
Jasmine and jasmine tea: useful properties, contraindications. Benefits of jasmine tea


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Modern historians have documented that jasmine green tea was popular in China during the Song Emperor's reign. We are talking about the XIII century. However, many researchers of the past agree that tea became widespread in the culture of the ancient Persians, thanks to which this drink appeared in China. It happened in the era from the II to V centuries.

To date, the production of green tea with jasmine has been established in several Chinese provinces - Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangsu. Admirers of the aromatic drink agree that the best product is tea grown and processed in Fujian province.

Where and how is jasmine harvested?

In China, jasmine grows for several months, from late spring to late autumn. Connoisseurs of tea art prefer the summer collection. This is due to the fact that it is the summer flowers of the plant that can boast a pronounced aroma. The collected flowers are pre-dried, spreading evenly on the prepared surface.

Taste features

After the jasmine flowers are completely dry, they are added to green tea leaves. There are 2 ways to flavor tea: tea leaves and jasmine flowers are thermally treated for 1 day. This method has one significant drawback - the leaves of tea bushes practically lose their taste characteristics.

As for the second method, its essence is to shift the tea leaves with jasmine flowers, and then leave it for up to 4 months. Then the jasmine is removed. In this case, the tea does not lose its positive properties and is saturated with the aroma of the flower.

Second way more expensive in terms of labor and time, and therefore the cost of such tea is often somewhat higher in comparison with tea obtained by the usual method. The tea itself boasts a sweet and very subtle aroma.

What's the use?

Jasmine tea has been used medicinally in China for centuries. There is nothing surprising in this, even a superficial study of the components of this drink is enough and its beneficial properties become more than obvious:

  1. jasmine tea contains a huge mineral and complex;
  2. helps to strengthen the human nervous system;
  3. normalizes sleep and effectively relieves nervous tension;
  4. reduces the manifestations of hypertension;
  5. lowers the level of glucose in the human body;
  6. helps to increase vitality.


If you are harvesting and collecting components yourself, pay attention to the fact that the flower buds are not sluggish, since such plants are not suitable for brewing tea. Flower petals should be dried in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight.
Homemade tea is brewed by first mixing 4 parts of green or with 1 part of petals, in a cup the volume of which does not exceed 250 ml.

Chinese recipe (with a certain temporary supply):

  • Mix tea leaves with jasmine flowers and let them mature for 3 months (the process must take place in a dry room).
  • During the specified period, tea is sufficiently saturated with jasmine aroma.
  • The petals are separated from the tea by hand.
  • They are filled with water (the temperature should not exceed 85 ° C).
  • This is how expensive jasmine teas are made.

Whatever recipe you choose, remember that tea should only be prepared in porcelain or glassware. It must be in advance.


The main contraindications to drinking jasmine green tea:

  1. individual intolerance to jasmine;
  2. in the presence of gastritis (especially when it comes to high acidity);
  3. ulcers;
  4. hypertension.

The listed contraindications should be taken into account without fail. Strong green tea is not recommended for pregnant women. In large quantities, it can cause headaches or even severe dizziness.

What can you drink jasmine tea with?

Professionals do not recommend drinking jasmine tea with other ingredients such as lemon, or sugar. Jasmine has its own and unique taste, which should not be diluted with other ingredients. Only in this case you will be able to feel all the richness of natural green tea with jasmine. It should be remembered that tea ingredients should be stored in a separate tank, since the plant perfectly absorbs odors from the surrounding space.

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Every morning is not complete without a cup of delicious invigorating drink, some people like regular green tea, others prefer tea with additives. Green tea with jasmine has become very popular, it is drunk all over the world. It is famous for its delicate unusual taste and floral aroma. Chinese healers treated various diseases with jasmine. Jasmine green tea has many health benefits.

Tea Jasmine tea with a pungent smell. It contains no artificial additives or flavors. The composition of the product includes only natural selected leaves of the tea bush and jasmine flowers, which make the tea very fragrant.

Green tea with jasmine should be chosen correctly, we do not recommend buying a tea product that contains only jasmine flowers. Because this variety is of poor quality and manufacturers try to hide low-quality tea leaves with the aroma of jasmine.

How tea is made

An evergreen shrub - jasmine grows in India, China and the American subtropics. For the production of tea, only this type of jasmine is used. The shrub begins to bloom in early April and blooms until the end of autumn. Chinese masters pick jasmine flowers in the early morning, when the concentration of essential oils in them rises, from early July to mid-October. Inflorescences that are harvested in summer are already saturated with the rays of the sun and are considered more saturated with aroma than those collected in late autumn.

To make a real product, tea leaves are first plucked. Then they wait a while for the jasmine to bloom. Jasmine flowers are mixed with the prepared tea product. At this point, the leaves absorb the aroma of jasmine, after which the flower petals are removed and the finished tea is packaged. The combination of flowers and tea leaves complement each other perfectly, giving the drink an exquisite taste and excellent aroma.


Jasmine is considered a natural unique plant, its second name is the "king of flowers". They named it so because its inflorescence looks like a crown and emits an incredible aroma. In its composition, the plant has many healing essential oils and various acids: salicylic, formic, benzoic and others. Due to this, the plant acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Let's find out what benefits and harms can be from taking jasmine green tea for our body.

Benefits of flower tea

  1. The composition of jasmine includes caffeine, taking tea improves the performance of the brain, invigorates and gives energy. The caffeine in the green jasmine drink is in the form of theine. Therefore, by drinking such a drink, you will benefit from caffeine and will not harm your heart.
  2. The drink relaxes well, calms, helps with neuroses. Acts as a strong antidepressant.
  3. The great benefit of the drink is that the high content of antioxidants in its composition, quickly break down fat and contribute to weight loss. Such a drink is low in calories if you drink it without sugar.
  4. Chinese scientists have determined that jasmine tea should be drunk for the prevention of cancer.
  5. Jasmine tea, its beneficial properties help to cope with a cold, because the body receives all the necessary elements and vitamins.
  6. It is believed that taking a healing drink normalizes blood pressure.

Tea drink not only invigorates and refreshes, it also tones the body. It is also used in aromatherapy. What are the benefits of jasmine tea? Great benefit and minimal harm is noted in pregnant women from taking such a drink.

During pregnancy

Jasmine tea during pregnancy can be drunk if the pregnancy proceeds calmly in an established rhythm. It is allowed to drink a drink containing caffeine one cup a day. This will in no way affect the health of the child and mother. The drink is not recommended if the baby is very active, so that the heartbeat does not increase. In such cases, it is better for pregnant women to refuse drinks containing caffeine.

To date, a huge range of green tea with jasmine is presented, it is produced by many brands, such as Green Dragon, Greenfield, Ahmad and others. In our country, Greenfield and Green Dragon tea are popular. Greenfield Tea and Green Dragon Tea are both loose and bagged. Greenfield tea is produced according to a special technology that is known only to the manufacturer and its secret is passed down from generation to generation. Only the best quality buds and leaves are selected to make Greenfield tea. Greenfield tea in its assortment offers different varieties, each of them has a unique taste and delicate aroma.

The health benefits and harms of jasmine tea depend primarily on the quality of the drink and the knowledge of when to limit its use. The ability to properly brew jasmine tea will help make the drink exquisite. The medicinal properties of jasmine, its composition, description, indications for use in various diseases, use in cosmetology, especially during pregnancy, the choice of jasmine tea - all these issues should be studied before use.

What is jasmine

Jasmine is an evergreen plant with fragrant flowers. It is often confused with mock orange. The mock orange flowers are larger and with numerous bright yellow stamens. Jasmine has only 2 stamens, they are hidden in a long corolla and are almost invisible. The main difference lies in the fact that jasmine is a tropical plant and cannot grow in the open ground of middle latitudes, unlike the frost-resistant garden "jasmine" (mock orange). Jasmine comes in white, yellow and pink. Plant height - from 1 to 3 meters. The fruits are inedible. Some species bloom all year round. In a temperate climate, the plant is grown in residential premises, greenhouses, greenhouses.

The chemical composition and calorie content of tea with jasmine

  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins (in leaves);
  • vegetable proteins;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Most of these beneficial substances pass into jasmine tea. Provided that the plant is brewed not with boiling water, but with water +80 ° C.

The calorie content of jasmine tea is 1 kcal per 100 g.

The health benefits and harms of jasmine

Jasmine officinalis with white flowers is used for medicinal purposes.

