
Sassi water is an effective drink for weight loss. Sassi water for weight loss

What to choose: means to combat excess weight, developed in the laboratory by nutritionists, or folk recipes that allow you to lose a few kilograms?

There is a fat-burning drink that is on the verge of both. This is the famous Sassi water for weight loss, which has received unprecedented popularity, which is an invigorating cocktail of diet products. There are no chemicals in it, all ingredients are natural and a specialist worked on its formula.

The result was amazing - with the help of this cocktail, with proper nutrition, you can part with the hated fat folds and even improve your health.

History of occurrence

The first thing that everyone is interested in is where the Sassi water came from and why it has such a strange name. The history of the creation of this fat-burning drink is one of many similar ones in dietetics. Its creator is Cynthia Sassi, who works in the United States as a nutritionist. She has more than one weight loss system on her account, but for a long time she stubbornly continued to look for a truly miraculous recipe.

As part of the experiment, not hoping for stunning results, she mixed dietary natural (plant-derived) products in one formula, diluted them with enough water and offered them to her clients as a fat-burning cocktail. Surprisingly, he broke all records. Satisfied with the easy and quick weight loss, the women were grateful for such an effective recipe and the unusually tasty resulting lemonade. He acted on the body several times better than the diets previously developed by Cynthia.

Sassy Water is a weight loss drink that has become a real brand. A huge number of those eager to get rid of extra pounds constantly resort to his help. And most of them get what they want.

Sassi's water diet is non-strict, but low in calories. The drink itself is needed to start the mechanism inside the body to burn fat. As a result, the weight shifts from the dead center and begins to decrease intensively. To achieve the results promised by an American nutritionist, you need to be able to properly prepare and take Sassi water for weight loss: there are several options for the main recipe and special schemes for drinking the drink. But how does it affect the body?

Curious fact. Cynthia Sassi has become world famous thanks to the unique development of weight loss in nutrition. The miraculous Sassy Water is not the only remedy that bears her name. However, the fact that practically nothing is known about the woman herself remains strange: her biography is still a dark spot to this day.

The process of losing weight

The recipe for the drink is very simple, all the ingredients are so well known and publicly available that the doubt involuntarily creeps in whether Sassi water contributes to weight loss. And if the effectiveness of this drink is so promising, how can it be scientifically explained?

In fact, it turns out that there is nothing surprising in this. Each ingredient, when properly used in a cocktail in the body, triggers processes that play an important role in weight loss.

  • Ginger

Accelerates the flow of lymph, which transports useful substances to the organs and removes toxins. Improves digestion and general condition of the gastrointestinal tract. He is the main rider of body fat in the most inaccessible areas of the body - where even sports are powerless. We are talking about the inner thigh, arms, face and lower back.

  • Cucumber

It is one of the lowest calorie vegetables. It is the basis of many diets. Actively removes heavy metal compounds from the body. It has a gentle diuretic effect. Contains many useful trace elements and vitamins. The uniqueness is that it is 90% water. That is why this vegetable is so quickly and easily digested.

  • Lemon

One of the richest sources of vitamins and an invaluable storehouse of the most useful acids for weight loss. As part of Sassi water, this citrus prevents complex carbohydrates from combining with fats, preventing their deposition.

  • Mint

This medicinal plant is known for its calming properties, and stress is known to be one of the root causes of weight gain. In addition, as part of Sassi water, it reduces appetite and prevents hunger from overwhelming you, which is very important for the process of losing weight. It also removes toxins from the body.

All these ingredients are included in a miracle slimming cocktail called Sassi water. It not only burns fats already deposited in problem areas, but also perfectly cleanses the body of harmful decay products and excess fluid. So this unique drink is worth taking if you have weight problems. The only obstacle that can get in your way is contraindications to its use.

This is interesting. The second development of Cynthia Sassi after Sassy Water is a flat stomach diet designed for 7 days. Her motto is "Eat fat and lose weight!".


One of the indisputable advantages of Sassi water as a diet drink is the minimum number of contraindications, which include:

  • allergy to cocktail ingredients (individual intolerance to mint is especially common);
  • kidney failure;
  • ulcers and serious stomach problems;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

I would also like to recall the universal contraindications for weight loss, which apply not only to Sassi water, but to all methods for getting rid of extra pounds.

These include pregnancy and lactation, fever, childhood, exacerbation of chronic ailments. In order for the results of the diet to please, and not disappoint, first undergo an examination and be treated, and then take on the correction of weight and figure. To do this, you also need to know the nutritional pattern and the use of a cocktail.

About the results. In fact, the Sassi Water Diet is not strict. It is easily maintained by a significant part of women who begin to lose weight using this technique. However, its results are amazing: no other cocktail will give you a weight loss of 4 to 7 kg per week.

Application scheme

The recipes describe in sufficient detail how to prepare Sassi water for weight loss, but the scheme for its use is not always described. Someone drinks it in liters during the day, some advise to use it in the morning on an empty stomach, others limit themselves to a glass a day - there are a huge number of variations.

So how to drink Sassi water for weight loss, according to this diet?

"Entrance" to the diet

  • First 4 days

The first four-day period involves the usual nutrition in a comfortable volume. Fatty, oversalted and peppery foods are excluded. But by day 4, you need to slightly reduce portions and start counting calories. Every day you need to drink from 2 to 3 liters of Sassi water - no more and no less.

  • Second 4 days

The second four-day “entrance to the diet” is again the usual diet, but already limited by calorie counting: their number per day should not exceed 1,400 kcal. This is quite enough for the active and uninterrupted functioning of the body and for saturation.

You will have to remove high-calorie foods such as flour and pasta. The consumption of meat and cereals is also reduced, while a gradual increase in the diet of fresh vegetables (for example) and fruits. The amount of water absorbed by Sassi is up to 4 liters daily.

The diet itself

Lasts 2 weeks. Daily calorie content should not exceed 1,600 kcal. Excluded at the "entrance" food continues to be banned. You need to drink Sassi water often, daily consumption should be at least 2 liters.

As practice shows, this diet is easily tolerated physically and psychologically. Kilograms melt quickly (up to 4 kg per week), the lines of the hips and abdomen are corrected.

As far as recipes go, making Sassi water shouldn't take you much time or effort.

On a note. The slogan of the diet on ginger-cucumber water with lemon reads: “Sassi water - drink and lose weight!”.

Basic Recipe

It is better to use the classic Sassi water recipe developed by Cynthia herself. It guarantees fast and safe weight loss.


  • 2 liters of mineral non-carbonated or ordinary drinking water;
  • 1 lemon (it should be medium in size);
  • 1 cucumber (previously peeled, but the seeds must be left, but make sure that the vegetable is not lethargic or overripe);
  • 20 grams of fresh grated ginger root (this is a heaping tablespoon);
  • a few (10 to 15) fresh mint leaves.


  1. Grind all the ingredients: grate, puree in a blender, just cut with a knife.
  2. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Take the resulting mass with a wooden spoon so that the juice comes out.
  4. Fill with water at room temperature.
  5. Close the lid tightly so that the volatile essential oils that promote weight loss remain in the drink.
  6. Leave overnight in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  7. During the next day, drink the entire volume of prepared Sassi water, and in the evening make a new drink.

There is also a Sassi water recipe for weight loss without mint, which many people are allergic to. Do not be afraid to exclude one of the ingredients of the drink: from this it will lose slightly. The same applies to other products: lemon and ginger (individual intolerance to cucumbers is a rarity, if it exists at all in nature).

Knowing how to make Sassi water for weight loss, according to the classic recipe, you can enjoy its effect on the body and kilograms melting right before your eyes. It will go especially well in the summer, as it perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather. Because of this, some people call this drink diet lemonade. Pleasant, unusual taste, refreshing aroma, invigorating effect, weight loss - all these properties make the ginger-cucumber cocktail with lemon for burning fat a real salvation.

You can resort to it when you urgently need to lose a couple of kg in a week, slightly adjusting the figure in problem areas. But it is also useful for those who suffer from obesity. It's time to find the strength in yourself to lose weight, and the magical Sassy Water will become your real assistant on this difficult path.

The creator of this effective fat-burning cocktail is the famous American nutritionist Cynthia Sass. She, like all other nutritionists in the world, claims that the speed and effectiveness of losing weight largely depends on the amount of fluid consumed. Water is the basis of the human body, and this natural system can function normally only if it is sufficiently filled with life-giving moisture. The obligatory daily amount of pure water consumed for an ordinary person is at least 2 liters.

If a person is overweight and plans to lose weight, then Cynthia Sass considers it appropriate to follow the usual drinking regimen, but at the same time replace ordinary water with a fat-burning cocktail that will help improve metabolism, and, as a result, lose weight easier and faster. The composition of Sassi water includes 5 components: raw ginger root, fresh cucumber, lemon, mint and pure drinking water. The plant components of the drink are crushed in a certain way, filled with water and kept in the refrigerator overnight.

Water Sassi for weight loss

Sassi's fat-burning cocktail has a rich chemical composition, because each of its main components is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are indispensable for maintaining the normal functioning of the human body and improving health. The miraculous properties of ginger root, lemon juice, cucumber and mint have been known individually since ancient times, and in combination these plant components are capable of:

  • increase vitality, give vivacity, stimulate a surge of energy;
  • break down fats, speed up metabolism;
  • reduce appetite, suppress the obsessive feeling of hunger with severe dietary restrictions;
  • reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • improve the functioning of all internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • normalize intestinal motility, level the processes of gas formation;
  • remove toxins from the body.

If we talk about the individual properties of each of the components of the Sassi drink, aimed at losing weight, then:

  • ginger - the main fat-burning ingredient, due to its natural pungency stimulates digestion, blocks the absorption of fats, helps cleanse the body of accumulated food debris;
  • cucumber - a vegetable that is 95% moisture and contains virtually no calories, but it has a slight diuretic effect and the ability to activate the process of removing heavy metal salts from the body;
  • lemon - the natural acids in this sunny citrus not only saturate the body with various vitamins and minerals, but also prevent excess carbohydrates from food from turning into body fat;
  • mint is a wonderful natural antidepressant that has a pronounced calming effect, perfectly reduces appetite, and contributes to the complete cleansing of the body of harmful metabolic products.

Sassi water recipe for weight loss

There are several options for preparing a natural cocktail to accelerate fat burning according to the method of Cynthia Sass. The classic recipe always remains the basis, but if you wish, you can add not only lemon, but also orange to the Sassi drink or replace it with lime, and in addition to mint, put other aromatic herbs in magic water - sage, verbena, thyme, etc. A prerequisite for storing the drink for its maximum effectiveness in losing weight is a low temperature regime (in the refrigerator), and for every day you need to prepare a new, fresh portion of water.

Classic recipe

  • Time: 7 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2.2 kcal per 100 ml.
  • Cuisine: dietary.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you are just going to try the miraculous fat-burning Sassi cocktail for yourself, take on board the basic classic drink recipe. You can prepare it on the basis of purified drinking water, but the result in losing weight and improving the body will be maximum if not ordinary water is used to prepare the Sassi drink, but enriched with minerals - spring or non-carbonated mineral, and even better - melted water.


  • fresh ginger root - 20-25 g;
  • large cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • peppermint - 10-12 leaves;
  • purified water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the ginger root, grind into shavings with a fine grater.
  2. Wash the cucumber, cut into thin slices.
  3. Lemon cut into thin circles.
  4. Tear mint leaves, crush a little with your hands.
  5. Put all the components in a jug of a suitable volume or a three-liter glass jar, pour prepared water. Keep in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

with orange

  • Time: 4 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 8 cups.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1.9 kcal per 100 ml.
  • Purpose: for weight loss.
  • Cuisine: dietary.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you don't like the sour taste of a fat-burning drink with lemon, make Sassi water with another citrus, such as orange, grapefruit, or tangerine pulp. Such a cocktail also significantly improves metabolism and stimulates the rapid breakdown of subcutaneous fat, and also perfectly quenches thirst on hot summer days and saturates the body with useful substances.


  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • mint - 2 branches 4-5 cm long;
  • sage (optional) - 3-4 leaves;
  • water - 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the orange under the tap, dry, cut into thin slices.
  2. Leaves of aromatic herbs, lightly crushed by hand, and chopped orange, transfer to a glass container, fill with water, mix.
  3. Let the drink brew for half an hour under the lid, and then refrigerate overnight.


  • Time: 26 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 8 cups.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2.1 kcal per 100 ml.
  • Purpose: for weight loss.
  • Cuisine: dietary.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Sassi water with cinnamon has a pronounced fat-burning effect, in which a little natural honey can be added to soften the taste. Such a delicious drink is not only an effective means for losing weight, but also an excellent immunostimulant. Cinnamon and honey, combined with the main components of the famous Sassi cocktail, help speed up the fat burning process, help normalize the digestive system, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.


  • fresh ginger - 20-25 g;
  • lemon or lime - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • mint - 4-5 leaves;
  • ground cinnamon - 4 tsp;
  • natural honey - 8 tsp;
  • boiled water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cinnamon into a suitable container, pour boiling water over it, leave to cool.
  2. Rinse citrus and cucumber, cut into medium-sized slices.
  3. Remove the peel from the ginger root, cut into thin slices.
  4. When the liquid becomes slightly warm, add honey, mint leaves, slices of lemon, cucumber, ginger.
  5. Stir well and refrigerate for at least 8 hours.

Without mint

  • Time: 6 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 8 cups.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2 kcal per 100 ml.
  • Purpose: for weight loss.
  • Cuisine: dietary.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you can't find fresh fragrant mint leaves in winter, you can make a miraculous fat-burning drink without this component. It is better not to use dried mint herb, because even though it will add a faint aroma to the cocktail, it will not transfer all the useful properties to the water. Sassi water without mint is suitable for weight loss in the cold season and also has a pronounced effect in burning fat.


  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • fresh grated ginger - 1 tbsp. with a slide;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the lemon and cucumber under the tap, cut into thin slices along with the peel.
  2. Put in a jug or jar, add grated ginger, mix.
  3. Pour everything with cold water, stir, put in the cold until the next morning.

How to drink

To get a quick visible result in losing weight, Sassi water should be drunk for at least 2-3 weeks, dividing the entire daily volume of the drink into portions of 200-250 ml. To determine the daily volume of a fat-burning cocktail recommended by the author of the methodology, you should multiply your exact weight by a factor of 0.03 - the final number will be the amount of Sassi drink in liters that you need to drink per day. While taking this drink for weight loss, you should adhere to the following recommendations of a nutritionist:

  1. The first glass of water should be drunk on an empty stomach, then the same portion before each meal (half an hour before meals) and one hour after each meal.
  2. It is impossible to combine the use of the next portion of the drink with any meals - after mixing with gastric juices, Sassi water loses its fat-burning effect.
  3. You can drink a maximum of 1 glass of drink at a time, no more than 4 liters per day, so as not to overload the kidneys and heart, and also to avoid stretching the stomach.
  4. The last glass of Sassi cocktail should be taken no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, so as not to provoke the appearance of morning swelling.
  5. There are no components of a fat-burning cocktail, so Sassi water can be filtered before drinking.

There are several variations of the use of this drink for weight loss. Can:

  • completely replace drinking water and other drinks (juices, tea, coffee) in the usual diet with a cocktail according to the method of Cynthia Sass;
  • regularly spend fasting days (only use a fat-burning drink all day or drink a cocktail in parallel with one of their effective mono-diets);
  • go on a low-calorie diet, originally developed by an American nutritionist to get rid of the "fat apron" and reduce the waist.


On the net you can find many positive reviews about the magical effect of Sassi fat-burning water for weight loss. The most effective way to combat excess weight according to the method of Cynthia Sass is considered to be the combination of drinking a drink with a low-calorie diet. This nutrition system is designed for a month and starts with a quick 4-day start. These days you need to drink at least two liters of water daily, give up fatty, salty, spicy. By the end of the stage, it is worth partially reducing the size of the usual portions and reviewing your eating habits.

The second stage of the diet also lasts 4 days and involves a decrease in daily calories to 1400 kcal in parallel with the use of the Sassi cocktail in the amount calculated by the formula: multiply weight in kg by 0.03. At this stage, you will also have to give up sweet, floury, starchy, caffeinated products. After going through the first two stages of the diet for 2-3 weeks, you should continue to eat right, while drinking the right amount of Sassi cocktail daily and not raising the daily calorie intake above 1600 calories.

Following the Sassi diet, the diet menu can include:

  • different varieties of fish and all seafood;
  • lean meat (chicken, beef, rabbit, lean pork);
  • dairy products with a low percentage of fat;
  • green vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of hard cheese;
  • nuts, seeds, dried fruits;
  • cereals, pasta from durum wheat;
  • whole wheat bread.

In order to unload the digestive system as much as possible for the duration of the diet, it is worth excluding from the list above the products that cause increased gas formation:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • apples;
  • grape.


Since Sassi water contains simple plant components, weight loss using such a remedy is considered quite safe. If you decide to lose weight with this drink, it would be advisable to consult with your doctor about possible contraindications. At the first symptoms of malaise due to the intake of a fat-burning cocktail or a decrease in daily calorie intake, immediately stop the diet. Drinking Sassi drink is strictly contraindicated:

  • people who are allergic to the components of the cocktail;
  • patients with renal insufficiency and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by high acidity (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, reflux esophagitis, etc.);
  • with any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers.


Not for all

There is an opinion that water is one of the most important facets for maintaining the health of the body and the harmony of the body. Recently, Sassi water has appeared on the market, helping to get rid of excess weight without any problems.
Preparing a drink is extremely simple. I took 8 glasses of clean cold water, cut the lemon into slices, to it a cucumber, also pre-cut and peeled, a spoonful of ginger and a few mint leaves. Water must be infused.
Quite a tasty drink, and chilled is generally amazing. You need to drink it 2 liters a day, until 16.00. I prepared the mixture in the evening and drank the next day.
The first two days fell on the weekend, in principle, there was no discomfort, only often I wanted to go to the toilet. I work in an office and I can handle that too.
Somewhere on the fourth day of taking Sassi's water, I got so twisted. There was severe pain in the stomach, heartburn and nausea. I ended up in the hospital with an exacerbation of gastritis. It turns out that lemon greatly increases the level of acidity of the stomach and has an irritating effect. I lay there for 10 days, everything worked out, but I swore not to conduct experiments anymore.

Sassi water does not contribute to weight loss

Heard a lot of positive reviews about sassi water. Since it is very simple, I decided to make this water at home. I cooked immediately for the whole day: I added a little mint, lemon and ginger to a three-liter jar of clean water. It turned out quite a tasty cocktail, for the summer heat - that's it. I always keep a jar in the refrigerator, cold water is perfectly refreshing.
But besides the fact that it is delicious, I have not noticed any other positive effects. Sassi water does not affect weight loss at all. I can say with full confidence that it is not possible to lose weight with it, because I drank it for 6 whole weeks, and the weight decreased by only half a kilogram. I can't even count it as a result.
Yes, many people allegedly manage to lose weight on sassi water, but I don’t believe in it. This is likely the placebo effect at work. The motto "drink and lose weight" really does not work at all. And the components of sassi water (except for ginger) are not one of those that can drastically affect weight.
If your goal, like mine, is to lose weight, it’s better to go in for sports and adjust your diet (which, in fact, I did), and not rely on dubious water.

Tasty water

It is very pleasant to start the day with a glass of such water. Only you need to cook it fresh, lemon peels begin to give off their bitterness if the water is longer than 12 hours. Therefore, early in the morning, I cut lemons, and if I knew that I needed some water until the evening, I would definitely cut off the zest, which gives bitterness. In terms of quantity, I always took everything by eye. Less ginger and cucumber, more mint and lemon or limes. So much tastier. Perhaps someone likes more flavors, then you can add more ginger.
If you are not lazy and prepare a fresh drink every day, it turns out delicious. Such a drink drives water perfectly, by morning there is not a trace of edema either on the face or on the body. If you drink the prescribed 8 glasses of sassi water per day, then you can forget about the lack of fluid. It seems to me that against the background of taking water, my digestion improved, the feeling of heaviness after eating disappeared. But that's where all the pluses end. I couldn’t lose weight so very noticeably, it’s good if it took a couple of kilos, but not thanks to water, but to proper nutrition, which I master with grief in half. As a way to lose weight, it doesn't really work.

Regular refreshing

The vaunted Sassi water, which supposedly should deal with the excesses of the figure in no time, is in fact a banal soft drink that quenches thirst well, but that's all. Periodically stumbling across the Internet on an advertisement for a miraculous drink, which even a primary school student can prepare, I was tempted by the simplicity of the recipe and the promised effect. Fortunately, any housewife can find all the ingredients: cucumber, ginger, cucumber, lemon and mint leaves. And water in the tap - as much as you want. I mixed the components, let it brew and started the water diet.
I drank two liters a day for two weeks, as prescribed. At the same time, again according to the instructions, she ate fractionally, in small portions, but often. What can I say - the drink is peculiar, the taste is specific, spicy-sour, it quenches thirst well, especially if stored in the refrigerator. But this, alas, is all the pluses. Rather, Sassi water, in terms of its effect on the body with fractional nutrition, does not fundamentally differ from ordinary drinking water. Which is also recommended to drink in the amount of two liters. And which also helps to remove excess lipids from the body during weight loss. Unless for the first two or three days it acted on me as a diuretic, and then, apparently, the body got used to it.

good remedy

Sassi water is very easy to make, for me personally. I took 2 liters of water (I took bottled water), cut 1 lemon, 1 cucumber into slices, rubbed ginger root on a fine grater to make 1 teaspoon and added mint. I noticed that if you add more ginger, then the water turned out to be too bitter and I don’t like it. And I put these ready-made 2 liters at night in a dark place to infuse my cocktail. It takes about 12 hours.
In the morning I filtered and drank these 2 liters during the day. The taste is certainly nuclear, but what can you do to fit into your favorite dress. I can note that after taking such a cocktail, I feel less hungry and I began to feel more cheerful than before. However, drinking 2 liters of this water a day was hard for me at first. I didn’t get that much liquid right into me. Then it got easier. I also got a chair. And I used to have constipation. And the skin on the face became cleaner, acne disappeared. It's hard to drink, but the effect is good. Plus, I also limited myself in food and eventually got rid of 5 extra pounds. Now I make such a cocktail 2 times a week, to consolidate the result. You need to get used to the taste and then this cocktail will even seem tasty.

