
Preparations for the winter from lettuce cucumbers. Cucumber salads for the winter - garlic fresh crispy cucumbers

Salad "Raw" from cucumbers for the winter

Raw cucumber salad for the winter will interest those who like to crunch on fresh vegetables. Salad of crispy slices of cucumbers, sweet onions, spicy spicy garlic, marinated in a small amount of vinegar and completely without heat treatment.

The preservative in this recipe is garlic and vinegar. Thanks to this, the taste of vegetables is preserved natural, and in winter the salad will smell almost like fresh cucumbers. Excellent proportions of salt and sugar make it sweetish. And a very big plus of this snack is that everything is done as simply and very quickly as possible. The whole process, including preparation, will take you no more than forty minutes. And another 12 hours, which the cucumbers should just soak.


1. Small cucumbers - 3 kg

2. Onion - 250 gr

3. Sugar - 1 cup

4. Coarse salt - 100 gr

5. Vinegar 9% - 150 ml

6. Garlic - 200-250 gr

7. Dill - optional

How to cook salad "Raw" from cucumbers for the winter:

To prepare a raw salad, we select strong, small cucumbers.

From overripe large vegetables, seaming will turn out not so crispy.

Cut them into circles, no more than a centimeter thick.

You can even cut them in half.

We send them to a convenient basin or pan.

The main thing is that it is convenient for you to mix the components in this dish. Peeled onion heads cut into thin half rings or straws.

Separate the garlic cloves from the husk and grind to the consistency of minced meat. This can be done by passing them through a press or finely chopped with a knife.

Sprinkle with sugar and salt.

Pour in nine percent vinegar. However, you can use six percent.

Mix thoroughly, you can mix with your hands.

Now you need to let the cucumber salad soak in all the juices and flavors, for which we leave it in a cool place, removing it away from the stove. You can take it out to the balcony if the sun's rays do not get there. Therefore, it is convenient to make preparations for the night, so that in the morning just pack the salad in jars.
A couple of times in the process, the salad needs to be mixed. We prepare containers for preservation in advance. It must not only be washed, but sterilized. To do this, you can put in the microwave with a small amount of water on the bottom for 3-4 minutes. Or do the same in a well-heated oven.

We lay out the salad in dry hot jars and immediately roll them up. Nothing needs to be sterilized. Now you know how to cook a raw cucumber salad for the winter.

Tips: Garlic is best weighed after it has been peeled. Since if you put a smaller amount of this ingredient, then preservation can ferment.

Bon appetit!

Another cucumber salad recipe (sterilization required)

Cucumbers make a great snack for lunch or dinner. From this amount of ingredients, 4 liter jars of the finished product are obtained.


1. Cucumbers - 4 kg

2. Sugar - 1 cup

3. Vegetable oil - 1 cup

4. Table vinegar 9% - 1 cup

5. Salt - 40 gr.

6. Black pepper, ground - 1 tbsp. spoon

7. Garlic - 3 cloves

8. Dill or parsley to taste.

How to make cucumber salad:

Cucumbers cut into slices. Add all the other ingredients to the cucumbers: oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper, herbs and squeezed garlic. We mix everything and leave for 4 hours so that our cucumbers let the juice out and infuse.

While the cucumbers are insisting, we will prepare jars:

We wash the jars and sterilize them over steam, fill the lids with boiling water. We cover the sterilized jars with lids and leave for further use.

After the time has elapsed, we put the cucumbers in sterilized jars and fill them with the resulting juice (a lot of juice is obtained).

We cover the filled jars with lids and sterilize (pour water into the pan, put a rag on the bottom of the pan, immerse the jars in warm water, bring the water to a boil and leave it on low heat for 15 minutes).

We roll up the sterilized jars, turn them over and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely.

Delicious, crispy pickled cucumbers prepared according to this recipe will certainly decorate lunch or dinner on a cold winter day.

Bon appetit!

Canned foods retain many useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development of the body and maintaining immunity during the harsh winter cold. One of the most popular types of preservation is cucumber spin. Recipes for cucumber salads for the winter are very diverse. They are usually cooked spicy, sometimes with a slight sweetish taste. Bulgarian peppers, tomatoes, onions, carrots, apples, garlic, herbs, eggplant and chili are added to them.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

The finished dish is perfect for a family dinner or for a festive table. It is added to a side dish or served as an independent snack. Anyone can do this job. It is important to strictly follow the recommendations and requirements specified in the recipe. This is necessary not only to get the desired result, but also to ensure that the finished product stands long enough and does not deteriorate. To do this, it is extremely important to follow the recommendations and instructions described in the recipe.

From overgrown cucumbers, we prepare a delicious salad for the winter. It is eaten even faster than crispy pickled cucumbers. I like the fact that the preparation of the salad requires a minimum of products (cucumbers, onions and dill) and labor costs.


  • overgrown cucumbers- 2 kg
  • Bulb onions- 200 grams
  • Dill fresh- bundle
  • Vegetable oil- 12 tablespoons
  • Vinegar 9%- 9 tablespoons
  • Sugar- 3 tbsp
  • Salt- 1.5 tbsp
  • How to make a salad for the winter from overgrown cucumbers

    1. Wash large cucumbers that are no longer suitable for pickling.

    2 . Cut cucumbers into large rings, 0.5-1 cm wide. Weigh. From 5 kg of cucumbers, I got 2 two-liter jars of lettuce.

    3 . Depending on the weight of the cucumbers, calculate the weight of the required amount of onions. Peel the onion and cut into rings.

    4 . We fall asleep the required amount of salt.

    5 . Add vegetable oil.

    6 . Then vinegar.

    7 . Fresh green dill (without stalks and seed pods) can be chopped or simply picked and added to a salad.

    8 . Gently mix all the ingredients. And leave for 5 hours at room temperature.

    9 . Then put everything in a saucepan and put on medium heat. We mix constantly. Gradually, as they heat up, cucumbers begin to change color. This is clearly visible in the photo.

    . When the cucumbers have warmed up and changed the shade from light to dark green, we lay it out in sterilized jars, roll it up. We put "under a fur coat" (cover with a warm blanket) until it cools completely. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

    Salad of overgrown cucumbers for the winter "Lick your fingers" is ready

    Bon appetit!

    All summer long, active work is going on in the dachas. Something is planted, weeded and watered. And all this for the sake of a rich harvest. After all this work, it becomes very disappointing if something went wrong. For example, the owner of his own garden comes on his day off for fresh cucumbers, and there ... No, nothing bad happened. It’s just that in the garden there are no longer cucumbers, but hefty cucumbers.

    This situation is familiar to almost every summer resident. However, you should not be upset. And such overgrowths work great. Of course, it’s no longer worth salting or pickling them, but it’s very possible to roll them into jars in the form of a wonderful salad.

    But why is it "possible"? Need to!

    A little background

    In general, a great many methods have been invented for harvesting large cucumbers. Zealous housewives from time immemorial were in no hurry to throw away food. Rather, on the contrary, they tried to save everything that could then be eaten.

    There is no need to talk about the most common method. This is the well-known Nezhinsky salad (see video below). They came up with it in the city of Nizhyn, Chernihiv region (Ukraine), at the local cannery. And they made it from cucumbers of the same variety. So they didn’t think much about the name of conservation. But it's still not about mass production, but about our own home-made preparations.

    Salad for the winter of large cucumbers "Vegetable"

    As the name implies, the composition includes not only overgrown cucumbers, but also other vegetables. The result is a delicious cold appetizer, both for a regular lunch / dinner, and for a festive table. In order to prepare such an assortment for the winter, you need to have at hand:

    • overgrown cucumbers - 1 kg;
    • tomatoes - 500 g;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 300 g;
    • carrots - 300 g;
    • onion - 200 g;
    • salt - 40-50 g;
    • black pepper (ground) - to taste, usually no more than 5 g.

    Chop pre-washed cucumbers on a coarse grater. Do the same with carrots, but they must first be cleaned. Peeled onions and bell peppers can be simply finely chopped. Put all the ingredients crushed in this way into a large saucepan or cauldron. By the way, it is better to cook in a cauldron or wok. A saucepan will work too, but you will have to stir the vegetables much more often.

    Pour water into another saucepan and heat. Put in the tomatoes and blanch for 5 minutes. Then carefully remove the tomatoes and put them in cold water for the same time. After that, you can remove the skin from them. It remains only to skip the prepared tomatoes through a meat grinder and send them to the pan / cauldron to the rest of the vegetables.

    Salt the resulting mass, pepper and put on fire, covering the dishes with a lid. There is no need to add water, the vegetables themselves will give enough juice. The heat treatment should last approximately 40 minutes. In this case, the ingredients must be mixed regularly.

    After the specified time, the salad can be laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up. Lids also need to be sterilized first. It remains to turn the jars upside down and wrap them with something warm. After 12 hours of slow cooling, the jars can be stored in a refrigerator or cellar.

    It turns out a very tasty salad, similar to vegetable caviar. By the way, due to the lack of oil, this preservation is a low-calorie product, so even ladies on a diet can eat it.

    Salad of overgrown cucumbers with adjika "Sharp"

    This preservation will appeal to those who like spicy snacks. She will go with a bang during friendly gatherings with foamy drinks. Yes, it goes well with potatoes too. Products for the preparation of this preservation are quite standard:

    • overgrown cucumbers - a little more than 3 kg;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg;
    • carrots - about 1 kg;
    • onion - 500 g;
    • garlic - 3 large heads;
    • adjika - 250 g;
    • sugar - about 200 g;
    • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
    • vinegar (9%) - 120-150 ml;
    • salt - 40-50 g;
    • water - 250 ml.

    Cucumbers should be peeled, cut lengthwise into halves and scraped out with a teaspoon all the seeds. Cut the prepared vegetables into thin half rings. Cut the pepper into thin strips, and grate the carrots on a grater designed for making Korean salads. Onion cut into half rings. Peel the garlic and crush the cloves in a special crusher.

    Put the prepared vegetables in one bowl, add all the other ingredients indicated in the list of products and mix thoroughly, leave for a couple of hours. After this time, transfer the salad into sterilized jars with a volume of no more than 1 liter, pouring the liquid remaining in the pan.

    Cover jars with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes. Now you can roll them up completely, put the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and let them cool completely. After that, the salad can be harvested until winter.

    Salad of large cucumbers with carrots and garlic

    This version of the salad is very similar to the previous one. However, it's a little easier to make. It turns out it is not so much spicy as spicy and very pleasant to the taste. But the ingredients for this option for harvesting overgrown cucumbers will need much less:

    • overgrown cucumbers - 1 kg;
    • carrots - 250-300 g;
    • onion - 250-300 g;
    • citric acid - 20-25 g;
    • tarragon - 5 g;
    • salt - 25-30 g.

    Cut the cucumbers into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion and peel and crush the garlic in a garlic press. Put the prepared ingredients in a saucepan, salt, add tarragon, citric acid, salt, mix everything thoroughly and leave for about 2 hours.

    After that, the pan should be put on a slow fire, wait until it boils and then simmer for 15-20 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the jars by sterilizing them. Pack the finished salad in jars and seal tightly with lids. Then everything is as usual: turn the jars over and pack them in a blanket to let the preservation cool.

    Methods for harvesting salads for the winter from overgrown cucumbers are not limited to those described above. In fact, there are many more. In addition, no one forbids experimenting and coming up with your own method of canning. However, in any case, all housewives should adhere to certain rules. Otherwise, a ready-made winter salad will please few people. So:

    1. Do not use soft or spoiled fruits for harvesting, as well as cucumbers that have a bitter taste.
    2. Before harvesting, it is advisable to hold the cucumbers in cold water for 1-1.5 hours. After such a “bath”, they turn out to be crispy, and it will be much easier to wash them.
    3. All vegetables must first be washed thoroughly.
    4. Salad jars don't have to be big. The optimal volume is 0.5-1 l.
    5. Put the salad in sterilized jars and roll up with sterilized lids. Otherwise, conservation until winter is not worth it. Some cookbooks say that you can just put a hot salad in clean jars, but this is not so. Be sure to sterilize containers!

