
Baking in the oven. What to choose: foil, sleeve or parchment? Simple dishes in the oven

It is advisable to place the tray with the dish in such a way that a small distance is maintained between the upper and lower shelves. This will help the food cook evenly. For cooking in an electric oven, it is recommended to use ceramic or cast iron cookware.

In an electric oven, you can cook fish, meat, poultry, confectionery and other dishes. It is advisable to preheat the oven to a certain temperature before cooking. This is especially important when baking bakery products.


What do you need:

  • 4 flounders
  • 350 ml sour cream
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 250 g hard cheese
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • zest of one lemon
  • salt and pepper - to taste
  • 1 bunch dill

How to cook flounder with tomatoes:

    Thoroughly clean and gut the flounder. Don't forget to remove the fins and tails. Then rinse the carcasses under cold water and dry with a paper towel.

    Take a deep bowl and mix the chopped dill and zest with sour cream.

    Put the fish on foil and grease with prepared sour cream sauce. After that, cut the tomatoes into circles and put them on top of the fish. Sprinkle with finely grated cheese. Wrap the fish in foil and bake in an oven preheated to 180°C. Cooking time should not exceed 30-40 minutes.

If you prefer delicious roasted pork, try cooking it with eggplant and tomato sauce.


What do you need:

  • 3 eggplant
  • 500 g pork
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 7 tomatoes
  • 5 eggs
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • 2 tsp provencal herbs

How to cook baked pork with eggplant:

    Rinse the eggplant, dry and cut into slices. Lightly salt and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse well and dry again. Drizzle eggplant with vegetable oil and place on a baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to 150°C for 25 minutes.

    Rinse the pork thoroughly and pass through a meat grinder. Fry the meat in a pan for 15 minutes. Do not forget to add salt and spices, and also stir the minced meat during the frying process. Otherwise, lumps may form.

    Peel and chop the garlic, and then put it in a frying pan greased with butter.

    Wash the tomatoes, peel them, cut into cubes and add to the garlic. Salt and reduce the garlic-tomato sauce a little. If desired, you can add a small amount of basil to the sauce.

    Let the mixture cool and carefully fold in the beaten eggs. Mix everything well.

    For further cooking, you will need a heat-resistant form in which you need to place eggplant and pork in layers. Top everything with enough homemade sauce. Place in the oven and cook for about an hour at 190°C.

    Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with fresh herbs such as basil before serving.

  1. Take pieces of meat without bones: tenderloin, loin, ham. What exactly to ask for your dish in the market or in the store, Lifehacker will tell you.
  2. A piece baked as a whole should weigh no more than 2–2.5 kg. Too big can burn around the edges, and not baked in the middle.
  3. It usually takes one hour to bake 1 kg of meat. But some types of meat require more time, and the temperature should be higher. For example, beef is tougher and more fibrous than pork, so a kilo can take an hour and a half to bake.
  4. To make the meat soft and juicy, use. For pork, mustard and honey are excellent, from spices - basil, garlic, suneli hops. Beef goes well with sweet and sour sauces and Provence herbs.
  5. Use ceramic molds or other heat-resistant utensils. When baking on a baking sheet, it is better to wrap the meat in foil or cover it with parchment.

1. Pork in French


Meat in French is an invention of Soviet housewives, which has nothing to do with the cuisine of France. Each family has its own signature recipe, here is one of the simplest and most affordable. The pork is very tender, and the potatoes are fragrant.


  • 1 kg of pork;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1 teaspoon chopped dried basil
  • 200 g of hard cheese;
  • sunflower oil for lubrication.


Wash, dry and cut the pork into medallions about 1 cm thick. If desired, the meat can be lightly beaten. Sprinkle each piece with salt and pepper. Let the meat sit for a couple of hours. If possible, let it marinate overnight, but in this case, keep it in the refrigerator.

When the meat is cooked, peel and cut the potatoes into thin rounds. Do the same with tomatoes. Cut the onion into rings.

Mix mayonnaise with basil. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

Grease a deep baking sheet or baking dish with sunflower oil. Lay out in layers: pork, onions, potatoes, mayonnaise, tomatoes, cheese.

Bake for 60 minutes at 180°C.


When the meat is marinated, thread it onto wooden skewers. Their length should be about 20-23 cm to fit in the jar.

