
Roasted soy asparagus. How to cook frozen green asparagus: the secrets of preserving useful properties How to fry green asparagus in a pan

I discovered such a dish as fried asparagus only this year. Strange thing: for some reason, it never even occurred to me that it could be cooked in this way! The consistency is interesting - not soft, but quite dense. To taste - in my opinion, a slight bitterness is felt, but in such an accompaniment as in this recipe, it does not interfere at all - there are many other components with an intense and even sharp taste. But for a classic accompaniment like hollandieuse sauce, I would, say, still not recommend frying asparagus.

The overall flavor composition of the dish - in my opinion, somewhere with a bias towards Mediterranean cuisine. But I can’t say that it belongs to the sustainable dishes of a particular country.

For 300 grams of white asparagus, you need 6 cherry tomatoes, a little sweet bell pepper, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and some nuts (I have almond petals). Seasonings - balsamic, salt and pepper to taste and a few leaves of arugula or any watercress. Asparagus should only be first-class and fresh. Too thick asparagus with cavities inside, even if it is first class, does not fit here.

We clean the asparagus to the very head. There it should be visible from the brilliance of the core, to what height from the cut the shoot was dehydrated - there is a duller area at the base. We cut it off. If in doubt, cut off the bottom quarter.

If the stems are more than 1 cm thick, then halve them lengthwise. Thin - no need.

We fry the asparagus in a tablespoon of olive oil, first in a very hot frying pan, then on very low heat for 8-10 minutes. As we go, we flip. Salt at the end.

While the asparagus is roasting, heat another frying pan without oil and fry the nuts on it.

While the nuts are roasting, halve the tomatoes and chop the peppers.

We remove the nuts from the second frying pan, pour oil on it and fry the tomatoes cut down and the pepper over high heat. Salt at the end. Remove from heat at the same time as the asparagus.

We put fried asparagus, vegetables on a plate, sprinkle with nuts and arugula, pour over balsamic, pepper.

We eat hot food.

Many grow green asparagus (asparagus) in their garden, but not to eat it, but so that when it grows up, decorate bouquets with it. And in general, in the garden it looks very effective when it grows and fluffs up. But asparagus is very tasty and healthy, and there are special food varieties of asparagus that are considered a delicacy, but few people plant them in our area. Of course, decorative asparagus can also be eaten, but it is not so tender and tasty. Asparagus has a short season, and you can’t grow much of it, but you can try, especially since store-bought asparagus is very expensive and rarely found anywhere. You can cook your own or store-bought asparagus very quickly and tasty on the grill with garlic oil.

To do this, we take fresh bright green asparagus and garlic (despite the fact that the photo shows a whole head of garlic, we need only one clove for such an amount of asparagus).

We cut off the rough and thick bottom part of the asparagus - it will be tough and fibrous even when cooked. Although, I know that there are lovers of chewing this particular part, who believe that it is very useful for the body))))

Chop the garlic very finely or pass through a press. Pour a little olive oil into a grill pan and fry the garlic on it for only half a minute. Add some black ground pepper.

Dip the asparagus in this garlic oil and, stirring, fry over high heat for about five minutes. In the process, you can add half a teaspoon of coarse sea salt to the asparagus, or you can do without it if salty sauce is served with the asparagus.

Five minutes is usually enough for the asparagus to sear a little on the outside, become soft, but not change color from bright green to marsh and look too lethargic, but remain a little crispy inside.

Remove the cooked asparagus from the heat and serve on the table, adding some thick sauce. This time I had alioli sauce, but regular mayonnaise with garlic is also great for dipping this crispy and mouth-watering grilled asparagus in it)))

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT00H15M 15 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 100 rub.

Green asparagus is a rather expensive product, and if we decide to buy it and cook fried asparagus, then we want everything to be fresh.

How can you tell fresh asparagus from stale asparagus? And it's very simple. In the photo on the left - good asparagus, and on the right - already a little dried up, which is not good. Visually, everything is perfectly visible: the first one has a smooth stem, and the second one is slightly wrinkled, which indicates a lack of moisture, possibly improper storage conditions, and so on.

Unfortunately, whatever one may say, a few shriveled stems will be lost in our bunch. You just need to make sure that they are at a minimum.

We cut off a couple of centimeters of the tips of the asparagus. The ends are hard and even after heat treatment they will remain so, so do not feel sorry for them, feel free to cut them off.

According to the rules for cooking asparagus, a special pan is sold, narrow and long. Why exactly like this? The bottom of asparagus is firmer and takes longer to cook. But I rarely buy asparagus, therefore I manage without such a pan. You have to deviate from the rules and get out with a simple, most ordinary, but wide pan.

In advance, you need to boil the kettle, put the asparagus in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Cook for 5, at most 7 minutes. You can't digest it - it will fall apart.
If you don't have a wide pot, just cut the asparagus into 2 pieces. In this case, first throw the lower half, and after 2-3 minutes the upper.
Be sure to salt the water. Asparagus loves salt!

Peel and mince the garlic. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, toss in the garlic.

