
Harvesting for the winter from plums without sugar. Plums natural whole

Homemade sugar-free plum preparations are ideal for people who are recommended dietary nutrition, losing weight and diabetics. After all, the calorie content of plums is only 42 kcal per 100 g of product.

Plum is a very useful berry, it contains a lot of vitamin P, which is necessary for healthy blood vessels, which is preserved even after processing.

Plums also contain a lot of potassium, which supports cardiac activity and regulates the acid-base balance in the body. Increases bile secretion and has a diuretic effect.

Canning plums for the winter without sugar is a great way to preserve their natural aroma and flavor. Berries harvested according to these recipes can be used to stuff pies and other delicious desserts.

Plums in own juice

1. On a liter jar, take 1 kg of sweet plums with elastic, dense pulp (for example, Hungarian). Wash, cut in half and remove the seeds. Fill the jars to the top, cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes. You don't need to add water, the plums will release juice. During sterilization, the plums will settle, therefore, together with the main banks, put an additional one to be sterilized, from which it is necessary to report preservation to others. Then sterilize for another 10 minutes and roll up. Cool the sugar-free plums with the lids down.

2. Cut ripe sweet plums into halves and remove the seeds. Transfer to a saucepan, add half a glass of water and heat over low heat until the juice stands out. Arrange canned plums without sugar in jars, fill with juice and pasteurize at 85 ° C: 0.5 l - 15 minutes, 1 l - 20 minutes.

Plum compote for the winter without sugar

1. On a liter jar you need to take 700 g of plums. Wash the plums and blanch them for 5 seconds in boiling water, immediately transfer to cold water for a couple of minutes. This is necessary so that a mesh forms on the skin, and the plums do not crack during sterilization. Place in clean jars, pour boiling water, cover with lids and sterilize jars for 10 minutes, three-liter jars for 20 minutes. Roll up the lids.

2. Prick the washed and dried plums (400 g per 3 liter jar) with a knife so that they do not crack. Carefully fill with boiling water, cover and hold for 20 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan and boil. Roll up the lids. Cool upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

Plum jam without sugar

1. Plum jam without sugar. Rinse the plums and remove the pits. Put the plum halves in a cooking container and leave for 2 hours. You can crush them a little to form juice. Put on the slowest fire and cook, stirring constantly. At first there will be little juice, so make sure that the jam does not burn. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes. Let it brew for 8 hours. Also cook 2 more times. Spread hot in jars and cool open to form a film. Close with capron lids and store in a cool place.

2. Plum jam without sugar. Wash very ripe plums and remove the pits. Transfer to a saucepan, pour a glass of water, put on the stove and stir until it boils. Simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 4 hours. Cover with gauze and cook for another 4 hours, remembering to stir. The sugar-free plum jam will become very thick and dark in color. Pour into clean, dry jars and close with lids.

3. Plum jam without sugar. You need to take ripe sweet plums, wash them, remove the pits, put them in a non-stick dish and cook over low heat for 5-6 hours, stirring so as not to burn until a thick, dark mass is obtained. Rub it through a sieve and cook over low heat until the jam begins to fall off the spoon in chunks. Arrange in dry, clean, hot jars, let cool and close with nylon lids.

4. Plum puree without sugar. Wash the plums, remove the pits and boil in a bowl with a little water. When soft, strain through a colander. Bring to a boil and pour into heated jars. Preservation of plums without sugar is sterilized in boiling water: 0.5 l jar - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20 minutes, 3 l - 30-35 minutes. Roll up with boiled metal lids.

5. Sugar-free plum pastille. Pour over ripe pitted plums with a little water and cook, stirring, until thickened. Place on a baking sheet lined with oiled paper and spread into a 1 cm thick layer. Dry on both sides in the sun or in a slightly heated oven so that it does not stick to your hands. Roll up and store in a cool dry place.

Checking jars of compote for leaks. I closed with twist-off lids (twisting)

Here is the technology of canning without sugar and a table with recipes for juice and unsweetened compotes for the winter for different berries and fruits (proportions, time for sterilization or pasteurization of jars, recipe features).

Sugar is a good preservative for fruits, but this is far from the only way to harvest fruits and berries for the winter. Many sour berries and fruits (apricots, lingonberries, cherries, grapes, wild strawberries, cranberries, gooseberries, lemons, raspberries, cloudberries, peaches, plums, cherry plums, nectarines, currants, chokeberries, apples, honeysuckle) can be prepared for the winter without Sahara.

Methods for harvesting fruits and berries without sugar

  • sterilization or pasteurization (exposure to high temperatures);
  • preparation with preservatives (vinegar, citric acid, salt);
  • drying (evaporation of water);
  • thickening fruit and berry puree (marmalade, jam, marshmallow);
  • freezing.

Canning compotes without sugar

For compotes for the winter, harvested without sugar, choose acidic varieties of berries and fruits. The fruits must be ripe, clean, undamaged (overripe go to jam, and slightly unripe go to jam or jam, and spoiled fruits go to the trash can).

Fruit and berry compotes without sugar are made either in their own juice (or in the juice of other acidic fruits), or in water. And if there is not enough acid (which itself contributes to a better preservation of fruits) in fruits, then citric acid is added.

Jars with compote without sugar must be sterilized or pasteurized. The time of heat treatment of cans depends on their size and type of fruit.