Finely chop the remaining three onions, put on the bottom of a three-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. It is important that the jar is dry, without cracks and flaws. Add liquid smoke and line meat skewers inside. Will fit about five or six pieces.

Seal the neck of the jar with foil. Place the jar on the oven rack. The oven must be cold. Then set the temperature to 220 ° C and bake for 1.5 hours.

Wrap the jar in a dry towel (wet glass may break), remove from the oven, place on a wooden cutting board and let cool slightly. Then remove the foil and carefully remove the meat skewers.

Ovenware for the oven is not limited to one iron pan - the choice in stores is now huge, you can even get lost in all this diversity: cast iron goose, ceramic pots, glass baking sheets and silicone baking dishes ... What to take? In order to choose really your dishes, you need to have a good idea of ​​what exactly you will cook in it. Let's start with the oven.

Cast iron

Cast iron cookware will last for many, many years and will not require special care. You can wash it with any means, including abrasive (it is not afraid of powder or soda, and even metal scrapers). You can store cast iron pans one in the other - they will not be scratched. Cast iron heats up quickly, but cools slowly and gives off heat gradually, so the dish turns out to be heated evenly and after turning off the oven it will keep the temperature longer. Food in cast iron cooks faster, retains all the taste properties and does not burn, moreover, cast iron becomes saturated with oil over time and improves its non-stick properties.

The only downside is that it's very heavy.


Heat resistant glass is very popular now. And deservedly popular, because the dishes in it look beautiful, they do not burn, the hostess can easily assess the degree of readiness, since the glass form is transparent. In addition, glassware is easy to wash, it is quite durable, that is, it will not break with a small impact, but you still need to be careful and avoid collisions with heavy metal objects. In addition, glassware is microwave-safe and can be stored in the refrigerator.

Precautions: Avoid sudden changes in temperature. When heating the oven, it is better to heat glassware with it, do not put a hot dish in the refrigerator, this is detrimental to both the refrigerator and the dishes. And you can’t use glass for cooking on the stove, unlike cast iron.


Another favorite of our kitchens. Ceramic cookware is ideal for simmering and slow-cooking dishes. Its walls warm up evenly, they allow air to pass through, which slowly circulates through the oven and inside the dish itself, ensuring perfect heating and gentle cooking. A slow cooking method retains quite a lot of useful substances in foods, vitamins are not destroyed. Another plus: the dishes look very nice, and they can be served on the table, even to guests. And for some dishes - for example, roast in pots, this method is preferable.


They make it out of it. They are easy to use, it is easy to remove the finished product from them, the silicone is easy to clean. This form can be used both in the oven and in the microwave, it can be used to freeze food, make jelly and portioned ice cream. In addition, silicone will never break, in general - solid pluses.

But not all housewives willingly use silicone molds, especially those made in China, they are afraid that these products can be dangerous to humans, although manufacturers are confident in the absolute safety of their products.

Steel with non-stick coating

It is quite comfortable, lightweight and durable. But the walls are thin, so it heats up and cools down quickly, not even too uniform heating is possible. This cookware is much inferior to its counterparts in terms of preserving useful substances in products, but it is easy to use, it can be put in a preheated oven, unlike glass and ceramics. There is one inconvenience: it must be washed carefully, without abrasive products and hard sponges.

Types of dishes:


Long gone are the days when the word cocotte immediately presented a metal cup with a handle. Nowadays, they can be ceramic, glass, and even cast iron. They make Benedictine eggs, small portioned casseroles.


In Asia, it is very popular, and Russian culinary specialists are gradually discovering tagine. This is a frying pan with a high conical lid, in which you can cook food without adding fat and water. The secret is that steam condenses in the upper part of the lid, and then it flows down the walls in the form of water drops. It turns out that all dishes are prepared in their own juice, with a small amount of salt and spices. Therefore, each product "sounds" in the tagine very brightly and naturally.


The classic one is cast iron, but now there are many caterpillars made of other materials, such as glass and ceramics. Traditionally oval to fit the goose well. In a goose dish with a tight lid, dishes stewed in the oven, various types of roasts are excellent, if it is cast iron, then it can be used for cooking and on the stove.


