
Barley kvass at home. Step-by-step recipe for kvass from barley with a photo

Birch sap is only available in early spring, usually in April. You can save the taste, benefits and unique composition of trace elements and vitamins not only in jars, but by preparing kvass based on it. The drink can be prepared not only on the basis of bread, but also on birch sap - this makes the drink soft and refreshing.

Options for preparing kvass with raisins and dried fruits, with barley and bread give a variety of tastes: from sour yeast to sweet fruit.

Kvass with barley

Making kvass from birch sap at home is not a troublesome business, as it may seem to inexperienced housewives. Adding barley will give a taste similar to the usual yeast.


  • fresh - 3 l;
  • barley - 1 cup (about 100 gr);


  1. Birch sap must be filtered through several layers of gauze, cleaned of dirt, chips and bark. Put in a cool place for 1-2 days.
  2. Pour the barley grains into the pan and fry. If roasted to a golden color, the drink will become tender and soft in taste. If you fry until dark, almost black, kvass will be bitter.
  3. Pour the barley into the juice. If you do not want the grains to float in a bottle of kvass, you can tie them up in a gauze bag and throw them into the bottle.
  4. Kvass should be infused for at least 3-4 days in a warm room. The drink should be stirred periodically. Over time, it acquires a dark color and a rich barley flavor.
  5. After a few days, kvass can be filtered and poured into glass bottles.
  6. Store the drink for up to six months in a cellar or other cool room.

Such natural birch-barley kvass is an excellent solution for homemade traditional dressing. It has the freshness of birch sap and sourness with a bit of bitterness from barley.

Kvass with raisins and dried fruits

Raisins in the composition are the basis of fermentation. Dried fruits will help add a fruity note to the drink.

You will need:

  • fresh birch sap - 3 l;
  • dried fruits - 0.6-0.8 kg;
  • - 200 gr. or 1.5-2 cups.

You will need:

  • fresh birch sap - 3 l;
  • bread - 300 gr;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • to choose from: a handful of raisins, mint leaves, black currants, barley grains or coffee beans.


  1. Strain the juice through several layers of gauze to get rid of contaminants: pieces of wood and specks. If the juice is freshly picked, it is better to infuse for 1-2 days in a cool place before making kvass.
  2. Cut the bread into cubes and make crackers: put and dry on a baking sheet in the oven or fry without oil in a pan.
  3. In a glass container, where the fermentation process will take place, we put crackers and sugar on the bottom. Pour in slightly warmed birch sap and stir. You can add your favorite ingredient for taste: blackcurrant or mint leaves - this will give a light berry-herbal aroma. Coffee beans and barley will enhance the rye flavor.
  4. Close the bottle with a loose lid or tie several layers of gauze and leave to ferment in a warm place for 3-5 days.
  5. After a few days, kvass can be filtered, poured into convenient containers and stored for up to six months in a cool place.

If you want to make a good and healthy drink for every day - make kvass. Natural barley kvass, obtained as a result of fermentation, has a beautiful light shade and an encouraging taste!

It is very easy to make kvass from barley at home. By and large, having prepared it once, kvass can be made all summer long, just adding fresh water and adding sugar. Very often, barley kvass is used as the basis for okroshka. Try it too, it's delicious and healthy!

Servings: 3

A very simple recipe for homemade barley kvass step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 3 days 4 hours. Contains only 195 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 7 minutes
  • Cooking time: 3 days 4 hours
  • Amount of calories: 195 kilocalories
  • Servings: 3 servings
  • Reason: nature
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Drinks, Kvass

Ingredients for three servings

  • Barley - To taste (half - liter jar)
  • Sugar - 3 Art. spoons
  • Water - 3 Liters

Step by step cooking

  1. Rinse the barley thoroughly, then pour it into a 3 liter jar, add sugar and fill everything with cold and clean water.
  2. We leave the jar in a warm place for 4 hours, for the fermentation procedure. You can insist longer - this directly affects the taste of kvass. The longer it ferments, the sharper and more sour the drink will be.
  3. Strain the finished kvass and pour into containers where it will be stored. Must be stored in the refrigerator.
  4. Be healthy!


Barley is called "man's juice". Barley is a storehouse of calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese and iron. Barley grain contains vitamin A, almost all B vitamins, vitamins D, E, PP.



With cough, diarrhea, colitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

100 g of barley, pour 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature, leave for 5-6 hours, then boil for 15-18 minutes and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Strain and drink 3-4 times a day before meals for a quarter cup.

To enhance lactation: pour 300 g of barley grains into 3 liters of water and cook over low heat for 1-1.5 hours. Cool, strain and take 3 times a day for a third of a glass.

For chronic constipation:
Finely chop 4 small pears, mix with 150 g of barley grains, pour 1.5 liters of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then cool, strain and take 1 quarter cup 10 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

For bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis
2 tbsp. l. raisins mixed with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of barley or oat grain and pour water in an amount of 1.5 liters. Then cook covered over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. In the finished barley broth, you can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey

With a strong cough, barley infusion will help.
Pour boiling water over barley and oats in a thermos. Drink 3-4 times a day.

With diathesis
It is useful to take baths with the addition of barley broth, which can be prepared as follows: mix 25 g of oak bark and 400 g of barley grains, chop, then pour 5 liters of water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Infuse for 1 hour, strain and add to the bath.

A barley compress will help to relieve muscle tension, draw out pus or poison from the bite site.
Grind barley grains, pour hot water to a pasty mass. Wrap the mass in a cotton cloth or towel, apply as a compress.

For breastfed babies, barley decoction will be especially useful.
1 tsp crushed barley grains in a coffee grinder are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, and boiled over low heat until the barley mass is boiled. The broth is cooled, filtered and used as an additive to milk or milk formula.

With anemia, radiation exposure
1 st. pour a spoonful of barley malt with 1 glass of water, leave for 1 hour in a warm place. Then boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Cool and take 3 times a day for 0.5 cups before meals.

With an increased level of sugar in the blood, hemorrhoids, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, cough, such an infusion will bring relief
2 st. l. crushed barley malt pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Cool and drink 0.5 cup 4-5 times a day. In such a barley infusion, you can add a little honey. The same remedy will be effective for beriberi, anemia, loss of strength.

In diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract, disorders of the nervous system:
4.5 art. l. barley malt pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Cool and drink 0.5 cup 5 times a day.

Barley malt compresses are a popular remedy in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, mastitis, breast cancer, and benign tumors.

A solution of BARLEY MALT is used in cosmetics.
In inflammatory processes on the skin, it is recommended to make malt baths and nourishing masks from barley groats.

1 st. pour a spoonful of grains with a glass of water, leave for 4-5 hours, cook for 10 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. Take 1 tablespoon before meals.


At home, it is easy to make kvass from barley. By and large, having prepared it once, kvass can be made all summer long, just adding fresh water and adding sugar or, even better, honey. Very often, barley kvass is used as the basis for okroshka. Try it too, it's delicious and healthy!

Barley - half a liter jar

Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
Water - 3 liters.

Rinse the barley thoroughly, then pour it into a 3 liter jar, add honey (or sugar) and fill everything with cold and clean water. We leave the jar in a warm place for 4 hours, for the fermentation procedure. You can insist longer - this directly affects the taste of kvass. The longer it ferments, the sharper and more sour the drink will be. Strain the finished kvass and pour into containers where it will be stored. Must be stored in the refrigerator.

ATTENTION: after a while, after the kvass is ready - it will continue to "roam" and begin to turn into an alcoholic mash - you just need to pour out such a drink, rinse the barley and pour water and honey (sugar) again. to prepare a new portion of kvass.


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Everyone knows the slightly sweet taste of such a healthy and pleasant birch sap! Birch sap is available fresh only in early spring, usually in April. But you can preserve its taste, benefits and unique composition of microelements and vitamins not only by preserving it in jars, but by preparing on its basis an equally wonderful product - kvass.

Few people know that it can be prepared not only on the basis of bread, but also on birch sap, this makes the drink much softer, lighter, and therefore more refreshing, while retaining all the beneficial properties. And the options for preparing kvass with raisins and dried fruits, with barley and bread - give a variety of tastes from classic sour yeast to sweet birch-fruit.

Kvass with barley

Making kvass from birch sap at home is not a troublesome business, as inexperienced housewives can show at first glance. And the preparation of kvass from birch sap with barley will result in a taste that is most similar to the usual yeast kvass. To prepare, you need only two ingredients:

  1. Birch sap (fresh, harvested) must be filtered through several layers of gauze, cleaned of possible mechanical impurities, chips, bark. Cleaned, leave in a cool place for 1-2 days.
  2. Pour unpeeled barley grains into a pan and fry. If fried to a golden color, the kvass will have a more delicate and mild taste, if fried to a dark, almost black color, the kvass will be bitter.
  3. Pour barley into birch sap. If you do not want barley grains to float in a bottle of kvass later, you can tie them in a gauze bag and throw them into the bottle like that.
  4. Kvass should be infused for at least 3-4 days in a warm room. Kvass should be stirred periodically. Over time, it acquires a darker color and a rich barley flavor.
  5. After a few days, kvass can be filtered, poured into glass bottles, tightly corked, which can keep the drink up to six months in a cellar or other cool room.

How to cook birch kvass Very easy

Such natural birch-barley kvass is an excellent solution for dressing homemade traditional okroshka, because it has the freshness of birch sap and sourness with a bit of bitterness from barley.

Kvass with raisins and dried fruits

When cooked, it leaves a specific aftertaste and sweetness of kvass from birch sap with raisins. Raisins in the composition of kvass are the basis of fermentation. Dried fruits will help add a fruity note to the drink. So, to prepare kvass from birch sap with dried fruits and raisins, you will need:

  • Fresh birch sap - 3 l;
  • Dried fruits - 0.6-0.8 kg;
  • Raisins - 200 gr (1.5-2 cups).
  1. Fresh birch sap must be cleaned of all the slightest mechanical impurities by simply filtering through several layers of gauze. After straining, the juice must be allowed to stand for 1-2 days in a cool place in a glass container.
  2. Rinse raisins and dried fruits thoroughly, get rid of dirt, specks.
  3. We put washed dried fruits and raisins in a container with birch sap, close the bottle with a lid with holes or several layers of gauze.
  4. We leave the future kvass to infuse in a warm place for at least 5-7 days, since we do not add sugar in the recipe and the fermentation of kvass will be a little slower. If, when mixing the ingredients, add 3-5 tablespoons of sugar, fermentation will occur more quickly, and as a result kvass will have a richer taste, it may lose the slight sweetness inherent in birch sap.
  5. The finished drink from a common bottle can be filtered and poured into small glass bottles and already in them, tightly closed, kvass from birch sap with dried fruits can be stored for up to six months in a cool, dark room.

Homemade kvass. Branded recipe from birch sap.

Such a drink will delight with the pleasant spring taste of birch sap and bestow the benefits of vitamins accumulated in dried fruits even in late autumn. Kvass from birch sap with dried fruits can even be an interesting solution for a festive table as a wonderful aperitif.

Kvass with bread

Having already seen how easy it is to make kvass from birch sap, housewives will probably wonder how to make kvass of the usual rye taste, but with the unique benefits of birch sap. The following recipe for kvass from birch sap with bread will be an excellent choice in this case. For cooking you will need:

  • Fresh birch sap - 3 l;
  • Black bread (rye, Borodino, etc.) - 300g;
  • Sugar - ½ cup;
  • Optional: a handful of raisins, mint leaves, black currants, barley grains, coffee beans.

Preparation of bread kvass on birch sap:

  1. Strain fresh birch sap through several layers of gauze to get rid of micro-pollution: pieces of wood, specks. If the juice is freshly picked, before making kvass from it, it is better to let it stand for 1-2 days in a cool place.
  2. Cut the bread into small cubes and make crackers: Put and dry on a baking sheet in the oven or simply fry without oil in a pan.
  3. In a bottle (preferably glass), where the fermentation process will take place, we put crackers, sugar on the bottom, pour it with slightly warmed birch sap and stir well. You can add your favorite ingredient for taste: it can be blackcurrant or mint leaves - this will give a light berry-herbal aroma, coffee beans and barley - will enhance the rye taste.
  4. Close the bottle with a loose lid or tie several layers of gauze instead of a lid and take it to ferment in a warm place for 3-5 days.
  5. After several days of fermentation, kvass can be filtered, poured into more convenient smaller containers and stored for up to six months in a cool place.
