
Matcha green tea how to brew. Japanese matcha tea: nutritional benefits of superfood

Recently, I began to regularly drink matcha green tea. This is not your typical green tea. Leaves for him are collected only once a year. Moreover, a few weeks before the harvest, the tea bushes are shaded to protect them from direct sunlight. Thanks to this, the leaves become softer and juicier, excess bitterness is removed from them. Tea from such leaves turns out to be sweeter, and the content of amino acids in its composition increases.

A distinctive feature of Japanese matcha tea is its form: it is obtained from dried young and tender tea leaves without veins and stems, grinding the powder in stone millstones. When preparing the drink, the powder partially dissolves in hot water, which increases the amount of beneficial antioxidants and vitamins in the content of this tea. If you know how to brew matcha tea, it will be much healthier than classic green tea.

Matcha is a rich source of antioxidants and polyphenols. One cup of matcha tea is nutritionally equivalent to 10 cups of brewed green tea.

There are at least 9 reasons why you should start drinking matcha:

1. Matcha is high in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are substances and enzymes responsible for fighting oxidation. In particular, they rejuvenate the skin and prevent a number of dangerous diseases.

Scientists have found that matcha contains 100 times more epigallocatechin (EGC) than any other tea. EGC is the strongest antioxidant of the four main tea catechins, 25 to 100 times stronger than vitamins C and E. In matcha, 60% of the catechins are EGCs. Of all the antioxidants, it is widely known for its anti-cancer properties.

2. Soothes

For over a millennium, matcha green tea has been used by Chinese Taoists and Japanese Zen Buddhist monks as a relaxing aid to meditate - and stay alert. We now know that this high state of consciousness is associated with the amino acid L-Theanine found in the leaves. L-Theanine stimulates the production of alpha waves in the brain, which cause relaxation without drowsiness.

3. Improves memory and concentration

Another result of the action of L-Theanine is the production of dopamine and serotonin. These substances improve mood, improve memory and concentration.

4. Increases energy and stamina levels

While green tea energizes us with its caffeine content, matcha gives us a boost of energy thanks to the same L-Theanine. The energizing effects of a cup of matcha can last up to six hours without causing nervousness or hypertension. This is good, clean energy!

5. Burns calories

Matcha green tea speeds up metabolism and helps the body burn fat about four times faster than usual. At the same time, matcha does not cause any side effects (increased heart rate, high blood pressure, etc.).

6. Cleanses the body

During the last three weeks, before the tea leaves are harvested, Camellia sinensis is covered from sunlight. This leads to a significant increase in chlorophyll, which not only gives the drink a beautiful bright green color, but is also a powerful detoxifier, able to naturally remove heavy metals and chemical toxins from the body.

7. Strengthens the immune system

The catechins in matcha green tea have antibiotic properties that support overall health. Plus, just one cup of matcha provides significant amounts of potassium, vitamins A and C, iron, protein, and calcium.

8. Normalizes Cholesterol Levels

Scientists aren't entirely sure exactly how matcha normalizes cholesterol levels. However, studies show that people who drink matcha regularly have lower levels of bad cholesterol and higher levels of good cholesterol. Men who drink matcha green tea are 11% less likely to develop heart disease compared to non-drinkers.

9. Has an amazing taste

Matcha is not only healthy, but also extremely tasty. Unlike many other teas that we often want to add sugar, milk, honey or lemon to, matcha is wonderful on its own. I tested this statement myself. I don't really like regular green tea, but matcha tastes different and is really nice to drink.

So brew a cup of matcha, sit back, relax - and enjoy the wonderful taste and benefits of this jade drink.

2. The use of matcha tea in cooking, cosmetology, medicine.

This powder is good not only for classic brewing. Due to the beneficial properties of Japanese matcha tea and its refreshing effect, it is appreciated and has applications in cooking, cosmetology and even medicine.

In some people who regularly consume this tea, the condition of the skin of the face noticeably improves, acne and other skin inflammations disappear. You can make ice from tea and wipe your face with it or prepare cosmetic masks based on tea powder.

In addition, matcha green tea powder is used to make ice cream, sweets, a variety of pastries and cocktails.

Due to its high content of beneficial properties, matcha tea is often used in the same way as dietary supplements. If you are attracted to the beneficial properties of this drink, but you do not want to drink it, you can buy matcha tea in capsules, or take it as a dry powder, 1 tablespoon per day. You can also add it to smoothies or juices.

A number of studies have demonstrated the ability of matcha tea to increase physical endurance by 24%.

Regular or occasional use of matcha tea will definitely increase your tone, even if you do not take part in a marathon. There are already quite a lot of loads in our life, whether it is a deadline for an important project or unscheduled business and trips.

A surge of energy and strength will always come in handy.

3. How to brew matcha tea.

In order to prepare this drink, you need to take half a teaspoon of matcha and put it in a special large low cup - matcha jiawan. Then heat mineral or spring water to 70-80 degrees, pour it into the match-jiawan and beat the drink until a small foam forms with a bamboo tea whisk.

I don't have a whisk or a special cup, but I get along just fine without them.

In order to brew matcha according to the classic recipe, you need to remember that its brewing is different from brewing regular green tea.

Matcha tea, depending on preferences, is brewed in two ways: koycha (strong) and ledge (weak). The difference is only in the dosage. For a serving of strong tea, you need 5 grams of tea per 80 ml of water. For weak tea - 2 grams of tea per 50 ml.

4. Contraindications.

Despite the obvious benefits of matcha tea, one must also remember that drinks containing caffeine (and all green teas belong to this category of drinks) are not recommended to be consumed later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Scientists have also found that green tea leaves contain lead, sucking it up from the air in plantations. If 90% of the lead from the classic green is emitted along with the leaves, then matcha tea, which is drunk with the leaves, enters our body along with all the lead contained in its leaves. This does not mean that you should completely abandon the use of this tea, however, you should not get carried away with it, drinking more than one or two cups a day.

5. How to choose matcha tea.

  • When buying matcha tea, first of all, you should pay attention to the color: it should be bright green.
  • You should also give preference to organic types of tea.
  • It must be remembered that real, high-quality green tea is not a cheap pleasure, no need to try to look for matcha tea at a small price.

If we are talking about Japanese tea, then we mean, first of all, high quality green tea - black tea is not produced in the Land of the Rising Sun. There are not as many Japanese varieties as Chinese ones, but they are all very different and are valued in many countries of the world. Matcha (matcha) is a fine powder of quality tencha green tea. According to tradition, a portion of the tea leaf is ground on millstones immediately before tea drinking. He ground, brewed and drank. Although not everything is so simple. “He brewed and drank” - this is purely European - on the go and in a hurry.

Matcha tea is a traditional drink for tea ceremonies. And this, as you probably already heard, is a whole action that does not tolerate fuss and haste. We cannot repeat this, and we should not even try to portray the Japanese at the tea ceremony.

Useful properties of Japanese matcha tea

The unique production technology allows us to talk about matcha tea as one of the healthiest drinks in the world. Matcha tea contains ten times more nutrients than a regular tea leaf, and this amount of antioxidants cannot be found in almost any product. Due to the special composition of Japanese matcha tea, you do not need to throw away the tea leaves when drinking it. It is drunk in crushed form without a trace - this is the whole usefulness of the drink. So, the main advantages and properties of Japanese matcha tea:
. Strengthening immunity;
. Promotes concentration of attention, improves the efficiency of memorization, perception of information;
. It is a strong antioxidant, which even ginger, spinach, blueberries cannot be compared with;
. Lowering blood cholesterol, strengthening the cardiovascular system;
. Neutralizes the effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin, slowing down its aging;
. Matcha tea increases energy expenditure (thermogenesis), so it can be used in a weight loss diet program;
. Prevents the appearance of kidney stones and sand in the gallbladder;
. The properties of matcha tea are like a powerful energy drink. It is very curious that on the islands of Okinawa, where the highest quality teas are produced, including matcha, life expectancy reaches 90 years.
About such a disease as varicose veins, the locals do not even suspect. Doctors say that successful prevention is the key to the health of the population - the benefits of Japanese matcha tea give results.

Composition of matcha tea

Everyone knows about the nutritional properties and benefits of ordinary green tea, but compared to matcha tea, it noticeably loses. Half a teaspoon of this Japanese tea contains 289 mg of protein, while the usual one contains just over 3 mg. which brings great benefits to the human body. In terms of impact, one cup of matcha is equivalent to 10 cups of high-quality green tea.

How to brew matcha to get the most out of it?

To brew matcha means to mix or beat it well in hot water. You can make tea in a light or more concentrated form. Weakly brewed matcha is called “usucha” in Japan, and strong matcha is called “koicha” - it all depends on the amount of water and tea leaves.

Dishes for brewing matcha (matcha):

Measuring cup to accurately measure the amount of water

A bowl for brewing tea - tyavan (let it be ceramic or porcelain)

A measuring bamboo powder spoon, called chasaku, in which 1 g of tea powder is placed. You can also take a teaspoon, but keep in mind that two measured bamboo chasaku are equivalent to one teaspoon.

A strainer through which tea powder is sifted to remove lumps. You can use a chasaku (measuring spoon) to grind powder lumps in a strainer.

Bamboo whisk - chasen (required, otherwise the match will not work)

Preparation of usucha (weak tea):

Pour 2 g (two measured spoons) of tea leaves into a pre-warmed and wiped dry bowl and add 70-80 ml of hot water (80 ° C).

Mix thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps and tea leaves on the walls of the bowl. You can whip into foam, you can not beat - at will or in accordance with a certain tea tradition.

Usutya - bitter in taste, bright green in color, not thick in texture. This is a democratic tea, it is usually drunk without strict formalities in the circle of family or friends (as part of everyday tea culture).

Preparation of koycha (strong tea):

The dishes are heated, as for any brewing, but the tea vessel must be dry.

The powder is taken twice as much - 4 g (4 scoops or a full teaspoon).

Water will need 50 ml.

The mixture must be stirred with slow rotational movements. If the technology is maintained, the koitha will turn out to be thick and viscous with a sweetish-tart taste, with a beautiful, rich green foam on top. Koycha is the drink of tea ceremonies.

Since matcha (matcha) is not common in taste - with bitterness, astringency, it is customary to serve national sweets - wagashi for tea. They are eaten before tea.

With any type of matcha (matcha) brewing, tea is drunk along with ground tea leaves, which is the key to its usefulness.

How to Brew Matcha Tea Properly

Use of matcha (matcha) in cooking

Matcha powder is used both for making tea according to a traditional recipe, and as an additive to various drinks and dishes.

When added to other teas and culinary dishes, matcha enriches them with a vitamin complex, giving a fresh aroma, taste and greenish tint.

The well-known drink "Latte" is made with brewed matcha, sugar and milk.

Matcha ice cream is not only original in appearance, but also much healthier than usual.

Matcha powder can be added to baked goods, syrups, jellies, mousses, desserts, coffees, smoothies, etc.

Wonderful sauces for meat dishes can be prepared using wonderful green matcha powder (matcha).

Matcha (matcha) in cosmetology

To prevent caries and treat gums, matcha is added to tooth powder or paste.

Matcha powder is added to creams and soaps.

To improve and cleanse the skin of the face, masks are made from matcha powder.

To eliminate acne and blackheads on the face, masks are also made using additional ingredients.

Weakly brewed matcha is used for washing and rubbing the face.

