
Apple wine from whole apples recipes. Wine from homemade apples with wine yeast: cooking technology

Apple wine is one of the cheapest at cost, but a well-chosen composition allows you to get a very good bouquet. You can make any wine from apples at home: from table to dessert and liquor. A light apple sparkling wine called cider is also popular. All alcoholic drinks from apple fruits are well clarified, have a golden color, have a pleasant aroma, pronounced, but at the same time unobtrusive. The more successfully the composition is selected and the more accurately the preparation technology is followed, the more pleasant the organoleptic qualities of the drink.

Technology Features

Making apple wines at home has its own subtleties. If they are not taken into account, the finished drink is unlikely to meet the expectations of a novice winemaker.

  • The main thing on which the result will depend is the raw material. Apples differ in the degree of maturity, ripening time, as well as the sugar content and acidity of the fruit. It must be borne in mind that carrion, that is, unripe fruits that have fallen to the ground, is suitable for the production of dry wines, but not for dessert ones. Wines made from overripe and summer apples have a short shelf life. Autumn and winter varieties are best suited for winemaking. Sour, but unsweetened apples (wild) are suitable for table wines, sweet, with low acidity, but high sugar content, ideal for dessert, the most versatile sweet and sour apples belonging to the so-called "kitchen" or "household" varieties. The bouquet will be as good as possible if you take 2-3 parts of sweet and tart apples and 1-2 parts of sour ones, respectively. Combinations are also popular: one part of sweet, tart apples and two parts of sour, sweet and tart in ratios of 1: 3 or 2: 1. All this must be taken into account when selecting fruits for wine, then the result will be as predictable as possible.
  • Unwashed apples are used for wine. You can wipe them with a napkin, you can brush off the dirt with a brush, but you can’t lower them into water. This is done in order to preserve the living bacteria present on the surface of apples: without their participation, it will be impossible to process sugar into alcohols during the fermentation process.
  • Apples need to be chosen good, without rot, not wormy. All damaged areas during the preparation of the fruit for extracting juice from them must be cut with a knife. The core also needs to be removed.
  • To get the maximum amount of juice from raw materials, it is best to use a juicer. In the absence of such apples in the house, they will have to be passed through a meat grinder or grated by hand.
  • Before separating the juice from the pulp, it is infused for three days. All this time, every 8–12 hours, the pulp is “drowned” in juice so that the yeast spreads evenly and souring does not occur.
  • In order to make the pulp easier to press, 6 hours before this, apple juice is placed in a cold place, although this is not necessary. Squeeze the juice through gauze with your hands or with a press. If there is a lot of pulp, you can simply remove its top layer before pressing with a wooden spoon.
  • Sugar and ingredients other than alcohol are added before the juice is placed in the fermentation tank. Sugar should ideally be introduced in parts: half immediately, a quarter - on the fourth day, a quarter - a week later. This is especially important in cases where sweet fruits are used as raw materials: excess sugar can stop fermentation, since there is not enough natural yeast for it.
  • Apple wine, like other fruit and berry wines, should ferment in a container with a lid, which does not allow air to enter the must, but allows the gas formed during fermentation to escape. Usually this is a homemade or purchased water seal, but many people use a rubber glove by piercing her finger with a needle.
  • After fermentation is complete, the wine should be poured into a clean container for settling. At this stage, you can add alcohol and even sugar if the wine does not seem sweet enough to you. A water seal is placed for a week, after which the wine container is tightly clogged. When it becomes transparent, it is time to drain it from the sediment and bottle it for further storage.

If all the conditions are met, the wine will be obtained by novice winemakers. It is especially difficult to spoil, according to experienced craftsmen, dessert and fortified apple wines.

Classic apple wine recipe

  • apples of household varieties - 10 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 1.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the apples, remove the rotten places, grind thoroughly through a meat grinder or by rubbing. If possible, use a juicer.
  • Place the juice or puree in a container in a saucepan or bucket, securing cheesecloth or thin cloth on top, for 3 days. During these days, stir the contents every 8-12 hours.
  • Remove the pulp, leaving a layer of about 0.3–0.5 cm.
  • Top up with water, add 0.8 kg of sugar, pour into a fermentation tank with a water seal.
  • After 4 days, open the water seal and drain 0.2 liters of wort through a tube, dilute 0.4 kg of sugar in it and drain it back, return the water seal to its place.
  • After another 3-4 days, repeat the procedure.
  • The optimum temperature for apple must fermentation is 20-22 degrees, it may differ slightly, but should not be below 18 degrees, above 24 degrees. You will know about the end of fermentation by the water seal: it will stop making gurgling sounds. If you use a glove instead, it will deflate and fall. There are times when this does not happen for a very long time. If after 50 days you have not waited for the end of fermentation, you will have to drain the wort from the sediment and pour it into another container with a water seal - the fermentation process will soon be completed.
  • Pour the wine into a clean container, close it tightly and let it stand. Drain the wine from the sediment every two weeks. When the wine becomes almost completely transparent, it remains only to drain it from the sediment for the last time and fill the bottles with it.

This recipe produces table wine. Its strength is 10-12 degrees. The shelf life of wine will depend on the variety of apples. The wine from sweet and sour autumn varieties is stored the longest.

apple cider

  • apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties - 8 kg;
  • water - 12 l;
  • sugar - 3.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the apples and cut into slices, hitting the core. It is enough to cut small fruits into 4 parts, larger ones into 6–8 parts. For convenience, you can use an apple cutter.
  • Fold apple slices in a linen bag or just wrap in a fabric that is not too dense. Put the bag on the bottom of a large pot, tank, barrel. Put a slightly smaller diameter lid on top or, even better, a lattice wooden disk, on it - any load (for example, a 10-liter flask filled with water).
  • Boil the syrup from 1.6 kg of sugar and 6 liters of water and, having cooled it to room temperature, pour it into a container with apples on top of them.
  • The container should be in a cool room, at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
  • After 5 weeks, pour the liquid from the container through a straw into a clean dish. Pour apples with exactly the same syrup as last time, in the same amount.
  • After 5 weeks, drain the second portion of cider, mix with the first and leave for six months in the same cool room.
  • Drain from the sediment, pour into bottles, cork them well and keep in the cold for another month. After that, the cider is considered ready.

Apple cider is a very light drink (5-7 degrees) and pleasant in taste, a bit like lemonade.

Fortified apple wine

  • sweet and sour apples - 6 kg;
  • raisins - 200 g;
  • vodka - 150 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, chop the apples to a puree state.
  • Steam and cut the raisins.
  • Mix applesauce with 2 kg of sugar and raisins, pour the mixture through a funnel into a bottle with a narrow neck, fasten a rubber glove with a pierced finger or a water lock on it.
  • After three weeks, carefully strain the wort. Add 0.2 kg of granulated sugar, place in another bottle, this time tightly closing it.
  • After 10 days, pour in vodka, shake and bottle.

It turns out the wine is a little stronger than table wine - 13-14 degrees.

Spicy apple wine

  • apples of "kitchen" varieties - 2 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • ground cinnamon - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Sort and cut apples into small slices, put in an enamel bowl. Add cinnamon and water, simmer until the fruit is quite soft.
  • Rub the apple mass through a sieve and place in a fermentation container.
  • After fermentation is complete, strain the liquid again and mix with sugar.
  • Mix in a fermentation bottle. In the first week, it is better to close it with a water seal, after that, replace it with a tight lid. So the wine should stand for two 2 weeks. From time to time, the bottle needs to be tilted and rotated to mix the contents.
  • After the specified period, drain the wine from the sediment, strain and bottle.

It turns out a delicate wine with a sweet-sour taste and a pleasant warm aroma with hints of cinnamon.

Dessert apple wine

  • apples of sweet varieties - 10.8 kg;
  • pears - 1.2 kg;
  • raisins - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Get juice from apples and pears.
  • Steam raisins, cut each raisin in half, mix with fruit juice.
  • Leave to start fermentation in a container with a wide mouth (it must be tied with gauze). Stir 3-4 times a day.
  • Strain, add 0.5 kg of sugar, place in a fermentation bottle, install a water seal.
  • After 4 days, add another 0.3 kg of sugar, mixing it with the wort poured through a straw.
  • After another 3 days, add the remaining sugar and wait for the end of fermentation.
  • Drain from the sediment, strain, place in a clean bottle, corking it well.
  • When the wine is clear, once again drain it from the sediment, filter and bottle.

This dessert wine with a strength of about 15-16 degrees will surely appeal to the ladies. If you store it for more than a year, then it will acquire a taste somewhat reminiscent of port wine.

From apples at home, you can make table and dessert wine, as well as cider. The strength, taste and aroma of the drink depend on the chosen recipe and raw materials. If you do not violate the technology of preparation, a good wine will be obtained from a novice winemaker.

Apple wine is not only tasty, but also healthy

Not every gardener still knows how to make homemade wine from apples of his own harvest. This information is especially useful for beginners. There are several winemaking secrets that make the original product more tasty and aromatic. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them so as not to make global mistakes.

Do not wash fruits before sending them for processing. The fact is that on the skin there is a mass of beneficial bacteria (yeast) that contribute to natural fermentation. Under no circumstances should they be washed off. In the event that the apples are too dirty, they are wiped with a dry, clean cloth. Before making wine, rotten places are cut off from fruits, the middle is removed.

Homemade apple juice wine is prepared in several stages:

  • preparation of future wort;
  • fermentation process;
  • bringing to the stage of condition;
  • excerpt.

Even a beginner can make homemade cider

But the dishes for making apple wine, on the contrary, are thoroughly washed and dried. If possible, sterilize the container. If third-party impurities are absent in the initial wort, then the final product will turn out to be more tasty and with a bright aroma. In the process of fermentation, the container is closed with a water seal or a medical glove is tightly put on, having previously pierced one finger with a needle. This will prevent the wine from turning into vinegar and will serve as a kind of indicator of how fermentation is proceeding.

Review of homemade apple wine

The room in which the procedure for making homemade wine will take place must be protected from direct sunlight. The air temperature is maintained at +18…+24°C. It would be ideal to put the containers in the kitchen or in the pantry.

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade dry apple wine

Before highlighting the cooking technology, it will be useful to know the name of apple wine. You've probably heard of the term "cider" before. Its preparation procedure is simple. Having mastered the theoretical material, even a beginner can experiment on the preparation of different varieties of the product. The technology is no different from the classical one. The only thing is that dry wine should contain less sugar. For 1 liter of juice, only 100-150 g of sugar is taken. It is impossible to reduce the dose, because in this case the fermentation process will not proceed.

Surplus harvest can be easily processed into delicious wine

If a plentiful crop has ripened in the garden and there is no way to process it in full, then it is advisable to make homemade wine from apples. We will give a simple recipe now. Apples are pre-cooked but not washed. If the fruits are dirty, you can wipe them with a dry, clean cloth.

Feedback on making homemade apple wine

More details at: http://forum.chzda.ru/forum22/topic191.html

To make the final product without bitterness, the seeds are immediately removed from the fruits. The prepared apples are passed through a meat grinder (rubbed on a grater, squeezed through a juicer). Ideally, you should get a puree. It is transferred to a suitable jar and covered with a cloth so that insects do not get in. In this state, the drink is kept for 3 days. During this time, the pulp will separate from the juice and float to the top. Every day the juice is mixed with a wooden spoon, and on the fourth day the pulp is carefully collected.

Wine retains all the nutrients from fresh fruit

Sugar is added as needed. The first portion is poured immediately after removing the pulp, and then 2 more times every 5 days. In order for the process to proceed correctly, the wine is poured into an airtight container with a water seal. You can use a medical glove by making a hole in one of the fingers with a needle.

The temperature in the room where fermentation takes place should be maintained at + 22 ... + 25 ° С. The procedure lasts from 1 to 3 months. When the wine is won, sediment will appear at the bottom. After that, the finished product is carefully poured into a clean dish and sent for ripening in a cool dark room. The container must be hermetically sealed. If the precipitate reappears, then the liquid is again poured into a clean container. The wine is considered fully ready only when no sediment is visible at the bottom for 2 weeks. The maximum shelf life of dry apple wine is 3 years.

Making semi-sweet apple wine at home

From which only varieties have not adapted to make apple wine. The name among the people was invented for him a long time ago, but the recipes continue to be improved even now. Very popular is a semi-sweet drink made from natural selected fruits at home. To make it, you will need to take about 300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice. It is prepared as follows.

Semi-sweet apple wine is ideal for home feasts

Apples are carefully wiped, spoiled or rotten places are cut out, seed boxes are removed. Fruits are twisted through a meat grinder or ground on a grater, passed through a juicer. The resulting puree is poured into a container of the desired volume and covered with a dense cloth. After a couple of days, the pulp floats to the surface, which needs to be stirred regularly (several times a day). After 5 days, the pulp is collected.

Feedback from a beginner winemaker about making apple wine

More details at: http://forum.chzda.ru/forum22/topic191.html

The total amount of sugar is divided into 9 equal portions. Every 5 days, another portion of sugar is added to the wort. Fermentation should take place in a sealed container, on top of which a water seal is installed, or a medical rubber glove is put on. A small hole should be made in it with a needle. The drink ferments for 45 days at a temperature of +20°C. After this period, the cider is carefully poured into clean dishes and sent to a cool, dark room for six months for aging. So that there is no sediment in the finished product, it is poured into a clean bowl 2 times a month, leaving the thick at the bottom.

Festive table will be decorated with a bottle of homemade cider

A simple recipe for making homemade fortified wine from apples

How to make apple wine at home so that it has an increased strength? Yes, very simple. Only for this you need to add alcohol-containing drinks (for example, vodka) to the final product. As a result, the cider should turn out to be a strength of 12-16 °. The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Apples are wiped from dirt and dust, cut into pieces, and the core is removed.
  2. Grind fruits in a meat grinder.
  3. Sugar and raisins are mixed with the resulting puree.
  4. This mixture is poured into a sealed container and closed with a water seal.
  5. The container is left in a warm room for 21 days (until the fermentation process is completed).
  6. After the appearance of a characteristic precipitate, the liquid is carefully poured into a clean container and a glass of sugar is added, mixing thoroughly.
  7. The drink is again left under the water seal for another couple of weeks.
  8. The cider is again separated from the sediment and vodka is poured in (at the rate of 200 g per 10 liters of liquid).
  9. The wine is thoroughly mixed, hermetically sealed and sent to a cool room for 3 weeks.

Drinking wine in moderation is good for the body.

The drink is completely ready to drink.

How to make wine at home from apple blanks - manufacturing nuances

Not only from a freshly harvested crop, you can make delicious homemade apple wine. The video gives a hint that cider can also be made from derivative products, such as jam, juice, wine, and even compote. Of course, the taste characteristics will differ, but the quality of the original product remains at a high level. We offer you to get acquainted with some of the nuances of making apple wine from derivative products.

How to make homemade wine from apple juice

The juice makes an excellent cider. This will require 6 kg of apples 2 times more water and about 3.5 kg of sugar. The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Sliced ​​apples are laid out in a saucepan and pressed down with a heavy press.
  2. Half of the sugar and water is used to make syrup, which is poured over apples.
  3. The container is placed for 40 days in a cool room.
  4. After the specified period, the liquid is poured into a clean bowl, and a portion of the syrup is again added to the remaining apples and left for the same period.
  5. After 40 days, the liquid is again drained and mixed with the first portion, and then sent for six months to a dark and cool room.
  6. After the specified time, the drink is drained from the sediment and sent for a month in the refrigerator.

Cider has not only excellent taste, but also a rich history.

Homemade wine is ready, its strength will not exceed 7 °.

How to make wine from apple compote at home

It often happens that compote blanks deteriorate or are stored for more than two years. It is clear that it is no longer possible to drink this drink, but apple wine (its name is cider) can turn out excellent. You will need to take a handful of raisins and about 300 g of sugar for 3 liters of compote. The preparation procedure is simple and looks like this:

  1. Compote is poured into a clean bowl, sugar and raisins are added, mixed thoroughly.
  2. A water seal or medical glove is put on the neck.
  3. The container is sent for 2 weeks in a dark room for fermentation.
  4. After 2 weeks, the pulp is carefully removed, and the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth.
  5. The drink is poured into a clean container, covered with a lid and sent to a dark room for 2 months.

Properly prepared cider looks very nice in a glass.

Regularly check the presence of sediment in the wine. When it is detected, the liquid is drained, and the thick is left at the bottom. Such manipulations are carried out until the formation of a precipitate is noticed within 2 weeks. The wine will be clear and soft in taste.

The recipe for making wine from dried apples at home

How to make homemade apple wine? It's easier than ever, even if these very apples are not freshly picked, but dry. You will need to take 1 kg of dryers, 3 kg of sugar and 8 liters of water, yeast. Drying is crushed to the state of slurry using a blender or meat grinder. Thus, fruits will give more useful substances to the drink.

Sugar (half of the prepared norm) is added to the resulting slurry and poured with boiling water. Nothing else is added until the vessel has completely cooled. Next, the liquid is filtered and the cloudy sediment is removed. The second half of the sugar is dissolved in warm water, mixed with yeast until they are completely dissolved. This mass is poured into a vessel with apple juice and closed with a water seal (put on a medical glove). You can not allow air to enter the container, otherwise you will not get tasty wine, but sour vinegar.

To prepare a homemade drink, not only fresh, but also dried fruits are used.

In principle, such a product is ready for use immediately after the end of fermentation. Only here its taste qualities are not fully revealed. To achieve maximum effect, the drink is kept in a cool room for several months.

How to make wine from apple jam at home

From what just do not prepare apple wine at home. A simple recipe for making it from jam (for example, old and unused in time). You will need to take jam and water in equal proportions, as well as pitted raisins (based on 1 liter of jam 100 g of raisins). The drink is prepared as follows.

The jar is sterilized, and the boiled water is cooled. If the jam is unsweetened, then sugar syrup is additionally prepared (a mixture of water and sugar in a ratio of 1: 2). Jam and syrup are placed in a prepared container, raisins are also poured there, which will play the role of yeast here. The vessel is covered and sent to a warm room for 10 days.

Great wine can be made from old jam

When the pulp appears on the surface, it is carefully collected. At this point, another clean bowl is being prepared. The liquid is filtered and poured into a clean jar. A water seal or medical glove is put on top. The product will ferment for about 40 days. The end of the process will be indicated by a deflated glove or the absence of air bubbles in the water seal.

The wine is decanted, bottled and sent to a dark, cool room for a couple of months. After the specified period, the drink is poured into a clean container, leaving sediment at the bottom, and sent for storage. The strength of the original product is about 13°.

Beautiful photos with glasses of homemade apple wine bribe gardeners to prepare this amazing drink. However, after this, the question arises of how to properly preserve it so as not to lose its commercial and taste qualities. There are certain tricks and features.

Apple wine has a relatively short shelf life.

As a general rule, wines are stored in special cellars. This room should be not only dry, but also protected from mold and any rot. Otherwise, not only the taste of the wine will suffer, but also its aroma (even if the bottle is tightly closed). It is recommended to maintain a constant temperature of +8°C throughout the year.

The container must be tightly sealed. Upon contact with air, the wine oxidizes, and its taste is greatly reduced. In order for the product to be stored better, it should first be pasteurized. A piece of cork protruding outward is cut off, and the neck of the bottle is filled with paraffin, wax or sealing wax.

Wine bottles are recommended to be stored in a horizontal position. This is done so that the inner edge of the cork is constantly wetted. The capping in this case will retain its density, air will not get into the bottle in any way. If the drink is planned to be stored for a very long time for the purpose of aging, then the bottles should be buried in the basement in the ground to make it easier to maintain the required temperature regime and avoid temperature fluctuations.

Homemade drink is ideal for welcoming guests

The taste of wine is influenced not only by the technology of preparation and storage methods, but also by the variety of apples from which it is made. To achieve a good result, you can mix several varieties, which together form a successful bouquet. In conclusion, it should be said that all the useful substances and vitamins that were contained in fresh fruits are preserved in homemade apple wine. That is why, in moderation, this drink is very useful, if there are no medical contraindications.

Hello readers from San Palych!

Here again we meet in the blog of Pavel Dorofeev. We continue the cycle of small and, I hope, useful articles in stages winemaking. This article will tell you how to make apple wine at home.

Selection of raw materials

A variety of varieties grow in our (middle) zone - from sour and tart forest varieties to the best varietal varieties (such as Ranet, Calville and others). Therefore, we immediately determine from which apples we will make wine, respectively, which one - table, fragrant, semi-sweet, strong, etc.

  • Early varieties such as Moscow Grushevka, Melba, etc. are suitable for table and semi-dry wines.
  • Autumn varieties - Shtreifling, Anis, Antonovka and the like are suitable for almost all types of wines.
  • Winter varieties - Calvil, Zvezdochka, etc. are also suitable for almost all varieties of apple wines.
  • Wild apples and wild apples are best used in a mixture with cultivars. It is also necessary to mix very sour varieties with sweet ones.

I remind you about carrion, unripe apples and overripe - all these categories are more suitable for apple mash with subsequent distillation into Calvados or apple distillate.

A little, I’ll step aside from the topic, explaining that Calvados is a product of the distillation of pure fermented juice (a mixture of apple juices) without added sugar and water (natural dry apple wine), and apple distillate is the distillation of “Mash Vinaigrette” from apple juice, pomace , water and sugar in various proportions.

Carrion, unripe apples or overripe fruits are of little use for wine due to the small amount of aromas, sugar, acids, astringency, or already because of their loss.

I draw attention to the early varieties - slightly acidic and low-tart (wine from them will be poorly stored and become slightly aromatic). Autumn varieties - almost 100% suitable for winemaking, with a slight normalization for acid and sugar. The best winter varieties are good for winemaking without diluting the juice with water and sugar (or with minimal correction).

Purchased apples can also be used for winemaking. The varieties are mostly known. But there are caveats. Industrial producers of apples cover them with fruit wax, process them with special compounds, which can be very tasteless or even poisonous for yeast. Do not blame if the wine does not start well or does not ferment. Good advice - buy apples from trusted growers or sellers.

The conclusion from the above is:

In the first half of summer it is best to make apple mash, or mix summer cultivars of apples with wild (forest) or sour (tart) varieties, autumn apples can be processed into wine with a slight correction for sugar and acid, or also normalized by mixing sweet and sour varieties apples. Late apples are fully suitable for winemaking, provided that the apples are fully ripe and “aged” before wine production.

I remind you that an excess of acid is “cured” by dilution with water, a deficiency - by dilution with sour juices or the addition of citric acid in the required amount. I think everyone remembers about sugar - an elementary addition of sugar according to a recipe or a calculation according to tables.

Well, here we are a bit figured out with apples. If you have difficulties with the choice, then the Internet will help you figure out the taste, sugar content and acidity of the desired variety of apples.

We have finished with the explanations, we move on to the most delicious - the technology and the recipe.

Yeast for apple wine

We start as always with yeast (or sourdough). You can get by with wild yeast on apples, but this is an unreliable business. Therefore, it is better to stock up on cultural yeast in advance. Here are the most suitable for apple wines in descending order:

  • Wine yeast Lalvin 71B-1122
  • Wine yeast Lalvin EC-1118
  • Wine yeast Multiflor
  • Wine yeast Ez-ferm

Yeast must be used only of one type and in no case should be mixed!

One serving of such yeast is enough to start 10-20 liters of wine (with proper fermentation - described in previous articles).

The last two types of yeast are good for apple and fruit mash for distillation. Such yeast well absorbs both fruit sugars and regular ones. "Favorite" spirit yeast is strongly not recommended for wine because of unpleasant aftertastes and "non-fermentation" of fruit sugars.

In the absence of these cultural yeasts, we go to the previous article and read there how make a starter for wine from wild yeast. It must already be prepared in advance (1-2 weeks before receiving the wine material). The amount of sourdough is 0.5-0.8 l (for 20 l of wine).

Dishes and other necessary things

I strongly remind you about hygiene, sterility of dishes and tools!

We return to our apples.

Juice extraction

Let's start with 20 liters of wine for an example and convenience of calculations by quantity.

Variant without pre-fermentation

  1. We prepare raw materials for wine. For 20 liters of juice, it is necessary to prepare about 45-50 kg of apples - this is about 5-6 full buckets (with a margin). Apples should be ripe, if you just picked them from an apple tree, then let them lie down for 1-2 weeks. We select apples of various varieties, sweet like Grushovka and sour, for example - Antonovka. If there are no sour apples in the garden, then you can replace them with wild forest ones or add the juice of various mountain ash. Keep in mind that red rowan adds bitterness in addition to acid. As I said, apples should be clean and dry.
  2. Processing our wealth as described in the previous article on the selection of raw materials(cut out the core, cut into pieces, do not cut the peel). Do not forget to remove rotten stains and wormholes.
  3. Next, we squeeze the juice with a juicer (with cake moisture control) or a press, if there is no juicer and a press, then we grind it with an electric meat grinder or other gadgets. In the latter case, squeeze the juice with your hands through gauze. To do this, you need a stainless or enamel pan or bowl, gauze folded in 3-4 layers and strong hands that will twist and squeeze applesauce in gauze (see photo below). The work is laborious and thankless, plus the hands will be brown for a long time (I went through this too ...).

From 6 buckets of apples there will be about 4 full buckets of pulp, from which you can squeeze at least 20 liters of juice. The maximum possible yield of juice from apples is 0.6 liters per 1 kg of raw materials.

The second option with trimming

  1. Grind apples (methods are described in previous articles).
  2. Pour the pulp into a large container, add a little sugar (0.2-0.3 kg per 10 liters of pulp)
  3. We introduce sourdough or fermented cultural yeast, wait 2-3 days (do not forget to stir the pulp regularly 2-3 times a day).
  4. Then we wring out in the most acceptable way (preferably with a press). After squeezing the juice, we get an already fermenting wine material, in which neither yeast nor sourdough should be added, because. they are already there (when squeezing, all introduced yeast is in the wort).
  5. This wine material is finally normalized for sugar and water (more on that below).

Be sure to record the amount of sugar added to the pulp!

Calculation and correction of wort for sugar and acid

Let's say that we received 10 liters of Grushovka juice and 10 liters of Antonovka (convenient for calculations).

In the table from previous article or on the Internet we find the sugar content and acidity of apples. For varieties of apples, we look for information about the content of sugar and acid ourselves or take data close to them from the table. The data from the table is enough.

Moscow pear - sugar - 9-11%, acid - 0.7-0.9%.

Antonovka - sugar - 8-10%, acid - 1.0-1.2%.

Data for apples are approximate, as they may vary due to the degree of maturity, the number of sunny and warm days, etc.

Without fermentation pulp, the sugar content of the juice can be immediately measured with a sugar meter (we read the instructions for it). But after the start of fermentation and (or) the addition of sugar, it is already useless.

The sugar meter shows correct readings with clear, clear juice at 20°C. It is difficult to achieve the ideal purity of juice, and therefore it is not easy to use it.

Proportions for semi-dry and semi-sweet wines

It's time to remember the theory of winemaking. The wine material should contain sugar from 20 to 30% for semi-dry and semi-sweet wines (including "native" sugar). And the acidity of the wine should be 0.7-0.8%.

To make it easier for us, we round the average sugar content of juices to 10%, and acidity to 1%. Now we need to “normalize” the wine material to the required composition.

Let's remember the physics of solutions: Sugar, when 1 kg is dissolved, increases the volume of the liquid by 0.6 liters. That is, by dissolving 1 kg of sugar in 1 liter of water, we get 1.6 liters of syrup. We remember this as "Our Father".

The next section is math:

According to the recipe for semi-sweet wines from apples (25% sugar in the wine material and no more than 0.8-0.9% acid), we bring the must to the target.

That is, for every 10 liters of juice we need to add 1.7-1.8 kg of sugar (1 kg is already in apple juice (10%), we add 1.5 kg and 0.2-0.3 kg on the "plus" volume from dissolved sugar).

To correct the acid, it is necessary to dilute the juice with water by about 10% (we add 1 liter of water to 10 liters of wine material), we get about 0.9%, taking into account another “new” liter from sugar, the acidity will already be 0.8%.

When diluted with water, the sugar content in the future wine again decreased!

Remember - for every liter of water poured in, we always add 0.25 kg of sugar and there will be a norm.

Add another 0.25 kg of sugar. The increased volume can already be neglected.

The result of calculations for semi-sweet apple wine:

For 10 liters of juice, add 2 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water.

When fermenting apple pulp be sure to take into account added sugar in calculations.

For those who find it difficult to learn the calculation methodology, you can use the final calculation or ready-made recipes. The amount of juice can be any, the main thing is to observe the proportions.

In our case, 0.2 kg of sugar and 0.1 l of water must be added to 1 liter of juice. We multiply these data by any amount of juice and get the desired amount of sugar and water.

The above method is applicable to any variety of apples. That is, any wine material for semi-dry-semi-sweet wine is reduced to a ratio of 25% (20-30%) sugar in the wine material and no more than 0.8-0.9% acid. Or we change the proportions to obtain other types of wines in terms of sugar content and alcohol content.

Proportions for table, dry, semi-dry, sweet and dessert wines

If you want to get table, dry or semi-dry wine, then reduce sugar to 0.13-0.14 kg (per 1 liter of juice), the amount of water can be increased to 1.5-2 liters per liter of juice (wine will be more "empty"). "and watery).

If you want to get a sweet or dessert wine, then increase the sugar to 3-4 kg per 10 liters of juice without adding water (add sugar in parts very carefully, follow the fermentation, we will stop the fermentation with the last part of the sugar and make a very sweet wine).

Remarks: In any case, add sugar "fractionally", that is, in parts. First, 1.2-1.5 kg per 10 liters of juice, then in parts (after 4-5 days, the rest in 2-3 sets). Otherwise, the wort may become sugary and not ferment. Sugar is added to the wort by dissolving it in the previously drained wort. We write down each added portion of sugar in a notebook (amount, date).

Let's return to our example.

  1. We have 20 liters of juice. So, to get semi-sweet wine, we need to add 4 kg of sugar and 2 liters of water.
  2. Pour the wort into a 30L bottle.
  3. Drain part of the wort into a saucepan (leave it in a saucepan), dissolve most of the sugar in it - 3 kg, pour it back. We put aside 1 kg of sugar, we will evenly add this sugar to the wort on the 4th, 7th and 10th days of fermentation.
  4. We ferment cultural yeast according to the instructions (we dilute 1-2 bags in warm sugared water, let them ferment for 30-60 minutes). Pour into a bottle, make sure that the wort is not cold - 20-25 ° C, and the yeast starter has already cooled down to this temperature. Or add the finished strained sourdough in the amount of 0.5-0.6 liters. It is better to mix the wine material.
  5. We write down all our actions, calculations and dates in a notebook. These records will become very valuable when the wine turns out tasty and aromatic and you want to repeat it.

Well, we have done the most important work!

primary fermentation

You should know that apple wine is quite capricious during fermentation and storage. Some wines display very well, followed by excellent clarification, and some remain cloudy for a very long time, such wines, unfortunately, can deteriorate the taste.

Therefore, we monitor the fermentation temperature and promptly remove the sediment that has appeared. From the first sediment, we remove the wine when it forms and reaches its height of about 2-3 cm (for 20 liters of wine). When overflowing, we avoid excessive aeration (we lower the tube as low as possible into the receiving bottle).

Decantation is the removal of wine material from the sediment.

I want to say right away that when pouring WHITE wine, we avoid aeration (that is, we lower the overflow tube as low as possible into the receiving bottle - overflow without bubbles). Aeration is needed only for red wines or to treat diseased white wines.

When sediment is formed (from 2 weeks or more - it depends on the purity of the juice, temperature and nature of fermentation, etc.), we carry out the decantation procedure. We raise the container with the wort to a height of at least half a meter, put a new sterile bottle (pots) down and drain the wine material with a prepared tube.

We immerse the tube in the middle of the container with wine material and from the other end we draw in the young wine with our mouth, as soon as it “rolls over” through the neck, we immediately substitute the container, do not forget to lower the tube lower.

We monitor the level of waning wine. The top of the tube should always be in the liquid and slightly below the sediment. At the end of the overflow, we tilt the upper bottle until the pure wort comes out completely.

The rest is poured into an old pillowcase or gauze bag and hung over a basin or pan. Strained must is also poured into the main wine material.

We thoroughly wash the empty bottle and pour the drained wine material back into its original container.

Decanting should not be carried out very often, so we will stop fermentation, but it is also impossible to tighten it too much (the wine can become cloudy and bitter). Approximately 2-3 decantations are enough to cleanse the future wine from fruit residues and dead yeast.

After overflowing, the yeast stops working for a while and can start with a delay of up to 2-3 days. To reduce the shock effect after the overflow, we add a little sugar to the wort, either from the deferred or from the new one, but without fanaticism.

When resting on the lees, apple wine begins to become cloudy, bitter and lose its taste - do not forget about this. Light bitterness disappears over time, strong bitterness remains forever.

Secondary fermentation

  1. After the end of the primary fermentation, it will take an average of 1-1.5 months (the glove falls off, the water seal is practically “silent”), we look at the transparency of the wine material, remove it from the sediment and pour the wine for secondary fermentation into another bottle (volume 20 l) with filling "under the neck", in it the wine will not deteriorate, because. there will be no contact with air.
  2. For secondary fermentation, it is better to place a bottle with wine material in a cellar or pantry. The most suitable temperature for fermentation is 12-15 °C.
  3. The bottle must be closed with a water seal, but it can be closed with plastic wrap and tightened with an ordinary rubber band. In this case, tightness is required.
  4. The wine at this stage should be completely clarified, we get rid of the new sediment in the above way. If the wine remains cloudy for a long time, then we carry out cold clarification (up to -3 ... -4 ° С), or we use various clarifiers: egg white - 1 whipped protein per 20 liters of wine, bentonite (special clay), tannin, etc. More I will talk about this in detail in the next article.

Bottling and storage

All! The wine is ready for maturation.

Wine maturation

The minimum ripening period is 2-3 months. Keep in mind that after 2-3 years the wine may age unnecessarily, change color and lose aromas. If you are not familiar with the technologies of aged and vintage wines, then it is better not to take risks and drink wine within 1-2 years.

You should also be aware that some apple wines (table wines, dry wines made from fresh summer varieties of apples) are fragile, i.e. prone to rapid deterioration, sourness, fermentation.

Therefore, the easiest way is to consume such wine immediately after maturation, other methods are more time-consuming and expensive: fortifying wine (0.5 l of apple distillate (0.25 l of under-rectified apple spirit) for 4-5 liters of wine (additive before bottling in bottles), this type stops fermentation, leads to clarification, but at first it spoils the taste, then the obvious taste of alcohol disappears (I think it is clear that such wines become fortified wines).

This method is considered bad manners and is not welcomed by professional winemakers, but there are exceptions to the rule. Not every amateur can determine the correct addition of alcohol to a successful wine.

With a clean and transparent wine with a good taste, you can do without fastening (decide for yourself). Another type is heat treatment (heating in bottles using a special technology) in a water bath up to 65-70 °C.

At the end of the article, I give the final recipe and a method for recording the stages of making apple wine.

Recipe for apple semi-sweet wine

Moscow pear 25 kg - sugar. 11%, acid - 0.9%. (lay 3 weeks)

Antonovka 25 kg - sugar - 9%, acid - 1.1%. (collected the most ripe)

Peeled and cut apples - about 45 liters. (average sugar -10%, acid -1%)

Chopped apples (pulp) - about 30 liters (electric meat grinder)

Juice - 20l (pressed).

Water - 2 liters (0.1 liters per 1 liter of juice)

Glucose (sugar) - 3 (+ 1) kg (0.2 kg per 1 liter of juice) 1 kg is left for the supplement.

Sourdough (grape) - 0.6-0.8 l (0.3-0.4 l per 10 l of juice)

Wine material - 25 l (calculated sugar 24%, acid 0.8%) (bottle 30 l)

Removed to the basement

(wine is almost transparent, slight bitterness).

(taste is good, but a bit yeasty)

February 23 RIPPED! Delicious!

This is how you need to make notes. If you supplement them with other details, it will be even better.

Dear winemakers (those who have read this material have probably already become one! :)), I think you did not expect that winemaking is a very interesting, but as it turns out, quite a complex science that requires various knowledge, biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry.

But the gods do not burn the pots! The main thing is desire. So keep it up!

I hope that this technology of making wine is presented in an accessible way and is not very difficult for many novice winemakers.

Good luck with your winemaking!

Vinodarov A.P.

Especially for Pavel Dorofeev's blog.

Apples make very good table, dessert and liqueur wines, which everyone can cook with their own hands. In financial terms, apple wine is one of the most inexpensive. At the same time, having successfully selected the composition, you can get an interesting bouquet. The winemaking technology for making apple alcohol has its own secrets and subtleties.

Cooking features

Decided to make wine from apples at home? Then you should know some of the nuances, without taking into account which you are unlikely to get something worthwhile.

  • Varieties of apples differ in sugar content and acidity, have different ripening times. Unsweetened apples with high acidity, including wild game, are more suitable for table wines. Non-acidic apples with high sugar content are suitable for making dessert wines. There are also sweet and sour varieties that are considered universal. From summer and overripe apples, wines quickly deteriorate, but from the fruits of autumn and winter varieties, drinks are stored remarkably. Antonovka is an excellent representative of late-ripening apples. Unripe carrion is suitable only for dry wines. The best bouquet is obtained from a combination of 2-3 parts of tart sweet fruits and 1-2 parts of sour.
  • The quality of raw materials is critical. Apples should be good, not wormy and without rot. If spoiled and damaged areas come across, they must be cut out before making wine, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the taste of the drink. It is also desirable to remove the cores with bones.
  • Apples do not need to be washed. Dust and light dirt can be removed with a dry cloth or a piece of clean cloth. For the fermentation of wine, yeast-like fungi are needed that live on the surface of the fruit, and after washing they may not remain there.
  • To make must, apples must be crushed to get the maximum amount of juice. It is best to use a juicer. However, if there is none, you will have to manually rub the fruits on a grater or twist them in a meat grinder.
  • In order for the juice to ferment and separate well from the pulp, it is better to keep the chopped apple mass warm, not forgetting to stir it two or three times a day with a wooden spoon. This is done to avoid souring and to spread the yeast evenly.
  • To make it easier to press the pulp, the wort can be kept in the cold a few hours before (optional) or remove its top layer with a spatula (if a lot). You can squeeze it with your hands through gauze.
  • All ingredients from the recipes must be added before being placed in the apple juice fermentation tank. At first, it is better to add only half of the sugar, the rest in portions later. Such a scheme is required if sweet varieties of apples are used. Too much sugar can stop fermentation.
  • Apple wine, like other wines, must ferment without contact with air, while freely emitting the resulting carbon dioxide somewhere. Such an opportunity can be provided by a purchased or home-made device - a water seal or a simple medical glove with a small hole in the finger.
  • When fermentation is over, young wine must be poured into another container for settling. At this point, you can add more sugar to taste. But in this case, the drink should stand under the water seal for another week. To raise the strength and better preserve the wine, you can add a little alcohol or vodka (2-15% of the volume of wine). After that, the container must be tightly sealed. The clarification of the wine will indicate its maturation. At this stage, it can be bottled.

With strict observance of the technology of preparation, competent selection of varieties, wine from apples will turn out to be very tasty. Its golden color and pronounced, but unobtrusive, apple flavor will surely appeal to every connoisseur of alcoholic beverages.

Traditional or classic recipe

This recipe allows even beginners in winemaking to make good homemade wine from apples. For him, it is desirable to use universal sweet and sour varieties. Some winemakers believe that juice should be diluted with water, while others are against it. If the apples are sour, then adding a small amount of water (no more than 1/3 of the juice volume) is justified. You decide.

Composition and proportions:

  • 10 kilograms of unwashed apples;
  • 2 liters of water (optional)
  • 1.6 kilograms of sugar.


Sort unwashed apples, if necessary, wipe them with a dry cloth. Cut the fruits into slices, remove the cores with stones and stalks, cut off the damaged areas. Then the pieces of apples must be crushed to a homogeneous mushy mass in any way convenient for you.

Pour applesauce into an enameled bucket or a large saucepan, cover with a cloth (a piece of clean gauze) and place for 3 days in a warm, sunny room. Two or three times a day, the fermented mass must be mixed.

After three days, you need to collect and squeeze out the pulp that has surfaced, strain the resulting juice and pour it into a fermentation container of a suitable size. Dissolve 800 grams of sugar in water and pour the sugar syrup into the juice. Put on a water seal. Place the container in a dark room.

After four days, you need to remove the water seal and, using a long hose, drain 500 ml of wort. Add 400 grams of granulated sugar to it and mix thoroughly. After its complete dissolution, pour the liquid back into the fermentation tank and reinstall the water seal. After another four days, the described process should be repeated.

The must ferments well at a temperature of 18–24 °C. The process itself usually takes 1-2 months. If the water seal has stopped gurgling, then the wort is no longer fermenting. It happens that this moment does not come for a long time. Then, on the 50th day, the wort must be drained from the sediment into a clean container and again put under a water seal until the end of fermentation. It will end very quickly.

Pour young apple wine into another container, close with a regular lid and transfer to a cool place where it will settle for 3-6 months. After two weeks, the drink will need to be removed from the sediment. Periodically repeat this procedure until the wine is completely clarified. Then the ripened wine can be poured into bottles. As a result, you get table homemade wine from apples with a strength of 10-12 degrees.

fortified wine recipe

Raisins will help speed up fermentation. On its surface, as well as on the apple peel, there are wild yeasts. By adding vodka (diluted ethyl alcohol or purified moonshine), the overall degree of the drink will rise. The shelf life of the wine will also increase, however, the organoleptic properties will suffer a little. In particular, the taste will become tougher.


  • 6 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 200 grams of unwashed raisins;
  • 100 milliliters of vodka.


Sort the unwashed apples, cut into pieces and remove the cores. Grind to a mushy state and pour into an enamel pan. Put the dish covered with gauze in a warm place for three days.

Strain the must and squeeze out the pulp. Add 1.5 kilograms of sugar to apple juice. Stir the wort and pour into a clean fermentation tank. Install a water seal. After three weeks, add the rest of the sugar (500 grams).

When fermentation is completed, you need to drain the apple wine from the sediment, add vodka and pour into another container. Close it tightly and put it in the basement for further purification and ripening of the drink.

You can clarify young wine by pouring it into a clean container as a 2–3 cm sediment accumulates. After a few months, a drink with a strength of 14-16 degrees can be bottled.

apple and pear juice recipe

To get dessert wine, you need sweet varieties of apples. Pears will give the drink an interesting flavor, and raisins will enhance and speed up fermentation.


  • 15 kilograms of sweet apples;
  • 1 kilogram of pears;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 250 grams of raisins.


Squeeze juice from apples and pears on a juicer, add unwashed raisins to it. Pour the juice into a 15-liter enameled bucket, which then needs to be covered with a piece of gauze and set in a warm place for 3 days. The fermentation process will begin. Several times a day, fermented juice should be stirred with a wooden spatula.

After the specified time has passed, the liquid must be filtered, add half a kilogram of sugar, pour into a fermentation container, and install a water seal. After five days, add 300 grams of granulated sugar, after another four days - the rest. When fermentation is complete, drain the wine, strain and pour into a clean container. Install it in a cool place. After the wine from apple juice has cleared, we bottle the drink.

The strength of this dessert wine can reach 15-16 degrees. After a year of storage, its taste will resemble port wine. Due to its sweetness and pleasant apple-pear aroma, ladies will surely appreciate this drink.

Recipe for spiced wine with raisin sourdough

The apples, according to the recipe, will be thermally affected, causing the wild yeast to die. Without yeast, the wort will not ferment. Therefore, raisin sourdough is needed.


  • 3 kilograms of sweet and sour apples;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon.


The sourdough must be prepared in advance. To do this, mix unwashed raisins in a cup with 50 ml of warm water and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Put it on the windowsill and cover with a gauze napkin. It will be ready in 2-3 days.

Pour prepared and chopped apples with water, add spices and cook over low heat until they become soft. After cooling, rub the apple mass through a sieve. Add it to the starter and leave to ferment for three days.

Strain, add sugar and pour into a glass jar under a water seal. When fermentation is complete, drain into a clean jar and close tightly. Periodically drain the wine from apple raw materials from the sediment. When it clears, pour into bottles. The drink will turn out gentle with the aroma of apples and cinnamon.

Homemade wine is no worse than factory wine. It is not difficult to make it, the main thing is to follow the described cooking technology and not violate the proportions indicated in the recipes. Care must be taken in the selection of raw materials. And remember, the most delicious wine comes from late-ripening apples.