The result is almost zero

I heard a lot of rave reviews about "Sassi water", I also wanted to try it. The recipe is simple, it does not require a lot of money and time, and the principle itself, when you drink some water and lose weight, seems tempting. As always, what seems simple does not help.
So, all you need is 8 glasses of water, a teaspoon of grated ginger, cucumber and lemon, cut into thin circles and a few mint leaves. An extremely affordable recipe. All this is mixed in a container, covered with a lid and put in the refrigerator overnight.
The next day, the resulting mixture should be gradually drunk, and in the evening prepare a new one. And so 4 days.
There are no food restrictions. I think the whole effect is that when you drink a lot of water with a tonic effect, the appetite is dulled. I really ate less than usual during those four days. Feelings are strange. In the reviews they write a lot about the refreshing effect, about the extraordinary lightness and other joys, but I did not feel any changes in my state of health, neither negative nor positive.
The water is not very tasty, I must say, and I do not like ginger, I overpowered myself. After four days of torment, she weighed herself. Prior to the start of the water "diet" was 60 kg. After became 59, 5 kg. If this is the very promised weight loss, then it is not worth it. On the third day, strong redness began on the legs and arms, they did not go away for several days, in addition, they became larger.
I assumed that I had an allergy to ginger, although I have not been allergic in my life.
I immediately stopped drinking Sassi water, the redness went away in just a couple of days.
During the week that I drank Sassi water, I had absolutely no change in weight: I did not even lose 100 grams, the volumes remained the same.
For me, this water turned out to be a completely useless method, and even one that provoked an allergy. It is better to drink just a lot of pure water, the effect will obviously be better.

In this post, I would like to discuss not the eternal topic - what to eat to lose weight, but the topic of no less interest to all losing weight - what to drink to lose weight? So, let's talk about a summer refreshing drink that you can make yourself at home.

If you hear about a vitamin cocktail for the first time, then carefully read the post, and if you have already tried cucumber water on yourself, write in the comments about your first impressions and the result. Every review is important to me and my readers.

What is Sassi water

In simple terms, Sassi water is an aqueous infusion of cucumber, lemon, ginger and mint leaves. The infusion is ordinary, but the whole benefit of the drink lies in the products that are used to prepare it.

Cucumber water is named after Cynthia Sass. It was she who invented the cocktail and successfully uses it to keep her figure in excellent shape.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids during any diet. You can drink water, or you can brighten up dietary everyday life with a chilled herbal infusion. It is especially good in the summer, when it is hot outside, and a refreshing and tasty cocktail awaits you in the refrigerator. Moreover, with such useful properties:

  • Diuretic effect - removal of excess fluid and removal of puffiness.
  • Eliminates bloating - normalization of the digestive process, reduction of fermentation and gas formation.
  • Accelerates the breakdown of fats - improving the metabolic process.
  • Improves the general condition of hair and skin - by saturating the body with the necessary amount of fluid.

Ingredients for the Sassi drink

Cucumber- acts as a diuretic. In addition to its low calorie content, it serves as a source of vitamin C. Since the cucumber itself consists of 95% water, with frequent urination, our body will not suffer from dehydration.

Mint- protects against bacteria and fungus inside the digestive system, relieves irritation of the intestinal walls.

Water- is necessary for the implementation of all vital processes in the body. It is used for digestion, absorption and transport of nutrients.

Delicious and no calories In detail about What is more effective: exercise or the transition to proper nutrition? Massage, running or fasting?

Sassi water recipe

The recipe for this Illuminating Slimming Cocktail is so simple that I think everyone will want to make it and taste it. I personally could not resist and tried, and you?

  • Lemon - one medium-sized lemon or the juice of one lemon
  • Cucumber - also one, medium size
  • Mint - leaves, 10 pieces or 1 teaspoon dry herb
  • Ginger - one tablespoon
  • Water - two liters

Sassi drink - food preparation

Cynthia's recipe states that either a whole lemon or its juice can be used. I used a whole lemon with the peel to make the drink. And I advise you to do the same, because juice is juice, and citrus peel is no less useful. It contains almost all the essential oils of citrus. Why refuse them?

Also, many people advise to scald the lemon with boiling water to eliminate bitterness. I don't recommend this either. Firstly, after heat treatment, the beneficial properties of lemon peel will decrease significantly. And secondly, the prepared drink is not bitter, I checked it personally!

But I cut the skin from the cucumber in a very thin layer. The peel can give bitterness that you can’t kill with anything (unlike lemon bitterness), this time. And two - the ability of the cucumber to accumulate nitrates and other unnecessary elements in the peel. We do not need them in a drink, so we cut off the skin without hesitation.

I also do not recommend using mint in dried form, fresh leaves are much healthier than dry ones.

Now about ginger. You need to prepare some water only on the basis of a fresh root. Dry powder bought in the store does not give the same result as fresh. Only a fresh root (not dried) and grated just before cooking.

The active substances in grated ginger break down and disappear quite quickly, and we need them in the recipe.

I took mineral water, without gas. Since our tap water is not suitable for drinking, it is better to buy it already purified in the store.

How to make Sassi water

Cut the lemon and cucumber into slices, grate the ginger root, cut the mint leaves into strips or slices (if possible =)). Put all this “usefulness” in a glass jar, pour cold water over it and put it in the refrigerator.

It is only necessary to insist a cocktail for weight loss and recovery in the refrigerator, otherwise, instead of removing fermentation in our stomach, it will begin to ferment itself.

Usually, the infusion is prepared in the evening and sent to a cold place, and in the morning (after 10 hours) you can already drink it.

Fast cooking method

Cut the peeled cucumber and mint leaves into small pieces and beat in a blender with a little water until smooth.

Then dissolve the resulting mass in the right amount of water, add lemon juice, grated ginger and refrigerate for one hour.

How to drink a Sassi cocktail

It is necessary to drink the received amount of infusion during the day, without leaving the next day. If you need to drink a drink for several days, then you have to prepare it every evening.

There are many options for using a cocktail.

Option one

Drink Sassi water 1 - 2 times a week for mild weight loss and healing of the whole organism as a whole. The taste and smell of the drink is very pleasant, especially in the summer, drinking it is a pleasure!

Option two

Drink the infusion for four days. And at the same time, you need to observe food restrictions, no more than 1000 kcal per day and active sports.

In these four days, completely eliminate all fried, spicy and salty, any flour products, alcohol, coffee, sweets, convenience foods and canned goods.

You can: boiled and baked dishes, raw vegetables and greens in the form of a salad with olive or linseed oil, nuts and dried fruits in small quantities, kefir, cottage cheese.

If you strictly follow the diet program, then after 4 days an extra couple of kilograms will fly off and the waist will become 5 centimeters thinner.

  • But do not forget that these kilograms can be easily gained if you start chewing everything again indiscriminately. Remember how difficult it was for you to get rid of them and try to eat in moderation after the diet. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

Sassi water during pregnancy and breastfeeding

No one should doubt that water has a beneficial effect on the body.

Any nutritionist will confirm that ginger in small quantities is absolutely harmless to a pregnant woman. However, the use of the root will have to be completely abandoned for those who have had miscarriages in the past.

As for mint, drinking an infusion of the leaves and stems of the plant does not harm the woman or her child.

At the same time, peppermint essential oil during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, as it can cause labor.

The prohibition also applies to the period of breastfeeding: mint suppresses milk production.

As for other components (water, cucumber and lemon), in small quantities they will not harm the baby and mother.

Contraindication and harm

The recipe consists of natural ingredients and does not harm the body. And at the same time, you need to remember about the individuality of each person.

  • Ginger can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines with gastritis, ulcers, colitis, enteritis.
  • Mint reduces the tone of venous vessels, so it can quite easily cause an exacerbation of some other existing disease. For example, quite often under its influence there is an exacerbation of varicose veins or a decrease in already low blood pressure.
  • Cucumbers actively remove excess fluid from the cells of the body. Therefore, it is not advisable to drink Sassi water at night in large quantities.

Do not be lazy and prepare yourself a vitamin infusion. It is easy to prepare, tasty and well cleanses the body of toxins.

Today, there are many miracle remedies and recipes for quick weight loss, but, unfortunately, in this abundance it is difficult to distinguish what really deserves attention. Sassi water appeared recently, but many people have already convinced themselves of the effectiveness of this remedy.

It is not for nothing that nutritionists repeat all the time like a mantra that water is one of the most important aspects of the health of the body and the harmony of the body. According to modern principles of healthy eating, an adult needs 1.2 liters of pure water per day. We are not talking about any liquids, that is, about tea, coffee or juices, but about pure water.

And what if something useful for the body is added to this water, a few ingredients that will not only improve our well-being, remove toxins and toxins, but also help reduce waist size?

This is exactly the question Dr. Cynthia Sassi asked herself a few years ago, who picked up the ingredients and tried this vitamin water for the first time.

What is sassi water and how it will help you lose weight

Sassi water is pure water to which lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint are added. This recipe was invented by a woman who was looking for ways to cleanse the body and get rid of fat deposits around the waist.

It is known that our body accumulates fat in the waist area when there are problems with digestion, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when toxins and toxins linger for too long, and also when we eat improperly and the calories we absorb do not have time to be absorbed and converted into energy. .

Sassi water is a delicious drink that is extremely easy to prepare, has practically no contraindications and is useful for absolutely everyone, even those who do not need to lose weight.

Benefits of sassi water:

  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Reduces gas formation
  • Accelerates the breakdown of fats
  • speeds up metabolism
  • facilitates the rapid excretion of metabolic products

Does sassi water help you lose weight?

The answer here is quite banal, this drink will help you lose extra pounds faster, only if you follow the right diet. That is, if you are already on a diet, then sassi water will undoubtedly accelerate the achievement of results.

And vice versa, you should not hope for the effectiveness of this soft drink, if you have not even tried to adjust your diet.

To get results, it is not necessary to go on a strict diet and limit yourself in everything, most often it is enough to simply remove harmful foods from your diet, such as smoked meats and sausages, cakes and flour, if possible, you need to give up semi-finished products and highly processed foods. Instead, eat more vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish, and try not to eat before bed.

How to drink sassi water

This recipe was originally developed with the goal of improving the results of the flat stomach diet. Sassi water is taken in the first 4 days, at least 8 glasses a day. Meals at this time should be rich in foods containing monounsaturated fatty acids, such as avocados, flax seeds, nuts, or oily fish.

Basic rules for using sassi water for weight loss:

  • Drink this drink should be 2 liters per day, and 1.5 liters should be drunk before 16-00 hours;
  • The ingredients for preparing water must be of high quality and fresh, the peel from ginger and cucumber must be removed;
  • It is not necessary to eat the ingredients from the drink, filter the water, then drink 1 glass every 2-3 hours;
  • Sassi water is prepared in the evening, left overnight in the refrigerator, drunk the next day;
  • The last glass of water should be drunk at least 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

Sassi water for weight loss. Recipe

To prepare sassi water, we need:

  • 8 glasses of clean, cold water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 tablespoon chopped, fresh ginger;
  • A sprig of fresh mint.


  • Peel the cucumber from the peel, cut into thin circles;
  • Rinse the lemon well and also cut into thin circles, this time along with the peel;
  • Rub a piece of ginger root through a grater;
  • Rinse the mint;
  • Put all the ingredients in a pre-prepared container. It can be a saucepan, a jug or just a glass jar.
  • Leave the drink in the refrigerator overnight.

Video: Sassi water - recipe

As you can see, the ingredients are common and affordable, making sassi water is not difficult, which is why many people love this recipe.

Sassi water. Contraindications

This drink has practically no contraindications, since it does not contain any harmful or questionable ingredients. All useful and natural. At the same time, there are always warnings, because each organism reacts to different things individually.

Firstly, individual intolerance to the ingredients cannot be ruled out. Some people, for example, are allergic to ginger or mint.

Secondly, pregnant women and nursing mothers should be handled with care with any new products.

Sassi water is strongly discouraged for people who suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers. In the presence of any chronic diseases, before starting a course of weight loss with sassi water, you should always consult with your doctor.

If you have even mild kidney failure, in no case should you drink so much water. If during the day you feel unwell, stop taking it and take a blood test. Kidney failure can be and yet not notice the symptoms.

Also, be sure to read ginger has contraindications . Of all the ingredients, this root has the most contraindications. You may need to exclude it.

The results of using sassi water. Personal experience and reviews

The effects of sassi water are already visible after 4 days of application, and this is confirmed by many positive reviews and reports of built beauties with convincing "Before and After" photos.

Considering the ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients, as well as reading many reviews about how easily some people lost 2-3 centimeters in just a few days, I decided to try it.

I am one of those who never went on a diet and did not worry about being overweight. I have less kilograms than I need for my height, however, it was in the waist area that fat always accumulated and this is very ugly - I myself am incomplete, but with a tummy, can you imagine ?!

Now I try to eat more or less right, several times a week I do exercises for the press according to the following video. By the way, a very cool video, only 8 minutes a day and after a few weeks the first results are visible.

Then I decided to add sassi water in addition to exercise and diet.

I can say that I really like its taste, drinking this drink is much more pleasant than ordinary water. From the second day, I felt light and energized, and after a few days I really noticed a decrease in volume in the waist. I've always dreamed of fat free abs and I almost got it so I can say that this recipe works great for me.

There is, nevertheless, one minus - you often have to go to the toilet, so I advise you to drink the bulk of the water during the day.

Sassi water is definitely worth a try, it is a light and pleasant drink that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, as a result of which the tummy is drawn in, the skin condition and overall well-being improve. If contraindications do not concern you, then I highly recommend it.
