
Fried eggs with tomatoes and sausage - a delicious and hearty breakfast. How to cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes


Hello my dear readers! Do you have a favorite summer breakfast? For example, I am ready to have breakfast with a salad of tomatoes and cheese almost all summer long - tasty, fragrant, inexpensive and not too high in calories. For Sunday breakfasts, I have a recipe for scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage.

Yes, the dish is prosaic to the point of impossibility and not a “grand-day off”, but desired and dear from childhood. My great-aunt, great-grandmother Matilda often regaled me with them with heat, with heat. Right from the frying pan, which had briefly tormented over the flame of vulgar kerosene gas, scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage plopped down on a wide old plate, decorated with convex flowers and an intricate blue rim. An immense vessel was placed exactly in front of my nose, peeled by the merciless southern sun.

How delicious it was! And how long ago it was. Grandmother Matilda added from time to time feta cheese, cheese, green peas from garden beds or boiled grains of young corn to scrambled eggs. I make variations depending on the mood and the availability of products. Today, I had a handful of peas left after baking pizza in the oven (I will write a short report about this soon). Do not throw away such beauty? Let's start cooking, otherwise, according to my usual habit, I start from afar.

Fried eggs with tomatoes and sausage: recipe with photo


  • 6 eggs.
  • 4 "hunting" sausages.
  • 1 large onion or 2 medium.
  • 1 large bell pepper.
  • 2-3 medium fleshy tomatoes.
  • Butter ghee or olive oil for frying.
  • Greens of basil, savory, thyme or oregano.
  • Ground black pepper.
  • Green peas (optional).
  • Salt.

How to cook

My remarks

  • Of course, you can fry scrambled eggs with tomatoes with any sausage. The main thing is that it should be of good quality, which is a rarity in our time.
  • Be sure to take homemade tomatoes, fragrant, with sugar pulp. "Plastic" ones from the supermarket are categorically not suitable for cooking this dish!
  • It is not necessary to shake the eggs before frying. You can generally make fried sausage and tomatoes if you like it that way.

Do not be offended at me that our meeting today is so short. An avalanche of family worries, problems and affairs has covered me with my head, but I'm holding on! Here I am all so “homely” on the terrace of my house. I hope that you liked the article, my dear readers, and you will be happy to share it on social networks. Subscribe to blog updates - I will certainly delight you with new interesting publications. Good luck everyone, see you tomorrow!

It often happens that our morning breakfast is not complete without scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage. When we get bored with porridge, bread with butter and cheese)))

And today I cooked just such a scrambled egg.

Fortunately, I found all the necessary ingredients in the refrigerator.

We take one onion and cut it into small half rings.

Pour the pan with oil. Today I took vegetable. Literally 2 tablespoons. Put onion and fry until golden brown.

While the onion is fried, we take sausage, 200 grams. Today I have boiled sausage with fat. We cut it into cubes.

And spread to the onion, in which the crust is already visible)))

Then we cut the tomato. I always get medium pieces, cubes. You can make half rings, and just large pieces. Just don't grind the tomato too much so that all the juice does not flow out of it.

While the tomato is waiting for its turn on the board, let's take care of the eggs. I always have my own balls. We take a couple of eggs, break them and pour them into a bowl, beat them with a fork, stirring vigorously.

And salt.

Add tomatoes to the pan

and as soon as it starts to secrete juice, fill everything with eggs. And sprinkle with green parsley. I have it already cut from the freezer.

You don't need to mix right away. Let everything simmer over low heat for about two minutes. Mix everything before turning off and serving.

It’s tasty and satisfying, it’s just that eggs and sausage are boring, but here it’s even nothing to hunt.

Many people like to have scrambled eggs for breakfast, and in order to cook this dish correctly, you need to know some secrets. Fried eggs with tomatoes and sausage are considered especially popular, because this is a very nutritious and tasty dish. In addition, it can be prepared not only according to the classic recipe. Let's look at the main ways to cook scrambled eggs.

Secrets of cooking delicious scrambled eggs

Fried eggs are cooked in a regular frying pan, complementing the dish with various additives. It is difficult to list all the recipes for preparing this dish, however, its two main varieties can be distinguished - fried eggs and chatter.

Depending on the specific preferences of each person, scrambled eggs can be fried on one or both sides, and a variety of spices can also be used. Among the most favorite fillings of modern hostesses, it is worth highlighting sausage with tomatoes. These products are sometimes supplemented with cheese, vegetables or even mushrooms.

Although many people know how to cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage, it is worth revealing a few secrets that only experienced chefs know:

  • So that the dish does not seem monotonous and does not become boring over time, you can add various products. By adding onions to scrambled eggs, you get a completely new taste, minimally complicating the cooking process.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the pan used to cook the dish. It should have a fairly thick bottom.
  • To fry the eggs, you need to drive the eggs into a preheated pan. If it is cold, the eggs may simply stick or absorb too much oil, but if the pan is hot, then the dish will burn. It is important to strive for the "golden mean".

How to cook classic scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage?

It is known that the classic recipe for scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage can be with or without onions - you choose. For cooking, you can take salami or boiled sausage - there is not much difference.


  • 2-4 eggs;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 200 g sausage;
  • green onions;
  • parsley with dill;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt.


It is known that scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions and sausages do not have to be prepared according to this recipe, it is enough to change the design a little to get a completely new dish.

Recipe for scrambled eggs in tomatoes


  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g of grated cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. greens;
  • salt.


  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut off the tops and carefully scoop out the middle using a teaspoon.
  2. Beat the eggs, add cheese, herbs to them and salt the resulting mass.
  3. Now you need to fill the tomatoes with the egg mixture, close them with cut tops.
  4. Put in the microwave and bake for 3 minutes at high power.

You can add sausage to this dish, after frying it in a pan.

Fried eggs with sausage in bread


  • 1 egg;
  • finely chopped sausage;
  • 1 piece of bread.


  1. We take bread (it doesn’t matter if it is white or black, the main thing is the presence of a crust). We cut out part of the core, and lightly fry the crust with the crumb in a pan.
  2. Fry the sausage in a pan and mix with the egg mixture.
  3. Pour the egg in place of the core of the bread, and then fry it on both sides. You can add some chopped tomatoes, herbs or other additives to the egg.

Fried eggs in a basket: a recipe for cooking


  • 4 slices of bread for toast;
  • 4 strips of sausage;
  • 4 regular eggs or 8 quail eggs;
  • seasonings.


  1. You need to cut out small circles inside the bread.
  2. Lay them in two rows inside the cupcake pans.
  3. Fry the sausage in a pan.
  4. Lay the sausage inside the molds where the bread already lies, placing it near the walls.
  5. Pour 2 quail eggs or 1 regular egg into the molds.
  6. Season everything and salt.
  7. Cook in the oven for seven minutes or two minutes in the microwave.

How to cook scrambled eggs with sausage in a bun?


  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 rolls;
  • 200 g sausage;
  • 1 st. l. greens;
  • salt, spices.


  1. It is necessary to cut off the top of the buns, carefully remove the entire crumb from the inside, trying not to damage the walls.
  2. Cut sausage into cubes, put it in buns.
  3. Now you should beat the eggs, season them, sprinkle with herbs, mix well.
  4. Pour the egg mixture inside the buns and microwave. We cook for three minutes at the highest power.

Fried eggs with tomatoes and sausage, prepared according to the classic recipe, are mainly served only for breakfast. However, it is not necessary to limit yourself to the usual options, because you can cook original dishes that are suitable for the festive table.

This is a dish that almost everyone can cook. It's simple, quick, yet delicious. And if you add some more ingredients to the scrambled eggs, for example, sausage, tomatoes, onions, then you get generally delicious.

Fried eggs with tomatoes, sausage and cheese


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • half-smoked sausage - 120 g;
  • large tomato - 1 pc.;
  • dill greens - 20 g;
  • parsley - 20 g;
  • cheese - 60 g;
  • pepper;
  • salt.


Put the sausage and tomatoes in a pan with vegetable oil and fry. In this case, it is better to cut the sausage into strips, and the tomatoes into half rings. Then add eggs, crush with chopped herbs, salt, pepper lightly. We fall asleep scrambled eggs with grated cheese and, under a closed lid, cook for 4 minutes over medium heat.

Fried eggs with tomatoes, onions and sausage


  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • doctor's sausage - 200 g;
  • onion - 120 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml.
  • salt.


We cut the sausage into small slices, chop the onion in half rings. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut the flesh into small cubes. We heat the oil in a frying pan, spread the onion, fry it slightly, add the sausage and, stirring occasionally, fry the products together for about 5 minutes. Then add the prepared tomato, mix and fry for another 5 minutes. After the filling is evenly distributed over the pan, break the eggs, salt and cook for 3 minutes.

How to cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage?


  • sausage - 150 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • shallots - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • - 15 g;
  • bell pepper - half;
  • salt;
  • spices.


We cut the onion into small cubes, put it in a pan with melted butter and fry until slightly golden. Then add the sausage, cut into cubes, and cook for another 5 minutes over medium heat. Put the fried ingredients into a mold. Top with diced tomatoes and peppers. Beat eggs with salt and spices. Pour the ingredients into the mold with the resulting mixture. At a temperature of about 180 degrees, bake the scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage for about 20 minutes.

