
Purified water. Methods and ways of purification (filtration) of water in a private house, useful tips

Purified water

"...6) purified water - water from an underground or surface source of drinking water supply, including from centralized and non-centralized water supply systems, which has undergone water treatment before bottling into containers and with changed sanitary and chemical characteristics of the source water;..."


Government of the Russian Federation dated 09.03.2010 N 132 "On mandatory requirements for certain types of products and related requirements for design processes (including surveys), production, construction, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal contained in the technical regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is a member state of the customs union"

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012 .

See what "Purified Water" is in other dictionaries:

    Purified water (water purified, aqua purificata) Water for the preparation of medicines, except for those that must be sterile and non-pyrogenic, unless otherwise indicated and authorized by the competent authority ... Source: GUIDE TO ... ... Official terminology

    Purified angro water, packaged in suitable containers, stored under conditions that provide the required microbiological purity, and does not contain any added substances ... Source: WATER QUALITY GUIDE FOR USE IN ... ... Official terminology

    DISTILLED WATER- DESTILLED WATER, or distilled, aqua destillata, is obtained by temporarily turning water into steam and then cooling, resp. condensation | steam into water, and the water is purified from all inorganic and organic impurities. For honey... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    WATER DISTILLED- (Distilled water) water purified by distillation from impurities dissolved in it. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

    Distilled water- Distilled water - purified water, practically free of impurities and impurities. Obtained by distillation in special distillers. Contents 1 Characteristics 1.1 Chemical ... Wikipedia

    purified water- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN clarified water …

    treated waste water- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN final effluent … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Water- Since ancient times, people began to understand the great importance of water not only for people and all kinds of animal and plant organisms, but also for all life on Earth. Some of the first Greek philosophers even put water at the head of the understanding of things in nature, and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    purified water- valytasis vanduo statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Nuotekų vanduo, išvalytas valymo įrenginiuose. Vandens valymą sudaro trys etapai: mechaninio valymo, biologinio valymo ir cheminio valymo. atitikmenys: engl. finished water;… … Ekologijos terminų aiskinamasis žodynas

    16) clean sea or fresh water, including disinfected (purified) water, which does not contain microorganisms, harmful substances and toxic plankton in quantities that can damage the safety of aquatic biological resources; ...

Good afternoon
Today, no less relevant topic, in my opinion, is how to purify water at home. Water is the main source of life-giving energy for the body, especially since a person is 90 percent water.

Much depends on its quality and components - the degree of purification of our body, intestines, liver and stomach, etc. Beauty and youth can not even be mentioned, since water is the basis of beauty and beautiful skin. Here's another reason why you should consume enough of it! With the cleansing of the body comes and rejuvenation.

Of course, we are all used to using the filter, why not!? Our whole family has been buying a water purifier for more than 5 years. But today I would like to note how else you can purify water at home without using a filter, because we can’t always have it at hand, you see.

For example, you come to visit relatives, but they do not consider it necessary to use a cleaner and drink water from the tap. This is a personal matter for everyone, but how can you get around this issue for the benefit of your body?

You can buy clean water in the store, mineral water without gases, or ....

How to purify water at home without a filter

  • Method since biblical times

This method was used long before our birth. White young natural dry wine is added to the water at the rate of 2/3 of water to 1/3 of wine. It is necessary to wait 15 minutes and the life-giving drink is disinfected. Drink to your health.

  • The most common way since grandmother's times is boiling

This method only kills part of the pathogenic microbes, but the amount of impurities, nitrates and salts in it increases significantly if you pour unpurified water into the kettle, immediately from the tap. You need to boil for at least 5-10 minutes. Try to use this cleaning method in rare cases.

  • Primitive way - upholding

It is necessary to defend for at least 6 hours, this precipitates heavy components to the bottom, gaseous impurities evaporate through the air. The water should become cleaner and clearer. The best time for settling is considered to be 12 hours, while the water should not be stirred and stirred before use.

  • Silver

Yes, silver cleans and ennobles the water, at the same time, it cleanses the blood. Now there are many companies that sell special bags of herbs and silver, which allows you to instantly transform water. To do this, a bag of additives is thrown into a certain amount of water and kept for 15 minutes. I have been using XtremX2O live water for more than 3 years. Very helpful, easy to take with you on the road. We will talk about this in more detail. It is also good to keep water in a silver dish, if possible, of course.

  • rowan paw

Lower it in the input by 2-3 and it will save you the taste of rust, bacteria, impurities. Some studies show that the cleansing properties of mountain ash rival those of silver, chlorine, and activated charcoal. Similar analogues of rowan paw - bird cherry leaves, onion peel, willow bark, juniper branches, but the duration of disinfection should be at least a day.

  • freezing water

Pour water into a jar or other container from the tap, put it in the freezer for 7-8 hours, preferably on a cardboard box. Remove the ice crust in which heavy metals and molecules have collected. Then pour the rest of the water into a new container, leave overnight. Pour out the liquid that has not formed ice, it is the least useful, and defrost the ice and drink it to your health or use it for washing.

  • Water purification with activated carbon.

Charcoal is used in many cleaning filters. Take a pack of activated charcoal, tamp it into gauze, put a jar or container on the bottom and pour water. Leave overnight and by morning the water will be clear. The only thing is that water must be put in a cool place, otherwise microorganisms develop in it in a warm environment.

  • Silicon

Sold in pharmacies with the necessary instructions. Put in a jar, put where there is light, but not in the sun, be sure to cover with gauze so that the useful properties are preserved. If you drink such water regularly, then the manifestation of many diseases begins to actively subside.

  • Shungite

We will talk about it separately, about the structuring and preparation of shungite water.

And yet, remember that all the same, essential and significant for our health is energy, our energy. Our energy is able to purify any source and make it useful. If you enrich the water with pure thoughts and love, it will bring the same to your body. Or vice versa if you drink it in a bad mood, with negative emotions, then water, like a sponge, will pass them on to you even more. Try to endow water with the most useful properties, this improves its structure.

Just try to drink water consciously, mentally enriching it with healing properties for your body. Perhaps I missed some ways, I will be glad to see comments from you on how else you can purify water at home.

A small announcement video about water purification and its structuring with the help of stones:

Everyone knows that drinking tap water is extremely undesirable, and sometimes dangerous. Even boiled water can harm human health. Buying water is expensive and not always efficient. What to do? Purify your own water. There are many ways to do this, here are the most popular ones.

We defend the water.

Tap water is usually chlorinated. This is done so that chlorine destroys pathogenic bacteria. But when boiled, chlorine forms various harmful compounds. In addition, chlorine tends to linger and accumulate in the human body, which is harmful to his health. To prevent this from happening, it is desirable to defend chlorinated water, and thus you will get rid of the sediment of heavy metal impurities and volatile impurities.

How to defend water?

Pour water into a container and leave it without closing the lid for 6-7 hours or more. In the first 3-4 hours, volatile impurities evaporate from the water, and salts of heavy metals will settle in the next 2-3 hours. After the water has settled, drain? water into a new container and discard the remainder. It is better to defend water in glassware, and not in plastic bottles.

Saturated with silicon.

Silicon is a powerful water activator and has significant bactericidal properties. Water treated with silicon becomes very tasty, does not deteriorate, and is stored for a long time. Silicon can be bought at pharmacies and at stone shows.

How to flint water?

Wash the silicon and lower its glass or enamel container with water, covering it with gauze from dust. Place the container in a room with room temperature and daylight, but not in direct sunlight. Insist for several days. The container with silicon water must be well closed with a lid, because. water retains medicinal properties for months. Do not boil water containing silicon. If you regularly drink silicon water, then many diseases will leave you.

We freeze water.

Freezing is a great way to rid your water of heavy metal salts. After defrosting, water releases a lot of energy, which saturates the human body.

How to freeze?

Fill the container with water and put it in the freezer for 7-8 hours. An ice crust forms at the top of the container - these are impurities of heavy metals (water containing heavy water molecules freezes earlier than ordinary water). Remove it, and pour the rest of the unfrozen water into another container and put it back in the freezer overnight. Liquid that has not frozen is harmful to humans, pour it out, and defrost the rest of the ice and use it for drinking and washing. And remember that only transparent ice is useful, and opaque ice indicates a high concentration of harmful substances. Defrost and drink only clear ice - such melt water is very useful for the skin, it activates all the regenerative processes of the body, improves metabolism, and removes toxins.

The downside of this method is that along with the “bad” salts, useful salts that are necessary for a person freeze out and are thrown out.

Clean with activated charcoal.

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of activated carbon in water purification; it is widely used in water purification filters. Coal improves the taste and smell of water, eliminates unpleasant odors of various impurities in water, and absorbs most harmful substances.

How to clean with charcoal?

Pack activated charcoal tablets in gauze or cotton and place them in the bottom of a container of water. By morning the water will be clear.

Minus: if water with activated carbon is in a warm place, then coal will become a habitat for various microorganisms.

We clean with silver.

The bactericidal properties of silver have long been known, Silver ions perfectly purify water. To do this, draw water into a container and put a silver object on its bottom, best of all pure silver with a sample of 999. "Silver" water is stored longer and does not lose its properties.

Minus: silver is the same toxic and dangerous metal for the body as lead, so you should drink such water, adhering to the rules and dosages.

Water from wells and natural sources has a number of dissolved components and suspensions. In order to obtain a liquid that can be used in industry, for domestic purposes and for drinking, it must be properly purified. Modern methods of water purification are very diverse. They are divided into several groups according to the nature of the ongoing processes. Using methods, devices are created that provide optimal cleaning. This process requires an integrated approach, so several suitable methods are used at once.

Rice. 1 Some water treatment methods

The physical methods are based on the respective physical processes affecting the water and the contaminants present. Typically, such methods are used to eliminate insoluble, large inclusions. Sometimes they also affect dissolved substances and biological objects. The main physical purification methods are boiling, settling, filtering and ultraviolet treatment.


In the process of boiling water is exposed to high temperature. As a result of such exposure, microorganisms are eliminated, some dissolved salts precipitate, forming scale. During prolonged boiling, more stable substances, such as chlorine compounds, may decompose. The method is simple and optimal for household use, but cleans only relatively small volumes of water.


In this case, the effect of natural gravity on relatively large mechanical inclusions is used. Under the influence of their own gravity, they sink to the bottom of the tank, forming a layer of sediment. Perform water settling in special settling tanks. These tanks are equipped with devices for collecting and removing the resulting sediment.


When water passes through a material with pores or other holes, some of the contaminants are retained. Particles that are larger than pores or cells remain on the surface. According to the degree of purification, coarse and fine filtration is distinguished. With coarse cleaning, only large particles are retained. The fine process retains inclusions that are only a few microns in size.

Rice. 2 Filter levels

UV treatment

The use of ultraviolet radiation makes it possible to eliminate biological contaminants. The light of this spectrum affects the basic molecules, which leads to the death of microorganisms. It should be borne in mind that water is treated with ultraviolet light, which is cleared of suspension, i.e. made preliminary . Solid inclusions create a shadow that protects bacteria from ultraviolet light.

Chemical methods of water treatment

Chemical methods of water purification are based on oxidation-reduction and neutralization reactions. As a result of the interaction of special reagents with pollutants, a reaction occurs, the result of which is an insoluble precipitate, decomposition into gaseous components or the appearance of harmless components.


The application of this method ensures the elimination of an acidic or alkaline environment and the approximation of its indicators to neutral. Reagents are added to water with a certain acidity index, ensuring the creation of an acidic or alkaline environment. To neutralize the acidic environment, alkaline compounds are used: soda ash, sodium hydroxide and some others. To eliminate the alkaline environment, solutions of certain acids or oxides of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen are chosen. The latter, when dissolved in water, form weak acids. Neutralization reactions are usually . When preparing drinking water from natural sources, a change in the reaction is not required, it is initially close to neutral.

Oxidation and reduction processes

Oxidation is most commonly used in water treatment. In the process of reaction with oxidizing agents, polluting compounds are converted into harmless components. They can be solid, gaseous or soluble. Chlorine compounds, ozone and some other substances act as strong oxidizing agents.

Rice. 3 Ozone oxidation plant

Water purification by physical and chemical methods

Water purification methods belonging to this group include both physical and chemical methods of exposure. They are very diverse and help to remove a significant part of the contaminants.


In the process of water purification by flotation, a gas, such as air, is passed through the liquid. Bubbles are created, on the surface of which hydrophobic particles of contaminants adhere. Bubbles rise to the surface and form foam. This layer of contaminant foam is easily removed. Additionally, reagents can be used to increase hydrophobicity or to bind and enlarge particles of contaminants.

Rice. 4 Principle of flotation


Purification of water by sorption is based on the selective retention of substances. Most often, adsorption is used when retention occurs on the surface of the sorbent. Sorption is physical and chemical. In the first case, the forces of intermolecular interaction are used, and in the second, chemical bonds. Activated carbon, silica gel, zeolite and others are usually used as sorbents. Some types of adsorbents can be recovered, while others are disposed of after contamination.


The extraction process is performed using a solvent that does not mix well with water, but is better at dissolving contaminants. Upon contact with the liquid to be purified, the contaminants pass into the solvent and concentrate in it. In this way, organic acids and phenols are removed from the water.

The ion exchange method is mainly used to remove hardness salts from water. In some cases, it is used to eliminate dissolved iron. The process consists in the exchange of ions with honey, water and a special material. Special synthetic ion-exchange resins act as such material. This method of water purification has become widespread not only in industry, but also in everyday life. Now it will not be difficult to purchase a filter that has an ion-exchange cartridge.

Rice. 5 Ion exchange

Another way in which it is performed is reverse osmosis. Cleaning requires a special membrane with very fine pores. Only small molecules pass through the pores. The contaminants are larger than water molecules and therefore do not pass through the membrane. Such filtration is carried out under pressure. The resulting solution of contaminants is disposed of.

Rice. 6 Reverse osmosis

Methods used in household filters

All these methods are used to purify liquids, including wastewater. But in most cases, people are interested in how to purify water at home for food and domestic purposes. Water purification at home does not involve the use of all of these methods. Only a part of them is implemented in modern devices. It is possible to purify tap water without a filter. This method is boiling. However, much more often water is cleaned with specialized filtering devices.

The filters involve such methods of drinking water purification as mechanical filtration, ion exchange, sorption, reverse osmosis. Some others are sometimes used, but much less often.

All these modern methods of water purification are implemented in cartridge flow filters. In such devices, tap water is purified in several stages. At the first stage, mechanical filtration is carried out, then dissolved substances are removed by sorption and ion exchange methods, and finally, water can be passed through a reverse osmosis membrane.

High-quality drinking water is a guarantee of human health. In addition, the taste of cooked dishes depends on the water. Everyone knows that tap water, which is supplied to apartments and houses, has dubious qualities and purity and can harm the body. For its purification, various devices are used. But what if there is no filter in the house? Alternatively, you can use simple ways to purify water at home.

There are many ways to get purified water at home without special equipment. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

Freezing water

The freezing method is one of the most popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. According to experts, ice water is especially useful, since during freezing it is possible to obtain a living and pure liquid. All you need is a freezer container, a regular refrigerator (freezer) and tap water.

It is desirable to take a deep container. Water is poured into it, but not to the brim, but with a margin of 1 cm, no less. This dish is carefully placed in the freezer. It is necessary to ensure that half of the water in the vessel freezes. How long it will take depends on several factors, including the volume of the vessel, the temperature set in the freezer compartment.

As soon as half of our liquid freezes, you need to carefully break through the ice crust with a sharp knife and drain the water that has not had time to freeze. It is she who is the most harmful, impurities remain in her. The remaining ice is a clean, healthy liquid that can be safely consumed or used in the kitchen for cooking.

Frozen water is endowed with a number of therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Namely:

  • positively affects the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body;
  • assists in rapid recovery after illness;
  • contributes to the rapid adaptation of the body in unexpected conditions;
  • improves the functioning of muscle tissue;
  • endowed with anti-allergenic qualities.

This method of water filtration is far from perfect, because it is only “by eye” to determine how well the water is purified. Yet the resulting liquid is cleaner and much healthier than the one served to us from the tap.


Boiling is a way to get clean water, which is used by almost everyone. High temperatures affect water - it is sterilized, cleaned of microorganisms. The desired result can be achieved only after 15 minutes of boiling, and it is not necessary to cover the container with a lid, since harmful compounds “come out” with steam.

However, this method has significant drawbacks.

Firstly, boiled water in the common people has earned the name "dead", and this is not accidental. Along with harmful impurities, useful components also evaporate, so there is no talk of any positive impact.

Not only do chlorine compounds linger in such water, they become a carcinogen - chloroform, which is dangerous for humans because of its ability to provoke oncological pathologies.

Parts of the salts linger on the walls of the container in which the liquid was boiled. The result is soft water, which can "boast" the content of salts, nitrates and heavy metals is much higher than in the tap liquid flowing from the tap.

Despite this, for the majority of the inhabitants of our country, boiling is a method used quite often due to its simplicity and accessibility. In this case, the resulting boiled liquid should be tried to neutralize.

It's easy to do. 5 liters of boiled water are poured into the dishes, ascorbic acid (0.5 grams) purchased in advance at the pharmacy should be added there. The composition is mixed until the acid is completely dissolved and left for an hour to settle.


Standing up is a simple method that many people use. The result is a better quality liquid.

Water drawn from the tap is left for 8 hours. During this period, volatile impurities, including chlorine, evaporate. It is advisable to stir the contents of the container from time to time, this will speed up the evaporation process.

But it will not be possible to get rid of salts of heavy metals, they remain in the liquid, but settle to the very bottom. After that, pour 2/3 of the contents of the dishes with settled water. This must be done carefully, make sure that the liquid does not shake up and the sediment does not mix with the already cleaned layer.

Not everyone knows, but well-known table salt can also act as a kind of home “filter”.

A vessel is filled with 2 liters of liquid from the tap. 1 full tablespoon of salt is also placed there, which should dissolve well. After 15-25 minutes, the water will already be cleared of harmful microorganisms and salts of heavy metals.

Cleansing with activated carbon

Activated charcoal is actively used as a cleansing component. By the way, most of the cleaning devices use this substance. Activated charcoal does an excellent job of neutralizing unpleasant odors. In addition, he, like a sponge, is able to absorb harmful elements from the liquid.

To achieve the expected result, the tablets of this remedy are wrapped in a piece of gauze and placed in a container filled with liquid. 1 tablet is used per 1 liter of water. Already after 8 hours, the water will become much cleaner and can be safely used.

Silver cleansing

Silver is an excellent cleanser. With the help of this element, it is possible to neutralize not only chemicals, but also get rid of many harmful elements.

In the evening, a silver coin or spoon is lowered into a dish filled with liquid. Already in the morning, after 12 hours, purified water is ready for use.

Purification of water by folk methods

In addition to the well-known household methods described above, there are many folk methods.

  1. Clusters of mountain ash can help with solving the problem. The berries are dipped in a vessel with water and left for 2-3 hours. The resulting purified liquid is no worse than the one obtained by using activated carbon or silver.
  2. Willow bark, onion peel, juniper twigs, bird cherry leaves will also do an excellent job with this task. However, filtration with such components will take longer - 12 hours.
  3. For cleansing, you can use iodine or vinegar. For 1 liter of water, you need to take 3 drops of 5% iodine or 1 teaspoon of vinegar. These components are added to the water for 2-6 hours. However, you need to know that chlorine and some of the microorganisms do not go anywhere.

All of the above methods can be used. In the absence of a quality filter, any of them will help to get water much cleaner than the one that flows in the taps of our homes.

Video: how to purify ordinary water without filters