Method for preserving compotes without sugar

  1. Prepare jars and lids: Rinse everything with soda or detergent, sterilize or pour boiling water over. Covers - tin ordinary or.
  2. Prepare fruits and berries: Rinse good, ripe, intact fruits, remove petioles, leaves and everything unnecessary, dry (if put whole). Or - remove the bones or core. Warm the fruits until the juice appears ( if required by prescription).
  3. Fill the jars with berries and fruits up to the shoulders (if the preparation seems concentrated in winter, dilute it with water). In some recipes, berries are put less, this is negotiated separately.
  4. If the prescription says, then pour boiling water (the filling should reach the place where the neck begins, so that the contents of the jar have a free space up to the lid ~ 2 cm. This is the space for the compote to boil).
  5. Prepare the pot with a flat wide bottom for sterilization / pasteurization - line the bottom with a towel or cloth (so that the jars do not slip). Put jars with fruits. Cover them with lids. Pour warm or hot water into the pan so that it reaches the outside of the shoulders of the jars (the temperature of the water in the pan should be the same as the temperature of the jars, or the water will be slightly hotter. If a hot jar is placed in cold water, it may burst).
  6. Sterilize-Pasteurize: Bring water in a pot with jars to a boil. And fix the fire. For sterilization (at 100 degrees C) - medium fire, at which boiling will be obvious, in obvious uniform bulges (but not huge ones that pour over the cans from above). For pasteurization (80-90 degrees C) - the fire is small, the boil is weak, the bulges are barely visible, which hardly break through to the surface. Sterilization time is counted from the moment the water boils in the pan. During sterilization, the lids can lift up releasing steam, this is normal, you can lift the lid 1 time during sterilization with very clean hands or a fork (to help excess steam escape), but then cover it again. Sterilization (S) and/or pasteurization (P) times are indicated in the table below (exact or approximate range, in minutes).
  7. Close jars and store: At the end of sterilization or pasteurization, remove the jars from the water (without moving the lids). Roll up the banks. Turn compote under tin lids upside down and leave it to cool (at room temperature), turn jars with screw lids, check for leakage and return to normal position. Store in a cool place (cellar, basement, refrigerator or cold room).

Checking jars for leaks

Type of compote Preliminary preparation. Application Sterilization/Pasteurization = (S) or (P), per can
0.5 l 1 l 2 l 3 l
Apricots and nectarines
Apricots or nectarines in their own juice Cut in half, remove the pit. Put in a saucepan, pour water (per 1 kg of apricots / 0.5 cups). Heat over low heat, stirring, until the fruit is covered with juice. Put in banks. 10(C) 15(S) 20(C) 25(C)
Apricots or nectarines natural Cut in half, remove the pit. Put in jars, pour boiling water.
Used as compote, stuffing for pies.
10 (P) 15 (P) 20 (P) 25 (P)
Actinidia juice Mash the berries with a wooden crush, squeeze out the juice. Heat to 90 degrees C. Pour into jars immediately. Cork.

(if the cherry is very sour, then sterilization can be replaced by pasteurization (the time is the same)