Fried eggs with tomatoes, bread and sausage


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • black bread - 100 g;
  • sausage "Krakow" - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • butter.


Cut the tomato and onion into half rings. We cut off the crust from a slice of black bread, and cut the crumb into cubes. We cut the sausage in the same way. We rub the cheese on a grater. In a frying pan, heat the butter, spread the onion, tomatoes, bread and fry until the onion is browned. Add the sausage, lightly fry it and beat in the eggs, add salt and bring to readiness under the lid. Sprinkle the finished scrambled eggs with grated cheese, let stand for 2 minutes until it melts, and then serve.

How to fry scrambled eggs with tomatoes, peppers and sausage?



We cut the onion into half rings, sweet pepper - into strips, tomatoes - into slices. We heat the vegetable oil, fry the onion until transparent, add bell pepper and tomatoes to it. Sprinkle ground black pepper, salt on top, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After that, add diced sausage to the vegetables and fry for another 3 minutes. Now we spread the ingredients a little and drive an egg into the resulting recesses. Lightly salt them, cover with a lid and bring to readiness.

There are one hundred and one ways to cook scrambled eggs. This seemingly simple dish is a lifesaver in the daily menu. This light dish is incredibly popular. The combination of eggs with various vegetables and meat products diversifies the taste of scrambled eggs. Fried eggs with sausage and vegetables are known and loved in many countries.

Of course, someone, after reading the title of the recipe, can slyly smile - they say, who needs a step-by-step recipe for scrambled eggs? Indeed, perhaps, on the whole planet you cannot find a person who would not be able to cook this simple dish. Maybe this is so. But the impetus to describe the delicious recipe in such detail was a funny story read on the Internet.

At a student party in a hostel, the guys entrusted their girlfriend to fry the usual scrambled eggs. The girl took a dozen eggs and retired to the kitchen to prepare a dish. After a while, the comrades, surprised by her absence, went in search of the "cook" and found her in the kitchen. In a dry frying pan, the girl calmly stirred with a spatula ... eggs in the shell, which in some places began to take on a brownish color.

Perhaps these are just student tales, because it's really hard to believe that someone would not know the simplest rules for preparing this dish. But our scrambled eggs today are not simple, but with a large number of various ingredients.

- 4 eggs;
- 100 g of smoked sausage or ham;
- 2-3 sweet peppers;
- 1 head of onion;
- 2 medium-sized tomatoes;
- 50 g of hard cheese;
- vegetable oil for frying;

- dill or parsley;
- salt, ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook scrambled eggs with sausage, cheese and vegetables

Chop sausage or ham and onions into thin strips. Add vegetable oil to a heated frying pan. Then pour chopped onion and sausage. Stir and lightly fry (not to a crust).

Pour thinly sliced ​​tomatoes to the fried sausage and onion and simmer everything together for about 3-5 minutes. Sometimes a thick skin can separate from tomatoes (depending on the variety) during frying, so scrambled eggs with tomatoes and sausage can only be cooked from tomato pulp.

Also chop the sweet bell pepper into strips and add to the pan to the already existing ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly and also fry a little.

When the vegetables become soft, and the juice from the tomatoes boils away during frying, salt the dish and season with black pepper to taste.

Then beat in the eggs so that they evenly coat the ingredients in the pan. You can leave the yolks whole, or you can mix beaten eggs with vegetables and sausage. Simmer covered for 5 minutes until tender.

Before turning off the burner, sprinkle the scrambled eggs with grated hard cheese and cover again to allow the cheese to melt slightly. But if you do not like the cheese "crust", you can not cover.

As you can see, only 15 minutes, and a delicious, fragrant and satisfying fried egg is ready. Fried eggs with sausage and vegetables are served for breakfast or dinner as an independent dish, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

By the way, a big plus of this recipe is that all the ingredients can be varied. Smoked sausage, for example, can be easily replaced not only with ham, but also with bacon or even a simple boiled sausage. Instead of bell pepper, you can take champignons, and not only hard cheese is suitable. In a word, an endless field for experiments. Try it, look for your "ideal" scrambled eggs, perhaps your recipe will be much better and tastier and will soon also appear on the pages of our website.

Many housewives often argue about what is better to cook scrambled eggs - in butter, vegetable oil or lard? I won’t say that any particular method is better, but, based on my own experience, I can say that the tastiest is scrambled eggs with a mixture of oils - vegetable and creamy. And it doesn't burn, either. But from margarine, even good, it is best to refuse - it is not healthy and not tasty.

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