
Seedless grape jam recipe. Grape jam

There is nothing more pleasant than to gather with your beloved family on winter evenings and drink a cup of hot tea with delicious jam. Therefore, any housewife always tries to take care of such a cozy pastime in advance by preparing several jars of sweet dessert in the summer. And if apple or apricot preparations no longer surprise anyone, then grape jam is a fairly new invention that will appeal to everyone without exception.

Grapes are an amazing berry, the taste of which is loved by most of the inhabitants of the planet. Ancient religious texts claim that grapes appeared with man. So, the Bible tells that it was Adam and Eve who planted this plant. The excavations partially recognize such a theory, confirming the centuries-old existence of the berry on earth.

References to the healing power of grape fruits are found in a large number of ancient medical treatises. Surprisingly, in all these sources, grapes are described much more often than other medicinal plants. Today, there is a whole medical field called "ampelotherapy", which directly develops methods of treatment with the help of grapes. So what is the benefit of this plant?

Seedless jam

For seedless grape jam recipes, varieties with both a complete absence of seeds and their minimum number are perfect. The best types of such grapes are kishmish, isabella or nutmeg.

Preparing jam from grapes with a small number of seeds:

The kishmish variety has no seeds at all, so its preparation technology is slightly different from other types of grapes.

Kishmish preparation:

Fast way

A very good way for housewives who do not have much time for cooking. The recipe is simple, and any beginner can cook it.

Ingredients: grapes (preferably raisins), sugar, water.

How to cook:

Berries in their own juice

Homemade grapes in their own juice are cooked without adding water. The value of this recipe is that the jam completely preserves the aroma and taste of fresh grapes. The amount of sugar can be changed depending on the variety of berries and your own tastes.

What you need: grapes (seedless varieties are better), lemon and citric acid, sugar.

Dessert creation:

Dessert with orange juice

Recipe for grape jam combined with orange juice. Such a dessert will be a real highlight on the winter table and will delight all family members with its grape-citrus taste and aroma.

Ingredients: large orange, grapes (white or dark), sugar and water.


  1. Squeeze juice from orange.
  2. Boil 250 ml of water and dissolve 300 g of sugar in it.
  3. In the resulting syrup, immerse 1 kg of grapes and leave for 4 hours.
  4. Put a saucepan with grapes and syrup on the stove, boil and pour another 300 g of sugar. Boil for about 10 minutes.
  5. Turn off the fire and leave for 10 hours.
  6. Boil again, adding another 300 g of sugar. At the end of cooking, pour orange juice into the mass.
  7. Pour hot jam into jars and close tightly.

Combination with gooseberries

Delicious jam from twisted grape berries with gooseberries. Interestingly, the recipe does not contain any sugar or water, and the berries retain their benefits, taste and aroma.

An interesting jam recipe that can be made from only one grape. This delicious jam is a storehouse of vitamins.

Preparing 150 ml jam:

This selection will allow any housewife to choose the recipe she likes and cook delicious, appetizing and nutritious grape jam for the winter.

The hot season of conservation is not complete without preparations for the sweet tooth, among which a variety of preserves and jams rightfully occupy an honorable place. Cherry and apple, raspberry and currant, plum and strawberry jam... You can list popular desserts for a long time, however, having once tried to implement grape jam recipes, caring housewives will cook it every year. And this is not surprising, because the characteristic musky aroma and unusual taste distinguish this delicacy from other types of jam.

In addition, the grape itself is very useful for the body. The use of berries has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and heart due to the increased content of potassium. Vitamins of group B, which are part of grapes, improve the condition of the skin and add shine to the hair. Berries also provide invaluable benefits for the immune system, helping to strengthen it by saturating it with ascorbic acid. What can we say about phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and other useful trace elements in the composition of grapes.

The secret of grape jam lies in the method of preservation. It is cooked over low heat, which allows you to save more nutrients.

Jam "Berries in syrup"

Those who first decided to make sweets should try this easy recipe. It will not take much time, and the jam turns out to be unusually tasty and fragrant. Its only drawback is a slightly watery consistency, since the berries do not undergo long-term boiling. But with such a dessert, you can pour pancakes on top.

How to make grape jam:

Thick grape dessert

Unlike the previous recipe for grape jam, this delicacy is thicker and twice as sweet. It can be used as a filling for pies.

To make jam:

Grape jam in Greece - video

Seedless grape jam

Since the process of separating the stones is quite laborious, varieties with large berries should be chosen for jam. In recipes for grape jam, a raisin variety is often used, which has no seeds. But in this case, the fruits are still recommended to be cut in half so that they boil faster and better, and the dessert itself turns out to be thicker.

To give the jam a richer and more refined taste, lemon juice and a little liquor are added to it.

So, to make seedless grape jam for the winter:

Pitted grape jam

A very rich and fragrant jam can be prepared using Isabella or varieties. At the same time, in order to give the delicacy a slight bitterness, the bones are not removed, and the whole berries are boiled.

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for grape jam:

When preserving jam, fruits and berries are often combined with each other, wanting to achieve an original flavor or get a new flavor accent. Perhaps grapes can be considered the only exception to the rule. It is so fragrant that the smell of added fruits simply dissolves into the main aroma. Therefore, you can do without experiments, but simply prepare fragrant and tasty grape jam for the winter. On cold winter evenings, it is so nice to get a piece of summer in a spoon of amber-colored jam. Enjoy your favorite berries with a cup of hot tea and bon appetit!

Azerbaijani grape jam recipe - video

The grape berry is fragrant and very tasty, but it belongs to perishable products. Meanwhile, grapes are valuable not only for their rich taste. The chemical composition is distinguished by a set of compounds healing for the body that promote health. Having prepared jam from grapes with or without seeds, the hostess will stock up on the natural benefits of the berry for the future, and in addition she will receive an exquisite dessert.

Grape jam is not a very popular dessert. The reason for this is the relatively recent appearance of such blanks in the pantries of modern housewives. Food recipes came to us from countries traditionally engaged in the cultivation of grapes of all varieties - Italy, Georgia, Argentina. A warm climate makes it possible to obtain an abundance of raw materials, respectively, to expand the scope and increase the options for its use.

Therapeutic effects of berries

Fresh grapes are among the most valuable products for human health. A lot of useful substances are concentrated in its pulp and bones. It includes:

  • carbohydrate compounds;
  • fruit acids;
  • organic acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • anthocyanins;
  • pectin;
  • fiber;
  • nutrients;
  • minerals;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • phytosterols;
  • chlorophyll;
  • water;
  • flavonoids.

Each group of biologically active compounds has its own list of beneficial effects on the human body. In general, grape fruits are characterized by:

  • give energy - the main role in this belongs to sugars, which the juicy pulp contains in large quantities;
  • improve blood vessels- the product contributes to the normalization of blood clotting, elimination of excess cholesterol, strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • cleanse the body- pectins adsorb harmful substances, and fiber activates their excretion from the body;
  • acidify- this action is provided by the acids contained in the fruits, they stimulate the secretory activity of cells;
  • strengthen immunity- high concentrations of vitamin C ensure the activity of the body's immune responses;
  • rejuvenate the body- antioxidants, in combination with a multivitamin composition, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • protect against cancer- antitumor properties are inherent in all antioxidants in the composition of berries;
  • strengthen nerves - this effect is exerted by unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins, which grapes are rich in;
  • normalize metabolism- with moderate use, grapes not only do not harm the figure, but also significantly speed up metabolism;
  • protect against infertility- huge concentrations of vitamin E regulate male and female reproductive function;
  • eliminate the infection- thanks to chlorophyll - a natural antiseptic with a wide range of antibacterial properties;
  • normalize brain function- saturation with acids activates thought processes, helps to strengthen memory;
  • mineralize- the fruits are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, and therefore provide additional strengthening of the skeletal system.

Useful substances are found in the skin, pulp, and also in the grape seed, so the fruit should be consumed without waste.

What properties does the dessert retain

It would seem that jam is a product of the temperature treatment of fruits. And in the case of grapes, it is also characterized by hypercalorie content. The content of carbohydrates in fruits is already high, and sugar is almost always included in the composition of jam. Where is the benefit? In fact, useful substances in grapes are preserved even after heat treatment, just like in mountain ash and raspberries.

Jam has immunostimulating properties and will perfectly complement the diet of a cold person, accelerating his recovery and awakening the immune system. Thanks to vitamins A, E, B, even a very modest use of the product will provide:

  • protection against free radicals;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • accelerating the healing of skin lesions;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • beautiful skin color.

Thanks to iron, copper and cobalt, grape jam will help improve hematopoiesis and even show anti-anemic action, which is very useful for children. Some flavonoids and antioxidants are retained in the final product, providing an antitumor effect and protecting blood vessels. The content of a large amount of potassium and magnesium has a beneficial effect on the work of the myocardium, regulates the heart rhythm.

Culinary value of the product

Grape jam belongs to multifunctional products. Thanks to its aroma, adding just a spoonful of dessert to tea will make the drink unusual and especially pleasant to the taste. Dessert can be eaten with black coffee, emphasizing its astringency.

Mistresses very much praise the product obtained after adding gelatin to the jam syrup. The jelly turns out to be exquisite and very light, suitable as an independent dessert, as well as for jelly layers in cakes.

Features of the preparation of raw materials and utensils

Grapes are one of the most unique fruits. It has the most delicate juicy pulp, skin and bones of unusual taste. Absolutely any variety is suitable for making jam. The most delicate desserts are obtained with quiche, but the Lidia and Isabella varieties, which have a dense peel, keep their shape perfectly even after long cooking. To successfully cook grape jam, you should familiarize yourself with special secrets.

  • Sort. When buying fruits for stocks for the winter, it is important to pay attention not to the name of the variety, but to its taste. The initially neutral taste of the berry and the absence of a characteristic aroma cannot be corrected in the process of preparing the dessert, therefore, to compare the taste, it is better to try several varieties, choose the one with the brightest aroma and taste.
  • View. To make jam, you should not buy lying grapes. Fruits that have partially lost water during storage can behave unexpectedly when cooking jam - boil several times, give unpleasant flavors. It is worth buying only hard and elastic berries.
  • The washing up. Do not wash grapes under a tap. It is better to use a deep basin filled with warm water. It is necessary to clean the bunches very carefully, acting with the palm of your hand, and not with your fingers.
  • Preparation. For grapes, this can be splitting the washed bunch into inflorescences, releasing each berry from the bunch, cutting all the berries in half to pull out the seeds. It is important to take into account that without seeds, the dessert will not have astringency, the presence of kernels will provide some spice in taste, and preservation with vines will give unique notes of freshness.
  • The amount of sugar. To make the dessert really tasty, you need to thoroughly taste the fresh berries. Too sweet require the addition of lemon or citric acid, sour - more sugar, sugary - vanillin, with a weak aroma - cinnamon or fragrant fruits (banana, melon, apricot).
  • Raw material quality. If at least one rotten or bacteria-infected berry is used for closing, the entire batch may lose long shelf life. Doubtful fruits are best removed before washing.
  • Can processing. Grapes are characterized by rapid infection with bacteria. This is due to sugars and pectins. Therefore, to store products made according to classic recipes, as well as without water and, even more so, without cooking, only sterilized jars are used.

In the process of making jam, you can experiment with the amount of sugar, additional products, spices. And also mix different varieties of grapes, each time getting a new dessert, unique in taste.

Preparing jam from grapes with and without seeds

Dark and light berries should be cooked differently, as they often differ in density. There are recipes even for green grapes, in which case it is still unripe to harvest it.


Peculiarities. If desired, the bunches can be left whole - this will provide options for an unusual serving and an aesthetic appearance of the finished dessert. Removal of bones also occurs at the request of the hostess.


  • white grapes - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - a teaspoon;
  • green cherry leaves - five to six pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Syrup is prepared: sugar is added in portions to boiled water, boiled until it is completely dissolved over low heat (approximately 15 minutes). Leave to cool.
  2. Prepared berries and cherry leaves are dipped in cooled sugar syrup.
  3. The mixture is put on medium heat, heated to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  4. After a full boil, add citric acid, add fire and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. After cooling, it is poured into sterile jars, rolled up with lids.

black and red

Peculiarities. Black grapes are suitable for cooking, as well as red varieties with a dense skin.


  • dark grapes - 1 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Cook syrup from water and half of all sugar according to the recipe. The remaining sugar is divided into three equal portions.
  2. Prepared grapes are lowered into the cooled syrup, some sugar is added, we are heated over medium heat, after boiling, they reduce the heat and boil for 15 minutes, leave to infuse for eight hours.
  3. Sugar is again added to the cooled grape mixture, heated to a boil, boiled for 15 minutes, left for eight hours.
  4. After cooling, bring to a boil again, adding the last part of the sugar, heat for another 15 minutes, add vanilla sugar, remove from heat.
  5. After mixing, roll into prepared jars.

pure jam

Peculiarities. It can also be called a grape concentrate, since no additives and flavors are used for cooking, the dessert is prepared without sugar.


  • light grapes - 1 kg;
  • water - one glass.


  1. Prepared grapes are passed through a meat grinder, together with seeds, placed in a cooking container, poured with water.
  2. The mixture is slowly heated, boiled until the skin of the berries is very soft and thin.
  3. Pass through a sieve, into a container with a thick bottom, heat for five minutes.
  4. Again passed through a sieve, heated in a water bath until the volume of the mixture is reduced by 50%.
  5. The cooled jam is poured into sterile jars, rolled up.

You can make jam from grapes of different colors. It is better to take light berries as a basis, and vary the color saturation of the finished product with the amount of dark ones. For a moderately pink dessert, you need to take dark and light berries in a ratio of 1:5. The ideal seedless grape jam will come from the quiche-mish variety, and dark berries will have to be pitted by cutting them in half.

In a slow cooker

Peculiarities. The color combination of berries is ideal, since the consistency of the dessert is heterogeneous. The recipe is also suitable for cooking in a bread machine.


  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - to taste;
  • sugar - from 0.5 kg.


  1. Prepared light grapes are poured with boiling water for a minute, after which they are rinsed with cold water.
  2. Light berries are placed in the multicooker bowl, dark, pitted ones are added to them.
  3. Fall asleep fruits in a slow cooker with sugar.
  4. Turn on the device to the "Jam" or "Extinguishing" mode, set the time - two hours.
  5. After a beep, open the bowl, add citric acid, mix.
  6. After five minutes, stir again, pour the jam into jars.

In the oven

Peculiarities. The dessert obtained according to this recipe can be safely called oriental sweetness due to the spicy taste and fragrant notes of almonds. Cooking in the oven prevents the mixture from burning.


  • light grapes - 1.2 kg;
  • grape juice - one glass;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • anise in the stars - two pieces;
  • cinnamon stick - one piece;
  • almonds - 100 g.


  1. Pour the prepared grapes in a bowl with sugar, mix until it is completely distributed.
  2. Pour the mixture into a metal or ceramic mold, pour in the juice, add spices, put in a preheated oven for a couple of hours (temperature - 150 ºС).
  3. By the end of the specified period, nuts are prepared - they are poured with boiling water for ten minutes, after which they are completely peeled.
  4. Add almonds to the jam, mix, continue to heat for another hour, stirring occasionally.
  5. After this time, the mold is removed from the oven, the spices are removed. Pour dessert into jars and roll up.

"Five Minute"

Peculiarities. A simple recipe for grape jam, called "Five Minute" because of the speed of preparing the dessert.


  • any grapes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • water - three quarters of a glass.


  1. Grapes are prepared, after which syrup is boiled - all sugar is dissolved in boiling water.
  2. The berries are lowered into the hot syrup, cooking for five minutes, the fire is added to the maximum, and the boil is actively boiled for another five minutes.
  3. Immediately after turning off, they are poured into sterile jars, rolled up, cooled under a warm blanket. Upside down.

With nuts

Peculiarities. Grape jam with walnuts turns out to be slightly tart, but very fragrant and healthy.


  • any grapes - 1 kg;
  • cherry leaf - one piece;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • peeled walnuts - 70 g;
  • water - a third of a glass.


  1. A syrup is prepared from sugar and water, after the crystals are completely dissolved, the mixture is turned off.
  2. Blanch the berries in boiling water with a cherry leaf for two minutes.
  3. The grapes are transferred to the syrup, boiled for ten minutes.
  4. After eight hours of cooling, the mixture is brought to a boil, nuts are added, heated for ten minutes. Then it is poured into sterile jars.

With honey

Peculiarities. The honey preparation method is controversial, since the main ingredient is subject to long-term heat treatment. However, the taste of the dessert is able to strike the guests on the spot.


  • grapes - 3.5 kg;
  • cloves - to taste;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • vinegar - 0.5 l;
  • honey - 2.5 kg.


  1. Prepared grapes are laid out in wide-mouth jars, trying not to press the berries.
  2. Syrup is prepared: when heated, stir honey with vinegar, bring to a boil, boil for a third of an hour, regularly removing the resulting foam.
  3. Grapes in jars are poured with still boiling syrup, after which they are corked with lids.

with apples

Peculiarities. The recipe for jam from grapes and apples can be modified to your taste - increase the amount of sugar to equal the weight of the fruit, replace apples with pears or peaches, add orange, lemon juice for taste.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. Fruits are prepared - grapes are peeled and cut off, apples are cut into small pieces.
    Syrup is prepared - boil sugar with water until the liquid drains slowly from the spoon.
  2. Immerse fruits in syrup, cook for 15 minutes after boiling.
  3. After complete cooling, heat again and boil for the same length of time.
  4. Pour hot jam into jars, roll up.

According to reviews, the benefits of grape jam also lie in the ability to cheer up. Such a dessert will relieve the autumn blues, fill the body with energy. Any recipe for grape jam for the winter can be supplemented at your discretion, because in terms of compatibility, the berry has no equal, but the amazing shades of aroma will make any fruit even better.

Along with jam from raspberries, strawberries, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, white grape jam is popular. This is a very tasty, healthy and unusual delicacy. White grapes contain a huge amount of vitamins, antioxidants, organic acids, minerals, proteins, tannins, fiber. Jam is made from the varieties "Valentina", "Bazhena", "White Muscat", "Chardonnay", "White Miracle", "Arcadia", "Monarch", "Riesling", "Semillon" and others. The dish is perfect for a family tea party. It is one of the many types of supplies for the winter.

White grape jam is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Cooking grape jam according to the best recipes

To prepare a dish according to the first recipe, you need to have on hand:

  • 1 kg of white grapes;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid.

Pitted grapes must be removed.

The grapes must be thoroughly and carefully washed, let the water drain and the bunches dry. After that, the berries are removed from the brushes and the bones are removed. We proceed to the preparation of thick syrup: pour water into the pan, add sugar, boil for a quarter of an hour. The resulting syrup is removed from the heat, cooled at room temperature. Grape berries are lowered into it, the pan is again put on a slow fire. The jam is boiled over low heat for an hour, then the fire is gradually increased. Cook until fully cooked for 10 minutes. At the end, citric acid, vanilla sugar are added, the products are mixed, boiled for another 1-2 minutes over low heat. The jam is ready. It is served chilled in bowls and rosettes.

Dessert can be preserved if desired. To do this, sterilize glass containers and preservation lids with rubber rings. Boiling jam is poured into a sterilized container, covered with lids. The container is placed on the bottom of a large pot (bucket), where a metal or wooden grate is placed. Hot water is added to the pan so that it is 3 cm lower than the lids. Cover the container with a lid, put on a slow fire. After boiling water, sterilize for 40 minutes. The filled container is removed from the container, corked with a seaming key. Banks are placed upside down on a dense cloth to cool.

Here is another jam recipe. To prepare it, you need the following products:

  • 1 kg of white seedless grapes of the Kishmish variety;
  • 200 g of walnut kernels;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid.

Grape berries are prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, but the seeds are not removed, since they are not in the grapes. Walnut kernels are crushed. They are engaged in the preparation of thick syrup according to the principle of the previous recipe. Whole grape berries are put in the cooled syrup, put on a slow fire, boil for 30 minutes. Carefully pour in chopped walnut kernels, mix. Boil 30 minutes. Increase the heat, cook for 10 minutes. Add vanilla sugar, citric acid, mix gently. Boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat, cool. Served at the table in cream bowls.

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Fragrant dessert for the holiday table

This dish is made from white grape varieties, which have no seeds. Jam with seeds is not convenient to eat. In order for the berries to remain whole and beautiful, the dessert is boiled in small portions, no more than 2 kg in one process. To prepare a dessert, you need the following products:

  • seedless grapes - 1 kg;
  • juice of one large lemon;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 1 bud of dry cloves;
  • cinnamon - 1/4 tsp;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • glass jars;
  • lids with rubber rings for canning;
  • closing key.

Peeled grapes are poured with boiled water.

They take an enameled pan, pour water with lemon juice into it, put it on a slow fire. Slowly pour in sugar and add spices, boil a thick syrup and cool at room temperature. The berries are carefully cleaned, removed from the branches, pierced at several points with a large needle. They are placed in cooked warm syrup. In order for the berries not to burst during the cooking process, the contents of the pan must be heated to 60 ° once every 6 hours for 24 hours. After that, the contents of the pan are brought to a boil, removed from heat and insisted for a day. Then, over low heat, bring the jam to a boil, stirring the mass thoroughly. Cook for 10 minutes until the final thickening of the syrup. It should give a honey amber color. Jam is placed in pre-sterilized jars, covered with lids. Everything is placed in a sterilizer, boiling water is poured, the container is covered with a lid. From the moment of boiling water, sterilize for 30 minutes, remove from the sterilizer. The lids are sealed with a seaming key. Banks are placed neck down to cool.

Another recipe for making grape jam. Required:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 1.2 granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 g vanillin;
  • 2 g of tartaric acid.

Choose varieties with dense pulp and medium-sized berries. An excellent option is seedless varieties. Seed grapes require their removal, which takes extra time. Whole berries are blanched in boiling water for 1 minute. Water is poured into a separate container, syrup is prepared from the water. Berries are poured with hot syrup, they are kept for 6-8 hours. The jam is cooked in 3 doses over moderate heat for 20 minutes with standing for 10-12 hours. At the end, add tartaric acid and vanillin, let it boil. Remove from fire, cool. Arranged in bowls and served at the table. Dessert can be preserved if desired.

Original white grape jam is a frequent companion of everyday and festive meals; homemade recipes for grape desserts are easy to perform, they include available ingredients that are not in short supply.

Selecting all the seeds from honey grapes is a very difficult task. There are dozens of berries on each bunch, and hundreds of grapes will go into a modest bowl of jam.

But fortunately, jam from grapes with seeds is sometimes even better by an order of magnitude - there is no need to choose grape varieties based on the “seedless” feature alone.

So, we take the one that is more fragrant, sweeter, or, if you like, more beautiful!

Recipes for jam from grapes with seeds are not so few. Most often, it is boiled in special basins or thick-walled pans in several steps, which takes a lot of time. But there are recipes that allow you to cook jam in a shorter time, and for this they use a slow cooker or oven.

Both dark and light grapes are used, the main thing is that its berries are large, with a dense skin and at the same time not overripe. It is better to take even slightly unripe, in this case, the jam will not require additional preservatives.

Before use, the grapes are stripped from the twigs, carefully choosing the rubbish and cobwebs that are collected on tassels. Rinse thoroughly, using warm water if possible, removing cracked, soft, and completely green berries. Dry the selected clean grapes, spreading them out on a linen towel or in a colander.

If grape jam is cooked from whole berries, then they must be pierced in several places so that they do not burst during cooking. If desired, the bones are removed, for this the grapes are cut. Then proceed according to the recipe.

Often, grape jam is boiled with nuts (almonds or walnuts), often flavored with vanilla, cinnamon or other spices.

When harvesting according to the recipes described below, jam from grapes with seeds for the winter, you must strictly follow the rules of canning. Jam is poured into sterilized jars only hot, immediately after preparation, and hermetically sealed with special lids.

Glass containers are pre-washed in hot water with baking soda and sterilized over steam or in the oven. Metal lids for seaming must be boiled and dried on a clean towel.

Sunsets are cooled upside down, tightly wrapped in a warm blanket.

A simple recipe for grape jam with seeds and citric acid


One kilogram of grapes;

A kilogram of sugar;

A teaspoon of lemon crystals;

A glass of drinking water;

2 gr. vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar into a suitable saucepan, pour water into it and cook a clear syrup over low heat.

2. Remove the container from the heat, dip the grapes into the hot syrup and, shaking the bowl slightly, set it aside for an hour and a half.

Cooking delicious original grape jam for the winter

After that, bring the jam to a boil and leave to cook on minimal heat. After boiling for one hour, remove from the stove and cool. Then again bring, not too quickly, to a boil, boil again for at least an hour and also set aside from heating until completely cooled.

4. After re-cooling, boil the grape jam again and bring to readiness for half an hour at a minimum boil. Three minutes before readiness, add the "lemon" and immediately after it vanillin.

5. Carefully skim any pits and foam from the surface each time.

Pitted grape jam recipe (with walnuts)


Light or dark grapes - 1 kg;

1 gr. vanillin;

100 gr. cores of walnuts;

One kilogram of sugar;

70 ml of water.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar with water and, putting the container on a small fire, boil the syrup.

2. Pour about two liters of water into a separate large saucepan, maybe a little more and set to boil.

3. Put the sorted dried grapes on gauze, connect its edges so that it looks like a bag, and dip it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Take out and put the berries in the syrup.

4. As soon as the grapes are boiled in syrup for five minutes, remove from the stove, cover the container with a lid and leave for eight hours. This is done so that the grapes are well saturated with sugar syrup.

5. After that, bring the jam over low heat to a boil, add the walnut halves and vanilla. Boil for ten minutes and pack in jars processed over steam, roll up.

Seed grape jam recipe in the oven with grape juice


Grapes of any sweetish white variety - 1.2 kg;

Clarified grape juice - 200 ml;

Half a cinnamon stick;

2 star anise;

Almonds, peeled - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the processed grapes into a large bowl, sprinkle with measured sugar and mix gently.

2. Gradually raise the temperature in the oven to 150 degrees.

3. Transfer the grapes sprinkled with sugar into a deep baking sheet or any other suitable refractory dish. Add cinnamon, anise, pour everything over with grape juice and place on a wire rack set to the middle level in the oven. Simmer the jam, stirring occasionally, for at least three hours.

4. Soak the almonds in boiling water for ten minutes. Take it out, peel it off and break the nucleoli into halves.

5. Dip the almond "petals" in the jam, after two hours of languishing in the oven, and keep at the same temperature for another hour.

6. Remove the finished grape jam from the oven, remove the anise and cinnamon and pour into prepared sterile jars, roll up with canning lids.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds and spices


One large lemon;

100 ml filtered water;

Sugar - 800 gr.;

Carnation - 3 umbrellas;

A small piece of cinnamon stick (1 cm);

A kilogram of grapes without twigs.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the lemon well and dip it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then cut, squeeze the juice and filter it from the remnants of the pulp and seeds, using cheesecloth or a sieve.

2. Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into sugar, add water and mix thoroughly. On a small heat, without ceasing to stir, boil the syrup and put the spices tied in a gauze bag into it.

3. Pierce clean grapes in several places with a thick needle and dip into slightly cooled syrup.

4. During the day, heat the jam four times to about 70 degrees, but do not boil! Then the grapes will absorb the syrup well and will not burst.

5. Eight hours after the last heating, bring the grape jam to a boil and let it brew for another day.

6. Boil again and continue to cook on the lowest heat until it thickens.

7. Lay hot in jars, and roll up with boiled dry lids. Before packaging, do not forget to remove the spices.

Pitted Grape Jam Recipe - "Isabella"


Sorted grapes "Isabella" - 1.5 kg;

Drinking filtered water - 300 ml;

Five glasses of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Measure out 300 grams of sugar and pour it into a saucepan. Pour in water and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. In order for the sugar grains to disperse well in the water, adjust the flame level to medium. Sugar may not dissolve completely if boiled too fast.

2. Dip the washed grapes into boiling sugar syrup, gradually, not too quickly, bring to a boil, then lower the flame level again and boil the berries for 5 minutes. in syrup. Cool down slowly.

3. Immediately after cooling, put it back on moderate heat, add the rest of the sugar, and, stirring occasionally, cook until it is completely dispersed. After about half an hour, the jam will be ready, it can be packaged in sterile containers and rolled up.

Pitted Grape Jam Recipe - "Five Minute"


A kilogram of any grapes with seeds;

200 gr. Sahara;

Drinking filtered water - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

1. On low heat, cook a clear syrup from the indicated amount of sugar and water. There should be no grains in it, so constantly stir the sugar while cooking.

2. Dip the washed, well-dried grapes into the ready-made boiling syrup and, gently mixing, leave to simmer over low heat. After five minutes, increase the temperature a little and boil the jam for another five minutes. Make sure it doesn't boil over.

3. After this, spread the hot grape jam in clean jars and seal with a seaming key. In order not to ferment, lay out only in dry containers and close with boiled lids.

The easiest recipe for grape jam with seeds in a slow cooker without water


Half a kilo of sugar;

A kilogram of large grapes.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the grapes from the ridges in a colander, rinse well with warm water and dry on a linen towel. If you do not want the seeds to come across in the jam, cut the berries and carefully remove them.

2. Put the prepared grapes into the cooking bowl, add sugar and start the multi-pan on the “Stew”, setting the timer for 2 hours.

3. After the end of the program, pour the jam into the jars prepared in advance and seal them securely.

A quick recipe for seeded grape jam - “Georgian”


Dark grapes - 1 kg;

One glass of water;

A kilo of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Place clean dried grapes in a large container.

2. In a separate bowl, prepare syrup from the indicated amount of sugar and water. Pour it hot over the grapes and leave to stand for half an hour.

3. After that, put the dishes on a slow fire and, stirring occasionally, cook until the syrup becomes moderately thick.

4. Do not stir often, so as not to damage the grapes once again. Berries in thick syrup should remain whole, not spread.

Pitted Grape Jam - Cooking Tricks and Useful Tips

Do not be lazy to remove the foam formed during cooking from the surface of the jam, otherwise the blanks will not last long.

So that whole berries do not burst, be sure to pierce them in several places after drying.

For faster sterilization of jars, use the oven. Place the washed jars on a wire rack and hold at 150 degrees for a quarter of an hour. Then cool with the door ajar and pour the jam into the already chilled container.

Seedless grape jam- excellent winter preservation, rich in vitamins and organic acids.

Sugar in grapes is found mainly in the form of glucose and fructose. Obviously, in this form, the sweet component of grapes is much more useful than artificial sweeteners produced on an industrial scale.

Pitted grape jam

The juice of these delicious berries is very useful, not to mention the fact that it is also very tasty.

There are a lot of recipes for making jam from this product and we have prepared only one of them with visual step-by-step photos and simple instructions for them. According to prescription we will use a white grape variety: it is sweeter and more sinewy. At home, jams and jams are also very often prepared from Isabella black grapes. At the moment, there are many different varieties of grapes used for making wine. Each type of such grapes can be adapted for making jam and it will certainly turn out to be completely unique in taste.

It is best to serve such a delicacy in its pure form with a piece of freshly baked bun. In order to quickly take a sample, let's start without delay preparing seedless grape jam for the winter at home.

Somehow it turns out that we rarely use grapes for harvesting for the winter, and many do not even suspect how tasty jam is made from it. I didn't know it either until I tried it at a friend's house a couple of years ago.
And since then I have been preparing (preparing, more precisely) grape jam regularly.

Unfortunately, grapes do not grow in our climate zone. (The “Michurins” who manage to grow a couple of grapevine bushes in the Moscow region can be ignored - there are craftsmen beyond the Arctic Circle. Only a few).
Therefore, you have to buy berries for harvesting, and what kind of grapes you buy largely depends on how successful your winter delicacy will turn out.
I do not undertake to give recommendations in this matter - it is difficult to be a specialist in fruits that you see once a year, and even then on holidays. And this is how it is with this plant.
The only thing is that I don’t buy grapes in stores. Who knows what it is processed there, which quietly lies for months on the counter. I buy from the market. And here I focus on the spinal cord, exclusively. Like or dislike - as you tell. Usually, the inner voice is not mistaken.

If you guessed it with a berry, then it’s easy to cook grape jam for the winter at home.
As a result, we get a delicacy with a rich sunny color and with such an unusual and amazing taste that it is simply impossible not to fall in love with it.
And as one “poetess” from cooking writes - “ when on cold winter evenings you want warmth and comfort, just open a jar of this yummy, and fragrant grape jam will remind you of warm sunny days"(when instead of relaxing, sunbathing and having fun, you squirmed in a red-hot kitchen, preparing this "yummy").

Something like that, in my opinion.

Seedless grape jam - a simple recipe with step-by-step photos of cooking for the winter

Although, I can be wrong with the quote, but the jam turns out to be really tasty and “sunny”.

For the recipe for grape jam, we need:

- grapes - 1 kg;
- sugar sand - 800 g;
- filtered water - 1 tbsp.

Photo of original products: berries and sugar, as usual.

grape jam recipe

First of all, we pick ripe berries from the branches. We take only large ripe berries that have not burst and do not leak.
For grape jam, you can use fruits with and without seeds.

Rinse the grapes thoroughly under running water and remove the spoiled ones.

It is necessary to allow the water to drain completely from the grapes.

Place the prepared fruits in a deep cauldron.

Add filtered water.

Add granulated sugar.

Mix gently.

Boil on the quietest fire for 10 minutes.

Cool future jam completely.

Boil again for 15 minutes.

Once again, let the jam cool completely. On the surface, carefully collect the separated bones with a spoon.

Boil for the last (third) time the jam for 13-15 minutes over low heat.

Rinse the jar with a lid well under running water.

Sterilize for 25 minutes a clean jar with a lid.

Fill the prepared hot jar with the prepared jam.

We fill to the top.

Close the jar with a hot lid. Grape jam is ready.

Excellent grape jam is ready for storage until the "cold winter evenings" ...

The jam is really tasty and somewhat unusual for our area, or rather unusual.

Bon appetit!

with grape jam, they often watch these dishes:

When we make jam, without noticing it ourselves, we plunge into the world of our childhood, with such familiar, pleasant smells of summer. We remember how mother treated us with fragrant foams, removing them from the surface of the brew with a wooden spoon.

"Jam from apples and grapes"

Ingredients: 1 kg of apples (it is better to take apples with sourness), 1 kg of dark grapes, 1 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water

  1. Cut the apples into slices, remove the skin and core.
  2. Separate the grapes from the branches.
  3. Pour grapes and apples with sugar and let stand for 2 hours
  4. After two hours, pour a glass of water and slowly heat over a fire until boiling.
  5. Cool and bring to a boil a few more times (2-3)
  6. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

"Antonov apple jam (Antonovka)"

Antonovka is a very common variety of apples in central Russia.

This variety produces excellent jelly and jam, but to make delicious jam, you need to know a few secrets. Only in this way the apple slices will not turn into porridge.

For cooking, we need: 1 kg of apples and the same amount of sugar, a little soda and lemon juice.

Prepare jam from Antonov apples as follows:

1. Cut the apples into slices, remove the core, you can peel. Sprinkle with lemon juice to keep apples from browning.

2. In order for the apples not to boil, we keep them in a soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water). about 30 minutes.

3. We fill the apples with sugar and hold for about 40 minutes (if you did not stand the apples in soda, then the time can be increased to 3-4 hours, so the apples will also be less boiled).

Antonov apple jam can be served with pancakes and buns, as well as simply recorded with tea.

"Apple-lingonberry jam"

We will need: 1 kg of cranberries, 0.5 kg of apples, 350 g of sugar, 1 glass of water:

Making lingonberry and apple jam is quite simple:

1. We sort out lingonberries from leaves, twigs and spoiled berries.
2. Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into slices
3. Mix water and sugar. Boil the resulting syrup for 10-15 minutes.
4. Add lingonberries to the syrup in portions. Boil 1-2 minutes. Remove from fire. Let stand for about 2 hours.
5. Bring to a boil and add apple slices. Continue to cook until the apples are translucent.

"Grandma's Jam"
We need: 2 kg. apples, 1 kg of honey, water.
Cut the washed and peeled and pitted apples into slices. With the calculation of 2 kg. put apples in 3 liters of water in a saucepan. Add 0.5 cups of water and bring to a boil.
Then put honey in a saucepan and bring to a boil again. Boil for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Don't forget to take off the foam. Put the resulting mixture in the oven, heated to 180-200 degrees.
Turn off the oven and simmer the jam in it for 30-40 minutes.
Remove the foam from the jam and, without waiting for it to cool, pour into pre-prepared jars, roll up the lids. Should be stored in a cool place.

"Jam from grapes with nuts."
Needed: 500 gr. green seedless grapes, 500 gr. black seedless grapes, 400 gr. apples with "sourness" (peeled and peeled), 0.5 kg. sugar, 2 lemons, 1 clove (spice), zest of 1 lemon, 200 gr. pine nuts, optional 500 gr. cognac.
Cut the apples into quarters and puree in a food processor along with 300 gr. green and 300 gr. black grapes.
Put mashed potatoes, remaining grapes, sugar, cloves in a saucepan. Squeeze out the juice from the lemons and mix it with the resulting mass.
Place over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 2 hours.
Lightly toast the nuts in a skillet without oil. When the jam has cooled, add nuts and cognac to it. Place in pre-prepared sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator.

"Fragrant Apple Jam"

We need: 1 kg of ripe apples, 1 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water, 2-3 gr. citric acid, vanillin.
Boil the sugar syrup to a fairly thick consistency. Wash apples, peel and pit, cut into small cubes and boil in syrup for half an hour.
Before you finish cooking the jam, put citric acid, zest, vanillin into it.
The thicker your jam is, the better it tastes.

"Mint Jam"
We need: 400 gr.

Grape jam

mint leaves, 1 kg. sugar, water, 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
Wash the leaves, put on a sieve, put on a towel and gently blot. Put them in a saucepan, filling a layer of leaves with sugar in this order: 200 gr. mint leaves, 250 gr. sugar, again 200 gr. mint leaves and 250 gr. Sahara. To fill with water.

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