So far, a rare guest in our kitchens is a rectangular terrine. This is a special dish for cooking foie gras and French casseroles with bread - meat loaves. Also tasty in it are baked meat and fish. Usually terrines are made of ceramic or cast iron, and in addition, they have special holes for a thermometer, which allows you to carefully monitor the temperature inside the dish.

baking sheet

Each oven contains a regular metal baking sheet. This is the very first dish that we meet when we start cooking in the oven. It perfectly turns out pies and kulebyaki, meat and fish are fried without sauce. But this classic baking sheet has many drawbacks: a thin bottom, no walls. Even for ordinary baking, a baking sheet with a thick bottom, glass or ceramic, is best suited, in which the cake is baked more evenly. And for roasting meat, it is better to have a baking sheet with a grate at the bottom and special grooves for collecting meat juice.


Usually a round saucepan with a lid, two handles and a grate at the bottom. It is convenient for baking various products, as well as for making all kinds of casseroles, if you remove the grill. Braziers are very different: cast iron, ceramic, glass, steel.

Vegetables in a pot

1 eggplant

1 bell pepper

5-6 potatoes

1 carrot

1 onion

50g mushrooms


salt pepper


Step 1. Rinse the eggplant, cut into cubes, put in a colander and cover with coarse salt. Rinse under running water after 15-20 minutes. Let drain.

Step 2. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes. Peel the carrots, cut into strips or grate on a coarse grater. Mix potatoes with carrots and salt.

Step 3. Finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Add eggplant and diced peppers - fry until almost cooked.

Step 4. Spread in a pot in layers: a layer of potatoes with carrots, a layer of eggplant with onions and peppers. So alternate layers until you run out of space in the pot. Sprinkle each layer with a little salt and seasoning. Place fried mushrooms on top.

Step 5. Pour in water so that the vegetables are almost covered with liquid, put in the oven and simmer until tender.

Peasant Terrine

3 tbsp chopped basil

1 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp cognac

250 g minced pork

250 g minced veal

Pepper and salt to taste

1/4 tsp ground coriander

1 pinch ground cloves

1 bulb

1 tbsp butter

100g veal liver

100 g bacon

2 bay leaves

Step 1. 1 st. l. basil mixed with olive oil and cognac. Mix with minced meat and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Step 2. Fry the onion in butter. Then add minced meat to it, in which you first put salt, pepper and coriander.

Step 3. Cut the liver into small pieces.

Step 4. Lay out the form with thin slices of bacon. Put half of the stuffing on it. Above the liver. Sprinkle with the remaining basil. Lay out the rest of the stuffing. Place bay leaves on top. Lay out the bacon. To cover with a lid.

Step 5. Preheat the oven to 160 C. Place the terrine dish in a large casserole dish half filled with hot water. Bake 1 hour 45 minutes.

Step 6. Cool in a water bath. Remove cover. Press with a wooden plank so that the shape does not become convex. Remove excess fat.

cabbage lasagna

6-9 leaves of young white cabbage

600 g minced meat (pork + beef)

150-200 g mushrooms

4 tomatoes

1 medium onion

2 garlic cloves

150-200 g hard cheese


Vegetable oil for frying

Salt, freshly ground pepper,

Sour cream for serving

For milk sauce:

1 small onion

3 tablespoons flour

700-800 ml milk


Salt and freshly ground pepper

Step 1. Wash cabbage leaves and boil in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes until soft. Drain in a colander and let excess liquid drain.

Step 2. Wash the tomatoes, cut in half and grate on a coarse grater, discard the skin.

Step 3. Finely chop the garlic, finely chop the onion, and cut the mushrooms into slices, wash the herbs, dry and chop.

Step 4. In a frying pan with oil, fry the onion, salt and pepper it, then add the garlic, fry a little, then put the chopped tomatoes. Stir, bring to a boil and simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Step 5. While the sauce is simmering, heat a little oil in another pan and fry the minced meat in small portions. Salt the mince, pepper, add herbs to it and mix.

Step 6. Fry the mushrooms in butter and mix them with minced meat. Then add everything together to the tomato sauce.

Step 7. Prepare milk sauce. Peel the onion and finely chop. Fry it in butter. Add flour to fry.

Step 8. Mix everything and pour in the milk. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for a few more minutes until thickened. Then salt, pepper and put a piece of butter.

Step 9. Grease the bottom and sides of a baking dish with oil. Put a few cabbage leaves on the bottom, grease them with milk sauce, then lay out part of the meat filling, sprinkle with grated cheese, brush again with milk sauce. Repeat the process until you run out of filling. The last layer is cabbage leaves with milk sauce and grated cheese.

Step 10. Bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 C.

Modern progressive housewives should not be reminded once again that stewed and baked dishes in the oven are much healthier than fried ones. And tastier - that's a fact! But the opinion that cooking in the oven comes down to “set - closed the door - ready”, erroneously, because this, like any other culinary process, has its own subtleties.

We will teach you oven tricks that will take your cooking to the next level. How to determine the operating temperature without a thermometer, how to protect a dish from burning, how to ensure uniform baking - you will find answers to these and other important questions in this article.

Rules for cooking in the oven

Warming up
Turn on the gas oven 10 minutes before cooking, the electric oven 25 minutes before. Set the required temperature.

Prioritize cooking at medium temperature. Let it take more time, but keep the taste of the products. The desired golden crust can be obtained by briefly increasing the temperature at the beginning or end of baking.

To determine the temperature in the oven without a thermometer use the old trick. Turn on the heating, put a white sheet of paper on a baking sheet for a few minutes. If after 30 seconds it will be slightly yellowed, in the oven 100-120 degrees. A bright yellow color indicates a temperature of 170-190 degrees. If the paper becomes brownish, the temperature is 190-210 degrees.

The middle rack of the oven is the best option for cooking most dishes in the oven. At the very bottom, as a rule, a baking sheet with water is installed, if the recipe requires it. On the top tier get a golden crust.

Even roasting
Do not move the baking sheet close to the back wall of the oven. In order for hot air to circulate freely in the oven, there should be a gap of 2-3 centimeters between the baking sheet and the back wall.

Sleeve, foil or paper
Foil, sleeve-film and parchment are used to ensure that the dish bakes evenly and prevents burning. Parchment is usually placed on the bottom of the baking sheet to prevent fragile items from sticking. The sleeve is used to preserve juiciness and provide a special microclimate during long-term roasting of large meat cuts or a whole bird carcass. Foil covers almost any dish, from casseroles to complex meats, to reduce cooking time and ensure even baking.

Rock salt will help reduce the heat in the oven: pour about 1 kg of salt onto a baking sheet and place on the lower tier.

Important subtleties

  • Cook vegetables at a higher temperature but for less time. Turn off the oven when the vegetables are al dente, then leave them in the cooling oven for a while.
  • When baking cakes and muffins, do not open the door repeatedly to check the readiness of the product. Wait for the required time, let the cake rise. This applies to any kind of dough, not just yeast!
  • Cooking in the oven involves cooking in a ceramic dish at a low temperature at the start and an amount of water that completely covers the ingredients.
  • Stewing - on the contrary: a well-heated oven before cooking and a small amount of water.

Meat baked in the oven in a whole piece is an incredibly tasty dish! There are many different ways to prepare it, and each method gives the meat unique flavors and aromas. Roasting meat takes time, so in most national cuisines, housewives do it for festive feasts. Hot freshly cooked meat is simply a masterpiece, but even when cold, this dish is simply unrivaled as a cold appetizer, a component for sandwiches and salads.

MYASNOV offers you a few tips and principles that will help you get a brilliant result: tender, aromatic meat of your favorite degree of roasting with or without a crust.

So, the main conditions for success when roasting meat are:

  • selection of a suitable piece of quality meat,
  • comfortable utensils,
  • the choice of temperature and cooking time, suitable for your piece of meat, taking into account the characteristics of your oven.

Everything else - spices, herbs, marinade, filling, gravy - these are matters of personal taste, and we will also briefly talk about these nuances. Experiment with each roasting experience, try something new, write down your observations - and you will discover your favorite combinations!

How to choose meat?

For baking in the oven, soft parts of the carcass are suitable, but not flat, but voluminous - it is better to fry flat ones in a pan or grill in the form of steaks. Large, soft pieces with little internal fat bake best.

If you prefer beef, for baking in the oven MYASNOV recommends that you choose the meat of young bulls, namely roast beef - a thick edge of the dorsal muscle located closer to the neck. The meat of young bulls is high-quality beef up to 3 years old. In young bulls, the meat is softer and juicier than in an adult animal, and it cooks faster. And unlike veal, the meat of young gobies has already accumulated all the useful substances necessary for proper human nutrition.

If you want to bake pork, choose ham fillet. This is his inner, most tender part. It is best to use bacon pork - lean tender meat with a thin layer of pink bacon, which is considered the most valuable.

Planning to cook roast lamb? Choose a short. Due to its softness and tenderness, it is just an ideal cut for roasting.

It is important that there are no films, veins in the selected piece of meat, there is no excess fat (a small amount does not hurt), that is, the meat must be butchered conscientiously and with high quality. Otherwise, you will have to do a rather complicated and painstaking job of preparing a piece for baking.

Culinary cutting of MYASNOV involves professional cutting of the carcass and careful processing of each piece, so neat pieces, cleaned of bones, veins, cartilage and films, are delivered to the store shelves. You just have to choose what you want to cook and follow the recipe exactly.

If you have any questions about the choice of meat - consult with the seller, pay attention to the information indicated on the price tags and information posters, and you will certainly pick up the perfect piece for baking!

What is the best pan for roasting meat?

Cast iron baking sheets are ideal for this purpose: they are distinguished by excellent thermal conductivity and uniform heating. It is desirable that they have a non-stick coating. Try to choose heavy dishes with a thick bottom and sides 3-5 cm high. It is convenient when there are several baking sheets of different sizes in order to choose the best dishes for a particular piece of meat. In a pan that is too small, the meat will not fit completely, and boiling juice will pour over the edge, and on a huge pan, the juice of a small piece will spread and burn, and a good gravy based on it will no longer work.

Preparing meat for roasting

Wash the meat, let the water drain, dry the meat with paper towels. Rub coarse salt and spices into the surface of the piece, coat it with olive oil. If the meat is lean (for example, beef), it is advisable to add extra fat to it so that the meat remains tender when baked and does not dry out. To do this, create an artificial fat layer by “wrapping” the meat with slices of lard, bacon, or stuffing the meat with pieces of lard.

Dry, lean meat can also be baked in foil, plastic "sleeve", dough, grape leaves - that is, in an airtight environment where the piece will "languish" in its own juice. But we will consider in detail the basic version of baking - meat in a baking sheet.

Should you marinate meat before roasting? It's a matter of taste. Many believe that marinating meat is necessary in order for it to become softer - this is a myth. The meat will be soft if you choose the right piece and observe the optimal temperature regime. Marinate the meat if you want to give it a certain taste and aroma. To do this, place the prepared (that is, washed, dried, grated with salt, spices, stuffed with bacon, etc.) meat in a marinade prepared to your taste for about one day (the exact time depends on the recipe). After that, remove the meat from the marinade and bake.

Meat is an excellent material for the realization of culinary fantasies! Experimenting with toppings, sauces, marinades, as well as combining different types of meat with each other, you can create various rolls and bake them in the oven. To do this, take a piece of meat, the shape of which allows you to roll it into a roll. Salt, spread one side with mustard or sauce of your choice, lay out the filling (it can be anything - mushrooms, nuts, dried fruits, cheese, cereals, vegetables, greens), roll up and tie with a rope. Further actions are the same as when baking meat with a piece.

Want to cook something similar, but no time for culinary delights? Take advantage of the MYASNOV offer - meat for baking with various fillings, for example, marbled beef roulade with French mushroom sauce, Italian-style meat polpettone with ham and cheese, pork and beef roulade with spinach and suluguni raw materials. You just have to choose a dish to your taste and bake in the oven in accordance with the recommendations on our website.

...So, the product is prepared, and we come to the main thing: the heat treatment of meat - in our case, this is baking in the oven. Here the main thing is to maintain the optimal heating temperature and determine the time required for baking.

Temperature and time

To select the optimum temperature and roasting time, you need to decide what result you want to achieve: meat with a crispy crust or without a crust, with a delicate surface? Depending on this, baking will be either high-temperature and relatively fast, or low-temperature and, accordingly, longer.

high temperature method

In this case, the meat is placed in an oven preheated to 210-230 ° C and cooked for 10-30 minutes (depending on the size of the piece) until a characteristic crust appears, which “seals” the meat juices inside the piece and gives a delicious taste to the dish. The exact temperature also depends on the size of the meat. If you are cooking a piece weighing up to 1 kg and with little external fat, preheat the oven to 210°C. For a cut weighing more than 1 kg, you need to preheat the oven to 220-230 ° C.

After 10-30 minutes, lower the oven temperature to 160-170 °C. To cool the oven faster, open the door for 30-60 seconds. The time for the meat to simmer at this temperature may vary depending on the size of the piece and the degree of roasting you want to achieve.

At a temperature of 160-170 °C for a piece of meat weighing less than 5 kg for every 500 g you will need:

For meat weighing more than 5 kg for every 500 g at 160-170 °C, you will need:

full roastmedium rare"with blood"*
Meat of young gobies
20 minutes15 minutes10 minutes
Lamb MYASNOV20 minutes15 minutes10 minutes
Bacon pork
25 - 30 minutesIt is forbidden!It is forbidden!

* The degree of rareness "with blood" does not mean that the meat contains blood. There is almost no blood in the butchered meat, there is only juice, the red color of which is given by the protein myoglobin. Underdone, that is, consumed in the degree of readiness "with blood", you can only 2 types of meat: beef and lamb. Pork and veal need to be fried completely.

In addition to the data from the tables below, it is necessary to take into account several more factors that affect the cooking time of meat in the oven:

If you know that your oven is not heating up to the required temperature, but you want to get meat with a crust, you can do the following. Before sending the meat to the oven, it is necessary to fry it in a very hot pan until it is evenly golden and crispy. To do this, take a frying pan of a suitable size, heat fat in it - vegetable or butter or melted pieces of lard. When the fat in the pan starts to sizzle, place the paper towel-dried meat in the pan and fry it on all sides over high heat for 2 minutes on each side. After that, place the meat in the oven and bring to readiness at a temperature of about 160 ° C.

Low temperature method

Many believe that meat cooked at lower temperatures is much juicier. If you want to get tender, melt-in-your-mouth meat without a crust, choose a low-temperature method. The meat in this case should be baked at a temperature of 120 to 160 ° C (it is possible below 120 ° C, but not every oven maintains this temperature). The lower the temperature in the oven, the longer the meat should be baked. It is impossible to specify the exact time here, but you can use one of the proposed methods for checking the readiness of meat.

How to check the readiness of meat

The most accurate way to check readiness is to measure the internal temperature of the meat with a special cooking thermometer.

The internal temperature at various stages of readiness is as follows:

Keep in mind that even after the oven is turned off, the temperature inside the meat will continue to rise. Therefore, turn off the oven when a few °C remains inside the meat before reaching the desired temperature. If you want the piece to reach 71°C, turn off the oven at 65°C.

If you don't have a cooking thermometer, use the following method: Pierce the meat in several places with a knife or a cooking needle. The readiness of the dish can be determined by the color of the juice that flows from the meat when cut. If the secreted juice is cloudy or reddish, the meat is still raw. If the juice is clear, the meat is well cooked. Do not pierce the meat often, otherwise it will lose all the juices, which will badly affect its taste.

Finishing touches

After you have taken the meat out of the oven, let it “rest”: put it on a preheated plate (you can hold it in hot water and wipe it dry for this), cover with foil and put it in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. At this time, the meat will continue to cook due to the residual heat, and the juices will be evenly distributed throughout the piece.

And from the meat juice and fat left on the baking sheet, you can make a delicious gravy. Add some wine, water or broth to a baking sheet and place over low heat on the stove or in the oven at 180°C. Wait for the liquid in the pan to boil, and add 1 teaspoon of flour: scatter it evenly, mix with a spatula and reduce to the desired consistency. You can add vegetables and herbs to your taste in the gravy - onions, garlic, carrots, thyme, rosemary ... In this case, it is better that the vegetables are baked with the meat, and when preparing the gravy, they can be gently kneaded with a spatula. Before serving the meat, strain the gravy through a sieve into a small saucepan and boil for a few minutes.

Important nuances

When roasting meat, especially if you are using the high temperature method, it is important to be sure that your oven maintains the required temperature and does not “cheat” you. If possible, use a special thermometer to check the temperature in the oven. In this case, it may turn out that in order to achieve the optimal 220 ° C, it is necessary to set the oven regulator to 210 or 230 ° C.

  • Never put meat in an oven that is not heated to the desired temperature - all the juice will flow out of it.
  • If during baking it seems to you that the crust on the meat is about to burn, cover the meat with a sheet of foil.
  • There are several classic meat and spice combinations that you can use for a brilliant result:
