the winter is a delicacy that can be served as an independent dessert. It can also be spread on bread or eaten with tea. In the preparation of jelly, there are some nuances that can be dealt with without problems, given the recommendations below.

  1. Berries for jelly must be whole, without signs of damage and spoilage.
  2. If raspberries are from their own plot, then it is preferable to collect them in dry weather.
  3. In order for the jelly to thicken, sugar and berries must be in a ratio of at least 1: 1.
  4. If gelling agents are used in the recipe, less sugar can be taken.
  5. Jelly can also be prepared with seeds, but it will turn out to be more tasty and tender if you first free the raspberries from them by grinding the berries through a sieve. Alternatively, you can make jelly from berry juice. Then the raspberries are simply passed through a juicer.

Raspberry jelly for the winter "Five Minute"

Raspberry jelly for the winter "Five Minute" is very easy and quick to prepare. The main difficulty here is to wipe the berries through a sieve, but this is not at all difficult to do, because after boiling they turn into puree. It is better to store raspberry jelly prepared according to this recipe in a cool place.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Raspberries are placed in a saucepan, the berries are crushed well with a pusher and put on the stove.
  2. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling.
  3. Slightly cooled mass is rubbed through a sieve.
  4. The resulting mass is again placed on fire, granulated sugar is added, stirred well and boiled for another 5 minutes.
  5. Hot raspberry jelly for the winter without gelatin is laid out in sterile jars and immediately corked.

Raspberry jelly with gelatin is not cloying, but rather sweet and sour. Very little sugar is used here, because there is gelatin, thanks to which the mass will definitely harden. It is only important to remember that the mass with gelatin cannot be boiled. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface, the stove is turned off.


  • raspberries - 800 g;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • instant gelatin - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Raspberries are rubbed through a sieve.
  2. Water is mixed with sugar and brought to a boil.
  3. Add the remaining cake, bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Strain the broth through a sieve and add gelatin to the liquid and stir.
  5. Pour in raspberry puree, bring to a boil and pour into prepared sterile containers.

Raspberry jelly with agar-agar for the winter

Raspberry jelly for the winter is a simple recipe and is prepared with the addition of a thickener in the form of agar-agar. To prevent the jelly from becoming too sweet, lemon juice is added to it if desired. At first, the mass remains liquid, this is normal, as it should be. It will thicken up after it cools completely.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • agar-agar - ½ teaspoon.


  1. Raspberries are placed in a saucepan and kneaded with a crush until juice is released.
  2. Place the dishes on the stove and boil for 10 minutes over low heat.
  3. Pass the mass through a colander to get rid of the seeds. This step can be skipped if they are not a hindrance.
  4. The juice of one lemon, agar-agar is added, the mass is simmered for about a minute, and then the jelly is poured into sterile containers and sealed.

Yellow raspberry jelly is prepared according to the same principle as red raspberry jelly. In this recipe, jelly is prepared with the addition of gelatin, so if the berries used are sweet, you can put less sugar. The blank is bright yellow. On the winter table, she will definitely be a welcome guest, reminiscent of a sunny summer.


  • yellow raspberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 700 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Gelatin is poured into 150 g of water.
  2. The berries are covered with sugar, kneaded, put on the stove and boiled for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain the mass through a sieve.
  4. Put the puree back on the stove and boil for 10 minutes.
  5. Add citric acid diluted in a small amount of water and boil for 5 minutes.
  6. The swollen gelatin is introduced, stirred until it dissolves, the mass is brought to a boil, poured into prepared jars and sealed.

Currant and raspberry jelly for the winter, a simple recipe of which is presented below, is a delicacy that is not only very tasty, but also healthy. In this case, the preparation is made from the juice of berries, which is not boiled, but only brought to a boil. It will not be possible to save on sugar here, because if you put less of it, the mass will not thicken as it should, and jelly will not work.


  • raspberry juice - 2.5 cups;
  • blackcurrant juice - 2.5 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Both types of juice are poured into the pan and sugar is added.
  2. While stirring, bring the mass to a boil and immediately pour currant and raspberry jelly into prepared sterile jars.

Jelly from, a simple recipe of which is presented below, is prepared with the addition of orange juice and zest. It turns out it is unusually tasty and very fragrant. If you use zest, then it must be peeled off in a very thin layer, without affecting the white layer. It is most convenient to do this with a fine grater. If desired, a little more cinnamon can be added to this jelly.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • large orange - 1 pc.;
  • gelfix - 1 sachet.


  1. The sorted raspberries are placed in a saucepan and heated to a boil.
  2. Cover the pan and leave the berries to steam for about 10 minutes. And then pass them through a sieve.
  3. Return the puree to the pan, add orange juice, zest if desired, add gelfix with sugar and boil for 2-3 minutes with a slight boil.
  4. Raspberry jelly is poured hot into sterile jars and immediately sealed.

Seedless raspberry jelly for the winter, a simple recipe of which is presented below, will be perfectly stored even without a cellar in a city apartment. The workpiece stands well for a long time and does not explode due to the fact that it uses a lot of granulated sugar, and then the mass is also boiled for a long time.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - ¾ cup.


  1. The sorted and washed raspberries are poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  2. The resulting mass is ground through a sieve, returned to the pan, pour sugar, bring to a boil and boil for about an hour.
  3. The readiness of the jelly is checked as follows: a drop of the boiled mass is dripped onto a chilled saucer. If the drop solidifies immediately, then the jelly is ready.
  4. Raspberry jelly for the winter, pitted, is poured into sterile jars and sealed.

Raspberries with the addition of a thickener in the form of agar-agar are prepared incredibly quickly and simply. The main thing is to turn natural berries into juice. The easiest way to do this is with a juicer. In jelly, a maximum of useful substances will be preserved, because the juice is only brought to a boil, and not boiled.


  • agar-agar - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • raspberry juice - 3 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g.


  1. Agar-agar is mixed with sugar and poured into boiled raspberry juice.
  2. Stir well until the sugar crystals dissolve.
  3. The mass is poured into prepared jars and corked.

You can cook without the use of granulated sugar at all. In this case, the addition of a gelling agent is mandatory. It is necessary to store such a workpiece in a cold place. After adding gelatin, the mass is not boiled, it is heated at the lowest possible heat for 5 minutes, and then poured into jars and corked.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • water - 250 ml.


  1. Gelatin is poured into 150 ml of water.
  2. The berries are poured with the rest of the water and boiled for 5-7 minutes, the mass is rubbed through a sieve, the cake is thrown away, and the resulting juice is poured back into the pan.
  3. Swollen gelatin is introduced and simmered for 5 minutes on minimum heat.
  4. Raspberry jelly is laid out in prepared jars, corked and put away in the cold for storage.

Raspberry jam as jelly for the winter can be prepared without heat treatment. To do this, you just need to chop the berries, grind through a sieve to get rid of the seeds, and then mix the resulting puree with sugar. Store such a workpiece exclusively in a cold place. When warm, the jelly will ferment very quickly.

The most popular berry for jelly is raspberries. With an amazing aroma, it has many useful properties that it owes to its rich composition. Raspberries boost immunity and help the body cope with seasonal diseases. Raspberry jelly recipes for the winter are varied. They are distinguished by ease of preparation and do not require large financial costs.

Dessert is prepared for:

  • decoction;
  • berry puree;
  • juice.

With a large number of berries, a rich mashed dessert is prepared. If there are few fruits, then a decoction will do. It can be mixed with various juices. Jelly is made from the resulting liquid. Raspberries contain a large amount of gelling substances, so the syrup can simply be boiled down without the addition of gelatin.

Usually the process is simplified and gelatin is added for density. It is recommended to fill it with cold water only. Then left to swell, mixed with a liquid base and heated.

Products for jelly must be strictly measured and only the amount indicated in the recipe should be used..

How to choose berries

In order to enjoy a fragrant dessert in winter, you need to choose the right raspberries. The most important thing is the freshness of the berries. The degree of maturity does not matter. It may be watery or with slightly dried bones. Use freshly harvested fruits. They will give the jelly an amazing flavor. Rotten and dried berries will spoil the taste of the dessert.

How to make raspberry jelly at home

Do not boil berries in aluminum cookware. Otherwise, the delicacy will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste and color.

A simple recipe for the winter: step by step instructions

Dessert will be appreciated by the sweet tooth.

You will need:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg.

How to cook:

  • Pour water over raspberries. Boil. The mixture should become softened. Stretch gauze over the bowl and pour the boiled mass. Press. To prevent the bones from getting into the juice, smooth the gauze in several layers. Now you need to measure the amount of juice received. Three kilograms of sugar is calculated for three liters of juice. Accurate observance of proportions will help to make the jelly thick.
  • Pour juice into a saucepan and boil. The volume of liquid will decrease. Add sugar. Stir. Cook for 45 minutes, stirring regularly so that the mass does not burn. Then put a drop of jelly on a plate. If it does not retain its shape, boil for a few more minutes. Pour the finished mass into sterilized containers and roll up.

"Five Minute"

A quick cooking method, in which the jelly is not as thick as store-bought, but retains most of the useful properties. If you like to make useful preparations for the winter, then you will like this option.

You will need:

  • sugar - 1250 g;
  • raspberries - 2500 g.

How to cook:

  • Sterilize jars. Sort out the berries. Transfer to a blender bowl and grind. Pour into a bowl, boil. Strain through cheesecloth. Pour back the juice and add sugar.
  • Stir and cook for 5 minutes. Cool and boil for 5 minutes. If the consistency suits you, then pour into containers and roll up. If the mass seems watery, repeat the process again.

With agar agar

You can cook a delicious preparation for the winter in just 10 minutes.

You will need:

  • granulated sugar - 750 g;
  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • agar-agar - 0.5 tsp

How to cook:

Sprinkle the berries with sugar. Mash with a crush and boil for 9 minutes. Pass through a sieve. Boil the liquid. Add agar-agar and pour in the juice squeezed from the lemon. Boil for a minute and pour into sterilized containers. Roll up.


The jelly is thick and contains no seeds.

You will need:

  • water - 240 ml;
  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 2 g;
  • sugar - 200 g.

How to cook:

  • Whip the berries in a blender. Fill with water and stir. Boil. Foam forms on the surface, which must be removed. Boil 10 minutes. Cool down.
  • Fold gauze in three layers and wring out the mass. Pour sugar into the resulting liquid. Boil 40 minutes. Enter the lemon and pour into prepared jars. Roll up.

with gelatin

The recipe is suitable for lovers of thick desserts.

You will need:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • lemon - 1 tsp;
  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g.

How to cook:

  • Pour gelatin into water and set aside to swell. Sprinkle berries with sugar. Mix and knead a little. Boil 10 minutes. Strain and boil for 12 minutes.
  • Enter the prepared gelatin and lemon. Stir and cook for 12 minutes. Pour into containers and roll up.

With currant juice

Currant will help diversify the taste of your favorite treat.

You will need:

  • raspberry juice - 1 l;
  • sugar - 650 g;
  • red currant juice - 300 ml.

How to cook:

Mix two types of juice. Boil and, gradually pouring sugar, cook until thick. Pour into prepared containers and screw on the lids.

With cream

Delicate jelly dessert will please you with its taste.

You will need:

  • powdered sugar - 45 g;
  • raspberries - 300 g;
  • cream 33% - 250 ml;
  • water - mug;
  • agar-agar - 3 g;
  • granulated sugar - 75 g.

How to cook:

  • Sprinkle the berries with sugar. Fill with water mixed with agar-agar. Boil two minutes. Pass through a sieve. Pour the liquid into the prepared container and roll up.
  • Before use, whip the cream with the addition of powdered sugar and decorate the jelly.

Without cooking

A sweet dessert that retains its beneficial properties all winter.

You will need:

  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook:

  • Soak gelatin in water and set aside. The mass should swell. Mix sugar with berries. Set aside for a quarter of an hour. Beat with a blender and squeeze out the juice.
  • Warm up the gelatin mass. Combine with lemon and raspberry juice. Stir and roll.

Raspberry and orange puff jelly

It is best to pour dessert into transparent containers without patterns.

You will need:

  • water - 260 ml;
  • orange juice - 250 ml;
  • sugar;
  • raspberries - 150 ml;
  • gelatin - 20 g.

How to cook:

  • Divide the gelatin into two parts. Fill each with 35 ml of water. Boil the berries in water and strain. Sweeten the juice. Pour in the gelatin and stir. Pour into containers. Wait for it to freeze.
  • Pour the melted remaining gelatin into orange juice. Sweeten up. Stir. Pour over the raspberry layer and refrigerate.

Further storage

Winter harvest is stored in glass containers. The place should be cool, without moisture. You can put it in the cellar, and if necessary, take it out and leave it in the refrigerator.

With proper storage, the delicacy does not deteriorate and retains its taste until the next season.

