
A vitamin cocktail for immunity will strengthen the body's defenses. Immune booster cocktail - how to prepare and consume it

Elegance and beauty are inseparably linked with our health. A good mood, a sparkle in the eyes, a positive attitude and energy depend on the state of our health and our well-being. In turn, the key to excellent health is a good immune system. By strengthening it, we help the body recover from the negative effects of stress and illness, harden it, teach it to resist viruses, and restore its natural protective functions.

A lot has been said and written about a healthy diet, the need to take vitamins, the importance of maintaining a sleep schedule, proper exercise and lifestyle in general. We want to touch on the topic of healthy and tasty vitamin cocktails. I WANT to offer you a selection of 5 mixtures, the recipes of which contain ingredients whose main task is to strengthen our immunity.

Cocktail that strengthens the immune system

You will need: 4 apples, 2 limes, 15 strawberries, 1 tsp. cinnamon. Peel and cut the lime into 4 parts, cut the apples into slices, add strawberries, pass all the ingredients through a juicer, add cinnamon, mix everything again. Useful properties of the cocktail: apples contain calcium and magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on brain function; cinnamon activates brain activity; strawberries have antioxidant functions; lime, like all citrus fruits, cleanses the body of toxins, protects against infections, and is an effective cough suppressant. By the way, vitamin C is contained in each of the components chosen for the cocktail, and together they replenish its reserves in the body. This is important because vitamin C deficiency leads to irritability, loss of energy, and anemia.

Blood sugar smoothie

You will need: 1 banana, 3 parts of a pear. Mix the ingredients until a liquid slurry, take after meals. Easy to prepare, tasty and easily digestible drink, it also performs a very important function - it regulates blood sugar, preventing it from rising after eating.

Antioxidant Cocktail

You will need: 2 parts pear, 2 parts apple, 3 parts mango, 2 parts carrot. Mix everything thoroughly. An indispensable cocktail for cleansing the body. It removes toxins and toxins from the body, which accumulate in the body for years, disrupting the metabolism, metabolic processes and do not allow the body to function fully.

Drink made from celery, parsley and carrot juice

You will need: 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of celery, a few sprigs of parsley. Rinse the ingredients thoroughly, grate on a very fine grater. Squeeze the juice through a cloth or gauze, dilute with water, add granulated sugar (to taste), a pinch of salt, stir and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley before use. The cocktail is recommended for colds, to restore vision and prevent eye diseases, to regulate metabolism, to lower cholesterol, and to improve complexion.

Cocktail for colds and excess weight with ginger

You will need: 1 tsp. chopped ginger root, honey, lemon. Pour the crushed ginger root with a glass of boiling water. When the drink reaches room temperature, add honey and lemon to taste. Follow exactly this sequence, take your time and do not mix all the ingredients at once, since honey added to boiling water loses all its beneficial properties. The cocktail can be jokingly called "For two hares." It is also relevant in the fight against a cold, which weakens our immune system, and in the fight against excess weight, which is so difficult to control, especially in winter.

So, choose the recipe you like, stock up on the necessary ingredients, enjoy the taste of healthy mixtures and be healthy! After all, the better we feel, the better we look.

Acute respiratory viral infections lie in wait for all people, especially children, as well as women and men with weak immunity. Today, pharmacies sell many different drugs, which contain various vitamins. Firstly, such funds are very expensive, and secondly, these are not natural preparations. And after all it would be desirable, that the child used natural vitamins. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period, when the peak of colds comes.

Today we will talk about an excellent remedy for strengthening the body's defenses, which every woman can prepare. This is a dried fruit immunity booster mix. We will also determine which products are included in this natural medicine and what properties each component has.

When is a delicious vitamin mix useful?

A mixture to increase immunity from dried fruits will come in handy during the period of colds, viral infections, or just when After all, after winter, natural healthy fruits and vegetables are no longer on store shelves, so you need to replenish vitamins from your own cooked products.

A vitamin mixture is useful if a person has conditions such as:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia.
  • General malaise.
  • Brittle nails, hair loss.
  • Peeling of the skin.

What is included in the composition of a natural immunostimulating agent?

The mixture consists of the following ingredients:

  • lemon;
  • walnuts and dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins).

These are the main components, but you can put figs, dates, prunes there. Instead of walnuts, it is recommended to use cashews, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, pine nuts, etc. By the way, the latter help with pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers. And cashews can lower blood cholesterol levels. They also, unlike most nuts, do not cause allergies. And tasty almonds contain the same amount of organic acids as walnuts. Therefore, you can experiment and add your favorite products to taste.

Recipe for making a vitamin mixture

For a standard harvest, you will need the main ingredients: nuts, raisins, honey, dried apricots and lemon. Dried fruits and nuts are taken in the same amount - 200 grams each. Then honey will need 3 tablespoons. The lemon should be medium in size.

Rules for preparing a vitamin mixture:

The resulting mixture to increase immunity from dried fruits, honey and lemon must be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tightly sealed lid.

  • Before grinding, it is advisable to warm the nuts in a frying pan or in the oven. By the way, a walnut is ideal for a vitamin mixture, the price of which, however, has recently increased significantly. Today, in large supermarkets, peeled fruits can be bought at 600 rubles per 1 kg. But you can do otherwise: go to the market and buy walnuts from grandmothers. The price in this case will be several times lower than in the store. In addition, grandmothers will add an extra handful of nuts to the bag.
  • Dried fruits used to prepare the mixture (raisins, dried apricots, prunes and dates) should preferably be pre-soaked. Be sure to do this if these ingredients are dry.

  • You can’t eat such a mixture dry, it is very sweet. Perfect to pair with tea.
  • This natural is especially useful for people who have heavy physical work.
  • Persons who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not add lemon to the mixture, because it is, in fact, an acid.
  • In order for children to devour useful medicine with interest, mom can make sweets from it. To do this, roll into small balls and roll them in coconut flakes. You will see how the child himself will ask for such a yummy.

How to take a natural immunostimulating agent?

Vitamin mixture will appeal to both adults and kids. You need to take this remedy in the following dosage:

  • Children from 3 years - 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.
  • Adults - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Babies under 3 should not be given this mixture because it contains allergens such as honey and nuts. But you can go the other way: put berry jam instead of honey, and don’t add nuts at all.

Dried apricot properties

The benefits of dried apricots for the body are great. This dried fruit is rich in fructose, sucrose and glucose, it contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, pectin, as well as organic acids that remove heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body. Dried apricots act on the body as follows:

  • Helps to quickly recover after surgery, replenishing iron stores.
  • Reduces the negative impact after the use of antibacterial drugs during illness.
  • Replenishes the supply of vitamins in the body, due to which the immune system begins to work better.
  • Increases the formation of blood cells, so this dried fruit is indicated for people suffering from anemia.
  • Releases the body of toxins, is an excellent diuretic.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • It is an excellent prophylactic against the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  • Supports normal hormonal levels.

But with all the positive aspects, the benefits of dried apricots for the body can decrease, and dried fruit can even harm a person if he chooses the wrong one. So, some sellers process it with chemicals in order to increase the shelf life of the product and improve its appearance. Therefore, you need to buy dried apricots only in proven places. And this dried fruit should not be taken by people suffering from obesity or having an allergic reaction to it (rash, swelling, itching).

walnut properties

This is an excellent ingredient for a vitamin mixture, capable due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Walnut improves the overall tone of the body. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and the brain, prevents the aging process, has a hypoglycemic and antitumor effect, and improves blood viscosity.

Properties of the bee product

Lemon, honey, dried apricots - these ingredients of the mixture contain vitamins A, B, P, potassium, copper, pectins. But most of all these useful elements are found in the bee product. Even small children know that honey is useful. This product improves immunity, has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

People who constantly use honey to restore the body's defenses note their high efficiency and excellent mood. And this only says that a person is strong from the inside, he has strong immunity. After all, those people who often suffer from respiratory diseases complain of a bad mood, fatigue, while honey improves appetite, activates brain activity, and restores the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Important condition! This bee product must be natural. Only then will the mixture for boosting immunity from dried fruits, nuts and honey be truly valuable.

Useful properties of raisins

Dried grapes contain almost the same vitamins as dried apricots. In addition, there is a bioton in raisins called Dried grapes are very rich in potassium and sodium.

Useful properties of raisins:

  • This product has a lot of iron, so it is recommended for anemia.
  • Boron, which is part of raisins, contributes to the normal absorption of calcium in the body. Therefore, people with osteochondrosis and osteoporosis are recommended to take dishes with dried grapes.
  • Raisins have a lot of potassium, so it should be consumed by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • And most importantly, this product contains a lot of antioxidants, in particular oleanolic acid. It is she who protects the cells of the body from free radicals, thereby strengthening the human immune system.
  • Raisins help with colds, helps to quickly relieve symptoms of SARS: sore throat, cough, nasal congestion.

Lemon Properties

This citrus helps with colds: it prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps fight SARS.

The B vitamins found in lemon reduce fatigue, normalize sleep, relieve depression, and give a person vigor. Vitamin A, which is also part of this citrus, is good for vision. And lemon peel improves digestion and reduces gas formation.

Benefits of the mixture

Such a tasty medicine must be made for people whose immunity is undermined, or for mothers raising small children. Benefits of this homemade product:

  • The nature of the drug.
  • 100% result.
  • Acceptable price. Medicines sold in a pharmacy are much more expensive than this homemade mixture. In addition, most of them are not natural, which means that they can lead to allergic reactions.


Nuts and dried fruits, honey and lemon are a storehouse of useful elements, the use of which increases immunity in a person, and he does not get sick with viral respiratory diseases even during an influenza epidemic. This healthy mixture can be prepared at home. Now you do not need to go to the pharmacy in search of the best remedy for immunity.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

- delicious food and health benefits. To make cocktails, you need the most ordinary products. Moreover, the very process of creating cocktails is fascinating - there is room for imagination, which will be appreciated by relatives and friends.

Fruity Multivitamin Shake

You will need: apple, pear, kiwi - halves of each fruit, orange - two or three slices, grapefruit - two slices, rosehip broth - 100 ml, liquid honey - half a teaspoon, pine nuts and sunflower seeds - one tablespoon each.

Use a blender to grind and mix nuts, seeds and fruits. To the resulting homogeneous mixture, add honey and rosehip broth, move again.

One glass of a natural cocktail is a vitamin and mineral charge for the day. Seeds and nuts play an important role in it. They will improve metabolism, help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

Cocktail "Protection against colds"

You will need: one lemon, one head of garlic, honey - two tablespoons, boiled water - no more than one liter.

Cut the lemon into small slices (1/3 slices, 5 mm thick). The garlic needs to be crushed and minced. Place lemon and garlic in a liter jar, add liquid honey and fill with warm water. Close the jar tightly and shake. Place in refrigerator. After two days, the cocktail will be ready.

Healthy breakfast cocktail

You will need: carrots - one or two pieces, orange, banana, apple - one piece of each fruit, orange fresh (without additives and sweeteners) - 700 g, oatmeal - about 30 g.

Grind the peeled fruits, with the exception of the banana, in a blender. Then add the peeled banana, flakes, pour fresh juice and mix again.

"The shake has enough vitamins and calories to make it a complete breakfast for those on a diet."

Cocktail "Youth and harmony"

You will need: apple, cucumber - one piece each, a couple of sprigs of dill, celery stalk - 200 g, lime - one piece.

After grinding and mixing the ingredients, pass them through a juicer.

Products in the cocktail are sources of antioxidants. Trace elements in their composition take care of the beauty of a woman. This is the most favorite low-calorie cocktail of all those who follow the figure.

Cocktail "C-vitamin"

You will need: parsley - one bunch, one lemon, sugar - no more than 50 g, water - 500 ml, a couple of ice cubes (optional).

Chop the parsley and lemon with a blender. Add sugar and water (warm enough to dissolve the sugar). Many people like this cocktail more chilled, so it is recommended to add a couple of ice cubes.

Parsley is the leading "supplier" of vitamin C in our body, and it also has a fantastic effect on metabolic processes.

Immune Boosting Beetroot Cocktail

You will need: beets and carrots - one each, celery stalk, flower honey - one tablespoon, freshly squeezed lemon juice - a couple of teaspoons, olive oil - one teaspoon.

Make a carrot, beetroot and celery juice using a juicer. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and stir.

Cocktail "E-vitamin"

You will need: milk (pasteurized, 3.2% fat) - one glass, half a banana, five strawberries, one scoop of ice cream, and a couple of tablespoons of syrup or jam. It is better to purchase a syrup at a pharmacy, for example, from cranberries or rose hips. You can take homemade jam.

All ingredients are ground and mixed in a blender. It is not recommended to add vegetables or sour fruits to the milkshake, as they cause the milk to coagulate quickly.

The cocktail is suitable for lunch or afternoon tea. It cooks quickly, has a sweet taste and bright color, which is especially liked by children.

Strengthening the immune system, we protect ourselves from diseases. One of the best ways to create "invisible protection" is to consume vitamin cocktails from vegetables. You can cook them in both warm and cold seasons.

Garlic cocktail for immunity

One of the main immunostimulants is rightfully considered. This vegetable crop incorporates volatile phytoncides, ascorbic acid, as well as many other substances that enhance immunity. Prepare the cocktail in advance - divide the medium-sized head of garlic into cloves. Clean them up and crush them. Put the slurry in a glass liter jar, add a couple of tablespoons of honey and chopped lemon together with the peel. Top up with water. Stir the cocktail, close the lid and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Then strain and take twice a day on an empty stomach (1 tbsp concentrate per 1 tbsp water).

Pumpkin vitamin cocktail for immunity

Squeeze the juice from the pulp chopped with a blender (prepare 700 g of a vegetable without a peel). Add juice (you need a centimeter piece) and fresh juice made from three oranges. Mix everything well.

Drink with zucchini to boost immunity

Cabbage cocktails to boost immunity

1. Prepare a cocktail of juice squeezed from chopped cabbage (it will take about 500 g). Add carrot and cranberry juice (100 ml/50 ml).

2. Mix the juices of cabbage, carrot, and (1:2:1:1).

Cucumber cocktail for immunity

Prepare juice from a vegetable mixture that includes several sprigs, as well as an apple and a stalk of celery (200 g of each ingredient). Add lemon juice.

Immunomodulating parsley cocktail

Grind a bunch of parsley and a stalk of celery with a blender, add the juice of half a lemon and a spoonful of honey. Dilute with mineral still water.

Healthy tomato-based drink

Grind 7 ripe, peeled and 5 sprigs with a blender. Add a pinch of ground pepper and a few drops of unrefined vegetable oil.

Healthy Beetroot Cocktail

Squeeze out the juice from the crushed weighing about 150 g. Let it stand so that the volatile substances disappear (they cause nausea). Meanwhile, juice a large carrot, celery stalk, and green apple. Add the settled beet juice to the resulting mass. Sweeten with honey.

Vegetable cocktails for immunity are of particular value in the winter - pamper your body with them more often, using available vegetables for cooking. This will make you feel good even during seasonal illnesses. Will benefit and, as well.

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Russian winter is not only fluffy snow, sledding and magical holidays. Unfortunately, the pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections are activated, and this is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous: complications after these diseases “do not let live” for many people for years, and avoiding the disease by staying in a big city during epidemics is not easy. Many new and effective drugs are released, but viruses adapt to them perfectly, quickly changing their structure and behavior. And the best protection against any disease remains nothing less than immunity: a strong immune system helps us survive and stay in shape even in critical situations. Lifestyle and nutrition play a key role in building strong immunity, and one of the most effective methods of protection against seasonal infections is recognized as healing the body and strengthening immunity with the help of delicious drinks - juices and smoothies.

Juices for immunity: "tasty victory"

Cocktails for immunity

Excellent immune cocktail: freshly squeezed (through a juicer) carrot juice (200 ml) is mixed with juices