Attention! All parts of the plant have beneficial properties.

Jasmine has on the human body:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • antispasmodic;
  • tonic;
  • general strengthening action.

Jasmine has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, is used in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia and chronic bronchitis. It is used in ophthalmic practice. Normalizes the emotional background, improves mood. Jasmine infusion helps with varicose veins and thrombosis. It is used as a prophylactic against stroke and oncology. Jasmine improves the condition in the treatment of neuroses, reduces anxiety, relieves psychological stress.

Attention! Indoors, the strong scent of jasmine can cause headaches.

People suffering from hypertension should be aware that jasmine increases blood pressure.

Jasmine essential oil is used in cosmetology, massage and aromatherapy.

Benefits of green jasmine tea

The healing properties of jasmine are also manifested in combination with green tea. The drink has a pronounced tonic effect. Stimulates brain function and physical activity. It is a natural antidepressant. Improves digestion.

Has antibacterial properties. Helps increase libido. Helps with chronic fatigue. Properly brewed, jasmine green tea is a vitamin, general health drink that provides health benefits when consumed wisely.

Is it possible to drink jasmine tea for pregnant and lactating women

Attention! During lactation, it must be borne in mind that green tea caffeine, along with breast milk, enters the baby's body.

This can cause hyperactivity and disturb the baby's sleep. You can drink jasmine alone or in combination with caffeine-free herbal teas.

The benefits of jasmine drink during pregnancy and lactation lies in its beneficial effect on the emotional and psychological state of a woman. Improves stress resistance and mood. Jasmine also contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels.

Tea with jasmine for weight loss

The benefits of jasmine tea for women are due to its healing and fat-burning properties.

Jasmine tea:

  • accelerates metabolism;
  • helps to cleanse the body;
  • reduces the level of "bad" fats;
  • improves bowel function.

Advice! Regular consumption of jasmine drink will help to remove extra pounds and make the figure slim and attractive.

How to Harvest and Dry Jasmine Flowers for Tea

Jasmine flowers bloom at night. They are collected at night or at dawn. At this time, the concentration of essential oils in flowers is maximum. Collect only healthy, undamaged by insects inflorescences. You need to try to pluck so that the petals do not scatter, and the flowers remain intact. Jasmine flowers are harvested both in full bloom and in bud.

As a container, you can use a wicker basket or a cloth bag made of cotton fabric. A regular clean pillowcase will do. Raw materials should not be compacted.

Before drying, the flowers, if necessary, are sorted out and cleaned of impurities. No need to wash. Lay out in a thin layer on paper. Stir periodically to ensure even drying.

You can use an electric dryer. The temperature regime must be set sparing: up to +40 ° C. Do not overdry. It is not recommended to dry jasmine flowers in the oven.

Important! Do not confuse jasmine with mock orange. We must remember that real jasmine does not grow in the middle lane in the open field!

How to make jasmine tea

Jasmine flowers look beautiful in a glass teapot. The water temperature should not exceed +80 °C. This will keep the vitamins better.

Jasmine tea can be brewed together with other medicinal plants. In this case, the health benefits will be greater. The readiness of tea is determined by the degree of opening of flowers and personal preferences for the strength of the drink. Jasmine tea can be consumed after a couple of minutes of brewing.

How much jasmine tea can you drink a day

To maintain health, it is necessary to drink enough liquid during the day, avoiding dehydration of the body. The average rate is 2 liters per day, but you should focus on individual needs. Jasmine tea quenches thirst well and saturates the body with useful substances.

Important! With a quick brewing method for 1-2 minutes, a drink with jasmine can be drunk as much as they drink regular tea a day.

Jasmine Facial Tea

Jasmine flowers soften when brewed and can be used to benefit the skin by preparing a cosmetic face mask. Flowers should be kept in hot water for several minutes. Then they need to be chilled.

To prepare a jasmine mask for problem skin prone to inflammation, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Squeeze juice from half a lemon.
  2. Mix the juice with 2-3 tablespoons of cosmetic clay (blue, green or pink).
  3. Add jasmine infusion to the resulting mixture until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  4. Mash the jasmine flowers and mix everything thoroughly.

Keep the mask on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Use 1-2 times a week.

Important! It is impossible to allow strong drying of the clay and tightening of the skin.

This mask has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, improves complexion and removes fine wrinkles.

Harm of jasmine tea

With excessive use of strongly brewed tea with jasmine, the drink can provoke an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and lead to overexcitation of the nervous system.

Important! In some cases, the use of jasmine can cause seizures in epilepsy.

With diabetes, you need to drink jasmine tea with caution, as it can dramatically increase glucose levels. Pregnant and lactating women should also not abuse this drink.

Contraindications to drinking jasmine tea

It is recommended to limit or completely eliminate the use of jasmine tea in the following cases:

  • with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in case of sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • with a history of mental illness;
  • with allergic reactions.

How to choose and store jasmine tea

If you want to buy high-quality tea, then you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Don't buy tea bags.
  2. Read the composition and choose a product without artificial fillers in the form of dyes and flavors.
  3. Look at the price: good tea cannot be cheap.

Tea bags are convenient to use, but they contain few health benefits. They put waste from tea production and a lot of artificial additives. If such a product says: “jasmine tea”, then we are talking about a flavor, and not about natural jasmine.

Store jasmine tea in a tin or glass container.


The benefits and harms of jasmine tea are due to the biochemical composition of the drink and its value to the human body. The drink is ready quickly. It has a pleasant aroma. Jasmine flowers turn tea into an original product. The healing properties of jasmine are used in medicine and cosmetology. Tea brings health benefits when consumed in moderation, energizes the body and mind. It is a good alternative and addition to regular tea.

Adding fragrant jasmine flowers to tea on green fermented tea leaves gives it a unique taste and endows it with healing properties. It turns out an exquisite, delicate drink, which, according to folk healers, has incredible healing power. Our article is for those who love green tea with such an additive as jasmine. Consider its useful properties and contraindications, as well as the calorie content on this page of the Popular Health website.

The habit of diversifying tea drinks with the petals of this plant originated in ancient China. The healers were sure that such a product makes men strong and resilient, and allows the fair sex to reveal all their femininity. A real natural aphrodisiac, the use of which is a real pleasure.

Green tea with jasmine - benefits and harms

Useful properties of green tea with jasmine

This drink contains a large amount of caffeine. Thanks to this component, efficiency, vivacity increases, the work of the brain is activated. At the same time, you should not worry: it is in jasmine that the light form of this substance, theine, is contained. And this means that you can afford your favorite drink without the risk of acquiring cardiovascular disease.

The healing qualities of this product are due to its rich mineral and vitamin composition. 7% of the total number of components are minerals and a number of useful vitamins. Another 25% is allocated to vegetable proteins.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the nutritional properties of jasmine green drink. They are compared with the nutritional level of legumes. In addition, he is able to:

Improve blood circulation;

Normalize the digestive process;

Strengthen blood vessels;

Regulate the work of the nervous system.

The calorie content of green tea with jasmine is only 8 kcal, which means that it can be consumed with strictly limited diets. This tea is very good for weight loss. It has a sweetish pleasant aftertaste, so in most cases it is drunk without sugar. And the less sweet gets into the body, the faster the extra centimeters go from the waist!

It has antioxidant properties, quickly removes from the body all the toxins that accumulate there. Tea also promotes the breakdown of fats. With a complex combination with physical activity, it is possible to quickly put the body in order.

Green tea itself has similar cleansing properties, and the addition of jasmine to tea leaves enhances them several times. For youth, skin freshness and beauty, it is useful to drink such a composition at least once every day.

Relaxing effect: the amazing aroma of jasmine is given by the essential oils contained in it. They have sedative, relaxing properties, and give them a tea drink. The use of natural supplements, self-dried jasmine flowers, will achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. On the other hand, such tea can also have a tonic effect. If you drink a cup of such a product in the morning, then after a few minutes the body adjusts to a working mood, comes into tone, mental activity is activated, and blood pressure returns to normal.

Cure for colds: a truly healing infusion of green tea with jasmine helps with colds and their prevention. A lot of vitamins stimulate the immune system and increase the body's defenses.

Jasmine green tea has a beneficial effect on bowel function. It is useful in disorders and constipation, poisoning and overeating. In the heat, this is an effective remedy to quench your thirst and at the same time rid the body of the accumulation of excess fluid. Due to its diuretic properties, dehydration can occur, so drink it in moderation.

Jasmine green tea contraindications

The drink we are considering is not recommended for hypotensive patients. It lowers blood pressure and can be hazardous to health. You can not use it for gastritis and ulcers, as well as increased acidity of the stomach. An extra portion can adversely affect the heart rate, provoke a headache and even shortness of breath.

Bearing in mind the diuretic effect, people with diseases of the genitourinary system and impaired kidney function should be used with caution. A separate contraindication is the individual intolerance of the components.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have green tea with jasmine, nursing mothers?

The use of any remedy should be discussed with the attending physician. Jasmine green tea is no exception, despite its healing qualities. During pregnancy, it eliminates the feeling of nausea during toxicosis. It is easier for expectant mothers to endure transport trips - the drink relieves motion sickness.

Since the third trimester of pregnancy in almost every woman proceeds with edema, then just this tea is able to remove excess fluid. But do not abuse it before bedtime - insomnia is guaranteed. Caffeine, even in its mild form, is not the most beneficial component for the body during the period of bearing a baby.

Green tea with jasmine during breastfeeding is not contraindicated. But you need to monitor the reaction of the newborn. If, after drinking breast milk, the child behaves hyperactively, then a green drink should be excluded from the mother's menu.

Tea is a favorite invigorating drink for many. Its different varieties have a unique taste and aroma. But how often do you want to improve or add something in order to try something new. This is what happened with tea. Various cooking methods, all kinds of flavorings and additives have been invented. One of the popular types of such tea is green with jasmine. Some even believe that this is the only supplement worthy of a noble drink.

Aromatization methods

It should be noted that not all types that we consider tea with additives are. Let us consider in more detail the methods of flavoring a tea drink that are taking place.

  1. Adding natural herbs, flowers or fruits to tea leaves. With this method, the tea itself is not subjected to additional processing. The drink obtained from such a mixture acquires not only the aroma, but also some of the properties of the added plants.
  2. Perfuming- a method in which raw materials are dried during the preparation process along with various colors. A dryer with several circles is used, on which tea leaves and aromatic plants are laid out in layers (after one).
  3. Aromatization. With this method, tea leaves are simply treated with different flavors.

We will talk about jasmine tea obtained by the first method.

How to choose?

When buying, you should pay attention to the fact that the composition contains noticeable pieces of petals, then you can be sure that this is tea with additives, and not flavored or perfumed. Often, for the convenience of brewing, tea bags are purchased. In this case, it is almost impossible to determine what is inside. Not only jasmine, but also the tea itself may not be there.

Meanwhile, properly brewed real tea with jasmine is not only tasty, but also a healthy drink.


Most often, the drink is used as a tonic. This property is due to the presence of caffeine in the composition of tea. Indeed, a cup of aromatic drink can replace coffee in the morning, having an invigorating, but milder effect.

Green tea is obtained by preventing leaf oxidation during the drying process, while retaining a large amount of natural substances, including vitamins. The B vitamins present in its composition provide the most beneficial effect on the nervous system. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is even more in green tea than in lemon, helps to strengthen blood vessels. PP - nicotinic acid - prevents the occurrence of allergies. Tea also contains vitamin K, which is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and blood clotting.

The mineral composition of the drink is also rich. In particular, it contains iodine, fluorine and zinc necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Tannins, preserved in green tea in large quantities, determine the astringency of taste, astringent properties, promote digestion and cleanse the intestines.

In tea, there are up to 17 amino acids and more than 10 types of enzymes that are directly involved in metabolism.


Many people call jasmine the king of flowers because of its wonderful smell. The aroma of jasmine has a mild calming effect, reduces anxiety, irritability, and helps with insomnia. At the same time, it gives an emotional lift, harmonizes the sexual sphere in both women and men. It is an excellent antidepressant, relieves apathy and can even help with bulimia.

When added to tea, jasmine slightly softens its effect and has beneficial effects on the body:

  • perfectly tones and energizes for the whole day;
  • is a prophylactic agent for hypovitaminosis;
  • improves blood circulation and stimulates metabolic processes, contributing to weight loss;
  • having an antiseptic effect, it is able to suppress pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it can be used as a concomitant remedy in the treatment of intestinal infections;
  • has a vasodilating effect, can help with spasmodic headaches;
  • promotes emotional arousal, is considered an aphrodisiac.

