
Oriental dolma in a slow cooker: simple recipes. Cooking exotic dolma in a slow cooker

If you are fed up with traditional cabbage rolls, try making dolma. Now in any supermarket you can buy canned grape leaves. It is they who give dolma an unusual, special taste. And I will tell you how to cook dolma in a slow cooker, because our favorite assistant can even handle exotic dishes.

Dolma in a slow cooker recipe with a photo will help in the implementation of the plan and, I hope, you will like this version of the famous dish. Minced meat for dolma is best prepared from beef or lamb, although mixed pork and beef will not distort the original taste too much.

Grape leaves are suitable both salted and pickled. They will add a pleasant sourness and piquancy. In general, only grape leaves are exotic in dolma, all other ingredients are quite familiar and can be found in any kitchen.

Before you cook dolma in a slow cooker, prepare everything you need.

For dolma in grape leaves, a recipe in a slow cooker will be required
Minced meat 500 grams
Onion 1 large head (150 grams)
Grape leaves 30-40 pieces
Rice 3 heaping tablespoons
ground coriander 1/2 teaspoon
dried basil 1/2 teaspoon
tomato paste 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon
Salt taste
Ground black pepper taste

Dolma in a slow cooker recipe with photo step by step

Leaves removed from the jar, pour boiling water for 5 minutes.

We make minced beef or lamb.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into small cubes.

Wash the rice thoroughly in cold water. It is convenient to put the rice in a sieve and wash under running water.

Place mince, onion and rice in a bowl.

Salt, pepper, add coriander and basil. Alternatively, you can also season with dried mint.

Put a teaspoon with a slide of filling on a grape leaf. We put it on the edge of the sheet where the leg was attached, wrap it in the manner of cabbage rolls. If you strictly follow the canons, then put the minced meat on the side on which the veins protrude. However, I do not always follow this, because I did not understand why :).

The leaves in the jar turned out to be too carved, but nothing, even wrapping dolma in such is not difficult at all.

These are the grape dumplings-dolmushki obtained.

Place a few grape leaves on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Substandard will do: torn or too large.

Place the dolma tightly on the leaves. All. The preparatory work is completed, and now, in fact, how to cook dolma in a slow cooker.

Pour a glass of boiling water, in which we first stir the tomato paste, vegetable oil and a little salt. Add boiling water so that the dolma is covered to a height of about 1 cm.

Oriental cuisine is spicy, all dishes are rich in spices and delicious aroma. That is why she has received worldwide recognition from various culinary specialists. Oriental dishes are undoubtedly very popular, especially dolma. To try this savory delicacy, it is not at all necessary to travel to another country or visit restaurants, today we will share a unique recipe for its preparation.

Dolma is very tasty and healthy in a slow cooker, but if you don’t have this device, then steam it. In taste, it resembles Russian cabbage rolls, only the “clothing” is more exotic: grape, fig or quince leaves, sometimes whole vegetables. There are a lot of cooking methods, each nation has its own unique version.

Finely minced meat (not twisted) is traditionally used as a filling, it is often mixed with rice, fresh herbs and, of course, oriental aromatic spices, which add piquancy and a special flavor to the dish. Vegetarian dolma in a slow cooker is prepared from browned vegetables: zucchini, tomatoes, blue ones.

Some cooks use minced fish in combination with nuts, mint and lemon juice, to which a bouquet of various spices is added. The traditional oriental filling is made exclusively from lamb. But this does not mean at all that it cannot be made from a different type of meat. Be sure to experiment and enjoy the taste.

Two bulbs;

Rice (150 g);

Grape leaves (500 g, canned);

Spices: coriander, dried basil and oregano, black pepper, salt - 5 g each;

Tomato paste (20 g);

Water (200 g).

We start cooking dolma in a slow cooker with cutting meat. We chop it with a knife into small pieces (you can make minced meat). Add chopped onion, rice and seasonings. Put a spoonful of minced meat on the grape leaves (on the base) and carefully wrap it in the form of a bundle. We spread the rolls in dense layers in a slow cooker, pour water and salt. We close, set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for an hour and a half. Dolma prepared in this way in a slow cooker is served with sour cream or yoghurt. Treat yourself to an oriental dish and please your friends.

Second vegetable recipe

Dolma in a slow cooker is prepared from eggplant, bell peppers and tomatoes. Minced lamb is suitable for the filling.


Three tomatoes;

Two bulbs;

Two eggplants;

Two sweet peppers;


Lamb tenderloin (500 g);

Kurdyuk (100 g);

Butter (100 g);

Black and red pepper, salt, garlic (2 cloves).

Grind the meat with fat into minced meat, put it in a pan and simmer until tender. At the very end, add salt, chili, garlic, pepper, chopped onion and 70 grams of butter - mix everything and remove from heat.

We proceed to cutting vegetables: remove the lid from the tomatoes, peel the pulp. We do the same with bell peppers. As a result, you will get vegetable pots. We cut the little blue ones along, take out the inside, lower the “boats” into salt water for 15 minutes.

Fry eggplants and peppers in butter - cool a little and fill with meat filling.

We glue the eggplant "boats", and cover the peppers with tomatoes with "lids". We put all the vegetables in a slow cooker, fill it with water, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode and leave for an hour. It is recommended to sprinkle the finished dolma with herbs and serve with garlic or tomato sauce.

If you are tired of classic cabbage rolls, we suggest you try dolma right now! These are almost the same cabbage rolls, only in a different shell - grape leaves. It's unusual and delicious!

Dolma with meat in a slow cooker

Ingredients Quantity
greenery - 30 g
sour cream - 0.2 l
water - how much will it take
grape leaves - how much will it take
salt - taste
chopped meat - 780 g
spices - taste
rice - 0.1 kg
ground black pepper - taste
Cooking time: 120 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 99 kcal

How to cook:

Recipe with fish

bouillon 0.2 l
Bell pepper 250 g
onion 0.2 kg
ginger root 20 g
cilantro 20 g
salmon fillet 1 kg
Chile 1 pod
ground black pepper taste
lemon 1 PC.
olive oil 50 ml
salt taste
grape leaves how much will it take

How much time - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 79 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash grape leaves thoroughly with running water and place in a small container.
  2. Pour boiling water over and leave for five minutes.
  3. Then drain the water and dry the leaves with dry napkins.
  4. Remove cuttings with a sharp knife.
  5. Wash the lemon, rub its zest with a special grater.
  6. Then cut the fruit in half and squeeze all the juice out of it into a small container.
  7. Wash the fish fillet, check for bones. If there are bones, pull them out with special fish tweezers.
  8. Cut into small pieces with a sharp knife. You can even chop into minced meat if the knife is good enough. Or grind with a blender until smooth.
  9. Next, add lemon juice to the fish and mix. This is necessary so that the filling in dolma is more tender.
  10. Peel the ginger root with a knife, spoon or vegetable peeler.
  11. Grate or crush the pulp with a crush for garlic.
  12. Combine the resulting mass with citrus zest.
  13. Rinse the cilantro and finely chop it.
  14. Mix with ginger and add to the fish, mix the ingredients well.
  15. Season with salt and black pepper, mix.
  16. Wash chile, cut in half and remove seeds.
  17. Next, cut the flesh into thin strips.
  18. Rinse sweet peppers with running water, get rid of internal seeds and membranes.
  19. Cut the flesh into half rings, then cut them in half again. You will get quarter rings.
  20. Onions get rid of the husk and wash, remove the roots.
  21. Then slice very thinly with a sharp knife.
  22. Put a little chili, onion and sweet pepper on each grape leaf.
  23. Also put some fish and wrap everything in an envelope. Stuff the other leaves in the same way.
  24. Put the prepared dolma with fish on top, pour the broth. In the extinguishing mode, cook for about 35-45 minutes until cooked.

Lenten cooking option

How much time is 1 hour and 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 58 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour wheat groats into a saucepan, pour water.
  2. Remove to stove and turn on medium heat.
  3. Boil according to the instructions on the package. The porridge will be ready in about thirty minutes.
  4. Peel and wash the onion, finely chop with a sharp knife.
  5. Rinse the sweet pepper and get rid of the insides.
  6. Its pulp is cut into cubes in the same way.
  7. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and heat it up.
  8. Add onion and sweet pepper, simmer them, stirring, until soft.
  9. Then add salt and a mixture of peppers, mix.
  10. Add dry basil and mint, tomato paste.
  11. Simmer for a few minutes, mix with the finished wheat.
  12. Spread grape leaves on a work surface.
  13. Place some stuffing in the center of each.
  14. Gather into tubes, folding the sides towards the center.
  15. Put a few sheets of grapes on the bottom of the multicooker, spread the dolma on top.
  16. Top with sliced ​​tomato rings and again dolma, tomato rings.
  17. Pour boiling water over everything to the very top and place oppression so that nothing comes up.
  18. Cook in simmer mode for one hour.

Recipe for multicooker Redmond

How much time is 1 hour and 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 86 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion, rinse and finely chop with a sharp knife.
  2. Finely chop the sun-dried tomatoes, mix with onions and minced meat.
  3. Add salt and spices to taste, mix.
  4. Wash the grape leaves with running water, fill them with stuffing.
  5. Put a few empty leaves on the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  6. Put dolma, dry apples and tomato juice on top.
  7. Next, chopped tomatoes, salt and spices.
  8. Pour in water and turn on the extinguishing mode for one hour.

In almost all recipes, we doused grape leaves with boiling water. This is necessary in order to remove bitterness, not for softness. Therefore, if you do not want the dish to turn out bitter, be sure to use boiling water for processing.

You can add absolutely any products to your taste in the filling. It can be carrots, shredded cabbage, mushroom slices, corn, green beans, chickpeas. Of the unusual options - nuts and dried fruits. By the way, dolma is also cooked with such ingredients, and it turns out no worse than with meat.

The classic version of the filling includes minced meat, rice, as well as a little boiled wheat groats. This is how dolma is prepared in Crete, its homeland. Try it, it's unusual and delicious.

To make the dish colorful, bright and unusual, add different vegetables stuffed with the same filling to the envelopes. It can be eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, sweet peppers, etc.

Dolma can be served as an appetizer or main course. In the second case, do everything as usual. But if this is an appetizer, make the dolmas small and then you can serve them cold.

It will turn out very tasty if you serve a yogurt-based sauce on the table. You can add any herbs to taste, garlic. For lovers of piquancy - fresh or ground chili peppers.

On the video - how to quickly cook delicious dolma in a slow cooker:

Dolma - almost the same cabbage rolls, but in a new, unusual shell. Thanks to them, the dish has a new taste, aroma and, of course, appearance. So we can assume that a completely new dish will be on your table. Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the rice.

Pour the rice into a sieve and rinse thoroughly under running warm water until it becomes clear. Then we leave the component aside so that excess liquid is drained from it.

Step 2: prepare the onion.

Using a knife, peel the onion from the husk and rinse thoroughly under running warm water. Then we spread the component on a cutting board and finely chop into cubes. Pour the chopped onions into a clean plate.

Step 3: prepare the carrots.

Using a vegetable peeler, peel the carrots from the skin. Now thoroughly rinse the vegetable under running warm water and spread it on a cutting board. Using a coarse grater, grind the component on a flat surface and then pour the carrot chips into a free plate.

Step 4: prepare the vegetable fry.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a frying pan and place over medium heat. When the contents of the container warm up well, pour the chopped onion and carrot chips here. From time to time, stirring with a wooden spatula, fry the vegetables until a soft golden color. Immediately after this, turn off the burner, and set the frying pan with frying to the side. Let it cool down.

Step 5: prepare pork fat.

We spread the lard on a cutting board and chop into small pieces with a knife. Attention: this must be done if the minced meat is not fatty. We shift the chopped bacon into a free saucer and leave it aside for a while.

Step 6: prepare the filling for the dish.

In a large bowl, lay out the pork and beef mince, if necessary, pieces of bacon, washed rice and vegetable frying. Season with salt and ground black pepper to taste. Now, using a tablespoon, mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Attention: you can try the filling on the tongue and, if necessary, add a little more spices and salt.

Step 7: cook dolma in a slow cooker.

Both fresh and canned grape leaves are suitable for making dolma. The main thing is that they are relatively the same size. In the first option, thoroughly rinse the components under running hot water and put them in a free large bowl. When using canned leaves: simply place them in a deep container and fill with liquid.

Now we begin to form dolma. To do this, lay out the leaves one at a time on a cutting board and, using a knife, cut off the ponytails. Using a teaspoon, place the filling on each green on the edge. Now with clean hands we form envelopes, wrapping the ends of the leaves inward. You can also wrap the filling a little, then the edges, and then scroll to the end.

Thus, during the cooking process, dolma will not disperse and will remain as beautiful as in its original form.

Then we cover the bottom of the multicooker pan with spoiled leaves so that the dish does not burn at the base, and put the dolma tightly to each other.
Pour the tomato paste into a small bowl and dilute it with 1–1.5 cups of clean, cool water. You can use a tablespoon for this. Now fill the dolma with this liquid and see if it covers the dish. If not, then add a little more clean water so that it slightly covers the green envelopes. We close the multicooker with a lid, turn it on "Extinguishing" mode and set the time for 2 hours. When the appropriate signal sounds, turn off the electrical appliance from the network and call everyone to the dining table.

Step 8: serve dolma in a slow cooker.

We transfer the finished, still hot dolma from the slow cooker to a special deep plate and immediately serve it to the dinner table along with sour cream and slices of bread. How sweet and tender it is! The envelopes just melt in your mouth. Therefore, do not be surprised if you have at least 10-15 pieces per serving, because they are small in size. Help yourself!
Enjoy your meal!

For cooking dolma, it is better to use homemade minced meat. Believe me, then the dish turns out much juicier and tastier. To do this, grind part of the pork with beef using a meat grinder with a fine grate or in a blender at high speed, and finely chop the remaining pieces into cubes. Important: the finer we grind the components, the juicier and tastier the dish will turn out, which I usually do;

In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, you can add others to your taste in dolma. For example, it can wash ground oregano, coriander, "hops-suneli", as well as a mixture of peppers;

To the dinner table, along with dolma, you can also put all kinds of sauces, mayonnaise, as well as various dressings. My sister, for example, likes to pour soy sauce over her dish, although it would seem that these are two incompatible tastes. In a word, whoever likes it best!

If you are fed up with traditional cabbage rolls, try making dolma. Now in any supermarket you can buy canned grape leaves. It is they who give dolma an unusual, special taste. And I will tell you how to cook dolma in a slow cooker, because our favorite assistant can even handle exotic dishes.

Dolma in a slow cooker recipe with a photo will help in the implementation of the plan and, I hope, you will like this version of the famous dish. Minced meat for dolma is best prepared from beef or lamb, although mixed pork and beef will not distort the original taste too much.

Grape leaves are suitable both salted and pickled. They will add a pleasant sourness and piquancy. In general, only grape leaves are exotic in dolma, all other ingredients are quite familiar and can be found in any kitchen.

Before you cook dolma in a slow cooker, prepare everything you need.

For dolma in grape leaves, a recipe in a slow cooker will be required
Minced meat 500 grams
Onion 1 large head (150 grams)
Grape leaves 30-40 pieces
Rice 3 heaping tablespoons
ground coriander 1/2 teaspoon
dried basil 1/2 teaspoon
tomato paste 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon
Salt taste
Ground black pepper taste

Dolma in a slow cooker recipe with photo step by step

Leaves removed from the jar, pour boiling water for 5 minutes.

We make minced beef or lamb.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into small cubes.

Wash the rice thoroughly in cold water. It is convenient to put the rice in a sieve and wash under running water.

Place mince, onion and rice in a bowl.

Salt, pepper, add coriander and basil. Alternatively, you can also season with dried mint.

Put a teaspoon with a slide of filling on a grape leaf. We put it on the edge of the sheet where the leg was attached, wrap it in the manner of cabbage rolls. If you strictly follow the canons, then put the minced meat on the side on which the veins protrude. However, I do not always follow this, because I did not understand why :).

The leaves in the jar turned out to be too carved, but nothing, even wrapping dolma in such is not difficult at all.

These are the grape dumplings-dolmushki obtained.

Place a few grape leaves on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Substandard will do: torn or too large.

Place the dolma tightly on the leaves. All. The preparatory work is completed, and now, in fact, how to cook dolma in a slow cooker.

Pour a glass of boiling water, in which we first stir the tomato paste, vegetable oil and a little salt. Add boiling water so that the dolma is covered to a height of about 1 cm.
