
Pickling cucumbers for the winter "Crispy" - a cold way to pickle cucumbers. Salted cucumbers with tomatoes

Pickled cucumbers (in cold water)

Pickled Cucumbers

These delicious pickles can be eaten immediately, when they are slightly salted - lightly salted, and you can prepare jars of cucumbers for the winter - putting them in a refrigerator or a cold cellar for long-term storage. Then in winter you will have very tasty pickles.

Cucumbers are poured with cold water, stand under plastic lids and infused warmly until the brine becomes cloudy. The use of cold water for salting is convenient for those who harvest cucumbers for the winter in the country, where there is no hot water and conditions for canning. I have been salting cucumbers with this simple recipe for decades. We love them very much at home.

This recipe for pickling cucumbers is very convenient when there are a lot of cucumbers, you can close many jars at once and eat 1 lightly salted, and send the rest to a cold place before winter.

What you need based on a 3-liter jar

  • Cucumbers (how much will go in);
  • Horseradish root - 1 root 5-10 cm long;
  • Tarragon (tarragon) - 1-2 branches;
  • Dill - 1/2 bunch;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Currant or cherry leaves - 3 pieces;
  • Brine - 1.5 liters per 3-liter jar (but it is better to prepare 2 liters of brine, just in case it suddenly spills or precipitates).

Brine proportions for pickling cucumbers

The ratio of water and salt: 1 liter per 70 g of salt (that's 2 heaping tablespoons).

Salt for brine should be without additives, ordinary.

Cucumbers soaked in water before pickling

How to pickle cucumbers with simple salting

Prepare cucumbers, herbs and jars for pickling

  • Wash cucumbers and soak for 3-4 hours in cold water.
  • Wash three-liter jars well with baking soda or dish detergent and rinse well. Then pour boiling water over them.
  • Wash and cut greens. Horseradish clean and cut into chips. Peel and crush the garlic or cut into small pieces.

Put cucumbers with spices in jars

The procedure for laying cucumbers in jars: put horseradish and 2/3 greens and garlic on the bottom. The first layer of cucumbers. A little greens and garlic and again a layer of cucumbers. When all the cucumbers have entered the jar - fall asleep from the remnants of herbs and garlic.

Prepare pickle pickle

  • Pour tap water or spring water into a saucepan ( we agreed that we will prepare for a 3-liter jar of brine with a margin, so we need to take 2 liters of water). Mix salt well in water (4 heaping tablespoons per 2 liters of water) and let stand. Do not drain the sediment that will turn out at the bottom into the cucumbers (discard the sediment).

Close up jars of cucumbers

  • Pour brine over cucumbers.
  • Cut out a circle from white paper (in size to fit into the neck of the jar). Put the paper on top of the cucumbers. Subsequently, mold will collect on it, which we will remove.
  • Close the jar with a clean, dense plastic lid steamed in boiling water (and the microbes are killed and the lid expands for a while, and then, having cooled down, it compresses the glass tightly and hermetically, clogging the jar).
  • Turn the jar upside down and let it stand upside down for 12 hours at room temperature. Then return to its original position and wait until the brine becomes cloudy.

Ready-made jars with clouded (pickled) cucumbers, which were moved to the refrigerator for storage

Putting spices in jars
I put a piece of horseradish leaf, cherry leaf, currant, tarragon, garlic, dill, hot pepper, thyme, cloves, black peppercorns and bay leaf
Filling cucumbers with jars

Jars of cucumbers before filling with brine

Cover cucumbers with paper
Now you need to cover the jars with hot plastic lids
Turned upside down

Pickling cucumbers in the first 12 hours takes place in inverted jars.

Salt cucumbers

In today's issue, we continue the theme of preparations for the winter. Previously, we considered . Crispy cucumbers!

We decided to continue the topic and show you the simplest recipes for pickling cucumbers. And for those who find it difficult, we have prepared step-by-step photos and a description. We are sure you can do it!

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars with vinegar per 1 liter jar?

For pickling cucumbers according to this recipe, you need to take:

  • Cucumbers - 600 g
  • Peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1 l
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dill, currant leaves, cloves

We start by preparing all the ingredients, laying out. Soak cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours.

