
Delicious wrestler. Borscht, step by step recipe with photo

See the recipe for the dish with a photo below.

Today we have a classic dish of Russian and Ukrainian cuisines on our menu - rich red borscht with beets. Yet another yummy! Each housewife has her own secrets of making delicious borscht. So, I reveal my secrets. I described all the subtleties of the process of making borscht, so the post turned out to be very voluminous. But my lyrical digressions and step-by-step photos should brighten up the reading process.

Delicious borscht recipe quite simple, but it has its own subtleties, without observing which, of course, it will turn out to be quite edible, but not so tasty! The recipe for borscht is simple, but the cooking process itself is quite time-consuming. It is better if they help you in the kitchen - a beloved husband or children, sister, brother, girlfriend or friend

Yes, you can cook borsch on different broth bases - pork or beef ribs, chicken, any soup set. But I prefer to cook soup chicken soup ( not to be confused with broiler chicken!) Usually soup chickens are much less meaty than broiler chickens, but the broth from such chickens is excellent! I will describe the subtleties of preparing the broth below. And here is a set of products necessary for borscht:

  • ½ soup chicken (this is chicken, not broiler chicken) or pre-cooked broth;
  • white cabbage, about a third of an average head;
  • potatoes, 3-5 medium pieces;
  • onion 1 head;
  • 1 medium-sized carrots and the same beets;
  • a couple of tomatoes or tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt and spices to taste.

Cook golden broth

First of all, you need to cook the broth. Since we will cook it from soup chicken, and, as you know, she is the owner of rather tough meat, we will cook until the meat softens. Approximately 1.5 hours. Rinse frozen or chilled chicken under the tap. Place half of the chicken in a 4.5 liter pot and cover with cold water. We put on fire. As soon as the water in the pan boils for 5 minutes, turn off the heat. Take the pan off the stove and put the chicken in. And now, attention, the first secret of delicious borscht: We pour out the water from the pan, we will no longer need it. Rinse the chicken a second time and put it in the pan.

Pour cold water again and set to maximum heat. When the water boils again, the fire can be reduced. Now it remains to cook our chicken for about an hour over low heat. After an hour, turn off the fire. We catch the chicken and put it in a separate plate. When it cools down a bit, the meat must be separated from the bones and cut into pieces. Strain the finished broth through a fine sieve. Do not be afraid that the process of cooking the broth is so long. The result will please you! Golden and rich broth! Thus, you can cook the broth from any meat.

Preparing vegetables

Now that the broth is ready, you can proceed to the vegetables. And here you will need the help of your favorite assistants. Decide for yourself to whom to delegate the responsible mission of chopping cabbage and peeling potatoes. Then we cut the potatoes into large pieces. First, put the cabbage in the broth and put the pan on the maximum fire.

My mother, when she cooks borscht, puts potatoes first, and only then cabbage. I know that many people do this. It's for someone who likes it. I like borsch so that the potatoes are not too boiled, and the cabbage, on the contrary, is softer. See for yourself what will put first, potatoes or cabbage

As soon as the broth with cabbage boils, reduce the heat to medium and lay the chopped potatoes.

Cooking a roast for a delicious borscht

On our own or with the hands of tireless helpers, finely chop the onion. We put a frying pan with vegetable oil on a slow fire, put the onion. While the onion is fried to a pleasant golden color, let's take care of the carrots. It needs to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Add to slightly golden onions.

Beets, like carrots, get rid of the skin and grind. You can grate the beets on a grater, you can cut into thin strips. This is how you like it Add beets to carrots with onions.

One of the main components of a delicious borscht is tomato paste or tomatoes. If it's summer outside, then it's a sin not to use fresh tomatoes. When it’s far from summer outside the window, I prefer to put natural tomato paste in borscht (without starch and other chemical additives, made in accordance with GOST). In a frying pan, add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste to the fried vegetables.

And now, attention, the second secret of delicious borscht: to make the borscht bright red, you need to add a teaspoon of 6% acetic acid or a tablespoon of lemon juice to the pan with beets and other vegetables. The acid will prevent the red pigments of the beets and tomatoes from being destroyed by the heat.

The last stage of cooking delicious borscht

To the vegetables that are mashed and slowly boiling in a saucepan, we add our frying from the pan and chopped chicken meat (which was separated from the chicken after preparing the broth).

Let all the ingredients of borscht boil together for about five minutes and turn off the fire. Now you can salt our borscht and add spices to taste. I usually put a mixture of dry ground peppers - white, allspice and paprika. And now, attention, the third secret of delicious borscht: add finely chopped garlic at the very end of the borscht cooking process. Stir, take a sample and close the lid.

I usually let the borscht rest and soak in the garlic aroma for 20-30 minutes under a closed lid. After this time limit, you can set the table and call family assistants for dinner or lunch. Serve delicious borscht with fresh rustic sour cream! Delicious rich red borsch will not leave anyone indifferent! Bon appetit, dear readers

And if your appetite is not satisfied with borsch alone, then for the second I offer an excellent dish of classic Russian cuisine -

There is sometimes more controversy around borscht than around politics. In fact, no one knows what the right borscht is. It should be delicious - that's the main rule, - says Ilya Lazerson, President of the St. Petersburg Guild of Chefs. - Personally, I do not like it when there are potatoes and sweet peppers in borscht. In my version, they are not, and this is my right. Someone loves sauerkraut, and pre-boil or bake beets. I prefer raw beets. I cut it into thin strips, add a little sugar, water, vegetable oil, after 5 minutes - tomato paste. Then I add the carcass of beets and ready-made ones at the very end of cooking into the pan. Thanks to this, the soup acquires a rich, appetizing shade. And this is just one of the secrets of delicious borscht.

1. With or without broth?

Vegetarian borscht does not require meat broth. But, if you are a fan of the classic soup, then you need to cook a rich broth. For him, you can take beef brisket, chicken or pork and beef in a 1: 1 ratio. For flavor, it is better to pre-fry the pieces of meat. Or immediately put the meat on the bones in cold water and put on fire. As it boils, remove the foam, add salt, bay leaf, a few peas of black and allspice and cook for 2-3 hours until the meat is fully cooked. Then the broth must be filtered, remove the meat from the bones, chop and return to the pan.

2. Stew beets separately!

If you put the beets in a common pan and then cook for about an hour, all the color from the vegetable will go away and the borscht will turn out faded. To avoid this, you need to grate the root crop on a coarse grater or cut it into thin strips with a knife. Then add water, a teaspoon of sugar and be sure to add a little acid (a couple of tablespoons of wine vinegar or lemon juice), this will help the root crop retain its color. Put the beetroot on the fire and simmer until it becomes soft.

3. Or maybe cook?

The second popular option for preparing beets for borscht is to boil it in advance. It is important that before you lower the vegetable into the water, rinse it thoroughly without cutting off the roots and top, otherwise the juice will “leave” into the pan. For better preservation of a bright shade, do not salt the water, but pour 1/2 tsp into it. vinegar or citric acid. Cooking time depends on the size of the fruit and the season - young small root crops are usually cooked for 20-30 minutes, old ones - 1-1.5 hours. However, today most chefs advise not to boil, but to bake beets. To do this, wrap the fruit in food foil and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes (the time depends on the size of the tuber) at + 180 ° C. In baked beets, the taste and color do not “dissolve” in water, so this cooking method is considered the most successful.

Borscht classic Photo: shutterstock.com


  • Beef brisket - 500 g
  • Pork - 500 g
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Cabbage - 300 g
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 200 g
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf, pepper, salt - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Put the meat in a saucepan, pour 3 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, cook for 2 hours.
  2. Cut carrots into strips, onions into half rings, fry until golden brown. Place in a bowl along with chopped peppers.
  3. Ten minutes later, add cabbage, then potatoes.
  4. Cut the beets into thin strips, simmer for 10 minutes, then add the tomato paste, cover and cook for another 20 minutes.
  5. Put in borscht 10 minutes after the potatoes. Cook for 10 more minutes.
  6. Add bay leaf, salt and pepper. Remove from heat, let stand 20 minutes.

4. Don't Forget the Cabbage

Many people call borscht beetroot soup. In fact, they are different soups. There is cabbage in borscht, but not in beetroot. Most often, fresh white cabbage chopped into strips is used for borscht. But there may be variations on the theme. For example, you can put red or Savoy in a saucepan - outwardly it looks like a white head, but it has a bright green color and corrugated bubble leaves. There are even variants of borscht with cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, but with them you still get a soup that is far from the classic one. Someone likes to add sauerkraut instead of fresh. It must be washed, cut, stewed separately until soft and only then added to borscht.

5. Unsweetened couple: onion and carrot

Nutritionists are against all kinds of passerovka, which add calories to the dish. But speaking from the point of view of taste and gastronomic rules, then borscht without sautéing is not borscht. First, in vegetable oil, you need to fry the onion into strips, then add the carrots chopped into strips. When the vegetables acquire a golden hue, you need to put the tomato paste and simmer everything together for a few more minutes. Some housewives believe that instead of pasta it is better to use tomatoes - fresh or in their own juice. Nevertheless, many professional chefs insist that only pasta has a concentrated taste that is so necessary for the soup, which will give borscht a beautiful shade and pleasant sourness.

6. Vegetables - to taste

In addition to beets, carrots, onions and cabbage, other vegetables are put into borscht to taste: potatoes, tomatoes and fresh sweet peppers, which are also chopped into strips. In general, do not forget that all products in the soup should be cut approximately the same. You can use any color of pepper: green, yellow, red, orange. The main thing is to keep the proportion: there should be a lot of beets and cabbage in borscht, and potatoes, tomatoes and peppers - 2-3 times less.

7. Who is first in line?

Borsch, like most other soups beloved by Russians, belongs to the filling first courses. It is in the West that pureed soups are preferred, but we should have a broth in which various tasty additives float. In order for these additives to harmoniously combine with each other and get the right consistency (and not when one product is overcooked and the other crunches on the teeth), you must observe the correct dressing of the soup.

First of all, shredded cabbage should go into the pan, it is cooked longer than others. Then - sweet peppers and potatoes. At the very end, you need to put browned onions with carrots and tomato paste in the borscht, and in the final - ready-made sour beets. After that, cook the soup should be no more than 5 minutes. If you cook borscht with sauerkraut, it must also be added in the final. If you put sour beets or cabbage first, and then potatoes, the latter will cook for a very long time (acid will interfere).

8. The final touch - lard with garlic

Many borscht lovers simply cannot imagine this soup without garlic dressing on lard. It gives the dish a bright juicy taste and a very appetizing garlic aroma... For dressing you will need skinless lard, garlic and fresh herbs: dill and parsley. Products must be cut and crushed in a mortar or blender to a puree state. Then this gruel, with a delicious aroma, is added to the finished hot borscht, the lid is closed, and the soup is infused for at least 15 minutes. You should not boil the contents of the pan after this, otherwise the aromas of garlic and herbs will disappear.

9. Pampushki lush, ruddy

We say "borscht", and the word "pampushka" comes to mind! Pampushka is a round bun made from yeast dough. It is better to start cooking it immediately after you put the broth on to boil, because the yeast dough should rise properly and have time to bake. Water, egg, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, yeast, flour - the ingredients for buns are simple. When the dough has risen, roll the balls and put them on a baking sheet, but remember that the donuts will rise during baking. If you want to get perfectly rounded buns, place them at a decent distance from each other. However, even if they stick together, they can be separated hot and sprinkled with garlic dressing. For dressing, take vegetable oil, crushed garlic, chopped dill with parsley and a little water. Mix everything and pour on freshly baked puffy donuts.