Cherry with spices Pouring: throw a few cloves, a pinch of allspice or vanilla sugar into boiling water.
Fill the jar with cherries (whole or pitted) only 2/3, compacting. Fill with hot filling.
10-12 (C) 13-15 (С) 23-25 ​​(С) 30 (C)
Natural cherries Put whole cherries tightly in jars, pour boiling water over them. 10-12 (C) 13-15 (C) 23-25 ​​(С) 30 (C)
Cherry in own juice Pack pitted cherries tightly into jars. 10-12 (C) 13-15 (C) 23-25 ​​(С) 30 (C)
Cherries in their own juice Place pitted cherries in jars to the very top (they will settle) 20 (P) 25 (P) 30 (P) 35 (P)
Steamed cherries Remove the bones, put in a saucepan, heat, stirring, until the juice is released. Simmer until the compote is reduced by half in volume. Transfer to banks. 15-17 (P) 20 (P) 23-25 ​​(P) 30 (P)
Honeysuckle juice Squeeze juice from ripe berries. Pour into an enameled saucepan, heat to 85 degrees C. Cool, pour into a glass jar, cover and let stand in a cool place for 48 hours. Then pour into a saucepan, heat quickly to 95 degrees C. Pour into jars or bottles. 5 (C) 7(S) 10(C) 13(S)
Honeysuckle in a filling from own juice Pour into jars, shaking slightly. Pour boiling juice from honeysuckle (or boiling water). 12(C) 15(S) 18(S) 21(S)
Strawberries, strawberries (Victoria)
Wild strawberry natural Put in jars, pour boiling water (option: strained hot strawberry juice). 9-10 (P) 10-15 (P)
Strawberry compote / tubers ki Put in banks. Pour hot water or juice from berries. 7-8 (P)
4-5 (С)
12-15 (P)
6-8 (C)
Strawberry compote with other berries Put a mixture of berries in jars (strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, black, red or white currants - whatever). Pour hot juice of these berries or water. 7-8 (P)
4-5 (С)
12-15 (P)
6-8 (C)
Cranberry natural Put in banks. Pour in boiling water. Used for compotes, jelly, jam. 8(S) 10(C)
soaked cranberries Harvested in glass jars or enameled or wooden utensils (without heating). Pour into a bowl (shake to firm up). Pour boiled cool water so that it covers the berries. To improve the taste, you can add Antonov apples and cinnamon. Store in a cold place. Use as a side dish (meat, fish), make compotes, kissels, fruit drinks, sauerkraut).
Cranberries in their own juice Squeeze out the juice (use small, unevenly colored berries that are not a pity). Put large cranberries in a saucepan, pour juice (for 2 cups of cranberries 1 cup of juice). Heat quickly (without boiling), immediately pack in jars and sterilize. 5-6 (С) 10(C) 15(S) 20(C)
Cranberry natural Warm ripe berries over low heat (let the juice go). Transfer to banks. 7-9 (C) 9-10 (C) 15(S) 20(C)
Cranberry compote (in own juice) Put in banks. Pour in freshly squeezed cranberry juice. 5 (C) 10(C) 15(S) 20(C)
Cranberry juice Pass cranberries through a meat grinder (or ceiling). Put in a saucepan, pour water (for 1 kg of cranberries 3/4 cup of water). Heat up to 60-70 degrees C. Ceiling already in the pan. Strain the juice (such juice can be used in compote recipes).
Heat the juice to 75 degrees C. Strain again and bring to a boil, cook for 2-4 minutes. Pour into bottles or jars. Seal immediately. Turn the closed jars upside down (and put the bottles on their side) until cool.
The remnants of cranberry puree can be poured with boiling water and get the juice of the second extraction from them.
Gooseberry compote Fill banks. Pour in boiling water.
You can add 2-3 rings of orange (with peel) to gooseberries
8(S) 10-12 (C) 12-14 (C) 15(S)
Gooseberry natural A large gooseberry is suitable. Put in a basin, pour water (0.5 cups of water per 1 kg of berries), put on low heat. Shake and stir until the juice comes out. Transfer immediately to banks. 20 (P) 25 (P)
Lemon juice Without heating. Before cutting, roll the lemons with pressure on the table (the juice will be squeezed out better). Take out the bones. Squeeze out the juice, strain through a clean white cotton cloth. Pour into bottles with a narrow neck. Top with vegetable oil (1 cm layer). Seal with sterilized stoppers. Top with paraffin. Store in a dark, cool place.
Raspberry, blackberry
Raspberry or blackberry compote Place in jars without pressing. Pour the juice of raspberries or other berries (or water) - at room temperature. Place in a pot of cold water and pasteurize. 8 (P) 15 (P) 25 (P)
Raspberry juice (or blackberry) Ceiling or immediately squeeze the juice through the cloth. Pour it into jars or bottles. 8 (P) 15 (P) 25 (P)
Raspberries in their own juice (or blackberries) Heat the raspberries in a saucepan or basin (until the juice starts up). Spread across banks. 15 (P) 20 (P)
Raspberries in redcurrant juice Put in banks. Pour in currant juice. Place in a saucepan with cold water. 8-10 (P)
15 (P)
Raspberries in honeysuckle juice For 1 kg of raspberries 0.4 kg of honeysuckle. Blanch honeysuckle for 2-3 minutes, crush with a crush. Pour honeysuckle puree over raspberries, bring to a boil. And quickly pour into jars. 8(S) 14(C)
Peaches, nectarines
Peaches or nectarines natural Put whole or in halves. Pour in boiling water. Use for compotes and fillings in pies. 15 (P) 20 (P) 25 (P)
Plums, plums, nectarines
Plums (cherry plum or nectarines) in their own juice Put whole or halves in jars (to the very edge). Used for fillings in pastries, jelly, compotes. 20(C) 25(C) 30 (C)
Plums natural Blanch plums for 2-3 minutes. in boiling water. Take out, tightly put in jars. 25(C) 28 (C) 32(C)
Plums in their own juice (or sour nectarines) Cut in half, remove bones. Fold in an enamel basin, add 0.5 cups of water. Heat over low heat, stirring (until the juice is released). Arrange in jars, pour over the allocated juice. 15 (P) 20 (P)
Currants (black, red and white), cranberries
Currant compote-1 way Put in banks. Fill with cold boiled water. About 0.4 of water or juice goes to a liter jar. 8 (P)
4 (C)
14 (P)
6 (C)
Currant compote-2 way Put in an enamel basin. Pour in water or juice (0.5 l per 1 kg of berries). Cover and heat to 85 degrees C. Reduce heat (to maintain a very low simmer) and heat for 5 minutes. Pack in prepared jars. Close.
Red currant juice Crush the berries. Add water, heat to 60-65 degrees C. Heat very slowly (you can put the basin in the oven), maintaining this temperature for 30 minutes. Then - pass through a sieve or gauze, pour the juice into jars. 15 (P) 20 (P) 25 (P) 30 (P)
Redcurrant in own juice Heat the berries over low heat, stirring, in a saucepan under the lid (until the juice is released). Arrange hot in jars, compact to let the juice go. 10(C) 15(S) 20(C)
Black currant natural Put in banks. Pour in boiling water. 15(S) 20(C)
Blackcurrant in apple juice Put in banks. Pour apple juice (0.6-0.7 l of juice per 1 kg of berries). 15(S) 20(C)
Blackcurrant in beetroot juice Put in banks. Pour in boiling beetroot juice. Roll up. For 1 kg of currant 200 g of juice.
Blackcurrant puree Dip the berries for 2-3 minutes in boiling water (0.5 cups of water per 1 kg of berries). Hot ceiling, grind with a blender or wipe through a sieve. Bring the puree to a boil, pack in large jars (3 l). Roll up.
Blueberries, blueberries
Blueberries in their own juice Put in a saucepan, heat under the lid, stirring until the juice is released. Spread across banks. 15 (P) 20 (P) 25 (P) 25 (P)
Blueberries in own juice-2 Put in jars, shaking (so that the berries fit snugly together). 15 (P) 20 (P) 25 (P) 25 (P)
Apples in their own juice Remove skin and core. Cut into slices or grate on a coarse grater. Pack tightly into jars to the very edge. 15(S) 20(C) 25(C) 30 (C)
Apples in their own juice Peel apples, cut into slices. Blanch 2-3 min. in boiling water. Cool in cold water. Put in banks. Pour in hot apple juice. 10 (P) 15 (P) 20 (P) 25 (P)
Apples natural Sliced ​​​​peeled or whole (if small) dip in boiling water for 3-5 minutes (blanch). Cool in cold water. Put in banks. Fill with hot water. 20(C) 30 (C) 33(C)
Apple compote Clean, remove the core. Cut into slices, dip in 1% salt solution for 5-7 minutes. Remove and dip in boiling water (blanch for 1-15 minutes depending on the firmness of the apples, until softened). Cool down in water. Put in banks. 8-10 (P) 10-12 (P)
Applesauce Remove skins and seeds, chop. Add water (1.4 cups per 3 kg of apples). Heat until softened. Quickly wipe through a sieve or colander (or ceiling). Divide puree into jars. 20 (P) 25 (P) 35 (P) 45 (P)
Apple puree with plums Prepare applesauce (see above) and plum (blanch the plums for 1-2 minutes, dip in cold water, remove the skin, remove the stone, chop the pulp with a pusher or blender. Or - heat the halves of the plums with the addition of water until softened, rub through a sieve) . Mix and arrange in jars. 20 (P) 25 (P) 35 (P) 45 (P)
Apple puree with raspberries Mix applesauce with crushed raspberries. Spread across banks. 20 (P) 25 (P) 35 (P) 45 (P)
Apples in blackcurrant juice Steam currants under a lid with a little water. Rub hot through a sieve. Peel apples, cut into slices, put in jars. Pour currant puree to a level 1-2 cm below the edge of the jar. For 1 kg of apples 0.7 kg of currants. 20(C) 30 (C)
Apples in redcurrant juice Pour red currant berries with water and heat, covered with a lid, until the juice is released (steam). Pass through a sieve or leave as is. Fill jars halfway with currants. Peeled apples cut into slices and put in red currants (it should cover the apples). 20(C) 25(C) 30 (C)

The less intense and lengthy the heat treatment is when harvesting fruits for the winter, the more vitamins and other useful substances are stored in them. Plums in their own juice are among the canned plums favored by healthy eaters. It can be closed in many ways, including without sugar.

Cooking features

The process of preserving plums in their own juice has its own specifics and takes time, but the result is worth the effort. The fruits closed in their own juice are not only useful, but also retain the taste and aroma of fresh fruits. Even a novice hostess will cope with the task if she knows a few points.

  • Plums can be preserved for the winter whole or in slices. If you close the fruit with the seeds, it will be necessary to consume them within 8 months, preferably even earlier. Over time, a toxic substance is formed in the seeds of plums, which makes their use unsafe for health.
  • Preservation of plums in their own juice is based on the release of juice by fruits during gradual heating. Sugar contributes to this process, adding it allows you to reduce the cooking time of the dessert. Preparation of canned food occurs during the sterilization of jars with fruits. To do this, put a towel on the bottom of a large pot, put jars filled with plums on it, fill the pan with water so that its level reaches the shoulders of the jars, and begin to heat it over low heat. During heating, the plums release juice and settle, the vacated space is filled with new fruits and continues to be sterilized.
  • It is more convenient to sterilize jars of small volume - from 0.5 liters to 1 liter. It is important that they are the same size, otherwise it will not be possible to calculate the time required to prepare the dessert.
  • Jars in which plums are placed must be washed with soda and sterilized before use. Lids for them are also subjected to sterilization, usually by boiling. Only metal covers are used to ensure tightness, plastic ones may not be able to cope with this task.
  • After seaming, the jars are turned over and covered with a blanket. This is necessary for additional preservation.

The conditions and shelf life of plums preserved in their own juice depend on the recipe used. Usually blanks made without sugar are stored in the refrigerator for 6 to 12 months. A plum covered with sugar can be stored in a cool room or even at room temperature for at least a year, unless we are talking about fruits with stones - they should be eaten as soon as possible.

Plum in own juice with sugar

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • plums - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the plums, blot them with napkins. Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds from them.
  • Sterilize jars and metal lids suitable for them in any way convenient for you.
  • Fill jars with prepared plums, sprinkling each layer of fruit with sugar.
  • Cover jars with lids.
  • Place a kitchen towel in a large saucepan, place jars of plums on it.
  • Pour water into a saucepan. Its level should reach the shoulders of the cans.
  • Put the saucepan on the stove. Bring the water in it to a boil over low heat.
  • Sterilize the plum jars until the fruit is about a third of the way down.
  • Fill the vacated space with the remaining plums, also sprinkling them with sugar.
  • Continue sterilizing the fruit jars until the fruit is completely submerged in the juice.
  • Take the cans with the workpiece out of the pan, roll them up. Turn over, cover with a towel, leave to cool in a steam bath.

Plums prepared according to this recipe in their own juice are sweet, juicy, fragrant. Juice from under them can be used instead of syrup or make a drink from it, diluting it with clean water. The dessert stands well at room temperature, keeping its shelf life for two years.

Spicy plums in their own juice

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • plums - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 sticks;
  • cloves - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Plums wash, dry, peel. Fold the halves in an enameled bowl, sprinkle with sugar. Cover the bowl with a thin cloth or cheesecloth and leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Stir occasionally with a wooden spatula, being careful not to damage the fruit.
  • During this time, the drain will give a lot of juice, it must be drained into a separate container.
  • Add cloves and cinnamon to the juice, bring it to a boil, remove from heat, let it brew for half an hour.
  • Bring the plum juice back to a boil.
  • Fill the prepared jars with plums, pour hot juice over the fruit, after removing the spices from it.
  • Cover jars with boiled lids.
  • Place in a pot filled with warm water and sterilize for 10-20 minutes depending on the size of the jars.
  • Remove the jars from the pan, seal them tightly, turn over, wrap, let them cool gradually, in a steam bath.

Cooled cans should be moved to an unheated pantry or any other cool room. Canned food will not spoil for at least a year.

Plum in own juice without sugar

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • plum - 0.8-0.9 kg;
  • water - how much will go in.

Cooking method:

  • Fill sterilized jars as tightly as possible with washed and dried plums.
  • Pour boiled water into jars. The water should reach approximately the shoulders of the jar or even be slightly below this level.
  • Put a towel in the pan, put the jars on it, cover them with lids.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil over low heat.
  • The time of sterilization of jars depends on their volume: liter jars sterilize an hour, larger jars - 1.5 hours, half-liter jars will last 40 minutes.
  • Remove the jars from the pan, roll up. Leave to cool upside down and wrapped.

After cooling, jars with plums, closed in their own juice without sugar, must be put in the refrigerator. You need to have time to eat them in six months.

Plums in their own juice are juicy and aromatic, almost the same as fresh fruit. They contain more vitamins than jam or similar desserts. Even an inexperienced cook is able to prepare this healthy delicacy for the winter.

Amazing selection for you, keep it!

Adjika with plums for the winter


✓ 2 kg plums;

✓ 3 onions;

✓ 1 chili pepper (small pod);

✓ 5 pieces of bell pepper;

✓ 4 cloves of garlic;

✓ 3 tbsp. l. vinegar;

✓ 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;

✓ 1 tsp salt.


Sort the plums, wash and remove the pits.

Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds and tails, and then cut into large pieces.

Wash and chop the chili pepper, and the peeled onion into large cubes.

Pass bell peppers, plums, chili peppers and onions twice through a fine sieve of a meat grinder.

Put all the vegetables in a saucepan and cook for an hour, stirring all the time.

When the mass releases juice, add salt and sugar.

Place half-liter jars on a wire rack in a cold oven, bring the temperature to 150 C and sterilize the jars for 15 minutes.

Spread hot adjika in sterile jars and roll up.

By the way, the sharpness of the workpiece can be adjusted - add more or less chili peppers.

Yellow plum tkemali sauce for the winter


✓ 5 kg of yellow plum;

✓ 2 glasses of water;

✓ 1 piece chili pepper;

✓ 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;

✓ 2 tbsp. l. salt;

✓ 2 medium heads of garlic;

✓ 2 tbsp. l. hops-suneli.


Wash the yellow plums and separate the pulp from the pits.

Now put the plums in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil.

Remove the plums from the heat, add the peeled garlic squeezed through the garlic and chopped chili peppers.

Beat everything into a homogeneous mass with a blender.

Now return the pot to the stove and bring the sauce back to a boil.

Add all spices. Sterilize half-liter jars in the oven on a wire rack for 15 minutes.

Then fill jars with sauce and roll up.

Thick plum jam


✓ 1 kg plums;

✓ 500 grams of sugar;

✓ 25 g gelfix (vegetable thickener for jelly and jam).


Sort the plums and wash.

Divide in half and remove the bones, then transfer to an enamel pan.

Mix sugar with gelfix and pour plums with this mixture.

Put the pot on the fire. Bring the plums to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Then, using a blender, grind everything into a homogeneous mass.

Bring to a boil again, boil for 2 minutes and turn off.

Sterilize 0.5 liter jars in boiling water or on a wire rack in the oven for 15 minutes.

Divide the jam into jars and swirl.

It is desirable to store such jam in a cool place, for example, in a cellar.

Tkemali sauce with plums and red tomatoes


✓ 10 kg of red tomatoes;

✓ 1.5 kg plums;

✓ 1.5 kg of chili pepper;

✓ 350 g of garlic;

✓ 50 g of dry red pepper powder;

✓ 5 tbsp. l. coriander;

✓ 5 tbsp. l. salt;

✓ 5 tbsp. l. vinegar;

✓ 1 liter of water.


Wash the tomatoes and cut into quarters each.

Then put them in a saucepan, fill with water and put on fire.

Bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for 30-40 minutes. Be sure to stir.

Then rub through a sieve so that the skins do not get into the sauce.

While the tomatoes are stewing, wash the plums and remove the seeds from them.

Wash the pepper and cut into slices, and peel the garlic.

Then chop plums, peppers and garlic in a meat grinder.

Now add this mass to the mashed tomatoes, pour out the spices and mix.

Return the sauce to the heat and bring to a boil.

Cook for half an hour on minimum heat, stirring constantly, then pour in the vinegar, stir and turn off.

Place the jars on a wire rack in a cold oven, heat to 150 C and sterilize: 0.5 liter for 15 minutes, liter for 20 minutes.

Pour the finished sauce into jars and roll up.

Pickled plums without seaming


✓ 500 gr plums;

✓ 5 tsp sea ​​salt;

✓ 1 tsp mustard seeds;

✓ 1 tsp fenugreek seeds;

✓ dried chili peppers to taste.


For this recipe, it is desirable to use hard plums - ripe, but not overripe.

Wash the plums and let them dry. Then remove the bones and cut them into thin plates.

Now put chopped plums into a deep bowl, add sea salt.

Mix gently and let stand for at least 3 hours, if you have time, you can leave it all night.

During this time, the drain will release juice, which will act as a brine.

Now, in one dry frying pan, fry a little (so that it is well dried) mustard seeds and fenugreek, and dry hot pepper pods in the other.

Let the spices cool and grind them into a powder, add to the plums and mix.

Let the dish stand for 30 minutes. During this time, sterilize liter jars in the oven for 20 minutes at 150 C.

Arrange the plums in sterile jars, cover with nylon lids and refrigerate.

In a day, the dish will be completely ready for use.

Plum jelly for the winter


✓ 1 kg of plums;

✓ 1 kg of sugar;

✓ 100 ml of lemon juice;

✓ 200 gr of pectin.


Sort, wash under running water and dry the plums a little.

Divide each plum in half, remove the pit and cut into quarters.

Transfer the plums to a saucepan, squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the plums. Stir.

Turn on the fire and start boiling the plums. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.

Now add sugar, pectin, mix and cook for about 2 minutes until the sugar melts.

Remove foam and remove from heat. Pour the jelly into sterile jars and roll up.

Now jars of jelly need to be sterilized. Place hot jelly jars in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Then turn off the heat and leave them to stand in the water for another 5 minutes.

After that, remove the jars, wipe with a towel and leave to cool.

Jam "Plums in syrup"


✓ 1 kg plums;

✓ 500 g of sugar;

✓ 1.5-2 glasses of water.


First, wash the plums and remove the pits.

If you want the plums to remain whole, remove the pits with a pencil.

Boil the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan, fill it with water, put on fire and bring to a boil.

Then lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Now pour the plums into the syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.

Place prepared clean jars on a wire rack in a cold oven and bring the temperature to 150 C.

Sterilize for 20 minutes and cool slightly. Pour hot jam into sterile jars and roll up.

Plum compote for the winter

Ingredients for one 3 liter jar:

✓ 500 gr plums;

✓ 350 grams of sugar;

✓ 3 liters of water.


Sort the plums, wash, remove the tails. Then use a pencil to remove the bones.

Pour the plums into clean three-liter jars. Plums should take up a little less than half of the jar.

Now pour boiling water into the jars so that the water covers the plums, let stand for 15 minutes.

Now pour the water from the jars into the pan. Bring water to a boil and add sugar.

Boil for a few minutes until sugar dissolves. Now pour the syrup back into all the jars equally.

Add the missing amount with boiling water. Cover jars with lids and let stand 10 minutes.

Drain the compote again into the pan (without drains), boil and pour into jars. Roll up the lids immediately.

Turn the jars upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Plum fig (marshmallow)


✓ 3 kg plums;

✓ ¾ cup sugar.


Wash the plums and remove the pits from them. Now lay the plums cut side up.

Preheat the oven to 180 C and place a baking sheet with plums in it for 20 minutes.

Take the plums out of the oven and let them cool down.

Then grind the plums with a blender until smooth.

Add sugar and mix everything again. Line a baking sheet with parchment and pour the plum mass 0.5 cm thick onto it.

If everything does not fit in one baking sheet, divide into two, or even three baking sheets.

Now, if you have a summer cottage, you can dry the fig in the sun for 3 days.

The second option: preheat the oven to 70 degrees and cook figs in it for 6-8 hours.

This time is enough for the fig to dry and become smooth.

Now cut the fig into strips and wrap them in rolls - the product is ready for use.

Plum in own juice

Ingredients for one half liter jar:

✓ 350 g plums;

✓ 200 g of sugar.


Wash and dry the jars. Sort the plums, wash, divide each in half and remove the seeds.

In each jar, lay the plums in layers, cut side down.

First, lay a layer of plums tightly, then cover with sugar, again a layer of plums, a layer of sugar, and so on until the neck.

Now cover the jars with lids and pasteurize for 15 minutes from the moment the water boils.

Then immediately seal the hot jars, turn upside down, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Plum ketchup


✓ 1 kg plums;

✓ 2 kg of tomatoes;

✓ 250 g of onions;

✓ 1.5 st. l. salt;

✓ 200 g of sugar;

✓ 0.5 tsp pepper mixtures;

✓ 2-3 pieces of red hot pepper;

✓ 2 bay leaves;

✓ 2 tbsp. l. vinegar;

✓ 100 g of garlic;

✓ dill, cilantro, parsley, basil to taste;

✓ 5 cans of 0.5 l.


Wash the plums, cut in half and remove the pits.

Wash the tomatoes and pour over with boiling water. Then soak in cold water for 5 minutes and remove the skin.

Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces. Peel the onion, wash and cut into four pieces.

Peel the garlic, and wash the red pepper and remove the tails from it.

Now mince plums, tomatoes and onions.

Pour the resulting puree into a non-stick pan and cook after boiling for two hours, stirring occasionally.

In the meantime, pass greens, peppers and garlic through a fine sieve of a meat grinder.

After two hours, add a mixture of garlic, pepper and herbs to the ketchup, as well as salt, sugar, bay leaf and a mixture of peppers.

Now add vinegar, stir and cook for another 30-50 minutes until thickened.

Sterilize the jars in the oven at 150 C for 15 minutes.

Remove the bay leaf from the ketchup and pour hot into jars.

Roll up with sterile lids and wrap in a blanket.

Plum confiture


✓ 1 kg of plums;

✓ 1.5 kg of sugar;

✓ 0.5 pieces of lemon;

✓ cinnamon and star anise optional.


For this recipe, use a well-ripened plum. Sort it, wash it and remove the bones.

Then pass the plum through a meat grinder. Now pour into a saucepan and add sugar, mix.

Put on fire and cook for 45 minutes on low heat. Now remove from heat and cool.

Wash the lemon, pour over with boiling water, cut into two halves and squeeze the juice from one.

Add lemon juice to the jam and simmer for another 20 minutes after boiling.

At this stage, you can also add spices - cinnamon sticks, star anise.

Sterilize the jars in the oven at 150 C for 15-20 minutes.

Arrange the hot confiture in jars, after removing the spices from it, roll it up.

Store plum stock in a cool place.

How to dry plums and cook prunes


✓ 2 kg plums;

✓ 1 glass of burnt sugar;

✓ 1 glass of water.


Remove pits from ripe plums with a pencil. Now boil the water and dip the plums into it three times for a minute.

Cover the plywood sheets with paper, lay out the plums and dry for 2-3 weeks in the sun, turn over several times a day.

Bring plums into the house at night. You can also dry plums in the oven. To do this, first dry the plums for 2 days in the sun on wooden grates.

Then dry in the oven in three steps. In the first and second steps, preheat the oven to 40-50 C and place the plums in it on the grate.

Dry the plums on the first and second day for 5 hours. For the third drying, make syrup: dilute burnt sugar with water.

Dip the plums in the syrup and arrange on a baking sheet. Dry the plums a third time for 10-12 hours.

Select the finished plums, and dry the rest. Store prunes in dry jars with lids or in a dry room in wooden boxes.

Prunes can be sprinkled with bay leaves to protect the plums from insects.

plum cheese

Let's continue our research on original recipes for preparing fruits for the winter and today we will make hard cheese from plums.


✓ Plums - 2 kg;

✓ Water - 300 ml;

✓ Sugar - 1400 gr.


First, boil the plums in a small amount of water for about 20 minutes, until the fruits become soft.

After that, we wipe the fruits through a sieve and free them from the seeds and peel.

If you intend to make cheese from one pulp of plums, then lay it on a fabric folded in 6 layers, which is stretched on the legs of a chair, and a container is placed under it to drain the juice and let it stand overnight.

