
Magic gingerbread house. Gingerbread house: cooking recipe with photo

Christmas and New Year are the most fabulous and magical time, and not only children, but even adults believe in it! Well, what could be the best personification of a fairy tale and magic on a holiday, if not a gingerbread house?

But you can create it with the whole family, and then look through the windows on long winter evenings, invent the most incredible adventures about its inhabitants and break off tidbits and sweet pieces from the roof?

Doesn't it seem like the fairy tale has already begun? Then let's get inspired by charming ideas and make your own gingerbread house according to the best recipe!

Well, we stock up on a huge portion of spices (it's a gingerbread house!), Delicious decorations and a good mood!

Gingerbread house dough

Let's start by preparing the test, for which we need:

  • flour (1 kg);
  • egg (3 pcs);
  • sugar (200 g);
  • honey (250 g);
  • butter (200 g);
  • soda (1/2 teaspoon);
  • and exactly ¼ teaspoon of each spice (cinnamon, ginger, cloves, allspice and cardamom).

The first step is to mix all the spices into a spicy mix, beating them in a mortar. We mix flour and soda separately! Then we take another container in which we combine our chopped spices, honey, sugar, eggs and butter. Add flour mixed with soda to this container. Knead the dough and send it to the cold for 3 hours.

And we have time to choose the shape of the house and make templates!

For the first test, it is best to stop at a simple option - two side parts of the house with windows, a back part, a front part with a doorway and two identical parts of the roof. By the way, it’s worth drawing them on paper, so that later you can simply attach them to the dough and cut them off on it.

And if you coped with this task, then it's time to take the dough out of the refrigerator, give it a couple of minutes to adapt in the warmth and don't forget to knead it again! But the gingerbread house can’t wait to give a holiday to your family, so we begin to roll out the dough on parchment paper with a thickness of about 0.5 cm, apply prepared stencils of details to it and cut out parts of the house.

The final stage - we bake spicy details for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.

Caramel icing for gluing the gingerbread house

Are you already dreaming about the moment when you decorate the gingerbread house? But first you need to glue it. And caramel icing is the best. Combine in a metal bowl 100 g of sugar and 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Bring syrup to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until light brown and viscous.

Well, that's all, if the baked parts have already cooled down, you can start the magic - collect your gingerbread house!

Decorations for the gingerbread house

The main component of the magic of all gingerbread houses is the patterns of sweet protein glaze. And it is very easy to prepare it - just beat in one egg white, 2 drops of lemon juice and 180 g of powdered sugar until soft but thick foam. You can apply it with a confectionery syringe or bag.

And most importantly - to decorate the house, do not forget to stock up on chocolates, nuts, M&M's, marshmallows, Oreo cookies, coconut flakes, confectionery powder and gummies!

Let's take a look at the most fabulous gingerbread houses for inspiration, shall we?

1. Isn't it magic?

2. And here, probably, Metelitsa herself lives!

3. That's it, I'm going to live in London!

4. Well, a cupcake house is also an option!

5. It's a whole gingerbread village!

6. Gingerbread bakery?

7. I wish I could stay in such ...

8. Great - a hut for the tropics!

9. But it turns out that it is not at all difficult to do it.

10. Also a gingerbread yurt?

11. Wow - even a gingerbread lamp!

12. And icicles from the glaze!

14. And how many M&M's-juice!

15. Wow sizer ...

16. A whole gingerbread carousel!

18. Gingerbread street.

19. I wish I could look into the window ...

20. There are also steps!

21. And we will do this ourselves!

22. That's cool!

23. Do you know what these babies are for?

25. Really cool?

26. How about decorating a whole cake with gingerbread house details?

27. How bright!

28. And the sea of ​​marmalade ...

30. It remains only to wait for the holiday!

Gingerbread cookies were prepared for all holidays and made in different shapes and sizes. They owe their name to the spices that have been part of the recipe since ancient times. Gingerbread, which originally included honey and molasses, has undergone some changes today. The fact is that sugar became much more accessible than honey, and products began to be made using it. Below we will consider different test options.

Gingerbread dough: a recipe from time immemorial

As mentioned above, gingerbread is one of the most ancient sweets in Rus'. According to some reports, they were baked as early as the 10th century. When modern housewives prepare gingerbread dough, the recipe, of course, differs from that of old Russian sweets. However, three can be distinguished - honey, sugar and sugar-honey. It contains both sugar and honey. There are two different ways to prepare the dough. With a simplified version, the products become stale faster. The second option requires more time, but the gingerbread cookies stay fresh and soft longer. Below we will look at both methods.

Choux pastry

This is the most difficult option that a hostess who decides to make gingerbread dough can use. This recipe is easy to master and delight your family with delicious gingerbread in the future.

  • So, you need to take 750 g of flour, 1 glass of sugar, 60 g of honey, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, 0.5 tsp. spices to taste, 60 ml of water. Subject to all proportions, approximately 1 kg of dough will be obtained.

As you can see, the recipe for gingerbread dough is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. So, in order to make, put honey, sugar, water in a saucepan and heat without boiling. Then it is recommended to add half the flour and spices to the mixture. It is best to stir the workpiece for the product with a wooden spatula. Moreover, if you leave the flour in the syrup without stirring for at least a couple of minutes, then lumps will appear in the dough, which will be difficult to get rid of. Cool the resulting mass to room temperature, and then add the rest of the flour, eggs and baking powder. The finished dough should be soft. To make a delicious dish, you must immediately start cutting the dough, otherwise the finished gingerbread cookies will be of poor quality. This recipe for gingerbread dough is closest to the original old version.

A simple test

For housewives who do not want to spend a lot of time preparing the dough, the following recipe is suitable. Put honey in a saucepan, add butter, crushed with sugar, spices and knead all the ingredients for a couple of minutes. Then add flour (preferably sifted) and soda and knead the dough. If crystals have formed in honey, then it must be heated, but in no case should it be brought to a boil. It will lose its aroma from this, which means that the product will not be so tasty. Honey for gingerbread should be at room temperature. What consistency should be the gingerbread dough - the recipe with the photo will demonstrate only approximately. You have to be able to feel it.

Making a Christmas treat

The dough recipe for a gingerbread house differs from the usual one in that here it should be more fragrant and festive. There are many options, and each hostess can choose exactly the one that she likes. For example, a wonderful gingerbread dough (recipe from Gerda) is obtained if all proportions are exactly observed.

  • So, we need: 0.5 kg of honey, 0.3 kg of butter and 0.3 kg of cane sugar, 50-100 g of cocoa (depending on whether you want to make the house chocolate or not). You will also need 3 tablespoons of rum, a little baking powder, a pinch or two of cinnamon, a pinch of ground cardamom, a little ground cloves, a pinch and a little fresh root grated on a fine grater. Of the spices, it is also recommended to add a pinch of ground anise seeds, a little star anise (ground), ground nutmeg, vanilla, zest of one orange and lemon. For this proportion, you will need a little more than 1 kg of flour.

Of course, each housewife gets a unique gingerbread dough. Skripkin's recipe, for example, can be slightly modernized by removing such a large amount of spices. The modified recipe is below.

  • We will need: 500 grams of honey, 300 grams of sugar, 300 grams of butter, 50 grams of cocoa, zest of one lemon, orange zest, vanilla to taste.

Thus, it is clear that gingerbread dough (recipe) and products from it do not require high culinary skills and even a novice hostess can do it.

Making Gingerbread Dough: Cookie Recipe

Many people know gingerbread men only as characters from the cartoon "Shrek". Meanwhile, these are traditional cookies for Catholic Christmas, which can please children on any other day.

So, how do you prepare this gingerbread dough? See the recipe below.

We will need:

  • 3 eggs.
  • 1.5 cups of molasses.
  • 6 cups sifted flour.
  • Approximately 300 g margarine.
  • 250 g sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa or instant coffee.
  • 4 tablespoons of soda quenched in vinegar.
  • A little ground ginger.
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon.
  • A pinch of powdered cloves.

How to make your own cookies?

For cookies, we first need a template and, of course, gingerbread dough. The recipe was given above, but we will duplicate it again. Thanks to the template, the little men will turn out to be the same and beautiful. Gingerbread dough and products made from it are distinguished by the fact that they keep their shape perfectly, and any figures can be made from them. The process of preparing the dough itself is simple. It is necessary to mix oil, spices, soda and salt in a saucepan, and then add sugar and honey.

You can knead everything with a spoon, or you can beat with a mixer. Dissolve cocoa in a couple of tablespoons of boiling water, let cool to room temperature and add to the dough at the same time as the eggs. After that, add 3.5 cups of flour, continuing to beat the mass with a mixer. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough with your hands. It should not be too dense so that it rolls easily. Remove the finished product in the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours, previously wrapped in cling film. After that, take out the dough and put it on the board, rolling it into a thin layer. So that it does not stick, sprinkle the rolling pin with flour. However, flour must be handled with care so as not to spoil the taste of cookies. From the rolled out dough, cut out little men with a mold and bake until cooked. After you can separately make the icing and decorate the finished cookies.

Recipe Variations

Some components can be replaced. For example, take vegetable oil instead of butter, and add baking powder instead of soda. But ginger must be present in any case. It is he who gives the cookies a unique taste that is loved by both adults and children around the world. If you do not have molds, you can make a template yourself from thick paper or cardboard.

Not every housewife has it in the kitchen. But you should not be upset, as it can be replaced with the so-called pastry bag. To do this, simply cut off the corner of the plastic bag, and the icing is already squeezed out of it.

Colored glaze is obtained by adding food coloring to it. If the cookies are large, then multi-colored buttons can be laid out from sweets.

House of gingerbread dough No. 2: ideas for inspiration

Gingerbread dough and products made from it are a great gift option for family and friends for any occasion. Below we will consider the technology of making a gingerbread house. The recipe for gingerbread house dough is not much different from a simple gingerbread recipe.

Heat honey, margarine and sugar. Beat with a whisk, adding cocoa, until all lumps disappear. The mass should be homogeneous and should not boil.

Mix flour with spices and baking powder. You can add orange zest if you like.

In the honey heated mass, add eggs and rum or cognac in two doses.

Stir the flour with spices into the honey mixture and knead the dough thoroughly. It shouldn't flow. On average, it takes 15-20 minutes to knead. At the same time, do not try to mix in all the flour at once. The dough will gradually cool down. It must be put in the refrigerator, previously wrapped in cling film. Let the dough rest for at least 5 hours.

"Construction" of a sweet house

Make a template of the parts of the house - walls, roof and other figures that you see fit. The dough must be rolled out and cut out the details of the house. Bake for 20-25 minutes until done.

The foundation of the future house should be gingerbread. That's what the walls are attached to.

Windows are made of marmalade or caramel. True, in conditions of high humidity it is likely to melt. Therefore, it is best to take sweets without filling or marmalade slices.

Transparent caramel is not worth taking. It does not melt well, and if it melts, it still flows out of the "windows" of the house, spoiling the entire product. If the humidity in the house is high, it is not recommended to cook caramel yourself - it will still melt and flow out. And this means that the work will go down the drain. But in any case, the most important thing is a well-cooked gingerbread dough. The recipe (Pokhlebkin offers slightly different proportions) suggests a dense and non-sticky dough. This must be constantly remembered.

For the house, you need to make icing, or icing. To do this, powdered sugar with proteins, lemon juice and starch is ground so that there are no bubbles. The finished mass is laid out in or in a milk bag with a cut off corner. You can also use a regular paper file, it is quite dense, and it is convenient to work with it.

Sugar gingerbread

We looked at several ways to make gingerbread dough. The recipe without honey is very popular at the moment, since honey is a rather expensive product. Below we consider an old recipe for gingerbread without honey. They turn out a little unusual, but also very tasty. So, for the test we need:

  • 300 g of sifted flour (in principle, more may be indicated in the recipe, but then the dough will turn out to be very steep).
  • 40 g butter.
  • 50 g sugar.
  • Cinnamon and cardamom to taste.
  • 50 g raisins.
  • 1 egg.

Mix sugar, cinnamon and cardamom.

Then mix sugar with spices, flour and egg with butter. The dough should be quite dense, but not steep, otherwise the product will be harsh and quickly stale.

Place small balls of dough on a greased baking sheet. Alternatively, you can roll the dough into small cakes and make them curly edges.

Bake for 15-20 minutes. However, if you are making balls, they should be left in the oven a little longer to be fully baked.

If you like, cover the finished products with icing, sugar pearls and chocolate. If you strictly follow the recipe, they will turn out almost savory. Therefore, chocolate and icing are simply necessary. You can change the amount of sugar, proportionally increasing the amount of other components.

One of the most popular decorations for the New Year or Christmas is a do-it-yourself gingerbread house. The process of delicious baking is simple, if you make a pattern correctly, collect and paint all the necessary details. Prepare a traditional Christmas dish, and for the holidays it will take all members of your family into a fairy tale.

How to make a gingerbread house

A step-by-step master class will help you create a festive mood for adults and children.DIY gingerbread houseit is very easy to do: first you need to build a pattern of the details of the hut, then bake them and connect them one by one. To make the resulting picture realistic, you can “bring” light into the house: put a candle inside, LED lighting, or cover the windows with colored caramel or marmalade.

Gingerbread house template

According to the calculated scheme, you can create not only an edible house, but also a whole gingerbread castle, the main thing is desire. So,gingerbread house patternconsists in preparing templates for future walls, roofs and other details for decoration. Prepare your stencils:

  • For the roof - two rectangles 9x14 cm;
  • For frontal walls - 10.7x12 cm;
  • For the other two walls - 16x10.5 cm.

The dough must be rolled out on parchment into a layer, the thickness of which is at least 5 mm. If you make the blank thinner, then in the end the gingerbread will turn out to be too dry. The template is applied to the rolled workpiece, the details are cut out along the contour of the stencil, after that the trimmings are removed, and the cut elements are transferred to a baking sheet along with paper and sent to bake. Windows and doors are cut according to pre-prepared stencils while the dough is still hot.

How to assemble

In order for the fabulous New Year's gingerbread to stand longer, it must be glued correctly. To do this, prepare caramel syrup: pour 100 grams of granulated sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour 40 ml of water, cook, stirring all the time until a thick golden liquid forms. After the bonding product is ready, you must immediatelybuild a gingerbread house. This process is step by step:

  1. Dip the end of the side wall and the facade in hot caramel, glue them together and attach to the base, which can be either cardboard or a baked dough layer.
  2. Attach the second wall and the back side. So that the caramel does not freeze while you fasten the gingerbread house, it is advisable to cover the dishes with a lid and periodically warm it up.
  3. Dip the ends of the roof in caramel, attach it to stable walls. Leave the house for an hour so that it sticks together well.

Gingerbread House Recipes

Knowing how to prepare the dough and delicious glaze, you just have to put all the details of the house together. It is worth noting that with chocolate dough the house will look more elegant, and the icing can be made lemon so that the taste is slightly sour. Consider the recipe for a gingerbread house, and the photo will show what result you will get in the end if you do everything step by step.

Gingerbread house dough

If desired, the gingerbread house can be made chocolate, as in the photo, by adding a little more cocoa to the main ingredients. So, for the test you will need:

  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • liquid honey - 500 g;
  • butter (or margarine) - 300 g;
  • flour - 1250 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • cocoa - 50 g;
  • cognac - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • nutmeg - 1 tsp;
  • ground ginger, cloves, cinnamon - 1 tsp each;
  • lemon zest, anise, cardamom - 1 tsp. l.;
  • vanilla - 1 pinch;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.

To properly kneadgingerbread house dougheverything needs to be done step by step. The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Put butter, honey, pour granulated sugar into a saucepan. Heat everything over low heat, stirring constantly with a spoon, but do not bring to a boil. When the sugar crystals dissolve, remove the dishes from the heat, set aside so that the mass cools.
  2. Combine half of the required amount of flour with the zest, add cocoa, baking powder to them (soda is not recommended for such a dish) and all the spices. Seasonings before adding it is recommended to grind into powder.
  3. Combine warm honey-oil mixture with eggs, but do not beat them with a mixer, but simply mix with a fork. Add cognac.
  4. Gently fold the spicy flour into the honey mass. Leave a little loose mixture, and until the workpiece is brought to a dense elastic consistency.
  5. Wrap the dough in clingfilm and refrigerate for now (preferably overnight) so that it reveals its properties.
  6. Mix the infused dough with the remaining flour so that it remains elastic, but does not become hard. You may not need to pour in the entire loose mixture, here you need to make a test figure: roll out the layer (about 5 mm), cut out a small element from it. If it has not lost its shape, then the dough is ready.
  7. Bake the shapes cut out according to the template at 180 degrees.


Experienced chefs advise different ways to prepare a delicious mass that is suitable for fastening the details of the house and decorating this festive dish. For example,icing for gingerbread houseyou need to do it like this:

  1. Chilled for half an hour, mix the protein (one egg) with juice squeezed from a lemon (1 tbsp. L.). Beat them into foam using a blender or mixer.
  2. Gradually add powdered sugar (up to 200 g), without turning off the kitchen appliances. Beat the ingredients into a stiff mass, as in the photo, add more powder if necessary.

Before you prepare a New Year's house, you should familiarize yourself with one more component. Aising is a mixture that can replace caramel and icing. To prepare, you will need a couple of drops of lemon juice, about 5-6 egg whites, food coloring and powdered sugar. Next, you need to beat the whites with powder until thick, add the dye of the desired color and lemon juice. It is desirable to make icing in small multi-colored portions, because the mixture dries quickly.

How to bake a gingerbread house

When all the details of the house are cut out under the stencil, you can start laying them in an oven heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. Tobake a gingerbread house, it will not take much time: the dough is cooked for about 10 minutes, then an elegant fabulous cake is assembled from the hardened elements. The details are fastened together with the help of viscous caramel, and a delicious New Year's dish is decorated with protein glaze.


Helpful Hints:

*Instead of cinnamon, ginger and zest, you can take 3 tsp. any spices for gingerbread
*If you want the color of the dough to be darker, then replace a couple of tablespoons of flour with cocoa
* It turns out quite a lot of dough, probably, the quantity for 2 eggs would be enough, but I did it with a margin (you can make cookies from the rest).

* Cooking can be divided into several days: on one day, make the dough in the evening and draw a pattern, on the next day, cut and bake the details of the house, on the third day, decorate and glue.

1. Cooking the dough:

Heat the honey with the sugar until the sugar dissolves completely.
*It is better to take fine sugar and add it to honey gradually, in portions, as it melts.
Add butter and spices, stir until dissolved.

Add eggs one at a time, stirring each time until smooth. Sift part of the flour with soda and add orange zest, pour in the honey mixture, mix.

Add the rest of the flour gradually until you get a soft dough.
Divide the dough into 2-3 parts, give each a flat rectangular shape, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 3 hours (preferably overnight).

* A flat sheet of dough will be easier for you to roll out than a whole round lump.
*The dough immediately after preparation is a little sticky due to honey, after a night in the refrigerator it becomes more convenient to work with. Cold dough is rolled out with a rolling pin with little effort, but it sticks less to your hands and to the board, and it will be easier for you to work with the details of the house.
*Dough follows take out of the refrigerator about 30-60 minutes before use to warm it up a bit.

2. Draw a diagram of the house:
It will be very easy to draw all the details of the house on large sheets of paper in a cage.
We will need -
- 2 parts of the end walls (high), one of them with a window and a door slot
- 2 side wall parts
- 4 pieces of shutters for windows
- 2 details of window sills
- 2 rectangular chimney pieces
- 1 rectangular chimney piece with a cutout at the bottom

2 roof parts
- 1 long piece for the chimney on the back of the house
- 1 part of the base of the house measuring 20x20 cm

You can see the dimensions of all the details in the photo (click on the photo with the left mouse button to enlarge it).
Cut out the details and transfer them to cardboard or thick paper, cut out again.

* The house according to this scheme has slightly trapezoidal walls, with bevels, which makes it a little more difficult to glue it together. You can make the walls just rectangular if you want to make it easier to connect the parts.

3. We bake the details of the house:

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 4 mm (better not to make the pieces too thin as they will be more brittle, or too thick as they will be harder to work with)

Cut out the details of the house according to the prepared patterns. On the walls of the house with a stick, mark "logs", and on the details of the roof "tiles" with a bottle cap.

* I made some extra details for a small bench. You can also cut out Christmas trees or animals from excess dough with molds (then they can be placed next to the house).
* After cutting out large parts and transferring them from the board to a baking sheet, check them again with the pattern and correct them a little with your hands if the shape is slightly deformed when shifting.

Bake the house parts at 175 degrees for about 10-12 minutes, until slightly golden (do not overcook them in the oven).

I made windows with glasses like this:
Having cut out a detail of the wall with a window, and transferring it to a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, I again applied the pattern and already cut out windows on the baking sheet with a knife and carefully corrected it with the handle of a teaspoon.

* You can also pour caramel crumbs into the windows not immediately, but only after 5 minutes of baking, so it will boil less and bubble in the oven.
* I fell asleep again and a second time, after the first layer melted, taking the walls with windows out of the oven again. So the glasses turned out thicker.

Remove the details of the house from the baking sheet carefully, with a spatula, allowing them to cool slightly.
Parts of the walls with windows and glass must completely cool on the baking sheet!

The remaining parts can be transferred to cool on a flat surface, you can carefully trim them if something turned out to be uneven (while they are still warm, it is easier to cut them).
Let the finished parts rest for a couple of hours.

4. Cooking glaze:
Lightly beat the egg white with a fork into foam, sift the powdered sugar and add to the egg white gradually, stirring thoroughly, until the desired thickness of the glaze is obtained.
The amount of powdered sugar may differ slightly from that indicated in the composition of the glaze, you may need more or less, be guided by the consistency and density.
You can try putting a little glaze in a bag with a small round nozzle (or just in a bag with a corner cut off) and try to draw a couple of lines, they should not blur.
File the edges of the wall parts with a grater to get oblique cuts at an angle of about 45 degrees, so it will be more convenient to connect them together.

Next, we proceed to decorate the walls with glaze, and then we will glue them with caramel.

Many do the opposite: first they glue and assemble the house, and then decorate it.
It is easier to decorate the parts lying on the table than a vertically assembled house, but there is a risk of slightly damaging the already made decor when gluing.
It is more convenient to glue a house without decor, but its decoration will then be less neat.
Choose the method that seems more appropriate for you personally.
I first painted the walls and only then glued them together. When gluing, indeed, I slightly violated what I had drawn before, but then I easily corrected everything already on the assembled house.

You can glue the house not with caramel, but with the same glaze, but it dries much longer: you have to hold the walls longer and wait for the parts to dry to attach the next ones. Caramel is a little more difficult to work with, but it dries very quickly and sticks together stronger than icing.
5. Decorate the details:

We draw various decoration patterns with glaze, glue the shutters and window sills, circle the tiles, glue the chimney. Having drawn the desired patterns, immediately add multi-colored sprinkles where necessary (until the icing starts to dry out)

I decorated the chimney with whole almonds, or you can sprinkle with chopped ones (this will be the "stonework" of the chimney).
Let the glaze dry completely and only then proceed with gluing.

6. We glue the house:

Put a small frying pan on a strong fire, pour 1-2 tbsp. sugar, add 1 tsp. water and stir until completely melted. Then add 1 more spoon and stir again until the sugar melts, etc.
If the sugar does not melt well at first, then you can add a teaspoon of honey and do not forget to stir constantly, the sugar lumps will gradually disperse. Further, neither water nor honey needs to be added anymore. Let the sugar boil for a couple of seconds (but not for long, so as not to start burning), turn off the heat.
Take parts, dip slices in hot caramel and attach one to the other.

* Caramel hardens quickly, so you have to work quickly too.
*Caramel is very hot, be careful not to burn yourself! Place a bowl of cold water next to it to dip your hand in if you accidentally get a burning caramel on it.

* First, attach the long end wall to the side wall, hold for 20-30 seconds, then attach another end wall and hold, and then another side wall.
* Have someone help you hold the walls of the house (or you can prop them up with cups or some other objects)
* Next, we attach the house to the base, hold it, slightly pressing it down. If necessary, you can still lightly grease the joints with hot caramel from the inside.

*Last you need to attach the details of the roof. Because the shape of the walls is slightly trapezoidal, then you will have to slightly bend the upper triangular part of the end walls to the center of the house (otherwise the roof will not fit on the walls). If you made the walls just rectangular, it will be easier.
Here I no longer dipped the details in caramel, but quickly applied it to the joints with a spoon and applied the details of the roof on top. At the end, I smeared the joint on top of the roof with caramel.
*If the caramel solidifies in the pan during operation, it can be reheated and melted. I warmed up twice.

We are already on the nose of the New Year and Christmas holidays. Along with elements of Western culture, the fashion came to us for the New Year holidays not only for Santa, Christmas wreaths, deer, but also for gingerbread houses.

Today for you there are several recipes for gingerbread houses with step by step photos, as well as a video tutorial from Tatyana Litvinova on how to bake and beautifully decorate a festive gingerbread house !!!

Gingerbread house №1

For test:

4 cups flour
1 sachet of baking powder
200 g butter
200 g powdered sugar
5 tablespoons of liquid honey (if the honey is candied, heat it in a water bath)
4 egg yolks
Spices 1 tsp each:
ground ginger,
cinnamon (this is to taste, because not everyone likes cinnamon),
zest of 1 lemon,

Cooking method:

1. Knead the dough, wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator for several hours.
This dough is very tasty, fragrant, but you need to work with it very carefully.

2. To build our house, you need to cut out templates. The wall is 15 cm wide and 17 cm high.

3. From each such template, we need to cut out two parts from the dough - these will be two of the four sides of our house.
4. And one more template for the two remaining sides of our house.
The length of the template is 17cm and the width is 7cm.
5. Roof template 22 cm long and 14.5 cm wide.
6. On a sheet of parchment, roll out the dough into a layer 5-6 mm thick. If rolled thinner, the gingerbread will be too dry.
We apply ready-made templates and cut along the contour.
We remove the trimmings and shift the cut parts along with the parchment onto a baking sheet.

7. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven at 180oC for 20 minutes.
8. After baking, while the dough is still hot, cut out the details of doors and windows according to the same patterns cut out of paper.
9. Cut while pastries are hot. Cut the cut out window in half lengthwise. These are future shutters. Cool all parts on a wire rack.

10. Now we cut out the windows in the side walls of the house.
11. From the remaining dough, cut out the roof of the house, Christmas trees, a pipe, small coasters for Christmas trees, any interesting details and figures.

12. This is what the windows look like from the inside. We fasten the marmalade to the cut-out windows on the icing of powdered sugar and protein.

13. Making white icing or icing:
It simultaneously replaces paint for drawing on the house and glue for gluing parts together.
