
Egg roll with cheese and garlic. How to make egg rolls

Cream Cheese Egg Roll is a great light snack that can be prepared in just 30 minutes. Everything is simple, fast and very tasty. The filling of such a roll can be the most diverse, depending on the tastes and the availability of food in the refrigerator: boiled meat or fish, liver pate, cottage cheese with herbs. I have this melted cheese with crab sticks and garlic. You can limit yourself to one melted cheese with garlic, it will also be delicious.

You will need the simplest products: eggs, sour cream, mayonnaise, melted cheese, garlic, salt and any greens.

First you need to make an omelet. We break the eggs into a bowl.

Add sour cream and salt to taste.

Whisk eggs with sour cream and salt.

Pour the beaten eggs with sour cream into a baking dish, which must be lined with baking paper. Or do like me. Make small sides of the paper and put on a baking sheet, and then carefully pour the eggs. The size of the omelette for this amount of ingredients should be approximately 20 cm x 25 centimeters.

Then we put the form in the oven, heated to 170 degrees C. Bake the omelet until cooked for about 15-20 minutes. At first it will swell, and then it will settle and be even.

While the omelette is in the oven, prepare the filling. Three melted cheese on a grater, add garlic chopped in any way and chopped parsley or dill.

When the omelette has cooled down a bit, spread the filling on it in an even layer.

Gently using paper, roll the roll from the narrower side. Wrap in paper and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes.

Cut the cooled roll into portioned pieces and serve as a snack. This simple but delicious dish will delight you on weekdays and holidays.

Bon appetit!

Breakfast at the PP is a separate article! It should be hearty and beautiful, rich in proteins to saturate for a longer time. I think the flaky egg roll is the way to go. And yet, it is so beautiful that your loved ones will definitely like it and you won’t have to cook food separately for yourself, separately for those who do not support PP. And since you can layer the roll with a wide variety of fillings, the most demanding eater will find an option to his taste. You can even use Susanna's recipe from "The Most Charming and Attractive", namely: "The way to a man's heart lies through his stomach. But the main thing is that in no case should you say how, what and from what it is prepared", and more .. " We will call this cookie somehow romantic ... "Maestro"". That is, we will never tell our man. that this is just a layered omelette, and for greater importance we will give it a name, for example: Fritata in Sicilian. Fritata is such an Italian omelette, so we didn’t lie here, so if we meet with a culinary connoisseur, he won’t catch us cheating. And in Sicilian - this is pure fantasy, but, you see, it sounds very representative!

So, let's start cooking:

What we need. For an omelette - 4 eggs, options are possible here. if you have problems with cholesterol - take only proteins. And again, the portion can be reduced - increased, depending on how much Sicilian omelette (hee hee) we want to cook!

Beat with a fork, at this stage you can salt and pepper, I didn’t do this, because there’s not much salt at all, besides, I planned to put cheese and hoped that it was salty (attention, spoiler! The cheese turned out to be completely bland!).

From a beaten egg we will fry a pancake. To do this, take a non-stick frying pan and pour about 1/3 of the resulting whipped mass onto it. Like this:

Let's wait until the pancake grabs a little and start stuffing it. I first sprinkled with grated cheese and began to twist into a tube:

I know it's not very visible in the photo, but! If you look closely, you will see melted white cheese on a yellow pancake! This is my very unleavened cheese, as it turned out it was mozzarella.
With a spatula, carefully twist the pancake to the shape of a tube:

It turned out surprisingly well. Move the pancake to the side and add half of the remaining beaten egg to the remaining place:

We are waiting for the pancake to grab, and in the meantime we are preparing the filling. I had a roasted turkey and bell peppers:

Cut the turkey into strips, or finely chop - whatever you like, and put on a pancake:

Wrap again and move to the edge:

Then add the rest of the egg dough and spread the pepper:

We twist again:

Here we have such a plump and lush Sicilian Fritata. I, of course, did not get the most intense taste, but that's what I wanted. But you can add salted fish, shrimp, capers or olives and then there will be a completely different taste! And there can be many more layers. And you can pour mushroom sauce ... In general, a complete revelry of the imagination!

I wish you inspiration! Beauty and health!

(Definitely, I need to attend a beautiful food photography course)

Those wishing to taste something new can be recommended to try the egg roll. This interesting dish comes from Asian countries, where it is very popular both in home and restaurant menus. Recipes for egg rolls captivate with ease of preparation and appetizing appearance. There is an incredible number of options for oriental rolls with a wide variety of fillings, dressings and spices. The only ingredient that unites the treats of Japanese and Korean restaurants is a big pancake.

Five of the lowest calorie recipes:

Fried and rolled into a tube, it is cut into slices. And after that, the chef's fantasy goes into free flight, allowing you to cook a real masterpiece. What is not added to these miracle rolls! Among the popular ingredients are: carrots, onions and greens, meat and fish, nuts, turmeric, hard cheese and other products. From above it can be generously seasoned with mayonnaise, melted or grated cheese. Neat presentation and intricate shapes make this culinary creation a true decoration of any table. These rolls are perfect for both a quiet family evening and a festive feast. Rich taste and high calorie content will delight guests, not letting them leave hungry!

I love dishes from the category of “stuffing wrapped in something”. All kinds of shawarma, burritos, cabbage rolls and so on. They are like a gift: under the “wrapper” in the form of pita bread, dough or cabbage leaves lies something wonderful and surprising, in these cases - a delicious filling.