The juice can be used to make jelly, but the pulp must be passed through a sieve.

Now put the pureed pulp in a large saucepan and put on low heat.

Add sugar, stir and cook the mixture for about one hour, until the mixture becomes very thick.

We continue to cook the mixture until cooked, which is determined by the trace of a wooden spoon drawn along the bottom of the pan.

Once this trail has been filled with the mixture long enough, the cheese mixture is ready.

Now we fill the banks. Remove the saucepan from the heat and spoon the plum cheese into greased molds, or into oiled cylindrical jars so that the cheese can be easily removed and served on the table.

Close the jars and store them in a cool dry place. Let me remind you that you can store such cheese for more than a year.

When it's time to remove the cheese from the plums from the can, you will need to run a table knife along the inside of the can and turn it upside down on a serving dish.

Slowly remove the jar from the cheese, shaking it gently if necessary. Cut the cheese into circles and serve on the table, carefully laying in a plate.

Plum garlic sauce


✓ 300 gr plums;

✓ 50 grams of garlic;

✓ 20 gr dill;

✓ 50 gr vegetable oil;

✓ salt to taste.


Round blue plums work best for this sauce. However, yellow ones too, and you can also take an ordinary Hungarian, only ripe.

Wash the plum, remove the pits and stew in a small amount of water. Peel and chop the garlic, and wash and finely chop the dill.

Mix all the ingredients, add salt and vegetable oil. Blend with a blender until pureed.

Boil over low heat for 10 minutes and place in sterile jars. Pasteurize 30 minutes from the moment the water boils.

Then turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket for 24 hours for additional sterilization.

Bon appetit!

If the branches of plum trees are bursting from a bountiful harvest, it's time to start harvesting these tasty and healthy fruits. Plum blanks are not only the usual jam, with or without pits. Indeed, in addition to jam and, perhaps, pickled plums, there are a great many ways to prepare plum preparations that will surprise you with their taste and glorify your culinary skills among relatives, friends and colleagues.

To get started, our site will share with you recipes for sweet plum preparations. Of course, this is jam, but what!

Jam without cooking (natural plums)

The ratio of plums and sugar is 1:1.

These proportions of plums and sugar are very examples. It is undesirable to reduce the amount of sugar, but it is possible to increase it if the plums are frankly sour. Wash the plums thoroughly, discard the unusable ones (rotten, wormy, etc.), scald with boiling water and remove the seeds. Then grind into a homogeneous mass with a meat grinder or blender. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Sterilize the jars in any way convenient for you, pack the plum mass and roll up with sterile lids. It is better to store in a cool place, but not necessarily in the refrigerator.

Plum jam with walnuts and raisins

2 kg dark plums,
4 tbsp. Sahara,
400-500 g walnuts,
200 g seedless raisins,
1 stack water,
a pinch of ground cinnamon.

Rinse the plums, remove the stones, cut into quarters. Chop the nuts not very finely, wash the raisins and scald. Pour the plums in a bowl or saucepan with water, add sugar, mix well and cook, removing the foam, for an hour. Then add the rest of the ingredients, mix and boil for another 10 minutes. Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars, roll up.

Elegant plum confiture (plums stuffed with walnuts)

1.5 kg of hard red plums,
4-5 tbsp brandy,
2 large peaches
800-900 g of sugar,
15-17 shelled walnuts.

Rinse the plums well, carefully remove the pits without cutting the plums to the end so that they remain as whole as possible. Scald walnuts with boiling water and let stand in water for about 5 minutes. Divide the nuts into quarters and insert each into plums instead of seeds. Peel the peaches, remove the pit and cut into thin slices. Put plums into sterilized jars: a layer of plums, a slice of peach, etc. Pour boiling water over the jars, cover with a lid and let stand for three to four minutes. Then drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar and cognac, bring to a boil and immediately pour into jars with plums. Roll up. A jar with such confiture can be beautifully decorated, and you get a delicious gift.

The following recipe can be applied to any variety of plums. Yellow renclod produces an amber marmalade, regular blue plums produce a rich dark red color, and tart black plums produce a rich burgundy with a lilac tint. For thorns you will need to take a little more sugar.

Plum jam with gelling additive

2.5 kg sweet ripe plums,
900 g sugar (+ 2-3 tablespoons),
2 bags "Jelfix 2: 1".

Put the washed plums into a saucepan and put on fire. If the plums do not immediately give enough juice, add a couple of tablespoons of water. Simmer the plums over medium heat until they are soft and the skins burst. Then rub through a sieve. This is important because when crushed with a blender, your jam will be opaque. If this does not matter much to you, puree the mass with a blender (in this case, the plums must be pitted before cooking). Return the puree to the pan, add the sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved and put on fire. In the meantime, mix Gelfix with a couple of tablespoons of sugar to make the gelling agent dissolve faster in the puree, and stir into the plum puree. Boil jam for about three minutes, stirring constantly, and then pour into jars. Roll up. "Jelfix" can be replaced with pectin, agar-agar or gelatin.

Cream jam "Plums in chocolate"

3 kg plums,
1-2 kg of sugar,
200-250 g butter,
100-200 g cocoa powder (or 200-300 g quality dark chocolate).

Rinse the plums, scald with boiling water, remove the pits and pass through a meat grinder or puree with a blender. Add sugar, stir to dissolve in plum puree, and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Keep stirring as plums tend to burn. While the jam is cooking, dilute the cocoa with a little warm water or mix it with softened butter. This must be done so that the powder does not take lumps in hot jam, then it will be very difficult to stir them. Add cocoa and butter to the jam, stir and cook for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Arrange in banks and roll up.

Chocolate plum jam with walnuts

2.5 kg plums (pitted)
500 g peeled walnuts,
100-200 g cocoa powder
1 kg of sugar
1-2 sachets of vanilla.

Pour the pitted plums with half the sugar, mix and leave for a day. Again, adjust the amount of sugar, depending on the degree of acidity of the drain. The next day, dilute the cocoa powder with a little warm water to make a thick paste. Cocoa should be taken of high quality and in no case soluble. You can also adjust the amount to taste. Add cocoa to the plums, add the remaining sugar and vanillin there. Mix and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for about an hour, making sure that the jam does not burn to the bottom of the dish. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the walnuts, crushed to the size you need, let it boil and arrange in sterilized jars. Roll up.

The darker the color of the plums for chocolate jam, the more it will look like chocolate paste.

Plum marshmallow

The ratio of sugar and plums is 1:10 (100 g of sugar per 1 kg of plums),
baking paper for lining the trays.

Cut the plums in half and remove the pits. Arrange the plums in a single layer on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20-25 minutes (make sure not to burn!). Put the finished plums in a suitable container and chop with a blender (you can pass through a meat grinder, but a blender is more convenient and faster). Then pour the resulting puree into a sieve and rub the mass to remove the skin. Add sugar to the puree, stir until completely dissolved and put on medium heat to warm well, but do not boil. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour plum puree into it in an even layer, shaking the baking sheet so that the puree is evenly distributed. Put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 70-75 ° C, for 8-10 hours. If you have an oven with a convection function, turn it on, the process will go faster (about 6 hours). When the marshmallow dries, make cuts along or across to twist the curls later, or cut into squares, and together with the paper, since the marshmallow can be removed from the paper in about a day. Leave to dry in a warm, drafty place. Then separate the marshmallow from the paper and roll it into curlicues, or leave it in squares. Ready-made marshmallow can be sprinkled with powdered sugar so that it does not stick together during storage. Store in a dry place.

Plum blanks are not only jam and sweets. Try making sauces and dressings for meat dishes. An interesting observation: plum sauce for meat causes two rather pronounced reactions - either complete rejection or absolute delight. Weld a little for a test and decide whether it is worth spending time and products on this.

Plum spicy seasoning

1 kg plums, pitted
200 g sugar
a pinch of ground cinnamon,
a pinch of ground star anise,
2 buds of crushed cloves,
a little grated nutmeg.

Purée pitted plums with a blender or pass through a meat grinder with a frequent grate. Add all the ingredients, mix well and put on fire. As soon as the mass boils, pour it into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the jars over, wrap and let cool. For this recipe, you can take any plums, each variety gives a different taste and color to the finished sauce.

Plum sauce can be made from any plum. Adjust the spiciness and spiciness by adding spices and garlic, but with salt and especially with sugar, you need to be more careful: plums can be both clearly sour and honey-sweet. Taste the sauce and add salt and sugar little by little.

By the way, different varieties of plums, their color and taste make it possible to cook a whole range of plum sauces and enjoy them until the next season.

Plum sauce spicy

1 kg plums,
3-4 large sweet peppers
1-2 heads of garlic,
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
½-1 tsp salt,
1-2 tbsp Sahara,
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil,
½-1 tsp ground black pepper,
hot capsicum, sweet paprika, spices - to taste and desire.

Overripe soft plums are suitable for the sauce, they are better boiled. The peel can be peeled, or you can leave it like that, it will not affect the taste. Remove the stones and chop the plums in a meat grinder or with a blender. Put the resulting plum puree on the fire and boil, stirring, for 10 minutes after the start of boiling. Meanwhile, peel the bell peppers and garlic. Pepper also chop, add to the plums and cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Grate the garlic or pass through a press and grind with a little salt in a mortar. Add salt to the sauce (you can put half first, then add to taste), sugar (the amount depends on the taste of the plums, the sweeter they are, the less sugar is needed), vinegar and vegetable oil. Stir and boil for another 5 minutes. Then stir in the crushed garlic, ground black pepper and spices to taste into the sauce, stir, bring to a boil and pour into small jars. Immediately roll up, turn over, wrap.

In any supermarket, there is always a section with Chinese food and semi-finished products. If you are considered a connoisseur of oriental cuisine, cook Chinese plum sauce (an essential ingredient in Peking duck).

Chinese plum sauce

1.5 kg plums,
200 ml rice vinegar (or apple cider vinegar)
½ stack brown sugar (for lack of it, you can add regular),
4 tbsp soy sauce,
4 garlic cloves,
3-4 cm fresh ginger,
red ground pepper - to taste.

Put the pitted plums into a saucepan, add sugar, hot pepper, rice vinegar and soy sauce and mix. Grate or press the garlic, grate the ginger root, add to the plums. Put the mass on the fire, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Cook from the moment of boiling for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Puree the finished sauce with an immersion blender. Put on fire again, bring to a boil and pour into small sterilized jars. For better preservation, jars with sauce can be sterilized by covering with lids for 15 minutes. Roll up.

Pickled plums - a great addition to fried meat

pickled plums

plums of sweet varieties with a dense skin.
For marinade:
1 liter of water
500 g sugar
150-200 ml 9% vinegar,
5-6 cloves,
5-6 peas of allspice,
a pinch of ground cinnamon.

Add spices to water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, cool, strain and add vinegar. Prick the prepared plums with wooden toothpicks, place in jars and pour over the marinade. Put the jars in a pot of water, bring the water to a boil, cover the jars with sterilized lids and heat the jars from the moment of boiling for 5-6 minutes. Roll up, turn over, wrap up.

Spicy plum in marinade

1 kg of small dense plums,
1.5 st. Sahara,
1 st. table vinegar,
2.5 stack. water,
4 cinnamon sticks
1 tbsp clove buds,
1 tbsp black peppercorns,
1 tsp grated lemon zest.

Add sugar to water and put on fire. After boiling, pour in the vinegar, add the zest and spices and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. Wash the plums well, prick with a wooden toothpick in several places, arrange in sterilized jars and pour boiling marinade over. Place the jars in a pot of hot water, cover with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes and seal immediately.

And on our website you can always find more recipes for blanks.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina
