
Lychee berries properties. Litchi fruit contraindications

Tropical plants never cease to amaze lovers of exotic fruits with their assortment, because every year more and more new fruits appear in stores. Many of them quickly find admirers, thanks to their wonderful taste and useful qualities. Recently, a lychee fruit appeared on the shelves, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are quite well known in their homeland, but in our country they are just beginning to learn interesting details about unusual fruits.

Lychee, what kind of fruit is this, the country from which this miracle came

So, lychee, what kind of fruit is it, and in what country does it grow? The birthplace of unusual-looking fruits is the hot tropics of Vietnam, Thailand, China, and Africa. It is here that evergreen sprawling trees grow with mighty crowns, from which generous harvests are harvested. In height, these giants can grow up to 35 meters, which is quite difficult to harvest.

Of interest is the flowering of the tree - the inflorescences have practically no petals, these are small balls resembling small cups. The length of the inflorescence can reach 80 cm. The fruits ripen in large clusters, and they are sent for collection from the end of May until almost the middle of summer.

What does a litchi fruit look like, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are known to every inhabitant of tropical countries? The fruits are small, maximum - up to 4 cm, covered with small numerous tubercles. In color, they resemble plums, thanks to which they received another name - Chinese plum. The pulp of the fruit resembles a dense sweet jelly, the taste of which is somewhat similar to grapes. While enjoying this exotic, one should not forget about the bone that is inside - it must certainly be thrown away.

What does lychee fruit look like, photo

Of course, often one description is not enough to boldly go to the store for an exotic curiosity, because you can easily confuse it with other, no less interesting and unusual fruits. In order not to seem like an ignoramus to the seller and to purchase gifts from the tropics with confidence, you need to know what kind of fruit the lychee looks like, the photo will certainly help you figure it out.

In the photo you can see not only the fruits that are usually offered in the store, but also their ripening on the trees. Interestingly, when purchasing fruits, preference should be given to those that are on the branches. Why do this? It's simple - the fruits plucked from the branches deteriorate much faster, and if they still look fresh in the store, they will quickly begin to rot at home, and it will not work to save them.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the shade of the fruit. The darker they are, the higher the degree of maturity and the worse the taste. Preference should be given to bright red Chinese plums - it is this shade that notifies you of freshness and a pleasant taste. They will also last much longer.

Lychee fruit benefit and harm

How to properly use lychee fruit, useful properties and contraindications - this should certainly be carefully studied, because it has not only advantages, but also several disadvantages. The main value of the fruit is low calorie content. It can be safely consumed during a diet - it will not work to gain extra pounds. Another plus of regular fruit consumption is that the high content of vitamin B will certainly help keep hair and nails healthy.

  1. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  2. high cholesterol;
  3. atherosclerosis;
  4. diseases of the digestive organs;
  5. gland enlargement;
  6. prolonged intense cough.

The lychee fruit, the benefits and harms of which have been fully studied, can be called not only unusual, but also unique. It has practically no contraindications, you can feast on it even with serious illnesses or in combination with the treatment of the underlying disease with aggressive drugs. The only prohibition is individual intolerance, in such cases, side effects in the form of rashes or nausea may occur.

Lychee fruit, how to eat this unusual delicacy

Another question arises for those who first purchased lychee fruit, how to eat this exotic. Despite the fact that there are several varieties of this delicacy, their peel is usually not eaten, it must be peeled. It will not be difficult, it is easily separated from the pulp, even if the fruit is not fully ripe.

Getting to the juicy pulp is easy - you just need to lightly bite the peel (it lends itself easily to your teeth) and remove it with your fingers. Of course, you can use a knife for this, but this is not necessary - and without it there will be no difficulties.

Only the pulp is eaten - it has a light shade, juicy and dense. Do not forget about the bone - throw it away or dry it for planting. Thanks to its wonderful taste, this fruit has gained considerable popularity not only in its homeland, but throughout the world.

Most often, fresh fruits are consumed, but they can be dried, in this form they resemble dense nuts, which are usually used to make desserts. You can preserve, you get a wonderful jelly, with a pleasant aroma and exotic taste. The Chinese are accustomed to adding fruits to alcoholic drinks, they even manage to make wonderful wine based on lychee, which is famous for its wonderful properties.

Lychee fruit, photo, how it grows at home

As unbelievable as it sounds, you can even grow this exotic on your own, and there will be no particular difficulties here. Confirmation that it is possible to grow a lychee fruit, a photo of how it grows at home - the pictures clearly show that the plant feels no worse indoors than in the hot, humid tropics.

A tree can become a real decoration of an apartment, even if you can’t get fruits from it, because the leaves of the plant also look unusual - shiny, long, juicy green. You should not worry about the fact that the size of the room will not allow the lychee to feel comfortable - at home the tree will not grow tall, all the more so - it can be formed by arranging annual pruning.

Lychee fruit, how to grow from seed

Fans of exotic plants are often interested in how it is possible to have a lychee fruit in an apartment, how to grow this tropical guest from a bone, and whether there are difficulties in caring for it. There is nothing unusual here - you can grow this curiosity even without much experience in caring for indoor plants.

It is better not to mix the soil for lychee yourself, but to buy it ready-made in the store. Soil for palm trees is perfect for a plant, and it should be purchased. Landing is carried out in this order:

  1. Dry the stone well at room temperature (it is better to take a few - this ensures that at least one of them will give a precious sprout). Planting material must be taken from ripened fruits.
  2. Fill a small container with soil, after laying a layer of drainage.
  3. Deepen the bones by 1-3 cm, lightly tamp the ground.
  4. Water the soil, cover with foil.
  5. Regularly remove the greenhouse for ventilation, at the same time check if the earth is dry, and water if necessary.
  6. After the sprouts appear, remove the greenhouse, take care of it, as for ordinary indoor flowers - water and regularly loosen the surface of the earthy coma.

It is important to choose the right place on the windowsill - it must certainly be sunny and cozy here. Drafts have a detrimental effect on the plant - it can die. Do not overdo it with watering either - do not allow dirt in the pot. Another requirement that must be strictly followed is to replant the plant annually, otherwise its growth will be very slow.

Seeing a lychee fruit on the counter, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are already well known, you do not need to deny yourself the purchase of such a tasty fruit. The only thing that should not be forgotten is that you should not abuse it by eating it - in large quantities, even healthy delicacies can cause an undesirable reaction of the body.

Save the information.

Lychee pulp contains 66 calories per 100 grams, which is comparable to the calorie content of grapes. Lychee lacks saturated fat and cholesterol, but contains significant amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Lychee is rich in oligonol, a low molecular weight polyphenol that regulates the production of oxidants in the body. In addition, its detrimental effect on the influenza virus is known. Oligonol improves blood flow in the organs, promotes weight loss and protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Lychee fruit, like citrus fruits, is an excellent source of vitamin C: 100 grams of fresh fruit will provide about 120% of the daily recommended value. Eating fruits rich in vitamin C stimulates the human body to develop resistance against infectious agents and the accumulation of free radicals.

Lychee is a good source of B vitamins such as thiamine, niacin, and folates. These substances are useful and necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes, they act as accompanying components involved in the absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats by the body.

Lychee has a good amount of minerals such as potassium, calcium, copper. Potassium, as you know, is an important component of intercellular metabolism and the movement of fluids in the body, is responsible for normal blood pressure. Copper is essential for the production of red blood cells.

Lychee is rich in fiber, which helps maintain normal digestion and, as a result, optimal weight. In China, lychee peel tea is used to treat smallpox and acute food poisoning. In India, crushed lychee seeds are used to make a medicinal tea for stomach disorders. From the roots, bark and flowers of lychee, decoctions are prepared for gargling with sore throat.

However, lychee fruits should be consumed in moderation as they are high in fructose, which can cause weight gain if predisposed.

What vitamins are in lychee.

For 100 grams of lychee pulp, there are: carbohydrates - 16.53 grams, protein - 0.83 grams, fats - 0.44 grams, fibers - 1.3 grams.
Vitamins per 100 grams of lychee pulp:

  • folate 14 mcg;
  • choline 7.1 mg;
  • pyridoxine 0.1 mg;
  • riboflavin 0.065 mg;
  • thiamine 0.011 mg;
  • vitamin C 71.5 mg;
  • vitamin E 0.07 mg;
  • vitamin K 0.4 mcg.

Minerals per 100 grams of lychee pulp:

  • sodium 1 mg;
  • potassium 171 mg;
  • calcium 5 mg;
  • copper 0.148 mg;
  • iron 0.31 mg;
  • magnesium 10 mg;
  • manganese 0.055 mg;
  • phosphorus 31 mg;
  • selenium 0.6 mcg;
  • zinc 0.07 mg.

Tell your friends about it.

The name of this exotic fruit means "Chinese plum". It is enjoyed by gourmets, used by perfumers and traditional oriental medicine. Tourists in Thailand enjoy tasting the lychee fruit.

It is a tropical evergreen tree. Reminds a willow, height is 12-25 meters.

Lychee is native to the southern provinces of China, which is why it is known as the "Chinese plum". But today the distribution area is the entire subtropical belt of the planet: Latin America, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand. From the last two regions, the fruit comes to Russia.

Fruits (also called lisi, lidzhi, lizhi, lasi, "dragon's eye") are grouped in clusters. There are more than a hundred varieties. The exotic name begs the question: what does the fruit look like? Instances are not larger than 35-40 mm and 15-30 g of weight (about the same). Covered with a reddish crust with pointed pimples, which makes them look like. Inside is a whitish pulp-jelly and a large brown bone.

The taste of fruits from different places is different - from sweet to sour. It depends on where the lychee grows, how much sun and moisture the tree gets during the ripening of the fruit. The timing of fruit picking also varies. Usually it is May-August, in Thailand April-June.

But how to say it correctly - lychee berries or fruits? According to the botanical classification, this is a berry, according to the culinary and household level, it is a fruit.

Its main advantage is maturation time. The lychee season is late spring and early summer, so there are no competitors.

How to eat lychee

The fruit looks exotic, but the process of consuming it is simple. The pulp of the fruit is edible only. How to clean lychee? Simple: the skin is removed from the washed fruit with a knife, picking up from the tail. You can bite. Then they are separated into pieces, manually. The pulp of the fruit is cut in half, the bone is removed. In a ripened high-quality specimen, the peel is removed without problems, the bone is easily separated.

The fruit is consumed in different forms:

  1. Fresh as an independent dish or addition to fruit salads, desserts, ice cream, alcoholic or children's cocktails.
  2. The pulp of the fruit serves as the basis for sauces for meat, fish, sweet syrups.
  3. Fresh or dried peel is added to tea as a flavoring agent.
  4. Canned in sugar syrup.
  5. The whole fruit is dried, with a bone inside. It turns out a lychee nut.

All methods, except the first, are used in the homeland of the fruit, in Southeast Asia. But they are gaining popularity in the countries where it is exported, including Russia.

You can treat yourself to the exotic Chinese drink kongou. It is a black leaf tea infused with lychee peel. Drink hot or chilled with ice cubes.

Liches are chosen in the same way as ordinary ones. Signs of quality ripe fruits:

  • Dense, elastic, without soft areas.
  • The skin is shiny, whole, without cracks or breaks. In overripe dried, faded, hardened.
  • Skin color dark pink to purple. Brownishness appears in ancient, stale specimens. Green fruits are not worth buying - they will not ripen.
  • The aroma is like a rose, the spoiled ones have a cloying sweetness.
  • The flesh of the fruit is tender, even watery.

The fruits are endowed with a sweet taste with sourness, sometimes slightly viscous or tart. Connoisseurs compare it with, some varieties are distinguished by flavor notes with a mint, raspberry, strawberry flavor. Or a mix of all at once.

It is possible to save only fruits in bunches - with branches and stalks. At room temperature, the fruit remains fresh for no more than three days, in the refrigerator (2-7 ° C) - up to ten days. If you want to keep longer, you need to freeze, dry or preserve. The Chinese claim that this does not impair the beneficial properties.

Is it possible to eat lychee bones

This part of the lychee benefits and harms health in equal measure. Lychee is eaten without a bone. The nucleoli are toxic but are used by conventional medicine. Chinese healers dry them or calcinate them, grind them into powder. Prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders or for the prevention of worms. The dosage is critical, so self-medication in this way is excluded.

Chemical composition and calorie content

In lychee, the beneficial properties are due to a complex composition of vitamins, macro- and microelements (g / 100 g of pulp):

  • Water - 78-83;
  • carbohydrates (saccharides) - 14-15;
  • proteins - 0.81;
  • fats - 0.30;
  • fiber - 1.49.

The fruits contain a large number of vitamins that affect the basic functions of the body:

  • B1, B2 - cellular metabolism.
  • C - high concentration provides growth, cell regeneration, strengthening of bones, nails, hair. Helps with colds, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis.
  • E is an antioxidant.
  • K - regulates blood clotting. The content of vitamin C in litchi provides the daily requirement of the body.

Main trace elements:

  1. Potassium - strengthens and heals the heart.
  2. Phosphorus - breaks down carbohydrates, builds and strengthens the skeleton, is necessary for fat metabolism, glucose absorption, and general metabolism.
  3. Calcium - strengthens the skeleton, nails, teeth, nerves, immunity. Promotes weight loss.
  4. Iron - normalizes metabolism.
  5. Sodium - improves the functioning of the genitourinary, digestive systems, prevents dehydration. "Organizes" intercellular metabolism.
  6. Zinc - removes toxins, heavy metals from the body, prolongs the youth of cells. Reduces stress, increases energy. Beneficial for skin, hair.
  7. Selenium - antitumor, improves the functioning of the heart, thyroid gland. Prolongs youth.
  8. Manganese is essential for the functioning of the nervous system, brain, and thyroid gland. Regulates metabolism, blood sugar.
  9. Copper - improving blood quality, improving the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract, strengthening immunity. Supports the production of tyrosine, without which the brain is problematic.
  10. Nicotinic acid - ensures the functioning of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, liver, heart, blood vessels. Removes toxins, lowers blood sugar. It inhibits the appearance or development of atherosclerosis, senile dementia.

What makes lychee unique in terms of health is the combination of potassium, copper, ascorbic and nicotinic acids.

Carbohydrates give the fruit its sweetness. But in a ripe lychee fruit, the calorie content is only 65 - 75 units per 100 grams. It depends on the type of fruit.

Beneficial features

Even the ancient Chinese found out that the whole body benefits from the lychee fruit. Adherents of traditional medicine have studied the benefits of lychee fruits and use them for many problems:

  1. dysfunction of the liver, kidneys;
  2. high cholesterol;
  3. the threat or the initial stages of atherosclerosis;
  4. asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, tuberculosis;
  5. emotional breakdowns (depression, neuroses);
  6. fatigue, anemia, anemia, weakened immunity;
  7. increased physical activity.

Extracts, essential oils, decoctions, dietary supplements are made from the fruit. The most striking example is the Japanese dietary supplement "Oligonol". Formulated with a polyphenol of the same name, found in lychee. It removes free radicals that age the body and reduce immunity.

Fruits are widely used by cosmetologists as an effective tool in solving skin problems (flabbiness, rashes, acne) and hair.

Strengthens the immune system

The daily norm of fruit supplies a person with the optimal amount of copper and ascorbic acid. As a result, the immune system "cheers up", stimulating the body to produce white blood cells. It is they who put a shield on ailments.

Chinese scientists have found that regular consumption of litchi strengthens the body's resistance to stress.

Improves digestion

Fruit affects the body in two ways. The fibrous structure plus a high concentration of carbohydrates improves digestion and peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the intestine. Along the way, the production of gastric juice is stimulated, which improves the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, the fruits are indicated for intestinal problems (primarily constipation).

Blood pressure control

Overseas lychee fruits are useful for hypertensive patients. Potassium removes excess sodium and water from the body. At the same time, the heart rate is normalized, which in patients is often elevated.

Lychee benefits for weight loss

Fruit - almost pure water, minimum fat. Low-calorie, but for a long time kills the feeling of hunger, endowed with a diuretic effect.

This property makes it an ideal ally in the fight against excess weight.

Antitumor effect

The medicinal qualities of the fruit are indispensable as prevention and in the initial stages of oncology. We are talking about powerful antioxidant polyphenols that inhibit the development of malignant neoplasms.


The sorcerers of Hindustan have been making potions from the fruit for centuries (including love potions). Little has changed today.

Residents of Southeast Asia endow litchi with aphrodisiac properties. Its unofficial name is “fruit of love”.

Doctors have found that a decoction of the peel of the fruit strengthens male potency. The Chinese make wine from it, which "excites the soul and awakens love."

The Thai "Lychee Festival" attracts hundreds of tourists. A colorful event dedicated to the harvest. Every Thai beauty dreams of becoming "Miss Lychee" by winning the beauty pageant.

What is useful lychee for the body of women

For ladies, the benefits of lychee fruit are multifaceted. Each element is involved:

  • Pectin - breaks down fats, contributing to weight loss. Rejuvenates the body as a whole.
  • Nicotinic acid - is responsible for the beauty and health of hair.
  • Calcium is indicated for women in whose family there is a tendency to osteoporosis, a series of births, early chronic diseases. As a prophylactic, it is useful to everyone who works in difficult or adverse climatic or industrial conditions. Especially for those over 30.

Lychee contains substances that solve purely feminine problems:

  • Vitamins C, E are essential for women on the eve of menopause.
  • B vitamins (1, 6) - indicated for menopause.
  • Magnesium - salvation in menopause. Normalizes blood quality, lowers cholesterol.
  • Copper is indispensable in the production of female sex hormones.

In addition, these elements improve the emotional state, improve sleep, performance, skin condition.

Is it possible for pregnant women and breastfeeding

There is no consensus in the medical community about the effects of lychee during pregnancy. Nutritionists are in favor, gynecologists are more careful.

Everyone agrees: the berries have diuretic properties, so they are useful for puffiness. It is only dangerous to exceed the daily dose (maximum ten berries).

Useful fruit for nursing mothers. It is rich in nicotinic acid, which enhances lactation. But you can eat it at least half an hour - forty minutes before feeding and no more than five berries per day. A consultation with a doctor is required.

Is it possible for children to lychee

Fruit can be given to children from the age of three. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician, especially if the child has problems with the gastrointestinal tract or a predisposition to allergies.

For testing, the baby is given a piece or half. If everything is fine, one or two berries a day is enough. You need to make sure that the child does not get to them and does not try on his own with a crust and a bone.

Contraindications and possible harm

At home, lychee is considered a completely safe product. For countries where it is exotic, there are restrictions and contraindications:

Personal incompatibility. It is difficult to recognize it in advance, therefore, at the first tasting, one or two berries are enough. If after a few hours nothing happened to the skin (redness, itching, rash), stomach function, general condition, the product is suitable. Otherwise, it is better to look for a replacement for him.

Overdose. Even if lychee is not contraindicated, it is not necessary to abuse it. The daily norm of fresh fruit for children is 100 g, for adults - 250-350 (depending on the person's body weight). Excess is fraught with irritation of the oral mucosa and flatulence.

Hypoglycine. The fruits are distinguished by its high concentration. The substance provokes a sharp drop in blood sugar levels.

It is undesirable to eat litchi on an empty stomach: organic acids, which are rich in fruits, irritate the intestinal walls.

Eating fruit with white flour pastries, foods high in starch can cause flatulence.

Lychee- the fruits of the evergreen tree Chinese lychee. The Chinese lychee has a large crown with shiny leaves, the height of this tree is 10-30 m.

Lychee is a small oval berry (the size of a cherry plum or blackthorn) with a dense red skin covered with pointed pimples. The pulp of the fruit is jelly-like, transparent milky or cream in color with a large black stone.

Where does lychee grow

The lychee appears to have originated in China, but today it is cultivated throughout Southeast Asia, as well as in India, South Africa, Latin America, and the southern United States.

You will find lychees on Koh Samui, Hainan, Fukuoka, Phuket and many other islands. Thai lychees are considered the sweetest. Fresh lychees have a short May-June season for the northern hemisphere.

What does lychee taste like and how to eat it

Lychee has a sweet and sour taste, with astringent and winey aftertaste. Lychee tastes like grapes. Lychees need to be peeled, which is easy to do with your hands, eat the pulp and do not forget to spit out the bone, well, or take it out in advance. Lychee is added to various desserts and cocktails, jam and wine are made from it, and even dried. It is extremely popular to dip lychees into champagne - this gives the drink an unusual taste.

How to store

Lychee fruits are stored at room temperature for no more than 3 days, peeled fruits can be frozen for future use.

Useful properties of litchi

Lychee improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and pancreas, helps with lung diseases and constipation, is useful for diabetes and heart disease, lowers blood cholesterol levels. Lychee is also a strong aphrodisiac.


100 g of lychee contains 66 kcal.

What can be dangerous lychee

There are no contraindications to the consumption of lychee. However, excessive consumption of lychee can cause allergies or lead to irritation of the oral mucosa.


Good afternoon, my dear readers! Lychee is a fruit of the Sapind family, not quite familiar to our area, well unknown. It is imported to us mainly from the African Republic, from America and from Asia.

On sale, this fruit can be found under various names, in particular, as Chinese plum, lasi, ligi, fox.

The overseas fruit is distinguished by its small size, bumpy brick-colored dense skin and juicy sweet pulp resembling jelly in consistency.

Let's see if there is any benefit in lychee fruits, how to use them correctly, and where is the best place to store an exotic product.

Lychee calories

Lychee is an overseas fruit that belongs to low-calorie foods. The calorie content in this case will depend on the type (variety) and growing conditions of the fruit. On average, 100 grams of lychee pulp accounts for 65 to 75 Kcal.

How much can you eat lychee per day?

According to experts, the daily norm of litchi per day for adults is 10-12 pieces, and for children 3-5 pieces.

Lychee: useful properties

Lychee: useful properties

Lychee is a product that has oriental roots, and therefore, for the most part, it is used in the preparation of various healing recipes by Asian healers. They recommend consuming 7-10 lychee fruits per day:

- to lower sugar;

- to cleanse the blood of cholesterol plaques;

- in diseases of the pancreas and liver;

- with constipation;

- with improper bowel function;

- for the prevention of diseases of the kidneys and lungs;

- for the treatment of tuberculosis;

- for weight loss;

- for the prevention of heart disease;

- for the prevention of atherosclerosis;

- to quench thirst;

- for the treatment of oncological diseases;

- to improve potency and sexual desire.

Lychee - bones

Lychee fruit: useful properties of the bone

As a rule, litchi is consumed fresh and only the pulp of the product. Few people know that the fruit bone is also of particular benefit.

Once in the body, the powdered composition (it must be mixed with other products), namely in this form, you can consume lychee seeds, has an analgesic effect, and also helps:

- with orchitis;

- with intestinal disorders and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

- with neuralgia;

- in violation of metabolism.

Among other things, Chinese healers prepare tea and decoctions from seeds ground into powder, adding some other ingredients to the powder, which they then consume for medicinal purposes, usually to prevent worms and treat diarrhea. However, there is still no evidence and evidence that these funds really help to cope with these diseases.

Attention! Representatives of traditional medicine claim that in addition to useful properties, lychee seeds also contain poison, which, consumed in large quantities, can lead to serious poisoning. Before you start using powder from the seeds of an exotic fruit, get professional advice from your doctor.

How to choose lychee fruit?

1. To choose a tasty and juicy, ripe lychee, you should first carefully examine the fruits. Fruits with deep red skin are considered good. At the same time, there should not be any dark or rotten spots on them. The color should be uniform throughout the fruit.

2. And the second rule, when choosing an exotic product, touch it to the touch. Ripe fruits are soft to the touch.

Lychee fruit. Photo. How it grows

Lychee fruit. Photo. How it grows.

How to store litchi at home?

1. At home, lychee is not difficult to store, in principle, like any other fruit. It is enough to put the food out of the bag on a plate and put it right in the room in the coolest place, that is, not near the stove or electric kettles. Keep in mind that mature lychees spoil very quickly.

2. If you are going to eat purchased fruits in 1-2 days, store them in the room.

3. If you purchased food in advance, and you want to serve it to guests in 3-5 days, then put the litchi without a bag in the refrigerator, in a special compartment for storing fresh vegetables and fruits.

4. Canned and dried lychees are stored for the longest time, and therefore, if you want to keep the product for several months, just make a sweet dessert in the form of jam from it or dry the fruit, after removing the peel from them.

How to clean lychee?

How to eat lychee?

In Asia, lychee is typically used to make vinegar and wine. Europeans usually add the pulp of this fruit to various drinks and desserts.

Meanwhile, both of them eat fresh lychee, but in order to really appreciate the whole taste and juiciness of this fruit, it is important to know how to clean it properly, and this can be done in several ways.

1. Take the fruit, make a small incision with a knife in the stalk area, remove the skin from the product by picking up the skin with a fingernail, cut the pulp in half, remove the bone and eat the fruit.

2. Take one fruit in your hands, give it a little in the middle with your fingers and turn the peel with one hand clockwise and with the other counterclockwise, removing the skin, thus also remove the bone from the pulp and then consume the product. Do the same for each fruit.

3. Another option for cleaning and consuming lychee is to carefully cut off the shell of the fruit with a sharp knife, then cut the pulp, remove the stone and eat the whole pulp.

Lychee: what does it taste like?

The taste of small oval lychee fruits is very juicy and resembles a mixture of strawberries and pineapple. This is a very refreshing and light taste that leaves an amazing aftertaste.

It is worth noting that well-ripened fruits have such a taste, that is, fruits with a uniform dark red skin.

Attention! If you purchased an unripe or spoiled lychee, then you should not eat it. This can lead to poisoning. When buying exotic fruits, always check them for foreign brown and any other spots, as well as for softness.

Lychee: contraindications

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