
Sassi water is an effective drink for weight loss. Experiment: Sassi water or ordinary water? Sassi water for weight loss - recipe

- a cocktail that accelerates the breakdown of fats, relieves swelling and eliminates the problems of bloating. Magic water bears the name of its inventor - Cynthia Sass. You can drink a cocktail not only for weight loss, but also for recovery.

"The healthy ingredients of Sassi water are available to everyone, and the cooking process takes ten to fifteen minutes."

Composition of Sassi water

The water of the Sassi includes lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint. In fact, this is a healing infusion that retains all the beneficial properties of the ingredients.

Ginger- activator of metabolism. Substances in the composition of ginger have a healing effect on the digestive organs: they help with disorders, relieve inflammation.

Lemon- stimulates the formation of bile in the liver. If bile formation is impaired, the body digests food worse, and as a result, excess fats are absorbed. Useful substances of lemon help to solve a similar problem. Lemon has a powerful antioxidant effect and a supply of vitamin C.

Cucumber- one of the lowest calorie products, consisting of 95% water. It has a safe diuretic effect without causing dehydration.

Mint- soothes the intestinal walls in case of irritation, fights possible bacteria and fungi in the digestive organs.

Thanks to a worthy company of ingredients, Sassi water provides versatile effect:

1. Stimulates the removal of excess fluid and, as a result, relieves swelling.

2. Fights the fermentation of undigested food, eliminates gas formation, therefore, defeats the problem of a "puffed up" stomach.

3. Accelerates metabolism.

4. Improves appearance by maintaining fluid balance in the body.

Sassi water preparation

Recipe 1. Traditional

You will need: lemon (tonic slices without peel or juice, 1 pc.), Cucumber (1 pc. without peel), ginger (finely chopped to a mushy state - 1 dessert spoon), mint (10 fresh leaves or 1 teaspoon dried), drinking water ( 2 liters).

Mix the products, pour the indicated amount of water and refrigerate for fifteen hours.

Recipe 2. Quick

Take the same ingredients as in the traditional version. First, move the mint leaves and cucumber pieces in a blender. Then mix the green gruel with the juice of one lemon and chopped ginger, pour everything with drinking water. Leave in the refrigerator for one hour.

Recipe 3. Citrus

This is one of the options for Sassi water for lovers of citrus taste.

You will need: lemon, tangerine, orange, peeled - all 1 pc.; mint, sage and lemon verbena leaves - 3 leaves each; drinking water (2 liters).

Tear the leaves in half, and finely chop the citrus fruits. Mix the products and pour drinking water. Infuse in the refrigerator for about 18 hours.

How to drink Sassi water

Option 1. Weight loss

The first four days drink 8 glasses daily. At the same time, the calorie content of the daily diet should fit 1400 kcal and no more! You can eat three times a day, snacks, except for drinking water, are excluded.

The next four days - restriction of the total caloric content of food per day - 1 600 kcal. Meals per day - four times, each of them within 400 kcal. And, of course, drink at least 8 glasses of water.

It is advisable to completely replace all drinks with Sassi water.

Result: minus 3 kg in the first 4 days, waist reduction - an average of 4 cm.

Option 2. Improvement, keeping fit

Arrange "light" days 1-2 times a week, reducing the caloric content of the diet, excluding salty and fried, sugar, and drink at least 1.5 liters of magic water.

Do not drink more than one glass at a time.

Do not exceed the daily intake of Sassi water - drinking more than 4 liters is prohibited.

Don't drink water right before bed.

It is correct to take water no later than two hours before a night's rest. Store water only in the refrigerator.

During the day, it is permissible to leave a vessel with water in a dark and cool place.

Water does help fight digestive problems, but it is not a cure for overeating.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the cocktail, the presence of renal failure, chronic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, etc.).

Today there is a wide selection of miracle remedies and recipes for weight loss. The main task in this abundance is to find a really worthy method that will not harm health. The slogan "Water Sassi - drink and lose weight!" appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to gain popularity among those who are eager to lose weight, because this vitamin drink helps not only reduce weight, but also improve well-being.

What is "Sassi water"

Sassi water is an aqueous infusion of lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint leaves.

The combination of ingredients in water gives a unique palette of taste and benefits.