Now let's prepare the spices. We clean the garlic, wash the greens, and then put it all on the bottom of the jar.

Now we take cucumbers and put them tightly in a jar. Now boil water and pour cucumbers with it. We keep them in boiling water for 10 minutes, drain the water, boil again, pour it and keep it the same for 10 minutes.

After that, pour the water into the pan, add salt, sugar and boil. As soon as the brine boils, pour it into jars. Add vinegar and roll up jars with lids. After that, turn them upside down, cover with a towel and set to cool.

As soon as the jars have cooled, we remove them for storage.

Salt cucumbers in a cold way

Pickling cucumbers in a cold way is good first of all for those who take up such a thing for the first time. Here you can not roll up the jars, but close them with plastic lids.

  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • cold water - 1.5 liters
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.
  • dill

We start by soaking cucumbers in cold water for two hours. At this time, prepare the brine. We put salt and sugar in water, boil and set to cool.

My greens, cut it coarsely. We clean the garlic and put it all at the bottom of the jar

Now we put cucumbers in jars and fill them with cold brine.

We close the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, the cucumbers will become lightly salted, and then salty.

Pickling cucumbers with citric acid in a 3 liter jar

for a 3 liter jar we need:

  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • horseradish leaf - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • dill

brine for 1.5 liters of water:

  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • citric acid - 1.5 tsp.

Wash the cucumbers well and cut off the tips on both sides. We put greens, garlic, spices in a jar and tightly lay cucumbers. Fill with bottled water and leave for 15 minutes. Then we drain.

Prepare the marinade: add all the necessary ingredients to the water and boil. Then pour the hot brine into a jar and roll up the lid. Turn the jars over and leave to cool. After everything has cooled down, put it away for storage.

Salt cucumbers in their own juice

Wash cucumbers for pickling, dry, peel garlic. We choose large cucumbers and three of them on a grater.

We take a jar and put spices on the bottom. Dill, garlic, pour a tablespoon of salt and add some grated cucumbers.

Add another layer of cucumbers, then again grated, again a layer of cucumbers and grated again - and so on to the very top.

At the very top we put grated cucumbers, a spoonful of salt, a clove of garlic and close with a leaf of horseradish.

We close the jar with a plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator.

How to salt cucumbers with simple salting (regular recipe)

This is an easy pickle recipe for beginners.

Take the following ingredients:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5 Kilograms
  • Peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Horseradish leaves - 2-3 pcs.
  • Dill
  • Salt - 150 Grams

We prepare everything you need for salting. My cucumbers and cut off the tips on both sides.

We take a three-liter jar, put horseradish leaves on the bottom, you can also put currants. Next, put the dill, garlic and lay the cucumbers tightly.

Pour a glass of salt on top and pour cold water. Close with a plastic lid and leave for a couple of days.

After this time, pour the brine into the pan, boil and pour hot back. We roll up the lid and remove to cool.

Everything, our pickle is ready.

Even more recipes:

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients.

First you need to sterilize the jars. I do this in a preheated oven. up to 100-120 degrees. Banks must be clean and washed before this. I keep them there for about 15 minutes. Then I clean the garlic, horseradish root, cut it into small pieces, wash the cherry and horseradish leaves under cold water. Cucumbers are also carefully washed, I try to choose the same size so that they lie better in a jar. I pour boiling water and soak in cold water for 2-3 hours. I cut the ends with a knife - this is necessary so that they are better saturated and excess air comes out.

Step 2: We are engaged in laying cucumbers in jars.

We lay the cucumbers tightly so that there is no space between them. I leave the jar up to the neck about 5 centimeters. Because, absorbing the brine, the cucumbers will then be without part of the marinade. Between the cucumbers and on the bottom we lay horseradish and cherry leaves, garlic cloves and horseradish root. Be sure to dill at the bottom and an umbrella on top of the cucumbers.

Step 3: Pour in the marinade.

We prepare the marinade from cold well water or spring water. If one is not at hand, then in the store you can buy bottled. Well, or, in extreme cases, boil and cool the water for pouring. Add table salt and a tablespoon of sugar. All this is mixed and poured into a jar. On top, you can add a leaf of horseradish and 2 tablespoons vodka. Close tightly with plastic lids. Cucumbers from this will acquire a peculiar taste and will be stored longer. You can salt, of course, without vodka, but then the cucumbers will ferment, and they will taste like barrel ones. You choose whichever you like.

Step 4: Serve cold pickled cucumbers.

I advise you to serve cucumbers in any porridge and potatoes, it is especially pleasant to use with fried meat. Suitable for any salad and for making pickle. Enjoy your meal!

If you make a recipe without using vodka, then my advice to you is to drain the brine in a couple of days, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve, boil in a saucepan, cool and return to the jars. You can even roll up, such cucumbers are no longer afraid of anything. And one moment, when you drain the brine, note that the cucumbers may decrease in volume. I do not advise adding or shifting from other jars, because after pouring the brine back, they will take their previous volume.

You can also use the so-called "home distilled water". Freeze in the freezer, then let thaw. You will get very good quality water.

Pickling cucumbers using the cold method is undoubtedly the easiest way to harvest this vegetable. No can keys, boiling pickles and exploding cans. We offer some excellent proven recipes on how to pickle cucumbers in a cold way.

Pickled cucumbers "Fragrant"

The components are designed for a 3L jar. Take as many cucumbers as you like (usually 1.5 kg).


  • cherry leaves (5-7 pieces);
  • horseradish leaves (2-3 pieces);
  • multi-colored peppercorns (to taste);
  • dill (3-4 umbrellas);
  • salt (3 tablespoons);
  • garlic (4 teeth).

Carefully place cucumbers in a jar, alternating with leaves and spices. Dilute salt in a glass of water, pour into a jar and top up with clean water to the top. Leave to wander for 3-4 days and clean in the cold.

How to pickle cucumbers in a cold way with vodka: cucumbers "Under the degree"

The recipe is called so because a strong alcoholic drink is used - vodka. It is believed that this ingredient gives an unusual taste, allows you to maintain a bright color and promotes long-term storage.


  • cucumbers (how much will go in);
  • cherry leaves (5-6 pieces)
  • horseradish (20 g of leaves or root);
  • dill (2-3 umbrellas);
  • garlic (2-3 teeth);
  • vodka (50 g);

Lay in 3l. a jar of cucumbers, shifting them with leaves and gradually adding spices. Pour cucumbers with saline solution. At the very end, add vodka.

Pickled cucumbers "With a secret"

The secret in this recipe is the combination of two ingredients: mustard and oak leaf. Their presence in brine makes cucumbers firm and crispy. Recipe for a 3L jar.


  • cucumbers (how much will go in);
  • chili pepper (1 pc.);
  • any peppercorns (to taste);
  • oak leaves (5-6 pieces);
  • dry mustard (1 tsp);
  • horseradish leaves (3-4 pieces);
  • garlic (3 teeth);
  • dill (2-3 umbrellas);
  • hydrochloric solution (1.5 liters of water and 3 tablespoons of salt).

Pour cucumbers with spices with a solution. Wait for fermentation, put in a cool place.

Quick Pickling Crispy Cucumbers

Now I will talk about all the nuances of quick preservation of cucumbers in a cold way. Everyone will decide for themselves which canning recipe to use, but I advise you to experiment and try to harvest cucumbers for the winter, both classic pickling and unusual cooking options.

For a 3-liter jar, we need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg cucumbers
  • 1.5-2 liters of water
  • 90 g salt
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 4 things. top of dill
  • 2 horseradish leaves
  • 8 leaves of currant, cherry and oak


Before you start salting, you need to prepare the jars by washing them with water and baking soda. Leaves of horseradish, currant, oak and cherry are laid out on the bottom of the jar. Then lay the cucumbers vertically - so they are evenly salted. Cover with more leaves and add the peeled garlic cloves. Be careful with garlic: a large amount of it will make your cucumbers soft, without the characteristic crunch and elasticity. We tamp the jar with cucumbers to the top.