    In general, a salad for the winter of overgrown cucumbers is worth a try at least once. The fact is that many housewives, having “discovered” this type of conservation for themselves, begin to deliberately “overexpose” part of the cucumber crop in order to pamper their loved ones with an excellent vegetable snack in the cold season.

    Video recipe "Nezhinsky" from overgrown cucumbers for the winter

    It is difficult to find a person who would not like salads based on cucumbers. And so this vegetable is now grown on farms all year round. Buy it in the store at any time of the year is not difficult.

    We also grow it in our summer cottages. And this vegetable crop is very rich in yields. For two or three summer and autumn months, she generously gives her fruits to the owners, who take care of her in every possible way.

    And when there are too many of them, we try to save all our grown crops, harvesting it for the winter and rolling it into jars. We have already mothballed all sorts of things, and we wrote a lot about this on the pages of our blog.

    But so far they have paid very little attention to salads, although they have already prepared and. But this is a favorite way of preservation for many families. There are no options for this. And it is very difficult to choose the most worthy of them - they are all in demand and tasty.

    Delicious cucumber salad without sterilization - recipe "Lick your fingers"

    This option is really delicious. And if you cook it at least once, you will certainly prepare it every season. In fact, it is also called - lecho, this is because of the abundance of tomatoes and bell peppers.

    I already have an article on my blog dedicated to . Therefore, if you like cold dishes of this kind, then follow the link and look, there are several of them.

    And here, today, I offer one of the most delicious options, without which this article would lose a lot.

    We will need:

    • cucumbers - 2 kg
    • bell pepper - 650 gr
    • tomatoes - 700 gr
    • garlic - 30 gr (you can add a little more if you like)
    • capsicum hot pepper - 0.5 - 1 pc.
    • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
    • vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. spoons
    • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon or to taste
    • sugar - 2/3 cup (glass volume 250 ml)

    From this amount of ingredients, 2.5 liters of the finished product will be obtained, and there will still be a little left to take a sample and eat.


    1. Pour cold water over the fruits and let them soak in it for a short time. This will take from 1 to 3 hours, depending on when the fruits are harvested. This will determine how “crunchy” the snack will turn out.

    2. Then rinse them under running water and cut into slices no more than 0.5 cm thick so that they have time to boil with us.

    I decided to make the finished dish not only tasty, but also beautiful, and therefore, with the help of a vegetable peeler, I made such wonderful “flowers”.

    We do not throw out the cut straw, it will also go into action.

    3. In the meantime, the fruits are saturated with water, let's take care of the tomatoes. They will need to be twisted into a tomato using either a meat grinder, a food processor or a blender. And you can twist them with or without skin. Choose your own option.

    As you probably already understood, we will have an appetizer in tomato sauce.

    If you decide to remove the skin, it is better to make a cross-shaped incision on the tomatoes and pour boiling water over them for 5 minutes. Then try to remove it. If it is difficult, then you can pour the fruits into cold water for 4 minutes, draining the hot water beforehand. Then it will come off easier and easier.

    4. Then punch them into the tomato. Chop the garlic along with them.

    5. Bulgarian and hot capsicum can be cut, and you can also grind them to a puree state. For me personally, this option is preferable. In my opinion, vegetables are better saturated with juice and different flavors.

    6. Pour the tomato and pepper puree into a large saucepan and put the mixture on fire. Wait until it boils, and cook with stirring for 15 minutes.

    The boiling start time is counted from the moment when the active bubbles cover the entire surface of the boiling mixture.

    7. After 15 minutes, add salt and sugar. Also add oil and vinegar. And you can immediately lay out the prepared "flowers".

    Gently mix with a wooden spatula, being careful not to break the vegetables.

    8. Cover with a lid and wait until the mixture boils again. At first, there will be very little liquid component, it will even be difficult to mix. But it was not in vain that we kept the fruits in the water. Very quickly, they will begin to release juice, and it will cover all the vegetables sent to the pan.

    9. After active boiling, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles will need to be cooked under the lid for 15 - 20 minutes.

    During this time, they will change color and become softer. However, do not digest them to the point where they can break, all cut pieces should remain whole and beautiful.

    10. We have already sterilized jars and lids. I sterilize the containers in the microwave and boil the lids. You can also choose

    11. Without turning off the gas under the pan, but only by reducing it to the minimum, fill the first container. Try to do this in stages, make sure that there are no air pockets in the form of bubbles. If you see them, then release them by gently pressing down on the contents.

    Fill the container under the very neck and immediately, covering with a sterile lid, twist.

    12. Then start filling the next jar.

    13. Turn over the finished preservation, put it on a towel, and cover it with a warm blanket. Leave for a day. This process is called pasteurization. Unlike sterilization, here the product retains heat for a long time.

    And even if something didn’t come during cooking, then everything will come here, as it should. Microorganisms will also die, if they somehow miraculously survived after a fairly long boil.

    In addition, with this method it will be possible to check whether we tightly twisted the container. If not, liquid may seep onto the floor.

    After a day, preservation can be removed in a dark, cool place for storage. Such a blank is well stored in the apartment, but keep it away from the battery.

    If there is a dark pantry, then this will be the perfect place.

    The most delicious salad recipe of crispy cucumbers with mustard

    This method will certainly be appreciated by those who like spicy dishes. In the composition, we will use not only mustard, but also hot capsicum. And this snack has a sour taste. Therefore, those who love, since Soviet times, they will surely like this option.

    Although, if you like the content and don't want the sour taste present, then you can reduce the amount of bite. In the description I will tell you how to do it.

    We will need (yield of the finished product for 2 liter cans, and one 750 gram):

    • cucumbers - 2 kg
    • Bulgarian pepper - 200 gr
    • hot chilli pepper - 0.5 - 1 pc.
    • mustard seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon (you can also use dry mustard, that is, powder)
    • garlic - 3 - 4 cloves
    • sugar - 0.5 cups (a glass of 250 ml)
    • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
    • vinegar 6% - 0.5 cups (100 ml can be used to reduce acid)
    • salt - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons without a slide (better to taste)
    • ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon

    In general, salt, sugar and vinegar can be added to taste. Vegetables will be infused for a long time, and therefore there will be an opportunity to try it many times.


    In fact, this method is very simple. Although it will take some time for the vegetables to infuse. Although I will not get ahead of myself, you will see for yourself.

    1. As always, we will need cucumbers, which will need to be kept in cold water for at least an hour. This is the minimum time. If you bought vegetables in a store or market, then hold them in water for 3 hours.

    Then rinse the vegetables under cold running water and cut off the ends.

    2. Cut each fruit in the form of long sticks into 4 - 8 - 12 parts, depending on their size. In this case, you can use both large and crooked fruits, the main thing is that there are no large seeds inside.

    Otherwise, we will get not a beautiful cut, but a wreck in the form of porridge.

    3. Put them in a large basin, or other convenient large-volume dishes.

    4. Cut the bell pepper into large strips. It is better to set the size the same as for the already chopped vegetables, maybe just a little smaller. It is better that it be a bright contrasting color. So our snack will look more positive.

    5. And also cut hot capsicum into small rings. Add it to taste, and according to how spicy it is. I cut a half of the pod from the side of the tip, it is not as sharp there as at the tail.

    6. Grind the garlic. You can pass it through the press, or you can simply crush the slices with the back of the knife and crumble on the board.

    7. Put everything that you have prepared in the basin. Immediately add salt, sugar, ground pepper, mustard seeds, vegetable oil and vinegar.

    If you use dry mustard, that is, powder, then the brine will turn out to be cloudy. Although it will be very tasty!

    Add all components in accordance with the composition of the ingredients. But first add salt only two tablespoons without a slide, and 100 ml of vinegar. Then the vegetables will stand, infuse and try. If there is not enough, then add up to the upper value.

    8. Mix everything with a wooden spatula or a plastic spoon. Leave for 3 - 3.5 hours to infuse. During this time, the vegetables will release juice and we will have a filling, or marinade.

    During this period of time, every half an hour, or even a little more often, stir the mixture to allow both the top and bottom pieces to marinate evenly.

    9. During this time, sterilize jars and lids.

    10. When the infusion time is up, it will be possible to see that a lot of juice has been released.

    Fill the container first with solid contents. Then pour over the marinade. For the third, 750-gram jar, I lacked about half a glass of marinade. I had leftover marinade from , and I topped it up.

    Let me remind you that there was added 1 tbsp per liter of water. a spoonful of salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, and 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar.

    So, if you also have a shortage of marinade, then quickly make a half serving. It is not necessary to pour it under the very neck. During heating, more of its own juice will stand out. Therefore, you can leave an empty space of 5 millimeters.

    11. And in this version, we definitely need sterilization. After all, there was no heat treatment at all.

    For her, we will need a large pan. Line its bottom with a towel and pour much cold water. Cold water is needed because our filled containers are cold. And if you lower it into hot water, the glass may burst.

    Put the jars inside and cover with sterilized lids.

    12. Bring water to a boil and sterilize for 20 minutes. This is from the moment when the water in the pan begins to boil intensively. After 20 minutes of heating, the cucumbers should change color to a pleasant olive. If not all fruits managed to do this, then increase the warm-up time by another 5 minutes.

    And also inside the jar you can see how air bubbles appear and rise up. This is good, it means that the heating is proceeding as it should.

    Do not open the lid during the entire sterilization period!!!

    13. Take out the cans one at a time and immediately twist them tightly. Turn on the lid and cover with something warm. Leave in this position for 24 hours.

    Then put away for storage.

    Salad "Winter King" with onions and herbs (sterilization is not required)

    This recipe is loved by many for its ease of preparation and, of course, amazing taste. Those who love the combination of cucumbers with onions and herbs will surely cook it for the winter.

    An undoubted advantage is also the fact that storage does not require sterilization. This means that precious time will be saved.

    By the way, this type of salad has a twin brother, and it is called "Nezhinskiy". The difference of the second is that vegetable oil is added as part of the ingredients. For this amount of ingredients you will need 50 gr.

    Although, sometimes you can find a description of the recipe, where there is no oil. Just similar dishes have two names, hence the confusion.

    We will need (for two half-liter jars):

    • cucumbers - 1 kg
    • onion - 200 gr
    • dill - half a bunch
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • salt - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
    • black pepper - 10 peas
    • vinegar 9% - 20 ml


    1. To begin with, we will soak the fruits again. They need to be saturated with moisture, so that they then transform it into delicious juice. Since we will not have any additional filling in this option, we can only rely on our own cucumber juice.

    You will need to keep them in water for at least an hour, and preferably two hours, or even a little more.

    2. Then rinse the vegetables under running water and cut off the ends, cut into thin circles about 2 mm thick. Thickness matters in this case. The heat treatment of the product will be minimal, so it is important that each piece in it has time to warm up well and quickly.

    Cut thin circles immediately put into a convenient dish in which we will cook them.

    In this case, you can use different fruits - both large and small, and even, and crooked ... The main thing is to check with large specimens if they are bitter.

    But I like to prepare a salad of small fruits that have not yet ripened seeds. Of these, in my opinion, the dish turns out to be the most tender and tasty.

    3. We also need to peel and cut the onion into thin rings, or half rings. Also, the thinner you cut, the better, tastier and more uniform in perception.

    Pour the rings into the bowl.

    4. Grind the dill and add it also to the total mass. In general, there are options where only onions are added, and only dill. And also met ways where parsley is used instead of dill.

    But personally, I like just such a combination, where there is a tender young onion, and thin sprigs of dill, which give the finished dish an amazing aroma.

    5. Add salt and mix the contents.

    6. Now you need to allow the vegetables to brew and let the juice flow. This will take 40-45 minutes. During this period, the contents must be stirred approximately every 10 minutes. This help will contribute to his education in greater numbers.

    7. After the desired period of time, add sugar, black peppercorns and pour in vinegar. Mix everything and put the pan on medium heat.

    If you are preparing the "Nezhinsky" version, then add oil. Let me remind you that for this amount it will need only 50 ml.

    8. Now the important stage has come. We need to boil all the pieces thoroughly, without overcooking them. Therefore, it is better not to leave the stove far from the stove during this time.

    The vegetable mass should be mixed frequently and gently. It is important not to break thin circles and warm them all evenly.

    9. In general, in the recipe this stage is given such a characteristic that you need to wait until the mass boils and cook for 5 minutes. In fact, it is quite difficult to see when the mass boils. Steam will go, but it is not at all clear whether the contents are boiling or not yet.

    Therefore, we will observe this indirectly.

    • Cook vegetables under the lid, each time stirring, open it, and then close it again. When opening for some time, the steam will be quite a bit, And at some point, the lid was removed, and the steam went in a column - this is the moment of boiling.
    • Another criterion will be that the cutting circles change their color. They will become a nice olive color. This will not happen immediately, but gradually. First one part will change color, then another. And some pieces will still be green. This means that they have not warmed up yet.

    So, when all the circles change color, and steam pours out of the pan, then the moment of boiling has come. From now on, you should cook for 5 minutes.

    And here it will be necessary to stir every 30 - 40 seconds. It is better to keep the lid closed in between so as not to lose the precious filling.

    10. That's basically the whole cooking process. Now it remains to decompose the contents into sterilized jars. It is better to spread it in small batches and lightly press down with a spoon so that the fill can penetrate into all the cracks and corners.

    I got exactly two half-liter jars, I didn’t even have anything left to sample.

    In general, I immediately prepare such a salad from 3-4 kg of vegetables. But in preparation for this article, I have already prepared a lot of cucumber sweets, and by today I have been able to collect only a kilogram in the greenhouse.

    11. Immediately cover the filled glass containers with lids and screw tightly.

    12. And since the heat treatment was minimal, and we did not sterilize the container, we will pasteurize it before. That is, simply the jars with the contents will need to be turned over and put on a towel. And cover with a warm blanket or two on top.

    It will be great if after a day, the preservation is still warm.

    But in general, it is enough to stand “under a fur coat” for a day, and then you can put it away for storage.

    When you open such a yummy in winter, be sure to season it with vegetable oil. It will be even tastier! And if you were preparing the “Nezhinskiy” version, then don’t add it, there is already enough of everything.

    Video on how to cook the salad "Winter King"

    We also decided to film this recipe for a very simple salad. And this is no coincidence, a lot of people are preparing a blank for it. It has already been said that the preparation is incredibly simple and does not require much time.

    But when you open a jar in winter, fill the contents with oil, you can serve such a winter pleasure at least for lunch, at least for dinner.

    And the guests never refuse to eat.

    This recipe completely repeats the previous one, only filmed in video format. This is for convenience, it is easier for someone to cook as written, and someone will look only once, and already remembers the whole sequence.

    For them, video is more convenient. Whatever it was, cook and eat to your health!

    Korean salad with seasoning for Korean carrots

    Korean salads have taken a strong position in preparations for the winter. And we are not far behind this, we have already prepared them,.

    And of course, they are prepared from our green vegetables. They all turn out incredibly delicious. And here is one of those wonderful ways.

    We will need (yield 3 liters):

    • cucumbers - 2 kg
    • carrots - 300 gr
    • hot capsicum - 0.5 - 1 pod
    • garlic - 40 gr (1 head)
    • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • sugar - 0.5 cups
    • ground black pepper - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
    • ready-made mixture for Korean carrots - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • apple cider vinegar 6% - 0.5 cups
    • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups


    1. Pour cucumbers with cold water for 2 - 3 hours. Then drain the water, rinse the vegetables and cut off the ends.

    Cut them into cubes, cutting each fruit into about 4 parts, or 6-8 if the specimen is quite large.

    Be sure to try the fruits from the side of the tail so that they do not taste bitter. And if the fruit is bitter, then the skin in this place must be cut off.

    2. Grate carrots to prepare Korean carrots. Try to keep the straw neat and long.

    3. Chop the garlic smaller. You can use a press for this, or you can use a knife, whichever is more convenient for you.

    4. Finely chop the hot pepper. Cutting can also be arbitrary. I decided to cut into thin rings. At first, cut only half, then try and, if necessary, you can always add.

    Keep in mind that the spiciness of pepper depends on its variety. Therefore, in this matter it is always better to focus on your taste.

    5. Fold the chopped sticks into a basin, move the carrots there.

    Add garlic and red capsicum.

    6. Since we need the vegetables to marinate, immediately add salt, sugar, ground black pepper and seasoning for Korean carrots to them.

    7. We mix so that the spices and seasonings disperse, and pour in the odorless oil and vinegar. To avoid the strong smell and taste of acid, it is better to use 6% apple cider vinegar.

    If you want to add less than what is given in the recipe, then you can cut the cucumbers smaller. Or rub them on a grater for Korean carrots.

    I have this cooking method (and there are other options as well).

    8. Mix the vegetables again with all the added flavoring seasonings and leave to infuse for 3 hours. You don’t need to take out an appetizer anywhere in the cold, even if it’s right in the kitchen. During this period, periodically mix the contents of the basin, as if bathing each piece in a juicy marinade.

    Each time there will be more and more juice, and the smell will spread throughout the apartment more and more.

    After about an hour has passed, try to see if everything is enough. And if it seems to you that it is not enough, salt, sugar, pungency, or acid, you can add a little.

    In my opinion, that's enough. But everyone's tastes are different!

    9. Fill pre-sterilized jars with the resulting vegetable mixture. Fill in such a way that no air bubbles remain inside. Therefore, do not post everything at once and in parts. We laid out a little, take it lightly with a spoon, allow the marinade to penetrate into all the cracks.

    Thus, fill to the very top, leaving about 0.5 cm of space. During heating, juice will form, leave some free space for it.

    10. We will sterilize the snack. In this case, it's a must! To do this, put some cold water into the pan, and lining the bottom with a towel, put the filled containers on it. I specially cooked under different lids to check the safety and taste.

    And in those and other containers, everything is perfectly stored and equally tasty!

    11. Add water so that it reaches the shoulders of the jar and light the fire. When the water boils, note the time. I sterilize liter jars for 30 minutes, half-liter jars for 15 - 20 minutes, 750 - gram for 25 minutes.

    12. Screw on the lids and put them under the covers, putting them upside down. Leave it there until completely cool. Then put away for storage.

    Korean salad is very tasty. When guests come and put it on the table, the whole jar is eaten immediately without a trace. That is why I twist such yummy in liter jars.

    And you twist, and eat on health.

    Salad "Teschin tongue" in tomato sauce without sterilization, for harvesting in liter jars

    This cooking method is very similar to the lecho option. Although the final product has a completely different taste. It is very popular, it even has its own name - “Teschin language”, and it is prepared not only with our green favorites, but also with zucchini.

    Those who love the combination of cucumbers and tomatoes will surely appreciate this option. For example, I have at least one party. but I'm preparing. Moreover, the recipe is as simple as two or two.

    We will need (for 4 liter jars):

    • cucumbers - 3 kg
    • bell pepper - 400 gr
    • hot capsicum - 0.5 - 1 pod (to taste)
    • onion - 200 gr
    • tomatoes - 1.5 kg
    • garlic - 50 gr (large head)

    For marinade:

    • sugar - 150 gr
    • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • vegetable oil - 150 gr
    • vinegar 6% - 100 ml


    1. Work again begins with soaking the fruit. It is not advisable to do without this stage if you want them to turn out crispy.

    2. Cut the onion into half rings, or if the head is large, you can cut it into quarters of the rings.

    Pour the amount of oil required according to the recipe into the pan, and then simmer the onion in it over low heat. It is not necessary to fry it, it is necessary that it only become a little softer.

    3. While the fruits are saturated with moisture, also wash and cut the tomatoes and hot pepper pod. Take it to taste, and according to how bitter it is.

    Peel the garlic. We will prepare tomato sauce with hot pepper and garlic.

    4. You can grind all these components by any of the available methods - through a meat grinder, in a blender, in a combine.

    Everything that has been prepared - puree, and send to the pan. Then put it on fire and turn on the gas.

    5. After the sauce boils, add the onion along with the oil and cook the mixture for 15-20 minutes to get rid of excess liquid.

    6. Cut the bell pepper into not very large strips. It is best to take it in different bright colors. Then add all the ingredients that we have prepared for a delicious marinade. We do not pour in only vinegar, leave it at the end of our action.

    7. While the tomato is being cooked, we have a whole 20 minutes to cut the cucumbers. We cut them into very thin circles, or halves of circles, if the fruits are quite large.

    In general, if the vegetables are large, be sure to check them for bitterness. And if there is one, be sure to cut off the skin in the right places.

    I cut the fruit into circles no more than 3 mm thick.

    8. And as the tomato sauce is cooked, spread the chopped pepper and mix.

    9. Then pour a fairly decent amount of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles into the pan. Pour them better in parts and mix each part to make it easier.

    Together with the last batch, add salt and sugar, and mix again. To cover with a lid.

    10. After the contents boil, it will take 30 minutes to cook, with occasional stirring, of course!

    At first, there won't be much liquid. But then the vegetables will release the juice, while they themselves will settle, and there will be more than enough juice.

    11. After 30 minutes of constant, not very violent boiling, pour in the vinegar and mix. After adding, it will take another 5 minutes to cook. During this time, have time to mix a couple more times so that it disperses evenly throughout the mass.

    12. Our jars are already ready, washed and sterilized, as well as the lids. Fill the first jar in stages, evenly overlaying both vegetables and filling. Make sure there are no air bubbles inside. To do this, press the contents with a spoon at each tab.

    It is not necessary to turn off the fire under the pan, you can only reduce the fire to a minimum level. The hotter the salad is, the better, because in this recipe, we will not sterilize it.

    13. Having filled the glass container to the very neck, immediately tighten it with a lid.

    14. In the same way, fill and twist all remaining containers.

    And as usual, we remove the preservation “under a fur coat”, that is, under a blanket for pasteurization. Let it cool down slowly. If it is well wrapped, then after 24 hours it can still remain warm.

    After complete cooling, store in a cool, dark place.

    In winter, it will be a great addition to lunch, dinner, or on a festive table!

    Video on how to cook vegetable salad "Kuban" from the most delicious vegetables

    When the whole crop ripens on the beds, it's time to cook the Kuban salad. Look how juicy and bright it turns out. And it cannot be otherwise, because there are cabbage, and tomatoes, and bright carrots with fragrant bell peppers, and, of course, fresh homemade cucumbers.

    It's just an enchanting taste and aroma. "Beauty and deliciousness" - in a word!

    If you are preparing blanks for the winter, then you can’t do without this one! Be sure to prepare.

    By the way, you can cook it just to eat, without even rolling it into jars. It leaves, you do not have time to put it in a bowl. So try it for sure. Very tasty and healthy!

    It never stays for the next season, and is always eaten first!

    Layered salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with onions in oil dressing

    In the summer, we often cook our favorite salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, often with the addition of onions and bell peppers. And many do not want to leave this habit in the winter, so they make preparations for such a dish.

    Of course, it has a different taste and is made with a marinade, but it’s all the more interesting.

    We will need: (for three 650 gram cans)

    • cucumbers - 400 gr
    • tomatoes - 400 gr
    • bell pepper - 200 - 250 gr (preferably bright)
    • onion - 200 - 250 gr
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon on a jar
    • black peppercorns - 5 pcs per jar

    To prepare the marinade for 1 liter of water:

    • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • apple cider vinegar - 12 tbsp. spoons

    If there was no apple cider vinegar, then 9% vinegar will need to be prepared 8 tbsp. spoons per liter of water.


    1. Wash cucumbers soaked an hour or two before cooking and cut into circles. For this workpiece, you can use fruits of different sizes and calibers. Everything will be cut and delicious.

    Therefore, if our green vegetables are too large, then you can cut them into halves of circles.

    2. We should already have washed and sterilized jars. Pour oil into each of them and add pepper. Then lay out all the cut circles in equal proportions on each jar.

    3. Put the sliced ​​​​tomatoes in the next layer. The juicier, redder and tastier the fruits, the tastier the end result will be.

    By the way, you can choose the cutting method that you like best.

    4. Cut the onion into rings, if the head is small, or into half rings and put it in the third layer. We just get it in the middle, like a white light strip.

    5. Then bell pepper. I have it in two colors and will stand out with a bright juicy spot along with tomatoes.

    6. Finally, the last layer can be laid out onion rings. Or leave a couple of circles of cucumber for this purpose. That is, it is possible, and even necessary, to fantasize on this topic.

    7. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

    Pour salt and sugar, and when it boils again, pour vinegar. Let it boil for 3 minutes and carefully pour the liquid into each of the jars, filling it up to the very neck.

    First, fill the jars with hot marinade only a third, then another third, and only with the third filling can you pour to the very edge.

    If the vegetables were packed tightly, then a liter of marinade should be enough for all available filled containers.

    8. We will sterilize our blank. Otherwise, it is impossible - after all, we laid all the components raw.

    To do this, take a large saucepan, cover the bottom with a cloth and pour some warm water. Put the jars, cover them with lids. When all of them are installed in their places, add warm water so that it reaches the shoulders of the jar.

    Turn on the fire and bring the water to a boil. As it boils, note the time. It is different for every volume. The time is like this:

    • 0.5 liters - 10 minutes
    • 0.65 liters - 15 minutes
    • 1 liter - 20 minutes

    9. Remove the containers one at a time and screw on the lids. Then turn them over, placing them on a towel. And also you need to cover them with something warm. Leave until completely cool.

    Then put away for storage.

    In such a salad, not only the contents are tasty, but also the marinade. Therefore, an open jar does not last long. It is eaten immediately, whether for lunch, dinner, or at the festive table - this is not so important.

    A simple salad recipe for the winter of crispy pickles

    And at the end of today's article, I would like to tell you how to make a very simple salad of pickles. There are no additional ingredients and tricks here. They just salted the vegetables and wrapped them in a jar.

    Say you're not interested! Maybe so, but quickly, easily and budget. And the appetizer turns out to be crispy, which attracts many very much.

    We will need: (for 8 - 9 half-liter jars)

    • cucumbers - 4 kg
    • garlic - 1 - 2 heads
    • salt - 100 gr
    • sugar - 250 gr
    • vegetable oil - 1 cup
    • vinegar 9% - 1 cup
    • black peppercorns for each jar of 5 pieces


    1. Pre-soaked and saturated with moisture, cut the fruits into long sticks. To do this, cut each of them into 4 - 6 parts, depending on the size.

    2. Immediately lay them out in a large basin, or a suitable pan.

    3. Pour salt, sugar, add oil and vinegar. Mix vegetables and leave to infuse for 3 hours. During this time, they will allocate a sufficient amount of juice. This, in fact, will be our fill.

    In the meantime, the juice acts as a marinade.

    During this time, the contents will need to be stirred every 30 to 40 minutes so that everything is salted evenly.

    4. Then put the vegetables in jars and pour over the juice that has stood out. Cut 3-4 small cloves of garlic and 5 black peppercorns each on top.

    Make sure that there is enough juice for all containers. Press the contents with a spoon to fill the container more tightly.

    5. Cover the filled containers with a lid and sterilize. Half-liter jars will need to be sterilized for 20 minutes, 650 gram jars - 30, and liter jars - 40 minutes.

    As usual, after sterilization, twist the jars with lids and put them under the “fur coat” until they cool completely, not forgetting to turn them over and put them on the lid.

    In winter, open and serve as an appetizer for any second course.

    Friends, while preparing for this article, I chose the most delicious preparations from my recipe book. I prepared all of them, because every year I prepare a little of them, and now I am sharing them with you.

    I hope that each of you will be able to find the option you like. And he will also cook on it every year afterwards.

    I just want to say in conclusion, do not cook a lot at once. In each description, I tried to indicate how many cans are obtained from a given amount of ingredients. Therefore, cook a little at first, try it, and if the dish is to your liking, then then you will cook as much as you like.

    After all, everyone has different tastes, and as you know, "there are no comrades for the taste and color." Some like sweet tastes, others sour, others salty. Therefore, today there are many ways to please everyone.

    In general, I wish everyone the most delicious preparations.

    Cook always with pleasure and eat healthy!

    In order for the winter table to always please with its abundance, you should definitely prepare several popular juicy cucumber salads, the recipes of which you will find in this article.

    If you are a fan of making homemade preparations for the winter, then do not forget to prepare mouth-watering salads from crispy cucumbers. They will become real kings of any feast and will allow you to feel the taste and aroma of a hot summer in the midst of a frosty winter!

    1. To prepare a vegetable salad for the winter, it is quite acceptable to use overgrown cucumbers and irregularly shaped vegetables. After all, after grinding, these defects will be completely invisible. But home production will become almost waste-free.
    2. If sterilization is required, then do not forget to put a cloth folded in several layers on the bottom of the pan. Thanks to this measure, the jars will definitely not burst from the temperature difference.
    3. The jars in the pan should also not be placed too closely!
    4. To get the most delicious salads, you should use only high-quality vegetables and herbs. Otherwise, blanks may acquire uncharacteristic flavors, and the lids of such cans will swell and take off.
    5. After capping, each jar must be wrapped with a warm cloth and, after this manipulation, turned upside down.

    Nezhinsky salad

    Simple in its execution, Nezhinsky cucumber salad for the winter will conquer anyone with its simple, but at the same time attractive taste. Everyone will remember the wonderful aroma of the dish thanks to the amazing combination of dill, cucumbers and onions!


    cucumbers - 1 kg;

    onion (bulb) - 0.2 kg;

    table salt - 0.7 tbsp. l.;

    granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;

    table vinegar (9%) - 1 tbsp. l.;

    dill sprigs - 3-4 pcs.;

    black pepper (peas) - 4-5 pcs.


    1. In order to prepare Nezhinsky salad for the winter in the best possible way, you will need to take the indicated amount of ripe vegetables, wash and let them stand in cool water for a couple of hours. Then you need to cut off the tips, and chop the vegetable in the form of thin rounds. Large cucumbers can be cut into half rings or even quarters.
    2. Onions should be peeled from dry husks and cut into the thinnest rings or half rings, depending on the size of the vegetable. Green fragrant dill should be chopped with a sharp knife.
    3. Chopped cucumbers must be combined in a deep container with onions, as well as with salt, sugar and the specified amount of table vinegar. Then the mass will need to be gently mixed, trying not to crush the vegetables. Let stand for a couple of hours. In this case, the cucumbers should secrete juice.
    4. In each pre-sterilized jar, you need to pour a few peas of black pepper. On top of them tightly put the vegetable mixture along with the juice formed in it. Cover with sterile lids and let the mass stand for about 20 minutes.
    5. Then you need to lower the jars up to their shoulders in a container of warm water. Bring the liquid to a boil over low heat and sterilize the vegetable mass for 10-15 minutes, depending on the volume of the jars.
    6. Next, the jars should be corked with lids.

    Do you know that Nezhinsky cucumber salad can be made without the use of sterilization? To do this, you just need to boil the vegetable mass first! After boiling, add a little vegetable oil and table vinegar, mix. After that, it remains only to quickly decompose the mass into sterile jars and close with pre-treated lids.

    "Winter King" with carrots

    If you do not know what salad to cook for your family for the winter, then choose the royal one! A dish called "Winter King" is truly unforgettable thanks to the perfect combination of the ingredients used. There are a large number of cooking options for this dish, but the option with the addition of carrots can rightly be called one of the most delicious!


    • cucumbers - 4.5-5 kg;
    • carrots - 1 kg;
    • dill greens - 1 bunch;
    • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
    • table salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • table vinegar (9%) - 100 ml;
    • black pepper (peas) - about 10 pcs.


    1. The fruits should be washed, rid of the tips, and then cut into thin rings. Carrots must also be processed from contamination, and then grated with a coarse grater.
    2. Carrots and cucumbers need to be combined in a deep container, stir and let it brew for an hour and a half.
    3. Grind the dill, pour it over the vegetables. Also add vinegar and peppercorns, then mix the mass thoroughly.
    4. Put the pot with vegetables on the fire. Immediately after boiling, cucumber salad for the winter should be laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up with a special key.

    Such a salad for the winter can be presented to the table not only as an addition to any side dish. The dish is ideal for making hodgepodges and pickles, as well as vinaigrette.

    Mother-in-law's tongue with tomato sauce

    This dish will appeal to those who want to prepare spicy cucumbers for the winter with a piquant taste and bright aroma. Cucumbers in this version are surprisingly crispy and very appetizing. Such a dish on the winter table will definitely not linger for a long time!


    • cucumbers - 3 kg;
    • tomato sauce (or mild ketchup) - 0.5 l;
    • table vinegar (9%) - 125 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 125 g;
    • table salt - 20 g.


    1. Cucumbers must be washed, and then removed from their tips. The vegetable should be cut into thin long strips.
    2. Ready tomato sauce must be combined with granulated sugar and table salt, and then mixed. Pour the chopped cucumbers with this liquid. Let it brew for half an hour.
    3. You need to cook for 30 minutes.
    4. A few minutes before cooking, you need to pour vinegar into the mass and mix thoroughly.
    5. Roll into sterilized jars.

    By the way, "Teschin's tongue" can be made not only from cucumbers, but also from zucchini. You will definitely like recipes with the addition of ready-made sauce, so feel free to experiment!

    Cucumber and tomato salad for the winter

    A wonderful salad for the winter of cucumbers and tomatoes will be the perfect addition to any side dish. Cooking it is so simple that it is not at all necessary to look for recipes step by step with photos. In this case, a brief instruction will be enough!


    • cucumbers - 2 kg;
    • tomatoes - 2 kg;
    • onions - 1 kg;
    • vegetable oil - 120 ml;
    • table vinegar (9%) - 4 tbsp. l.
    • dill greens - 1 bunch;
    • table salt - 6 tsp;
    • granulated sugar - 6 tsp


    1. Fruits should be washed thoroughly. And then grind into thin rings or half rings.
    2. Similarly, you need to do with onions. It needs to be peeled off. Then cut into quarters of rings.
    3. Tomatoes need to be rinsed with water, and then cut into medium-sized slices.
    4. Dill should be finely chopped.
    5. Mix all these ingredients (except vinegar) thoroughly in a saucepan and put on the stove. Bring to a boil, then pour in the table vinegar and cook for an additional 3 minutes.
    6. Roll the resulting cucumber blank into sterilized jars.

    Tomatoes are best used not very hard. Otherwise, they will remain tough in the finished dish.

    Salad with mustard

    Such a preparation for the winter will appeal to all lovers of spicy and spicy tastes! Cucumbers are not only tasty, but also surprisingly appetizing in appearance. They will be a great appetizer for any feast in the winter.


    • cucumbers - 4.5 kg;
    • mustard powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • crushed garlic - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil (sunflower) - 250 ml;
    • table vinegar (9%) - 250 ml;
    • table salt - 100 g;
    • granulated sugar - 250 g;
    • black pepper (ground) - 2 tbsp. l.


    1. Cucumbers need to be washed, and then cut each vegetable into 4 parts along the long side. Send them to the pot.
    2. Add all the other ingredients to the coarsely chopped cucumbers in the indicated amount. Mix all the ingredients together and leave the mass in a cool place for 3 hours.
    3. Arrange the infused salad in sterilized jars. Cover with lids and place them in a pot of water. The liquid should reach the jars up to the shoulders! Sterilize the workpiece for 20-40 minutes. Boiling time depends on the volume of jars used.
    4. Seal with a special key.

    It is not necessary to sterilize longer than the specified time. Otherwise, the cucumbers in the finished dish will not crunch.

    Appetizing cucumber salads for the winter will be the perfect solution for any housewife. After all, such preparations are made quickly enough, do not require special culinary skills and involve the use of only available ingredients! But any cucumber dish for the winter has a bright taste and aroma that will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.