The name "Sassi" came from the name of the American doctor Santia Sass, a woman who was looking for an effective way to cleanse the body and eliminate fat deposits around the waist. A few years later, Santia managed to independently create an original recipe, which consists in the optimal combination of natural products infused with water.

Useful properties of ingredients

All nutritionists unanimously repeat that every day you should drink about 2 liters of pure water. It improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract and activates the processes of losing weight. It is often advised to replace ordinary water during a diet with Sassi water, which has more miraculous properties:

  • ginger, which is part of the cocktail, increases the metabolic rate in the body and promotes fat burning;
  • fresh cucumber in combination with water has an excellent diuretic effect, which removes excess fluid in the body, relieves swelling and leaves a feeling of satiety;
  • lemon saturates the body with vitamins and organic acids, which help to remove discomfort in the stomach, and also burn toxic substances and toxins;
  • mint leaves eliminate bloating, improve stomach activity and calm the nervous system.

Water Sassi accelerates the process of splitting fat deposits

In addition, as a result of the normalization of the water-salt balance in the body, the general condition of the skin, nails and hair improves.

In the summer, a cooling cocktail is very refreshing and quenches thirst.

Initially, Sassi water was invented as part of the “flat tummy” diet, but as it was consumed, many other pleasant side effects were revealed.

cooking recipes

At home, even a child can easily prepare a drink. We present you the classic (basic) recipe for Sassi water and refreshing citrus, which can also diversify your dietary routine.

Classic Sassi Water Recipe


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 cucumber of medium size;
  • 28 g fresh root or 1 tsp. dry ginger powder;
  • 10 pieces. fresh peppermint leaves or 1 tsp. dry grass.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut lemon and cucumber into thin slices.
  2. Peel and grate the ginger root.
  3. Tear the mint leaves into small pieces with your hands.
  4. Place all products in a jar, pour water at room temperature, cover with a napkin and send the liquid to the refrigerator.

Based on citrus


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 whole lemon or freshly squeezed juice
  • 1 orange or its freshly squeezed juice;
  • 2 tangerines or their freshly squeezed juice;
  • 5 pieces. fresh peppermint leaves or 0.5 tsp. dry grass;
  • 5 pieces. fresh sage leaves or 0.5 tsp. dry grass.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop all fruits.
  2. Mint and sage leaves to detail with your hands.
  3. Put the food in a container, pour drinking water, cover with a napkin and place in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to infuse these wellness cocktails for at least 10 hours. The best option is to make water in the evening and leave it overnight. During this time, the water will be saturated with vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the human body.

This mineral cocktail is very easy to prepare.

There is also a faster way to prepare Sassi water, in which the necessary ingredients are ground in a blender with a glass of water to a mushy consistency. Then 2 liters of water are added to the resulting mixture and the drink is sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour. After the time has passed, you can enjoy a light refreshing taste.

Subtleties of cooking

When preparing Sassi water, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. It is best to use spring water, but you can also take mineral water without gas or filtered.
  2. Fruits are recommended to be added whole, together with the peel - it contains most of the essential oils that are beneficial to the body.
  3. Cucumber before cutting, on the contrary, it is better to peel. Otherwise, it will add bitterness to the drink, which cannot be killed (unlike citruses).
  4. Mint and sage are best taken fresh. Useful properties of dried herbs are significantly reduced.
  5. Ginger should also be added fresh. Dry powder may not give the desired effect.
  6. All products should be washed thoroughly before use. Be aware that they may contain harmful pesticides, nitrates, or sulfur, which is often treated with fruits and vegetables to preserve their appearance.

Video: How to make a drink

All 2 liters of the infusion made should be drunk within one day. Therefore, to include a drink in the diet menu, you will need to prepare it as needed. Below are the most popular Sassi methods.

Method number 1

Drink a vitamin cocktail 1-2 times a week.

On the day allocated for the diet, divide 2 liters of water into 8 doses:

  • 1 glass - on an empty stomach after waking up;
  • 2 glass - half an hour before breakfast;
  • 3 glass - an hour after breakfast;
  • 4 glass - half an hour before lunch;
  • 5 glass - an hour after dinner;
  • 6 glass - half an hour before dinner;
  • 7 glass - an hour after dinner;
  • 8 glass - 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

This method of drinking water cleanses the body of harmful substances and helps to lose about 7 kg per month if salt, sugar, flour products and caffeinated drinks are almost completely absent from the diet.

Method number 2

The intake of the drink begins with a 4-day phase, which causes a quick start for weight loss. During these days, they drink water by the above method (8 glasses each), observing food restrictions so that the calorie content does not exceed 1400 kcal per day.

Then they move on to a 4-week stage, which involves increasing the calorie content of food to 1600 kcal. There should be 4 meals per day for 400 kcal. Sassi water continues to be consumed at the rate of 2 liters per day.

From the menu, everything fried, salty, sweet, floury, canned is reduced to a minimum. Alcoholic drinks, coffee, fruits and vegetables with coarse fiber are completely excluded.

Be sure to include in the diet products that are sources of unsaturated fatty acids - nuts, dried fruits, fish, seafood, vegetable oils. In a small amount, the use of kefir and cottage cheese is allowed.

By following this diet program, you will notice weight loss and a smaller waist after the first stage.

After the first stage, the waist is reduced by 5-7 centimeters

Please note that after the diet, the lost kilograms can return. Therefore, observe the measure in food constantly, periodically indulging the body with water.

Important rules for use

Despite the fact that this water is considered beneficial, it is still worth following some recommendations when using it.

  1. Do not drink more than 4 liters of infusion per day. By increasing the amount of liquid you drink, you will give an additional load to the heart and kidneys, as well as stretch the folds of the stomach, which are very difficult to return to shape.
  2. Do not drink more than 1 glass of water at a time.
  3. Do not leave the drink in direct sunlight or heat. Spoiled water can have a detrimental effect on the stomach.
  4. Sassi should preferably be stored in an opaque container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  5. You can strain the cocktail before drinking. Eating floating vegetables, herbs and citrus is not necessary.

This light drink can be drunk outside of diet programs


Sassi water is contraindicated for people who have:

  • high blood pressure;
  • severe renal failure;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum);
  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the cocktail.

If an atypical reaction of the body is manifested (malaise, acute pain in the abdomen, allergies, etc.), it is necessary to stop drinking the drink and immediately consult a doctor.

Before using Sassi water for weight loss, people suffering from any chronic diseases of the internal organs need a doctor's consultation.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women who want to lose weight using this method, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, should also consult a doctor. Ginger combined with water has high tonic properties that can harm the health of the baby and mother.

Sassi water is an easy-to-prepare vitamin and mineral cocktail that normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and is an effective fat-burning agent. This slimming drink is rich in vitamins, as it contains ginger root and lemon. Water Sassy (Sassy water), in addition, helps to restore the water balance in the body of a person seeking to lose weight.

Benefits of Lemon Ginger Water

Vitamin water got its name in honor of its creator Cynthia Sass, a nutritionist who has earned recognition in her homeland - in the USA and around the world. Why is Sassi water good for weight loss? The drink stimulates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, reduces gas formation, helps to quickly remove metabolic products from the body, and accelerates the breakdown of fats. Moreover, the process of losing weight with the help of Sassi water is considered a side, but a pleasant effect.

How does Sassi water work?

One of the main components of the mineral-vitamin drink is ginger. It speeds up metabolism and has a warming effect, which can be felt after the first glass of a cocktail drunk. Water Sassi improves tone, has an analgesic effect, stimulates the work of internal organs, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Ginger, in addition, is a powerful antitoxic agent, it normalizes intestinal motility, due to which the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed.

In addition to health benefits, this cocktail has a calming effect. The mint contained in the vitamin drink serves as a natural antidepressant and stimulates the formation of female sex hormones, so Sassi water is especially useful for women. The fresh smell of a natural cocktail invigorates, and a light lemon sourness adds spice to it.

When, how and for how many days you can drink water

Sassy Shake Sassy Water must be taken for 4 days before starting the diet. It will speed up the metabolism and prepare the basis for the start of the chosen method of losing weight. In addition, Sassi water is allowed to be consumed during meals. Most diets are based on calorie restriction, which causes the body to burn fat in an effort to make up for a calorie deficit. After that, he begins to adapt to the new diet, reducing the basal metabolic rate, saving calories and slowing down the metabolism.

With the simultaneous intake of Sassi water, the body does not slow down metabolic processes, which is the purpose of the cocktail. Accelerating the metabolism even with a reduced calorie content will lead to effective weight loss. It is possible to achieve the maximum effectiveness of the cocktail by combining its intake with sports.

You can drink Sassi drink for weight loss constantly without harm to health, if you do not have any contraindications to the ingredients contained in it. People with kidney disease and hypertension should not consume large amounts of fluid. To see weight loss results, drink water for at least 2-3 weeks.

How to drink Sassi water to lose weight

To get rid of excess weight, drink Sassi water according to a specific program developed by the author of the technique.

  1. First stage. Drink 8 or more glasses of the drink per day for 4 days. Moreover, the daily amount of water should not exceed 4 liters, since it is not known how the heart and kidneys can react to excess fluid. Simultaneously with the intake of Sassi water, it is worth reducing the daily amount of calories to 1400 kcal, which are distributed over 6-8 meals. The first portion of the drink is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. Second phase. In the next 4 days, you should drink the same amount of water, but the calorie content of the daily menu should be equal to 1600 kcal distributed over 4 meals (400 kcal for each snack). At this time, exclude coffee, juice, sweets, soda, salt, sour-milk and dairy products, tea, black bread from the diet.

How to prepare Sassi water for weight loss

Vitamin elixir of youth from Cynthia Sass is not an expensive weight loss product that fills the shelves of modern pharmacies and stores. It is not difficult to prepare this effective slimming remedy even at home, using only available and natural ingredients. How to make Sassi water?

Step-by-step recipe for making classic Sassi water

Sassi water for weight loss will give the expected positive result only if the rules for its preparation are followed. To get a fat-burning cocktail, it is extremely important to choose fresh, natural products.


  • 2 liters of water.
  • Ginger root.
  • Cucumber without skin.
  • 10 leaves of peppermint.


  1. Grind the ginger to the state of gruel, cut the cucumber into circles.
  2. In a clear glass liquid, place a tablespoon of ginger paste, mint and cucumber slices.
  3. Pour the ingredients with water and leave in the refrigerator overnight (10-12 hours). During this time, Sassi water is saturated with vitamins and useful trace elements.

Citrus water Sassi

This recipe is no different from the classic Sassi drink in terms of effectiveness. However, it is an alternative option in case you do not like the taste of a traditional cocktail. Additionally, herbs and citrus are added to the drink - lemon, tangerine, grapefruit or orange.


  • 2 liters of purified water.
  • Mint.
  • Lemon verbena.
  • 2 sage leaves.
  • Citrus of your choice.


  1. Add finely chopped lemon / orange / grapefruit with peel to the prepared water.
  2. Add the sage leaves, mint, and verbena to the bowl.
  3. Send the Sassi water to the refrigerator to brew (enough for 10 hours), after which it is ready for use.

mint free drink recipe

It is not always possible, especially in winter, to find fresh mint. In this case, there is a simple option for preparing Sassi water without it.


  • 2 liters of water.
  • Whole lemon.
  • Ginger (root).
  • Fresh cucumber.


  1. Unpeeled lemon and cucumber cut into thin nickels.
  2. Grate the ginger root in such an amount that you get a heaping tablespoon.
  3. Place all the ingredients at the bottom of a three-liter jar, fill it with cold water. Please note that it is better to store the cocktail in glass, not in plastic, since the acid can react with artificial material.
  4. Leave the container in the refrigerator overnight, Sassi's drink will be ready in the morning.

Brewing Method

Fans of a rich taste and bright aroma should try the custard look of the Sassi drink. Ingredients: Ginger root. Lemon. Liter of water.


  1. Grate or grind ginger in a blender.
  2. Wash the lemon, cut into slices.
  3. Place both products in a 1.5 liter container, pour boiling water over.
  4. Sweeten the Sassi drink with honey if desired.
  5. After 15-20 minutes, cool the cocktail and proceed to the reception.

Sassi drink storage conditions

Keep Sassi diet water in the refrigerator or other cool place where the sun's rays do not fall. If you do not adhere to these storage conditions, the drink will quickly lose its beneficial properties and cease to be an effective means for splitting fats.

Sassi Water Diet

To lose weight using Sassi water, you should follow a low-calorie diet. And it is better to eat often, but in small portions. Choose foods on the menu that do not contribute to bloating. You can drink a light Sassi drink at any time of the day, but it is better to do this between meals half an hour before the next snack.

Basic Rules of the Sassi Water Diet:

  1. Eat 1400-1600 kcal per day.
  2. Avoid long breaks between meals (maximum 4 hours).
  3. Monosaturated fats should be present at every meal, they will replace the trans fats that you are used to eating.

Foods to eat on the Sassi diet:

  • Vegetables fruits.
  • Whole grain products.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Dietary varieties of fish, meat.
  • Greens (parsley, celery, dill, etc.).
  • Low-fat milk, kefir, yogurt.
  • Black bitter chocolate.
  • Seeds, nuts.
  • Natural spices.
  • Olives.

What is prohibited for use:

  • Salt.
  • Soda, alcohol, kvass.
  • Onions, broccoli, beans.
  • Processed foods such as sausages, convenience foods, canned food.
  • Carbohydrate food (bakery products, bananas, pasta).

Side effects and contraindications

Water Sassi for weight loss is contraindicated for those who are allergic to any ingredient in the drink. In addition, it is better to refrain from such a diet for people with diseases of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis, colitis), kidney failure, hypertension. For some, Sassi water can have a sedative effect, so doctors do not recommend drinking the drink for weight loss for people whose work requires concentration.

Video: How to lose weight in a week: SASSI WATER

With a wide variety of ways to lose weight, all nutritionists agree on one thing - with any diet, the importance of water in a person's diet can hardly be overestimated. Maintaining the water balance is vital for the normal functioning of the body, the smooth functioning of its systems. Sassi water is a pleasant tasty drink, the use of which helps to cleanse the body and at the same time free it from extra pounds. It improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, participates in body modeling and body cleansing.

Sassi water - what is it and where does it come from

American nutritionist Cynthia Sassi, who developed a diet for weight loss, decided to experiment and combine dietary products and an indispensable part of nutrition - drinking water. She offered the resulting natural drink to clients - and it began to act much better than all the previous diets she had developed.

Since then, the Sassy Water brand has become famous all over the world. Under the slogan "Water Sassi - drink and lose weight" thousands of women got rid of excess weight.

The diet, which includes Sassi's slimming water, belongs to the low-calorie class. The role of the drink is such that it triggers the fat burning mechanism. This helps move the weight off the ground and speeds up the process of losing weight. Despite a non-strict diet, it takes from 2 to 4 kg per week. At the same time, it is not necessary to starve or give up delicious food - just eat healthy food without overeating and watching the number of calories.

There are interesting “side effects” of this drink:

Thanks to the above benefits and the establishment of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

You just need to follow the advice of an American nutritionist on how to prepare Sassi water, and all these pleasant effects from her drink are guaranteed to you.

Benefits of Sassi water obvious - it promotes fat burning, and also works as a means of strengthening the immune system, removes toxins, and heals the body.

We have two recipes for Water Sassi, I will introduce you to both, which one to cook - the choice is yours. There is an easier cooking option - beat all the ingredients in a blender and pour water for an hour. But what I posted below would be more correct.
The recipe is given for the amount of water that you need to drink for the whole day.

Sassi water recipe number 1. Classic

  • Bottled or spring water - 2 liters.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Ginger root - 1 tablespoon.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Peppermint - 10 - 12 leaves.

How to cook:

Grind the cucumber, peel the ginger root and lemon to a mushy state, and cut into thin slices, tear the mint into pieces. Put it all in a container, add mint and fill with water.
The original recipe says that you can replace the lemon with lemon juice. But I decided that lemon zest is a thing no less useful than just juice, why refuse and didn’t remove the peel from the lemon, cut it all.
Put a container of water in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf and leave for 10 - 12 hours (overnight is an ideal option).

During this time, all the vitamins will mix with water and you will get a healthy cocktail.
The taste of Sassi water is bitter-sour, not devoid of pleasantness, but the taste is not very rich. Citrus lovers may need another Sassi Water recipe for weight loss.

Sassi drink for weight loss recipe number 2. Citrus

We will need:

  • Water - 2 liters bottled or filtered.
  • Orange or tangerine or lemon - 1 pc.
  • Mint, verbena and sage (one thing is possible), leaves - 10 - 12 pcs.

How to cook:

Pour water over a tangerine (or something else of your choice), cut into small pieces, add mint leaves and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Sassi water without ginger


  • pure non-carbonated water - 2 l;
  • orange or lemon - 1 pc.;
  • lemon verbena - 5 leaves;
  • sage - 4 leaves;
  • mint leaves - 12 pcs.


Citrus should be cut into thin circles. Take a container and chop the mint, sage and lemon verbena with your hands. Put the citrus and fill everything with water. The drink also needs to be infused for 12 hours.

You can drink water for 2-3 weeks, then take a 1-2 week break. During this time, you can successfully and effortlessly lose from 6 to 15 kg. It all depends, of course, on the initial data, the severity of the accompanying diet and the characteristics of the body.

It is very important to understand that taking Sassi Water alone will not lead to a rapid loss of kilograms. Basically, it is an additive during a diet. But its important part: as I wrote above, it will reduce your appetite, relieving you of hunger. Thanks to this, you will not have depression, which often accompanies a strict diet. In addition, your health will improve significantly.

  1. You can drink Sassi Water not only while dieting. At your request, no one will forbid you to use it just like that, but you still need to follow some recommendations for the correct intake of the drink.
  2. To prepare a drink, buy only high-quality ingredients.
  3. Before drinking, if desired, strain the drink.
  4. Do not leave the drink in the sun, this impairs its useful and effective qualities. For the same reason, store Sassi Water in an opaque container.
  5. Do not overdo it - the intake of Sassi Water is limited to 4 liters per day, and no more. Exceeding the amount gives an additional burden on the heart and kidneys.
  6. At one time - 1 glass of water. The whole cycle is 4 weeks. This is enough to start the fat burning process.
    Take the last drink intake one and a half to two hours before bedtime to avoid morning swelling.
  7. Exclude from the diet, at the time of drinking the drink, all gas-producing foods, exclude tea and coffee - replace them with water.

Water Sassi - contraindications

Sassi water has a number of contraindications. It should not be used:

  • people who are allergic to the components involved in the preparation of the drink;
  • patients with renal insufficiency;
  • persons with diseases such as: gastritis, ulcers.

People who have problems with the cardiovascular system should take Sassi water with caution, it is better to consult a doctor before starting the course.

How much to drink Sassi water per day to lose weight

To accurately answer this question, there is a special calculation formula. You need to weigh yourself, determine your exact weight.

Multiply the weight in kg by a factor of 0.03 and you will get the minimum amount of drinking water in liters that you need to drink per day.

Multiply your weight in kg by a factor of 0.04 and you will get the maximum amount of water in liters that you can drink daily.

For example, my weight is 60 kg. I think like this:

60 x 0.03 \u003d 1.8 liters.
60 x 0.04 \u003d 2.4 liters.

Calculations say that my daily drinking water intake is 1.8-2.4 liters.

It is not necessary to replace the entire daily volume of drinking water with Sassi water. You can replace just a portion of your daily intake with this homemade smoothie.

Why Sassi water is so effective

Reviews of Sassi water testify mainly in its favor - it is a tool that quickly burns excess fat, improves body lines. The secret of such an amazing effect is in the natural properties of the product components of the drink. Each of them, getting into the body, performs its specific function, depending on the "neighbor", and therefore it is important to use them together.
Sassi drink

It is used as an excellent tool for accelerating the flow of lymph. It carries useful substances to all parts of the body and is involved in the removal of toxins. The faster these exchange processes are carried out, the better. Ginger also improves digestion, has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. It is the main "burner" of fats already accumulated in the body, and, acting from the inside, ginger helps to get rid of even fat accumulations in hard-to-reach areas of our body - where it is very difficult or impossible to drive off extra grams and kilograms with sports. This is the inner thigh, arms, face, lower back and so on.

Cucumber is the basis of some mono-diets as a low-calorie product, which also helps to remove salts of heavy metals from the body. It has a mild diuretic effect, accelerating the removal of harmful substances. The cucumber contains a lot of potassium, sodium, phosphorus and other useful microelements, as well as vitamins B and C. Due to the fact that the cucumber consists of as much as 90% just water, it is quickly and easily absorbed.

Lemon is an unsurpassed source of vitamins of all groups and a real storehouse of useful acids. Not all of them are produced by the body on its own, but they are necessary for weight loss. Including in order to prevent complex carbohydrates from joining fats, increasing the amount of already existing body fat.
Mint acts as a sedative, it suppresses appetite and reduces hunger. Mint also helps to remove toxins from the body.

As you can see, each of the elements of the drink is involved in weight loss. In addition, all these products are low-calorie, which indicates the dietary properties of Sassi's slimming water, the results will come very soon.

Sassi water diet for weight loss

This diet is designed for a month of a special diet and drink. During the first 4 days, drink at least 8 glasses of the drink with a daily caloric intake of 1400 kcal.

In the diet with such a diet, foods with unsaturated fatty acids are required - seafood, sea fish are well suited. You can not eat a lot of sweets, vegetables with a lot of fiber. Limit drinks containing caffeine.

Video cooking Sassi water

This video shows you how to make sassi water. Below we have described in more detail the method and preparation of sassi water from the video.


  • Jug.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.
  • Cucumber - 1 piece.
  • Fresh mint - 15 leaves.
  • Ginger root.
  • Purified water.


We thoroughly wash all the ingredients. Then we cut off a piece of 2-3 centimeters from the ginger root, peel and finely chop it. Cut the cucumber and lemon into thin circles. Add 15 mint leaves. Fill everything with water. Leave the drink in the refrigerator overnight.


  • Calories - 5 kcal.
  • Proteins - 0.8 grams.
  • Fats - 0 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.18 grams.

There are a lot of reviews on the Internet about how sassi water helped to lose weight and even bring the body to a healthier state. On our website you can read them in the comments to the article below.

Sassi water

I have already written to you about how clean water is useful for our body and how it is necessary for you personally in a day. Today I want to give you recipe very famous water for weight loss. This is Sassi water.

Sassy water gets its name from its creator, Cynthia Sass, and is generally associated with all sorts of flat stomach diets. However, what is called Sassi water works in several directions at once! And, of course, it's not just water.

It soothes your gastrointestinal tract, removes excess fluid from the body, speeds up metabolism, and saturates with vitamins. And besides, it tastes very good, so I called it tasty water for weight loss.

And now the recipe preparation of water for weight loss:

You will need:

2 liters of clean water;

1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger (you can buy it in any supermarket);

1 cucumber, thoroughly washed and thinly sliced

1 lemon, very thinly sliced;

10-12 small mint leaves (fresh)

Mix all the ingredients overnight in a large pitcher. Let the mixture sit overnight in the refrigerator. We drink the whole decanter in a day.

Sassi water can be freely drunk without any diets and systems. In addition, you can more easily control the amount of water you drink per day.

A good addition to Sassi water will be frequent meals throughout the day in small portions to improve digestion and better absorption;

Do not leave Sassi water in the sun or near the battery, where it can heat up or useful constituent elements will begin to decay under the action of sunlight;

This part of the weight loss system is designed to improve hydration, reduce bloating, "flatten" the abdomen;

If, while drinking Sassi water, you refuse food that usually causes bloating, you will only make yourself feel better;

The water for this drink should either be carefully filtered or use table water from bottles;

Remember to wash all ingredients thoroughly before use; if your cucumber is not sustainable, it can be covered with a waxy film, which can be easily removed by soaking the cucumber in apple cider vinegar and then rinsing it under warm water while wiping it with a stiff waffle towel; ginger root must be peeled of brown skin before slicing or grating.

Ideally, Sassi water should completely replace soda, coffee and other not the most healthy and harmful drinks for you;

Ginger must be freshly grated or freshly chopped;

Before you go to bed, you should have time to use the entire carafe.

The Sassi Water Pitcher provides an easy way to control how much water you drink. If you drink everything, then you will drink as much as you need. If you want to strain, just before drinking, to get rid of the seeds and peel - your right, this will not affect anything.

Do not drink the whole decanter at once - there is nothing good in stretching the stomach and loading the kidneys and heart in this way. Depending on your current weight (the more weight, the more water you can drink, up to 4 liters in total per day - on the recommendation of a doctor - but no more!), You can add more liquid to this jug of Sassi water, but not a lot, from the above indicated calculation - up to two liters (especially during the heat).

Use this slimming water recipe even just to teach yourself to drink enough water. Also, it will help you get rid of cellulite. After all, its action is not aggressive, but very naturally helps to improve the condition of the body.

Have you heard of Sassi water before? Have you tried drinking it? Did you get the desired result? Write for my readers in the comments to the article!
