
All about semolina groats - beneficial properties for the body, contraindications and delicious recipes with a cereal product. Semolina

In today's article I will tell you how to cook semolina porridge without lumps. Many novice cooks want to learn how to cook semolina of a uniform consistency, but their attempts most often end in failure.

Everyone has tried semolina porridge at least once in their life. As a child, my mother constantly cooked this dish, and without lumps. When I became an adult and began to master cooking, at first I could not cook semolina well. Thank you mom for the helpful tips.

Secret step by step recipe without lumps

I will share a secret cooking technology that involves pre-soaking semolina. During the "water procedure" grains absorb moisture. As a result, lumps do not form.


  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Butter - 10 g.
  • Salt and sugar.
  • Jam or jam.


  1. Pour a glass of cold milk into a saucepan. I recommend cooking semolina in a small saucepan with a long handle. It will allow you to control the container when the semolina starts to rise.
  2. Add sugar and salt to milk. The amount of ingredients depends on your preference. If you intend to use jam, fresh berries or preserves, do not add sugar to milk.
  3. The next step in making semolina without lumps is extremely important. To make the finished dish a homogeneous consistency and without lumps, add the cereal to cold milk. As a result, the semolina will absorb the liquid and swell, and the grains will not stick together.
  4. Put a saucepan with milk and semolina on a small fire. Stir constantly while cooking. If this is not done, the grains will boil to the bottom of the pan.
  5. After boiling milk, reduce the fire to a minimum, and put the pan on the edge of the burner. After about two minutes, the semolina will thicken and can be removed from the stove.
  6. It remains to pour the porridge into a plate, add a little butter and mix lightly.

You can improve the taste of the dish by adding fresh berries or jam.

Video recipe

You just learned how to make semolina porridge without lumps. The ingredients provided for in the recipe are quite enough for making semolina porridge intended for a child. If you want to please an adult with a dish, I recommend proportionally increasing the amount of food by about one and a half times.

How to cook semolina porridge with milk

Semolina porridge is a simple, tasty and nutritious dish. Not every housewife will dare to cook it, since it is not always possible to cook good semolina.

There are many cooking methods. However, semolina has the best taste, for the preparation of which fresh milk is used.

I will give a recipe for semolina porridge with milk so that you can prepare an impeccable dish. Observe the proportions provided for by the recipe and the order of the cooking steps.


  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Water - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Groats - 4 teaspoons.
  • Sugar and butter.


  1. To prepare semolina in milk, take dishes with a thick bottom. It depends on the thickness of the bottom whether the semolina burns. Moreover, scorching can be avoided by adding a small amount of water.
  2. Pour water into the prepared dishes and turn on a small fire. Immediately add cool milk to the pan and wait for it to rise. Then reduce the heat and pour in the semolina in a thin stream. Stir the contents of the pot all the time. The result is a homogeneous porridge without lumps.
  3. Cook for three minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Turn off the stove, add some sugar and stir. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. After this time, the semolina will absorb the milk. The result is a thick porridge.

Video recipe

You can make a real treat out of a dish if you add a little butter and some kind of jam to semolina porridge before serving. I add quince jam. You will get a real culinary masterpiece.

Cooking semolina porridge on the water

Culinary fashion welcomes the preparation of dietary and low-calorie dishes. To keep up with the times and not deviate from trends, I propose to talk about how to cook semolina porridge in water.

Semolina is a unique cereal, for the production of which soft varieties of wheat are used. It is rich in phosphorus, calcium and beneficial substances for the human body.

Semolina porridge is a dietary product, especially if cooked without adding milk and sugar. It will turn out fresh porridge, so add some raisins. The recipe for water is extremely simple. Just remember, semolina tends to clump. Therefore, during the cooking process, stir constantly.

The most crucial step in the recipe is mixing cereals with water. Stir frequently and quickly to prevent lumps from forming.


  • Groats - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Sugar and salt.

Ingredients are listed for one serving of semolina porridge. If you are afraid of gaining weight or it is contraindicated to consume sugar, exclude this ingredient. If there are no restrictions, sugar must be used.


  1. Pour the cereal into the pan and evenly distribute along the bottom. This is a must. Semolina is constantly lumped into lumps, and in the case of water, their number is much larger.
  2. Add water to the pot and stir. I recommend using warm water. Stirring constantly, bring the porridge to a boil.
  3. After the water boils, add a little sugar to the pan. Salt to taste.
  4. Boil semolina porridge in water for at least five minutes, stirring all the time. Do not overcook, otherwise the cereal will boil.
  5. Add butter. It is not necessary to remove the dish from the stove. Add a few raisins to the pan along with the oil and mix thoroughly.

Videos cooking

Now you thoroughly know how to cook semolina porridge on the water. If you like butter, put as much as you like, butter will not spoil the porridge.

How to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker

Many housewives prepare milk porridges and soups. Each of them knows well that in the process of cooking these dishes must be carefully monitored. Otherwise, the milk will simply "run away". Modern kitchen appliances help to avoid this problem if you know the recipe for semolina porridge in a slow cooker.

Semolina porridge is perhaps the only dish that accompanies a person throughout life.


  • Groats - 0.5 cups.
  • Water - 1.5 cups.
  • Milk - 2 cups.
  • Sugar and butter.


  1. Semolina is famous for its ability to absorb liquid. For this reason, the ratio of semolina to liquid should be at least 1 to 7.
  2. Pour the semolina into the container of the multicooker along with a small amount of sugar and mix. As a result, lumps do not form during cooking.
  3. Pour milk into a slow cooker and put a piece of butter. If you want to cook for a baby, dilute the milk with water. For adults, cereals in milk alone are excellent.
  4. Activate the "Multi-cook" mode. At a temperature of 90 degrees, semolina is cooked for about a third of an hour.
  5. After the specified time, semolina is ready. Perhaps, after opening the lid, the porridge will seem a little watery, then just mix the semolina thoroughly.

Not all children like this dish. If you cook it in a slow cooker, they will be satisfied. I have tested this in practice many times.

Semolina cooked in a slow cooker has a pleasant texture and delicate taste. If you flavor it with a few spoons of honey, you get a real masterpiece that no one will refuse.

The benefits and harms of semolina

In the final part of the article, we will consider the benefits and harms of semolina porridge.

Semolina contains magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in a small amount, since useful substances are concentrated in the shell of wheat grain, which is removed during production. At the same time, each grain contains a lot of potassium and vitamins.

Children's doctors recommend giving semolina to babies after a year. There is no fiber in porridge. Consequently, the child's stomach can easily cope with these products. Children under one year old should not be given semolina. It contains a lot of glutin, which causes an allergic disorder in babies. Semolina contains a lot of phytin, which prevents the absorption of calcium. That is why berries or fruits are added to the porridge, which neutralize this substance.

Semolina helps to cleanse the body of mucus and remove fat. It acts as a source of energy and has a beneficial effect on the muscles and bones of a person. Doctors recommend semolina to people suffering from malnutrition, intestinal ailments, after operations on the intestines or stomach, people with poor digestion. Developed even a special diet based on milk and semolina.

Semolina porridge is familiar to many people - this is the easiest dish to cook, which is quickly cooked and satisfies hunger. According to information from Russian chronicles of the 12th century, semolina was used as a festive dish.

Semolina cannot boast of an abundance of vitamins and minerals, like other cereals. But, if you cook it according to the recipe with the name, it becomes healthy, tasty and satisfying.

The unusual thing about semolina is that it can be called groats with a stretch - it is most likely flour. Also, there is little fiber in semolina, so

Semolina porridge is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to its enveloping action, semolina relieves spasms in gastritis and ulcers. It is recommended for food and after operations.

Many housewives use semolina as a natural thickener. They add it to sauces, creams, cutlets - and even to the dough.

Caution should be taken with semolina porridge for those people who have diabetes. Since semolina contains free sugars, which increase the glycemic index.

How to choose high-quality semolina?

When our children were small (and that was many years ago), there was no choice in buying semolina. Now, in modern retail chains, there is a choice. So let's talk about this right choice. Choose the right cereal - cook delicious porridge.

Semolina is a product of coarse grinding of wheat grains. It is produced both according to GOST and according to technical conditions. It is produced from three categories of wheat:

  • hard,
  • soft
  • mixed varieties.

Most often in stores there is semolina made from durum wheat, marked "T". Such cereals are suitable for making Guryev porridge, pies, casseroles, cakes.

Soft grain cereals labeled "M" and blends of "MT" varieties are slightly cheaper and at the same time have a richer taste.

Take the package in your hands - if it is cold, most likely the cereal is too wet. High humidity in semolina is the reason for the formation of lumps and the development of pathogenic bacteria. It is in the semolina that the food moth most often hides - so shake the bag to make sure that the cereal does not stick together due to cobwebs. And then, along with a poor-quality product, you will also bring pests home.

Proper and healthy semolina is dry and crumbly, without lumps and foreign particles. She never dusts. The formation of dust is inherent in fodder varieties that are not suitable for food.

An important indicator is the degree of grinding. To determine whether the size of the particles corresponds to the norm, the groats are passed through a sieve. The smaller the size of the grains, the more tender the consistency of the finished dish.

Semolina is stored from 6 to 10 months. It is important that the product does not get sunlight - this can affect the taste.

Cereal color

Semolina should be cream or white. Boiling white or, conversely, a grayish color is a sign of a violation of production technology.

Features of the composition of semolina - nutritional value of 100 g of the product

  • Proteins - 10 g
  • Carbohydrates - 67 g
  • Fats - 1 g
  • Vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9, PP, E
  • Trace elements - iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine
  • The energy value of dry cereals is 320 kcal
  • Glycemic index - 60 - 65
  • Contains gluten

The glycemic index is a measure of how much blood sugar rises when eating a particular food.

Gluten, also known as gluten, is a protein complex found in most grains and cereals that can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. Chronic gluten intolerance - celiac disease - occurs in approximately one hundredth inhabitant of the planet.

Semolina porridge: How to cook semolina porridge without lumps?

To avoid the appearance of lumps, semolina, constantly stirring, is poured into boiling milk in a thin stream. Approximate ratio: 3 tablespoons of cereals are taken for 1.5 cups of water or milk.

After the porridge has boiled, it must be boiled for 4-5 minutes (the usual way of cooking). Better to use

But there is another way that not everyone uses. A well-known Russian historian and culinary specialist, William Pokhlebkin, advises pouring semolina into milk through a sieve and cooking for no more than 1 - 2 minutes. Then cover with a lid and let stand for 10-15 minutes.

The taste of such porridge will be different - it is better oiled, and an unpleasant film will not appear on its surface. The secret here is that the porridge is not boiled, but “reproaches”, at this time it develops a special taste, which not all housewives know about.

The taste of such a proper porridge is different from porridge cooked in the usual way. In such a porridge, even small, separately existing grains can be distinguished. With this method, semolina porridge boils more than when boiled. Since the temperature of the steam of milk under a closed lid is higher than the temperature of the milk itself, boiled with an open lid. That's the whole secret number 1.

There is another cooking method, let's call it secret number 2. To do this, heat the semolina in a pan with butter until it turns slightly yellow, but do not let it burn. Then pour milk or a mixture of water and milk, where the water would be a little more than half. It is necessary to fill in directly in a deep frying pan, it is possible enameled.

After pouring, stir quickly and let boil for 2 - 3 minutes. Then tightly close the lid and also stand until completely swollen. This porridge tastes even better!

Take advantage of both of these methods. The first method is more suitable for baby food, and the second method is for adults.

Semolina porridge recipe: How to cook viscous semolina porridge?

Products for 5 servings (per 1 kg of viscous porridge):

  • 250 g semolina
  • 400 ml water
  • 400 ml milk
  • 30 g sugar
  • 50 g butter
  • salt - to taste

Recipe preparation:

Semolina needs to be sifted. Then pour in a thin stream into boiling milk with water, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes until thickened, add sugar, salt to taste.

When serving, put the semolina viscous porridge on a plate in a slide, pour over with butter.

Meatballs, meatballs, casseroles and other products are prepared from ready-made viscous semolina porridge.

Semolina porridge on the water - salty


  • 1/2 cup semolina
  • 2 + 1/2 cups of water
  • 1 bulb
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil


Fry semolina in vegetable oil until light golden brown.

Then dilute it with water, salt and cook, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished porridge with fried onions.

How to cook semolina porridge - with carrots?


  • carrots - 250 g
  • semolina - 100 g
  • sugar - 50 g
  • butter - 30 g
  • milk - 0.5 liters

Recipe preparation:

Carrots clean, wash, grate.

Then add sugar, butter to it and simmer over low heat - 1 hour.

Then pour milk into the carrots, boil, add semolina, salt, stir and put in the oven to cook.

Serve porridge with berries.

Semolina porridge recipe: how to cook semolina porridge with apple juice and raisins

Required products:

  • 1/2 cup semolina
  • 2 + 1/2 cups apple juice
  • 50 g raisins
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • lemon peel
  • granulated sugar

Recipe preparation:

Boil apple juice, add sugar, butter, lemon zest, washed raisins and semolina.

While stirring, cook the porridge.

Serve cold with fruit sauce.

Semolina porridge - the proportions of milk and semolina

For 1 cup of semolina you will need:

  • 5 glasses of milk
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Cooking semolina porridge with milk:

Pour cereal into boiling milk in a thin stream and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes until thickened.

Then put sugar, salt and stir. In porridge, you can put 1 - 2 tablespoons of oil.

Ready. Bon appetit!

Semolina porridge - recipe with apples


  • 250 g apples
  • 100 g semolina
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 25 g butter
  • cinnamon, salt, sugar - to taste


Pour semolina, salt into boiling milk and, stirring, cook for 8-10 minutes.

Then put butter and chopped apples on a fine grater.

Serve porridge sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar.

Delicious semolina porridge in a slow cooker with milk - video recipe

As you can see from the article, semolina is cooked according to the rules and without following the rules - that's why it is good. No special science is required to cook porridge. If it is cooked thick, it can be corrected and diluted with hot milk or water. Semolina porridge is loved not only at home, but it is in demand in hospitals, sanatoriums, resorts, canteens and other catering places.

  • 1 Semolina porridge with milk - a classic recipe
  • 2 Water cooking recipe
  • 3 How to cook porridge in a slow cooker?
  • 4 On powdered milk
  • 5 Liquid porridge for children
  • 6 How to cook semolina in the microwave?
  • 7 Thick semolina
  • 8 On milk and water

Semolina porridge is a frequent guest in every home. Especially in families with small children. But, even when often preparing such a dish, not every housewife knows how to cook semolina porridge correctly. The recipes published below will help to deal with this for everyone who is interested.

Semolina porridge with milk - a classic recipe

Fatty fresh cow's milk adds to the treat of satiety. A homemade product is ideal for its base, but store products can also be used. In addition to milk (1 tbsp.), From the products is taken: 4 small. tablespoons of cereals (with a slide), 15 g of butter, ½ small. tablespoons of salt, 1 large spoon of granulated sugar.

  1. Bring milk to a boil in a small saucepan.
  2. Immediately after that, all dry ingredients, except semolina, are poured into the container and mixed thoroughly.
  3. When the milk begins to boil again, you can gradually pour the cereal into it.
  4. With the second hand, the mass is intensively constantly stirred.
  5. When all the semolina is in milk, the ingredients should boil together for 3-4 minutes.

Before serving, semolina porridge in milk will be infused under the lid for 12-15 minutes.

water cooking recipe

If the house does not like milk, then you can deliciously cook semolina in drinking water. As a result, it will turn out to be less caloric. The simplest recipe for such a dish includes: 2.5 tbsp. liquids, small a spoonful of granulated sugar, half a glass of semolina, a pinch of salt, a piece of butter.

  1. The water in the saucepan is brought to a boil.
  2. Immediately after that, pour dry cereal into the dishes in a thin stream. This is done with constant stirring.
  3. Together, the ingredients are cooked for another 15-17 minutes.
  4. It remains to add sugar, salt, butter, and let the dish brew for 5-7 minutes.

Ready-made porridge on the water goes well with sweet additives: jam, jam, honey.

How to cook porridge in a slow cooker?

If the house has a miracle pot, then the porridge can be cooked in the evening, and in the morning you can find a fragrant hot dish in the slow cooker. To do this, take: 2 tbsp. milk, 1.5 tbsp. water, 0.5 tbsp. semolina, a pinch of salt, 2 large tablespoons of fatty butter and the same amount of granulated sugar.

  1. Sugar, salt, purified water and milk are immediately added to the bowl of the device.
  2. With a spoon, mix all the ingredients until completely dissolved.
  3. Next, semolina and oil are laid in the container. In the Multicook program, the dish will languish for about 25 minutes.

If you need semolina porridge in a slow cooker to be ready in the morning, then you should use the “delayed start” function.

On dry milk

Even milk powder can be the basis for a delicious hearty semolina porridge. In order for the dish to turn out without lumps, it is advisable to cook it in a bowl with a long handle, which must be thoroughly wiped with a towel before starting the process. It must be perfectly dry. From the products taken: 5 large spoons of powdered milk, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1/3 tbsp. semolina, half a liter of purified water, salt.

  1. Milk and semolina are immediately added to dry, convenient dishes. The dry mixture is thoroughly mixed and rubbed with a spoon. Even the smallest lumps must be eliminated, otherwise they will remain in the finished dish.
  2. Next, salt and sugar are sent to the container.
  3. Water is poured into the loose components in a thin stream. It is especially convenient to mix them with a whisk.
  4. The porridge is brought to a boil over low heat. After the appearance of the first bubbles, the mass is cooked for another 3-4 minutes, after which it is removed from the heat.

Season with butter to taste.

Liquid porridge for children

Modern pediatricians unanimously argue that you should not give semolina to babies. But for feeding babies older than a year, it is quite suitable. The main thing is to give it to the child no more than 1-2 times a week. Young children are more willing to try liquid semolina. It is prepared from the following products: 2 small. l. cereals, 1 small. l. granulated sugar, ½ tbsp. water and milk. This amount of ingredients will be enough for one child's serving.

  1. First of all, the cereal is thoroughly mixed. This will protect the dish from lumps.
  2. Next, the semolina is poured into boiling water in small portions with constant stirring.
  3. The dish is cooked for about 12 minutes.
  4. It remains to add sugar, pour in milk, bring the mass to a boil and remove from heat.

If the parents nevertheless decided to feed the baby with semolina, then such a liquid option is suitable for this purpose.

How to cook semolina in the microwave?

Modern technology can greatly simplify the process of cooking semolina porridge. To do this, you can use not only a slow cooker, but also a microwave oven. With it, the preparation of the dish under discussion will be significantly shortened. From the products you will need to prepare: 2 tbsp. cereals, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. fat milk, 3 tsp granulated sugar.

  1. All dry ingredients are poured into a deep dish designed specifically for the microwave oven and mixed thoroughly. This will protect the treat in the future from the appearance of unappetizing lumps.
  2. The ingredients are poured with non-cold milk.
  3. Then you can send the bowl to the microwave for 2 minutes at maximum power.
  4. Then mix and cook the same amount more.

It is delicious to serve a dish with any canned fruits or berries.

Thick semolina

Some gourmets prefer to eat only thick porridge, in which "a spoon stands." To prepare just such a variant of the treat, you need to correctly observe the proportions of semolina and the liquid used. Thick porridge will be the perfect hearty breakfast. For its preparation is used: 1 tbsp. cereals, a pinch of salt, 1 large spoonful of granulated sugar, 3 tbsp. fat milk.

  1. First, all dry ingredients are mixed in a separate container. They should not contain even the smallest lumps.
  2. Milk is brought to a boil in any thick-walled dish. If desired, you can mix it 50/50 with water. But this will reduce the calorie content of the dish and make it taste less intense.
  3. All bulk products are slowly poured into boiling milk.
  4. The treat is cooked for another 10-12 minutes.
  5. It is important to constantly stir the mass and not allow lumps to form.

It is delicious served with condensed milk.

On milk and water

In order to save money or to reduce the calorie content of milk semolina porridge, you can take milk for its preparation, half diluted with purified water. A total of 1.5 cups of liquid is taken. And, in addition: 2 large spoons of semolina, a pinch of salt, sugar to taste.

  1. First, water is poured into the pan and sent to the stove. After a couple of minutes, you can pour milk into it.
  2. The liquid is salted, granulated sugar is added to it to taste.
  3. As soon as foam begins to rise on the surface of the mixture, the fire must be reduced to a minimum value.
  4. Immediately you can pour a thin stream into a saucepan, previously sifted semolina. It is very important to stir constantly, not allowing lumps to form.
  5. When the dish boils for 2-3 minutes, you can turn off the stove, close it with a lid and leave it to infuse for 8-10 minutes.

Porridge is served in portions with a large amount of melted butter or ghee.

Homemade way to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes

The folk method will get rid of all the worms in 3 days!

Today we will talk in detail about how to cook semolina porridge without lumps. After all, many housewives refuse this healthy and very tasty dish just because they don’t have the slightest idea how to make it homogeneous and the right consistency. To correct this situation, in this article it was decided to present several options. Which one is the best is up to you.

Cooking semolina porridge with milk

Not everyone knows, but such a simple dish has many cooking options. Someone makes it only with fresh milk, someone - with ordinary water, and someone even uses the two mentioned ingredients at the same time. Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

Cooking semolina porridge in milk is quite easy and simple. To do this, we may need components such as:

  • milk as fresh as possible fat - 1;
  • semolina - 4 dessert spoons;
  • granulated sugar - add to taste (about 1-1.5 dessert spoons);
  • medium-sized table salt - a couple of small pinches;
  • fresh butter - 12-15 g (add to a ready-made dish).

Cooking process

To cook semolina porridge with milk, you should take dishes with a thick bottom. After all, this is the only way your dish will not stick and burn. Thus, it is necessary to pour full-fat milk into a bowl or pan, and then put it on the fire and gradually bring it to a boil. In this case, it is required to ensure that the product begins to boil well, but does not run away.

After the milk boils, it is necessary to pour it into it. Its amount depends entirely on whether you want to get a thick or liquid porridge. To avoid lumps, it is recommended to add cereals slowly and in small portions. In this case, the milk should be stirred with a spoon so that you get a kind of funnel. Only with this addition of semolina will the finished dish be as homogeneous as possible. If desired, sugar and fine table salt can be added to it (to taste).

It is advisable to cook semolina porridge in milk for about 9-11 minutes. During this time, all the grains will boil well, as a result of which you will get a very tasty and healthy dish without a single lump.

How to properly present to the table?

Semolina porridge, prepared according to the recipe described above, is not too liquid, homogeneous and very tasty. It should be served hot for breakfast or an afternoon snack. Additionally, it is recommended to flavor the dish with a piece of fresh butter.

Semolina porridge without lumps: a step-by-step recipe

How to make a delicious breakfast on the water? To do this, we need to prepare the following products:

  • ordinary cold water - 2 faceted glasses;
  • semolina - 7 full dessert spoons;
  • sugar brown sand - add to taste (about 1.5 dessert spoons);
  • fine iodized salt - a couple of pinches (add to taste);
  • fresh butter - 15-17 g (add to a ready-made dish if desired).

Cooking process

As in the previous recipe, semolina porridge on water will cook faster and turn out much tastier if you use a small saucepan with a thick bottom to cook it. It is necessary to pour ordinary cold water into the dishes, and then pour semolina and mix thoroughly. After that, it is recommended to leave the ingredients aside for 6-9 minutes. After this time, the saucepan should be placed on medium heat and wait for the liquid to boil completely. At the same time, the contents of the dishes must be stirred regularly, since the grits that have settled to the bottom can stick and burn.

After the water boils, salt and sugar should be added to the porridge to taste. It is desirable to cook it on very low heat for about 8-12 minutes. In this case, the dish must be constantly stirred with a spoon.

Proper serving to the table

Semolina porridge on the water is most often made for diet food or for those who have intolerance to dairy products. Serve it to the table should be hot. If you want to lose weight, then adding butter, jam, honey and other sweets to the finished dish is highly discouraged. Otherwise, all of the listed products can be safely used. After all, with them, semolina porridge will become much tastier, healthier and more nutritious. Even the most fastidious and capricious child will not refuse such a breakfast.

One cannot ignore the fact that semolina porridge boiled in water differs slightly in taste and color from that which is cooked only in milk. Such a dish is more gray and less high-calorie.

Cooking delicious and semi-milk

How to cook semolina porridge without lumps? Many housewives dream about this. After all, it is not very pleasant to use a heterogeneous dish with large or even small lumps. And this is done quite easily.

So, we need:

  • semolina - 6 dessert spoons;
  • filtered drinking water - ½ cup;
  • fat milk of maximum freshness - 1.7 faceted glasses;
  • fine sand sugar - 2 dessert spoons (to taste and desire);
  • sea ​​salt - a few pinches (to taste);
  • wheat or rye bread, butter, hard cheese, jam, honey, etc. - for serving.

How to cook porridge?

The presented recipe for semolina porridge (you can find the photo in this article) provides for the simultaneous use of both milk and drinking water. It should be especially noted that it is this version of the dish that is most popular among housewives. Ready-made porridge is tasty, satisfying and nutritious. To create it, you need to take a small saucepan and pour filtered drinking water into it. After that, it is necessary to add semolina to the liquid and mix everything thoroughly. Leaving the dishes with the contents at room temperature, you should start preparing the milk. It must be poured into a bowl, put on a strong fire and boil. In this case, it is imperative to ensure that the product does not run away.

After the milk boils, the dishes with water and semolina should be placed on a gas stove and mixed again. Without bringing to a full boil, it is necessary to pour a hot fatty dairy product into the ingredients. It is advisable to mix all the components well with a spoon, set the fire to maximum and wait for the seething. After that, sugar and sea salt should be added to the porridge to taste. During cooking, it is recommended to stir it periodically, otherwise the grains will stick to the bottom of the dish and burn.

It is desirable to cook semolina porridge in semi-milk for about 13 minutes. After the dish is ready, you need to remove it from the stove, add a small piece of butter (directly into the pan), and then close it tightly and leave it in this position for 5 minutes. During this time, the cooking oil will completely melt, and the porridge will reach the desired consistency.

Proper serving of semolina porridge for breakfast

Now you know how to cook semolina porridge without lumps in semi-milk. It should be noted that such a dish turns out to be very tasty, satisfying and nutritious. Serve it to family members preferably in a hot state. In addition to porridge, it is recommended to present a sandwich made from a piece of rye or wheat bread, a thin layer of butter and a slice of hard cheese. If desired, children can be offered fresh honey or jam.

Making breakfast in a slow cooker

How to cook semolina porridge without lumps in a slow cooker? Perhaps this is the easiest and fastest way of all presented above. Moreover, a dish made in a modern kitchen device always turns out homogeneous and without a single lump. But this is only on condition that you use the special program "Milk porridge" for its preparation.

So, to make such a delicious breakfast for your family and friends, you need to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • semolina - 5 dessert spoons;
  • fat milk of maximum freshness - 1 faceted glass;
  • filtered drinking water - 1 glass;
  • medium-sized sea salt - a few pinches (to taste);
  • fine sugar sand - 2-2.5 dessert spoons (add at will and personal discretion);
  • butter - 35 g.

The process of cooking in a multicooker

To make such a simple but nutritious and healthy breakfast, you should pour fresh full-fat milk and regular filtered drinking water into the bowl of the kitchen appliance. After that, it is necessary to pour semolina, sugar and medium-sized sea salt into the same container. Next, all the ingredients should be thoroughly mixed, closed and set to the mode. At the same time, the multicooker will set the time on its own.

After the selected program is completed and the device beeps, add a piece of fresh butter to the porridge, and then mix everything thoroughly. In this composition, the dish needs to be covered again with a lid and heated for about 3-6 minutes.

How to serve porridge for breakfast?

Semolina porridge should be served only when it is hot. In addition to such a nutritious and healthy dish, you can serve any sweets (berries, fruits, honey, jam, etc.), a sandwich with butter, tea or freshly brewed cocoa.

  1. Liquid semolina porridge turns out to be more tasty than thick. Although there is no dispute about tastes. If you want to make a more viscous dish, then you need to add more cereal to the main liquid (about 4-5 dessert spoons of semolina for 1 glass).
  2. Semolina porridge will turn out without lumps if you pour the cereal into cold milk or water. If the liquid is hot, then a cycle should be formed in it and only then a bulk product should be added.
  3. To make a breakfast of semolina porridge more satisfying and nutritious, you can add fresh fruits, berries, as well as honey or jam to it.
  4. Cooking semolina should not be 2-3 minutes, but at least 5-8 minutes. After all, only with prolonged heat treatment, the grains will completely boil, and the dish will turn out to be more tasty and homogeneous.

The title of democratic has firmly entrenched behind this porridge. Seems impossible to mess it up! To make it liquid, you can simply add more water or milk, and at the very end of cooking, if it suddenly thickens. For greater density, you can cook a little longer, and you get what you need! Semolina porridge on water and milk is so unpretentious that most of us do not even know how to cook it correctly. But in ancient Rus' it was considered a whole art! And not by accident.

Manna from heaven or food for feasts

Perhaps the expression "manna from heaven" came to us from the Bible. But in Russian culture, it was fixed precisely in relation to semolina. Before the Soviet period, it was considered not just a "delicacy", but food for holidays and feasts. In the 12th century, the word porridge, which referred specifically to semolina, was associated exclusively with solemn feasts. Groats were not available to ordinary people, so only a few knew how to cook semolina.

The reason for such a narrow distribution was the technique for the production of cereals. Or rather, flour, because semolina is a product of wheat processing. That is ground finely and finely and passed through a sieve. The smallest grains are sifted and packaged like flour. And a little larger, which do not pass through the sieves, are selected and called semolina.

So, in the XII century, to which the first mentions of the product in Russian chronicles belong, the grinding technology was very expensive. It remained so for an extremely long time, until the Soviet period, when there were many mills and bread became "the property of the people." Since then, semolina has become popular, but the traditions of its preparation have not been preserved. Therefore, they cook it as it should. According to culinary theorists, for example, the famous Russian historian and culinary specialist William Pokhlebkin, completely losing both the taste and the benefits of the product.

Subtleties of cooking

No need to think that the question of how to cook liquid semolina is extremely simple or akin to art. It has several subtleties that are important to consider. Thanks to their observance, the dish will turn out without lumps, and without that hated “foam” that everyone remembers from childhood.

  • The proportions of semolina porridge in milk and water are the basis of a good dish. To make it moderately liquid, 100 grams of cereal should be used for 500 ml of water (milk).
  • Pour the cereal through a sieve. This will prevent lumps from appearing in the dish. Semolina should be dispelled over a boiling liquid and mixed intensively.
  • Stir non-stop. This is important so that the grains do not stick together into lumps, and the porridge does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  • Cook quickly. When asked how long it takes to cook semolina porridge, professional chefs answer: no more than two minutes! Pour the cereal into the pan, mix vigorously and turn it off after 2 minutes. Then cover with a lid and wrap with a towel. It is under the influence of steam that porridge should reach readiness. By the way, its temperature is higher than the liquid itself during boiling, due to which the grains swell faster. You can serve porridge 10 minutes after the “steam bath”.
  • Add additional ingredients after the porridge is ready. A good choice for breakfast is to cook semolina porridge in milk and add butter, honey, fruits or bananas to it. Each ingredient is perfectly combined with the delicate taste of the main product. But perhaps, having prepared the porridge correctly, you will not want to flavor it with anything other than butter!

That same hated foam on the surface of the porridge appears due to long cooking. While the cereal is boiling, starch and protein are destroyed in it, which then float to the surface. Such a product no longer contains useful vitamins and valuable protein, its consistency is too thick, and the taste is lost. Therefore, do not exceed the time of keeping the cereal on fire!

Delicious recipes

The unpretentiousness of the product is manifested in the possibility of its preparation both on a gas stove and in a microwave oven, in absolutely any dish, with any additives. But only in a saucepan and under the influence of its own steam, the groats reach ideally, acquire the optimal consistency. The grains in it are preserved whole, distinguishable, and the taste is rich and rich.

But if there is no time or desire to warm the milk on the stove or stir the porridge, you can use the microwave. The easiest recipe for liquid semolina is to mix a glass of cold milk with two teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, add 2 tablespoons of cereal and put in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. After the signal, add a piece of butter and leave for another 1.5 minutes. The quick meal is ready.

We will try how to cook semolina porridge correctly, using the advice of professional chefs. So we will find out what the true taste of cereals is, which in Rus' was considered the food of the rich and "manna from heaven."

On milk

A great dish for a children's breakfast, the preparation of which will take a minimum of time.

You will need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Pour the grits into a sieve, gradually “fly” over the pan, stirring constantly.
  3. Boil for 2 minutes without stopping stirring.
  4. Turn off the gas, cover the pan with a towel.
  5. After 10 minutes, add a piece of butter and sugar, mix and serve.

In a similar way, a porridge is prepared on water; after cooking, it can be flavored not with sugar, but with salt and onion frying. Such a breakfast may seem unusual, but it was in this form that cereals were often served in old Russian cuisine.

with banana

This version of semolina with a banana will diversify the children's menu. And perhaps he will reconcile adults with her, in whose memory semolina has remained an unloved porridge from the kindergarten cafeteria.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • semolina - 200 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • bananas - 2 medium-sized fruits;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Take out the butter and let it soften at room temperature.
  2. Boil the milk, reduce the heat and gradually add the cereal. Stir for 2 minutes.
  3. Add sugar, stir, remove from heat, leave covered.
  4. Whisk bananas with butter.
  5. Pour the banana mixture into the porridge, mix.

This recipe is delicious and healthy. Banana will saturate breakfast with valuable elements, because it is rich in potassium and vitamins. The fruit is well digested and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time.

With strawberry

In the summer, you can try to cook semolina with fruits or berries. Strawberries are an excellent choice for porridge. You need a lot of berries for the dish to get a rich taste. And we will also increase the amount of sugar, because strawberries can give grits an unpleasant sourness.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • semolina - 200 g;
  • strawberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200 g.


  1. Pour the cereal into the boiling milk. Leave on low heat for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the gas, cover the porridge with a lid.
  2. Rub sugar with strawberries. It is convenient to beat the mass in a blender.
  3. Pour strawberry mass over porridge, laid out in portioned plates. Serve warm.

Such a dish can become an unexpected tasty dessert for a children's table. You can decorate it when serving with whole berries.

Now you know what semolina porridge is made of and what are the rules for its preparation. We hope that a tasty and healthy product will be more often found on your table!
