
Apple jam slices five-minute recipe. How to cook apple jam slices? Transparent apple jam: recipes, photos

Amber apple jam is not only tasty, but also a beautiful delicacy. Elastic and at the same time soft slices in a transparent and thick syrup simply smell of cinnamon. It is not a shame to serve such jam even on the festive table, but in a neatly decorated jar - to present as a sweet gift. How to cook apple jam, I will tell you all the secrets and useful tips today.

Apple jam, of course, can be cooked according to a variety of recipes, and each time the result will surely please. But in the preparation of just such a dessert, there are some nuances - for example, how to achieve the transparency of the syrup or maintain the integrity of the apple slices. By clearly following the step-by-step recommendations and you will get the same apple jam as in the picture, I promise.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The recipe for amber apple jam includes only two main ingredients - apples and granulated sugar. As an aromatic additive, I use cinnamon - 1 stick is enough. You can leave it out if you don't like it. In addition, vanilla, cardamom or star anise are perfect here - any spices of your choice.

How to cook apple jam so that it turns out to be truly tasty, transparent and appetizing? Everything is simple - all you need is desire and time. Apples for this dessert, be sure to take sweet and sour varieties. The fruits must be firm and without flaws, that is, not broken or wrinkled. Otherwise, it will hardly be possible to ensure that the slices remain intact in the finished apple jam, and the syrup is transparent. My apples, cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Carefully cut out the seed pods and stems. Now we cut each quarter lengthwise into 3 more parts - as a result, 12 identical slices are obtained from one medium-sized apple. So we process all the fruits so that the prepared raw material for jam is 1.5 kilograms.

We take a suitable volume (I have a four-liter pan) dishes, always with a thick bottom. We put apple slices into it in layers, sprinkling with sugar.

Gently shake the pan so that the sugar is evenly distributed among the apples. If you add fragrant spices, put it right now - I have a cinnamon stick. We cover the dishes with a lid or gauze (so that annoying insects do not get in) and leave at room temperature for 4-12 hours. In this case, time is more than a relative concept and depends on the variety of apples, as well as the temperature in the room. For example, the juicier the fruit, the more juice they contain - then it will take less time. Well, in the heat, apples, of course, let the juice out faster. You can cover apples with sugar in the evening and leave them until the morning, and then cook the jam.

This is how my apple slices looked after just 6 hours. The sugar has almost completely dissolved (only a couple of spoons remained at the bottom of the pan), and the apples let out juice. During this time, I gently shook the pan a couple of times, as if stirring the apples.

We put the dishes with fruit slices in sugar syrup on the stove. Turn on the strongest fire and bring the contents to a boil under the lid. Then remove the lid and boil the apples in syrup over high heat for exactly 5 minutes. See how they got up? And there was more syrup, as even more juice was released during heat treatment. It is imperative to cook apples over high heat - so the slices will retain their integrity. If you simmer them at a low temperature, the apples will gradually turn into mashed potatoes. In addition, we do not interfere with the whole process of cooking apple jam - just shake the pan from side to side (again, so as not to damage the slices).

We leave our future apple jam until it cools completely - 5 hours, I think, is enough. You can leave it overnight if you cook apples in the evening - it is not necessary to get up at night. During this time, the apple slices will begin to absorb the syrup and gradually sink into it. Bring the fruit in syrup to a boil over high heat again and cook for 5 minutes. Cool completely to room temperature.

This is what the contents of the pan looked like after the second cooking and cooling of apples in syrup. You may need 3-4 boils - as you like. Look: the slices absorbed the syrup and became transparent, while retaining their shape, not sour into porridge. At this stage, you can complete the preparation of apple jam and close it for the winter. But in this case, the syrup remains quite liquid, so I suggest thickening it by boiling.

Using a slotted spoon (a wide spoon with holes), carefully remove the apple slices from the syrup and transfer them to another bowl. We put the syrup itself on medium heat and cook, stirring, until the desired density. I usually boil for about 5-7 minutes.

We return the apples to the boiling syrup, bring everything to a boil again and cook for about 3-4 minutes over high heat. Transparent apple jam with slices is ready - we will close it for the winter.

In almost every recipe for homemade preparations for the winter, I tell you how to prepare jars and lids. I won’t repeat myself (I’m probably already tired of you) - just

Apple jam "Pyatiminutka" will not only be a divinely delicious delicacy, which will be especially pleasant to enjoy in the cold season, but will also retain a maximum of vitamins and benefits. The minimum heat treatment time will certainly contribute to this.

Apple jam slices "Five minutes" - a recipe for the winter with lemon


  • ripe fresh apples - 995 g;
  • - 45 ml;
  • sugar - 995 g;
  • (ground) - 5 g.


It is better to take ripe apples for Pyatiminutka jam, they will soak up the syrup faster and become soft in a short cooking time. The fruits must first be washed and wiped dry. Then we cut each of them into two halves, cut out the core with seeds, and cut the pulp together with the peel into slices. If your apples have too hard and dense peel, then it is still better to peel it first.

Sprinkle apple slices with sugar. It is better and more convenient to do this immediately in a container for cooking jam, which should be enameled or stainless steel. We leave the apple mass with sugar overnight on the shelf of the refrigerator, after which we place the workpiece on the stove. Add lemon juice, heat with frequent stirring to a boil and boil for five minutes. In the process of cooking, pour ground cinnamon into the apple jam, which will give the workpiece a special taste.

Apple jam "Five minutes" - recipe with orange


  • ripe fresh apples - 995 g;
  • orange - 335 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 995 g.


You can feel new notes in taste by adding an orange when cooking apple jam. To do this, first rinse the citrus fruits under running water, then boil them whole for a minute, let them cool and cut into quarter circles. We put the mass in a container for cooking jam, pour in water, boil the citrus for a couple of minutes, then pour in all the sugar and, stirring constantly, let all the crystals dissolve.

My apples, get rid of cores and seeds, cut into slices and put in boiling syrup with oranges. Let it boil again and remove from the stove until it cools completely. Next, we heat the workpiece again, boil it for five minutes after complete boiling, pack it in dry and sterile vessels and put it under a “fur coat”, turning the containers upside down.

How to cook delicious apple-plum jam "Five Minute"


  • ripe fresh apples - 550 g;
  • plums - 550 g;
  • water - 55 ml;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 10 g.


Incredibly tasty apple jam is obtained if the apples are supplemented with plums. To do this, we cut the washed and peeled apples into cubes, and chop the plum halves, which we get after removing the seeds from the fruits, in the same manner. We place the fruit mass in an enamel bowl, sprinkling with sugar mixed with ground cinnamon. We leave the workpiece for several hours to separate the juices, after which we place it on the stove and boil for five minutes. Let the delicacy cool completely, and then repeat the five-minute boil again. After re-cooling, we cook jam from plums and apples for another five minutes, after which we immediately pack it into sterile vessels and leave it to cool slowly under the “fur coat”.

In addition to cinnamon, crushed walnuts, as well as clove buds or other additives to your taste, can be added to apple-plum jam. Lemon juice, which will help to balance the sweetness of the treat a little, will also be absolutely not superfluous. All additives are best introduced before the last stage of boiling.

Five-minute jams are the most useful, because they are subjected to heat treatment for a minimum time. Five-minute apple jam, which we suggest you cook, is an ideal addition to pancakes, pancakes, toasted toasts, as well as a great filling for pies and buns.

Five-minute apple jam has another name - grandmother's jam. It is rightly considered the most delicious and beautiful. Its pure color and amber transparency will inspire you to experiment with still life photography, while its delicate, light taste and mild aroma will provoke the preparation of wonderful pastries.

If you are taking your first steps in the culinary field, you should try to cook five-minute apple jam, and only then move on to more complex recipes. True, it is unlikely that after this jam you will want to try something else.

To make apple jam for five minutes, take apples and sugar at the rate of 2 cups of sugar per 3 kg of apples. This is a standard combination for those who do not like sugary jam. If you like sweeter jam, adjust the sugar to your taste - up to a 1:1 ratio. Keep in mind that different varieties of apples have different degrees of sweetness.

Five-minute apple jam can be stored for at least a year.

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes


  • apple, 3 kg
  • sugar, 2 cups


Wash apples well. Cut the skin or not, decide for yourself. It has a lot of vitamins, but some do not like its density. Cut the apples and remove the core. We grind apples in any way: three on a grater, pass through a meat grinder, grind in a blender or food processor. We moisten the bottom of the basin with water, put the apple mass into the basin, pour out the sugar, turn on the stove. On low heat, bring the mass to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly.

Without turning off the stove, quickly lay out the jam in sterilized jars, cork. We turn the jam jars upside down and wrap them well with a blanket. The next day, we take out the cooled apple jam for five minutes in the cellar or pantry. It's that simple! Good luck preparing!

Do you add spices to apple jam? If yes, do you use something else instead of cinnamon and vanilla? Tell us in the comments!

Apple jam, tasty, fragrant with a clear amber syrup and a delicate texture, and in a warm, cozy kitchen, with donuts, and donuts, at the family table. And outside the window, frost is crackling or a blizzard covered all the paths ... What could be tastier?

Strong tea is poured into cups, and a confidential conversation flows. As I imagine, I even feel the smell of jam and fresh pastries!


The work to cook such a jam is small, only you will have to tinker with cutting into slices, well, where ours has not disappeared, but the household and guests will praise the hostess's culinary talents for a long time.

So, our assistants are in the kitchen today - a large saucepan with a thick bottom, preferably stainless steel, a wooden spatula with a long handle for stirring, and a sharp knife.

Apples in themselves are a wonderful thing, never stale in the refrigerator, but in the season when they are inexpensive on the market or have grown on their own apple tree, it’s a sin not to prepare them in the winter in the form of jams, compotes or jam with confiture.

We will cook as usual, first the simplest and gradually introduce new delights and components.

For sweet jam, poured cold in advance, wash the jars clean and dry them. For sour, low-sugar and poured hot, we wash and sterilize the jars in advance, we carefully monitor that after sterilization they are dry, this is very important for the preservation of jam.

Apple jam with slices transparent and fast - a classic simple recipe

Impossibly simple recipe, but the result is amazing!

Ingredients: sugar and apples per kilogram, citric acid at the tip of a teaspoon.

Simple cooking recipe:

  1. We take light yellow apples, it is possible with a slight pink blush, you can use large white or yellow wounds, wash them, dry them on a towel.
  2. We take out the seed chamber and cut into thin slices.
  3. Place in a bowl and stir in sugar.
  4. We insist in a cool place up to 12 hours, sometimes stirring.
  5. We put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook, stirring, over medium heat for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Remove from the stove and immediately pour hot into dry sterile jars, roll up and cool upside down. Store in the cellar.

The amazing taste of this apple jam will win your hearts forever!

Here are some more apple recipes for you:

Amber jam from apple slices transparent without seaming - recipe Five minutes

Apples for this recipe we take late varieties, ripe, but firm. Not crumbly. You can, of course, soak crumbly apples for a couple of hours in a soda solution, a tablespoon per liter of water, but this will significantly increase the cooking time, but do we need it? It’s better right away - solid and period! This is just to make the syrup transparent and attractive.

Basis: sugar and apples of late varieties per kilogram.

Let's cook quickly:

  1. Thoroughly wash the apples, dry on a towel.
  2. We take out the core from the fruit and quickly cut them into thin slices, the thinner the better.
  3. Put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwedges into a saucepan for cooking and mix with sugar.
  4. Let it brew for 6-12 hours in a cool place, stirring occasionally.
  5. We put on a slow fire and bring to a boil, boil for two minutes and remove.
  6. We repeat paragraph 5 three times with a frequency of 6-12 hours, this will allow the apples to boil, but not fall apart. The slices will become caramel-colored and transparent - an extraordinary beauty. The syrup will remain clear as glass.
  7. We lay out the cooled jam in clean, dry jars, close with plastic lids and store in the cellar.

In winter, your vase of jam will have delicious sunny slices!

Delicious amber apple jam with orange, cinnamon and ginger

The combination of the taste of apples and orange is, of course, very good, but I also add ginger root and cinnamon to this recipe, it turns out very tasty and unusual.


  • two kilos of hard apples, any color,
  • kilogram of oranges, preferably with a thin skin,
  • one and a half kilos of sugar
  • half a cup of finely grated ginger
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon, who does not like - can not put it!


  1. Wash fruits and ginger, dry on a towel.
  2. Grate the ginger on a fine grater and place in a bowl.
  3. Cut the oranges together with the peel into cubes, not forgetting to remove the seeds, and dip in boiling water for a minute, recline in a colander. This operation will remove excess bitterness from the skin. Pour over ginger.
  4. Remove the seed chamber from apples and cut into thin slices, when ready, spread in batches in a saucepan and mix with oranges so as not to darken.
  5. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, put in a cool place for 6-8 hours.
  6. Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  7. Let it brew for 12 hours and repeat cooking.
  8. Cool and arrange in dry, clean jars. Store in cellar or refrigerator.

Unusual and very tasty!

Lemon will give the jam a spicy wonderful note and a refreshing taste. Some use juice, some use zest, but I just take half a lemon and grind it into dust in a small bowl of a food processor. Alternatively, you can turn it in a meat grinder with a fine grate a couple of times. Do not forget to remove the seeds from the lemon, they are useless in jam!

Ingredients: light apples and sugar per kilogram, half a lemon and vanillin on the tip of a teaspoon.


  1. Thoroughly wash apples and lemon, dry on a towel.
  2. We turn half a lemon, as indicated above, into lemon puree and put it in a saucepan for cooking.
  3. You need to remove the core from the apples and cut them into medium-sized cubes. You can not rush too much, just put ready-made portions into a saucepan with lemon and mix. The lemon juice will keep the apple slices from browning.
  4. Pour sugar and mix, put in a cool place for several hours.
  5. Cook over low heat for 5-8 minutes after boiling in two sets, repeat after 8-12 hours. This is necessary so that the apple cubes are saturated with syrup and become transparent in appearance.
  6. Cold lay out in dry clean jars, close with plastic lids and put away for storage in the cellar.

Jam turns out transparent, very beautiful and fragrant!

Pear is an early variety, with prolonged cooking and intensive stirring, the slices will simply lose their shape. But there is a way out, it's just time consuming. The most beautiful color and delicate texture will more than pay off all your time spent!

Ingredients: a kilogram of Grushovka apples, a kilogram of sugar and a few mint leaves.


  1. First, wash the apples and do not forget to dry them on a towel.
  2. We take out the seed chamber and cut the apples into slices, not too thin, 5-6 mm thick.
  3. We spread it in a saucepan for cooking, pour sugar and finely chopped mint on top and, without stirring, send it to the refrigerator overnight.
  4. We put the pan on a very slow heat and watch how the sugar disperses, carefully melting it with a wooden spoon. As soon as bubbles appear, remove and set to cool.
  5. This heating is repeated three times at intervals of 5-8 hours. Stir gently while heating.
  6. After the third heating, cool and lay out in dry, clean jars. We keep it in the cellar.

Very beautiful, tasty and tender jam!

Let's use bright red or burgundy-skinned apples for this recipe, red ranetki with a slightly tart taste, and add three cloves for extravagance and novelty.

  • a kilo of apples or ranetok,
  • kilo of sugar
  • three cloves.


  1. We wash and dry the fruits on a towel.
  2. We cut out the seeds and cut the apples into large slices.
  3. Put in a mixing bowl and mix with sugar.
  4. Turn on the Bake mode for 15 minutes. Stirring as necessary, bring the mixture to a boil and put three cloves into it.
  5. Open the steam valve, close the lid and turn on the Extinguishing mode for 30 minutes.
  6. The finished hot jam is quickly laid out in dry sterile jars and rolled up. It is better to take out the cloves. We keep it in the cellar.

It turns out a very interesting taste and a beautiful coral color! Bon appetit in winter!

Do not believe it, but the fastest apple jam in slices is cooked not at all on the stove, but in the oven. Its correct name is Caramel Apples. And it is fast because there are no many hours of standing and insisting.

Everything is done as usual. Apples are washed, dried, seeds are taken out, cut into slices and laid out in layers interspersed with sugar in a deep form. Sugar is taken at the rate of 800g per kilogram of apples.

We place the form in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Hot laid out in jars and rolled up. After cooling, they are stored in the cellar.

Well, very sweet, beautiful and delicious!

Delicious apple and pumpkin jam for the winter

Excellent recipe for toppings for pies and buns. It turns out a delicious sweet bliss that will remind you of sunny summer days in winter.

In addition to being insanely delicious, this delicacy is also healthy. The kids are delighted!

How to quickly cook (boil) simple, amber apple jam: Tips and secrets

Cooking apple slices in clear syrup requires knowledge of small, but such necessary nuances. Experienced housewives are certainly familiar with them, so I am writing for beginners in cooking:

  1. It is best to cut the slices with a sharp knife, so it will turn out smoother and more beautiful, but be careful, you can easily cut yourself.
  2. It is good to keep the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsections in acidified water for about 15 minutes, then they will not darken when cooked. Acidified water is made simply - a teaspoon of citric acid per liter of water and stir well!
  3. Apples for such jam should be taken dense in consistency, the harder, the better, but always ripe.
  4. You can add cinnamon, cloves, vanillin or mint to any recipe, in reasonable amounts, of course. Add little by little and try in a few minutes.
  5. Any jam can be tinted with berry juices. Good for this blackcurrant, cranberry or chokeberry. Or you can not squeeze the juice, but just add a couple of handfuls of berries.

Do not be afraid to experiment in the kitchen and you will definitely succeed!

This is a healthy and tasty fruit, thanks to which you can cook many dishes. Today we will teach you how to cook a very tasty apple jam. Not only classic recipes have been selected, but also completely new proposals.

Apple jam in a slow cooker


  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • apples - 1.1-1.2 kg;


  1. Mix sugar with water and pour this mixture into a slow cooker.
  2. Set the "extinguishing" program for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove skin from apples.
  4. Remove seeds.
  5. Cut the fruit into small cubes.
  6. Add apples to sweet water. Extend the selected program for another 40 minutes.
  7. Now the jam is ready. Wait until it cools down a bit, and transfer it to a convenient container.



  • citric acid - 1 pinch;
  • apples - 2 kg;
  • vanilla - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Rinse the apples and cut out the seed box. Leave the peel on, it will help the jam to harden faster. Moreover, it contains many useful components.
  2. Cut apples into slices.
  3. Prepare a saucepan in which the jam will be cooked. Put a layer of apples on the bottom, cover it with sugar. By this principle, make a few more of these balls.
  4. Close the pot and leave the fruit to infuse overnight.
  5. Boil the apples over low heat for about 20 minutes. Now let them cool down.
  6. Boil them again for about 20 minutes. Wait until they are completely cool. Repeat this step.
  7. At the end of the third, final cooking, add vanilla and cinnamon to the jam. Mix everything.
  8. Pour in some citric acid.
  9. Now our jam is ready. You can pour it into jars, even hot.

Clear apple jam

For this recipe, you need to use only hard apples, you can even unripe fruits. Also, they must be fresh. Only then will you get jam with beautiful slices that will keep their shape and not fall apart.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • soda - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 2.3 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1 pinch.


  1. Rinse the fruit, cut off the skin and cut out all the seeds.
  2. Now cut into even slices, approximately the same size. So that all the pieces boil evenly, and the jam turns out beautiful.
  3. Put all the chopped apples in a large saucepan and fill them with two liters of water. Add 2 tablespoons of soda. Leave this mixture overnight. This will help the apple slices stay intact after cooking.
  4. Prepare a wide saucepan and boil 300 milliliters of water in it. Add sugar and wait for it to completely dissolve.
  5. Rinse the soaked apples to remove the soda flavor. Transfer them to a saucepan.
  6. When the liquid boils, remove the foam. Boil the apples for another 20 minutes. At this time, do not stir the jam, so as not to break the slices. For even distribution, simply tilt the pan in different directions.
  7. At the end of cooking, add cinnamon to the jam. It will give the dish a special taste. But if you do not like this spice, then you can refuse it.
  8. Transparent apple jam is ready. When it cools down, you can start tasting. Enjoy your meal!

Amber with lemon

This jam has such a name, because after cooking the apples will become transparent, like amber. Be sure to use only hard fruits.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece.


  1. Rinse the apples and peel them off.
  2. Cut out the seed box and cut them into slices.
  3. Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan and dissolve 600 grams of sugar in it. But if you have sour apples, then it's better to throw in more sugar.
  4. Pour apple plates with sweet syrup. Leave the fruit to infuse for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Put the pot of apples on the stove. After boiling, cook them for another 20 minutes.
  6. Remove the pan from the heat and let the apples sit for 2 hours.
  7. Boil the jam for about 20 minutes. Leave to cool for 3 hours.
  8. Rinse the lemon and cut out all the seeds. Finely chop it by hand or chop it in a blender. Transfer the lemon to the apples.
  9. Turn on the minimum heat and cook the jam with lemon for another half hour.
  10. Our amber jam is ready. You can use it in pies or stuff pancakes with it.

Quick jam - "five minutes"

This is one of the most useful types of jam, because apples are amenable to minimal heat treatment. As a result, many useful minerals and vitamins are preserved.


  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • apple - 3 kg.


  1. Rinse the apples and, if desired, trim the skin. Be sure to cut out the seed box.
  2. Now grate the apples or chop them in a food processor.
  3. Pour a little water into the bottom of the pan, add apple porridge and sugar. After boiling, cook the mass for about five minutes.

That's all. The jam is ready for further use.

Aronia jam with apples


  • water - 2 glasses;
  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • apples - 0.4 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick.


  1. Rinse the chokeberry and cut off the tails.
  2. Boil half a pot of water and boil the mountain ash in it for about 5 minutes.
  3. Drain the berries in a colander and pour cold water over them.
  4. Pour 2 cups of water into a wide saucepan, after boiling, add a pound of sugar. Boil the mixture until it dissolves.
  5. Pour black chokeberry into the pan. After boiling, cook everything for about 5 minutes.
  6. Leave the berries to cool completely (about four hours) or overnight.
  7. Boil the cooled jam. Pour in the rest of the sugar.
  8. Remove seeds and skin from apples. Cut them into small cubes and put in the jam.
  9. Add one cinnamon stick.
  10. Cook for about 15 more minutes.
  11. Chokeberry jam with apples is ready! Transfer it to jars and use as needed.

Easy recipe with oranges


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1 pinch;
  • oranges - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 1.2 l.


  1. Rinse all oranges with hot water. Brush them with a brush to remove all paraffin.
  2. Cut the oranges into thin rings and cut them into 2 more pieces.
  3. Put such pieces in a wide saucepan, fill with water and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. Add sugar. Boil the citrus fruits for another 15 minutes. During this time, a beautiful bright color of jam should form.
  5. Cut the apples into small slices and send to the oranges.
  6. Cook the jam on very low heat for about an hour.
  7. Toward the end, start stirring the orange jam so nothing sticks to the bottom. After all, the water has already evaporated, and the jam can easily burn.
  8. At the end of cooking, add cinnamon. Pour the jam into jars and let them cool. It is suitable for fillings in pies or for spreading toast. Enjoy your meal!

With the addition of lingonberries

This jam will help those who are sick. After all, it contains lingonberries, which are known to everyone for their healing properties.


  • apples (necessarily sour) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • lingonberries - 1 kg;
  • purified water - 2 cups.


  1. Sort the lingonberries and wash them several times.
  2. Pour the washed berries with boiling water for 3 minutes. Strain the cranberries through a colander. This method will help remove the bitterness that is inherent in lingonberries.
  3. Peel the sour apples and cut them into cubes.
  4. Boil water in a wide saucepan and dissolve sugar in it.
  5. Add lingonberries and chopped apples to it. Boil the mixture over medium heat.
  6. Transfer large pieces to a saucepan, fill them with water. Cook apples over low heat until soft.
  7. Peeled pears should be cut into cubes.
  8. Pour the apple juice into a wide saucepan. Add sugar to it. When it dissolves, add chopped pears.
  9. Grind apples in a blender or grind them through a sieve. You should get a soft puree. Transfer it to the pears.
  10. Simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes.
  11. Transfer the finished jam to a convenient container, and serve it with cheesecakes or tea.

Store this jam only in a cold place.

Apple jam - a recipe for the winter


  • sugar - 750 grams;
  • apples - 1 kg.


  1. Rinse the apples and cut out the seed box.
  2. Cut them into small pieces and place in a large bowl. Sprinkle sugar on top and leave everything to infuse overnight. This is necessary so that the apples release the juice and cook in it. Such jam will be tastier than what is on the water.
  3. Bring the apples to a boil and boil them for 5 minutes. Repeat this step after 3 hours.
  4. When they have cooled, simmer them a second time over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  5. Place a few jars and lids in a large saucepan. Fill them with water and boil for about 10 minutes. Leave them to soak in boiling water for another 5 minutes.
  6. Put the jam in a sterilized jar. Roll up the jar with a lid and wrap it in warm clothes. Follow this procedure with all banks.
  7. Winter jam is ready! The next day, you can transfer the jars to the basement. In winter, use jam as needed. Enjoy your meal!
