
Apple jam for the winter. Apple-pear jam for the winter: video

Greetings friends. Summer will be over soon. Time flies so quickly and imperceptibly that it becomes even a little sad. Although each season is good in its own way. But the months of August and September usually present us with a rich harvest of fragrant apples.

First of all, you need to eat these fruits fresh, because they are very useful. And of course, you can’t eat all the stocks, so you need to make different preparations for the winter. For example, you can cook or healthy jam. These sweets are very good and are great for tea drinking or for filling, cakes.

And since we have already considered the methods of making jam, today I will dwell in detail on cooking jam from apples. Usually the cooking technology in recipes does not differ much. The only thing you can add additional ingredients to the composition. Although I prefer the classics of the genre more and add only the fruits themselves and sugar.

By the way, do not forget that from these fruits you can cook very tasty and lush. And from ripe fruits you can make awesome homemade marmalade. I recently came across a collection of recipes describing this dessert. If you are interested, you can also get acquainted here on this site https://firstcook.ru/marmelad-iz-yablok.html.

Apple jam made at home according to a simple recipe

As I wrote above, usually they try not to put anything extra in the composition of the treat, only sugar and apples. Therefore, initially I suggest you cook a classic jam. Please note that color and taste may vary depending on the type of fruit.

You can choose absolutely any variety of apples.


For 1 liter jar:

  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 500 grams.

Depending on the sweetness of the fruit and your own taste, you can increase or decrease the amount of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the fruits. Wash them thoroughly, and then cut into 4 pieces. Remove all seeds, stem and core. If there are bumps on the apples, bad places, cut them off too. Cut off the skin at will, I usually leave it, because this way the treat turns out to be much more useful.

  • Using a double boiler: load all the slices into the compartments and put on steaming for 20 minutes;
  • Using a slow cooker: just set the “stewing” mode and cook the fruits until soft;
  • Using the saucepan: Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of water, place the slices, cover with a lid. Next, turn on a low heat and simmer until soft, not forgetting to stir the mass so that nothing burns.

3. Now the softened fruits need to be mashed. To do this, grind them with a blender, pusher or pass through a sieve.

If you use a sieve, then be sure to remove the skins.

4. Transfer the resulting puree to a cooking container and put on low heat. Pour in sugar, stir. Simmer for an hour, stirring occasionally.

The jam will splash a lot during the cooking process, so be careful not to burn yourself.

5. After an hour, the mass will still be liquid, but do not be alarmed. It is in the process of cooling that the delicacy will thicken. And if you hold it later in the refrigerator, it will be even thicker.

6. Hot treats should be transferred to sterile jars, screw on the lids. Next, wrap the jars with a towel and leave at room temperature until cool. Then put away in storage.

How to cook delicious and thick jam from apples for the winter

But I propose to diversify the following recipe a little and add ground cinnamon for aroma. Well, the cooking technology is slightly different from the previous version. By the way, I like her better. I love when treats are made in their own juice.


  • Apples - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Ground cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry fruits well. Peel off the skin and remove the seeds. Cut into slices.

2. Now sprinkle the slices with sugar.

3. Stir the contents with a wooden spoon so that the sugar is evenly distributed among the pieces.

4. In this state, leave the apples for 2 hours so that they give juice.

5. After the time has elapsed, put the container on the stove and bring the mass to a boil, reduce the heat and boil for 7-10 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool. Grind fruit with a blender.

6. You should have a puree. Pour the cinnamon into it and mix everything well.

7. Put the container back on the stove, put a small fire and bring the consistency to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Then pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up under metal lids.

Cool blanks and store in a cool place. It makes for a very flavorful treat!

The classic recipe for jam from apples white pouring

Well, this cooking method is good because overripe fruits are suitable for it. Plus, the use of the white filling variety allows you to make preparations very early, for example, in Tula, these fruits are already in full swing. So I already put a couple of jars in the pantry.


  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry fruits. Peel the fruit from the peel, remove the core and seeds.

2. Now finely chop the apples or grate them on a coarse grater.

3. Sprinkle apples with sugar, cover and leave for 30 minutes.

4. After 30 minutes, juice will appear. Stir the workpiece and put on a slow fire.

Bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then take the pan off the heat and wait until it cools down completely. When the brew has cooled, put it back on the fire and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Repeat the procedure described above 3-4 times so that the pieces of fruit become soft and boiled. For a homogeneous consistency, you can chop the apples with a blender.

5. The finished delicacy should have a caramel hue and a uniform texture. Jam should be poured hot into sterile jars and closed with lids. Then wrap the jars with a blanket and leave overnight to cool.

In the morning, store the blanks for storage in a cool and dark place.

An easy way to cook in a slow cooker

Also, apple treats can be cooked in a slow cooker. There are no difficulties here, the only thing we will add is a little water.

You will need: apples - 1 kg; sugar - 500 gr.; water - 200 ml.

Apple jam with orange for the winter

And now I propose to dilute our yummy with citrus notes. Plus, you get an amber-colored treat. Also included are spices. You may or may not add them.

And the cooking recipe is a little more complicated than in the previous versions, but it's worth it to try it.


  • Apples - 2 kg;
  • Brown sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • White sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 3 tbsp.;
  • Vanilla - 1 teaspoon;
  • Cinnamon - 2 teaspoons;
  • Nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • Orange - 2 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruits and cut them into quarters. Remove the core.

2. Take a large pot and pour water into it, bite. Place the container on moderate heat. Next, bring the liquid to a boil and then add the apples.

3. Cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and boil the contents for 45 minutes. In this case, the fruits need to be mixed often.

4. After cooking, cool the workpiece, and then wipe through a sieve. The skin must be discarded.

5. Transfer applesauce to a saucepan and add sugar. Next, you need to add orange juice and zest, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix the mass well and place the container in the refrigerator overnight.

6. The first 4 hours the mass should be stirred every 30 minutes, and in the last 2 hours - every 15 minutes.

7. In the morning, pour the jam into sterile jars and cover with lids. Sterilize the blanks in the usual way for you, roll up. Cool and store away.

How to cook jam from apples through a meat grinder

Usually we always associate jam with a homogeneous puree-like mass. In previous recipes, we achieved this consistency using a blender, sieve or pusher. Now I propose to use a meat grinder, and why not? After all, it was the only one used before).


  • Peeled apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 300-400 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruits, peel and cut into 4-5 parts. Remove bones.

2. Pass the slices through a meat grinder and sprinkle with sugar. Mix well.

3. Cook the resulting puree over low heat for 40 minutes. Don't forget to stir the contents. When the apples become soft and do not crunch, then the treat is ready.

Pour it into sterile jars and roll up. Cool and put in the cellar.

We cook quickly transparent jam from apple slices

But some people like to make this dessert the other way around, without turning the fruit into a puree, but preparing it in slices. Well, let's take a look at this technology.


  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 800 gr.;
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon;
  • Water - 300 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apples, cut the core and cut them into slices. Pour water into a bowl and dilute citric acid in it. Dip the fruit slices into the liquid, but no more than 20 minutes so that the fruits do not darken.

3. This is how the workpiece should look like over time:

4. Now put the bowl on the fire and bring the mass to a boil. Then boil the delicacy for 10 minutes and remove from heat. Cool down.

5. The cooled jam must be put on fire again. Then bring it to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and cool. After cooling, repeat this procedure again.

Jam from apples at home for pies

As you can see, all recipes are almost the same and simple. The main thing is to collect ripe fruits and not digest the treat. That is, boil the dessert in several approaches, with breaks for cooling.

And to consolidate, I propose to watch a detailed video on cooking classic apple jam for the winter.

This is where I end the story and say goodbye to you! Do not forget to share recipes on social networks, write comments. And be sure to prepare a couple of jars of thick and tasty jam from apples in the winter.

Apple jam is delicious both on its own and as a filling. Yes, even just with a bite of tea, the jam flies away instantly.

Jam is a great option for processing overripe apples. As a rule, apples are either immediately mashed or boiled into slices and then rubbed through a sieve or through a meat grinder. Today, this action can be carried out using a blender, which makes it very easy to work on jam.

To date, cooking recipes can be collected a huge amount. It is also cooked with the addition of pumpkin, pear, plum, currant, cinnamon. So you can find a recipe for every taste and color.

The classic recipe is the easiest and fastest way to make jam.


  • 1 kg of ripe apples.
  • 500 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

Before you start cooking jam, it is important to determine how you will turn the mass into puree. Since if you pass apples through a sieve, then at the beginning it will not be necessary to cut out the middle of them and peel them, as it will remain in the sieve.

And if you want to use a meat grinder or a blender, then you need to clean and cut it out. Since rough membranes will spoil the overall picture of delicate apple jam.

I will say right away that sugar should be added to taste, since you need to look from which apples you will make jam. If the apples are sour, then you need more sugar; if the apples are sweet, then less. In general, you need to look and try. And according to GOST, sugar is added at least 50% of the total mass of apples.

1. My regimen apples into slices.

2. Put the slices in a saucepan. Fill with water and put on the stove. The water should almost cover the apples.

4. In the process of cooking, the slices should boil to a puree state. But sometimes when the apples are too dense, some slices still remain whole. Then the whole mass will need to be mashed. This can be done in three ways.

    Skip the mass through a meat grinder.

    Grind the mass through a sieve.

    Use a blender.

If you grind on a sieve, let the mass cool first.

5. Now you have a pure apple mass from which you can cook jam. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and test for sugar. Pour the right amount, mix and put on a slow fire. Cook for 30 minutes, do not forget to stir the jam so that it does not burn, and then cook until the desired density.

6. We check the density as follows. We drip a little jam on a plate and if the drop does not spread in all directions, then you can safely lay it out in jars and prepare apple jam for the winter.

That's the whole classic recipe for making apple jam bon appetit.

Thick apple jam

As you know, many people use apple jam as a filling for baking. Liquid jam is a very bad filling, so you need to cook and cook thick jam how to do it, read our recipe.


  • For 1 kg of apples 1 glass of sugar.

Cooking process:

1. Sort the apples, wash, cut out the middle, peel and cut into slices.

2. Twist the apple slices in a meat grinder.

3. Put the resulting mass into a saucepan and put it on the stove. Bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly.

4. The mass began to thicken, you can add sugar. And continue to cook until you need the thickness. This will take approximately 30-40 minutes.

5. During cooking, the jam should darken and become very thick.

6. When the desired density is reached, turn off the heat, spread the jam in sterilized jars and tighten the lids. Thick jam for the winter is ready to enjoy.

Jam according to an old recipe

In order to cook jam according to this recipe, you need a little patience and a lot of time. Since jam is being prepared in several approaches.


  • Apples 5 kg.
  • Sugar 3.5 kg.

Cooking process:

1. We will sort out the apples, wash them, let the water drain. Peel and cut into small pieces of 2-3 cm. Simply put, cut the apples into cubes.

2. Place the chopped apples in a saucepan, add sugar, mix and leave overnight. Remember, according to this principle, we cooked. Where the slices were also covered with sugar and left overnight so that the juice stood out from the apples.

3. In the morning you will see that a large amount of juice has stood out. Now you can put the pan on the stove and boil the future jam for about 10-15 minutes. Next, set aside the pan and wait until the mass has completely cooled down.

4. After 5-8 hours, put the pan on the stove again and cook the mass again for 10-15 minutes after boiling. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times. During this time, the apples will boil down to the desired density. And most apple slices will turn into puree. It is possible that already at stage 2-3 your jam will reach the consistency you need, then you should not repeat the procedure several more times. It will already be possible to lay out the jam on, and tighten the lids.

Jam from apples and pears

At the end of summer, not only apples ripen, but also pears, and why not cook apple jam with the addition of pears. Because it's so delicious.


  • Apples 1 kg.
  • Pears 1 kg.
  • Sugar 500 grams.

Cooking process:

1. We take apples and pears. For jam, fruits are suitable, so to speak, not in a presentation. Crushed with bruised sides or even overripe. But only without traces of rot. We process them, namely mine, cut off the dubious parts and cut the fruit into small slices. It is not necessary to peel off the peel and cut out the middle, since then we will pass everything through a sieve.

2. We put it in a large cauldron or pan with a double bottom and put it on the stove. You can add a little water so that the jam process starts painlessly and quickly.

3. And so apples and pears on the stove, the water boiled, it remains to stir and simmer for about 10-15 minutes so that our fruits become soft.

4. As soon as the fruits have softened, you can remove the pan from the stove and wait until it cools completely.

The process of cooling fruits can be accelerated. Place the pot of fruit in another pot or bowl of cold water. Stir the fruit from time to time and change the water when it is warm to speed up the cooling process of the fruit.

Well, or just put the pan aside and wait 5-6 hours.

Of course, you can not wait until the mass has cooled down, and then work not with your hands, but with the help of a spoon.

5. In general, when everything cools down well, we take a sieve or colander and push the fruit through the sieve. Only the bones of the partition and peel should remain in the sieve.

From the initial 2 kg, on average, 1-1.3 kg of pure jam is obtained.

6. Put the resulting mass on the stove, add sugar and cook for 45-50 minutes at least. During cooking, the jam will reach the desired density and darken a little. Stir frequently so that it doesn't burn.

7. When the mass reaches the density you need, spread it into sterilized jars and close the lids.

Pear-apple jam is ready to enjoy.

Apple jam with pumpkin

And why not try adding some pumpkin to jam. The color will be very original. Moreover, in pumpkin, as well as in apples, there are a lot of useful substances.


  • Apples 1 kg.
  • Pumpkin 500-600 grams.
  • Citric acid 3-5 grams.
  • Sugar 500-600 grams.
  • 350-400 water.

Cooking process:

1. Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut into small slices. Put in a saucepan, cover with water, cook until softened.

2. Sort, wash, cut apples. Put in a saucepan, cover with water, cook until the slices are soft.

3. Pass soft slices of pumpkin through a sieve. Apple, too, through a sieve. All together with the water in which they boiled.

4. Mix the resulting masses with sugar and put on the stove.

5. Cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly.

6. Add citric acid and cook for another 20-25 minutes. To the desired density.

7. Arrange the finished jam in jars and tighten the lids.

8. Apple jam with the addition of pumpkin is ready to enjoy.

Apple jam with plums

Very often boil jam and with plums. Which go very well with apples. This is a great way to process plums without wasting time removing the pits from the plums.


  • 1 kg of apples.
  • 600 grams of plums.
  • 600 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

1. Sort the apples, wash them and cut them.

2. Put in a saucepan, pour water, cook until soft.

3. Sort the plums, cut each along the bone (the bone can not be removed) put in a saucepan, pour water, cook until soft.

4. After the fruit has reached a soft state, remove from the stove and grind through a sieve.

5. Mix the resulting mass, add sugar, cook until the desired density is reached. Usually the cooking time does not exceed 40 minutes.

6. Arrange the finished product in jars and close with lids.

Secrets of making apple jam

☑ When cooking jam, do not cover the pan with a lid. So excess moisture during the cooking process will quickly evaporate.

☑ Like all other sweet preparations, the jam will finally thicken after complete cooling. But how to determine that it is already enough to boil it. You can simply transfer a spoonful of jam to a plate where it will quickly cool down and show its density. You can run a spoon over the surface and if the trace disappears quickly, the jam needs to be boiled a little more, and if the trace disappears slowly, then the jam has already reached an excellent density.

☑ Sugar put at least 50% of the total mass. So if you put less sugar, then the jam will not be suitable for long-term storage.

Hello dear friends! This year promises to be fruitful. But what to do with fruits when there are too many of them? Have you already boiled enough and it’s not clear where else to put the remaining fruits? Then for you to me. I prepared some simple apple jam recipes at home.

Such a dessert can be spread on a bun and consumed with tea. And you can cook wonderful cheesecakes and pies with it. Since childhood, I have loved pastries with such a filling, but I do not like to buy it in the store. It's kind of not right there. Still, homemade is better, prepared from natural products, without any unnecessary additives to increase shelf life.

Fruit for its preparation can be taken substandard or those that have fallen to the ground. Well, don't throw them away, sorry. Therefore, such apples are great for "" or our dessert.

Previously, before cooking, the core and peel are removed from apples. Although the peel is sometimes left. To get 1 kg of peeled fruit, you need to take about 1.3 kg of whole.

This is the easiest and most common recipe. The dessert is very tasty and thick enough. From the presented ingredients, 1 liter of the finished product is obtained. If you need more, then simply increase the ingredients, according to the proportions.


  • Peeled apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 500-800 gr
  • Water - 0.5 cups

The proportions of sugar depend on how sour your fruits are. If they are sweet enough, then you need to put less sugar. It's easier to taste while cooking and add more if needed.


1. Cut the peeled apples into slices and put in a saucepan. Pour sugar into it and pour water. Put the pot on a small fire.

2. Stirring constantly, wait for enough juice to appear. Then the fire can be added a little. When it boils, remove the foam from the surface and cook for 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let stand for two to three hours to cool down.

3. After they have cooled, soften everything with an immersion blender until puree. Put on fire again until it boils.

If there is no blender, you can simply grind the apples through a sieve or meat grinder.

4. Boiled jam is left to simply decompose into sterilized jars and tighten the lids. Store in a cool place.

A simple step-by-step recipe for jam from white filling

"White pouring" is one of the early varieties and by the end of August it can be harvested and made wonderful jam and marmalade. Sugar is added to it in smaller proportions, since it is sweet in itself. But the dessert is very tender and tasty.


  • Apples "white filling" peeled - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 500 gr
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon


1. Cut the peeled apples into small pieces and sprinkle with sugar. Mix well and leave for 30 minutes until the juice appears. Then transfer to a saucepan and set to heat over medium heat, about 7 minutes after boiling. Keep stirring until all the sugar is dissolved in the juice.

2. Then use an immersion blender to puree everything. Add cinnamon and return to heat. When it boils, cook for another 10 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

3. Transfer the finished jam into clean sterile jars. Screw on the lid and let cool. Then store in a cool place.

Cooking thick jam from apples in slices in a slow cooker

One of my favorite recipes. Firstly, there is no need to constantly stand and stir the jam. Secondly, I love when it turns out with small pieces. And when it cools down, it becomes very thick, almost like marmalade. From the proposed amount of ingredients, 1 liter of the finished product is obtained.


  • Peeled apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 800 gr


1. Place the peeled and sliced ​​apples in a slow cooker. Pour sugar on top and just smooth over the surface. It will melt on its own during the cooking process.

2. Close the lid and put in the "extinguishing" mode for 2 hours. After about an hour, you can mix a little.

3. After the elapsed time, put the multicooker in the heating mode for another 1.5 hours so that our jam languishes. Then put into jars and wrap with lids. When it cools down, you can store it in a cool place.

Video on how to make jam at home through a meat grinder

This cooking method is slightly different from the previous ones in its technology. But, at the same time, at the exit, our dessert turns out to be very thick after cooling and incredibly tasty. Watch the video recipe and you will understand everything.


  • Unpeeled apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 800 gr

Of course, I don’t have an oven, so I use a regular stove and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. I like to use this jam when I make cheesecakes. I really like it, so I recommend that you try to do it.

Very tasty jam from apples and oranges


  • Apples - 2 kg
  • Oranges - 4 pcs
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Water - 1 glass


1. Cut the apples and remove the core with seeds. Put in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After it boils and the juice begins to stand out, cook for 15 minutes.

2. While they are cooking, let's deal with citrus fruits. Remove the zest from oranges and lemons, finely chop it. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Grind oranges in a blender until puree.

3. Grind boiled apples in a blender or grind through a sieve to make mashed potatoes. Then add sugar, zest, lemon juice and orange puree to it. Mix everything.

4. Put on medium heat and cook after boiling for 20-235 minutes. Depending on how thick you want to get.

5. Put the finished dessert in sterile jars and close with lids. Leave to cool and remove storage space.

Jam from apples and pears in pieces for the winter

These fruits go very well together. And the lemon will add a unique taste to jam. It is better to take apples for sour, and pears are the most ripe and sweet. Can be used for cooking substandard. Just remove the defective places when peeling fruit. After cooling, it will become thicker.


  • Apples - 500 gr
  • Pears - 700 gr
  • Sugar - 700 gr
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs


1. Peel and pit apples and pears. Cut them into small pieces. Cut the lemon with the skin first into circles, then divide into four parts.

2. Twist the fruit in a blender so that a mass of small grains is obtained. It is not necessary to bring to the state of puree.

I love making it in pieces. But you can scroll longer to make a puree. In this form, it will be more tender.

3. Transfer the mass to a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. After that, put it on fire. When it boils, reduce the flame, remove the foam and cook, stirring constantly, for 30 minutes.

4. Put the finished jam in sterilized jars and screw on the lids. Turn the jars over and wrap them with a “fur coat”. Leave it like this until it cools down. Then you can clean in the closet. It can be perfectly stored at room temperature, but can also be removed in a cool place.

That's all for today. I hope my recipes and recommendations will help you prepare such a wonderful and tasty apple dessert for the winter. Collect your fruits, choose the method you like and delight your loved ones and friends with such yummy with tea or in cooked pastries.

Good luck with your preparations! Goodbye!

Jam from apples is one of the most favorite delicacies of our households, which is so easy to cook at home. Moreover, despite the fact that I use a simple recipe that involves processing through a meat grinder, the taste of the jam turns out to be simply amazing, and in terms of consistency it is in no way inferior to the jam that our grandmothers prepared.

Only one important detail needs to be noted: unlike our beloved mothers and grandmothers, it will take us very little time to cook such deliciousness. Considering all the processes (preparing the fruits, grinding them in a meat grinder, cooking), after 50-60 minutes the hot delicacy can be transferred to sterilized jars.
For jam, you can take apples of any variety and condition, as long as they are without rot. The amount of sugar indicated in the recipe is averaged and can be varied, depending on the taste of apples and the preferences of the household. By the way, for the brightness of the taste, you can add a little cinnamon or vanilla to the finished jam, but this is optional.
Jam can be spread on toast, added to pies or bagels.

Apple jam is a wonderful preparation that will find fans in any home.

A sweet treat can be eaten just like that or added to different dishes.

Either way, it's great, especially if it's homemade.

Homemade jam from apples for the winter - general principles of preparation

For jam, you can use overripe, crumpled and broken apples. It is preferable to use summer and autumn varieties. Winter apples are not suitable for harvesting, which do not differ in juiciness, do not have a pronounced aroma. Fruits are crushed before cooking or ground after steaming. Sometimes a blender is used, which shortens and facilitates the preparation of a sweet treat.

Apple jam can only be prepared with sugar. But more and more often citruses, other fruits and berries are added to it. There are recipes for aromatic treats with cinnamon, vanilla, ginger.

What is most often added to apples:


Jam can be cooked in the classic way on the stove. If the kitchen has a multicooker, then you can use this device. Tasty and fragrant jam is obtained after languishing in the oven, by the way, the recipe is just below.

Simple jam from apples

The recipe for the simplest jam from apples, which can be consumed immediately or rolled into jars and left until winter. If the apples are well boiled, then the mass does not even need to be crushed, which also simplifies and speeds up the cooking process.


1 kg of apples;

500 g of sugar;

100 ml of water.


1. Rinse, peel apples, cut into slices. Place fruit pieces in a bowl.

2. Add water to apples.

3. Cover, set to boil. Apples of some varieties quickly turn into a puree. You just need to stir occasionally.

4. If the pieces have not fallen apart, then you just need to cook them until soft. Then grind with a blender or twist through a meat grinder.

5. Add granulated sugar according to the recipe.

6. Put the mass on the stove again, do not make a big fire so that the mass does not burn.

7. Boil the jam for 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the consistency you need.

8. Now it can be cooled and used for its intended purpose. Or pour the hot mass into jars, roll up before winter.

Jam from apples at home with orange

Citruses are often added when harvesting jam from apples at home. The zest gives the delicacy a chic aroma, makes the taste richer and deeper, while the technology for making jam is not much more complicated.


3 kg of apples (Antonovka);

2 oranges;

1.5 kg of sugar.


1. Apples need to be washed, you can not peel. According to the recipe, the Antonovka variety is used. But you can take another similar one.

2. Cut into slices for subsequent twisting through a meat grinder or chopping in a food processor.

3. Peel the oranges. Take a vegetable knife or a regular grater for this. With them, removing the painted skin is easy.

5. Grind all fruits together with zest.

6. If the mass is thick, then you can add half a glass of water.

7. Put on fire, boil for a quarter of an hour.

8. Add sugar to the jam, cook it for another 30-40 minutes. Look at the consistency, the jam should become thick, homogeneous, the presence of small grains is allowed.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker

The basic recipe for jam from apples in a slow cooker. In a similar way, you can prepare a sweet treat with the addition of other fruits and berries.


1 kg of apples;

1.5 glasses of water;

2.5 cups of sugar.


1. Peel apples. Put the skins in a saucepan, add water, put on the stove.

2. Prepare a rich decoction of pectin-rich apple skins. It is he who will give the finished jam a thick consistency. Strain the decoction.

3. Cut the apples into slices, put them in a multicooker saucepan, close the multicooker, put the pastries for half an hour. During this time, the apples will become soft.

4. Take the fruits out of the multicooker, chop in any way or just mash.

5. Add granulated sugar, stir and return to the multicooker saucepan.

6. Fill everything with broth. After straining it, it should turn out less than a glass, half is enough. You can pour out and all, how much is. It won't get any worse than this.

7. Turn on the baking mode for another hour. Look at the density. Most often, 35-40 minutes are enough for the jam to become the desired consistency.

Homemade jam from apples for the winter with a peel

The recipe for a thick, fragrant jam from apples for the winter. This is how it is prepared in large industries. To make it work, a blender is used.


1.2 kg of sugar;

2.5 kg of apples;

180 g of water;

3 g citric acid.


1. Cut the washed apples into slices, you do not need to remove the peel, but the cores should be avoided. Also cut out hard flaps near the seeds, they are not needed.

2. Add water to the apples, cover, boil over a fire until soft.

3. Remove the lid, cool, but do not need to cool at all. You can grind the warm mass.

4. Immerse the blender, beat the jam until smooth puree, all the skins should be crushed.

5. Add sugar and lemon, stir.

6. Now put the mass on moderate heat. To prevent it from burning, stir constantly.

7. Boil for about an hour. It should be borne in mind that after cooling, the jam will be even thicker, since the peel contains a lot of pectin. Therefore, it is not necessary to bring the sweet mass to a density at all.

Simple jam from apples in the oven

The recipe for a very appetizing and simple apple jam, for the preparation of which you will need an oven. In it, it definitely will not burn, it will turn out thick and fragrant, if everything is done correctly.


Glass of water;

1.5 kg of apples;

700 g sugar.


1. Peel the apples, cut, put in a saucepan. It is better to use aluminum immediately.

2. Add water, cook until soft on the stove. If the apples are ripe, then it will not take more than ten minutes.

3. Mix or beat in another way to a puree.

4. Add prescription sugar, stir.

5. Cover the pan, put in the oven. Set the temperature to 200 degrees.

6. As soon as the jam boils, reduce the temperature to a minimum. For languor, 70-80 degrees is enough.

7. Cook jam in the oven for three hours. During this time, the mass will become dark, more often it turns reddish, an amazing aroma will appear, the jam will become thick.

8. Spread the sweet mass in sterile containers, after complete cooling, send it out for storage.

How to make homemade apple jam

Among the very tasty and very popular delicacies prepared for the winter is jam, invented more than two centuries ago. Powidla owes its birth to Polish housewives, who learned how to boil one of the plum varieties to a state of thick homogeneous mass and tried this method of fruit preservation on several varieties of apples.

Jam from apples, obtained by long-term boiling of fruit puree, has become one of the must-have desserts for many Slavic peoples. Today, several dozen recipes for its preparation are known, among which there are original methods using spices that do not require the addition of sugar, using various modern household appliances.

How to make classic apple jam

The classic recipe for apple jam requires the use of one of the sweet and sour varieties of fruit, which has become the main ingredient in the dish.

  • A kilogram of apples in a peeled state;
  • 800 grams of sugar;
  • Half a glass of boiled water.

Steps for making apple jam at home:

  1. The required number of apples of the preferred variety must be thoroughly washed, peeled, cut in half, cores removed and, if necessary, existing damaged areas of the fruit;
  2. Cut the peeled parts of the fruit into slices;
  3. Having chosen a deep pan made of aluminum or stainless steel, put the fruits cut in the manner described above into it and pour water so that it completely covers the apples;
  4. Place a covered saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil;
  5. Having reduced the fire of the burner by half, the apples are boiled for half an hour, stirring to prevent the slices from burning. If necessary, you can add water in a small amount;
  6. The apples brought to a soft state during the cooking process are removed from the heat and left to cool completely;
  7. At the next stage, boiled apple slices are ground through a sieve or colander. As another option for a device for their uniform grinding, you can use an immersion blender;
  8. The puree obtained by this method is transferred to a wide bowl of the same type of metal that was recommended for cooking apples, and again put on the stove. The width of the diameter of the selected dishes will allow the liquid present in the puree to evaporate more quickly from it;
  9. The mass must be brought to a boil and, reducing the heat, boil, stirring, until the water has completely evaporated, after which the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe is added to the puree;
  10. Apple jam is usually boiled for several hours. Its density directly depends on the duration of boiling;
  11. The finished delicacy is placed in pre-sterilized jars, rolled up with pre-heat-treated lids and covered with a blanket for a day;
  12. After this period, the jars are taken out and left to cool at room temperature. It is advised to store jam preserved in this way in a cool place.

Homemade apple jam without sugar

Having undoubted numerous useful properties, an apple product can be eaten and forced to limit sugar intake to people and young children who require the introduction of complementary foods into the diet, if it is prepared in the form of jam without adding sugar.

The recipe for this type of preservation is quite simple. Particular attention should be paid to an important nuance in the process of cooking such jam: careful sterilization of both the dish itself and the containers for its preservation.

Within one hour, you can make healthy jam from just two ingredients:

  • Apples - 1 kilogram;
  • Water - 1 glass.

How to make apple jam without sugar at home:

  1. Apples are pre-treated in the way already described in the previous recipe;
  2. Apple slices filled with water must be boiled after boiling for a quarter of an hour, stirring constantly to avoid burning;
  3. Cooked and cooled apples are rubbed through a sieve;
  4. Put on the stove again in a different bowl, they are simmered over low heat until the apple mass thickens;
  5. The jam brought to the desired consistency is laid out in pre-sterilized and slightly heated jars;
  6. Depending on the volume of the jars chosen for preservation, they are pasteurized together with the contents from a quarter of an hour to half an hour, after which they are rolled up with thermally processed lids;
  7. The jars turned upside down are wrapped in a blanket and left in this position until completely cooled.

Spicy creations: apple jam with cinnamon in the oven

A special unique note of taste and smell will be given by spices added to jam from apples, in particular, the most common of them in cooking is cinnamon. Let's take a closer look at how to make delicious cinnamon apple jam in the oven.

To prepare apple jam with its addition in the oven, you will need several components:

  • A kilogram of sweet and sour apples;
  • 700 grams of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • A teaspoon of citric acid;
  • Half glass of water.

You can cook apple jam with cinnamon in the oven using the method below:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a ten-liter pan or other container, devoid of enameled and plastic elements. The best option would be a cast-iron cauldron or an aluminum pan;
  2. In a bowl half-filled with water, stir a teaspoon of citric acid. Adding citric acid to the water prevents the apple slices from browning, which will subsequently fill the pan;
  3. The required number of apples is peeled and seeds concentrated in the middle, cut into thin slices and placed in a prepared pan;
  4. When all the fruits selected for jam are stacked, water diluted with citric acid is drained from the container and half a glass of clean water is introduced;
  5. In a covered saucepan, chopped apples sprinkled with ground cinnamon are simmered over low heat until softened;
  6. Ready and slightly cooled apple slices are brought to a homogeneous state with an immersion blender, pouring in portions the amount of sugar stated in the recipe;
  7. The dishes are placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, where they are left to stew for three hours.
  8. During the allotted time, mix the mass periodically;
  9. Jam prepared using this technology can be served immediately or sealed in jars in the traditional way.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker: apple and pumpkin jam

The presence of modern household appliances allows the hostess to simplify the process of making jam and reduce the time of her work. A multicooker has recently become an excellent assistant in this. To cook apple jam with the addition of pumpkin in this unit, you will need:

  • 1200 kg of apples;
  • 400 grams of pumpkin;
  • Lemon;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • One third of a glass of sugar.

Cooking apple jam with pumpkin in a slow cooker in steps:

  1. First of all, by means of a fine grater, the zest is removed from the lemon;
  2. Peeled apples are cut into quarters and the seeds are removed, after which the quarters are cut across into thin slices;
  3. The slices laid out in a glass container are poured over with squeezed lemon juice and mixed;
  4. Peeled pumpkin must be cut into small cubes;
  5. They are added to a container with apples, sprinkled with sugar and mixed thoroughly;
  6. The prepared ingredients are laid out in a multicooker bowl and a cinnamon stick is inserted between the slices;
  7. On the instrument panel, select the "jam" mode and set the timer for an hour;
  8. At the end of the period, the jam is returned back to the container, lemon zest is added there and pureed using an immersion blender;
  9. The mass obtained in this way is poured back into the multicooker bowl and the “jam” mode is turned on for half an hour.

After the allotted time, jam from apples is ready to eat.

Cooking Tricks

The hostess who intends to cook apple jam on her own should know several important nuances:

  • Excellent jam at home is obtained from sweet and sour apples with a thin peel;
  • The red color of the fruit will be the key to the attractive color of the finished product;
  • The lack of aroma in apples intended for delicacy will affect the taste of jam, which in this case will be mild;
  • The peel left on the apple slices will make the consistency of the delicacy thicker;
  • Carnations, allspice or cinnamon introduced into jam guarantee a spicy smell of delicacy;
  • The added lemon juice will balance the sweetness of the product.

Jam from apples at home with pumpkin

A recipe for a bright, healthy and affordable jam, in which pumpkin is added along with apples. Dry citric acid is also added according to the recipe. If there is a desire, then you can add juice from fresh citrus, it will turn out even better.


600 g pumpkin;

700 g of apples;

700 g of sugar;

2.5 g citric acid;

150 g of water.


1. Put the peeled, freed from all excess pumpkin into a saucepan, add prescription water, cook until soft.

2. While the pumpkin is being prepared, you need to peel the apples, cut into small pieces, the cores and seed flaps are thrown away.

3. Add the apples to the pumpkin, but only after the pieces are soft. Otherwise, the cooking process will be delayed.

4. Steam apples with pumpkin under the lid for ten minutes until soft. The time can be extended if required.

5. Take a crush, remember the soft pieces to mash them. If you want to get a more homogeneous and tender jam, you can cool the contents of the saucepan and punch with a blender.

6. Now is the time to add the prescription sugar and citric acid. Or squeeze the juice from half a citrus.

7. Stir, put back on the stove.

8. Cook jam for another half hour, stir regularly so that it does not burn.

9. Transfer to jars, put away for storage.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker with lemon

A variant of a very fragrant jam, in which, in addition to apples, lemon is also added. If the citrus is large, then you can use half.


1.5 kg of apples;

700 g sugar.


1. Lemon must first be washed well, then poured over with boiling water. Cut into pieces, remove the bones.

2. Cut the apples too, you do not need to remove the peel. Make pieces of a size that will easily fit into a meat grinder. Or just cut into arbitrary pieces if you grind in a combine.

3. Twist the fruit through a meat grinder, transfer the puree to the slow cooker.

4. If the mass is thick, the apples are not very juicy, then you can add a little water to the twisted puree, about half a cup.

5. Close, cook on the baking mode for about half an hour. You can stir occasionally.

6. Open, add granulated sugar, stir and cook for another 45 minutes, you do not need to rearrange the mode.

7. Evaluate the consistency. If the jam is thick enough, homogeneous, then you can turn it off. For long-term storage, lay out the mass while it is hot, in sterile jars, twist. If the delicacy is cooked just like that, then just cool it.

Homemade jam from apples with plums for the winter

A variant of a sweet billet with plums. This jam is distinguished by its dark color and rich taste. The recipe is suitable even for plums that do not want to part with the pits. To grind fruit, you need a sieve, preferably a metal one.


0.5 kg plums;

1 kg of apples;

1 kg of sugar.


1. Cut apples into slices, put in a saucepan.

2. Add plums to them. If they are easily separated, then remove the bone. In case the plums do not want to part with the stone, just make a small cut on each piece.

3. Now pour half a cup of water into the fruit, set to steam until soft.

4. As soon as the pieces are well boiled, you can remove the saucepan from the heat.

5. Cool the mass so that it does not burn your hands. Pass the puree through a sieve. Throw away the skins.

6. Add sugar to the puree, mix.

7. It remains only to put it on the stove, cook it. Do not forget to stir the mass, otherwise the delicacy will quickly burn.

8. On average, plum jam with apples is cooked from half an hour to an hour, but bring it to the consistency you need.

9. Arrange the boiling treat in sterile, always dry containers. Seal tightly.

Simple apple jam with cinnamon and ginger

A variant of a simple, but very fragrant and tasty jam from apples. In addition to spices, lemon zest is added to it. You can take fresh or dry.


1.5 kg of apples;

750 g of sugar;

1 tsp zest;

0.5 tsp cinnamon;

0.3 tsp dry ginger;

0.5 tsp citric acid.


1. Twist apples with or without peel into a pulp. Transfer to a saucepan.

2. Immediately add the zest, put on the stove, boil for 10 minutes.

3. It's time to add granulated sugar. Boil the delicacy for another quarter of an hour.

4. Now pour ground cinnamon and dry ginger into the jam. If there is no powder, then you can use fresh ginger root, just rub it finely.

5. Stir, cook the delicacy for about half an hour, look at the color and density.

6. For winter storage, distribute the workpiece in sterile jars, cork immediately until the mass has cooled.

Jam from apples at home with pears

A variant of amazing pear-apple jam, the taste of which is also familiar to many from childhood. You can take any pears, but it is better not too soft, so that the delicacy turns out to be thick.


1 kg of pears;

1 kg of apples;

1.5 kg of sugar;

1 tsp lemons.


1. Cut the fruit into pieces, no need to remove the skin. Put in a saucepan.

2. Add some water, a few spoonfuls are enough. If the fruit is not very juicy, then you can pour in more, but a maximum of 200 ml.

3. Put on the stove, simmer under the lid until soft.

4. Cool fruit.

5. Wipe through a sieve. Return the soft puree to the saucepan.

6. Add citric acid, add sugar, stir.

7. Cook jam for 35-40 minutes, stir constantly, after boiling, make the fire less than average.

8. Arrange in jars or just cool, help yourself and delight the household.

Homemade jam from apples for the winter - tips and tricks

In order for the jam to thicken faster, you do not need to cover the delicacy during the final cooking. For the same purpose, wide dishes are used so that the evaporation area is larger.

Jam becomes thick only after complete cooling. But how to determine the consistency in advance? You can drop a little hot mass on a chilled plate, after cooling, evaluate the consistency. Or run over the jam with a spatula. If the groove immediately disappears, then the mass is not yet ready. If the left track fills up slowly, then you can remove the workpiece from the fire.

How much sugar to put in jam? Often recipes advise reducing the amount if sweet apples are used. In fact, this is not entirely correct, the delicacy can turn sour during storage. It is recommended to lay at least 50% of sand from the total mass of the prepared puree. During boiling, the concentration will increase.

Apple jam - an almost universal recipe, you can roll it up, eat it with tea or cook pies with it, any other pastries.

Apple jam at home - a simple recipe

The basic jam recipe does not require a large number of ingredients.

Required products:

  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • two and a half kilograms of apples.

Cooking process:

  1. First, let's prepare the fruit. They need to be washed well, remove the skin and what is in the middle, since it is hard, bones.
  2. Now cut into small pieces of fruit should be brought to softness. You can do this in a hot oven - 20 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees, or simply boil them in water.
  3. Transfer to a bowl and puree with a sieve or blender.
  4. Mix with the indicated amount of sugar and put on the stove. Keep on fire until the consistency becomes more transparent and stops spreading. During cooking, it is advisable to constantly stir it. The finished product can be ordered for the winter or removed for storage in the refrigerator.

How to cook in a slow cooker for the winter?

Jam in a slow cooker is no more difficult to prepare than according to the basic recipe.

Required products:

  • half a small spoon of citric acid;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • two kilograms of apples;
  • a little over a liter of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Fruits must be washed and peeled, which does not need to be thrown away, but put in a separate container. Do not forget to remove all unnecessary from the core of apples.
  2. Place the chopped fruit in a multicooker bowl and pour 250 milliliters of water. We set the "Extinguishing" mode for 30 minutes.
  3. While this process is going on, fill the skins from apples with 500 milliliters of water and keep on fire for about 20 minutes, after which we squeeze and get a fragrant apple broth.
  4. We turn the fruits into puree and combine with citric acid, previously diluted in 150 milliliters of water.
  5. Pour sugar into this mass and pour the broth from the peel.
  6. We cook in a slow cooker by setting the "Extinguishing" mode for 60 minutes. We put the jam in jars, roll them up. We keep it cool.

Thick apple jam

Advice! To cook apple jam of sufficient density, you just need to hold it longer on the stove.

Required products:

  • 500 grams of apples and the same amount of sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. We clean the fruit from the skin, cut into small pieces.
  2. Pour water into the bottom of the pan and add apples on top. Simmer until they become soft. Then use a blender to make a puree out of them.
  3. Pour sugar into the mass and put it on the stove again. Stirring constantly, bring the jam to the desired consistency. If you don't think it's thick enough, let it simmer for a while longer, but don't use artificial thickeners.
  4. Remove the finished jam for storage in the refrigerator or make a seam.

Cook with pears

An interesting recipe according to which jam can be cooked not only with apples, but also with the addition of pears.

Required products:

  • half a kilogram of apples and pears;
  • about 600 grams of sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. We free apples and pears from the skin and core, put them in a saucepan and pour in the indicated amount of water. Bring to a soft state on the stove.
  2. What happened, we interrupt in mashed potatoes, add sugar and put it on fire again.
  3. Without leaving the stove and constantly stirring the contents, we wait until it thickens and becomes almost transparent. We close the finished jam in jars.


An excellent recipe for almost dietary jam, without a drop of sugar.

Required products:

  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • kilogram of apples.

Cooking process:

  1. Jam without refined sugar is prepared, as well as with this component. First, we clean the fruits, cut them.
  2. We put everything in a saucepan, pour a glass of water and keep on fire until softened.
  3. After that, we grind it into a puree and put it on the stove again. Stir and cook until the mass becomes thick.
  4. We transfer the still warm jam into sterilized jars and close the lids. Or put it in the fridge.

With cinnamon in the oven

Cinnamon and apples are a win-win combination. And if there is such a pie, then why not make a similar jam?

Necessary products for cooking:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • a small spoonful of cinnamon;
  • about 600 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the fruits well, cut off the skin from them and remove everything that is inside.
  2. We cut them into small pieces, put them in a large saucepan, add a little water and wait until they become soft.
  3. After that, we make mashed potatoes out of them using a blender or sieve.
  4. Pour all the sugar into the mass, mix and put the container in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Stew the puree for about three hours until it becomes the desired consistency. After that, we lay out in sterilized jars.

Apple jam with pumpkin

Apples and pumpkins are something that in a good season you don’t know what to do and what to cook from them. Do not throw it away, you can cook a tasty and healthy jam.

Required products:

  • a kilogram and the same amount of pumpkin;
  • lemon juice;
  • about 850 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. It is best to start cooking with a pumpkin, as apples darken quickly after peeling. The pumpkin is washed, freed from the skin and seeds, chopped into small pieces, and then rubbed on a coarse grater.
  2. Take a good, large container, preferably with thick walls, put the pumpkin there, sprinkle it with sugar, but not all, but 500 grams.
  3. Do the same with apples, also place them in a saucepan, having previously cleaned them, and cover with the remaining sugar.
  4. Let them stand for a while so that they release the juice. After that, we set to boil in our own syrup. When they become softer, combine them in one pan and pour in the lemon juice.
  5. From the resulting mass of mashed potatoes, once again bring to a boil and can be packaged in jars and closed with lids for the winter.

Suitable varieties of apples for apple jam

How to cook apple jam in various ways and with additives is now clear. But what are the best varieties of apples to use for jam?

Antonovka jam is ideal. This is a strong, not too sweet variety, and affordable. Many grow in the garden.

If we talk about other varieties, then the following types are well suited: runet, Simirenko, Gloucester. It is very important that the selected apples are sour, then the desired level of sweetness will come out.

You can use Melba or Papirovka. Of these, the jam turns out to be very thick due to the content of a large amount of pectin. And the slices themselves do not lose their shape and look transparent when cooked.

Summer, juicy varieties of apples are not at all suitable for making jam, they become loose, quickly boiled soft. The result is a mushy mass. And the taste is not at all what you expect. They are sweet and, when combined with sugar, become even more cloying.
