
Is the meat of a young bull veal? How is veal different from beef.

Among the inhabitants of our country beef and veal meat are the most popular. And this is no coincidence, because beef is not a scarce commodity, and you can always find a good one on the supermarket counter. Beef and veal meat are consumed boiled, fried, stewed and smoked. Used for cooking chops, meatballs, dumplings, first courses and various sausages. And in dietary dishes, mainly boiled meat is used.

The age of the animal significantly affects the quality of the meat. For cooking, it is best to choose the meat of a two-year-old animal with developed muscles and a specific taste and smell. But if you want completely lean meat, then give preference to young veal.

Veal- This is the meat of a young cow or bull. It is more refined and delicate in taste. Especially useful for children and people with poor health.

The benefits of beef and veal . Beef and veal are important sources of vitamins. Beef meat is very healthy, it has little cholesterol and a lot of gelatin, which promotes blood clotting. Beef contains little fat and is ideal for preparing dietary meals. The only drawback is that it needs to be cooked for a long time, but at the same time, the meat practically does not lose its nutritional value and the proteins that are its integral part are almost completely preserved in it.

Beef is rich in iron and is very useful for those who suffer from anemia. In addition, beef is rich in carotene, which is indispensable for the visual system. Beef is also necessary for people who are recovering from injuries, infectious diseases, burns, as well as for children and athletes, because it contains a lot of complete protein. By its properties, veal differs significantly from beef.

Veal contains an abundance of easily digestible amino acids and minerals and is recognized as the most useful meat. In addition, this meat is low in cholesterol, and when consumed, the body receives a much lower cholesterol load than from beef and lamb. Veal also contains gelatin, which promotes blood clotting, and its use is useful for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, veal contains special extractive substances that have no nutritional value, but stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Thus, eating veal helps to improve digestion. Veal meat is well suited for those people who care about their health.

Veal does not have a pronounced aroma, it is tender, easy to digest and versatile in use. This meat has a delicate fiber structure, and the meat of dairy calves contains practically no fat, but only a very thin white film of subcutaneous fat.

Digested beef and veal in different ways: beef is digested by 75%, and veal - by 90. This is due to the fact that the fibers of the muscle tissue of an adult animal are larger, and the connective tissues are stronger, in comparison with the muscles of a young bull or calf. Therefore, it is better to give preference to veal, it is more tender and softer than beef and easier on the stomach.

However, since it contains purine bases, which form uric acid during the body's metabolism. Its accumulation in the body can cause kidney failure, contribute to the development of osteochondrosis and gout. In children, purine bases can cause acetonemic syndrome. Therefore, the daily dose of beef or veal should not exceed 100 grams.

The term "veal" refers to the meat of bulls under the age of six months. This meat has a specific taste and tenderness. Veal refers to dietary meats, but is also eaten like beef.

Veal can be stewed, boiled, fried, baked, but before buying it is better to immediately determine for which dish this ingredient will be used. Regardless of the variety, the meat of young cattle is tender compared to beef or pork. For blues with broth, it is better to choose meat with fat or bones for a richer consistency.

The classification of veal combs does not differ from beef. The first category includes fillet and rib parts, rump and thigh, the second grade includes the neck and meat from the sides of the animal, the third grade includes meat from shank and shank.

How to choose veal

The main nuances of choosing veal are the smell, color and elasticity of the meat. The product is first evaluated visually, then it must be carefully checked by touch and, if possible, its smell should be assessed. If the veal is packaged, then you should separately study the information on the package and do not disregard the date of manufacture and shelf life.

What kind of veal should I buy:

  • unlike beef, fresh veal smells like fresh milk;
  • veal has a rich light red color of meat;
  • fat layers in veal are always white (they become yellowish with age and are typical for beef);
  • the color of the veal must be uniform (spots of any color on the meat indicate its improper storage, transportation or diseases of the animal, the taste of such a product will be significantly impaired);
  • fresh veal has an elastic texture (when pressed with a finger, there should be no pits, and the meat quickly takes its original shape);
  • the structure of the meat should be homogeneous (loose veal can only be with the frequent use of drugs or chemical additives);
  • the lighter the veal, the younger the animal was.
  • if there are extraneous odors in the aroma of veal, then you should not buy such meat;
  • the sharp and pungent smell of meat should also be a reason to refuse to buy it;
  • if the meat does not smell, then when raising livestock, chemical compounds were used to increase the mass of the animal or accelerate its growth (calves are small in size, so such experiments are not uncommon);
  • the absence of a smell may be evidence that the veal was soaked in vinegar (this procedure is used to eliminate a rotten smell);
  • veal with a swollen structure was previously filled with liquid (to increase the mass or return the presentation after winding);
  • you should not buy wet, as if washed veal (any manipulations were carried out with the meat);
  • if there are clearly visible depressions on the veal, then it was incorrectly stored or transported;
  • if the veal sticks to your fingers, then you should not buy it (this is a sign of meat spoilage);
  • if the veal fat has turned yellow, and the meat has lost its pink color and become darker, then the animal has already begun to eat bait and grass, so the meat will be tougher.

If the meat is purchased fresh and not frozen, it is necessary to visually evaluate all the pieces available. If the veal differs sharply in color, then it is better not to buy it from this seller. The meat was either mixed with stale food or stored improperly. If the pieces are cut from the same carcass, then they cannot be of a different shade.

Among the varieties of meat that are traditionally used in Slavic cuisine during the preparation of broths and main dishes, of course, the championship is for beef. Statistics show that among the meat products used by the average resident of Eastern Europe, sixty percent belongs to beef. But veal belongs to the products from which it is customary to prepare dietary dishes and delicacies. In order to serve real culinary masterpieces to your table, and not just food, we offer you to figure out what sausage factories of Ukraine offer as veal and beef. So, meat traditionally refers to beef, which is obtained as a result of slaughtering one-year-old cattle.

Such meat is sold in the form of brisket, bone, fillet and steak. It all depends on the method of cutting cow and bull carcasses. Moreover, beef is also a valuable protein product. Meat contains iron, zinc and vitamins, which belong to group B. Note that the quality of meat will be affected by the age of the animal, how it was fed, as well as the storage time of the meat. So, beef has very high taste qualities, which enters processing twelve hours after cutting the carcass (photo 1).

High-quality beef has a rich red color, a uniform structure and a specific milky smell. If you cut the muscle tissue, you can see the cross section of the muscles. Moreover, young beef is very soft, so heat treatment is easy. That is, it takes very little time to cook a dish from it. Dishes are juicy and very tender. But mature beef, on the contrary, is tough. Such meat is best used for preparing broths, as well as ground and minced meat dishes. Mature beef differs from young beef in color. So, the older the animal was, the darker the meat, and the fatty layer has a yellow-brown or yellow tint (photo 2).

Veal refers to meat that was obtained from young animals aged 1-12 months. It is believed that the younger the calf, the more tender the veal will be. Of course, such meat is more expensive than beef and pork. Dishes prepared from such meat have unsurpassed taste. Although the beef neck also has an excellent taste. From such a piece of meat you can cook goulash, steaks, and medallions. It is also worth noting that veal is often used for diet food and baby food. Such meat is easily digestible, contains vitamins of groups B, E, PP and choline (photo 3).

Veal is much lighter in color than beef. A fresh piece of meat has a pale pink color. And on the cut there is a mother-of-pearl tint. The fatty layer is white. Although the percentage of fat in such meat is much higher than beef, these fats are easily absorbed by the body and broken down. Delicacies are often prepared from veal, added to sardels, as well as sausages of the highest grades, raw smoked sausages. This enhances the taste of these products. Veal has no contraindications. But such meat is not recommended for allergic reactions and personal intolerance (photo 4).

As already mentioned, manufacturers make half-smoked sausages from veal and beef, the price of which can vary significantly. Visually, these two types of meat also differ in the size of the cuts. Beef can weigh up to a ton, while a two-month-old animal weighs up to eighty kilograms, and a six-month-old up to one hundred and eighty. When cooking, high-quality beef in weight almost does not decrease. Remember that if the beef meat is dry and too dark, then it could lie on the counter for more than one day (photo 5).

Among the varieties of meat traditionally used in Slavic cuisine for the preparation of main dishes and broths, the championship belongs to beef. Its use is about 60% of all meat products that are included in the diet of an average inhabitant of the eastern part of Europe. It is customary to refer to veal as a product from which delicacies and dietary dishes are prepared. In order to be able to serve not just food, but real culinary masterpieces, it is worthwhile to figure out what exactly the manufacturers of semi-finished meat products offer us as beef and veal.

Beef- meat that is obtained from cattle that have reached the age of one. It is sold in the form of fillet, bone, brisket, steaks - depending on the method of cutting a bull or cow carcass.

Beef is a valuable protein product, containing, in addition, B vitamins, zinc and iron necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The quality of meat depends on the age of the animal, the method of feeding it, and the time of storage.

Fresh beef has high palatability, which enters processing no later than 12 hours after slaughter and butchering of the carcass. Such meat has a rich red color, a specific milky smell, and a homogeneous structure. On the section of muscle tissue, the cross section of the muscles is clearly visible.


Young beef is soft, easy to cook; It takes a little time to cook it, and the dishes are tender and juicy.

Mature beef is tougher, more suitable for minced or ground meat dishes, used for rich meat broths.

You can distinguish young beef from mature beef by color: the older the animal from which the meat product is obtained, the darker it is; the fatty layer of old beef has a yellow or yellow-brown tint.

Veal, unlike beef, is the meat of young animals aged from one month to one year. The younger the calf, the more tender the veal. The cost of this type of meat is always higher than the cost of beef or pork, but the dishes prepared from it are distinguished by unsurpassed taste. Veal is an indispensable product for children's and dietary nutrition: it is easily digestible and contains the maximum percentage of proteins and vitamins for semi-finished meat products.

Veal is much lighter than beef: fresh, it is pale pink in color, on the cut - with a mother-of-pearl tint. The percentage of fat in it is higher than in beef, but the fats contained in veal are easily broken down and absorbed by the body.


Delicious dishes are prepared from veal; it is added to raw-smoked sausages, sausages and sardels of high grades, which significantly increases their taste.

Findings site

  1. Beef is meat obtained from mature animals. Veal is obtained from young cattle.
  2. Beef is low fat. Veal is more tender and fatter than beef.
  3. Beef has a pronounced reddish color. Veal has a pink hue.
  4. Beef is used to prepare almost any meat dishes. Veal is considered a delicacy.

No matter what they say about the harmful effects of meat products on the human body, the vast majority of people use them for food. There are, of course, those who deny food of animal origin, depriving themselves not only of the unique taste sensations, but also of the beneficial substances contained in it. No matter how valuable plant products are, it is difficult to live without meat products. Therefore, experts often hear, for example, that beef or veal is more useful than answering the question of what is more useful meat or potatoes.

Beneficial features

As you understand, speaking about these types of meat, we mean, by and large, one product, only with different “aging”. Accordingly, the age of a calf cannot be compared with the age of an adult, how difficult it is to compare their meat, answering the question of what is healthier than veal or beef. The thing is that they, although in different quantities, contain the same useful substances: vitamins and minerals. In particular, the vitamin range, consisting of some essential B vitamins, deserves attention, while the content of cobalamin (vitamin B12) is in the lead in an adult cow, but there are more vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9, after all, in veal. The same applies to nicotinic acid, while vitamin E is more in beef.

Comparative analysis

Given the desire of many people to live actively and eat healthy food, it is especially worth talking about the calorie content of both products. It is easy to guess that beef is more high-calorie and fat (if we take average indicators, and they differ in different parts of the animal). This has both its pros and cons. On the one hand, veal tenderloin is more suitable for those who are worried about their figure, on the other hand, veal is more difficult to cook, and this is due to less fat. Veal is very easy to overdry and spoil, respectively. It is also worth noting a larger amount of water, which also makes the cooking process more difficult.

Indicators of trace elements per 100 g

Beef Veal
Protein18,3 21,4
Fats27,5 6,8
kcal157 96,8
Calcium24 mg15 mg
Phosphorus132 203,5
Sodium13 24
Magnesium67 82
Iron1,6 0,8
Zinc3,6 3,1
Iron1,6 0,8
Zinc3,6 3,1
Potassium218 315
Selenium13,5 8,15

The meat of both animals contains vitamins of groups B, PP, E.

Is veal healthier?

Be that as it may, many are trying to buy veal, which is in high demand and it is difficult to find a quality product. It can be easily identified with the naked eye by its delicate pink color, although many sellers can even magically turn beef into a calf. If you are lucky and bought a fresh piece of veal, remember that lean veal tenderloin is ideal for hypertensive patients and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, although it contains a lot of cholesterol. It is well absorbed by the body, so it is even part of the diet and baby food.

When answering the question of what is healthier than beef or veal, you can rephrase it and ask which product has more contraindications for consumption. In this regard, veal is preferable. Suffice it to say that the adult contains more purine compounds that cause the formation of uric acid, which is unacceptable for people with sore joints. In addition, a cow may contain toxic compounds, especially if it grew up in poor environmental conditions. It is better to cook such meat, draining the water several times, with which some of the toxins leave. Remember also the dangers of frying, but this applies to both subjects.
