
Grapes: how much sugar does it contain. Grape sugar: composition, characteristics, terminology specifics

Grape sugar is a natural product known to many. Its main advantage is that it does not contain harmful additives and brings great benefits to the body. This article will tell about the features of this product and the nuances of its use.

Features and composition

Grape sugar is an excellent choice for those who follow a healthy lifestyle. This substance is made from fresh grapes. No chemical or harmful ingredients are added to it. This is a completely clean ecological product, which, in addition to sweetness, is also fraught with benefits.

Most of the composition of such sugar is glucose, which has a positive effect on many human organs. The product also contains fructose. The filtration procedure allows you to carefully remove possible contaminants, while retaining all the benefits that nature has given us. In addition, after a series of analyzes, scientists found in the composition of such sugar a substance called "quercetin", which is a powerful natural antioxidant.

Nutritionists recommend giving preference to this particular product if you are looking for a replacement for regular sugar. Grape analogue is completely safe for children. On sale you can find both liquid syrup and crystalline powder, which resembles the usual granulated sugar.

This is due to the fact that the calorie content of the crystalline substitute is three hundred and seventy-four kilocalories per hundred grams. But in the syrup there are a little less calories - two hundred and sixty kilocalories per hundred grams of product. For this reason, many choose syrup, which is also easy to use.

Since this product contains only grape juice, we can safely say that such sugar contains a rich complex of minerals and vitamins. These are B, C, PP vitamins, zinc, iron, phosphorus, folic acid, sodium and other extremely useful components.

The production of this product is as follows:

  • from fresh and juicy grapes, juice is obtained, which is condensed in a special apparatus;
  • after that, the syrup is filtered, a clear sweet liquid is obtained, ready for use;
  • part of the syrup is bottled and sold in liquid form, while the other part is dried and a crystalline powder is obtained, which is grape sugar.

Both products have the same sweetness and benefits, which you will learn about from the continuation of the article.

Useful properties and contraindications

The sugar familiar to everyone, in fact, is an empty and completely useless carbohydrate, but grape sugar is of great benefit. During the preparation of syrup or powder, the juice is not subjected to heat treatment. This allows you to save all the nutrients that are found in fresh grapes. It is worth noting that liquid sugar from grape juice can saturate the human body with glucose three times faster than regular sugar.

Since grape sugar is pure glucose, its use has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, helping a person to be more calm and balanced. In addition, this substance perfectly improves mood, allows you to feel a surge of strength and energy, and significantly increases efficiency. By consuming a certain amount of such a product, you can easily restore the spent strength and energy.

Substances contained in sugar from grapes help muscle tissues recover after serious physical exertion. They also have a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system and on the work of the heart. The use of such sugar in permitted doses improves appetite, normalizes the digestive system. This substance is completely absorbed by the body, increasing its overall tone and not causing a feeling of thirst after its use.

In addition, such a useful substance as glucose has a very positive effect on brain function, increasing its activity and improving memory. For this reason, it is better for children and adolescents to consume this type of sugar during intense study. By the way, it is hypoallergenic, so it does not cause such side effects as a rash or itching.

As for contraindications, such sugar can cause serious harm to the body only if it is consumed in unlimited quantities. Excessive consumption of the product can provoke or aggravate the development of certain diseases. Possible manifestation of severe fatigue, excessive sweating. The risk of developing various fungal diseases increases, the heart rate increases, the work of the lungs is disrupted, and severe shortness of breath appears.

Also, excessive consumption of such sugar can lead to diarrhea, reduced immunity and even vision. There is a risk of developing kidney failure. In addition, it can cause serious harm to the slimness of the figure and even develop obesity. People suffering from diabetes should not take risks and use this product on their own.

In order not to harm your health, you should first consult with your doctor.

How to use?

Since this product is a natural sweetener, it is often used during the preparation of any dishes. For example, such sugar in the form of a syrup can be added to homemade baby puree to soften the sour taste of a fruit or berry. You can also use it as an ingredient for making compote, juice or smoothies. With the help of such sugar, any housewife can prepare a familiar dessert (cake, pancakes, cookies, etc.), enriching it with useful properties.

Thus, if during the preparation of any dish that requires sweetness, you replace ordinary sugar with grape sugar, then the taste will not change, but there will be much less harm. At the same time, contrary to the opinion of some, the grape product does not change the original taste of the drink or dish at all, but only slightly shades it, allowing you to preserve the natural taste of the ingredients. It is worth noting that the sweetness of this substance is not as pronounced as that of ordinary sugar, so you should control the recipe yourself, slightly increasing the usual proportions.

As already mentioned, this product should be used with caution, observing the measure so as not to harm your health. The recommended dose of such sugar is no more than two to three teaspoons per day for children, and no more than five to six small spoons for adults.

It is quite possible for nursing mothers to use such a sweet syrup. By the way, it helps a lot if the baby suffers from colic in the abdomen. But if the child has diarrhea, then it is better to refuse this product.

Since this type of sugar is less sweet, two or three tablespoons of syrup or crystalline powder are used for one cup of tea or coffee.

If you bought grape sugar in the form of syrup, then after opening it must be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, the storage period should not exceed ninety days.

For grape sugar, see the next video.

Quite recently, all raw foodists of the world, and indeed all people who monitor their nutrition and health, were very pleased with the appearance of a new product that can completely replace sugar.

The product is unique in its properties and method of preparation. Without heat treatment, using triple filtration, grape juice is obtained liquid sugar. The filter is diatomaceous earth, consisting of organic remains of algae and with a high content of silicon. After running through such a filter, the juice becomes absolutely transparent and very thick, besides, yeast that causes fermentation is removed from it.

Makes a very concentrated mixture. simple sugars, such as glucose and fructose, in a liquid and in a very digestible form for the body. In this form, grape sugar is absorbed very well, thanks to filtration through diatomaceous earth, which allows you to maintain the connection between fructose and glucose molecules.

In addition to simple sugars, all important biologically active substances, antioxidants and flavonoids are preserved, which are destroyed during heat treatment.

Grape liquid sugar raw foodists are very fond of, as it can be added to any dishes without changing their original taste.
It can also be added to tea and pastries, since, unlike honey, when grape sugar is heated, carcinogenic substances are not formed.

Liquid grape sugar has nothing to do with glucose or dextrose, simple monosaccharides. In the food industry, glucose is obtained by acid hydrolysis of starch from potatoes or corn. This type of glucose is widely used in the food industry, in the manufacture of various drugs and has very little in common with living natural products that are beneficial to our health, unlike liquid grape sugar.

Favorable differences from the usual sweets and application:

*Sucrose can cause allergies and is most common in children. Grape sugar does not cause allergies.

*It can be easily dissolve in liquid of any temperature(even in very cold water or a cocktail), and this is an interesting difference from regular sugar.

* And vice versa. Honey, for example, cannot be heated (it releases toxic substances), while grape sugar can be heated.

*Liquid grape sugar has no obvious aroma or distinctive flavors, its taste can be characterized as neutral. However, in terms of sweetness, it is not inferior to good honey. It has natural sweet taste. But less sweet than regular sugar.

*Useful for both adults and young children. The neutral taste of liquid grape sugar allows it to be widely used by adding it to any dishes (not only to coffee or tea; for example, it is often added to children's cereals, mixtures and drinks for children), while the dishes retain their original taste. Indispensable in the manufacture of healthy sweets and pastries.

*Actively used raw foodists(in cold raw dishes) and people who strive to bring their diet as close as possible to pure and natural and free the body from unnecessary stress, including in the digestion of heavy or medium-heavy food.

*It is economical to use as it is thick in consistency.

*The composition of the presented product does not contain GMOs, additives, preservatives, flavorings.

Useful properties and positive effect on the body:

*Gives quick energy, a person feels its influx almost immediately after use.

* The body is saturated with nutrients several times faster than when using regular sugar.

* Lowers blood cholesterol levels.

*Glucose is the basic energy reserve of the human body, and the use of grape sugar keeps it at the proper level. Thanks to this, the stability of the cells of the whole organism is maintained, in particular the normal functioning of the cells of the central nervous system.

*Improve the cleansing of the body due to increased excretory functions.

*Consumption of liquid grape sugar is an effective aid in protecting against negative environmental factors.

*This product, which can be indulged by sweet lovers, is not harmful, does not cause tooth decay, does not contribute to weight gain, improves digestion, and maintains a healthy microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Eat natural sweetness and be healthy!

On behalf of the manufacturer, we thank Vkus Vill for the opportunity to present our grape sugar in the chain of stores? as well as buyers who tried the product and wrote their reviews.

For our part, we want to give some comments and explanations about the product.

1. PET packaging (thickened food grade plastic) eliminates the oxidation process during the product's shelf life. The non-standard and exclusive form of packaging was also deliberately chosen as a guarantee and protection against counterfeiting. We considered the option of glass containers - but it is inconvenient, as it does not allow you to dose the product during use. In addition, glass containers are more expensive and affect the final price of the product.
2. We use a high-quality cork dispenser, which ensures the tightness of the product (protects from air and moisture) and allows you to dose the use of grape sugar. Officially, the daily norm of glucose necessary for the brain is 4-6 teaspoons per day. The dense dispenser allows you to accurately measure the required amount. In order to prevent the product from spilling to the sides when pressing on the bottle, we recommend holding it strictly vertically above a spoon or glass.
3. We would be happy to use domestic raw materials or technologies for the production of liquid grape in Russia. Perhaps it would be cheaper. We applied to the Moscow State University of Food Production with a request to draw up a technical assignment for the development of equipment that would allow us to purify grape juice from sucrose, allergens and yeast bacteria. But, unfortunately, they received a negative answer. The level of domestic technologies, at the moment, does not allow this.

Quality equipment is expensive. The production technology involves the quarterly replacement of its components, which are purchased in euros. Naturally, this affects the final price of the product. Other countries producing liquid grape sugar (Latin America) often save on raw materials and production technology. As a result, they cannot maintain a high level of product quality. We have checked the standards and quality levels of other suppliers. The output savings are 10% maximum, while the quality of the product does not meet the required standards. Therefore, we have been working with a proven and reliable European supplier (Italy) for 8 years. At the moment, there are no analogues to this product in Russia.

It should also be noted that grapes are classified as an exchange product, that is, their prices are revised annually, taking into account quotations, yields and world demand. This year turned out to be a poor harvest and commodity prices soared. Nevertheless, at the moment, we manage to keep the declared price online.

4. There was a comment that the product has a honey taste and resembles honey diluted with water. Just try mixing honey, regular sugar and our grape sugar in three different glasses. Taste it and you will feel the difference. Yes, the taste of grape sugar is softer, more neutral and not as cloying as regular sugar. We rely on the benefits of the product and do not add chemical components that enhance the taste.

5. We are often compared to sweeteners or other types of syrup. For example, stevia, stevioside, agave syrup, Jerusalem artichoke, date, dry grape sugar, etc.

Liquid grape sugar has 5 key differences.

1). Most importantly, we are not a sweetener. Liquid grape sugar, as one of the buyers quite rightly wrote above, is natural, natural sugar, natural glucose and fructose. It is an alternative to industrial sugar produced by chemical refining.

Stevia and Jerusalem artichoke syrup are primarily recommended for diabetics. These products have a completely different task. There is no glucose at all in stevia, which is the main component of our product. Therefore, stevia and liquid grape sugar are completely different products with different purposes.

2). The production process of most syrups involves the cooking process, that is, the heat treatment of raw materials over 50 degrees. Liquid grape sugar is produced by converting grapes into liquid syrup. This is an environmentally friendly process of squeezing juice, followed by its thickening, centrifugation and filtration, through osmosis and freezing of water. That is, liquid grape sugar is produced without heat treatment with the preservation of all natural, useful components. The proportion of glucose is - 44%, fructose - 31.9% per 100g. product, which is confirmed by European and Russian laboratories and reflected on the label of our product.

3). Liquid grape sugar is produced without chemical processing of raw materials.

4). The most important difference and advantage is that in our sugar, thanks to an expensive and unique production technology, there is no sucrose, yeast bacteria and allergens. And this makes our product exclusive, there are no analogues in terms of its quality characteristics on the Russian market.

This means that the product can be used both in finished form and in cooking. It will not cause fermentation as it does not contain yeast bacteria.

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences allowed the use of our grape sugar for children from 2 years old (there is an official Conclusion). At the same time, nursing mothers used it and colic disappeared in babies, which is also dictated by the absence of yeast bacteria in the product.

We are often told by allergy sufferers that the use of our grape sugar does not cause allergies, as with the use of regular sugar and products based on it. Sugar and honey and various syrups also cause allergies in them. But when using our sugar, there was no allergic reaction. This is dictated by the absence of allergens in the product, which is also confirmed by laboratory tests.

5). Liquid grape sugar belongs to the group with a low glycemic index of -39.93. For comparison: date syrup: 165, maple syrup - 65, white sugar, brown sugar -70. According to the accepted classification, low GI includes products with a value of up to 50. That is, our product, due to its low GI, is ideal for those who like sweets, but at the same time want to lose weight / watch their figure.
In addition, which is very important, the product is not addictive, unlike regular sugar.

In general, when choosing sugars / sweeteners, we recommend paying attention to the label where the composition of the product is indicated. Often the composition uses chemical glucose (dextrose), preservatives and E-additives. In our case, we offer a pure, natural product (natural glucose and fructose) - healthy sugar!

Thank you for your choice and feedback! We wish you good health!

Grape sugar is a novelty on store shelves, which has already managed to win many fans. This product is a great alternative to regular granulated sugar, a natural sweetener made from grape juice. You will learn more about it from this article, which will tell you what its benefits and harms are, how to use this product in cooking.

What is grape sugar?

It is a colorless liquid of thick consistency, odorless, sweet in taste. In stores, it is sold in plastic bottles and is called “Grape Sugar”. What is it for:

1. This is a replacement for regular granulated sugar, a sweetener.
2. It is added to tea, drinks, pastries.
3. This product is perfect for baby food, mashed fruits and cereals.

Athletes appreciated the sweet viscous liquid, because it contains only pure glucose and fructose, but there is no sucrose in the composition. This is what makes grape sugar unusual and extremely useful. Glucose gives energy to the body literally immediately after eating the product.

How grape sugar is made, recipe

It is impossible to prepare this product at home, you will need special equipment, but we will tell you how this process takes place in production.

Pure grape juice is taken as a raw material, it is squeezed out of grapes. Next, it needs to be turned into a wort, that is, the product is strongly thickened, for this a centrifuge is used. Heat treatment is not carried out, that is, sugar from grape juice contains all the beneficial substances that are originally present in the berries. The resulting thick concentrate is passed through diatomaceous earth, a natural filter that purifies the raw material from various microorganisms. The result is a colorless and odorless sweet and very thick liquid. It must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 90 days.

Grape sugar - the benefits and harms of a sweetener

Beneficial features

Grape sugar is an absolutely safe sweetener. It can be used for baby food from a very early age, adding to mashed potatoes, cereals, compotes, fruit drinks. This product does not cause allergies, plus it contains vitamins. It consists of monosaccharides, and therefore is easily absorbed in the body. This is an excellent source of energy that enters the body instantly. Liquid sugar from grape raw materials does not cause fermentation processes in the intestines. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and lowers blood cholesterol levels.


A drink with grape sugar and the product itself are unlikely to be harmful to humans. Perhaps this is possible only in one case - if you use it in large quantities. Then this product can cause obesity, because it is very high in calories. One hundred grams of sweetener contains 374 calories.

How to use the product in cooking?

If you have this amazing product at your disposal, you can replace regular sugar with it, for example, when you have a tea party. It is important to note that in taste, concentration of sweetness, it is inferior to ordinary granulated sugar by a third. That is, to achieve the usual taste, you need to put it a little more. Consider the drink recipe so that it is clear how to use a liquid sweetener from grapes.

Recipe for a drink (tea with lemon)

Ingredients: tea leaves - 3 grams, a slice of lemon, grape sugar - 3 teaspoons, water - 200 ml.

Brew tea bag with boiling water, add lemon and liquid sweetener, stir. This is how regular tea with lemon is prepared. If we are talking about compote, prepare it in the usual way, just keep in mind that you need to put 30 percent more grape sugar in the drink than usual.

Recipe for baby porridge with milk

Ingredients: milk - 600 ml, semolina - 2 tablespoons, natural sweetener - 5-7 ml, a pinch of salt.

Bring milk to a boil, add salt, liquid sugar substitute, pour semolina in a thin stream, constantly stir the contents of the pan until the semolina swells. Cook the porridge for 5 minutes over low heat.

Reference. One of the benefits of natural sweetener is that it can be heated, unlike honey. At elevated temperatures, it does not emit hazardous substances.

Similarly, this product can be used to purée fruits, such as apples, which are sour in themselves. Children love to eat sweets. To correct the taste, feel free to use a liquid glucose-based sweetener.

Pharmaceutical applications

Glucose, which underlies the product we are discussing, is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. On its basis, ascorbic acid is made, added to various children's medicines - syrups and suspensions for coughs and temperatures, since it is harmless.

Grape sugar is a new generation product, it has become an alternative to granulated sugar, which often causes allergies. It is allowed to be used to feed children from a very young age. It contains only easily digestible glucose and vitamins that are present in grapes.

The desire to eat organic food is a popular trend in today's society. Recently, people who are watching their diet and appreciating healthy food have received another natural product - grape sugar in liquid form.

It is believed that the naturalness of the product uniquely makes it useful for the body. However, natural substitutes for regular sugar come in different origins, and they differ in their properties. What is grape sugar and what is the specific terminology? Let's try to figure it out.

In the early 19th century, the English physician William Prout discovered glucose. It turned out that this is a monosaccharide, it is found in many fruits, including a lot of it in grapes (from this feature it got its name - grape sugar).

Under natural conditions in plants, glucose is formed during photosynthesis and accumulates in the form of starch. By hydrolysis in the presence of catalysts from starch, when heated, D-glucose, or dextrose, is obtained, which does not differ in chemical composition from the primary monosaccharide - glucose. Therefore, such names as grape sugar, glucose, D-glucose and dextrose are one and the same concept used in different branches of economics and medicine.

In the food industry, dextrose is more commonly used. It is divided into monohydrate and anhydride. In medicine, for the preparation of injection solutions, the concept of pyrogen-free (purified) glucose is used, which does not contain extra substances that can cause adverse reactions in the body.

Grape sugar "Dextromed"

Some manufacturers of sweeteners prefer to use the concept of grape sugar in the name. Complete with mentions of the naturalness of its product, the absence of preservatives and GMOs, such a substitute looks more attractive than abstruse names like: “food glucose” or “dextrose monohydrate”.

Grape sugar "Dextromed" brand "REMEDIA" is essentially a monosaccharide, that is, glucose. The packaging of the product states that it consists only of dextrose monohydrate. It can be found out that the technology for obtaining dextrose (D-glucose) involves the processing of potato or corn starch.

But it is definitely a natural product that is used in the food industry in sports, dietary and baby food. It is really more useful than ordinary sugar, it is a hypoallergenic product, but, as you might guess, there is nothing from grapes in it.

Composition and properties of liquid grape sugar

According to its properties, organic grape sugar is a unique product consisting of simple sugars: glucose and fructose, which are in a bioactive form. It also contains flavonoids, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.

Organic sugar is a raw and at the same time easily digestible product due to the close relationship of its constituent glucose and fructose, a complex of enzymes, micro- and macroelements that are in a biologically active form, which implies the preservation of all structural bonds between the components, as close as possible to natural original product.

The peculiarity of real grape sugar is that it reaches the consumer in liquid form. The product is made in Italy and can be packaged in small convenient plastic bottles with a food grade silicone dispenser. Grape sugar from the Stratus trademark can be found in containers of 200 mg and 400 mg. You can order Glycose Fructose Grape sugar bio from wholesalers in a large 5 liter bottle.


Organic grape sugar is a unique product not only in terms of properties, but also in terms of production technology. The process of converting grapes into a liquid sweetener syrup involves squeezing the juice, followed by thickening, centrifuging and filtering.

The original product is grown on pure plantations in Italy without the use of pesticides. Thickening is done without heat treatment, and there are no preservatives in the syrup.

The sorbent during filtration is diatomite soil - sedimentary fossil rock, consisting of the remains of organic algae and silica. The high porosity of such material with triple filtration makes it possible to completely free the grape syrup from foreign substances and pests.

The use of sweeteners in nutrition

How best to answer the question of what is grape sugar, if it is asked by the baby's mother in the context of children's dietary nutrition? Definitely, such a product will be more useful for a child than regular sugar. The calorie content of the substitute is 374 kcal per 100 g.

Glucose (dextrose monohydrate) is indispensable in cases of complementary feeding, when sugar is contraindicated for the baby due to allergies or other problems. It is less (30%) sweet, it is better to add it to cereals, yoghurts, compotes, replacing regular sugar for children. For a child, if he has not yet been spoiled with sweets, such a replacement is hardly noticeable - a substitute will be enough for him, but in the future, the absence of a persistent sweet habit will give a positive result.

Liquid grape sugar will be useful for both children and adults. Due to the presence of glucose and fructose in its composition, this sugar substitute is a concentrated high-energy product that can replace natural grapes, but with greater digestibility and bioavailability of nutrients. The calorie content of such a substitute is 260 Kcal, the glucose / fructose ratio is 0.9 / 1.03.