Preparing the brine:

Heat 750 ml of water and throw in the salt, when the salt has dissolved, add another 750 ml of ice water and pour the cucumbers with the resulting brine.

It is advisable to close such cucumbers with a plastic lid, which, when lowered into boiling water, swells and tightly closes your canned cucumbers.

After 1 month, cucumbers closed according to this recipe can be served at the table.

Advice for newbies:

Add 50 g of vodka to the brine and your cucumbers will not lose their color.

Little tricks for successful pickling

Even in such a simple matter, there are little tricks, after learning which you will understand how to pickle cucumbers so that they are stored for a long time, turn out spicy and crispy:

  • choose cucumbers with thin skin and pimples;
  • in order for the cucumbers to be salted evenly, they should be approximately the same size;
  • It's best to trim the ends before cooking. If the cucumbers are purchased, then this way you will save yourself from the possible accumulation of nitrates in them;
  • cucumbers should be placed vertically in a jar;
  • you don't need to push too hard. Tightly beaten cucumbers will not crunch;
  • it is not recommended to put currant leaves in a jar when salting in a cold way, as they contribute to the formation of mold;
  • salt should be used ordinary rock, not iodized and not too fine, as cucumbers will be soft from it;
  • Ready-made pickles must be stored in a cold place, otherwise everything will be in vain.

Before pickling, we sort the cucumbers, wash them well and fill them with cool water for 4-6 hours. This is done in order to avoid voids inside the fruit.

We prepare jars simply: it is enough to wash with soda, it is not necessary to sterilize. After filling the jars, close them with lids and leave to ferment in a warm place. This process must be monitored and periodically topped up with new brine to the very top. Cucumbers that are not covered in brine can lose their elasticity and become moldy. Do not be afraid if foam appears and the brine becomes cloudy, this is a natural fermentation process. Over time, the liquid will brighten and the foam will disappear. Due to such active processes, the brine may leak, so it is better to put something under the jars. Cucumbers should be cleaned in a cool place as soon as the brine becomes cloudy.

In order to understand how to pickle cucumbers in a cold way, it is enough just to do it once, following all the recommendations and carefully following the recipe.

There are many ways to pickle cucumbers. They differ in the proportion and composition of the brine, a set of spices and spices.

Crispy pickles are an essential part of our winter menu. They are used as a snack and as an ingredient in many dishes. Therefore, in the piggy bank of a good housewife there are always a couple of proven recipes with which pickling cucumbers for the winter gives a guaranteed result. Let's get acquainted with them in order to adopt a useful experience.

Modern hostesses use more than one recipe for preservation for the winter in their kitchen. It is difficult to single out one of them, since completely different approaches to the process can produce the same excellent result - the cucumber will look appetizing, but it will surprise you with its taste and “brittleness”.

These fruits are preserved both whole and sliced, with and without vinegar, in a hot way and not only. If you choose a recipe without adding vinegar, then this is pickling cucumbers for the winter. Depending on the chosen technology, it can take from three to ten days. Although there are quick ways to prepare pickles, which you should definitely get acquainted with.

What is attractive pickled crispy cucumbers? They retain their juicy color, which even in the photo can cause appetite and a desire to crunch. In the classic version, you need to ferment vegetables in a barrel: in this case, they acquire such a taste and aroma that cannot be confused with anything. However, culinary specialists have come up with more than one simple recipe for making pickles in ordinary jars, since living in an ordinary apartment there is nowhere to place a barrel.

Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked in water.

The traditional way of making pickles

To prepare cucumbers for the winter, which will look very appetizing in the photo, and at the same time have excellent taste, we recommend using the following recipe. It can be considered a classic way of preparing pickles, since vegetables must be kept in brine, without canning, for three to four days. But in general, housewives do not have to spend a lot of time on harvesting.

So, first you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • intact fresh cucumbers;
  • pepper "Spark";
  • garlic;
  • leaves of herbs and shrubs, spices for flavor to taste;
  • 100 g of salt (for 1 three-liter jar).

First you need to soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2-3 hours. Then they are thoroughly washed and cut off the ends. You can put spices and herbs on the bottom of the jars, choosing them to your liking.

Traditional is the use of dill stalks with seeds, horseradish and bay leaf. But you can safely experiment - the leaves of cherries and currants, walnuts and even reeds will make up the company of cucumbers.

We also send a piece of “Spark” pepper to the bottom. If you want to make the appetizer more spicy, then you can put a couple of peppercorns. Do not forget about a few cloves of garlic, which should be cut lengthwise into plates.

Now we put cucumbers in a jar, pour 100 g of salt on them and fill everything with ordinary cold water. It is necessary to tightly close the container and turn it vigorously several times so that the salt is stirred and dissolved. Now you can forget about cucumbers for 2-3 days.

During this time, the brine in the jar should become cloudy, and the fruits should change their color. By the way, you can notice that there is less liquid, as cucumbers eagerly absorb it. If the above changes have occurred in the banks, you can start canning.

You can store jars of pickles in the basement or pantry.

To begin with, shake the container with brine and cucumbers again so that everything mixes well. Now carefully pour the liquid into the pan, adding another 150-200 ml of water per jar. The brine must be boiled, after which cucumbers are immediately poured over them.

Now you can roll up the cans and turn them upside down. In this position, they will stand until completely cooled. It remains to find a place for jars with conservation - you can store them in the basement or pantry. In winter, cucumbers will be nice to put on the table to show off their culinary skills. If you want to see how experienced chefs prepare pickles, check out the photos and videos where the process is recorded in detail.

Quick and easy salting for the winter

For preservation in this hot way, you need to take the following components:

  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp vinegar 9%;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • carnation;
  • horseradish root;
  • allspice peas;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • dill;
  • currant leaves.

Ingredients are based on one three-liter jar. Do not be confused by the vinegar on the list: it is needed so that quick preservation does not “explode”. It will not spoil the taste at all, since we add a minimum of it.

Cooking begins in the same way as the traditional recipe provides - with soaking the fruit. After that, they are washed and cut off the ends. In a sterilized jar, you can put the ingredients. An onion cut into four parts, garlic cloves, spices and herbs are sent to the bottom. We lay the cucumbers tightly, pour them with boiling water. After ten minutes, pour the liquid into the pan, add sugar and salt, bring the brine to a boil.

Now pour the liquid into the jars. On top of each you need to pour a teaspoon of vinegar and immediately roll up. We put the jars upside down, wrapping them in a blanket, and after cooling we send them to the pantry. In winter, cucumbers can be served at the table with pride: delicious preservation will not leave anyone indifferent, and they will awaken your appetite even when looking at the photo.

Cold way: cucumbers "a la barrel"

Even if you do not have the opportunity to store a barrel of cucumbers at home, we are ready to please you: there is a simple recipe for pickling cucumbers in a cold way that can be performed in an ordinary apartment. Such a pickle is prepared quickly, but it must be stored in a cold place. If you do not have a basement, then you can put a couple of cans just in the refrigerator.

Let's prepare the ingredients first. For 2 kg of cucumbers, you need to take a couple of dill umbrellas, a few blackcurrant and cherry leaves, a clove of garlic and horseradish root. Of the spices, you will need peppercorns, salt - 75 g. Additionally, vodka is included in the recipe, which acts as a preservative. We take 1.5 liters of water per 3-liter jar.

No festive feast is complete without crispy and fragrant pickles.

Washed fresh fruits are poured over with boiling water, then soaked for a couple of hours in cold water. After that, it remains to put the vegetables in jars, adding spices and herbs between the layers of cucumbers. Now fill everything with cold brine, pouring 2 tbsp into each jar. l. vodka, and close with polyethylene lids. After a couple of days, the cucumbers will reach the standard, and you can store them for as long as this excellent cucumber snack is enough - as a rule, homemade ones “sentence” it very quickly.

If you have any questions, you can watch the video of the process of making pickles and get to work.

A winter harvest made in this way in the photo will look very beautiful - the vegetables remain green, as if freshly picked.

At the same time, they acquire a pleasant taste and aroma that awakens a brutal appetite.