Drain the water from the asparagus and immediately throw it into the pan.
Fry for a few minutes over medium-high heat, gently shaking the pan, thereby turning the asparagus stalks.

Serve drizzled with lemon juice. It is possible that additional salt will be needed on top. Pepper if desired. For flavor, sprinkle with lemon zest. Another option for a change is grated hard, flavorful cheese.

It’s very simple, but it’s good for fried asparagus, you don’t need to overload it with flavors and long heat treatment.
Bon appetit!

If you are planning to add asparagus to your diet, but do not know how to cook it, then use one of the suggested recipes. Roasting asparagus is very simple - the plant cooks quite quickly. The main thing is to stew the stems a little, as they cook a little longer than the inflorescences.

This healthy plant contains a huge amount of vitamins. Asparagus helps to normalize blood pressure, improves heart function and is a recognized natural aphrodisiac.

It is more convenient to immediately fry the asparagus in a pan, but you can first boil it a little in a saucepan, and then fry it.

Asparagus does not have a pronounced taste, so spices or sauce are added to it. You can choose seasonings at your discretion - aromatic herbs (tarragon, rosemary or basil) and slightly tart spices (coriander, thyme) go well with asparagus. You can also always add universal garlic and pepper, and asparagus is especially good with sesame seeds.

Asparagus with egg sauce

You can fry green asparagus whole, or cut into pieces - they should be the same at the same time. In this case, vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) or butter is used. The latter allows you to get a characteristic crust.


  • green asparagus;
  • salt;
  • ¼ lemon;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • a pinch of black pepper.


  1. Rinse the asparagus, cut the skin from the stems.
  2. Cut off the base of the plant.
  3. If necessary, cut the asparagus into equal pieces.
  4. Pour a little water into the pan, simmer the plant for 5 minutes. During this time, the water should boil away. After that, add oil, fry the asparagus.
  5. While the asparagus is cooking, you can prepare the sauce.
  6. Prepare a water bath in advance - place a bowl on a pot of boiling water. Put butter in it.
  7. Add 3 egg yolks. Rub the ingredients with a spoon. Salt and pepper.
  8. Keep steaming, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Pour the fried asparagus with the prepared sauce.

Asparagus in cheese sauce with ham

You can roast frozen asparagus, but it is recommended that you thaw them at room temperature first. Add a smoky taste to a vegetable dish - ham will help with this.


  • green asparagus;
  • salt;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • 50 gr. hard cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • 50 ml. cream;
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 100 gr. ham.


  1. Clean the asparagus stalks and cut off the base.
  2. Separately, add the finely diced onion to the pan. Fry in oil.
  3. Add flour, fry again.
  4. Pour in the cream. Cook the sauce, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes.
  5. Grate the cheese. Cut the ham into cubes.
  6. Sprinkle ham over asparagus.
  7. When the sauce is ready, add the cheese to it - it should melt.
  8. Pour the sauce over the top of the asparagus.

Asparagus in mustard sauce

You can create a savory dish by adding mustard to asparagus. It can be an excellent side dish for a steak or served with a light vegetable salad.


  • green asparagus;
  • salt;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard;
  • tarragon.


  1. Rinse the asparagus, clean the stem and cut off the base.
  2. Put in a pan. Pour in some water and salt. Simmer for 5 minutes. When the water boils, pour in the oil, fry on both sides.
  3. Pour the oil into a separate container, add sugar and squeeze the garlic. Warm up. This can be done in the microwave. The garlic should soften. Then take it out of the oil and crush it to a mushy state.
  4. Add this garlic to the asparagus, mix it.
  5. Add vinegar, mustard and tarragon to the oil. Stir. Pour the sauce over the asparagus.

An unusual dish can be made from fried green asparagus, supplementing it with a sauce that will set the accents and turn the plant into a culinary masterpiece.

Fry the asparagus for 7 minutes over medium heat without a lid.

How to Roast Asparagus

Fresh green asparagus - 300 grams
Salt - half a teaspoon
Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
Garlic - 1 prong

How to Roast Asparagus
1. Clean the asparagus, cut off the rough ends.
2. Heat the pan, pour in the oil and roll it over the entire surface of the pan.
3. Peel the garlic.
4. Put the garlic in a pan, hold in oil for 1 minute and remove.
5. Put the asparagus in the pan and fry for 7 minutes over medium heat without a lid.
6. After frying, salt the asparagus.


The cost of fresh asparagus is about 600 rubles / 1 kilogram.

Calorie content of asparagus - 21 kcal / 100 grams. Asparagus is considered a low-calorie food.

When choosing asparagus, you need to pay attention to the elasticity and color of the vegetable. Young fresh asparagus - elastic fruits of pale green color of the same length and thickness.

The benefits of asparagus are due to the content of folic acid, which is why it is recommended for pregnant women. In addition, asparagus has a positive effect on the muscle tone of the digestive organs, and helps cleanse the body of toxins.

The shelf life of asparagus is 10 days in the refrigerator at temperatures of +3 - +7 degrees.