10. Without sour cream anywhere!

If a soup tureen has been gathering dust on the shelf of your sideboard for a long time, take it out and use it for its intended purpose - it is in this beauty that it is customary to serve borscht for a large company. Next, put the appropriate supplements and snacks for the dish - donuts, bread, chopped herbs and, of course, fatty sour cream. Well, what a borscht without sour cream!

Borscht with beans Photo: shutterstock.com

Borscht with prunes and mushrooms


  • Prunes - 200 g
  • Dried white mushrooms - 20 g
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Fresh cabbage - 300 g
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Soak mushrooms for 2 hours. Then boil for 1 hour. Remove the mushrooms, chop, save the broth.
  2. Rinse prunes, pour 2 cups of water, add sugar and cook until soft for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the beets into strips. Heat half the oil in a frying pan, add beets, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste and mushroom broth, simmer, stirring, over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Cut the onion, carrot and parsley root into strips and sauté with butter, tomato and flour for 5 minutes.
  5. Dip the cabbage into the boiling mushroom broth, after boiling add the potatoes and cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Put stewed beets and sautéed vegetables in a saucepan. Add mushrooms, boiled prunes along with the broth. Salt, pepper and cook for another 10 minutes.

Garlic donuts Photo: shutterstock.com

Garlic donuts


  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Rye flour - 120 g
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Yeast - 7 g
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Flax seeds - 50 g
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Salt - a pinch

How to cook:

  1. Warm milk to room temperature. Add dry yeast, mix.
  2. Put sugar, 1 egg, vegetable oil, a little sifted flour and flax seeds. Mix.
  3. Add the remaining flour, knead the dough and leave it to rise for 1 hour.
  4. Put on the table and let rise for another 1 hour, covered with a towel.
  5. Make 7-8 round donuts, grease the top of the buns with yolk and bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
  6. Grease still hot donuts with crushed garlic, mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil, salt and water.
January 25 - T.
this is not borscht at all. at least in my understanding.

Firstly, it is not necessary to put so much meat - it's not aspic. Although this is an amateur. And you can take any meat - pork, chicken, beef. Best beef and pork bones. First of all, I put potatoes - a couple of pieces whole with meat, and cut the rest into pieces and about 20 minutes after boiling the meat. When boiling, be sure to remove the foam from the broth, otherwise unsightly rags will float in the pan. Let the broth with potatoes and meat boil. I cook until the whole potato starts to fall apart. When the potatoes boil - salt the broth. In the meantime, we prepare the roast. We cut a large onion into medium-sized squares, fry in vegetable oil. When it becomes transparent, I add grated large carrots and half of the medium beets, also grated. All this is well-fried, stewed (but not fried). I add 1 tsp. sugar, stirred, then about 3 tbsp. tomato paste and 0.7 liters of homemade tomato juice or ground fresh tomatoes. If there is no fruit drink, then about half a 0.5 liter jar of pasta and about a glass of water (the amount of pasta to taste, depending on its quality). I steam it all well. Even half a calf in a saucepan will not save borscht with unsuccessful frying. Especially if the tomato is not well fried and steamed. I simmer until the color changes - there is almost no liquid, and the oil becomes orange on the surface. After that, I take out the whole potato from the pan and all its parts boiled by that time and knead it with a spoon in the fry until mashed. The potatoes that are cut into pieces remain the same. After all this I send to the broth. I stir, add finely chopped cabbage, chopped greens (parsley, dill), bay leaf, chopped bell pepper. I add boiling water to the desired amount and density. While it boils, I taste it. I add what you need - salt, sugar. If it so happens that I don’t have enough tomato paste (it happens) or the paste is really bad, then at the end I add citric acid to taste, this is a last resort. And so, with experience, I learned to calculate the amount of tomato per pan. As soon as it boils, I reduce the fire. Let it boil for a minute and immediately remove from heat. If the cabbage is young, then immediately after boiling. Cabbage should never be overcooked. This is the second rule after a well-steamed tomato. All. Let the borscht brew for about 15 minutes and you can eat. I did not indicate the proportions of the products, since every housewife does this according to her taste. Although. if approx. I have a 6L pot. potatoes take about 1 kg, large onions and carrots, half a beet, about half a head of medium cabbage. So that there is no porridge, but also do not chase vegetables with a spoon on a plate. Who loves. Well, I indicated the number of tomatoes above. It is due to tomatoes that color is achieved, and not due to beets (this is not beetroot). Someone does not like beets at all and does not put them in borscht at all. Could be so. This is the borscht that my grandmothers cooked, my mother. This recipe is from Ukraine, no doubt.

As you know, the birthplace of borscht is Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia. But they cook it not only there, it is also the favorite first course in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria and Moldova.

It is prepared from a large number of vegetables and meat. In some cases, mushrooms and beans are also added. But the main product that characterizes it is, of course, beets. It is she who makes its color red, saturated and gives the broth a characteristic sweetish taste.

In different regions of Russia, and even more so in Ukraine, it is prepared in different ways. Therefore, there are already many recipes for its preparation. And this suggests that this first course is highly respected, and for many it is generally the most delicious and favorite of the first courses.

Today I want to bring to your attention Ukrainian and Russian recipes. So that those who love it can cook it as often as possible, and at the same time not repeat themselves!

My grandmother, when she cooked this delicious and fragrant dish, always said - “To cook delicious borscht, you need to walk around it!” I was still small then, and did not quite understand the meaning of this statement. Now I have been preparing everything myself for a long time, and I know exactly what this expression means.

In order for everything to turn out tasty and right, you need, first of all, desire and time! Without one or the other, nothing good will come of it. Therefore, stock up on them, as well as the necessary products, and we will prepare the most delicious first course of its kind.

And first we will have a recipe that is prepared most often - this is a classic!

A classic recipe is one that is prepared in the traditional way. Today we will consider various options that may turn out to be very surprising for you, but it’s still worth starting with the classics.

My grandmother and mother cooked this dish in this way, and now I cook it too.

We will need:

  • meat beef on the bone (you can add a little pork) - 600 gr
  • cabbage - 250-300 gr
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • parsley or parsnip root - 50 gr
  • potatoes - 3 pcs
  • beets - 2 pcs medium
  • tomato - 1 pc. or tomato paste
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • lemon - 1/3 part (or vinegar 3% - tablespoon)
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • dried herbs - to taste
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • fresh dill, parsley, green onion, garlic - for sprinkling
  • sour cream for serving


1. To prepare a delicious rich broth, be sure to take meat on the bone. If the bone is brain, then it will be just wonderful. You can also put a sugar bone. The difference lies in the fact that the marrow contains the brain, and the sugar bone contains cartilage and connective tissue.

Both of them give a wonderful broth and make the dish especially tasty.

Meat is used, who likes what more. Very tasty, it is obtained from beef with pork. So, for example, you can take a beef marrow bone, a piece of beef meat and add pork ribs. The taste will be simply divine.

2. The meat should be washed, put in a saucepan and pour water over it. How to cook meat - there are two options. I will describe them both, and you choose which one you like more.

  • 1 option. Pour the meat with water so that it is only slightly covered, put to boil. During the entire time of boiling, foam will appear, it will need to be constantly removed. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam and wait 3-4 minutes. Then we take out the meat, and pour out the water.

The pan will need to be rinsed from meat plaque, you can also rinse the meat. Then again place the meat in a saucepan and pour it with water, a volume of 2.5 liters. In this case, you will get 3 liters of finished soup. That's about 6 good quality servings.

  • Option 2. Pour the meat with water, immediately 2.5 liters. Put a pot of water and meat on the fire. During boiling, foam will appear, it will need to be constantly removed. As soon as the water boils, throw a pinch of salt into the pot of water, all the foam will float up, and it will be easier to remove it.

The transparency of the finished broth depends on how carefully you remove the foam. Therefore, this step cannot be ignored. It is very important for the taste and color of the future dish.

And I want to note that the second option is more preferable. In this case, we do not pour out the healthy broth. But it will take some time to stand by the pan during the formation of foam.

If you missed the moment, and the foam has already turned into flakes, and the broth has been cooked for at least 10 minutes, then you should not pour out the broth. Just strain it through cheesecloth.

3. As soon as the water with the meat boils (in both cases), the fire will need to be reduced to a minimum and the meat should be cooked until fully cooked. I cook until the meat begins to completely move away from the bone.

Throughout the time it is necessary that the broth boil quite a bit, only gurgle slightly. Active rapid boiling will make the broth cloudy and tasteless.

4. As soon as the meat is ready, you need to get it out of the pan, and strain the broth so that there are no small bones left in it.

5. Then cut the meat into pieces and put it back into the broth, bring it to a boil and you can add all the other ingredients slowly.

6. In the meantime, we cooked meat, you can cut and prepare all the vegetables.

7. Cut the onion into cubes or thin half rings.

Grate carrots and parsley or parsnip root for Korean carrots or cut into thin strips.

8. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and lightly fry the onion in it. As soon as the onion begins to lightly blush, pour half a glass of boiled water into the pan, and then simmer the onion until the water evaporates. The onion will become translucent and will not be found in the soup.

9. Add carrots and parsnip root or parsley, fry them with onions for 3-4 minutes, if grated. Or a little longer if cut into strips. Carrots in both cases should soften slightly.

10. Add sugar and flour, mix. The flour will give a slight nutty flavor when roasted, and the sugar will lightly caramelize the carrots.

However, sugar can also be added to beets.

Add a piece of butter. If you have ghee, then it is best to sauté vegetables on it. But if not, then just add a piece of butter, the soup will have a very pleasant aroma and taste.

You can also add dried herbs - dill, parsley. Steam for 3-4 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave for a while.

11. Cabbage cut into thin strips. Cut it thinner, so it will be tastier, and besides, it will cook faster. After all, you know that vegetables should not be cooked for too long, so that there is no loss of vitamins.

Do not try to cut the potatoes right away so that they do not darken. Peel it and put it in water, when it's time to send it to the broth, we'll cut it.

Mince the garlic. To do this, crush it with the back of a knife on the board. And then chop finely. Grind the greens as finely as possible.

Don't throw away the long garlic stick. It can come in handy if someone suddenly has a runny nose. If this wand is set on fire, the fire is extinguished, and the smoke that comes from the wand is inhaled through one or the other nostril, then the runny nose will recede. And if you do it several times a day, then you can cure it altogether.

12. Beets can be prepared in one of four options, which I will offer you a little later. It must either be boiled, or fried, or baked, or cut fresh (details below, in a special chapter).

I decided to cut the beets into thin strips. You need to squeeze lemon juice on it (you can pour vinegar on it) and fry in the remaining oil.

Add tomato paste or tomato sauce. Or you can add a fresh tomato, for this you need to make a cross-shaped incision on it, pour boiling water over it for 4-5 minutes, remove the skin and cut it into small cubes.

13. And so, the broth is ready, the meat is removed from the bone, cut and sent back to the broth. We continue to cook.

The first thing to pay attention to is what kind of cabbage we use. If this is autumn cabbage, then it is most likely tough. Now they grow some special hard varieties that are stored for a long time, but the leaves of such cabbage are hard, and it is even difficult to ferment them.

If the cabbage is spring, early, then its leaves are thin and tender.

So in the first case, we send cabbage to the broth and cook it for 15 minutes. Then add potatoes.

14. If the cabbage is early, with delicate thin leaves, then put the potatoes and cabbage at the same time. Potatoes can be cut into small strips or cubes.

Along with the addition of vegetables, you will need to salt the broth. Previously, we did not do this, because the salt could draw all the juice out of the meat, and the meat would turn out tough and tasteless.

In general, it is believed that in order to get tasty meat, it must be salted at the end of cooking. And if you want to get a delicious broth, then you need to salt it at the beginning of cooking.

Therefore, there are disputes on this subject, when is it better to salt? I usually salt exactly as described, that is, when I send vegetables to the broth.

15. Boil for 15 minutes, then add the roasted carrots, onions and white roots, bring to a boil. Boil 5 minutes.

16. Add beet dressing, minced garlic and bay leaf. Cook for 5 minutes, add ground black pepper to taste and cook for another 2 minutes.

17. Turn off the fire, add fresh herbs and cover tightly.

18. Leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes.

19. Then pour it on plates, sprinkle with fresh dill and season with sour cream.

20. Eat with pleasure!

Delicious homemade recipe for real Ukrainian borscht

In Ukraine, this is the main first course and it is prepared according to a wide variety of recipes. Each housewife has her own little secrets and tricks of its preparation. And everyone gets such a rich dish that you can not eat anything else at all.

Of course, we cannot cover all the recipes in one article. Therefore, in the future I will still look for interesting recipes, try to cook according to them. And then I will share them with you, maybe you will like something too!

And now I’ll tell you how you can cook beets in one of four ways.

A delicious recipe for borscht in a slow cooker for harvesting for the winter in jars

Today we have already considered many different recipes where we prepared our favorite dish with all types of meat, and even with fish. Did you know that it can also be prepared for the winter by wrapping it in a jar.

Very convenient, I cooked the workpiece in the season when all the vegetables from my garden, saturated with warmth and sun, and hid it all in a jar. In winter, I opened it, added it to the meat broth and the dish is ready.

And for quick cooking, let's see how to cook a workpiece in a slow cooker.

It's that simple! I like this idea, what do you think about it?

How to cook borscht with beets so that it is red

Of course, everyone wants to cook a dish with a rich, bright color. But not everyone succeeds. How to cook it so that it always turns out beautiful, dark red or burgundy?

The first thing you need is to choose ripe, burgundy beets. If the beets are red, then the borsch will naturally not turn out to be a rich burgundy color, but will be, as it were, faded.

It is also necessary to properly prepare and lay beets, and as I said above, there are as many as four ways to do this.

1. Cut the beets into thin strips and stew them in a small amount of oil or fat with tomato and vinegar. For a three-liter saucepan and about 1 - 2 beets, it is enough to add 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar or 1 tablespoon of 3%. Tomato paste also contains acid, and it will also help keep the beets dark and the broth bright and beautiful.

2. Beets can be peeled and boiled whole, vinegar should be added to the water during cooking. When the beets are ready, cool them and cut into strips. Add it 10 minutes before the end of cooking along with browned vegetables.

3. Beetroot can be boiled in a peel, then peel it, rub it on a grater. Sprinkle juice of 1/2 - 1/3 lemon and send to the soup along with sautéed vegetables 10 minutes before readiness.

4. Beets can be baked in the oven or microwave. Then also grate, sprinkle with lemon juice or vinegar and then add to the pan, also 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

I usually use the second or third way. So, in my opinion, the taste of the finished dish is more delicious, and the color is more saturated and bright.

However, there is another way to cook beets that we can use for our recipes. Unfortunately, I do not always use it, but it is simply necessary to write about it.

Pickled beets for delicious borscht

In the old days, my grandmother always fermented beets, I was still very young then, but I remember it. Having already matured, and starting to cook, I asked my mother how my grandmother did it, and my mother gave me the recipe. She also said that pickled beets were used not only for first courses, but also cooked with her vinaigrettes, and other salads and snacks.

Borscht with sour beets is very special and has a very pleasant taste. And fermenting it is easy and simple.

  1. Take as many beets as you want to ferment, peel them and cut them in any of the known ways. It all depends on how you are going to use it in the future.
  2. Put the beets in a jar quite tightly, leaving, however, a place for the brine, which will have to cover the beets by 5-6 cm.
  3. Prepare brine. To prepare it, boil water and add salt to it at the rate of 0.5 liters of water - 25 g of salt (incomplete tablespoon). Allow the brine to cool completely and pour over the beets.
  4. Put oppression and substitute a deep plate under the jar.
  5. Leave the beets to ferment. The fermentation time may vary. Minimum 5 days, maximum 12 days.
  6. During fermentation, foam will form, which will need to be removed. Excess juice will also flow out, which will also be formed during the fermentation process.
  7. It is believed that the fermentation process is completed when the foam ceases to stand out. It depends on the ambient temperature.
  8. When the foam ceases to stand out, the jar can be put in the refrigerator. And use as needed.

I hope that today's selection will be interesting for you, and the material will be useful. And you can cook such borscht as you want!

After all, as it turns out, you can cook it from any meat, as well as poultry meat and even fish! In addition to traditional cabbage, carrots and beets, you can add beans or mushrooms. Today we have not touched them with our attention, but if you want to add mushrooms, you can safely do it.

Dried mushrooms must first be boiled, and then added along with cabbage. We add fresh mushrooms before laying vegetables, bring to a boil and remove the foam, and then add all the ingredients in accordance with the recipe.

It should also be remembered that potatoes are always placed in the broth either before the cabbage if it is fresh in spring, or after it if it is hard in autumn. It is better not to use potatoes with sauerkraut, or add cabbage only after the potatoes are cooked.

Beets with vinegar and tomato paste should also be added only after the potatoes are cooked, otherwise it will turn out tough and tasteless.

And the rest seems to be clear and understandable! I wish that the borsch cooked by you always turns out to be thick, rich, fragrant and tasty. And also, so that it is always bright and beautiful!

Bon appetit!

Borscht is a filling vegetable soup. It is loved not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in Poland (barshch), Lithuania (barschchai), Romania and Moldova (borsh).

In Kievan Rus, borscht was made from edible hogweed leaves (hence the name). Later they began to cook with beets (hence the color). Potatoes have been added since the 19th century.

The average cost of borscht in Russia is 220 rubles. The cheapest is borscht with delivery in Kazan: 37 rubles per serving. The most expensive borscht in the capital: a plate can cost 700 or more rubles.

What to take

For the broth:

  • water - 1.5–2 liters;
  • pork or beef on the bone - 400 g.

For frying:

  • beets - 2 pcs. (small);
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 3 pcs. (medium);
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil - 4–5 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid - a pinch.

For borscht:

  • fresh white cabbage - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs. (medium);
  • salt, bay leaf, herbs - to taste.

For submission:

  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l. (in each plate);
  • greenery.

How to cook

Step 1. Cook the broth

Take a 3 liter pot. Pour 1.5–2 liters of water into it, put it. Put on medium heat. Keep an eye on the broth, remove the foam before boiling.

The broth will be tastier if you use meat on the bone.

When it boils, cover the pot with a lid and simmer for an hour and a half.

Step 2. Frying

While the broth is cooking, fry the vegetables. Wash and clean beets, carrots and onions. Grate the beets on a coarse grater, and carrots on a medium grater. Onion cut into cubes.

Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan, turn on medium heat. Fry the onions and carrots first (5 minutes), then add.

Sprinkle beets with citric acid or sprinkle with fresh lemon juice. Thanks to this, the borscht will be truly red.

Roast vegetables for another 5 minutes. After that, add tomato paste, mix and leave on gas for another 5-7 minutes.

Step 3. We collect borscht

When the broth is cooked, remove the meat from it. While the meat is cooling, put the shredded cabbage into the broth. After 5-10 minutes, add the diced potatoes.


For now, remove the meat from the bone and cut into cubes. Return meat to soup.

Salt to taste.

Add roast. Stir. Add bay leaf and finely chopped herbs. Cover the pot with a lid and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Borscht is ready.


Borscht can be eaten immediately after cooking. But it usually tastes even better the next day.

Borscht is a traditional peasant dish. Salo and donuts were served to him only on holidays.

Pour the borscht into deep bowls. Add fresh herbs, ground black pepper (if you like it spicier) and a slice of lemon (if you prefer it sour). They eat borscht with rye bread or buns rubbed with garlic.

Bon appetit!
