
Marinate chicken for the oven overnight recipe. How to marinate a whole chicken for the oven

Can be cooked in a variety of ways. If you intend to fry it, bake it in the oven or over an open fire, then be sure to use the marinade. It, depending on the ingredients, will give it piquancy, softness and juiciness. How to marinate chicken? We'll talk about this in this article.

Surely, many hostesses have their own. It will take a lot of time to list all the possible options. But still, there are marinades that most housewives and chicken barbecue lovers use. It is necessary that the spices and ingredients soak the meat and make it juicy and appetizing. How delicious to marinate chicken?

The simplest marinades are mayonnaise and ketchup. They are sold ready-made and are a great way to give chicken meat a richer flavor. You just need to sprinkle the chicken carcass or chicken pieces with pepper, salt and spread mayonnaise or ketchup on top. Use any seasonings you see fit. Such marinades will also give the chicken a beautiful crust.

Another way to marinate chicken is to use kefir. To do this, we take about 400 ml of kefir per one medium-sized chicken carcass. Add salt, oregano, pepper, paprika and basil to it. It is better to cut the chicken into pieces, so it marinates better. Fill it with kefir with spices and leave for about two hours. The finished chicken is tender and crispy.

There are a lot of chicken skewers out there. Despite the fact that this meat is very tender, it also requires pre-marination to give it a certain taste. Before, from the chicken, you need to decide on the marinade. For this, kefir mixed with seasonings and spices is also used. But there are other options as well.

You can take a little vegetable oil and lemon juice. It is not advisable to use vinegar, so we take lemon juice, which will give the meat the necessary acid. Also add pepper, salt and any spices you wish.

As a marinade, you can take olive oil and a little soy sauce. In this case, the use of salt should be moderate. Keep the chicken in the marinade for about 2-4 hours, no more.

How to marinate chicken in a more original way? Use a marinade with honey and fruit juice. To do this, take a tablespoon of good honey, a little (teaspoon) of soy sauce, salt, about three tablespoons of orange or pineapple juice and pepper. We coat the chicken meat with this mixture and leave it for two hours. It should be noted that during the marinating time it is necessary to mix the meat periodically. Thanks to honey, a beautiful golden crust forms during the frying process, but make sure that the meat does not burn.

Eggs are also used as a mixture for marinating chicken meat. A few eggs should be lightly beaten and salt added to them. Then pour the chopped chicken with this mixture and leave for a while. Then we take out the meat and drain the excess egg liquid. Now you can roll each piece in a mixture of different, chopped greens and then sprinkle with breadcrumbs. In this form, fry the chicken in a pan or on the grill.

Fans of original dishes can use cream or in combination with curry and chili sauce. Garlic goes very well. It can be added to mayonnaise by seasoning this mixture with chopped green dill. Spread the prepared marinade on the chicken and leave for 2 hours.

There are many options for marinating chicken. You can choose one of the proposed ones, supplement them with your own spices and seasonings, or come up with your own original marinade recipe. The main thing is that the chicken meat is tasty, tender and appetizing.

Pickling is a very delicate and creative process. The sauce in which the meat is soaked not only gives a certain taste, but also breaks down protein fibers, due to which the product softens. This is especially true for chicken breasts, since this part is relatively dry.

Foods containing acid are best suited for marinating, as it is this that corrodes the meat. Usually, ingredients such as lemon and pomegranate juice, vinegar, kefir, dry wine, and even some exotic fruits are used for these purposes. The easiest and most unoriginal way to marinate chicken is to take store-bought mayonnaise, ketchup, horseradish or mustard (all together) and mix with garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper and spices. Spices will suit any, according to your taste. Spicy herbs, curry, paprika, oregano - perfectly set off the taste of game. Instead of mayonnaise and ketchup, you can take soy sauce. In this case, salt should be put less. The original sweet and sour taste of the chicken will be if you mix soy sauce with honey. Or honey with the juice of one lemon. The crust of such a dish will be ruddy and crispy, and the meat is tender and soft. Chicken can be marinated in kefir. Do not forget about seasonings, they are able to give an unforgettable flavor to delicious meat. Exotic lovers will love the marinade recipe with orange juice, pineapple or kiwi slices. These fruits have enough acidity to soften the meat and a rather bright taste and aroma, which will make the finished dish unusual and juicy. Add soy sauce, pepper and spices to the juice.

Some chefs advise pickling chicken fillet in an egg. Beat a couple of eggs, add salt and pepper to them to taste and coat the chicken with this mixture. After waiting 2-3 hours, roll the pieces in breadcrumbs and send to a pan or grill. It will turn out very appetizing tender meat in a crispy batter.

Unusual and even unexpected marinades for poultry include a mixture of coconut milk, curry seasoning and chili sauce. If you can’t find coconut milk, regular medium-fat cream will do. A few minutes before cooking, sprinkle the meat with sesame seeds - this will give a special piquancy and beauty. Alcoholic drinks can serve not only as an aperitif or accompaniment to the finished dish. Chicken meat soaked in beer or dry wine acquires a pleasant taste and aroma. Wine can be taken both white and red, and beer is more suitable for light varieties. Chicken is a very versatile meat. It can be cooked in the oven, in the sleeve, on the grill, on the fire. It is worth noting that not everyone loves chicken barbecue, considering it dry. But this only means that they do not know how to marinate it properly. For the oven, the chicken carcass can not be cut, but the whole bird can be marinated.

The chicken does not require a long stay in the marinade, so it is enough to leave the meat for a period of 1 to 4 hours. Depending on the circumstances and the size of the pieces. Red meat - legs - is considered more juicy, but also more high-calorie. White meat - breast - is dietary and has a coarser texture.

What is the best marinade for chicken in the oven? What ingredients are ideally combined with this meat, and which ones should not be added? How to marinate a carcass? We will talk about this further.

Ask a professional chef how he cooks any meat. Believe me, he will definitely say that the meat should be marinated. This is necessary to get a more pronounced, bright and original taste. In addition, after pickling, the fibers become softer, the dish is more tender and juicier.

Marinating Chicken Secrets

There are several rules for marinating chicken for the oven. By following them, you will always get a great dish as a result.
  • The duration of pickling depends on the weight of the carcass. If you plan to bake the whole carcass, do not be too lazy to marinate it the night before. If you have wings or breast for dinner, you can leave them in the sauce for an hour. For thighs, more time is required - from 2 to 4 hours.
  • Stop marinating chicken for the oven in mayonnaise! With this simple and so successful, at first glance, ingredient, you completely kill its individual taste, which turns out to be the same every time. Moreover, mayonnaise contains acetic acid, which, when baked, stiffens the fibers, and they begin to taste bitter.
  • Keep the meat in the refrigerator if the marinating time is more than 2 hours. At room temperature, the carcass will marinate faster, but this only applies to the breast or wings.
  • The easiest way to marinate chicken for the oven is to mix 1 or more types of spices with vegetable oil, bathe the meat in this composition and leave for a couple of hours. Depending on the seasonings you choose, choose the oil. For example, olive goes well with basil and paprika, sunflower - with hot spices, and corn is universal, suitable for all types of pickling.
  • Give up salt! Each chicken marinade recipe in the oven suggests the presence of salt. It just needs to be added correctly. Do not salt the meat before a long marinade, it is better to add salt 10 minutes before you plan to send the carcass to the oven. Otherwise, the dish will turn out tough and dry.

Choosing spices

What spices for chicken in the oven should be used, and which ones will give us a wealth of flavors? Remember!
  • Peppers - black and chili. The first is universal, we put it in every dish, but chili gives the dish a sharpness, so it is used “dosed” and often in dishes with a Mexican accent.
  • Herbs - for chicken in the oven, the marinade may contain marjoram, basil, mint, thyme, rosemary, sage. You can use only one bright taste, or you can use their original mix. By the way, all these herbs go well with ginger and coriander, which will also enrich the taste of your dish.
  • Curry is the perfect solution for oven-dried marinated chicken, especially if you're planning on grilling it. Curry is not a simple herb, but a rich combination of spices: cumin, nutmeg, mustard, hot pepper, coriander.
  • Nutmeg - stop your choice if you plan to cook chicken with cheese and mushrooms. This spice brightly saturates the taste of dishes with dairy components; not a single gourmet dish can do without it if it contains cream and potatoes.
  • Turmeric - this spice has a special taste that is highly valued in India. For us, it is more than unusual, so putting turmeric in the marinade is worth a small amount. But for chicken in the oven, it will be an ideal solution, as it will give the dish not only an interesting taste, but also a bright golden crust.

5 types of marinade

And now we offer you a choice of several recipes for universal marinades for chicken meat.
  1. Soy-honey. Mix a tablespoon of soy sauce with two tablespoons of melted honey and three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add half a teaspoon of coriander and basil, a little black pepper to the marinade, mix. Marinate the meat in the composition, and if you bake it in a mold and with potatoes, fill it with it before sending it to the oven. Thanks to honey, the chicken will acquire a golden color and a sweetish aftertaste.
  2. Asian spicy. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil and salt, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Pass through the press 5 cloves of garlic, add to the marinade. Peel a 4 cm long ginger root, cut and send to the sauce. Pour in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and lime juice, add half a spoon of black pepper. The dish will turn out exquisitely spicy!
  3. Wine-mustard. Mix a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and mustard, dilute with a glass of dry white wine. Add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of olive oil, half a spoonful of black pepper. Wine and vinegar will make the meat incredibly tender and soft, and mustard will give an original taste.
  4. Lemon spicy. For this simple marinade, use the juice of one lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil. Then add to it half a spoonful of ground pepper and dried rosemary, a pinch of salt. Lemon and rosemary will create an amazing aroma of the finished dish.
  5. Original kefir. Use 2 cups of low-fat kefir, 4 cloves of garlic, juice of half a lemon. Add a spoonful of hot Tabasco sauce, half a spoonful of thyme and black pepper, chop half an onion. At the end, put 2 tablespoons of salt.

Thanks to the marinade, the taste of your baked chicken will always be original and unusual.

Any housewife will not be able to argue with the statement that for baking in the oven, chicken meat should be carefully marinated. Just a few hours of impregnation with spices and salt can make the dish incredibly tasty, fragrant and literally melting in your mouth. You can pickle chicken for the oven in several ways, for example, by soaking it in honey-mustard sauce, wine, or even kefir. Original spices in the form of turmeric, Provencal herbs, ginger and a mixture of peppers will make the taste of the finished delicacy truly divine.

It can be used both for cooking a whole carcass, and for roasting thighs or legs in the oven. In any case, you will get juicy and tender meat, which will be appreciated by your relatives and friends.

All the tips below have been collected from famous chefs who know a lot about chicken. Try to follow them and feel the difference in taste!

All of the above tricks and tips have been identified over many years of practice. If you want to come up with your own recipe for marinating chicken meat, then do not be afraid to look for new solutions.

Difficulties in choosing, or how to find the perfect spices?

It is impossible to make a great dish without the right spices. When preparing chicken, for which not all herbs and spices are suitable, the aromas and taste of each addition should be considered. Very often, housewives make a choice in favor of various types of pepper. And no wonder! Indeed, in addition to availability, these spices are suitable for almost any delicacy. If you prefer spicy dishes with a savory taste, then black pepper can be replaced with red chili. For fans of a pronounced aroma, white pepper is ideal.

Dried herbs can also add zest to a familiar dish, however, you need to select and combine them as carefully as possible. For example, the same mixture of basil, marjoram and rosemary will perfectly complement coriander or ginger. However, the last ingredient should be added in moderation, as the dish runs the risk of acquiring a strong and peculiar smell of this spice.

Most cooks, when baking chicken carcasses or thighs (especially on the grill), cannot refuse the oriental red spice - curry. This component will not only give a delicious aroma to the finished delicacy, but also slightly tint the meat, making it even more appetizing.

When baking, it will be useful to use turmeric, which is popular in India. This spice will complement the dish with piquant notes, and the skin will acquire a beautiful golden hue, from which the appetite will break out. If you plan to use mushrooms or cream sauce in the dish, then a small amount of grated nutmeg will help to expand the taste. True, with this capricious spice you need to be as careful as possible, because its excessive amount can completely drown out the aroma of meat.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with several ways to prepare marinade for chicken, thanks to which the meat will become tender, juicy, fragrant and incredibly appetizing.

Recipe number 1. Honey and soy sauce

For novice cooks, this combination of ingredients is surprising and incredulous. But in vain! Indeed, in combination with sour-salty soy sauce, it will complement the taste of the dish, and the chicken itself will acquire a pleasant golden hue. For cooking you will need:

The first three components are mixed in a separate cup, then spices are added to them, everything is brought to a state of homogeneous mass. It is necessary to process the carcass with the resulting solution, and pour the side dish and meat with the rest before baking.

Recipe number 2. Warm regards from Asia

If you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of tasting a spicy and spicy meat dish, then the main ingredient can be marinated in a spicy Asian mixture. Preparing it is quite simple.

For this you will need:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - from half a fruit;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp;
  • lime juice - optional;
  • ginger root (fresh) - the size of a finger.

Oil, salt, sugar and lemon juice are mixed in a cup, garlic, passed under pressure, is added to them. The skin is removed from the ginger root, finely chopped or grated, sent to the marinade and mixed thoroughly. Black pepper and the juice of one lime are added to the resulting mass. The carcass is carefully processed over the entire area with the finished mixture and sent to the oven.

In the absence of lime or intolerance to this fruit, you can use the second half of the lemon. The taste of the marinade and the finished dish will not be affected.

Recipe number 3. Wine and mustard

It will turn out amazingly tasty if you hold it in a wine-mustard mixture.

For the marinade you will need:

  • white wine - 1 glass;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp.

Mix all the components in a separate container, and pour the carcass with the resulting composition. If you want the taste to be deeper, then the remains of the marinade can be poured into a baking sheet where the dish will be baked. Mustard will give the delicacy a sharp peculiar flavor, and wine and vinegar will make the meat tender and juicy.

There are other ways to prepare marinade for chicken - from simpler to original and unusual. Try them all and feel the difference in taste!

In order for chicken meat to become more tender and acquire a delicious taste and aroma, it must be marinated before cooking.

For marinades, a large number of different spices, spices, sauces and fermented milk products are used. Modern cooking has several dozen different marinade recipes.

We want to invite you to get acquainted with the five most popular methods for preparing marinades for roasting chicken in the oven.

Rules for marinating chicken meat

Your chicken dish will be perfect thanks to the good quality of the selected poultry and the right marinade. If you want to bake the whole carcass, then you need to marinate it the night before.

It will take much less time to marinate individual parts of the chicken. For the legs and drumsticks - about 2-3 hours, and for the sirloin and wings - one hour.

Keep in mind that your chicken marinates faster at room temperature. This method is suitable for wings, drumsticks and breast. And if you plan to cook a whole bird, then it will take more time to marinate and therefore the meat needs to be refrigerated.

With prolonged pickling, you need to add salt not at the beginning of the process, but immediately before you send the chicken to the oven, otherwise the meat will be tough.

The choice of type of vegetable oil depends on what components will be present in your marinade.

Olive oil pairs well with paprika and herbes de Provence, sunflower oil (flavoured) with hot and hot peppers, and corn oil is perfect for all recipes.

Choice of pickling spices

Spices and herbs saturate the marinades with divine aromas and make the taste of chicken dishes original and memorable. Which ones to choose to cook a truly excellent chicken?

  • Black pepper and hot chili peppers. Black pepper is present in all marinade recipes, and chili is used only in cases where you need to give the chicken dish extra spiciness;
  • Spices. For marinades, rosemary, marjoram, thyme, basil and sage are most commonly used. You can add only one of these herbs to give a bright accent to the dish, or you can experiment by making original combinations of spicy additives;
  • Curry. This spice is a combination of nutmeg, mustard, hot pepper, coriander and cumin;
  • Turmeric. This additive will give the chicken not only the accent of Indian cuisine, but also color the chicken skin in a soft golden color, which will give it even more appetizing;
  • Ginger. This wonderful root is widely used in Asian cuisine and gives the marinade a savory oriental flavor.

There are a great many recipes for making marinades, and we are pleased to bring to your attention five main ways to marinate chicken.

Marinade recipes for cooking chicken in the oven

The recipes that we offer are used for preparing individual parts of the chicken and are designed for 500 grams of chicken.

Soy honey

This delicious oven-roasted chicken marinade will give your dish a savory oriental twist.

We mix all the ingredients and marinate the chicken in the resulting sauce for 4-5 hours.

During marinating, the meat acquires a rich honey flavor and a noble brownish hue.

Remove the chicken pieces from the marinade and bake them in the oven for 30 minutes. A great dish is ready!

Universal (fast)

A great way for those who do not want to spend a lot of time cooking. With this recipe, you will prepare delicious chicken very quickly by marinating it at room temperature for 15-20 minutes.

The composition of the quick marinade for chicken in the oven:

  • Three tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 40 g of mild mustard;
  • Four tablespoons of olive oil;
  • A pinch of Provence herbs of your choice
  • Black ground pepper on the tip of a knife.

Chicken pieces should be mixed with sauce in a plastic bag and left to marinate.

After that, you will need another 15-20 minutes to bake marinated pieces on the grill or in the oven.


Chicken dishes in kefir marinade in the oven are deliciously tender and juicy. You will certainly appreciate how the notes of basil will sound in a new way against the background of delicate kefir!


Mix all these ingredients, pour the pieces of poultry with the resulting marinade and send them to the refrigerator for about 8-10 hours.

The baking time will be about 30-40 minutes, while you need to ensure that the marinade completely covers the pieces of meat.

With honey and mustard

This marinade will give the chicken dish a unique honey flavor with a slight bitterness.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of mild mustard;
  • 5 st. spoons of honey, melted in the bath;
  • Two cloves of minced garlic;
  • Juice squeezed from half a lemon;
  • A little salt and black pepper to your liking.

The resulting mixture should be coated with portioned pieces of poultry and left to marinate for about 2 hours at room temperature.

After that, the chicken is baked in the oven for about 30 minutes.

Watch the video recipe for roasting chicken in the oven under a similar marinade, but without the use of honey:

Spicy sweet Asian

With this oven-roasted chicken marinade recipe, you can appreciate the magical taste based on the contrast of sweetness and spiciness!


A ginger root about 4 cm long, grated on a fine grater, is added to the resulting mixture.

It is ginger that will give the finished dish a unique Asian flavor.

Prepared pieces of chicken are coated with the resulting marinade and left for about one and a half to two hours, and then sent to bake in the oven. Thirty minutes later, the dish is ready.

With the help of marinades, you can not only bake chicken dishes in the traditional oven mode, but also cook such a popular dish as grilled chicken, which will be discussed later.

In the video below, you will learn how to make a marinade for crispy chicken wings:

Marinade for home grilled chicken in the oven

Grilled chicken is very common in modern cooking because the calorie content of meat cooked in this way is only 98 calories per 100 grams. In fried chicken meat, this figure is 210 calories, and in boiled chicken - 135.

Grilled chicken is prepared in two ways: on the grill and on the spit built into the oven. These methods differ only in cooking time.

A whole carcass of a bird is usually cooked on a spit, and thighs, wings and breast are cooked on a grill.


  • 4 medium cloves minced garlic;
  • 3 art. l. corn oil;
  • Half tsp. paprika;
  • 1 tsp curry;
  • Quarter tsp. nutmeg;
  • A little bit of salt and pepper.

Leave in the refrigerator overnight, and then bake on a sieve for 30-35 minutes. Be sure to put a baking sheet under the grate to drain the fat and do not forget to turn the chicken pieces over to get an evenly fried appetizing crust.

Having studied the recipes for marinades for chicken meat, pork lovers will begin to look for ways to marinate for this type of meat (shish kebab from it and not only). We have taken care of you, you do not need to look for anything, because we have everything. Believe me, everyone will be delighted with your meat dishes!

You will find recipes for chicken soup with eggs. It turns out that such a seemingly insignificant component of a dish can transform even the most ordinary soup for the better. Try it!

Well, who does not know the salad "Capital"? Probably, there is no such person who would forget this dish. However, we invite you to take a look and still refresh your head on how to prepare it. Moreover, there you will find various cooking recommendations.

  • All marinades always contain vegetable oil, which allows you to fully reveal the aroma of spices, and also covers pieces of meat with a thin film, protecting them from overdrying. In marinades, only refined oil is used, which does not interrupt the flavor of the ingredients;
  • For lovers of a delicious fried crust, we advise you not to remove the skin from the carcass and cook the chicken on the grill, and for those who prefer juicy pieces in the marinade, we advise you to remove the skin from the chicken before marinating for better penetration of the sauce;
  • Do not use industrial mayonnaise for pickling. It contains acetic acid in its composition, which drowns out the aroma of other components of the marinade and makes chicken meat tough.

Based on our recipes and tips, you can safely experiment and invent your own author's recipes for chicken marinades, and we hope that the dishes prepared according to our recipes will take their rightful place in your diet and inspire you to new culinary exploits!

We are attaching a video for you with a very interesting way to marinate chicken:
