
Snacks for kids recipes. Desserts for children - sweets for joy! Cooking delicious desserts for children from fruits, berries, cookies, cottage cheese, ice cream

Natalya Chernikova

I always enjoy looking through the photo reports of colleagues about land improvement. And one can only rejoice at how well equipped playgrounds are. We have problems with this. Of the new stationary equipment, we have only a slide. Everything else is done hands teachers and parents of students.

Every year we puzzle over how to get out of the situation and equip plot.

We mainly use plywood, boards, logs, improvised material for equipment.

So for several years now, as a developing center for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the train has been doing good service. At first he was with us.

Over time, the mechanisms of the locomotive fell into disrepair. We have updated it this year. And so the train became.

Its details are bright and interesting.

Nearby is home-made equipment also aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands. A few years ago, for such equipment, the back of a crib came in handy for us. But it broke down before serving us even 3 years.

Now we have new equipment, made of durable wooden cuttings, metal crossbars. I would like to believe that it will serve us for a longer period.

The water play center is a boat from a baby bath. I already talked about it in a previous post.

Nearby is Moidodyr, where children can wash their hands using a washstand.

Sand play center is a sandbox and mini sandbox "Cow" which has served us for several years.

For role-playing games, we have an airplane.

As well as a gas station for cars, a car, a motorcycle, which I also talked about.

We have a creative center: table, bench, stand for fine art works.

And also for many years now, a table in the form of a ram for drawing semolina and sand has been pleasing with its functionality.

When the children are engaged in creativity at the table, the rest of the children run around and play outdoor games at this time. In order to be able to organize building games at the same time, an idea came up - to make another table. And do you know what we made it from? From a wooden coil on which the wires. They dug one part of the coil into the ground, painted the upper part, and made flowers on the surface of the table using colored self-adhesive paper. Our table is large.

There is an opportunity to gather behind it for everyone who wants to play board games. The plans include an idea to make a bench so that you don’t have to take chairs out of the group every day.

The flowers in our flowerbeds in the form of swans have already grown up, delighting with their beauty.

A health track was made, which I also talked about. Survived until the end of summer.

We have fitness equipment "Apple and Pear" made from plywood. They serve to roll balls. We have been using this equipment for several years now.

For crawling, they made multi-colored gates. An arc from a hoop, plastic colored balls are put on it. They placed the gate where there is at least a little green soft grass.

This year to organize an outdoor game "Carousels" on the veranda they hung a carousel made of several hoops of different sizes and multi-colored satin ribbons.

To organize games for the development of breathing, they made a manual in the form of an inverted umbrella and butterflies.

We are building pans for next summer. I'm looking for ideas from you guys. Thank you.

I wish you all creative success!

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With the onset of warm days, the stay of children in the fresh air increases and teachers face the problem of organizing an interesting,

The long-awaited summer is coming soon. I really want the kindergarten site to look bright, lively and interesting in the summer! Kindergarten area.

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm.

A playground is considered an important element of every modern suburban area, if the younger generation lives on the territory. The acquisition of a swing and similar attributes is not a cheap pleasure.

It is much easier and more affordable to build a playground from improvised materials with your own hands. Let's talk about this issue in more detail.

Design Process

The most important condition for creating a playground for children is to carry out the design so that the structure turns out to be reliable, as well as as safe as possible to use.

In addition, when determining the site for the construction of the site, you need to focus on a place with excellent visibility.

In addition, the idea for a playground should not provide for the arrangement of wires and various traumatic corners on the site of children's games. Also, the site should not be equipped next to the pool or river.

The playing area should be as level as possible, with a soft surface that can minimize the risk of injury during an accidental fall.

When choosing the right material for your playground, opt for solid wood, which is harmless, practical, and easy to use.

Also, wood is easy to process, thanks to which it is possible to build any structures from it.

Having painted wood crafts for the playground in a variety of shades, you can get an attractive external area for your kids to play actively.

It is preferable to initially develop the corresponding drawings on a sheet of paper. In the project documentation, be sure to indicate the expected dimensions of the parts that are planned to be placed on the site. Also determine the optimal sloping angle of the children's slide and, of course, the height.

Optimal Ideas

When choosing a suitable design idea for a summer cottage playground, it is important to focus on children's age, as well as the features of the place where the structure is arranged. Basically, the main element of the playground is a swing, a sandbox, as well as a slide.

In addition, you can build a small fairy-tale house, small slides. Simply put, every element of the playground should be interesting for kids.

We equip the sandbox

When deciding on the location of the sandbox, be guided by the following points:

  • the terrain must certainly be of an open type, that is, well visible;
  • it is undesirable to build a sandbox under the crown of trees in order to prevent debris from getting into it;
  • be sure to take care of high-quality UV protection;
  • calculate the dimensions so that the kids can move in it as freely as possible.

As for the shape, a square sandbox, which is easily created from wood, will be optimal. To make sure of this, the photo of the playground is proof of this.

When choosing a natural array, opt for pine, which is considered a moisture-resistant material that perfectly tolerates sun radiation, as well as temperature changes. Pine resin is also characterized by antimicrobial properties.

The optimal dimensions of the sandbox are 200 cm by 200 cm. First you need to prepare a special platform using pegs and threads. Having finished with the markup, you should slightly remove the top layer of the earth. Then you can proceed to the arrangement of the base in order to fill the sand.


It is preferable to cover the very bottom of the structure with dense building material. The bottom is covered with a pillow of sandy, plastic tiles.

Remember that the use of plastic film is contraindicated, because after precipitation a lot of moisture can accumulate in the sandbox, preventing the sand from drying out.

However, geotextile materials allow moisture to pass through, but do not let various insects into the sand from the ground.

To close the sides of the structure, shields should be constructed from boards. For convenience, you need to equip the sides.

The option of arranging the sandbox with a special shelter in the shape of a mushroom is not excluded. This design will protect the structure from moisture and the sun.

Decoration of a place for children's games

If you are interested in how to make a playground with your own hands and how to decorate it, then remember that the use of expensive materials for these purposes is not necessary. It is enough to use a couple of cans of paint, as well as improvised materials.


An excellent design option is a playground created from tires, or plastic bottles, discs.

So that fabulous palm trees can appear on the site, use plastic bottles, and if there are stumps, create paths. Using tires, build various interesting figures for the garden in the form of animals.

Make every effort to ensure that all the details of the playground for children perform a developing function. This does not require a lot of effort, a minimum of imagination and desire is enough.

DIY playground photo


Easy recipes for children 12 years old will allow teenagers to cook various dishes on their own and pave the way to home cooking. In this article, we will present options for how you can quickly and easily make fish soup, a delicious dessert, and a vitamin salad.

Easy recipes for beginners 12 years old

The first thing you need to teach your child is to cook a delicious and rich soup. It is not necessary to use meat or poultry. You can make the first course with the help of canned fish. So, the list, which includes easy recipes for children 12 years old, let's start with a nutritious and healthy soup. To prepare it you will need:

  • Potatoes, onions, carrots - 1 pc.
  • Canned saury - 1 can.
  • Table salt and pepper - to taste and desire.
  • Fresh greens - medium bunch.
  • Drinking water - 1.2 liters.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Easy recipes for children 12 years old are implemented quite simply. This can be seen in our example. First you need to prepare the vegetables. They are peeled and then chopped. Potatoes and onions are cut into cubes, and carrots are rubbed on a grater. Fresh herbs are also cut separately. As for canned saury, it is laid out on a plate and kneaded with a spoon. A few pieces of fish are left whole or divided in half.

The process of making fish soup from canned food

Easy recipes for children 12 years old do not provide for complex culinary combinations. For example, our fish soup must be cooked on an ordinary stove. To do this, put a pot of drinking water on a strong fire. After the liquid boils, grated carrots, onion and potato cubes are laid out in it. After a little salt, the ingredients are covered with a lid and boiled for about 20 minutes.

After a while, canned fish is put into the broth with the brine that was in the closed jar. After mixing the components, bay leaves are also added to them. In this composition, the soup is boiled for another 10 minutes. Before turning off the stove (3 minutes), fresh herbs are poured into the broth. Serve hot. It is recommended to use it with bread. For a rich color and taste during cooking, tomato paste or finely chopped tomatoes can be added to the broth.

Making an Apple and Cheese Salad

Studying easy recipes for children of 12 years old, offer to cook salads for your son or daughter. These are very tasty snacks before the main meal. You can make salads in different ways. For an inexperienced child, preparing such a dish is quite difficult. Therefore, we decided to present the simplest recipe. For it we need:

  • Sweet and sour apples - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 95 g.
  • Canned pink salmon - 1 can.
  • Mayonnaise on a quail egg - at the discretion.

Handling components and serving

To prepare the salad in question, the child will need a little time. First, canned pink salmon is processed. It is laid out on a large and not very flat plate, and then kneaded well with a fork (to make a homogeneous gruel). Sweet and sour apples are also washed and peeled separately. Then they are rubbed on a coarse grater, and hard cheese - on a fine one.

Such a salad is formed quite simply. Porridge from canned pink salmon is evenly distributed on a plate. After that, a layer of grated green apples is laid out on it. In turn, the fruit is covered with a thick layer of mayonnaise. At the very end, finely grated cheese is spread on the salad. Light and prepared according to the recipe that was described above, it should be presented to the table immediately after it is formed. If you do not eat it for 30 minutes or more, the apples will begin to turn black and release a large amount of juice. This will make the dish watery and not very tasty.

Easy recipes for children 12 years old in the microwave

The microwave oven has firmly entered into ours. Without it, we cannot imagine how you can quickly heat up a ready-made dish. However, it should be noted that such a device is often used not only for heating meals, but also for preparing various desserts. In this section of the article, we will tell you how to quickly and easily teach your child how to make a delicious cupcake using a microwave oven.

So what ingredients do you need to purchase in order to implement easy recipes for children of 12 years old? Desserts can be prepared using various products. For our version, we need the following components:

  • Sifted wheat flour - 70 g.
  • Cocoa powder - 15 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • Table salt - 1 pinch.
  • Baking powder - 2 g.
  • Medium-sized sugar - 60 g.
  • Medium eggs - 1 pc.
  • Cow's milk - 30 ml.

The dough for the cake is kneaded pretty quickly. In a small bowl, first mix the sifted flour, cocoa powder, salt and baking powder. Next, they add a mixture made from a strongly beaten egg and sugar. Pour some milk and vegetable oil into the same bowl. All of the above ingredients are thoroughly beaten with a mixer until a homogeneous base is obtained.

Baking and serving

How should you bake a quick and delicious chocolate cupcake? To begin with, the finished dough is poured into a ceramic mug. At the same time, make sure that the dishes are only half filled, since during the heat treatment the base will certainly rise.

After the described actions, the form with the semi-finished product is sent to the microwave. In this case, set the highest power. In this form, the cake is cooked for exactly three minutes (it can take a little longer). In the process of baking, the dessert should become magnificent. It can also rise right above the mug. Don't worry about it falling off later. This won't happen.

As soon as the chocolate cake is baked in the microwave oven, it is taken out and allowed to cool completely. Next, the dessert is laid out on a plate or saucer and served at the table along with tea. If there is a desire, then such a delicacy can be consumed directly from the mug. For beauty and a festive look, the finished product can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. By the way, some housewives prefer to decorate such a dessert with chocolate icing. Bon appetit.

Almost all kids are creepy sweets! We offer you a selection of recipes for every taste: sweet and savory pies, buns and pies, cakes, healthy sweets and desserts without baking! Choose and delight your kids!

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