Unfortunately, the preparation of many of these dishes (fortunately, not all) requires two things that I categorically do not have. This is a lot of time and accuracy. For example, I do not like and do not know how to cook cabbage rolls. The only attempt to make them ended with the fact that already on the second stuffed cabbage I ran out of patience (and how do you wrap them?), And an attempt to beat off a particularly powerful cabbage leaf led to the walls splattering with its fragments (although it didn’t hit hard).

With the dish, which I will tell you now, anyone can handle. Stuffed egg rolls cook quickly, they are tasty, and their creation does not require the dexterity of a magician. Let's get started.

Active cooking time: 15 minutes.


For rolls:

  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise or sour cream
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil (for greasing the pan)

For filling:

  • 1 large or 2 medium tomatoes
  • 100g hard cheese of your favorite variety
  • 100g ham
  • greens to taste.

First, turn on the oven, let it warm up to 180C. In the meantime, beat the eggs with sour cream or mayonnaise, salt to taste. A minute of running the mixer is enough.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil or lay out parchment paper. I prefer the second option, the finished pancake is then very easy to separate from the paper without tearing or deforming it.

Pour the egg mixture in a thin layer on a baking sheet and put in a hot oven for 5-10 minutes. We focus on the surface of the egg pancake, if it has ceased to shine and looks ready, we take it out. They say it's even faster in the microwave.

Perhaps, it will seem to someone a perversion to bake such “fried eggs” in the oven. No, dear ones. Cooking eggs like this (see the picture on the right) is really a deviation, but everything is very correct and rational with us. Judge for yourself: the baking process requires almost no intermediate control, you don’t need to turn anything, and the finished egg roll is easy to cut into geometrically correct pieces.

While the egg pancake is first baking and then cooling down, prepare the filling: three cheese on a coarse grater, cut the ham and tomatoes into thin slices, chop the greens. Everything is very fast, three minutes - and you're done.

Carefully remove the cooled pancake from the pan. If the household has a large cutting board, then you can cover the baking sheet with it and then turn it over. It will be on the board - just what we need.

Sprinkle it with grated cheese (do not forget to leave a little to decorate the already prepared egg roll with stuffing), herbs, spread slices of ham and tomatoes over the entire surface. And we roll the egg pancake with the filling along the long side to make a roll.

We cut the egg roll with the filling into 4-5 portions, sprinkle with grated cheese, heat it up, decorate with herbs, and serve.

By the way, did you know that an ostrich egg weighs up to 2 kg and cooks for about 2 hours? With his “participation”, at least one express recipe would hardly have turned out ... But how chic an egg roll would have turned out of it!

This food belongs to Japanese fast food. What will help out a lot when unexpected guests suddenly appear on your doorstep. Having made a quick egg roll, you can supplement it with everything that you find in your refrigerator. The real one is made from, of course, eggs, soy sauce and fish stock concentrate. That is, they make a roll with the taste of fish, but without filling. We will deal with Russian national versions of the recipe.

General information, a bit of history

In Japan, egg roll is very popular because it is perfect to take with you to school, work, out of town, etc. Such food in the land of the rising sun is called bento and is a separate, historically established food culture. In ancient times, the Japanese put food in beautiful wooden boxes or boxes with several compartments, now these are plastic containers, they are made in bizarre shapes for children.

If you pay attention to Japanese traditions, then their stuffed egg roll is prepared according to a clear, long-established proportion: rice - four parts, fish or meat - three parts, vegetables - two parts, gravy - one part. Japanese women do not just lay out food for their husbands and children, but make works of art out of it. There are many bento recipes. And you can mix anything in them. The same is with the filling - you can use any, except for fish and raw meat: wild garlic, garlic, green onions. Or grate cheese, ham, celery, cheese. Top with vegetables. Now we offer you our own, Russian recipes.

Egg roll

We will need the following ingredients: four chicken eggs, a teaspoon of cornmeal, two tablespoons of milk, pepper and salt to taste, one fresh or 40 grams of hard cheese, two tablespoons of caviar with shrimps. We present you how to prepare an egg roll - a step-by-step recipe.

Egg roll with cheese

This dish may well decorate your holiday table. Although it is inexpensive, it turns out tasty and very tender. Time should be spent about 40 minutes. Required ingredients: six chicken eggs, 450 grams of mayonnaise (300 grams for an omelet and 150 grams for the filling), three processed cheeses, two cloves of garlic, walnuts. Let's start cooking the egg roll. Recipe step by step in front of you:

carrot roll recipe

This appetizer will decorate any table. A colorful and bright version of the carrot filling will distinguish it from other dishes. Pancakes for him can always be baked in advance, and then the recipe for its preparation can be classified as fast. List of products you will need: three eggs, two tablespoons of mayonnaise, a little salt.

These products are needed for frying pancakes. To make the filling, prepare one large carrot, garlic to taste, three to four tablespoons of mayonnaise, which can be replaced with sour cream, 150 grams of homemade fatty cottage cheese. Next, prepare the egg roll with filling.

Cooking process

The step by step recipe is as follows:

Smoked herring roll recipe

For a change, we will tell you how to make a recipe for egg roll stuffed with smoked herring. Ingredients: two tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of flour, three eggs, 175 ml of warm milk, 50 grams of grated parmesan cheese, one smoked herring, four sprigs of parsley, 150 ml of sour cream, one bunch of dill. And now a step-by-step recipe on how to cook an egg roll:
