
Delicious lean oatmeal flake cutlets - cooking according to the recipe with step by step photos with a bouillon cube. Herculean lean cutlets without meat

Have you ever tried to make oatmeal cutlets? Say - is it acceptable only for vegetarians and fasting believers? And here I do not agree. (Though it's definitely a great option for fasting people.)

However, if you have never tried such cutlets before, and they will let you taste them with your eyes closed, then I think few will guess what they are made of. In taste, and in appearance, they resemble meat. And most importantly, oatmeal cutlets are really tasty, you can eat a lot of them to thoroughly get enough. But since they are cheaper than meat ones, it’s not a pity - at least eat a mountain. In addition, this is an excellent budget option for the case when there is no meat at home, but you want to have something to eat.

Hercules cutlets are prepared very simply - no special skills are required.

Roatmeal cutlet recipe

For two cups of hercules, you will need two eggs, one or two onions (depending on size), a couple of cloves of garlic and a bouillon cube (with the taste of meat or chicken), flour for breading.

So, in order to prepare “minced meat” for such cutlets, boil two glasses of water, adding a bouillon cube with the taste that you like best, and throw hercules into this broth. Cook for five to seven minutes, stirring to get a fairly thick porridge. Remove from heat, cool (at this time, our porridge will thicken slightly), and for now we finely chop the onion and garlic. In a cooled, you can still warm, but not hot, boiled oats, beat in eggs, mix, add onion and garlic, add a spoon or two of flour and quite a bit of baking soda, literally on the tip of a knife. Again, mix thoroughly and begin to form small cutlets, rolling them in flour. If there is cheese at home, then you can put a small piece inside the cutlets, if not, it doesn’t matter, and it will be delicious. And then fry them in sunflower oil, first on one side until golden brown, and then, turning over with a spatula, on the other.

Who categorically does not accept bouillon cubes, I can say that even without them it turns out very edible, just do not forget to salt the minced meat before sculpting oatmeal cutlets and add a little ground black pepper. You can still finely chop the dill and also add it to the minced meat.

You can not cook porridge to get minced meat, but steam the hercules with boiling water overnight. Even from one glass of oatmeal, filled with a glass of boiling water, in which a bouillon cube is dissolved, in the morning you will get quite a lot of base for cutlets, which you can not form, as in the previous case, with your hands. You just do it a little differently - into the oatmeal swollen overnight (if the water is suddenly not all absorbed, then squeeze out the excess), drive in an egg, add finely chopped onion, green. For viscosity, add a little flour, and for pomp, soda, and spread, like pancakes, a tablespoon on a hot frying pan. Flip these patties from one side to the other as they brown. For me, it works even better.

I personally like to serve them with sour cream, put a spoonful of sour cream on top of this cutlet - delicious!

But my mom makes oatmeal cutlets using the gruel that she has left after preparing the infusion for cooking health jelly. She cooks it on the basis of herculean groats. In this case, after the cloudy water infusion (the basis for the future jelly) is drained after shaking, the remaining softened slurry should only be washed a little in a colander and, as everything drains, add all the same ingredients. No less tasty cutlets are obtained, only with a slight sourness, since kefir was added for sourdough to obtain a jelly infusion.

In general, no matter how you cook these oatmeal cutlets, it always turns out delicious.

Be sure to try making them according to one of the above recipes - and enjoy your meal!

A huge number of people in our country observe fasting, purifying their body and soul. At this time, when compiling a diet, many restrictions must be followed, but at the same time, the menu should be made as varied, correct and nutritious as possible so that the body receives a sufficient amount of useful things. Of course, you have to give up the consumption of meat in fasting, but there are many other foods that can replace it in terms of usefulness and taste. So familiar to all of us, oatmeal Hercules can be an excellent ingredient for tasty and nutritious meatballs.

Classic recipe

To prepare oatmeal flake cutlets, you will need one glass of oatmeal directly, a medium onion, a large clove of garlic, a medium-sized potato, a certain amount of breadcrumbs, and seasonings to taste (salt, pepper, etc.).

First of all, take oatmeal and steam it in a bowl with a hundred milliliters of hot, just boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and set aside for half an hour to infuse. Then peel the onion, chop it with a medium-sized grater and combine with the swollen oatmeal. Crush the garlic in the garlic press and also mix it into the total mass. Rinse and peel the potato, grate it on a small grater and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Mix all the ingredients and knead them well to get a mass similar in consistency to a monotonous puree. Use the resulting minced oatmeal to form cutlets, which are then recommended to be rolled in breadcrumbs. Preheat a frying pan well, pouring some vegetable oil on it, and fry the oatmeal cutlets until golden brown on each side.
Bring the dish to readiness under a covered lid over low heat.

It is advisable to serve oatmeal cutlets to the table soon after cooking - they are best eaten hot.

Oatmeal meatballs with vegetables

To prepare such a dish, you will need a glass of oatmeal oatmeal, half a glass of water or vegetable broth, half a medium-sized carrot, a medium-sized onion, and a clove of garlic. Also prepare two hundred grams of frozen cauliflower, a tablespoon of soy sauce, any mixture of spices, for example, "For minced meat." In addition, to prepare cutlets, you will need flour or breadcrumbs and some vegetable oil.

Boil vegetable broth or water, then brew oatmeal with such a liquid along with soy sauce and spices. Leave the hercules under the lid to infuse. Next, grate the onion, garlic and carrots on a small grater. Defrost the cauliflower and crank it in a blender. Combine prepared vegetables with swollen oatmeal, add a little salt if desired. In the event that the cooked mass looks a little watery, mix in some flour.

Form cutlets from such minced meat, roll them in flour or breadcrumbs and fry well in a preheated pan.

Oatmeal cutlets with mushrooms

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare one medium potato, a medium-sized onion, a glass of oatmeal, half a teaspoon of salt and three hundred grams of fresh champignon mushrooms. You will also need half a bunch of fragrant cilantro, some vegetable oil, a clove of garlic and ground black pepper to taste.

Brew oatmeal only with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave to infuse for half an hour. Peel the onions, potatoes, and garlic, then grate these ingredients on a medium or small grater. Rinse and finely chop the greens, as well as the mushrooms. Combine all prepared ingredients in a sufficiently deep bowl and mix well. Do not forget to pepper and salt such minced meat. From the resulting mass, form cutlets and roll them in flour. Fry them in a preheated pan for four to five minutes on each side so that a golden crust forms.

Hercules cutlets from zucchini and oatmeal

To prepare such a dish, you will need half a kilogram of zucchini, one medium carrot, a medium-sized onion, a medium potato, four tablespoons of oatmeal, a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese. Also prepare a small bunch of dill, a small amount of salt and ground black pepper, four tablespoons of vegetable oil and three tablespoons of breadcrumbs.

Wash and peel the zucchini and carrots, grate them on a fairly large grater, salt and pepper. Put the vegetable mass in a colander and let the excess liquid drain. Grate a potato on a fine grater and combine it with zucchini and carrots. Pour dry oatmeal into the container and leave to infuse for ten minutes under the lid. Finely chop or grate the onion, mix it with the cottage cheese into the vegetables. Also add chopped dill to these ingredients. Form cutlets from the resulting workpiece, roll them in flour and fry in hot vegetable oil.

Hercules cutlets will be a great find for vegetarians, vegans and those people who fast. They contain few calories, but are nutritious and have an attractive taste.

Remember the anecdote when a gentleman asks his butler what they have on the menu today, and happily reacts when he hears "Cutlets, sir." But the owner did not rejoice for long, because after a short pause the butler clarifies: “Oatmeal, sir.” The benefits of hercules for the health of the stomach and the body as a whole have been known for a long time, but most housewives are limited mainly to cooking oatmeal. But from hercules quite tasty and healthy dishes are obtained, including cutlets.

To prepare delicious and healthy oatmeal cutlets, you will need to stock up:

  • two cups of oatmeal flakes
  • one glass of water
  • one bouillon cube
  • one medium sized onion
  • one egg
  • vegetable oil for frying meatballs
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • a small bunch of any greenery you have

Parsley, dill, cilantro, basil are perfect for oatmeal cutlets.

cooking hercules

So, when all the ingredients are prepared, you can get down to business. First boil a glass of water. Completely dissolve the bouillon cube in it. Pour the flakes into a deep bowl and fill them with hot freshly prepared broth. Cover and let the hercules brew for 20-25 minutes. While the flakes swell, peel the onion and chop it finely. Fry the onion in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil for three to five minutes until slightly golden.

For splendor of cutlets, you can add baking soda flakes to the tip of a knife

Ah, meatballs, overeating!

Then add the onion to the swollen flakes and stir. You can add salt and ground black pepper to the resulting mass to taste.

The dish will be even tastier and more aromatic if you add a mixture of peppers to herculean flakes.

Now start frying the meatballs. They can be formed by hand, like ordinary meatballs. Or you can use a tablespoon. It is enough just to scoop the herculean minced meat into a spoon and carefully place it in a pan with hot oil.

So that the oatmeal does not stick to the spoon, periodically dip it into a cup of water

Fry the cutlets for five to seven minutes. Then remove them from the pan. Your meatballs are ready.

The prepared dish can be consumed in such a “clean” form. But the sauce gives the cutlets a special taste. For him, it is enough to mix two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream with a clove of garlic passed through a press and finely chopped herbs. This sauce is best for lubricating hot meatballs.

You can also transfer the finished cutlets into a deep frying pan and pour sour cream or mayonnaise on top of them, cover and simmer over low heat for five to ten minutes. The patties will be soft and tender.


Hercules - 2 cups
Water - 1.5 cups
Bouillon cube - 0.5 pcs.
Onion - 1 pc.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
Parsley or dill - 0.5 bunch
Salt - if desired
Pepper - taste

Cooking process

The variant of oatmeal cutlets is just a godsend for vegetarians or fasting people. Cutlets are very beautiful in appearance, hearty and tasty. At the same time, none of the household will guess what they are made of. My son said with confidence that they are made from potatoes with chicken. When I told him that there was neither one nor the other, he was very surprised and intrigued. They can be eaten both hot and cold. To be honest, I personally like the second option.

To prepare oatmeal cutlets with a bouillon cube, take the products from the list. Boil the water, dissolve the cube in it. By the way, you can take any cube, mushroom, for example, is great for this dish.

Pour the oatmeal broth with the broth, let it swell for about 10 minutes. To be honest, I put it in the microwave for 5 minutes in the "combi" mode, and after 5 minutes it is absolutely ready.

Finely chop the onion, lightly fry in vegetable oil.

Add the fried onion to the prepared oatmeal.

Finely chop the greens, add to the herculean-onion minced meat.

Mix thoroughly. If you cook these cutlets not in fasting, you can add one chicken egg.

Lightly moisten your hands with water, form cutlets, fry them on both sides until golden brown.

Serve with fresh herbs and your favorite sauce.

Hercules cutlets with a bouillon cube are ready. Enjoy!

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Meatballs with broccoli in bechamel sauce are a great idea for a quick lunch or dinner. Start by cooking the minced meat, while bringing 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. It remains to collect the products in the pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli needs to be cooked quickly to keep its bright green color, which either fades or turns brown when cooked for a long time.

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