
Air mannik. Very simple, amazingly tasty and tender "Mannik with bananas"

Everyone can cook a delicious lush mannik. It will take a little time and a minimum set of products available in every home.

This cake will be a great treat for tea!

Step-by-step classic kefir manna recipe - general principles

We need four main ingredients:

Kefir - a fermented milk product should be fresh, without sourness. Can be replaced with natural yogurt, yogurt.

For splendor, put a little soda in the dough. There is no need to extinguish it with vinegar, kefir contains acid. First, the semolina is soaked in kefir for some time until it swells, the eggs are beaten separately with sugar, then both masses are mixed and the batter is kneaded in consistency resembling thick sour cream.

Additionally, you can put cocoa, pieces of chocolate, berries, fruits, candied fruits, raisins, condensed milk, citrus zest into the dough. Vanillin, cinnamon, cardamom are added for flavor if desired.

The cooking time for manna varies from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on whether an oven or a slow cooker is used, what size and diameter the shape is, etc. It’s easy to check the readiness of the cake - stick any wooden skewer into the manna, if the stick is dry - ready, wet or with sticky dough - let the cake rest.

The finished product can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, pour glaze. Often mannik is used as a biscuit for making cakes.

1. Mannik on kefir: a classic step-by-step recipe in the oven

Perhaps this is the easiest step-by-step recipe for manna, where there are no extra ingredients, everything is extremely simple and clear. Its advantage is also that you can adapt it to your taste by adding certain products, choosing a slow cooker instead of an oven, varying the amount of sugar as desired.


Semolina - 200 grams;

250 ml of kefir 20% fat;

2 chicken eggs;

Sugar - half a glass.

As an additional ingredient, take 10 grams of soda, thanks to soda, the manna will turn out to be porous and rise well when baking. It is permissible to replace soda with a baking ripper. You will also need a small piece of butter or margarine to grease the mold and about half a glass of powdered sugar to sprinkle the baked manna.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, turn on the oven so that it warms up to a temperature of 170 degrees. It is not worth setting a higher temperature regime, otherwise the manna will burn on top, and it will not have time to bake inside.

2. Pour semolina into a deep bowl, pour in kefir, stir well with a spoon until the lumps disappear, cover the container with a towel, set aside for a few minutes so that the semolina absorbs all the kefir.

3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with granulated sugar with a mixer until a stable foam.

4. Enter the beaten eggs with sugar into the swollen semolina, mix well until smooth.

5. Add soda to the resulting mass or add baking powder for dough, mix well again.

6. Take a detachable form or baking sheet. The baking container must be deep, otherwise the dough may leak out of the mold during baking. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, sprinkle with semolina (if there is no extra semolina left, then sprinkle the form with wheat flour).

7. Lay out the cooked dough, smooth the surface well with a plastic spatula.

8. Place the mold in a hot oven, bake the manna for a little more than half an hour. Do not open the oven while baking, because the manna can settle and lose its splendor.

9. After the allotted time, make sure, by looking through the glass of the oven, that the manna is covered with a beautiful light brown crust. Open the oven, check the cake for readiness with a skewer.

10. Remove the manna from the mold while hot, carefully place it on a flat large plate, cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can also smear the mannik with any jam or jam if you wish.

11. When serving, cut the mannik into portioned pieces, serve with tea or milk.

2. Mannik on kefir with candied fruit: a classic step-by-step recipe in a slow cooker

In this recipe, you can use absolutely any candied fruit: kiwi, orange, berries, apricots. If desired, you can replace candied fruits with dried fruits, such as raisins or dried apricots. If you decide to use dry fruits, then they must first be soaked, then, if necessary, cut into small pieces.


Semolina - 320 grams;

Kefir of medium fat content - half a liter;

320 grams of wheat flour;

Butter - half a pack;

Three chicken eggs;

Sugar - 400 grams;

Three handfuls of candied fruits.

To give the manna a special flavor, take another small pack of vanillin. And in order for the manna to turn out crumbly and lush, do not forget to prepare ten grams of soda or baking powder for the dough.

Cooking method:

1. Pour kefir into a large container, add soda, mix.

2. Soak semolina in kefir, leave it for a few minutes to swell.

3. Break eggs into another clean deep bowl, add granulated sugar, vanillin and beat with a mixer until a stable fluffy foam.

4. Put some butter in a small plate and melt it in the microwave.

5. Cool the melted butter, add it to the semolina swollen in kefir, add beaten eggs, mix well with a spoon.

6. Pour the flour into the prepared mass in small portions, but only before that, be sure to sift it through a sieve so that the flour is enriched with oxygen, mix thoroughly until a soft thick mass.

7. Add candied fruits to the resulting medium density dough. If the candied fruits are very large, then cut them into several small pieces before adding them, and if they are small, then lay them whole. Mix well again.

8. In the slow cooker, set the "baking" mode, heat it up to a temperature of 170 degrees.

9. Lubricate the multicooker container with oil, sprinkle with semolina and lay out the dough, level the surface with a plastic spatula.

10. Set the multicooker time to 70 minutes, close the lid and bake until the beep sounds.

11. After the beep, carefully open the lid of the multicooker, remove the mannik from the container, put it on a metal grill to cool.

12. Optionally, you can coat the finished cake with jam, jam or sprinkle with powdered sugar. When serving, cut the mannik into portioned pieces, serve with tea.

3. Mannik on kefir: a classic step-by-step recipe with banana and condensed milk

This recipe differs from the previous ones in that here manna is used as the basis for making a cake filled with banana and condensed milk. You can replace the filling with any other you like. Mannik goes well with melted chocolate, protein cream, canned peaches, various nuts.


300 grams of semolina;

Kefir 20% fat - 350 ml;

Wheat flour - 15 tablespoons;

Sugar - 7 large spoons;

Condensed milk - one jar;

Butter - 150 grams;

Three medium bananas.

Cooking method:

1. Mannik according to this recipe will be baked in the oven, so first turn it on so that it heats up to the desired temperature (170-180 degrees).

2. As in previous recipes, mix semolina with kefir, pour in granulated sugar, mix, cover with a clean cloth and leave for a few minutes to swell semolina.

3. In a dry, clean frying pan, melt a little butter, cool.

4. Pour the cooled butter into the well-swollen semolina.

5. Mix the sifted flour with baking soda, pour the mass into the semolina with kefir and butter, mix well with a spoon until a homogeneous thick consistency.

6. Prepare a deep baking dish: grease it with butter and sprinkle with semolina or flour. It is most convenient to use a detachable form, so it is much easier to take out the finished baking.

7. Put the mold in a hot oven and bake for a little over half an hour.

8. When the mannik is covered with a light brown crust, open the oven, prick the mannik with a thin wooden stick, if the stick is dry, then the mannik is ready.

9. Remove the baked mannik from the mold, put it on a metal grill, cool.

10. Cut the mannik lengthwise into two identical cakes.

11. Pour condensed milk onto the cakes and spread well with a plastic spatula.

12. Peel the bananas, cut them into slices. Spread bananas on one cake, cover with a second cake, press firmly, put on a flat plate and leave to soak for half an hour.

13. On top, if desired, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.

14. When serving, cut the manna into small pieces, serve with tea or coffee.

Step-by-step classic kefir manna recipe - tricks and tips

If you like a "grainy" pie, so to speak with a light crunch, do not soak the semolina in kefir for too long, 20-30 minutes will be enough.

Semolina will swell faster if you put it not in cold kefir. Remove the fermented milk product from the refrigerator in advance.

Mannik is easily removed from the mold if it is greased with butter or sprinkled with semolina or flour before baking.

If you decide to put dried fruits in the dough, do not forget to soak and dry them first.

If you are not allergic to honey, you can replace some of the sugar with it. It will give the manna a beautiful golden brown color, ennoble its taste.

Did the dough come out runny? Pour a little flour, the same semolina or ground oatmeal or corn flakes.

Many housewives are familiar with manna recipes today. They are passed down through generations, and the secrets of cooking replenish the treasury of recipes from our grandmothers and mothers. Such a wide recognition is explained by the simplicity of the composition and elementary preparation. Mannik on kefir is the most common dessert in many families.

Mannik on kefir

The basics of making delicious manna on kefir

So getting ready semolina mannik, which is finely ground wheat. Since this is not flour, the dish is more healthy and satisfying. Kefir is used here as an ingredient to create splendor. For a similar effect, use soda or baking powder.

Before cooking semolina soaked in kefir and leave overnight in the cold under the lid. Yesterday's kefir is also suitable - the main thing is not to be too sour. If there is a desire to surprise loved ones, manna on kefir can be supplemented with fruits or drinking yogurt.

A lot of time for cooking mannik will not require, as well as special culinary skills. Berries or fruits can serve as additives, and you can add flavor to the cake with cardamom, vanilla and cinnamon.

If the recipe provides for eggs, they should first be beaten with granulated sugar and then sent to the dough.

Amazing kefir manna recipes

Strawberry mannik on kefir


  • 250 g strawberries
  • 2 eggs,
  • 100 g butter (butter),
  • ½ tsp salt,
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 200 g of flour, semolina, kefir and sugar.

Cooking process:

Semolina is poured with kefir so that it brews for about an hour. Proteins are whipped into a fluffy persistent foam, and egg yolks are separately ground with sugar and butter. All mixtures are mixed into one, flour with baking powder is poured there. Half of the dough volume is placed in a mold, berries are placed on it and the rest of the dough is poured on top.

The form with manna is sent to a preheated oven at 1800C and left for about thirty minutes. Further, the temperature is increased to 2000C, and bake for another ten minutes. The finished dish can be sprinkled with powder on top.

Mannik from the multicookeron kefir

Using this technique, you can bake a wonderful fluffy cake.


  • one glass of flour, semolina and kefir;
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking powder
  • 100 g butter (butter),
  • 100 g of your favorite dried fruits.

Cooking process:

Groats insist in kefir to swell for about one hour. Eggs are combined with granulated sugar until dissolved and oil is sent there. Dried apricots with raisins are washed under a stream of water and chopped with a knife. Prepared fruits are mixed with dough and poured into a slow cooker, oiled from the inside.

In the baking mode, the dish is cooked for 50 minutes.

Original mannik on pumpkin kefir with liquor


  • 100 g pumpkin,
  • 300 g semolina,
  • one glass of kefir and granulated sugar,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 20 g fruit liqueur,
  • ½ teaspoon of soda.

Cooking process:

Beat the eggs well, add kefir with the selected liquor to them and mix. Semolina is combined with sugar and the mixture is poured into the egg-kefir liquid in a thin stream, stirring. Soda must be quenched with boiling water and mixed with dough. Grated pumpkin is sent to the prepared mass and left to brew for forty minutes.

The form is greased with oil and then the prepared dough is carefully poured into it. Mannik is baked for about 30 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 1800C. Then the form is taken out, allowed to cool for 15 minutes, and sprinkled with powder. You can cut it when it cools down.

Mannik on kefir with condensed milk and bananas


  • a glass of granulated sugar, kefir and semolina,
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 100 g butter,
  • jar of condensed milk,
  • 3 bananas
  • 0.5 tablespoons of soda.

Cooking process:

Combine semolina, kefir and granulated sugar in a bowl. Then the dough rests for a couple of hours on the table. Then butter with flour is sent to it, and the mass is thoroughly kneaded.

The form is lubricated with oil and sprinkled with cereals, and then the dough is laid out there. Bake it for 40 minutes (temperature 1800C). The finished mannik is taken out and cut lengthwise with a strong thread or fishing line. The resulting cakes are smeared with condensed milk, and cut bananas are laid out on the underside of the mannik. Put the other half on top and insist for half an hour.

Useful Tricks

  • for easy extraction of the cake, the walls and bottom of the mold are sprinkled with semolina, dusted with flour or covered with oiled parchment;
  • you can send fruit to the manna;
  • the form is turned over and its bottom is covered with a wet towel in order to quickly pull out the mannik;
  • you can serve the cake with decorations from berries, condensed milk and cream.

Since childhood, everyone remembers the words "... scraped through the bottom of the barrel, ... kneaded the dough ...". Ancient Russian cuisine is unusually simple in technology, the products that are used in it do not need to be searched for three to nine lands, especially in our time, and economy and frugality are its main credo.

Old acquaintances: recipes for the well-known manna

All of us were fed semolina porridge in childhood. Someone recalls with horror the nasty lumps in the kindergarten semolina, while others fondly recall the tender vanilla delicacy prepared by their mother. What is useful semolina? Let's talk today about this and about how to make the well-known semolina pie.

Semolina is the only cereal that is digested in the lower intestine. Moving through the intestines, semolina cleanses it of mucus, removes excess fat, so it is recommended to be used as an indispensable food for people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines.

How to cook mannik on kefir

Dough with flour in cooking is considered more capricious. With semolina, baking rises more easily, so the cake turns out to be very magnificent. You can easily knead the dough out of it without fear of ruining a new manicure. In addition to semolina, the recipe includes butter, eggs, sugar and flour. Sometimes baking powder is added with soda. Cooking manna on kefir in the oven has several features:

  1. For a change in taste, the pie is made with pumpkin, apples, chocolate chips, berries, raisins, candied fruit, or even cabbage.
  2. To make the cake more like a cake, you can sprinkle it on top with powdered sugar, smear with jam, icing or fudge.
  3. To get a juicy biscuit, it is soaked with sour cream, cognac, rum, condensed milk or jam.

Recipe for manna on kefir with a photo

According to the traditional recipe, semolina is first soaked in cold water and allowed to stand for a couple of hours. So it will swell, and grains will not be felt in the finished baking. In other recipes, fermented milk products, even sour ones, are used for soaking. In any case, mouth-watering desserts with different flavors are obtained. With kefir, the cake becomes lush and porous. How long is it baked? Almost all kefir manna recipes suggest keeping the cake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for about 40-45 minutes.

Manna recipe on kefir classic

Cooking time: 2 hours. Servings: 5 persons. Calorie content of the dish: 290 kcal. Purpose: for an afternoon snack. Cuisine: Russian. Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The secret to getting a fluffy tender cake is very simple.. It lies in the soaking of cereals in kefir for at least half an hour. As a result, the biscuit will be crumbly and tall. It is also called a glass, because the main ingredients are taken in the amount of one glass. It is easy to diversify the classic mannik on kefir if you cook it with an orange or apples.


  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2/3 tbsp.;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • semolina - 1 tbsp.

Method of preparation: Soak the groats with kefir, let stand for about an hour. Then stir in eggs, sugar, vanilla, baking powder. Salt, shift the mass into a greased baking dish. Send to the oven, stand there for 50 minutes. The optimum temperature is 220 degrees. Hold the finished cake in the form for another 5 minutes, then take it out and decorate, for example, with powdered sugar.

What we need:

1 cup semolina
1 glass of kefir
2 eggs
1 cup of sugar
½ tsp soda (do not extinguish)
a piece of butter for greasing the mold.

Mannik recipe on kefir: how to cook

Mix semolina and kefir in a bowl, mix well. Leave for 10-15 minutes. In a separate bowl, lightly beat 2 eggs and sugar. Add soda, stir. Add the egg mass to kefir with semolina. Mix well. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking dish with a piece of butter. Pour the resulting dough into a mold, bake for 25-30 minutes.

Manna recipe in a slow cooker


  • Kefir - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Manka - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 100g
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Soda - 0.3 tsp

How to cook mannik in a slow cooker: pour semolina with kefir and let stand for about 20 minutes. Then add eggs, melted butter, sugar and flour with soda and baking powder. Mix thoroughly. Pour the dough into the greased bowl of the multicooker and set the “baking for 30-40 minutes” mode.

Raspberry Coconut Recipe


  • semolina - 1 cup
  • flour - 1 cup
  • coconut flakes - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • sour cream - 1 cup
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • baking powder dough - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack
  • raspberries - 1.5 cups

How to make Coconut Raspberry Manna: to start, take 2 medium eggs - put them in a bowl and beat with a mixer (at medium speed) until foam forms.

Add sugar, sour cream and again beat everything well with a mixer. Next, add vanilla sugar, sift flour with baking powder immediately into the dough and mix thoroughly.

Add semolina and coconut flakes. Now you need to let the dough stand for a bit, so that the semolina swells and the dough thickens.

Prepare the form in the meantime. If you have silicone, you can not lubricate it. Cover Teflon or other parchment paper and grease with oil, then sprinkle with a little semolina.

Pour into a mold, smooth with a spatula. Now let's get to the raspberries. If you have it fresh (when the season), then wash and dry. If frozen, then defrost and dry a little.

We spread the berries on top of the dough. We bake mannik for 35-40 minutes, in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Allow the manna to cool slightly in the mold (about 30 minutes). Carefully remove the cake from the mold and transfer to a dish.

  • In the preparation of bulk dough, it is important to maintain the same ratio of liquid and solid ingredients. Remember:
  • Flour, cocoa, semolina, starch - dry ingredients;
  • Sugar, eggs, honey, butter, milk or sour cream, fresh berries consist mainly of water, so they are considered the liquid part in the dough.
  • Manna dough, as a rule, should have the consistency of sour cream. This is a bulk dough, and the principle of its preparation is similar to the preparation of a biscuit. You can add eggs to it without beating, but if you beat them first and carefully add to the dough, trying not to precipitate the foam, then the mannik will be more magnificent and tender.

Among the various cereals that we use every day in the kitchen, semolina stands out for its amazing properties. With this cereal, you will not only cook porridge, but also bake a lot of pies. Hand on heart, let's say that not everyone loves semolina porridge, but almost no one will refuse delicious porridge.

There are a lot of recipes for semolina pies, but mannik cooked on kefir with the addition of flour, which is used by most housewives, is especially popular. Kefir in this recipe serves as the basis for giving manna splendor, porosity and extraordinary taste, and flour, in turn, gives it a special tenderness. The highlight of this recipe is that the fermentation process, in which baking powder and kefir take part, does not occur when the dough is kneaded, but directly during the baking of the pie in the oven.

Making a Mannik Dough: A Step-by-Step Recipe

So, to prepare manna on kefir with flour, we need the following ingredients:

  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • butter (can be margarine) - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • eggs - 1-2 pieces;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup.

Dough kneading

At the beginning of cooking, pour semolina with kefir and leave to swell for at least half an hour. The better the semolina is saturated with kefir, the more magnificent and crumbly our cake will turn out.

Some housewives generally put semolina to swell in the evening, and in the morning they prepare one of the most delicious breakfasts in this way, because mannik is baked in 6 minutes, but more on that later.

So, having put the semolina to swell, we proceed to other ingredients:

1. Slightly melt the butter or margarine, mix it with granulated sugar with a fork.

2. Whisk the eggs into a strong foam.

3. At the next stage, wheat flour, sifted through a sieve, mix with baking powder.

4. After the required time has elapsed, add all the other ingredients to the semolina swollen in kefir: butter, grated with sugar, beaten eggs, flour mixed with baking powder.

5. Knead the dough, in consistency it should be similar to not very thick sour cream.

How to bake

1. Prepare a baking dish. To do this, it needs to be slightly heated in the oven and only then greased with vegetable oil. To prevent the cake from sticking to the walls of the mold, sprinkle them lightly with semolina, and only after that pour the dough.

2. Mannik is baked on kefir with flour for 30-40 minutes at a heating temperature of 180 degrees.

3. If you need to reduce the baking time, for example, the guests are already on the doorstep and there is absolutely no time to wait, you can resort to using a microwave oven. In this case, you must set the power to 600W and make sure that the selected baking dish can be used in the microwave. In extreme cases, pour the dough into a glass mold, also greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with semolina. In this case, the cooking time of manna will be only 6 minutes, but its readiness can be easily checked with a match or a toothpick.

How to decorate the top of baking

After taking the cake out of the oven or microwave, be sure to let it cool. Only after that the mannik is cut and served on the table. The top of the pie can be smeared with sour cream, the recipe for which is very simple. You will need 4 tablespoons of sour cream and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. You just need to make the cream in advance so that the sugar has time to dissolve properly.

Fans of thick sour cream can be advised to slightly diversify a simple recipe using gelatin or ½ teaspoon of agar-agar, which is combined with 1/3 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar. All this is brought to a boil, slowly poured into sour cream with constant whipping. Let the cream cool down, and then apply it on top of the manna. If you do not want to cook sour cream, you can grease the top of the pie with condensed milk or melted chocolate.

You can bring innovation to the recipe, so beloved by all, by adding, for example, dried fruits or nuts, fresh or frozen berries, zest of any citrus fruit. Just mix them into the already prepared dough before laying in the form. Well, if you are a fan of experimenting, and the recipe is too simple for you, you can give it originality by adding cottage cheese or cheese, grated vegetables, honey to the dough.

Don't forget to leave a comment and bon appetit!

The classic manna recipe suggests that it is prepared on the basis of a fermented milk product. Most often, housewives choose kefir. Due to it, the cake turns out high, lush and porous.

If you want to give the cake a creamier taste, try replacing the fermented milk product with sour cream or milk - then the mannik will become softer and more elastic. If desired, you can put dried fruits, nuts or any berries in the dough. I used a few fresh cherries. The recipe is very simple, and the mannik itself is easy to prepare. This requires a minimum of products that are likely to be found in any home. The pie is very tasty.



Remember the main secret of making a classic manna: liquid products must be added to dry ones, and not vice versa. It is clear that the first thing to do in a bowl is to mix the dry ingredients: flour, semolina, granulated sugar and soda.

In this mixture, add eggs with kefir. Many housewives first combine kefir with eggs and beat with a whisk, and only then add it to flour and semolina. But this is completely optional.

Mix everything well with a spoon. The dough should have a homogeneous viscous consistency, in which there are no lumps.

Grease a metal baking dish with vegetable oil. It must be smeared wherever it will come into contact with the dough. If you have a silicone mold, then you do not need to oil it. Pour the mixture and spread evenly over the mold.

Spread cherries on top of the dough. When the cake begins to rise, the cherry will be in the middle and will be revealed only after you cut the manna into slices.

We send the form with its contents to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and leave it there for 30 - 40 minutes. Bake mannik until golden brown.

Do not remove the manna from the mold until it has cooled down. When hot, it is very easy to break.

The finished cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top, decorated with fudge, condensed milk or jam. Mannik can be served with tea and coffee, and on hot summer days with cold milk. Bon appetit!

P.S.: You can tell about your secrets of making manna on kefir in the comments to the article. One simple recipe is good, but several are even better.

The author's photos of Maria Narushevich were used in the design of the master class. Copying is prohibited!