Happy tea!

Matcha is Japan's most popular green tea and is traditionally used in tea ceremonies. This is not quite an ordinary tea, in the sense to which we are accustomed. It is not twisted leaves of a dark color, but a green powder. Its pleasant taste and health benefits make it a favorite among drink lovers.

Matcha tea was brought to Japan from China 900 years ago by the Zen Buddhist monk Eisai. In China itself, he was gradually forgotten. But in the Land of the Rising Sun, they loved him and brought the cultivation technique to perfection. Now it is the most popular and favorite drink among the Japanese, who appreciate it for its beneficial properties.

Tea bushes, after the appearance of green leaves, are covered with a special canopy for a certain time before picking. This is done in order to avoid direct sunlight, which will slow down the process of photosynthesis and increase the content of chlorophyll and amino acids. That is why the leaves are dark green.

The entire tea production process is done by hand. The youngest leaves are removed from the bushes, from which matcha green tea of ​​the highest quality is obtained. After that, they are steamed and dried. Then stems and veins are removed from the leaves, and the rest is ground into a fine powder. This is where the name comes from: matcha tea literally means “pulverized”.

Benefits and contraindications

Matcha tea (as the name sounds in Japanese) is a source of vitamins A, C, E, K and a whole complex of vitamins B. In addition, the drink contains potassium, calcium, fluoride, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium and unique amino acids L-theanine and theophylline. It is rich in super-antioxidant compounds including polyphenols, catechins and chlorophyll, as well as dietary fiber.

The uniqueness of Japanese tea is that all useful substances enter the body. If tea leaves are usually thrown away, in matcha the powder is drunk with the drink.
Due to its unique composition, matcha tea has medicinal properties:

  • Helps strengthen the immune system.
  • 1 cup of this tea contains 10 times more antioxidants than any other green tea. They fight free radicals and have anti-aging properties.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol levels.
  • Stimulates metabolism and promotes weight loss. According to studies, drinking tea increases the percentage of fat burned during exercise by 25%.
  • Japanese matcha tea cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Matcha tea is the best coffee substitute. It simultaneously gives energy, helps to concentrate, calms the mind and improves mood.

There are no serious contraindications to the use of such tea. But you should never rule out individual intolerance or allergies.

How to brew

Matcha tea is prepared in two ways: usutya (weak) And koicha (strong). For cooking you will need:

  • ceramic or porcelain brewing bowl (tyavan);
  • measuring bamboo spoon (chasaku) - 1 g of powder is placed in it;
  • bamboo whisk (chasen);
  • a sieve through which the powder is sieved. Lumps can also be removed with chasaku;
  • measuring cup.

Japanese matcha is brewed with fresh water only. Do not fill it with boiling water: after boiling, pour water into a measuring cup and let it cool for 5 minutes.

  1. At this time, heat the brewing bowl, filling it about 1/3 with hot water, soak the tips of the whisk in it, then the tea powder will not stick. After the chawan has warmed up, drain the water and dry it.
  2. Sift 2 scoops (2 g) of usucha powder or 3-4 (equivalent to 1 teaspoon) of koichai powder into the bowl through a sieve. If you pour tea without using a strainer, the drink will come out with lumps.
  3. Now slightly cooled water (70-80 ° C) from the measuring cup is gradually poured into the bowl: 80 ml for usutya and 50 ml for koit.
  4. Take a whisk and mix the water with the powder. The method of mixing also matters. If you are cooking usutcha, beat the mixture well until small bubbles appear on the surface. For koit, it is enough to mix the mixture with a whisk with slow rotational movements without foaming.
  5. Pour the drink into a cup and enjoy its refreshing taste and deep aroma.

Usucha is brewed for normal daily use, has a slightly bitter taste and a thin texture. Drink no more than two cups at a time. For preparing koycha, the resulting mixture resembles honey in thickness and has a milder and sweeter taste compared to usutcha.

The difference in taste is due to the fact that more expensive matcha from the leaves of tea bushes, which are more than 30 years old, is used to make koycha.

Other applications

Matcha is often used to make confectionery, chocolate, and ice cream. It is added to lattes or cocktails. It has the ability to give products an unusual jade color and a unique taste.

Due to the huge amount of antioxidants, it has found wide application in cosmetology. Matcha helps slow down the aging of the skin and protects it from ultraviolet radiation. It also has excellent anti-cellulite and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used to make homemade masks, scrubs, add to cosmetics.

Matcha is many times healthier than other green varieties. This is the only tea in which the leaf is completely dissolved in water. It gives all its benefits, which ensures the maximum benefit from natural components.

photo: depositphotos.com/Madllen, eskymaks, eAlisa

The content of the article:

Matcha (matcha) is a "pounded tea", an amazing, tonic drink with unique properties. It is made from the leaves of a special variety of tencha tea grown in the shade. The drink is considered purely Japanese, although it was brought to Japan from ancient China. It belongs to the category of green teas, but differs from its counterparts in its properties, method of cultivation, production and use.

Description and composition of matcha tea

Highly valued in Japan, matcha tea, unlike any other, gradually gained popularity in Europe and North America. Experts say that it prolongs youth, improves health, metabolism, gives vigor, improves mood. The powder version is especially useful, since in this case the tea leaves are completely absorbed.

Matcha has a rich history and deep spiritual meaning. The ancient drink "came" to Japan from the Celestial Empire and was used at first by Buddhist monks as a means of facilitating meditation. Since time immemorial, it has been considered in the Land of the Rising Sun a magical, healing, most valuable drink. In China, they say about him "It is better to drink green tea than to take medicine."

Elite tea is harvested only once a year. Before collecting the leaves, the plant is closed for 2 weeks with a special mesh material that protects it from direct sunlight. Thanks to such maneuvers, it accumulates useful amino acids, by slowing down the process of photosynthesis, it acquires a rich green color, retains a special sweet, oily, oceanic taste and aroma.

The collected tea leaves are steamed, straightened, hard veins are manually removed from them. After that, it is dried, then ground with granite stones into the smallest powder.

The best Japanese matcha tea is made from the leaves of the first harvest. Gourmets unmistakably guess it by taste and smell. The taste of a high-quality drink is slightly sweet, rich, silky. Bitterness is a sign of a bad product or the result of incorrect brewing with boiling water.

Not only a drink is prepared from matcha powder, it is added to desserts, used in cosmetology and medicine.

The beneficial effect of tea on the human body is explained by the high content of antioxidants and polyphenols in it. Antioxidants are substances that prevent the oxidation process. Studies have shown that there are 137 times more of them in matcha tea than in regular tea, and 10 times more of other nutrients.

The composition of matcha tea impresses with its nutritional value. To be convincing, let's compare the content of each nutrient in half a spoonful of powder and in a cup of regular green tea.

Matcha tea contains the following nutrients (biologically significant elements):

  • Squirrels. They are the main building material for cells. In half a spoonful of powder, there are 289 mg of them, while in a cup of green tea - only 3.35 mg.
  • fibers. They are very important for a balanced digestion. Matcha tea - 0.31 g, regular tea - less than 0.01 g.
  • Calcium. Needed to strengthen teeth, bones, increase metabolism (3.25 mg vs. 0.05 mg).
  • Iron. It increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, it is important for the whole organism as a whole (0.17 mg, and in a cup of green tea - less than 0.01 mg).
  • Potassium. Responsible for the proper organization of the muscular system, supports proper metabolism (21.6 mg versus 0.45 mg).
  • Vitamin C. Its presence has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, prolongs its youth, helps to strengthen the immune system (matcha - 1.6 mg, green tea - 0.1 mg).
In addition, tea is replete with various vitamins and microelements: A, B1, B2, B6, E, P, fluorine, magnesium, zinc, iodine and many others. It contains more beta-carotene than carrots and spinach by several times.

Scientists have found that matcha contains 60% of the antioxidant epigallocatechin. It is the most powerful among the 4 tea catechins. It is 100 times more in this tea than in any other.

Important! Matcha is not easy to find, its price can be shocking, but it is worth remembering that cheapness is a signal of counterfeit. If you decide to try a real Japanese miracle, and not the usual green tea, ground into powder, then get ready to purchase it seriously.

Useful properties of matcha tea

The unusual technology of preparation, aimed at preserving all the valuable properties in powdered green tea, has put it among the most useful drinks in the world. Shade-grown, tender and juicy tea leaves are as powerful as several cups of regular green tea.

When brewing, most of the useful elements of tea remain in the leaves, the matcha is drunk all without residue due to the powdered state. From this follows a logical conclusion about its increased benefits for the body, the ability to fill it with life-giving force.

The main positive properties of matcha tea are as follows:

  1. Is a powerful antioxidant. Exceeds in its effect all generally recognized leaders with antioxidant qualities (blueberries, prunes, blackberries, broccoli, cabbage).
  2. Increases immunity. Strengthens the body's ability to resist diseases due to internal reserves. Matcha tea is a natural antibiotic. Thanks to this and a large amount of vitamins A and C, a person becomes healthier.
  3. Activates the brain. It is especially effective during periods of intense mental activity. Promotes concentration, quality of perception of information, concentration and at the same time relieves nervous tension. Japanese students liked to drink tea before active classes and exams.
  4. Increases thermogenesis (by 40%). Stimulation of energy consumption is useful for anyone who wants to slightly correct the figure. They drink matcha tea for weight loss because it promotes fat burning without harming the body. This is the difference between matcha and other similar products (green coffee, ginger). In the tea itself, the number of calories is close to zero.
  5. Slows down the skin aging process. Neutralizes free radicals, softens the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, increases its protective abilities, resistance to environmental negativity. It is considered an elixir of youth and health due to its high content of antioxidants and polyphenols.
  6. Lowers blood cholesterol. Experts note that the level of "bad" cholesterol decreases, the level of "good" increases in those who drink matcha tea regularly.
  7. Reduces the chance of cardiovascular disease. Men are more prone to these ailments than women. Doctors note an 11% decrease in the tendency to heart disease in men if they are fans of matcha tea.
  8. Increases energy, endurance. Moreover, unlike coffee and other energy drinks, it increases the level of clean energy, without excitement and pressure increase. This state lasts up to 6 hours after a cup of matcha green tea. It contains almost no caffeine, the energy effect is achieved due to L-Theanine.
  9. Prevents the appearance of stones and sand in the kidneys. The increase in chlorophyll in the plant when shaded makes it bright green in color and a powerful detoxifier in nature. The beneficial properties of tea are aimed at cleansing the body as a whole. Heavy metals and toxins are naturally removed from it. Therefore, the kidneys, liver, gallbladder are protected from clogging by harmful deposits.
  10. Possesses anticarcinogenic properties. Suppresses the formation of cancer cells. This happens due to the content in tea of ​​a significant amount of vitamin C and polyphenols (EGCG catechins).
  11. Calms, relieves stress, uplifts mood. A valuable substance in the composition of tea L-theanine provides the production of dopamine and serotonin. Natural amino acid helps to cope with stress, despondency, promotes relaxation, peace, emotional stability.
  12. Other properties. It is difficult to overestimate the value of green Japanese matcha tea. Doctors cannot explain many of its features, but note the variety of its positive properties. In addition to the above, it is capable of much more: it prevents the development of varicose veins, relieves hangover syndrome, normalizes blood pressure, protects teeth from caries when added to toothpaste.
On the islands of Okinawa, the highest quality teas are grown and produced. Matcha tea is one of the most elite among them. Residents of the area where it grows practically do not get sick, their average age is approaching 90 years. Researchers believe that green matcha is the main reason for this.

The Japanese have set up mass production of matcha tea, in vacuum packages it goes to hypermarkets in all countries. The shelf life of the powder is one year. It should be stored away from sunlight and dampness, in a well-closed container, so the oxidation process can be avoided.

You can buy matcha in specialized tea shops, tea shops or on the Internet, for example, on the AliExpress website (Ali Express).

Important! The main rule for preparing a powdered drink is to maintain the optimal temperature of the water for brewing. It should not exceed 80 degrees. It is enough to wait 5-7 minutes after boiling water. Otherwise, the taste of tea and some of its healing properties will be lost.

Contraindications for taking matcha tea

Powdered green tea is an exception drink from its analogues, giving all 100% of its precious properties. There are still contraindications and warnings for its use. If we weigh the benefits and harms of matcha tea, then its many beneficial qualities will undoubtedly outweigh the possible harm many times over.

First of all, keep in mind that matcha tea contains caffeine. But its action is softer, not causing palpitations, a sharp increase in pressure, arousal, like other products rich in caffeine. Still, you should refrain from drinking matcha before bed. Ideally, drink it 4-6 hours before bedtime.

Another even more serious problem is the lead content in teas grown in China and Japan. The leaves of the plant absorb lead from the polluted environment. If in other varieties it mainly (90%) remains in the leaves thrown out after tea drinking, then the powder is consumed completely, along with lead.

These reasons should not induce you to completely abandon such a valuable drink. But they still should not be abused, limit yourself to 1-2 cups per day.

How to choose matcha tea

Matcha tea is "golden" in terms of cost and composition. Therefore, we must learn to choose the original, not a fake.

First of all, when buying, pay attention to the following details:

  • The color of the powder should be a unique bright green hue, because of which it received the name "jade drink".
  • Stop your choice on a product grown without the participation of chemistry, that is, organic.
  • Matcha powder should be very finely ground, without coarse inclusions.
  • Beware of low priced tea. Real matcha costs in the range of $20-50 for 30g.
  • Give preference to Japanese, not Chinese tea. It is in Japan that it is of the highest quality, since there are the most favorable natural conditions for its growth.
To cook it in a classic way, you need to purchase a set of special devices:
  1. Measuring cup for accurate determination of the amount of liquid;
  2. Bamboo spoon "chasaku" measure 1 g of powder (in a teaspoon 2 chasaku);
  3. Strainer for filtering the drink, to remove possible lumps;
  4. Bamboo brush "chasen" for whipping tea into a thick mass;
  5. A wide bowl "dzyavan" for brewing a drink (porcelain or ceramics).
Many fans of an outstanding drink believe that you can completely get by with the usual home-made dishes. The main thing in matcha is to mix the powder well in the water. This powder is also added to various dietary supplements for weight loss, for example - for weight loss.

Features of making matcha tea

The preparation of a special matcha drink requires knowledge of the correct manipulations in this process. Its brewing is different from that of traditional green tea. Just a little green powder - and the usual drinks and desserts will take on an original look, a pleasant, unique taste.

How to brew Japanese matcha tea with milk

After completing the recipe, as a result you will get not just green tea, but an unusual latte matcha. Fans of the traditional drink will definitely appreciate its new taste - delicate, fragrant, with airy, lush foam and amazing color of the first spring foliage.

You will need: matcha powder - 1 teaspoon, hot water - 70 ml, any milk (of animal or vegetable origin) - 150-200 ml, sugar (honey, sweeteners) - in accordance with taste (although tradition does not recommend interrupting your own unique taste with sugar tea).

The algorithm for preparing latte match is as follows:

  • Pour a spoonful of tea with very hot water (but not boiling water). Pour the water slowly, while gently working with a whisk, achieving a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  • Bring the milk to a boil and beat with a whisk or in a blender for a minute, until a light foam forms on its surface.
  • Pour the milk into the tea in a thin stream. Add milk froth to each latte glass, pairing it with the tea froth.
  • Add your favorite ingredients to the drink - honey, sugar, cinnamon. Top with a pinch of powder.
Creamy-light green magnificent Latte-matcha is ready to use. The drink can be drunk cold by adding ice cubes.

How to brew matcha tea with coffee

Coffee lovers can diversify the morning ritual by including a Japanese note in it and brew an original drink for vivacity - coffee with the addition of green tea powder.

You will need: - 3 g, high-quality instant coffee - 2 g, purified water - a glass, sugar - to taste.

Prepare matcha coffee according to the recipe:

  1. Boil and slightly cool the water.
  2. Mix both tea and coffee powders in a cup.
  3. Pour hot water into the cup in a stream, whisking the drink continuously with a whisk.
  4. Add sugar to your coffee if necessary.

How to make matcha cream frappe tea

Cozy Japanese cafes serve a delicious, healthy milk drink - matcha cream frappe tea. It is not difficult to cook it yourself and please adults and children.

You will need: matcha powder - 6 g, milk - a glass, ice cream without additives (vanilla) - 50 g, ice - 3-4 pieces, sugar, whipped cream to taste.

How to make dessert:

  • Place ice cubes in cold milk.
  • Add matcha powder and sugar to the milk.
  • Beat everything with a mixer.
  • Garnish the drink with a scoop of ice cream and whipped cream.

Good to know! Powdered tea is used not only for drinks. With it you can cook delicious, beautiful and healthy desserts: ice cream, fresh juices, muffins, cakes, cookies, cocktails, smoothies, mousses, puddings. It goes well with mint, lemon, fruit juices and dark chocolate. It can be practiced as a natural food coloring in baking.

How to drink matcha tea

You can drink the drink in different ways. It all depends on how matcha tea is prepared. It can be a traditional tea ceremony or a tea party in a simple way, with friends.

According to the tradition adopted in Japan, powder from dried tea leaves is prepared just before use, in much the same way as coffee. But the order adopted in Europe “ground - brewed - drank” does not work here. Everything is not so simple. Matcha tea does not tolerate fuss.

We, most likely, will not be able to repeat exactly all the actions of the Japanese during the tea ceremony. But since matcha went far beyond Japan and gradually penetrated the cafeterias of the whole world, one should still know the intricacies of drinking an Asian drink.

There are two ways to drink matcha, depending on the strength of the drink:

  1. No formalities. Tea "usutya" - weakly brewed. This is a democratic drink for everyday life. You can drink it without any conventions in the company of loved ones. It is prepared without the use of special devices, from 2 g of powder and 80 ml of hot water. Cooking utensils must be clean, dry and warm. It is not necessary to beat with a whisk, but you can if you want. The taste of tea is bitter, the color is rich green, the texture is not thick.
  2. Tea ceremony. Tea "koycha" - strong. Such a drink is prepared directly during the tea ceremony. To brew it, the amount of powder is doubled - 4 g per 50 ml of water. Tea must be whipped with a special bamboo or ordinary whisk (permissible with a mixer or blender). Do it slowly, carefully breaking up all the lumps. "Koitya" has a thick, viscous mass, like candy. The taste is sweetish-tart, with a pleasant bitterness. Before it, sweets are usually served - national "wagasi" or dried fruits.
Any matcha is drunk slowly, in small sips, along with tea leaves. Before swallowing, the drink should be held in the mouth for a while. So all its taste and healing properties are better revealed.

How to brew Japanese matcha tea - look at the video:

Matcha tea is not just a newfangled, stimulating drink. Just one cup a day instead of coffee and other types of tea, and a person gets a charge of vivacity, “clean” energy, mental clarity, longevity, a feeling of youth and health.
