
Delicious apple mash: recipes, subtleties, secrets. The right mash recipes for moonshine

Nowadays, few people are used to preparing homemade alcoholic drinks, but there are still special connoisseurs who are happy to treat their friends to something unusual. Braga from jam, depending on the way it is prepared, can act both as a strong drink and as a light dessert fruit wine.

How to make mash from jam at home

For the preparation of an alcoholic drink, any, even the oldest jam, which you have been planning to throw away for a long time, is suitable. After all, the main thing to achieve the effect is sugar, which will not disappear anywhere, even if the canned food has been in the cellar for several years. If your jam is not too sweet, add more sugar. In addition, yeast is required. If you want to figure out how to make jam from jam, do this:

  1. Heat the purified water to 30 degrees, then stir the jam in it (keep the ratio 5:1).
  2. Add yeast. Wait for the hat to rise and turn off the fire.
  3. Drain the liquid into jars or bottles. It is recommended to put on a rubber glove on the neck, after piercing the fingers with a needle. Condoms are not recommended for this purpose, as the latex in these products is too thin.
  4. Brazhka settles for 7-10 days. You need to wait until the glove first rises vertically, and then deflates again: this means that all the carbon dioxide has escaped. Then the drink can be poured into another container.

For moonshine

The resulting mash can be used both for subsequent distillation and for drinking. If you have a home-made moonshine making machine, making a strong drink will be quick and easy. First remove all pieces of fruits and berries from the liquid (you need to strain it). After that, pour the mash into the distillation cube and wait until the first drops of distillate appear. From five liters of mash, you can get about 1 liter of strong moonshine.

For drinking

If you want to drink a not very strong, but aromatic fruit drink, use the preparation algorithm described above. Braga for jam will be tastier if you add pieces of fresh berries or fruits. It is not necessary to pour an additional dose of sugar during fermentation, since high strength is not required. You can drink such alcohol in the summer, in the form of a cocktail, diluted with ice and mineral water.

Experts note that jam, which contained seeds or seeds (for example, cherry) is suitable for fermentation, but it can be consumed only after distillation. Otherwise, the drink will get a specific bitter aftertaste. If you want to use the wort to make homemade liquor or tincture, it is recommended to distill it even twice.

What yeast is better to use for mash

Experienced moonshine makers claim that only live, pressed yeast is suitable for making a quality drink. If you are storing them frozen, take them out of the refrigerator ahead of time. Special wine yeast (3 percent) is suitable. However, many housewives recommend limiting themselves to dry yeast adapted for baking. Keep in mind that it takes a lot of yeast to make a yeast mash. The calculation is as follows: for three liters of jam - about 25 grams of dry yeast.

A simple recipe for jam jam with yeast

If you want to surprise your guests with an unusual drink, try the simplest base wort recipe. You will need:

  • old jam - 3 liters;
  • dry yeast - 25 g;
  • water - 15 liters.

If you are not going to drink the mash, but distill it into moonshine, add another one and a half kilograms of sugar. A delicious drink will turn out if you use sweet strawberry or raspberry jam. However, gourmets advise combining several types of base in one drink so as not to get a bright multifaceted fruit taste. You need to prepare like this:

  1. Heat water to 30 degrees, dilute jam in it. Stir.
  2. Dissolve the yeast. Add extra sugar if you like.
  3. Take the dishes to a dark, warm place, covering the neck with a rubber glove. Leave for 4-7 days (the glove should rise and then fall off again). The filtered product can be distilled or drunk.

Yeast free

Craftsmen will also cope with a special recipe that does not involve the addition of yeast. You will need:

  • jam or jam - 2 liters;
  • raisins or crusts of rye bread - 200 g;
  • water - 4 liters.

In this recipe, raisins or rye bread will play the role of natural yeast (you can choose what suits you). These products provide natural fermentation, so the result is sure to please. Do this:

  1. Dilute the jam with warm water.
  2. Add small raisins. It cannot be washed! Otherwise, elements useful for natural fermentation are destroyed.
  3. Take the dishes to a warm, dark place.
  4. After 10 days, strain, filter the drink. It is recommended to refrigerate before use.

Braga from old jam

The original recipe for making an alcoholic drink involves the addition of beer. Such mash for moonshine jam is obtained naturally thanks to beer wort. You will need:

  • jam - 2 liters;
  • light beer - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 10 liters.

The drink cooks faster than a mixture to which you will add yeast or raisins. Beer allows liquids to ferment under the same conditions in less time, so you only need to strain the drink before drinking. Do this:

  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Dilute with cold or slightly warm boiled water.
  3. Leave in a warm place for a week.

How to put mash on jam for moonshine with yeast

If you don’t know how to make jam brew so that the result will delight guests and family, at first try simple recipes with yeast and sugar. Success is guaranteed if you choose the right components. Take proven yeast, clean drinking water and mold-free jam. The last point is very important, because if the base is damaged, the whole process will fail. The container with the starter should be taken to a warm place. Village craftsmen recommend using a bathhouse, where wooden walls maintain the desired temperature for a long time.

Recipe for moonshine

Cooking will be easier if you have special tools at your disposal. Such drinks will be more successful. Braga from jam requires the following elements:

  • wooden stick;
  • rubber hose;
  • fine sieve or bag;
  • capacity;
  • latex gloves;
  • wine yeast;
  • old jam;
  • water.
  1. When you prepare the wort according to the recipes described above, stir it daily with a wooden stick.
  2. After 7-10 days, carbon dioxide will cease to be released, and the glove will fall off. Remove the liquid, without touching the sediment, with a rubber hose. If there is no such inventory at your disposal, you can use an ordinary ladle for the same purpose.
  3. Strain. It is recommended to use gauze folded in three or four layers, or a very fine sieve. After that, the mash can be drunk.


Braga as an independent drink has long been familiar to mankind. It is not known who first came up with this way to process products. Most likely, the very idea of ​​​​the possibility of fermentation was suggested by nature, and people only peeped and used it to make a drink. So, probably, the first recipe for mash appeared. Then it began to be used in order to make stronger alcohol. For information on how to make homemade mash in various variations, read this article.

From the word "wander"

The very name of the resulting product determines the name of the cooking process. Brazhka at home involves a short fermentation process and the same exposure. Such a drink is obtained with a small strength: from three to eight degrees (sometimes up to fifteen). From the "relatives" of the drink, you can specify the keel - Finnish mash. This drink is made from yeast, sugar, and water with orange juice added to improve the flavor. English pruno is also famous - a drink popular in prisons. In Russia (among peasants) were previously popular: bravanda - a bread drink with various additions and mead - an intoxicating drink based on honey.

Manufacturing mechanism

How mash is made (along with carbon dioxide) is produced as a result of the vital activity of ordinary bread yeast. They need sugar and water for this. The "well-being" of yeast is an important point in the preparation of mash. The optimum temperature should be maintained - from 25 to 40 degrees, since at a lower temperature they “fall asleep”, and at a higher temperature they can die! If the yeast "fell asleep", the solution should be put in a warm place - this should help resume the process. And when the temperature rises above 40 - put in a cooler place and add another portion of yeast. Periodically stirring the mass, you can speed up the fermentation. They say that in an old-style washer, mash for moonshine is prepared in a few hours! Some also add catalysts: tomato paste, potatoes, hops, peas (anything one).


Much depends on the concentration of sugar in the solution. The more it is, the faster the fermentation process goes. But if you overdo it too much, then when the fortress reaches more than 14 degrees, the yeast begins to die from the alcohol they produce. Sugar must be completely recycled. At the end of the process, taste the mash. It should be bitter, without a sweet aftertaste. A little advice: if you are thinking about how to put the mash in order to drink it later as an independent drink, then put less yeast, but more sugar. This will get rid of the yeasty taste.


An important role in how to make mash is played by the dishes in which you will cook it. Well for these purposes, a large one is suitable for storing food liquids (20 liters or even 30). You can also use a glass bottle of the same size. Disadvantages: It beats quite easily, and it has a very narrow neck. If you do not plan to produce drinks on an industrial scale, then a three-liter glass jar and a five-liter plastic bottle from purified water may be suitable for you.


During the preparation of the drink, it can react with oxygen and form acetic acid. This means that it is necessary to protect the mash from the penetration of oxygen into the tank at all stages. For this, a water lock is used. The excess from the bottle moves along it, coming from the tube into a jar of water. By the way, the intensity of the formation of bubbles can be used to control the fermentation process (this method is also used in the manufacture of wine).

What else can you do to make a good brew at home? Put on a rubber glove around your throat. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers we pierce the glove with a pin. Excess carbon dioxide will escape through the hole. During the entire fermentation process, the glove will stand. As soon as fermentation is over, it will fall off. This means that home-made mash is ready for consumption or further processing. After all, it is also the basis of moonshine. And the better the raw materials, the better the moonshine is.

Brazhka at home: basic recipe

The optimal ratio of products: for three liters of warm boiled water - one kilogram of sugar and one hundred grams of yeast. If the capacity is large, proportionally increase the amount of starting products.


In principle, mash can be made from any organic matter containing starch or sugar. The main criteria are the price of raw materials and their availability. How to make mash using starch? To convert it into sugar, malt is needed, which is found in the grain (seeds). The grain begins to germinate, the enzyme is activated and converts starch into sugar, which the embryo feeds on. To get an enzyme, you need for example. Soak it for several days in water. When sprouts appear, dry, separate them from the grains, and grind the latter into powder.

From grain

You need to take: 1 kilogram of grain, 3 liters of water, 50 grams of yeast, a pound of sugar, 200 grams of malt. Mix everything and keep for about two weeks in a warm place, stirring and monitoring the temperature (until the fermentation process stops - look at the shutter reaction).

From potatoes

How to put a mash from tubers? You need to take: 8 kilos of potatoes, 10 liters of water, 200 grams of malt, a pound of sugar, 150 grams of yeast. Potatoes need to be peeled and chopped on a grater. Next, you need to mix it with other ingredients, add yeast starter. Infuse for two weeks. Such raw materials are mainly used for further addition to moonshine.

Brazhka from jam

Ingredients: 6 kilos of any sweet jam, 30 liters of water, 200 grams of yeast. Jam from large fruits must be freed from stones and ground in a meat grinder or in a blender until smooth. Dissolve jam in water and add prepared yeast. Let it ferment for about a week. Such a jam from jam is drunk well as an independent drink. If you are going to distill, then you can add another 3 kilos of sugar to the substrate before fermentation. In this case, the output of moonshine will be increased.

From sweets

Ingredients: 5 kilos of caramel, 200 grams of yeast, 20 liters of water. First, grind the sweets and dissolve them in hot water. Let's chill a little. Dissolve yeast in warm water and mix. We leave to wander for five days in a warm place, controlling the temperature. You can drink such a drink, or you can leave it for moonshine.


Ingredients: 3 kilos of honey, 1 kilogram of sugar, 300 grams of yeast, 25 liters of water. We dissolve honey and sugar in hot water (the temperature is not higher than 60 degrees, otherwise some of the beneficial properties of honey will be lost). We dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water (the temperature is not higher than 40 degrees, otherwise the culture may die). We mix. We put to wander in a warm place for a week. Delicious mead is ready! It can be enjoyed chilled as a light alcoholic drink. For this use, mead can only be made with honey. And for distillation, add another kilogram of sugar.

From juice

10 liters of any sweet juice (preferably without preservatives), 300 grams of yeast. Dissolve yeast in warm juice. We insist a couple of weeks (until the end of the fermentation process).

With dill and currant

Take 6 kilos of sugar, 30 liters of water, 200 grams of yeast, a glass of blackcurrant, a bunch of dry dill. Mix everything, add diluted yeast. Insist up to a week, then overtake.

With milk and peas

Ingredients: 1 liter of milk, 5 kilos of sugar, 15 liters of water, a kilo of shelled peas, a pound of yeast. Mix everything with water, add prepared yeast, insist in a warm place for a couple of days. Then - overtake.

With bread, milk and potatoes

Ingredients: 25 liters of water, 5 kilos of sugar, a liter of milk, 4 loaves, 5 kilos of potatoes. Cut the bread finely. Grind potatoes on a grater. Mix everything and insist for several days. Then - overtake.

from apricots

You need to take 10 kilos of pitted apricots, 10 kilos of sugar, 100 grams of yeast, 3 liters of water. Dissolve sugar in warm water. We pass apricots through a meat grinder and mix with syrup in a large container. We add yeast. We put to wander in a warm place until the end of the process.

From grapes

We take 10 kilos of grape cake, 5 kg of sugar, 30 liters of water, 100 grams of yeast. Roam for a week.

As you can see, mash at home can be prepared from almost any product containing sugar and starch. Feel free to experiment, come up with new recipes. The main thing is to observe the basic proportions and cooking technology.

Long before people learned, and even more so - to make vodka in the form in which we know it, the Slavs did drunken brew. In ancient times, in those latitudes where the Slavs lived, neither grapes nor sweet berries and fruits were grown, so winemaking was not known.

They replaced the wine with mash, which was consumed in its unprocessed form. But today we will talk about what recipes exist for making moonshine - followed by distillation and obtaining a more or less pure alcoholic drink.

With the beginning of the era of moonshine brewing, home brew recipes for moonshine have changed, improved, and this process has not stopped - more and more new varieties are being invented. A couple of decades ago, banana mash or orange mash was not an exotic species, they did not exist due to the high cost, and sometimes scarcity of these fruits. But since bananas have become cheaper than apples, such species have appeared and won their supporters.

Before you start creating moonshine brew at home, take care of quality of ingredients, which will be included in it, as well as on the preparation of dishes:


Previously exotic fruits for us are not in short supply, so there are unusual recipes. Let's tell you how it's done banana mash, giving moonshine a delicate incomparable aroma. A popular recipe - for 1 kg of bananas (required - overripe) - 10 liters. water, 1 kg of sugar and 100 g of pressed yeast.

Banana peel contains up to 10% alcohol! It is cut and necessarily added to a container with mash.

Fragrant orange mash is known. But oranges must be peeled, rid of the white part, then boiled with sugar, and only after that cook the mash using the usual proportions.

There is also tangerine mash, as well as from any fruit that you have in abundance. Tangerines for mash are cleaned and boiled. Citrus peels are used to infuse ready-made moonshine.

Brazhka is used not only for moonshine or raw consumption, but also to increase the level of CO2 in water. There is a mash for an aquarium; during fermentation, carbon (CO2) is obtained, which is necessary for aquarium fish.

Remember! The above recipes are not “frozen” in their development. Be creative, add your ingredients, share on social networks and don't forget to treat your friends to unusual and delicious homemade spirits!

  • Drowsiness disappears
  • Eliminates blockage
  • Mental processes are activated, efficiency is increased (and creative people say that coffee is also a source of inspiration for them)
  • Blood circulation is stimulated, as a result of which the blood more actively supplies oxygen to the brain and other organs

In addition, coffee speeds up the metabolism and stimulates the cleansing systems of the body - that is, it helps to remove toxins. As a result, a person feels much more vigorous and fresh, feels a surge of strength.

To make the drink as tasty as possible, with a rich and rich aroma, so that it shows all the properties of its variety, you need to know how to brew it correctly. Only then, by pouring a certain amount of ground beans into the cezve, will real alchemy take place - and you can fully enjoy every sip of your coffee.

The choice of the right Turks has a very big influence on the taste. Ideally, these dishes should be copper. Copper has the ability to heat up quickly, as well as conduct and distribute heat evenly. Therefore, coffee poured into copper dishes does not burn and does not give the drink an unpleasant rancidity.

An alternative option is a ceramic cezve. However, it usually costs more than copper - and, moreover, does not differ in durability. Earthenware does not need to be taken into account at all: it is only suitable for making one type of coffee. Otherwise, due to the porosity of the dishes, the tastes of different varieties will begin to mix.

Ingredients and Proportions

Now let's talk about what proportions you need to take so that you get a really tasty and, most importantly, strong coffee. A small cup of 50 ml requires 4 grams of powder: approximately one teaspoon with a small slide.

Depending on the volume of the Turks, the correct amount of water is calculated. That is, 4 teaspoons of ground coffee must be poured into a vessel with a volume of 200 ml. This will give you four servings for four small cups of espresso. Your coffee will be truly invigorating - with a magical bright aroma.
And Americano lovers will be able to take a larger cup - and first pour the brewed drink, and then add water.
If you prefer a sweet taste, then sugar should be poured into the dishes along with the powder - that is, even before cooking.

Important notes #1.

It is better to use a Turk with a narrow neck. In it, coffee retains its flavor properties better and turns out to be more saturated.

When calculating the volume of water, do not forget that the volume of rising foam will also be added to it. Therefore, there must be free space at the neck in the Turk - otherwise your coffee will run away.

A step-by-step cooking method - or how to brew strong coffee in a Turk at home:

  • Pour ground coffee beans into a bowl. Add sugar if desired
  • Then add water and put the dishes on the stove
  • Now you need to wait until the contents warm up properly, but do not bring to a boil
  • Then the contents must be mixed properly. After that, you can see the foam forming on the surface. At first it will be light, but as it boils further it will darken.
  • As soon as the foam begins to rise along the edges, and the first bubbles appear on its surface, immediately remove the cezve from the heat. Keep coffee from boiling if you want its aroma to be intense and its flavor composition to be rich.

Important notes #2

The water poured into the Turk must be cold.
Coffee must be brewed over very low heat. It is important that the heating and boiling process take place as slowly as possible.
You can heat the coffee several times, but each time you remove it from the heat at the moment when the foam rises (do not boil!). About 20 seconds should elapse between repeated heatings of the contents of the cezve. The optimal number of heatings is three times.

Note that you can cook both on a gas burner and on an electric stove, but it is best to do it on hot sand (in the east). It is clear that such a process is exotic for us. However, many gourmets prefer it to his usual stove or coffee maker.

Beautiful serving to the table

True connoisseurs know that making coffee is only half the battle. Now you need to serve it correctly - so that as much luxurious golden foam as possible gets into the cup.
It is customary to serve in a small cup with thick walls. Also, a long-handled spoon, a decanter of cold water and another cup should be served at the table. Each sip is recommended to drink water to enhance the perception of flavor notes of a particular variety.
According to Eastern traditions, dates, halva or Turkish delight are served as a dessert. Europeans often drink coffee with croissants or other pastries. In addition, it goes well with chocolate - especially if you do not put sugar in the cup.
To keep as much foam as possible, some gourmets do the following: first remove the foam cap (even while the drink is in the cezve) and shift it on a saucer, then pour the liquid contents into a cup. Well, then the foam is carefully laid out on top of the coffee.

Important note #3.

Be sure to warm up the cup before serving! In cold dishes, the flavoring properties of coffee will not be as bright. Warming up the dishes is very simple: just fill it with boiling water and wait a few seconds for the walls to take over the heat.

The secret ingredient - or how to enhance the invigorating effect of coffee

For even more energy, you can add a grapefruit wedge or freshly squeezed grapefruit juice to your cup. Also in this case, you can enjoy the original refreshing taste. And the aroma of a coffee cup will become fresher.

An unexpected fact about the combination of coffee with milk

Adding milk makes the onset of the invigorating effect slower - that is, you will not immediately cheer up.
At the same time, the state of cheerfulness is maintained for a longer period.
If you're interested in feeling energized for hours - and are willing to wait for the effects to come - then combine coffee with milk. The same applies to cream.

Enjoy your coffee drinking in good company!

The very name of this alcoholic drink comes from its preparation process.

Brazhka is used to prepare drinks in which alcohol must be present.

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Braga (this is the second name of the intoxicating drink) is also used to make moonshine.

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Ways to get mash in the old days

  • Leave birch or maple sap to infuse in a warm place so that it ferments and turns into mash.
  • When the honey is prepared, the fermented wort is collected and also left to infuse.

These methods were known long before distillation was invented.

In the modern world, in order to make mash at home, you need to use rye and barley malt, honey, hops and sugar.

Now consider the basic recipes for making mash.


If everything is done strictly according to the recipe, as a result you will be able to make approximately five liters of mash.


  • One kilogram of sugar.
  • One hundred grams of fresh yeast.
  • Five liters of water.


  1. Heat a small amount of water to about thirty degrees and dilute the yeast in it.
  2. In a separate container in warm water, dissolve all the prepared sugar and mix both liquids, after which you fill it all with five liters of water.
  3. Close the resulting dissolved mass tightly and put it where it is warmer.
  4. Pay special attention to the tightness of the dishes in which the mash is prepared. Fluid can leak out because a lot of carbon dioxide is produced, or if the container is not sealed tightly, oxygen will get in and react with the mixture, and this is fraught with the formation of many foreign substances that can harm your body.
  5. To avoid this situation, use the water lock method when sealing the container. To do this, put on an ordinary rubber glove on the neck of the bottle, which should be pierced with a needle before that.
  6. Leave the liquid to ferment for five to ten days, and then carefully, so that the thick at the bottom is not affected, pour the finished mash into other bottles, which you tightly cork.

Delicious mash with the color of young wine

The taste of this drink is very pleasant, but be careful - it is very intoxicating.


  • One kilogram of sugar.
  • Twenty-five grams of dry yeast.
  • Four hundred grams of quality round rice.
  • Three tablespoons of fresh red currants.
  • Three liters of water.

How to insist

  1. Dissolve all the sugar in warm water, then add the yeast there and stir until the sugar and yeast are dissolved.
  2. Pour rice with the resulting liquid (you don’t need to wash it before that!) And put the container in a warm place for ten days.
  3. Ten days later, add the berries and again leave the brew to infuse for ten days.
  4. When this time is up, you can pour this delicious drink into containers convenient for you and treat your loved ones to it - we are sure they will appreciate your efforts!

Brazhka from jam

What do you need

  • Three liters of any jam.
  • One hundred grams of fresh yeast.
  • Fifteen liters of water.
  • One and a half kilograms of sugar.


  1. As you can see, a lot of liquid is used, so prepare a roomy dish.
  2. Put all three liters of jam into it, add one and a half kilograms of sugar and pour it all with boiled warm water, then add yeast. Stir all the contents until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Put the container with the contents in a dry, warm place where there is no light for four to five days. During this time, fermentation will begin in the mass.
  4. After five days, you take out the fermented mixture and distill it. Subject to all the rules, you should get approximately three liters of mash at the output (based on a liter of jam per liter of finished product).
  5. To improve the quality and taste, distill the mash again.
  6. After that, add additives and products to the drink that will improve the taste and add flavor to the drink. To do this, take the skins of a lemon and an orange, cut them into slices and dry them. Dried skins are added to the already finished twice distilled product. You can add more roasted coffee beans, whole red peppers, cloves, and any other aromatic spices.
  7. Again insist the mash for several days, filter, bottle and put them in the refrigerator.

Braga from mulberry


  • Ten kilograms of fresh mulberries.
  • Ten liters of water.
  • Three kilos of sugar.


  1. Mulberry, without washing, wrinkle with your hands in any container suitable for this. In this case, wild yeast is formed in the very first layer, do not wash it off in any case, otherwise you will not wait for the fermentation process to begin.
  2. Heat the prepared water to a temperature of thirty degrees and fill it with mulberries. Add sugar and mix everything well.
  3. Pour the mass into a suitable bottle and pull a rubber glove over its neck, in which you first pierce holes in your fingers with a needle.
  4. Put the bottle in a warm dark place and leave for ten to fifteen days, remembering to stir the contents once a day to knock the cap off the surface.
  5. After ten to twenty-five days, the liquid will become lighter, acquire a bitter taste, a layer of sediment will appear, after which you can begin the distillation process.
  6. Drain the mash, trying not to catch the sediment, and filter it through a sieve, then pour this liquid into a distillation cube.
  7. Make sure that there is no pulp of berries in the moonshine still, because when heated it will burn, and this will ruin the taste of the whole liquid.
  8. Slowly distill the mulberry mash. The first hundred and fifty milliliters of the distilled liquid are collected and poured out, as it is unhealthy. The remaining product of the distillation is bottled and cooled in the refrigerator.

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