In order for tea drinking to bring only benefit and pleasure, it is necessary to observe the measure both in the strength of brewing and in the amount of use. It is also desirable to know the features of your health.


It is not recommended to drink green tea for people with hypotension, because after a short jump in pressure, caffeine is quickly neutralized and the antagonist alkaloids contained in tea cause vasodilation and an even greater decrease in blood pressure.

The drink can be harmful to pregnant women, as the rapid removal of water from the body can aggravate toxicosis, although weak jasmine tea can reduce nausea. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

It is also better for a nursing mother not to abuse this drink, because the extractive substances from it with milk will be transferred to the child and can cause insomnia.

People with heart disease also need to be careful: green tea can cause arrhythmia.

But as practice shows, weak tea, if you drink it no more than 2-3 cups a day, does no harm to anyone. And in order to really get all the useful properties, it is important to brew it correctly.

Brewing methods

In this process, two main components must be present: tea and water. It is assumed that we will brew natural green tea with jasmine. What kind of water is needed?

First of all, it should not contain any foreign tastes and odors that can spoil the taste of the drink. So there should be no impurities. If only chlorinated tap water is available, it should be allowed to stand for several hours in an open container. Unsuitable is hard (with a high content of calcium and magnesium salts).

Great if you can use the water from the spring. The Chinese brought specially soft spring water from distant mountainous regions to make tea.

A good option is bottled water from the store. But when buying, you need to pay attention to the information indicated on the label to make sure that it is not poured from a regular faucet.

When brewing, do not use boiling water. In order for tea to retain all its properties and aroma, it must be boiled once and not hotter than 85 degrees.

Different cultures have their own tea drinking traditions. The most ancient, from where tea with jasmine came from, is Chinese.

The Chinese drink tea without sugar and without any additives at all, believing that this will spoil the taste of the drink. When brewing for guests, they use a faience, porcelain or clay teapot with a strainer, and for themselves - a gaiwan bowl with a lid slightly smaller in diameter than the top of the bowl. With this method of brewing, tea is infused for a short time, about 4 minutes, then poured or drunk directly from the brew vessel if a gaiwan was used.

Tea with jasmine can be poured a second time. To do this, about a third of the water should remain in the kettle. In this case, you need to withstand it for about 7 minutes.

The Russian tradition is characterized by tea drinking with two teapots. For green tea with jasmine is also quite a suitable way:

  • a porcelain teapot is poured with boiling water for heating (you can cover it with a napkin and wait a few minutes);
  • boiling water is drained and 5-6 teaspoons of tea leaves are put in the teapot;
  • hot water is poured to about half, and infused for about 5 minutes;
  • now the water is poured to the top, immediately poured into cups and diluted with boiling water to everyone's taste.

You should not cover the kettle with any heating pads - this will spoil the drink: the tea will overheat and, as they say, will acquire the taste of a broom.

To feel all the nuances of fragrant jasmine tea, the drink needs to be slightly cooled - to a temperature of about 75 degrees.

High-quality tea can also be added a second time, but immediately. If the tea left for another day, it is not worth pouring it again: there will be no benefit, but harm can be done. Tea should be brewed fresh every day. Permanent tea leaves can be used externally as an antiseptic and decongestant.

When is the best time to drink?

We must say right away that you should not drink at night, especially for those who suffer from insomnia. The most suitable time will be about half an hour after eating. Then it will be possible to fully feel the tonic effect of fragrant jasmine tea without harming your stomach.


It should be noted that tea, especially with additives, needs special storage conditions, as it easily absorbs odors and moisture. To avoid this, you need to store it in a dry place separately from other products, especially smelly ones, in a tightly closed porcelain or glass container. It is better if it is of a small volume in order to pour fresh tea there more often.

One important point: some sources recommend adding jasmine petals to tea yourself. Unfortunately, this delicate plant in mid-latitudes can only be found as a room culture and not so often. And the well-known shrub, which is often confused with jasmine, is called mock orange, and it was not at all about him.

If, of course, real jasmine flaunts on your windowsill, then add its petals to green tea for health, not even dried, but, as always, in moderation.

For information on how to brew green tea with jasmine, see the following video.