Raspberry jelly is not only a tasty, but also a healthy dish, loved since childhood, because raspberries are just a storehouse of elements valuable to the human body, raspberry jelly can be prepared both from fresh berries, and using frozen or canned ones and enjoy a wonderful delicacy all year round. year.

How to make raspberry jelly.

Rich in pectin content, having the ability to thicken the dish without the addition of gelatin and regardless of the recipe chosen, there are general steps for its preparation.

Any fruit and berry jelly is a canned food, which means that the first necessary action before cooking is washing and sterilizing the jars for the finished dish. The raspberry product does not require any separate recommendations for preparing containers for preservation; it is enough to boil the jars for 15 to 20 minutes and dry thoroughly.

Let's start making raspberry jelly

In parallel with boiling the container for raspberry jelly, you can start washing the berries. You can get juice from berries the old fashioned way: squeezing it from softened fruits. If you have a blender or juicer, the process will be greatly simplified.

After the juice for raspberry jelly is ready, you should start making berry puree. To do this, boil the raw materials over low heat for ten minutes, without covering the pan with a lid, then increase the heat to medium and continue cooking until the remaining berry lumps are completely softened.

Careful filtering of the resulting food through several layers of gauze is an important point for obtaining pure nectar without the presence of berry sediment or stone waste.

Now it's time to sweeten the semi-finished product. You need to add sugar to the puree at the rate of 1 to 1, depending on which raspberries are used to make jelly: fresh, thawed or canned. If there is no need for the sweetness of products, you can reduce the sugar dose, but do not go beyond the proportion of ¾ sweetener to 1.

After adding granulated sugar, the mixture must be boiled in order to completely dissolve the sugar in the dessert. This process should take place over low heat, with control and constant stirring of the puree. Bringing the food to a boil, it must be cooked for another 5 minutes, observing the consistency. After dissolving the sugar, reduce the fire to the very minimum and boil the dish for 10-15 minutes, not allowing the product to boil. If there is no possibility of constant monitoring of the process, it can be carried out on a steam bath.

Mandatory check whether the cooked raspberry jelly thickens

The next step is to check the thickening of the semi-finished product for raspberry jelly. To do this, scoop up the mixture with a spoon and, lifting it higher above the pan, pour the almost ready raspberry jelly back. The duration of further cooking depends on the viscosity at this stage. If the raspberry jelly substance is not jelly at all and is too liquid, it is worth continuing cooking, remembering that hot food always thickens a little when cooling. Having brought the jelly to the desired consistency, it can be poured into sterile jars.

If desired, raspberry jelly can be consumed the very next day, jars can be closed with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Popular recipes for making raspberry jelly.

1. The most common proportion of ingredients for the most delicious raspberry jelly is:

  • Juice - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 350 gr.

2. Dessert for the festive table in the form of raspberry jelly can be prepared quickly, but with the help of gelatin.

  • Fruit juice - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Boiled water - 1 glass.
  • Gelatin - 10 gr.

Dilute the thickener in cold water and leave for one hour to swell. Then drain the rest of the liquid and add 50 g of boiling water. Mix the gelatin mass with berry juice and sugar, stirring the product thoroughly. Pour into beautiful glasses or special forms, raspberry jelly remains only to thicken. To move the finished result to a plate, the container should be slightly heated in hot water and carefully turned over on a saucer.

3. Jelly from frozen raspberries.

  • Raspberries - 350 gr.
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Gelatin - 25 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Defrost raspberries and strain, dilute the resulting juice with boiled water. Dilute the gelatin content in water and leave for 5 minutes to swell. At this time, the nectar should be sugared, and bring the dish to a boil over low heat. Remove raspberry jelly from heat and add swollen gelatin, stirring until completely dissolved. The final stage is the addition of lemon juice and pouring into molds.

4. Jelly from canned raspberries.

  • Jam - 400 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 200 gr.
  • Water - 4 glasses.
  • Gelatin - 50 gr.

To prepare jelly, raspberry jam must be mixed with boiling water, stirred and strained. Liquefy gelatin in water and let it brew for 60 minutes. Pour sugar into the diluted jam and boil the syrup for ten minutes over low heat. Cool the finished product to 40 - 50 degrees and mix it with a thickener, mixing the ingredients thoroughly. Pour into molds and refrigerate. Bon appetit, enjoy the extraordinary taste of raspberry jelly, now you know how it can be prepared at any time of the year.
You can also cook many delicious and varied dishes from raspberries.
