
Apples. Useful properties of apples and treatment with apples

Let's talk about the benefits of apples, about the most necessary and favorite fruits, without which we cannot do either in winter or in summer. How useful are apples?

The apple tree is the most important type of woody fruit crops around the world. And the apple is the most common and valuable of all fruits grown in the middle lane. It is no coincidence that they say that an apple among fruits is like a potato among vegetables: it occupies a leading position.

The apple tree has served man since time immemorial and has long been considered by the people as a healing plant. The homeland of the apple tree is considered to be the Caucasus, Central Asia and China, at present there are more than 20 species of wild apple trees. In Europe and Asia Minor, large-fruited varieties of apple trees have been grown for several millennia.

In Kievan Rus, under Yaroslav the Wise, an apple orchard was laid on the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. And in the XII century, by order of Yuri Dolgoruky, the first gardens near Moscow were laid. Subsequently, apple trees spread widely in monastic and landowner gardens, and since the 20th century, the apple tree has become a used crop throughout central Russia, as well as in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Apple tree home (garden) is a tree from the Rosaceae family, a deciduous tree with a height of 3 - 6, rarely up to 14 meters. The trunk of old trees with a diameter of up to 90 cm. The flowering of the apple tree begins in April - May. The flowers are large, pale pink, rarely white or purple, very fragrant. An apple tree is an excellent honey plant; bees can collect up to 6 kg of honey from a tree.

The fruits of the apple tree are juicy apples of various colors and flavors. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 4-12 years, for 40-50 years. The plant lives up to 100 years, wild species - up to 300 years.

For a person, the use of fresh or dried apple fruits is a source of strength and longevity, helps cleanse the body and gives light sleep. Two juicy apples a day will help prevent the development of atherosclerosis and heart attack, as the pectin contained in these fruits lowers blood cholesterol levels. Due to the high content of mineral salts, apples are very useful for rheumatism, kidney and liver diseases, and help with insomnia.

Apples contain malic, citric, tartaric acids, glucose, fructose, sucrose, vitamins A, B, provitamin A - carotene, tannins, essential oil, pectin substances, as well as mineral salts of calcium, iron, phosphorus and calcium, which are very important in human nutrition. others. It has been established that apples contain 28 trace elements, including copper, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt, etc.

Apples in any form are useful and necessary for anemia, during pregnancy, after radiation therapy and simply in winter with a lack of light, especially in the Far North, as they contain such a trace element as iron. They are used for beriberi, headaches, as a dietary and tonic for the prevention of influenza, heart and endocrine diseases.

Apples are taken as a diuretic for dropsy, edema and jaundice, for diseases of the heart, kidneys, and hypertension. With gout and obesity - it is useful to do apple fasting days. Apples improve digestion. A large amount of fiber in fruits contributes to increased intestinal motility. Therefore, for chronic constipation, it is recommended to take raw or baked apples on an empty stomach. Apples have a beneficial effect in dysentery, acute intestinal colic. Pureed raw sweet apples are used to treat gastritis, acute colitis.

The Russian generic name "apple tree" goes back to the Latin Abella - the name of a city in Campania in southern Italy, famous for its apples. Countless varieties of apple trees, bred by breeders over the course of a number of centuries, make it possible to grow and store these useful fruits for six months or even longer.

Apple treatment at home

With colds, coughing, hoarseness, swelling of the vocal cords,

as a laxative and diuretic, to improve digestion,

for gastrointestinal disorders:

Decoction of fresh apples:

- boil a few unpeeled fresh apples in 1 liter of water for 10-15 minutes, then insist for 4 hours. Drink the decoction warm several times a day. Particularly good results can be achieved with prolonged use of this remedy. This decoction is also useful for sclerosis, gout, bleeding gums, with attacks of kidney stone disease.

The benefits of dried apples

For colds, coughs, indigestion,

with kidney stones, bleeding gums:

- apples, dried for the winter in slices or circles, cook for 5 minutes after boiling, and then leave for 30-40 minutes under the lid - this is how vitamin C is best preserved in them. Drink a decoction several times a day.

For rheumatic diseases of the joints:

- take a decoction of dried fruit peel powder - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, drink for a long time.

The benefits of baked apples

For diseases of the digestive system, it is good to use baked apples - they do not irritate the stomach and act laxatively. Baked apples are recommended for chronic constipation.

With inflammatory processes on the skin, with burns and frostbite: apply gruel from fresh apples to sore spots.

Tea from the leaves and petals of the apple tree is brewed and drunk for colds, it alleviates coughs.

Apple seeds contain a lot of iodine. It is useful to eat 5 - 6 apple seeds - this will provide the body's daily need for iodine.

Apple juice benefits and harms

Apple juice is a storehouse of valuable substances that help in the fight against many diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. The healing properties of apple juice are also due to the high content of pectins, enzymes, sugars, organic acids, dietary fiber, starch and carbohydrates, as well as a whole complex of minerals and vitamins in this drink.

Treatment with apple juice helps with a post-infarction condition, anemia and beriberi.

Regular consumption of apple juice helps to stabilize cholesterol levels and heart function. In addition, this drink protects against radiation and improves sleep.

Freshly squeezed apple juice is useful, as well as prepared at home, which does not contain a large amount of sugars, substitutes, additives, preservatives and retains all the healing properties of this drink.

Freshly squeezed apple juice quenches thirst well, tones and strengthens the immune system. It is useful to drink juice 1/2 cup 20 minutes before meals.


Sour apples and juice from them - do not use for gastritis with high acidity, duodenal ulcer, in this case it is advisable to use sweet varieties of apples.

With exacerbation of gastritis, it is good to use baked apples in the oven.

Red apples may be contraindicated for allergies.

With low acidity of the stomach, you can eat sour apples.

Apples useful properties in cosmetics

  • grate a fresh apple, mix with whipped protein;
  • mash the baked apple, mix with the egg;
  • boil an apple in a small amount of milk, knead well,

Apply the prepared mass on the face for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Such masks nourish, refresh and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

Gruel from fresh apples is used for the rapid healing of wounds, abrasions, ulcers, cracks in the skin, especially on the lips - it stops the inflammatory processes of the skin, promotes rapid healing.

The sour juice of forest apples or garden apples - Antonov and others is used to remove warts: you need to rub the formation on the skin with a fresh cut of an sour apple several times a day.

To strengthen hair - rinse your head after washing with a decoction of fresh apple leaves.

Apples can be consumed in any form: fresh, dried, baked, soaked, canned.

Watch a short video about the beneficial properties of apples:

What happens if you eat three apples every day

Apples are widely used in the food industry, they are used in the preparation of jam, marmalade, jam, juice, marmalade, marshmallow, jelly, canned food, they are widely used in the confectionery industry.

Apples useful properties are used for the preparation of compotes, jelly, apple cider vinegar, sauces, various wines, drinks, both purely apple and with other fruits and berries.

Eat apples in any form and be healthy!

In contact with


Central Asia is home to apples, but they are now grown almost all over the world. There are a huge number of different varieties of apple trees that can grow in different climatic conditions. Apple varieties differ in their color, size, shape and, of course, taste. Availability and a huge number of varieties have made the apple a fairly popular fruit. It is worth noting that in addition to taste, apples also have useful properties.

It is clear that the composition of apples directly depends on their variety and growing conditions. Do not forget that the duration and correct storage also affects the composition of apples. Almost all apples contain fructose and various organic acids (ursolic, chlorogenic, citric and of course malic acid). In addition to fructose and acids, apples contain a huge amount of useful trace elements - fiber, pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances.

As for minerals, apples contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, copper, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, molybdenum, iron and nickel. Do not forget that this fruit also contains vitavins PP, E, C, P, K.

Useful properties of apples

  1. Apples are pretty good for preventing and treating colds. Apples are best consumed grated with honey. This mixture is quite effective in fighting cough.
  2. Dental health can be easily improved by adding fresh apples to your diet. They perfectly clean the teeth from plaque and massage the gums while chewing.
  3. Cellulose, pectins and fiber contained in apples can easily normalize digestion. It is recommended to use apples for colitis.
  4. Apples also have a great effect on the state of the heart and the cardiovascular system as a whole. The composition of apples (a combination of vitamins, minerals and acids) can reduce the risk of blockage of blood vessels, prevent vascular fragility.
  5. This fruit is an excellent dietary product. The fiber contained in it activates the digestion process and normalizes weight.

Benefits of dried apples

As you know, drying is one of the types of fruit preservation that has been used since the Stone Age. Drying allows you to store fruit until the cold seasons, when the trees do not bear fruit, and the need for nutrition remains. Dried apples retain all vitamins, minerals and acids. During drying, only the liquid contained in the fruit evaporates. It is worth noting that dried apple slices are deprived of vitamin C.

Benefits of baked apples

Baked apples also contain a lot of fructose, minerals and vitamins, as well as fresh ones. But it should be noted that baked apples contain more pectins.

The use of apples baked with honey (in the oven) is a good way to prevent dysbacteriosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis and chronic pancreatitis. In addition to prevention, baked apples do an excellent job of restoring the digestive system (mainly after abdominal surgery). Pectins contained in baked apples contribute well to the removal from the body of various by-products of decay from the medications taken.

Benefits of apples for children

Children love fruits and this is very good, because they just have a huge amount of various substances necessary for the growth of the body. Apples contain easily digestible iron, which is necessary for the prevention of anemia in children. Apples are also useful for pregnant women. Note that more iron is found in apples of green varieties. Red and yellow varieties of apples contain a large amount of nutrients, but their iron content is slightly less than in green ones.

Benefits of apple juice

The benefits of drinking freshly squeezed apple juice are expressed in increasing the body's immunity to various colds and infectious diseases. In addition, apple juice helps quite well with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys (prevents the formation of new kidney stones), stimulates the intestines and, accordingly, improves the digestion process. Apple juice is often drunk in the treatment of atherosclerosis, liver and bladder diseases. It can be consumed over a long period of time without compromising your health (provided you consume less than 1 liter of juice per day).

apples in cooking

Apples, like most other fruits, are often used in cooking. Most benefit from eating fresh apples and baked with nuts and honey in the oven. Also, dried apples are very useful, which are used for cooking compotes.

On New Year's and Christmas holidays, you can find goose stuffed with apples on the tables. In addition, apples make excellent jam and jam. In baking, apples are used as a filling for pies and pies.

How to eat apples correctly

  1. The skin of apples should not be peeled. Wash apples thoroughly before eating and eat them with the skin on. It is in the peel that contains most of the nutrients and vitamins.
  2. Wormy apples should not be thrown away. The places spoiled by worms are simply cut off and thrown away, and the rest is usable.
  3. The smaller the size of the apples, the greater the concentration of vitamins in it. Therefore, do not neglect small apples.
  4. Apple seeds contain iodine. Eating 3-6 apple seeds a day will have a very positive effect on your immunity.
  5. Apples that darken quickly when cut are very helpful. They should be consumed first (preferably fresh or baked).

How to choose healthy apples

To the touch, the most useful apples are very strong and have a very pleasant aroma. Apples should not show brown spots and signs of aging or physical deformation. Avoid overripe apples (most often large apples). When buying apples, feel free to test for iron content (ask the seller to cut the apple in half and make sure it will darken quickly).

Contraindications to eating apples

Any fruit, despite its benefits, has some contraindications for consumption. For example, people with stomach ulcers or gastritis should consume apples with great caution. Apples contain a certain amount of various acids that can irritate the mucous membrane. In such cases, apples should be consumed in small quantities after meals (when the stomach is not hungry). With colitis and urolithiasis, apples must be mashed before use.

You should not eat more than 6 apple seeds per day (an excess of hydrocyanic acid is possible). Decoctions from apple leaves can provoke diabetes.

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"Who eats an apple a day,
he doesn’t have a doctor” (English wisdom)

Hello, dear readers and guests of the blog!

Of course, you know that the benefits of apples for the human body are undeniable and quite significant. And what exactly is it, what is the use of apples and is there any harm, let's see.

Unfortunately, there are people who do not like and do not eat apples. And I just can't live without them. After all, apples are the fruits of health. I always eat an apple in the morning, after a while I drink it and then during the day as much as I want.

Apples - Benefits for the body

Apples are useful for the human body and our health, primarily due to their unique composition of vitamins and nutrients.

What are the benefits of apples:

  1. It is a source of vitamins C, A, B, P and beneficial trace elements that help strengthen the immune system.
  2. Apples contain potassium, without which all our organs cannot function normally, their regular use improves brain function.
  3. The sodium in the composition helps to stabilize blood pressure.
  4. Calcium reduces vascular permeability, and phosphorus helps in the absorption of calcium.
  5. Apples have bactericidal properties, choleretic action. Regular consumption of fruits prevents the formation of gallstones.
  6. Due to potassium salts, they have a slight diuretic effect. Traditional medicine recommends eating 3-4 sweet apples every day for kidney disease.
    And for the prevention of urolithiasis, you need to cut and dry the apple peel, grind it into powder (you can use a coffee grinder). Mix 1 tablespoon of peel powder in a glass of hot water and drink. You need to drink this water 3 times a day.
  7. Apples contain a large amount of fiber, or the so-called pectin, which lowers cholesterol levels, helps to remove salts and toxins from the body.
    Pectin seems to swell in the stomach, thereby creating a feeling of satiety. Therefore, apples are successfully used for dietary nutrition and for weight loss, especially since the apple peel contains a substance that burns fats.
    For weight loss, fasting days are arranged on apples. At the same time, they eat 2.5 - 3 kilograms in 6 doses.
  8. Very good for the heart, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The substances contained in apples improve blood circulation, the elasticity of blood vessels, due to which the cardiovascular system is strengthened, which means that a rejuvenating effect occurs. So, the rejuvenating apples that we heard about from a fairy tale are a reality.

    English studies have shown that with the daily use of apples, the risk of developing a heart attack is reduced by 20% and a person can live 17 years more. Perhaps this is true for the British, because according to statistics, the average consumption of apples per year per person is 20 kilograms. And we eat only 8 kilograms of apples a year on average. I was confused when I found out these numbers. If every week I eat 1 kilogram, this is quite an impressive figure for a year. What happens, the majority of people do not eat apples at all? Very sad.

  9. Apples perfectly clean teeth, kill all the germs in the mouth.
  10. This is the best product for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. One or two apples in the morning on an empty stomach, and you will forever forget about.

    I can offer one interesting recipe for the treatment of intestinal atony, constipation and hemorrhoids: an apple, peeled, grated, mixed with the same amount of sauerkraut and eat ½ cup of this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.

We have learned a lot about the benefits of apples. But that is not all!

The benefits of apples for women

Based on the foregoing, we can already conclude that if there are apples every day, then women can prolong youth, strengthen the heart and nerves, lose weight, slow down the aging process of the skin, in addition, the complexion improves, nails and hair are strengthened. It is very useful to include them in the diet of pregnant women.

And apples are also successfully used by women to care for the skin of the face and legs, they are used to make masks for inflammation of the eyes, and for cracked heels, and for hair loss.

Moisturizing maskfrom apples: it is quite simple to make it, you just need to grate the fruit on a fine grater and apply to the skin. And the effect is amazing! You can also mix grated apple with oatmeal and honey.

More recipes here:

Benefits for men

It is also useful for the body of men to eat apples, because they will not only strengthen the heart and bones, but also increase resistance to infections, physical strength, and brain activity.

Apples can even prevent the development of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, restore male power.

Which apples are healthier

There are 7 thousand varieties of apples: sweet, sour, sweet and sour; green, pink, yellow, red.

Choose any according to your taste.

I always buy local apples, they are cheaper and not processed with any harmful substances for better storage, and they are tastier than imported ones, which taste like grass, although they look beautiful.

If you bought beautiful glossy apples, be aware that they are coated in wax or something else that can be toxic and dangerous to health. Therefore, such apples must be washed with hot water and soap or peeled.

Apples are best eaten raw with the skin on.

How delicious and healthy to eat salads with the addition of a raw apple!

I often make this salad: grated apple, orange, a little honey, you can add walnuts, season with lemon juice. And other improvisations: with a banana, with carrots and others, with raw pumpkin - this is generally a double benefit!I often make the famous "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat" with the addition of a grated apple. These salads taste amazing!

The benefits of green and red apples

It is believed that green apples contain more vitamin C, malic, tartaric, citric acids, they have a lower glycemic index, and therefore are preferable for strengthening immunity, they better resist infections, are easier to digest, and are more useful for patients with diabetes mellitus.

In addition, I once read that they contain iron, so they are needed to treat anemia. But from the latest data that I learned from the program “Live Healthy”, it turns out that this is all a myth and there is not so much iron in apples.

Red apples are the most beneficial for the heart, but they are harder on the stomach and have more sugar than green ones.

But, by and large, the color of apples does not particularly affect their usefulness, except that red ones can cause allergies, and green ones are hypoallergenic.

The benefits of baked, soaked, dried apples

Any heat treatment destroys all the benefits that are in apples.

It is clear that we love apple charlotte, pies, jams and compotes. It is not forbidden to eat them (in moderation), but there is no benefit from this.

Baked apples can be useful for those who do not digest fresh ones, for people with gastritis. We will receive a minimum of vitamins, but at least the benefits for the intestines will remain significant. They are useful for people who have undergone surgery, with dysbacteriosis, with constipation, with cardiac and renal swelling.

In pickled apples, all the benefits are practically preserved and even the amount of ascorbic acid increases, because the cold harvesting method is used here.

Dried apples also retain their beneficial properties. They are rich in potassium and are good for hearts, as well as diabetics and allergy sufferers. They can be given to children instead of sweets. But it’s still better to eat in such a dried form, and not in compote, you can soak it a little in water. And also note that the calorie content of dried apples is much higher than fresh ones.

Is there any benefit in the bones of apples

There is an opinion that eating 5 apples along with seeds, you can replenish the daily intake of iodine. But this statement is not justified, since the seeds of one apple contain only 2 μg of iodine, and the daily requirement is about 150 μg.

So, to get the required amount of iodine, eat better.

Harm of apples

Are you surprised? The benefits of apples for the human body are obvious. But, despite such a number of positive aspects, there are harms and some contraindications to eating apples.

  • Apples contain a lot of carbohydrates and sugars, so they should not be eaten in large quantities at night. You can recover from this. The body will not be able to absorb a large number of apples per night and will store everything in fat.
    Apples increase the acidity of gastric juice and thereby whet the appetite. So it is necessary to use them carefully for those who want to lose weight.
  • The beta-carotene found in red apples (both the skin and the flesh) can cause allergies in some people. In this case, they are advised to eat green apples, which are hypoallergenic.
  • Apples are high in fiber, which can cause severe gas and bloating in some people.
    Fresh apples are hard to digest, and for gastritis it is better to replace them with baked apples.

By the way, here is an interesting video recipe of delicious baked apples.

We have learned a lot about the benefits and harms of apples for the body, eat apples every day and be healthy!

The apple, along with grapes, bananas, mangoes and oranges, is one of the five most popular and widespread fruits in the world. For our latitudes, an apple is the number one fruit. We get acquainted with their taste in early childhood and we know that the benefits of apples are enormous. Man has been cultivating the apple tree for several thousand years. At the same time, such a familiar fruit continues to be a stranger, and instead of benefit, it can also cause harm.

Did you know? Scientists continue to argue about the place of origin of the apple tree today (they call Asia Minor, Greece, and Egypt). Most likely, her homeland is in Central Asia (southern regions of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan). In the Bronze Age, apple trees enter the territory of the Iranian Highlands (the first apple orchards appear in Persia), Asia Minor, and Egypt. The spread of apples was facilitated by the conquests of the Greeks and Romans. Theophrastus in the 7th–3rd centuries BC e. described several varieties of apples, and Pliny the Elder - more than twenty. Apple trees are actively spreading throughout Europe - in 1051 an apple orchard was planted in Kyiv by the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Apple trees come to America with the first European settlers who took seedlings with them.

Calorie content, composition and nutritional value of apples

Apples, depending on the variety, degree of maturity and duration of storage, may have different calorie content, unequal chemical composition. The calorie content of 100 g of apples varies from 35 kcal (for green and yellow varieties) to 52 kcal for red ones. The low calorie content is one of the reasons for the popularity of apples in various weight loss diets. Heat treatment increases the calorie content(for a baked apple, it is 66 kcal, for dried apples - 243).

Apple- one of the most optimal sources of easily digestible macroelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus) and microelements (iron, zinc, boron, manganese, iodine, fluorine, molybdenum, selenium, vanadium, nickel, rubidium, chromium) . Apple pulp contains from 85 to 87% water (perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst), monosaccharides, disaccharides, organic acids (including malic and citric acids). It is not rich in fats and carbohydrates (0.4 and 11%, respectively). An average-sized apple contains 3.5 g of fiber (about 10% of the daily fiber requirement), 1% pectin and 0.8% ash.

Vitamins in apples are the most striking - with their variety, quantity and duration of savings (even after several months of storage, they do not lose their beneficial properties). This is a group of vitamins B (1-thiamine, 2-riboflavin, 5-pantothenic acid, 6-pyridoxine, 9-folic acid), β-carotene, as well as vitamins A, C, E, H, PP, K, etc. People who constantly eat apples of various varieties throughout the year (there are more than 10 thousand of them in the world) will confirm the correctness of the words: "an apple for lunch - there are no diseases."

Did you know? The Russian name "apple tree" (Ukrainian "apple tree") comes from staroslav. "Ablon" (gradually "a" was transformed into "I"). The Czechs call the apple tree - "jablko", the Poles - "jabłko". Probably, the Slavs borrowed the word from the Celts (“abla”) or the Germans (“aplya”). The popularity of apples in Europe was so great that as Europeans got to know other fruits, they were given names derived from apples (“Chinese apple” - orange, “damn (earth) apple” - potato, “golden apple” - tomato, etc.). ).

Which one to choose: red, yellow or green apples

The color of apples is affected by the presence of pigments, chlorophyll, anthocyanins, carotenoids, etc. in the peel. Red, yellow and green apples also differ in taste. Considering the folk wisdom “There is no friend for taste and color”, everyone chooses what he likes. However, in one situation, green apples will be of great benefit, in another, red or yellow ones, so it will be useful to know the properties of “multi-colored” apples.

Important! When choosing apples, you must first of all consider fruits grown in your area, and not brought from afar - they contain more vitamins, fewer preservatives and other chemicals. Secondly, it is necessary to evaluate the density of the fruit and the integrity of the peel (so that the apple is firm and elastic). Thirdly, the smell (good apples always have a scent). Fourth, size (the best are, as a rule, medium-sized fruits).

Green apples (Granny Smith, Simirenko, etc.) are often called the most useful. This is caused by the fact that green apples:

  • hypoallergenic (allergic reactions to them are extremely rare);
  • contain more than other apples, ascorbic and malic acid (improves digestion);
  • have a low glycemic index (important for diabetics and heart patients);
  • contain a large number of fibers. Fiber in green apples is processed by the body longer (reduces the feeling of hunger);
  • rich in pectin (prolong youth);
  • the lowest calorie among apples (35 kcal).

Red apples (Gloucester, Red Delicious, etc.) are very attractive aesthetically. Juicy colors, gloss on the barrels (which traders diligently suggest in the markets), it would seem that they say: “Eat me soon!”. According to chemical indicators, red apples are inferior to green ones:

  • they are more difficult for digestion (the acid content is less);
  • they are sweeter (a plus for those with a sweet tooth, but a minus for diabetics and children's teeth).

Yellow apples (Golden Delicious, Banana, etc.) have a pleasant caramel smell. The taste of yellow apples is very different from green and red ones.

Yellow apples:

  • especially rich in pectin;
  • contain a lot of sugars;
  • poor in iron compounds;
  • promote bile secretion (beneficial effect on the liver).

The apple is called the “fruit of health” for a reason. The healing and rejuvenating properties of apples have long been known to man. Even the ancient Celts believed that an apple brings immortality, and the Slavs - in "rejuvenating apples."

Did you know? The apple is present in many myths and legends, various customs and traditions are associated with it. In ancient Greek myths, an apple is found many times (the golden apple of discord of the goddess Eris, a symbol of love (the myth of Atalanta), the apples of the Hesperides and Hercules). Among the Germanic peoples, when babies were born, they planted seedlings of apple trees, it was also believed that gods patronize apple trees - lightning does not fall into them (apple orchards were arranged in the villages).

About the benefits of apples for pregnant women and children

Apples are indispensable during pregnancy because:

The average daily dose is 3-4 medium apples. Given that apples increase the production of gastric juice, it is better to eat them half an hour before the main meal. Fresh fruits can cause gas and cause colic. In this case, it is advisable to replace fresh fruits with baked or juice.

For breastfeeding women, it is better to limit the consumption of red and yellow apples, because they can provoke an allergic reaction, the occurrence of colic in the baby.

Important! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, green apples will be more useful for mother and child - they are high in vitamins, hypoallergenic, rich in iron, low in calories.

Benefits of green apple for children:

  • does not cause allergies;
  • helps to train the gums in the process of teething (give a peeled apple slice);
  • cleans teeth well from plaque;
  • less than red damages tooth enamel;
  • provides the child's body with the necessary mineral complex and vitamins;
  • boosts immunity and protects against viruses and bacteria.

Benefits of apples for digestion

Listing the beneficial properties of an apple for a person, it should be recalled that apples have traditionally been used as a remedy for gastric disorders (due to the beneficial effects of pectin). Malic and tartaric acids improve digestion and intestinal microflora. To prevent constipation, it is advisable to add baked apples to your menu.

Did you know? There are about 10 thousand different varieties of apples in the world. They differ in size and weight (from 30 to 500 g), shape, color, aroma, taste. Nutrition scientists have calculated that for optimal health, everyone needs to eat at least 48 kg of apples per year (about half should be consumed in the form of juice).

The benefits of apples for the cardiovascular system

Potassium and catechins (antioxidants) in apples have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle, improve blood circulation. Soluble fiber (pectin) lowers bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular consumption of green apples reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 20%.

People suffering from cardiac dystonia are contraindicated in sweet varieties of red apples.

Useful properties of apples for the gallbladder

Sweet and sour green apples act as a choleretic, help with dyskinesia. In the case of chronic cholecystitis, only freshly grated green apples should be consumed for breakfast in the morning for a month. The next meal or drink should be no earlier than 4-5 hours later. For diseases of the gallbladder, it is also advised to drink half a glass of apple juice in 20 minutes. before meals.

Benefits of apples for weight loss

The fiber contained in apples, their low calorie content, pleasant taste and easy availability of this fruit have made apples (especially green ones) one of the most common components of various diets for weight loss. Already 2-3 apples a day or a few glasses of apple juice will allow you to lose weight, normalize the metabolism in the body.

It should be remembered that:

  • with peptic ulcers, green apples are contraindicated (you need to consume sweet varieties);
  • rub apples should be unpeeled, with a skin;
  • apples give a diuretic effect;
  • for the best effect, they should be fresh, and heat treatment (if necessary) should be minimal.

Benefits of apples for healthy teeth

The benefits for healthy teeth from apples are great - saturation with minerals and vitamins, massage of the gums. Once on the road, you can brush your teeth with an apple (use a piece of pulp as a toothbrush or just eat an apple and clean your teeth from plaque). But when consuming apples, one should remember that they contain a lot of acids. The effect of acid on tooth enamel during the consumption of apples (especially sour or sour-sweet ones) is known - “fill the mouth”. In lovers of apples, enamel damage is more common. Dentists advise, after the apple is eaten, rinse your mouth (you can use a toothbrush no earlier than 30 minutes due to acid softening of tooth enamel. Cheese will help protect it - you should chew a small piece).

Helpers of the liver

Regular consumption of apples and apple juice has a beneficial effect on the liver. Chlorogenic acid helps to remove oxalic acid, contributes to the normal functioning of the liver. Soluble pectins remove bad cholesterol. Apples are real helpers of the liver in detoxifying the body - they remove carcinogens, heavy metals.

The benefits and harms of apple peel and seeds

The peel of apples contains the lion's share of vitamins, minerals and oxidants - the benefits of consuming it even exceed the benefits of consuming the pulp: querticin fights inflammation, ursolic acid reduces fat deposits, etc. Therefore, you can often find recommendations to eat the whole apple, with peel and seeds . If the apples are grown in ecologically clean regions, there will be no particular harm from this (unless the apples are coated on the outside with biphenyl wax - in this case, it is necessary to peel the entire peel with a knife).

The benefits of apple seeds are due to the presence of:

  • iodine (daily requirement can be satisfied with 10 apple seeds) - improves memory, increases tone;
  • vitamin B17 (glucoside amygdalin or letril) - has an anticarcinogenic effect, improves the immune system, increases efficiency;
  • potassium (up to 200 mcg) - easily absorbed, important for the functioning of the heart and bones.

Apple grains can also harm the body: the benefits of letril, which breaks down in the body to hydrocyanic acid, can, in case of immoderate consumption of apple seeds, turn into harm - lead to hydrocyanic acid poisoning. The use of apple seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

The use of apples in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has long used the healing and healing properties of apple trees in its practice. Both the fruits themselves and the leaves, twigs and flowers of trees are used.

Benefits of apple tea

Apple tea is one of the most common remedies in folk medicine for colds, urolithiasis, chronic rheumatism, sclerosis. This tea contains the whole range of useful substances, as in a ripe apple, with the exception of fiber and vitamin C (does not tolerate heat treatment). You can compensate for this with apple slices cut into tea and lemon juice. Regular consumption of this tea will help:

  • normalize digestion;
  • regulate pressure;
  • remove bad cholesterol from the body;
  • replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals;
  • reduce excess weight.

Apple tea is made from fresh and dried apples, apple buds and flowers. For taste, black or green tea, mint, honey, cinnamon are added to it. Such tea will be especially useful during diets and for those who adhere to fasts.

Apple leaf tincture for colds

The benefits of apple leaves for the body are obvious: they contain more vitamin C than apples. Infusions of apple leaves are used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and for colds.

Infusion recipe number 1:

Infusion recipe number 2:

  • dry apple leaves (2 tablespoons) pour boiling water (2 cups);
  • 15 minutes. insist on a water bath;
  • refrigerate for 45 minutes and strain;
  • drink 3-4 times a day for half a cup before meals.

It is effective to gargle with such an infusion for laryngitis and sore throat, you can rinse your nose.

Did you know? Apple leaves can be fermented and brewed like regular tea. Spread fresh leaves on a tray for five hours (to dry a little), then pass them through a meat grinder, transfer to a glass container and cover with several layers of gauze. Leave for a while (up to 20 hours) in a warm and humid place. After that, the mass will acquire a brownish color and an apple-honey smell will appear. The last operation is to pour on a baking sheet and dry in the sun (oven). A sign of readiness - with light pressure, the “tea teas” crumble.

Ointment for healing cracks, wounds and abrasions

Applesauce from sweet and sour apples has long been used to heal wounds, relieve skin inflammation, and burns. At home, it is not difficult to make an ointment from an apple for healing wounds, cracks in the corners of the lips and on the nipples, and abrasions:

  • chop (on a grater or with a blender) an apple;
  • add fat (goose or pork) to the mass (1x1);
  • apply on the wound three to four times a day, when the cracks heal, wash the skin area with baby soap and apply the ointment at night.

How apples are used in home cosmetology

Apples are especially useful for women whose body is going through menopause (thanks to boron, florizin reduces the risk of osteoporosis). To the question "How else are apples useful for women?" the answer is - apples help to become even more beautiful, rejuvenate, nourish and refresh the skin.

Home cosmetology uses fruits, apple juice, infusions from leaves and flowers. How to use:

  • washing. Avicenna recommended washing with a decoction of apple leaves to get rid of acne. It will be useful for normal skin washing with a decoction prepared in a water bath, from the peel of green apples and orange peels. For any skin, washing with settled water with the addition of apple cider vinegar (1 tsp per half liter) is suitable;
  • massages. The skin of the face and neck is massaged with a cut apple slice. For oily skin, you should take sour apples, for drier skin - sweeter. Frozen leaf decoction works effectively - massage with an ice cube.

A special topic is the use of apple masks. These masks are easy to prepare at home for any skin type.

Universal masks:

Hair masks:

  • mix a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of grated apple, apply to wet hair for half an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo;
  • pour five tablespoons of grated apples with half a liter of warm milk, hold for two hours. Drain excess milk, rub the apple into the hair roots and hair. Wash off after half an hour.

How to store apples in winter

How to store apples in winter is a very topical issue for fruit lovers. Fresh apples are best stored in a cool and dark place. Much depends on the keeping quality of the variety. Summer ones are stored for 2-4 weeks, winter ones - 2-3 months or more. For better storage, you need to select whole, not damaged fruits. Before laying in a cardboard or wooden container for storage, the fruits are not washed (you can wipe them with a cloth with glycerin), they are wrapped in paper and sprinkled with dry sawdust or peat chips.

Important! It is important to determine the degree of ripeness of apples in time and the correct timing of harvesting. Unripe apples will not ripen during storage (like pears or persimmons).

It is possible to store in special pits (up to 50 cm deep) in suburban areas. The bottom of the pit is laid out with spruce or pine branches, the apples are placed in a cellophane bag, hermetically sealed and covered with earth.

Dried apples are best stored in glass containers with an airtight lid (to prevent moisture from rising).

Frozen apples are stored for up to a year in the freezer without losing their qualities.

Is it possible to eat apples with gastritis

People suffering from high acidity can eat sweet varieties of apples. With an exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to switch to baked apples without sugar.

Green apples are used in special diets in the treatment of gastritis. They are rubbed and eaten daily for the first month (you need to eat early in the morning so that 4-5 hours remain before breakfast). The next month - grated apples are taken three times a week, the third - once a week. In this case, you should adhere to the prescribed diet.

Contraindications and harm of apples

Possible harm from apples is small. Overeating them can cause colitis. Passion for apple mono-diets can also lead to disorders, an abundance of malic acids can provoke inflammatory processes in the gallbladder. Excessive passion for apples will also affect the condition of the tooth enamel (it becomes thinner).

Did you know? During storage, apples are capable of releasing ethylene. Thanks to him, there is an accelerated ripening of other fruits nearby. This property can be used when ripening pears. Storing potatoes and apples in the same place will shorten the shelf life of the potatoes and give the apples an unpleasant odor and starchy taste.

You should also know for what diseases you can not eat apples. These are, first of all, peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. In chronic colitis, serious inflammation of the gallbladder and urolithiasis, it is better to dispense with baked apple puree.

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" Apples

Any person from an early age understands that eating apples is very healthy! However, not everyone knows why these fruits are so useful.

Berries and fruits love both children and adults! The variety of fruits and small berries make almost every person admire the taste of this divine food, presented to mankind by nature itself!

Many have repeatedly wondered what a watermelon, apple, plum refers to? Which of the following is a berry and which is a fruit?

The fruit is juicy edible fruit of a tree or shrub.

The berry is a variety of fruit, characterized by a huge content of seeds. As a rule, the berry is more fleshy than the fruit.

If you go into botany, then the apple tree is a fruiting rosaceous tree from the Rosaceae family. Belongs to the department of angiosperms, to the class of dicots.

The apple tree is the most common fruit tree in the world.. In the modern world, there are a huge number of varieties of apple trees that differ in the following characteristics:

  • harvesting (summer, autumn, winter varieties);
  • fruit color (green, pale yellow, light and dark red, etc.);
  • by diameter (large, medium, and small fruits);
  • in taste and aroma.

The apple tree is the most common tree on earth, each of the varieties is valuable for its composition.

Each of the varieties is valuable for its vitamin composition. Some are high in vitamin C, some are high in sugar, and some are high in iron.

Fruit calorie content

An apple is one of the unspoken symbols of an excellent figure, it represents proper nutrition. All this is due to the fact that These fruits contain a large amount of nutrients and very few calories.!

Almost no diet is complete without the inclusion of juicy apples in the diet. The calorie content of an apple depends on its variety and size.

green apple is the lowest calorie. For example: an apple of the "Granny Smith" variety contains only 47.5 kcal, and an apple of the "Semerinko" variety contains 40 kcal.

red apples a little more high-calorie, for example: the Idared apple variety contains 50 kcal.

How many calories are in yellow apples? yellow apples the most high-calorie, for example: the fruits of Golden apples contain 53 kcal.

baked apples(without additional ingredients) are in no way inferior in calories to their fresh counterparts, therefore they are also effectively eaten as a dietary meal.

dried apples much more caloric than fresh! Energy value of dried apples: from 200 to 236 kcal. Based on 100 g, depending on the type of fruit.

The energy value of 1 apple can increase in proportion to its size. For more accurate calorie counting, use a scale!

Useful composition: vitamins and other benefits

These fruits, especially those that have just been plucked, contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Any apple consists of:

  • water;
  • fiber;
  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • dietary fiber;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • pectins.

Rich apple and vitamins:

  • beta carotene;
  • vitamin A;
  • B1 (thiamine);
  • B2 (riboflavin);
  • B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • B6 (pyridoxine);
  • B9 (folic acid);
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • H (biotin);
  • K (phylloquinone).

Minerals contained in orchard and wild apples:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • chlorine;

Apples: you can’t throw away food, the program “Live healthy!”

What are the benefits and harms for the human body

Due to the large amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances found in apples, they contain almost everything that the human body needs.

In many varieties of apples, useful substances remain even after long-term storage.

Benefits of apple juice: can destroy germs that cause dysentery. Due to the high content of pectin in apple fruits, this fruit can be called a cholesterol fighter.

Apples useful not only in raw form, but also in the form of cooked dishes from them.

Properties of baked fruits

When baking apples micro and macro elements are not destroyed. If you add honey to such apples, then the dish will become even healthier, but the calorie content will increase.

This way of eating fruits will appeal to people who do not have the opportunity to eat them raw (for example, due to intestinal diseases).

Baked apples can be eaten for:

  • improve metabolism;
  • lymph recovery;
  • weight loss;
  • improving the condition of the skin, increasing its elasticity;
  • improving the state of the cardiovascular system, etc.

What are rich in wet

It should be noted that soaked, pickled apples are the first method that was used to cook apples.

This method of cooking fruits also does not destroy the vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in them.

By eating soaked apples, you can:

  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • improve the condition of patients with fragile bones, reduce the risk of osteochondrosis;
  • boost immunity.

Eating apples in any form has a positive effect on the digestive system. Green apples do not cause allergic reactions. They help people suffering from low stomach acid. They also lift your spirits!

Is it possible for pregnant, lactating women, children to eat apples

Apples are an important part of the diet pregnant, lactating women, and children. These categories of people should definitely eat this fruit.

With its help, the body of a child or a woman in a state of pregnancy, as well as a nursing mother, get all the necessary vitamins to ensure normal functioning and growth.

  • reduce the risk of asthma;
  • protecting the child from skin diseases;
  • reduce the risk of allergic reactions in young children.

Useful from peel to seeds?

Many children love to eat whole apples, along with cores. Parents are wondering if this is harmful to health?

The short answer is no. Apple seeds contain a huge amount of iodine. Seeds from one apple are able to satisfy the human body in the daily requirement of iodine.

You can not eat more than 5 pieces of apple seeds per day! Apple seeds contain amygdalin glycoside (poison related to cyanides).

Contraindications for eating apple seeds:

  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • chronic diseases (exacerbation period).

The peel contains many vitamins, more than in the pulp of an apple. Also, only the shell contains the antioxidant quercetin, it is with its help that heavy metals are removed from the body, and cancer prevention is carried out.

Product of the day. Apple. Program "About the most important"

What harm can fruit do to health?

As you know, the benefits of eating apples are undeniable. They boost immunity, saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, help stabilize blood sugar levels, normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, and much more.

But apples, in addition to useful properties, have contraindications.


Apples help normalize stomach acidity persons suffering from low acidity. And what about people who have increased acidity of gastric juice (gastritis)?

Many varieties of apples (especially sour ones) to eat, for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, stomach and / or duodenal ulcers, etc., is contraindicated!

Don't Forget About Pesticides and the chemistry that glossy imported apples are processed with! Such fruits can cause enormous harm to the body!

It is better to play it safe and protect yourself and your loved ones from such products! Well, if you are in doubt, then wash the fruit with a brush in warm water with the addition of soap or dishwashing detergent.

Apples are definitely healthy fruits! Eat them right. Eat these fruits on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before a meal., or after an incident 2 hours after. This will help you absorb more nutrients.

Do not eat large amounts of their seeds. Choose ecological fruits. Do not neglect contraindications!
